The Ott-Center

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Article 1: Name of the Constitution
Article 2: The Logo
Article 3: Establishment and Head Quarter


Article 4: Objectives, Vision, Mission
Article 5: Activities


Article 6: Membership
Article 7: Partnership


Article 8: General Assembly
Article 9: Governing Board
Article 10: Election


Article 11: Executive Structure
Article 12: List Founders of the Organization
THE CURE-ORGANIZATION, being the basic unit for cooperation, relief, rehabilitation and emergency
found in 2021 shall be registered “as a cooperative agency, purely voluntary non-political, non-
governmental, non-sectarian and non-profit organization, to anticipate, diminish and relieve the misery
produced by disease, hunger and calamity in a systematic approach”

We are committed to protecting human dignity and to improving the lives of vulnerable people by
mobilizing the power of humanity.

We carry out our humanitarian activities in conformity with the Fundamental Principles of the
International humanitarian such as Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary service,
Unity and Universality. To alleviate human suffering, we work as auxiliaries to our public authorities in
the humanitarian field and through our humanitarian network.

With the objectives of ensuring the co-ordination of our activities, the development and implementation
of common standards and policies, organizational development, capacity building and effective disaster
management, and of having an international presence and recognition as a global partner in
humanitarian assistance, we therefore have agreed to unite ourselves and to establish a body, named
the “THE CURE-ORGANIZATION”, whose general aim is to inspire, encourage, facilitate and promote at
all times in all levels all forms of humanitarian activities.

With these objectives in mind, we hereby set out the constitutional provisions of this body and the
related rights and duties by which we agree to abide.

We further recall that the mottoes “CURE ALL” together express the ideals of the Movement.

Article 1: Name
1.1.1: The name of this constitution shall be called THE CURE-ORGANIZATION (THE COORPEATIVE UNIT
FOR RELIEF, REHABILITATION and EMERGENCY). This name came after the proposal of several names

Article 2: The Logo

The logo of this organization contains only two colors and one picture. The colors are White and Blue
colors. According to the interpretation here, white color shows transparency and Blue color shows
inclusivity. Therefore, our core value is ‘’transparency and inclusivity’’
The picture is a pen and it includes all sort of value education including primary education, secondary
education and other high level of education. It includes technology, training, capacity building through
vocational trainings and other learning processes.

Article 3: Headquarter and establishment

1.3.2: Headquarter
The headquarters shall be in Toot-Ujanga a long Bar-urud - Akuoyo road. Toot-ujanga is a village in Jur
River County under Kayango Payam, Bar-urud Boma. The organization shall have coordination office in
the state capital of Western Bahr-El-Ghazal /Wau

1.3.1: Establishment
Base on funding availability, coordination office shall be established in any community, states, and
country where activities are assigned.


Article 4: Overall objective
The general object of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION is to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all
times in all levels all forms of humanitarian activities with a view to preventing and alleviating human
suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in
the world.

2.4.1: Specific Objectives

1. To promote agricultural production and advancement of agriculture in every local community to
reduce the suffering of local communities due to insecurity of food.
2. To bring health services from the government and other health organization like WHO to the
community on a regular basis.
3. To establish wealth pooling and saving for the community.
4. To promote unity among members, local communities and global.
5. To be the permanent body of liaison, co-ordination and study among the local community and
to give them assistance.
6. To encourage and promote in every local community the establishment and development of an
independent, sustainable and duly identified local community with a strong local capacity to
address vulnerability.
7. To assist the local communities in risk reduction, in disaster preparedness, in the organization of
their relief actions and in relief operations themselves.
8. To encourage and co-ordinate the participation of the Local and National Societies in activities
for safeguarding public health and the promotion of social welfare and a culture of non-violence
and peace in cooperation with their appropriate Local and national authorities.
9. To encourage and co-ordinate between Local and National Societies the exchange of ideas for
the education of children and young people in humanitarian ideals and for the development of
friendly relations between children and young people of all Local communities, and to share
good practices for the participation of youth in volunteer services and decision-making

2.4.2: Vision
Quality services and economic empowerment by all members of local communities

2.4.3: Mission
To improve access to livelihood, healthcare, social services, and economic empowerment in the local

This is organization shall carryout the following activities:
1. VSLA(village saving loan association)
2. Agriculture and food security
3. Health and nutrition
4. Education
5. WASH(water, sanitation and hygiene)
6. Integrated protection for all level(general protection and its components)


Article 6: Membership
3.6.1: Membership eligibility
 Must be high school graduate
 Individual above 18 years old
 All gender
 Person with disability
 Must pay entrance fee, membership subscription fee and contribute monthly for the progress of
the organization

3.6.2: Type of membership

There shall be two types of membership
1. Founder membership
a. The persons who subscribe to the establishment of the organization shall be its founder
member as well as chairperson of the organization.
b. Founder members shall be jointly responsible for all the funds of the organization until
the organization is handed over to the electoral Committee when term has ended.
c. Founder members may select executive director among themselves if they are two and
2. Ordinary membership
A member who voluntarily decided to join the organization after understanding the mission,
vision and objectives of the organization
3.6.3: Entrance Fee and Membership Fee / Subscription Fee
a. An Entrance Fee of 3,500 SSP must be paid on application for membership. Such fee is
not refunded on termination of membership.
b. A Membership Fees / Subscription fee of 60,000 SSP must be paid annually: Provided
that a member may pay off the subscription fee in equal monthly installments. Such fee
shall not be refunded on termination of membership.
c. Any member shall contribute an amount of 4,500 SSP at the end of every month.
1,500ssp of this amount shall be for services of the organization during meetings and any
gathering of the organization.

3.6.4: Right and Obligation of a Member

1. Abide by words and spirit of this constitution
2. To promote the good name of organization and engage in full into full time activities of the
3. Elect and respect officials in the organization on merit not justice
4. At all times know their roles and avoid interference in other roles, respect one’s dignity,
avoiding despising others, undertaking or doing anything abominable to human peace
5. Members shall have freedom to express their opinions in proper manner.
6. All members shall be reliable to surpluses generated and deficits incurred by the organization

3.6.5: Membership Resignation

1. If a member decided to leave the organization in a peaceful manner due to any reason best
known by him/her, they have to submit their resignation letter in one month time before the
date of signing out. Such member will be entitled ONLY their contributions or shares up to date
of signing out.
2. If the person is expelled for failing to make a regular share-purchase/savings deposits, shall be
given ONLY their shares saved.
3. He/she shall have one chance to renew his/her membership in three months times by
submitting a commitment letter to the authorized body for the second time. The commitment
letter is to be send one month in advance for it authentication and endorsement by the
executive. A member shall joint in the second month after the acceptance of the letter by the
authorized body.

3.6.6: Membership Termination

Membership of any member shall be terminated if the management Committee or General Assembly
vote to expel them with cause. Causes can include disrupting meetings, harassing other members, or
acting against the mission and interest of the Organization. Such member deserves no compensation of
his/her contribution to the Organization and shall have no second chance of rejoining.

3.6.7: Death of Member

If the member dies, his/her saving will be retained in the Organization’s savings or anyone from their
family members shall be endorsed in his/her place only if they are interesting.


Any member of the General Assembly can request a review of a member’s suitability to be on the
existing Governing Board. If a majority of General Assembly members decide that the person should be
removed from the Governing Board, the member must step down and another member be elected to
the same position.
3.6.9: FINES
Fines are calculated using a certain rate of the savings.
The following table lists the fines that can be charged for offences committed by members:

Offence Rate
Showing disrespect to a fellow member 20%
Chatting through the procedure 10%
Non-attendance at three meetings in one year for any reason 10%
Late coming/early leaving 5%
Chatting through the proceedings 5%
Non execution of role by a member of management committee 15%
Proceeds from fines are added to the savings box of the organization.

Article 7: Partnership
Our partnership with any other recognized body shall be as follows:
1. We shall be in partnership with any institution/organization that shall implement or support our
vision, mission and objectives. Our partnership is a long lasting partnership but, it shall come to
an end at any time as we and our partners reach the ultimate goal or objective. It shall also
depend on the terms of agreement with our partners. We shall also be in line with the code of
ethics from our partners who shall support our objectives. Partners that we support shall be
abide with our code of ethics as well
2. The Organization shall be brought into partnership with the international humanitarian agencies
as well as United Nations agencies as one of the specialized humanitarian partner referred to
the above paragraph in this article. Agreement(s) bringing the Organization into relation with
the United Nations agencies and other humanitarian partners shall be subject to approval by a
two-thirds vote of the General Assembly.
3. The Organization shall establish effective relations and co-operate closely with such other inter-
governmental organizations as may be desirable. Any formal agreement entered into with such
organizations shall be subject to approval by a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly.
4. The Organization may, on matters within its competence, make suitable arrangements for
consultation and co-operation with non-governmental international organizations and, with the
consent of the Government concerned, with national organizations, governmental or non-

5. Subject to the approval by a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly, the Organization may take
over from any other international organization or agency whose purpose and activities lie within
the field of competence of the Organization such functions, resources and obligations as may be
conferred upon the Organization by international agreement or by mutually acceptable
arrangements entered into between the competent authorities of the respective organizations


This body shall comprise of the following organs:
 The General Assembly
 The Governing Board
Article 8: The General Assembly
4.8.1: Definition of the General Assembly
Subject to the Constitution, the General Assembly shall be the supreme governing body of THE CURE-
ORGANIZATION always headed by the founder of the organization.

4.8.2: Composition of the General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be composed of members of the organization and local community

4.8.3: Function of the General Assembly

1. Determine the vision and strategy of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION, and the general policies that
2. Elect the Secretary General and Treasurer of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION
3. Set up other bodies, including, among others, advisory bodies and bodies with legal status
required for the activities of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION, and to appoint their members.
4. Designate as external auditors, on the recommendation of the Governing Board, a firm of
external recognized independent auditors.
5. Approve the biennial plans, budgets and financial reports of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION.
6. Adopt the audited financial statements of THE CURE-ORGANIZATION
7. Take note of the report of the external auditor.
8. Approve, on the recommendation of the Governing Board and Treasurer, the formula for fixing
the financial participation of Local Societies, and to take note of the annual scale of
contributions of the members approved by the Governing Board and calculated using the said
9. Amend the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure and adopt any other regulations necessary
for the implementation of the Constitution.
10. Approve amendments to the constitution by 60% majority


1. The General Assembly shall held a General Assembly Meetings twice a year.
2. Announcements of General Assembly meetings must be public and advertised in the
community so that any member of the community may attend.
3. The Treasurer or Secretary must report on the financial status of the organization at each
General Assembly meeting.
4. All resolutions must have time allotted for discussion before they can be passed.

Article 9: The Governing Board

4.9.1: Function of Governing Board
The Governing Board is made up of the Executive Director and the elected officers. The Governing Board
has the power to do the following in meetings:
1. Decide on activities and use of wealth pooling surplus
2. Propose constitutional amendments to the General Assembly
3. Remove officers
4. Install interim officers if necessary

4.9.2: Composition of Governing Board

The Governing Board shall consist of three members as follows:
1. Executive Director
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4.9.3: Executive Director
1. Shall be the founder member of the Organization
2. Serves as head of the executive of the Organization
3. Preside over the meetings
4. Oversees all the programs and activities of the Organization
5. Ensure that all policies and properties of the organization are properly implemented and kept
6. Keep the chair neutral moving with majority decisions
7. Ensure that organization activities adhere to the organization constitution
8. Serves as a signatory to the organization account
4.9.4: Secretary General
1. Oversees organization correspondences
2. Assists the Executive Director in the management of the affairs of the organization
3. Record and keeps documentation of the minutes of organization meetings
4. Call meeting in consultation with the Executive Director
5. Participates in all meeting activities preparation
6. Collaborate with the Treasurer to oversee organization’s saving box
4.9.5: Treasury
1. Keep the organization’s savings box inn between meetings
2. Takes savings deposits in between meetings, placing money through the slot in the box, issueing
tokens and keeping a simple temporary record.
3. Verify all movements of money both in and out of the cash-box
4. Counts the money during each cash-box operation
5. Assists the Secretary and program staffs in resolving any disputes, deficits, or irregularity in
wealth pooling collection


1. The Governing Board shall hold the meetings four times a year and the meeting date shall be
communicated two weeks prior by the Secretary. There shall be urgent meetings to be
conducted by the Governing Board base on their own arrangement and activities planning.
2. The Treasurer or Secretary must report on the financial status of the organization at each
Governing Board meetings but not during urgent meetings. All resolutions must have time
allotted for discussion before they can be passed


Election procedures shall be as follows:
1. Only two officers shall be elected by the General Assembly. These two posts are Secretary and
Treasurer or shall be done in respect to article 6.2.1.c above
2. The founder shall remain the Executive director, except when this constitution shall be
amended or shall be done in respect to article 6.2.1.c above
3. One person serves on the Governing Board for one team but a member can be elected again.
4. Elections must be held at the start of each new cycle.
5. 2/3 of members must be present to hold an election.
6. The election procedure will use a system that allows everyone’s vote to be secret.
7. The minimum number of people that must stand for each position is 2
8. A candidate for election to a post must be proposed for office by another member.
9. The executive director shall have powers to appoint electoral committee and shall be endorsed
by the two-third of the general assembly.


Article 8: Funding and fundraising
The CURE-ORGANIZATION shall derive funding from the following sources:
I. Membership and annual subscription fees
II. Monthly contribution by the members
III. Donation from International Organizations and UN Agencies
IV. Any donation from donor agencies and other legal sources
V. Fees chargeable on special services rendered by the organization
VI. Proceeds from any other projects that are legally permissible
VII. There shall be yearly fundraising to engage and secure some funds

Article 9: Management of Funds

1. All money received by the organization shall be paid into an account to be opened in the name
of the organization at the bank to be approved by the Board. Cheques drawn on such account
shall be signed by the three members of the executive.
2. The funds of the organization may only be utilized for the objectives set out in this constitution,
and shall not be disbursed to the members except in accordance with provision of this
3. The Board may incur expenditure the furtherance of the objectives of the Organization and in
payment of salaries of officers and staffs employed by the Board on behalf of the Organization
and general office and other expenses including fees and charges for the services rendered.

Article 10: Auditing

1. An auditor shall be appointed every year by the General Assembly.
2. All the Organization’s financial records and documentation shall be open to the inspection of the
auditor during the time of auditing.
3. The Treasurer shall produce an account of receipts and payments and statements of assets and
liabilities made up to date which shall not be less than three weeks and not more than three
months before the date of Annual General Assembly.
4. The auditor shall examine such annual accounts and either certify that they are correct, duly
vouched and in accordance with the law or report to the Organization in what respect they are
found to be incorrect, unvouched or not in accordance to the law.
5. A copy of Auditor’s report on the accounts and statements together with such accounts and
statements shall be made available for inspection by all members at the time of convening the
Annual General Assembly.
6. An Auditor may be paid such fee for his/her duties as may be resolved by the general assembly.
No Auditor shall be a member of the Organization.

Article 12: Amendment

1. Texts of proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be communicated by the Executive
Director to Members at least three months in advance of their consideration by the General
2. Amendments shall come into force for all Members when adopted by a two-thirds vote of the
General Assembly and accepted by two-thirds of the Members in accordance with their
respective constitutional processes.
3. The executive director shall have powers to appoint constitution amendment committee and
shall be endorsed by the two-third of the general assembly.

Article 13: List of Founders of The Organization

The founder of this organization is non-other than ANGELO MABUOC MANYUAT

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