6657imguf MCA PO

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Master of Computer Applications Programme (MCA)

(2022 Course)
(Under Choice Based Credit System)


 1: To build a strong foundation for students to become proficient in all academic

concepts and technical skills necessary to become an IT Professional.

 2: To provide a conducive environment for designing, implementing and testing various

software applications through Software Development.

 3: To keep the students and faculty abreast with the emerging technologies in the field
of computer applications.

 4: To bring professionalism amongst the students and promote holistic development.

 5: To involve students in sustainable IT practices and community services.


 PO1: Computational Knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals,

mathematics and given domain to design appropriate models for a given problem and/or

 PO2: Problem Analysis: Apply fundamental knowledge of software engineering and

various systems domain in order to analyze, identify, formulate and provide the solution
to given problem.

 PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions, systems,

modules and processes for specified set of needs with appropriate consideration of
societal values and industry expectations.

 PO4: Conduct research in Computing problems: Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

 PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Use of modern tools for delivering milestones like problem
analysis, design, development, testing and deployment.
 PO6: Professional Ethics: Learn and inculcate professional ethics, cyber regulations,
professional responsibilities and norms of professional computing world.

 PO7: Lifelong Learning: Acknowledge the need for continuous professional

development and practice it through self-motivated, independent learning.

 PO8: Management Domain: Involving in projects development as individual or group

to solve problems in various domains and environments using computational and
management skills.

 PO9: Communication Efficacy: Demonstrate efficacy in verbal and non-verbal means

of communication like reports, design documentation and presentations to elaborate
about complex computing.

 PO10: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Provide conducive environment for

innovation and entrepreneurship leading to solutions for betterment of society.


 PSO1: Ability to learn the various programming languages with database concepts and
development environment

 PSO2 : Ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge to solve business problems
in effective software solution through data communication technology concepts.

 PSO3 : Enrich the knowledge in the areas of Advanced technologies and business

 PSO4 : Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for efficient programming

 PSO5 : Flourish the innovation and research attitude to develop IT artefact.

 PSO6 : Maintain the personality with environmental and social concerns

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