Three Approaches For Personalization With Applications To Federated Learning

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Three Approaches for Personalization with Applications to Federated


Yishay Mansour MANSOUR @ GOOGLE . COM

Google Research and Tel Aviv University

Mehryar Mohri MOHRI @ GOOGLE . COM

Google Research and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
arXiv:2002.10619v2 [cs.LG] 19 Jul 2020


Google Research, New York

Ananda Theertha Suresh THEERTHA @ GOOGLE . COM

Google Research, New York

The standard objective in machine learning is to train a single model for all users. However, in many learning
scenarios, such as cloud computing and federated learning, it is possible to learn a personalized model per user.
In this work, we present a systematic learning-theoretic study of personalization. We propose and analyze
three approaches: user clustering, data interpolation, and model interpolation. For all three approaches, we
provide learning-theoretic guarantees and efficient algorithms for which we also demonstrate the performance
empirically. All of our algorithms are model-agnostic and work for any hypothesis class.

1. Introduction

A popular application of language models is virtual keyboard applications, where the goal is to predict the
next word, given the previous words (Hard et al., 2018). For example, given “I live in the state of”, ideally, it
should guess the state the user intended to type. However, suppose we train a single model on all the user
data and deploy it, then the model would predict the same state for all users and would not be a good model
for most. Similarly, in many practical applications, the distribution of data across clients is highly non-i.i.d.
and training a single global model for all clients may not be optimal.
Thus, we study the problem of learning personalized models, where the goal is to train a model for each
client, based on the client’s own dataset and the datasets of other clients. Such an approach would be useful
in applications with the natural infrastructure to deploy a personalized model for each client, which is the
case with large-scale learning scenarios such as federated learning (FL) (McMahan et al., 2017).
Before we proceed further, we highlight one of our use cases in FL. In FL, typically a centralized global
model is trained based on data from a large number of clients, which may be mobile phones, other mobile
devices, or sensors (Konečnỳ et al., 2016b,a; McMahan et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2019) using a variant of

© Y. Mansour, M. Mohri, J. Ro & A.T. Suresh.

stochastic gradient descent called FedAvg. This global model benefits from having access to client data and
can often perform better on several learning problems, including next word prediction (Hard et al., 2018;
Yang et al., 2018) and predictive models in health (Brisimi et al., 2018). We refer to Appendix A.1 for more
details on FL.
Personalization of machine learning models has been studied extensively for specific applications such as
speech recognition (Yu and Li, 2017). However, many algorithms are speech specific or not suitable for FL
due to distributed constraints. Personalization is also related to Hierarchical Bayesian models (Gelman, 2006;
Allenby et al., 2005). However, they are not directly applicable for FL. Personalization in the context of FL
has been studied by several works via multi-task learning (Smith et al., 2017), meta-learning (Jiang et al.,
2019; Khodak et al., 2019), use of local parameters (Arivazhagan et al., 2019; Liang et al., 2020), mixture of
experts (Peterson et al., 2019), finetuning and variants (Wang et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2020) among others. We
refer readers to Appendix A.2 for an overview of works on personalization in FL.
We provide a learning-theoretic framework, generalization guarantees, and computationally efficient algo-
rithms for personalization. Since FL is one of the main frameworks where personalized models can be used,
we propose efficient algorithms that take into account computation and communication bottlenecks.

2. Preliminaries

Before describing the mathematical details of personalization, we highlight two related models. The first one
is the global model trained on data from all the clients. This can be trained using either standard empirical
risk minimization (Vapnik, 1992) or other methods such as agnostic risk minimization (Mohri et al., 2019).
The second baseline model is the purely local model trained only on the client’s data.
The global model is trained on large amounts of data and generalizes well on unseen test data; however it does
not perform well for clients whose data distributions are very different from the global train data distribution.
On the other hand, the train data distributions of local models match the ones at inference time, but they do
not generalize well due to the scarcity of data.
Personalized models can be viewed as intermediate models between pure-local and global models. Thus, the
hope is that they incorporate the generalization properties of the global model and the distribution matching
property of the local model. Before we proceed further, we first introduce the notation used in the rest of the

2.1. Notation

We start with some general notation and definitions used throughout the paper. Let X denote the input space
and Y the output space. We will primarily discuss a multi-class classification problem where Y is a finite set
of classes, but much of our results can be extended straightforwardly to regression and other problems. The
hypotheses we consider are of the form h∶ X → ∆Y , where ∆Y stands for the simplex over Y. Thus, h(x) is
a probability distribution over the classes that can be assigned to x ∈ X. We will denote by H a family of
such hypotheses h. We also denote by ` a loss function defined over ∆Y × Y and taking non-negative values.
The loss of h ∈ H for a labeled sample (x, y) ∈ X × Y is given by `(h(x), y). Without loss of generality, we
assume that the loss ` is bounded by one. We will denote by LD (h) the expected loss of a hypothesis h with
respect to a distribution D over X × Y:

LD (h) = E [`(h(x), y)],

and by hD its minimizer: hD = argminh∈H LD (h). Let RD,m (H) denote the Rademacher complexity of
class H over the distribution D with m samples.
Let p be the number of clients. The distribution of samples of client k is denoted by Dk . Clients do not know
the true distribution, but instead, have access to mk samples drawn i.i.d. from the distribution Dk . We will
denote by D̂ k the corresponding empirical distribution of samples and by m = ∑p mk the total number of

2.2. Local model

We first ask when it is beneficial for a client to participate in global model training. Consider a canonical user
with distribution D1 . Suppose we train a purely local model based on the client’s data and obtain a model
hD̂ 1 . By standard learning-theoretic tools (Mohri et al., 2018), the performance of this model can be bounded
as follows: with probability at least 1 − δ, the minimizer of empirical risk LD ̂ 1 (h) satisfies

⎛ d + log 1/δ ⎞
LD1 (hD̂ 1 ) − LD1 (hD1 ) = O (RD1 ,m1 (H)) = O √ , (1)
⎝ m1 ⎠

where RD1 ,m1 (H) is the Rademacher complexity and d is the pseudo-dimension of the hypothesis class
H (Mohri et al., 2018). Note that pseudo-dimension coincides with VC dimension for 0 − 1 loss. From (1), it
is clear that local models perform well when the number of samples m1 is large. However, this is often not
the case. In many realistic settings, such as virtual keyboard models, the average number of samples per user
is in the order of hundreds, whereas the pseudo-dimension of the hypothesis class is in millions (Hard et al.,
2018). In such cases, the above bound becomes vacuous.

2.3. Uniform global model

The global model is trained by minimizing the empirical risk on the concatenation of all the samples. For
λ ∈ ∆p , the weighted average distribution Dλ is given by ∑k λk Dk . The global model is trained on the
concatenated samples from all the users and hence is equivalent to minimize the loss on the distribution
̂ k , where λ′ = mk /m. Since the global model is trained on data from all the clients, it may not
Û = ∑k λ′k D k
match the actual underlying client distribution and thus may perform worse.
The divergence between distributions is often measured by a Bregman divergence such as KL-divergence or
unnormalized relative entropy. However, such divergences do not consider the underlying machine learning
task at hand for example learning the best hypotheses out of H. To obtain better bounds, we use the notion
of label-discrepancy between distributions (Mansour et al., 2009b; Mohri and Medina, 2012). For two
distributions over features and labels, D1 and D2 , and a class of hypotheses H, label-discrepancy(Mohri and
Medina, 2012) is given by
discH (D1 , D2 ) = max ∣LD1 (h) − LD2 (h)∣.

If the loss of all the hypotheses in the class is the same under both D1 and D2 , then the discrepancy is zero
and models trained on D1 generalize well on D2 and vice versa.

With the above definitions, it can be shown that the uniform global model generalizes as follows: with
probability at least 1 − δ, the minimizer of empirical risk on the uniform distribution satisfies

⎛ d + log 1/δ ⎞
LD1 (hÛ ) − LD1 (hD1 ) = O (RU,m (H)) + discH (D1 , U) = O √ + discH (D1 , U). (2)
⎝ m ⎠

Since the global model is trained on the concatenation of all users’ data, it generalizes well. However, due to
the distribution mismatch, the model may not perform well for a specific user. If U = ∑k λ′k Dk , the difference
between local and global models depends on the discrepancy between D1 and U, m1 the number of samples
from the domain D1 , and the total number of samples m. While in most practical applications m1 is small
and hence a global model usually performs better, this is not guaranteed. We provide a simple example
illustrating such a case in Appendix B.1.
Since the uniform global model assigns weight mk /m to client k, clients with larger numbers of samples
receive higher importance. This can adversely affect clients with small amounts of data. Furthermore, by (2),
the model may not generalize well for clients whose distribution is different than the uniform distribution.
Thus, (1) and (2) give some guidelines under which it is beneficial for clients to participate in global model
Instead of using uniform weighting of samples, one can use agnostic risk proposed by Mohri et al. (2019),
which is more risk averse. We refer to Appendix B.2 for details about the agnostic risk minimization.

3. Our contributions

We ask if personalization can be achieved by an intermediate model between the local and global models.
Furthermore, for ease of applicability and to satisfy the communication constraints in FL, we focus on
scalable algorithms with low communication bottleneck. This gives rise to three natural algorithms, which
are orthogonal and can be used separately or together.
• Train a model for subsets of users: we can cluster users into groups and train a model for each group.
We refer to this as user clustering, or more refinely hypothesis-based clustering.
• Train a model on interpolated data: we can combine the local and global data and train a model on
their combination. We refer to this as data interpolation.
• Combine local and global models: we can train a local and a global model and use their combination.
We refer to this as model interpolation.
We provide generalization bounds and communication-efficient algorithms for all of the above methods.
We show that the above three methods has small communication bottleneck and enjoys qualitative privacy
benefits similar to training a global model. Of the three proposed approaches, data interpolation has non-trivial
communication cost and data security. We show that data interpolation can be implemented with small
communication overhead in Section 5. We also show discuss data security aspect and methods to improve it
in Appendix D.3.
Of the remaining methods, model interpolation has the same communication cost and security as that of
training a single model. Clustering has the same data security as that of training single models, but the
communication cost is q times that of training a single model, where q is the number of clusters. In the rest of
the paper, we study each of the above methods.

4. User clustering

Instead of training a single global model, a natural approach is to cluster clients into groups and train a
model for each group. This is an intermediate model between a purely local and global model and provides a
trade-off between generalization and distribution mismatch. If we have a clustering of users, then we can
naturally find a model for each user using standard optimization techniques. In this section, we ask how to
define clusters. Clustering is a classical problem with a broad literature and known algorithms (Jain, 2010).
We argue that, since the subsequent application of our clustering is known, incorporating it into the clustering
algorithm will be beneficial. We refer readers to Appendix C.1 for more details on comparison to baseline

4.1. Hypothesis-based clustering

Consider the scenario where we are interested in finding clusters of images for a facial recognition task.
Suppose we are interested in finding clusters of users for each gender and find a good model for each cluster. If
we naively use the Bregman divergence clustering, it may focus on clustering based on the image background
e.g., outdoor or indoors to find clusters instead of gender.
To overcome this, we propose to incorporate the task at hand to obtain better clusters. We refer to this
approach as hypothesis-based clustering and show that it admits better generalization bounds than the
Bregman divergence approach. We partition users into q clusters and find the best hypothesis for each cluster.
In particular, we use the following optimization:
min ∑ λk ⋅ min LDk (hi ), (3)
h1 ,...,hq k=1 i∈[q]

where λk is the importance of client k. The above loss function trains q best hypotheses and naturally divides
X × Y into q partitions, where each partition is associated with a particular hypothesis hk . In practice, we
only have access to the empirical distributions D ̂ k . We replace LD (hi ) by L ̂ (hi ) in optimization. To
k Dk
simplify the analysis, we use the fraction of samples from each user mk /m as λk . An alternative approach is
to use λk = 1/p for all users, which assigns equal weight to all clients. The analysis is similar and we omit it
to be concise.

4.2. Generalization bounds

We now analyze the generalization properties of this technique. We bound the maximum difference between
true cluster based loss and empirical cluster based loss for all hypotheses. We note that such a generalization
bound holds for any clustering algorithm (see Appendix C.2).
Let C1 , C2 . . . , Cq be the clusters and let mCi be the number of samples from cluster i. Let Ci and ̂
Ci be the
empirical and true distributions of cluster Ci . With these definitions, we now bound the generalization error
of this technique.
Theorem 1 (Appendix C.3) With probability at least 1 − δ,
p Á p log 2q q
mk Á
À mCi
max ∣ ∑ ⋅ (min LDk (hi ) − min LD̂k (hi ))∣ ≤ 2 δ
+ max ∑ RCi ,mCi (H).
h1 ,...,hq k=1 m i∈[q] i∈[q] m C1 ,...,Cq i=1 m

The above result implies the following corollary, which is easier to interpret.
Corollary 2 (Appendix C.4) Let d be the pseudo-dimension of H. Then with probability at least 1 − δ, the
following holds:
p Á 4p log 2q √ dq
mk Á
À em
max ∣ ∑ ⋅ (min LDk (hi ) − min LD̂ k (hi ))∣ ≤
+ log .
h1 ,...,hq k=1 m i∈[q] i∈[q] m m d

The above learning bound can be understood as follows. For good generalization, the average number of
samples per user m/p should be larger than the logarithm of the number of clusters, and the average number
of samples per cluster m/q should be larger than the pseudo-dimension of the overall model. Somewhat
surprisingly, these results do not depend on the minimum number of samples per clients and instead depend
only on the average statistics.
To make a comparison between the local performance (1) and the global model performance (2), observe that
combining (8) and Corollary 2 together with the definition of discrepancy yields
p Á p log 2q √ dqe p
mk ̂ Á
À m mk
∑ ⋅ (L Dk ( hf (k) ) − min L Dk (h)) ≤ 2 δ
+ log + ∑ disc(Dk , Cf (k) ),
k=1 m h∈H m m d k=1 m

where f ∶ [p] → [q] is the mapping from users to clusters. Thus, the generalization bound is in between that
of the local and global model. For q = 1, it yields the global model, and for q = p, it yields the local model.
As we increase q, the generalization decreases and the discrepancy term gets smaller. Allowing a general q
lets us choose the best clustering scheme and provides a smooth trade-off between the generalization and the
distribution matching. In practice, we choose small values of q > 1. We further note that we are not restricted
to using the same value of q for all clients. We can find clusters for several values of q and use the best one
for each client separately using a hold-out set of samples.

4.3. Algorithm : H YP C LUSTER

We provide an expectation-maximization (EM)-type algorithm for finding clusters and hypotheses. A naive
EM modification may require heavy computation and communication resources. To overcome this, we
propose a stochastic EM algorithm in H YP C LUSTER. In the algorithm, we denote clusters via a mapping
f ∶ [p] → [q], where f (k) denotes the cluster of client k. Similar to k-means, H YP C LUSTER is not guaranteed
to converge to the true optimum, but, as stated in the beginning of the previous section, the generalization
guarantee of Theorem 1 still holds here.

5. Data interpolation

From the point of view of client k, there is a small amount of data with distribution Dk and a large amount
of data from the global or clustered distribution C. How are we to use auxiliary data from C to improve
the model accuracy on Dk ? This relates the problem of personalization to domain adaptation. In domain
adaptation, there is a single source distribution, which is the global data or the cluster data, and a single target
distribution, which is the local client data. As in domain adaptation with target labels (Blitzer et al., 2008),

Algorithm H YP C LUSTER
Initialize: Randomly sample P clients, train a model on them, and initialize h0i for all i ∈ [q] using
them randomly. For t = 1 to T do the following:
1. Randomly sample P clients.
2. Recompute f t for clients in P by assigning each client to the cluster that has lowest loss:

f t (k) = argmin LD
̂ k (hi ).

3. Run few steps of SGD for ht−1

i with data from clients P ∩ (f t )−1 (i) to minimize

∑ mk LD
̂ k (hi ),
k∶P ∩(f t )−1 (i)

and obtain hti .

Compute f T +1 by using hT1 , hT2 , . . . , hTq via (4) and output it.

Figure 1: Pseudocode for H YP C LUSTER algorithm.

we have at our disposal a large amount of labeled data from the source (global data) and a small amount of
labeled data from the target (personal data). We propose to minimize the loss on the concatenated data,

λ ⋅ Dk + (1 − λ) ⋅ C, (5)

where λ is a hyper-parameter and can be obtained by either cross validation or by using the generalization
bounds of Blitzer et al. (2008). C can either be the uniform distribution U or one of the distributions obtained
via clustering.
Personalization is different from most domain adaptation works as they assume they only have access to
unlabeled target data (Mansour et al., 2009a; Ganin et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2018a), whereas in personalization
we have access to labeled target data. Secondly, we have one target domain per client, which makes our
problem computationally expensive, which we discuss next. Given the known learning-theoretic bounds,
a natural question is if we can efficiently estimate the best hypothesis for a given λ. However, note that
naive approaches suffer from the following drawbacks. If we optimize for each client separately, the time
complexity of learning per client is O(m) and the overall time complexity is O(m ⋅ p).
In addition to the computation time, the algorithm also admits a high communication cost in FL. This is
because, to train the model with a λ-weighted mixture requires the client to admit access to the entire dataset
C, which incurs communication cost O(m). One empirically popular approach to overcome this is the
fine-tuning approach, where the central model is fine-tuned on the local data (Wang et al., 2019). However, to
the best of our knowledge, there are no theoretical guarantees and the algorithm may be prone to catastrophic
forgetting (Goodfellow et al., 2013). In fine-tuning, the models are typically trained first on the global data
and then on the client’s local data. Hence, the order in which samples are seen are not random. Furthermore,
we only care about the models’ performance on the local data. Hence, one cannot directly use known
online-to-batch conversion results from online learning to obtain theoretical guarantees.
We propose DAPPER, a theoretically motivated and efficient algorithm to overcome the above issues. The
algorithm first trains a central model on the overall empirical distribution ̂
C. Then for each client, it subsamples
C to create a smaller dataset of size Ĉ′ of size r ⋅ mk , where r is a constant. It then minimizes the loss on

weighted combination of two datasets i.e., λLD̂ k (h) + (1 − λ)LĈ′ (h) for several values of λ. Finally, it
chooses the best λ using cross-validation. The algorithm is efficient both in terms of its communication
complexity which is r ⋅ mk and its computation time, which is at most (r + 1) ⋅ mk . Hence, the overall
communication and computation time is O(r ⋅ m). Due to space constraints, we relegate the pseudo-code of
the algorithm to Appendix D.2.
We analyze DAPPER when the loss function is strongly convex in the hypothesis parameters h and show that
the model minimizes the intended loss to the desired accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
fine-tuning algorithm with provable guarantees.
To prove convergence guarantees, we need to ask what the desired convergence guarantee is. Usually,
models are required to converge to the generalization guarantee and we use the same criterion. To this
end, we first state a known generalization theorem. Let ĥλ = argmin λLD
̂ k (h) + (1 − λ)L̂
C (h) and hλ =
argmin λLDk (h) + (1 − λ)LC (h).
Lemma 3 ( (Blitzer et al., 2008)) If the pseudo-dimension of the H is d 1 , then with probability at least
1 − δ,
√ √
⎛ λ2 (1 − λ)2 1⎞
λLDk (ĥλ ) + (1 − λ)LC (ĥλ ) − λLDk (hλ ) + (1 − λ)LC (hλ ) = O + ⋅ d log .
⎝ mk mC δ⎠

λ2 (1−λ)2
Since the generalization bound scales as m + mC , the same accuracy in convergence is desired. Let
√ k

λ2 (1−λ)2
λ = m k
+ mC , denote the desired convergence guarantee. For strongly convex functions, we show that
one can achieve this desired accuracy using DAPPER, furthermore the amount of additional data is a constant
multiple of mk , independent of λ and m.
Theorem 4 (Appendix D.1) Assume that the loss function is µ-strongly convex and assume that the gradi-
µ + 2R) , a constant independent of λ.
ents are G-smooth. Let H admit diameter at most R. Let r ≥ G2 ( 4G
Let the learning rate η = √1
G rmk min ( µ(1−λ)
, R). Then after r ⋅ mk steps of SGD, the output hA satisfies,

̂ k (hA ) + (1 − λ)L̂
E[λLD C (hA )] ≤ E[λLD
̂ k (ĥ
λ ) + (1 − λ)L̂
C (ĥ
λ )] + λ .

The above bound shows the convergence result for a given λ. One can find the best λ either by cross
validation or by minimizing the overall generalization bound of Blitzer et al. (2008). While the above
algorithm reduces the amount of data transfer and is computationally efficient, it may be vulnerable to
privacy issues in applications such as FL. We propose several alternatives to overcome these privacy issues in
Appendix D.3.

6. Model interpolation

The above approaches assume that the final inference model belongs to class H. In practice, this may not be
the case. One can learn a central model hc from a class Hc , and learn a local model hl from Hl , and use their
interpolated model
λ ⋅ hl + (1 − λ) ⋅ hc .
1. Blitzer et al. (2008) states the result for 0 − 1 loss, but it can extended to other loss functions.

More formally, let hc be the central or cluster model and let h̄l = (hl,1 , hl,2 , . . . , hl,p ), where hl,k is the local
model for client k. Let λk be the interpolated weight for client k and let λ̄ = λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λp . If one has
access to the true distributions, then learning the best interpolated models can be formulated as the following
min ∑ LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ).
hc ,h̄l ,λ̄ k=1 m

Since, the learner does not have access to the true distributions, we replace LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) with
LD̂ k ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) in the above optimization. We now show a generalization bound for the above
Theorem 5 (Appendix E.1) Let the loss ` is L Lipschitz, Hc be the hypotheses class for the central model,
and H` be the hypotheses class for the local models. Let h∗c , λ̄∗ , h̄∗l be the optimal values and ̂
h∗c , ̂
λ∗k , ̂
h∗l be
the optimal values for the empirical estimates. Then, with probability at least 1 − δ,
p p
mk mk
∑ LDk ((1 − ̂
λ∗k )̂ λ∗k̂
h∗c + ̂ h∗l,k ) − ∑ LDk ((1 − λ∗k )h∗c + λ∗k h∗l,k ) (6)
k=1 m k=1 m
p Á log 1
mk Á
≤ 2L (RU,m (Hc ) + ∑ RDk ,mk (Hl )) + 2 δ
k=1 m m

Standard bounds on Rademacher complexity by the pseudo-dimension yields the following corollary.
Corollary 6 Assume that ` is L Lipschitz. Let h∗c , λ̄∗ , h̄∗l be the optimal values and ̂
h∗c , ̂
λ∗k , ̂
h∗l be the optimal
values for the empirical estimates. Then with probability at least 1 − δ, the LHS of (6) is bounded by
√ √ ¿
⎛ dc em ⎞ Á
em dl p Á
À log δ
2L log + log +2 ,
⎝ m dc m dl ⎠ m
where dc is the pseudo-dimension of Hc and dl is the pseudo-dimension of Hl .
Hence for models to generalize well, it is desirable to have m ≫ dc and the average number of samples to be
much greater than dl , i.e., m/p ≫ dl . Similar to Corollary 2, this bound only depends on the average number
of samples and not the minimum number of samples.
A common approach for model interpolation in practice is to first train the central model hc and then train the
local model hl separately and find the best interpolation coefficients, i.e.,
̂ mk ̂
hc = argmin ∑ LD
̂ k (hc ) and hl,k = argmin LD
̂ k (hl,k ).
hc k=1 m hl,k

We show that this approach might not be optimal in some instances and also propose a joint optimization for
minimizing local and global models. Due to space constraints, we refer reader to Appendix E.2 for details.
We refer to model interpolation algorithms by M APPER.

Table 2: Test accuracy of seen clients for the EMNIST dataset.

initial model +F INETUNE +DAPPER +M APPER
F EDAVG 84.3% 90.0% 90.1% 90.0%
AGNOSTIC 84.6% 89.9% 90.0% 89.9%
H YP C LUSTER (q = 2) 89.1% 90.2% 90.3% 90.1%

Table 1: Test loss of H YP C LUSTER as a function of number of clusters q for the synthetic dataset.
q 1 2 3 4 5
test loss 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.7

Table 3: Test accuracy of unseen clients for the EMNIST dataset.

initial model +F INETUNE +DAPPER +M APPER
F EDAVG 84.1% 90.3% 90.3% 90.2%
AGNOSTIC 84.5% 90.1% 90.2% 90.1%
H YP C LUSTER (q = 2) 88.8% 90.1% 90.1% 89.9%

7. Experiments

7.1. Synthetic dataset

We first demonstrate the proposed algorithms on a synthetic dataset for density estimation. Let X = ∅,
Y = [d], and d = 50. Let ` be cross entropy loss and the number of users p = 100. We create client
distributions as a mixture of a uniform component, a cluster component, and an individual component.
The details of the distributions are in Appendix F.1. We evaluate the
algorithms as we vary the number of samples per user. The results
are in Figure 2. H YP C LUSTER performs the best when the number of Figure 2: Test loss of algorithms as a
samples per user mk is very small. If mk is large, M APPER performs function of number of sam-
the best followed closely by F INETUNE and DAPPER. However, the ples per user for the syn-
difference between F INETUNE and DAPPER is statistically insignif- thetic dataset.
icant. In order to understand the effect of clustering, we evaluate
various clustering algorithms as a function of q when mk = 100, and
the results are in Table 1. Since the clients are naturally divided into
four clusters, as we increase q, the test loss steadily decreases till the
number of clusters reaches 4 and then remains constant.

7.2. EMNIST dataset

We evaluate the proposed algorithms on the federated EMNIST-62

dataset (Caldas et al., 2018) provided by TensorFlow Federated (TFF).
The dataset consists of 3400 users’ examples that are each one of 62
classes. We select 2500 users to train the global models (referred to as seen) and leave the remaining 900 as
unseen clients reserved for evaluation only. We shuffle the clients first before splitting as the original client
ordering results in disjoint model performance. The reported metrics are uniformly averaged across clients
similar to previous works (Jiang et al., 2019). For model architecture, we use a two-layer convolutional neural
net. We refer to Appendix F.2 for more details on the architecture and training procedure.
The test results for seen and unseen clients are in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. We trained models with
F EDAVG, AGNOSTIC (Mohri et al., 2019), and H YP C LUSTER and combined them with F INETUNE, DAPPER,
and M APPER. We observe that H YP C LUSTER with two clusters performs significantly better compared to

F EDAVG and AGNOSTIC models and improves accuracy by at least 4.3%. Thus clustering is significantly
better than training a single global model.
The remaining algorithms DAPPER and M APPER improve the accuracy by another 1% compared to H YP -
C LUSTER, but the EMNIST dataset is small and standard deviation in our experiments was in the order of
0.1% and hence their improvement over F INETUNE is not statistically significant. However, these algorithms
have provable generalization guarantees and thus would be more risk averse.

8. Conclusion

We presented a systematic learning-theoretic study of personalization in learning and proposed and analyzed
three algorithms: user clustering, data interpolation, and model interpolation. For all three approaches, we
provided learning theoretic guarantees and efficient algorithms. Finally, we empirically demonstrated the
usefulness of the proposed approaches on synthetic and EMNIST datasets.

9. Acknowledgements

Authors thank Rajiv Mathews, Brendan Mcmahan, Ke Wu, and Shanshan Wu for helpful comments and

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Appendix A. Related works

A.1. Federated learning

FL was introduced by McMahan et al. (2017) as an efficient method for training models in a distributed way.
They proposed a new communication-efficient optimization algorithm called FedAvg. They also showed
that the training procedure provides additional privacy benefits. The introduction of FL has given rise
to several interesting research problems, including the design of more efficient communication strategies
(Konečnỳ et al., 2016b,a; Suresh et al., 2017; Stich, 2018; Karimireddy et al., 2019), the study of lower
bounds for parallel stochastic optimization with a dependency graph (Woodworth et al., 2018), devising
efficient distributed optimization methods benefiting from differential privacy guarantees (Agarwal et al.,
2018), stochastic optimization solutions for the agnostic formulation (Mohri et al., 2019), and incorporating
cryptographic techniques (Bonawitz et al., 2017), meta-learning (Chen et al., 2018), see (Li et al., 2019;
Kairouz et al., 2019) for an in-depth survey of recent work in FL.
Federated learning often results in improved performance, as reported in several learning problems, including
next word prediction (Hard et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018), vocabulary estimation (Chen et al., 2019a), emoji
prediction (Ramaswamy et al., 2019), decoder models (Chen et al., 2019b), low latency vehicle-to-vehicle
communication (Samarakoon et al., 2018), and predictive models in health (Brisimi et al., 2018).

A.2. Personalization in federated learning

There are several recent works that focus on multi-task and meta-learning in the context of federated learning.
Smith et al. (2017) studied the problem of federated multi-task learning and proposed MOCHA, an algorithm
that jointly learns parameters and a similarity matrix between user tasks. MOCHA tackles various aspects
of distributed multitask learning including communication constraints, stragglers, and fault tolerance. They
focus on the convex setting and their application to non-convex deep learning models where strong duality is
no longer guaranteed is unclear.
Jiang et al. (2019) drew interesting connections between FedAvg and first-order model agnostic meta-learning
(MAML) (Finn et al., 2017) and showed that FedAvg is in fact already a meta-learning algorithm. Fallah et al.
(2020) also proposed to use the MAML objective in a global model training to obtain a better personalizable
global model. Khodak et al. (2019) proposed ARUBA that improves upon gradient-based meta-learning
approaches. A variational approach for multi-task learning was proposed by Corinzia and Buhmann (2019).
Recently, Hanzely and Richtárik (2020) proposed to learn a model per user by adding an `2 penalty on model
parameters to ensure they are similar.
Another line of work uses a set of local parameters, which are trained per-client, and a set of global parameters,
which are trained using FL. For example, Bui et al. (2019) proposed to use user-representations by having a
set of client-specific local parameters, which are trained per-client and a set of global parameters, which are
trained using FL. Arivazhagan et al. (2019); Liang et al. (2020) proposed to store some layers of the model
locally, while training the rest of the model with federated learning.
Peterson et al. (2019) proposed to use techniques from a mixture of experts literature and their approach
is similar to our approach of model interpolation, but they learn an interpolation weight based on features.
Furthermore, there are no theoretical guarantees for their approach. A theoretical analysis of interpolation
models without variable mixing weights was recently presented in Agarwal et al. (2020). Concurrent to this

work, Deng et al. (2020) proposed to use an interpolation of a local and global model. Their approach is
similar to model interpolation in our paper.
Wang et al. (2019) showed that federated models can be fine-tuned based on local data. They proposed
methods to find the best hyper-parameters for fine-tuning and showed that it improves the next word prediction
of language models in virtual keyboard applications. Yu et al. (2020) proposed several variants of the fine-
tuning approach, including training only a few layers of the networks, adding a local penalty term in the form
of model distillation, or elastic weight averaging to the fine-tuning objective to improve local adaptation.
Zhao et al. (2018b) showed that one can improve the accuracy of FedAvg, by sharing a small amount of public
data to reduce the non-i.i.d. nature of the client data. Sattler et al. (2019) proposed to use cosine-similarity
between gradient updates for clustering in federated learning. However, their approach requires all clients to
participate in each round and hence is computationally infeasible. Personalization in other settings such as
peer-to-peer networks have been studied by Zantedeschi et al. (2019). We refer the readers to (Kulkarni et al.,
2020) for a survey of algorithms for personalization in FL.

Appendix B. Global models

B.1. Example for the suboptimality of global models

We provide the following simple example, which shows that global models can be a constant worse compared
to the local model.
Example 1 Let X = R and Y = {0, 1}. Suppose there are two clients with distributions D1 and D2 defined
as follows. ∀x, D1 (x) = D2 (x) and D1 (1∣x) = 1 if x > 0 and zero otherwise. Similarly, D2 (1∣x) = 1 only if
x < 0 and zero otherwise. Let H be the class of threshold classifiers indexed by a threshold t ∈ R and sign
s ∈ {−1, 1} such that ht,s ∈ H is given by ht,s (x) = 1(x−t)s>0 . Further, suppose we are interested in zero-one
loss and the number of samples from both domains is very large and equal.
The optimal classifier for D1 is h0,1 and the optimal classifier for D2 is h0,−1 , and they achieve zero error in
their respective clients. Since the number of samples is the same from both clients, U is the uniform mixture of
the two domains, U = 0.5D1 + 0.5D2 . Note that for all h ∈ H, LU (h) = 0.5 and hence the global objective
cannot differentiate between any of the hypotheses in H. Thus, with high probability, any globally trained
model incurs a constant loss on both clients.

B.2. Agnostic global model

Instead of assigning weights proportional to the number of samples as in the uniform global model, we can
weight them according to any λ ∈ ∆p . For example, instead of uniform sample weights, we can weight clients
uniformly corresponding to λk = p1 , for all k. Let D̄λ denote the λ-weighted empirical distribution and let
hD̄λ be the minimizer of loss over D̄λ . Instead of the uniform global model described in the previous section,
we can use the agnostic loss, where we minimize the maximum loss over a set of distributions. Let Λ ⊆ ∆p .
Agnostic loss is given by
max LD̄λ (h).

Let hD̄Λ be the minimizer. Let s(Λ, m) = maxλ∈Λ s(λ, m). Let Λ be an -cover of ∆p . Let m denote the
empirical distribution of samples (m1 /m, m2 /m, . . . , mp /m). The skewness between the distributions λ
and m is defined as s(λ, m) = ∑pk=1 mkk , where mk = mk /m. With these definitions, the generalization
guarantee of (Mohri et al., 2019, Theorem 2) for client one can be expressed as follows:

⎛√ ∣Λ ∣ ⎞
d + log δ
LD1 (hD̂ Λ ) ≤ LD1 (hD1 ) + Õ ⎜ s(Λ ∣∣m) ⋅ √ + ⎟ + discH (D1 , Dλ∗ ),

⎝ m ⎠

where λ∗ = argmaxλ LD̄λ (hD ̂ Λ ) is the mixture weight where the trained model hD ̂ Λ has the highest loss.
Hence, this approach would personalize well for hard distributions and can be considered as a step towards
ensuring that models work for all distributions. In this work, we show that training a different model for each
client would significantly improve the model performance.

Appendix C. Supplementary material for clustering

C.1. Baselines

If we have meta-features about the data samples and clients, such as location or type of device, we can use
them to find clusters. This can be achieved by algorithms such as k-means or variants. This approach depends
on the knowledge of the meta-features and their relationship to the set of hypotheses under consideration.
While it may be reasonable in many circumstances, it may not be always feasible. If there are no meta-features,
a natural approach is to cluster using a Bregman divergence defined over the distributions Dk (Banerjee et al.,
2005). However, it is likely that we would overfit as the generalization of the density estimation depends on
the covering number of the class of distributions D1 , D2 , . . . , Dp , which in general can be much larger than
that of the class of hypotheses H. To overcome this, we propose an approach based on hypotheses under
consideration which we discuss next.

C.2. Generalization of clustering algorithms

Recall that we solve for

min ∑ ⋅ min L ̂ (hi ). (7)
h1 ,...,hq k=1 m i∈[q] Dk

Lemma 7 Let h∗1 , h∗2 , . . . , h∗q be the q models obtained by solving (3) and ̂
h∗1 , ̂
h∗2 , . . . , ̂
h∗q be the q models
obtained by solving (7). Then,
p p
mk mk
∑ ⋅ (min LDk (̂
h∗i ) − min LDk (h∗i )) ≤ 2 max ∣ ∑ ⋅ (min LDk (hi ) − min LD̂ k (hi ))∣ . (8)
k=1 m i∈[q] i∈[q] h1 ,...,hq k=1 m i∈[q] i∈[q]

p p
mk ̂ ∗ mk
∑ ⋅ min L Dk ( hi ) − ∑ ⋅ min LDk (h∗i )
k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q]
p p p
mk mk mk
=∑ ⋅ min LDk (̂
h∗i ) + ∑ ⋅ min LD ̂∗
̂ k (hi ) − ∑ ⋅ min LD ̂∗
̂ k (hi )
k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q]
p p p
mk ∗ mk mk
+∑ ̂ k (hi ) − ∑
⋅ min LD ⋅ min LDk (h∗i ) − ∑ ∗
̂ k (hi )
⋅ min LD
k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q]
p p
mk mk
≤ 2 max ∣ ∑ ⋅ min LDk (hi ) − ∑ ⋅ min LD
̂ k (hi )∣ ,
h1 ,...,hq k=1 m i∈[q] k=1 m i∈[q]

where the inequality follows by observing that ∑pk=1 mk

⋅ mini∈[q] LD ̂∗ p
̂ k (hi ) ≤ ∑k=1
⋅ mini∈[q] LD ∗
̂ k (hi ),
m m
by the definition of ̂
h∗ . i

C.3. Proof of Theorem 1

For any set of real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , aq and b1 , b2 , . . . , bq , observe that

min ai − min bi = min bi + (ai − bi ) − min bi ≤ min bi + max(ai − bi ) − min bi = max(ai − bi ).

i i i i i i i

We first prove the theorem for one side. Let f ∶ [p] → [q] be a mapping from clients to clusters. Applying the
above result yields,
p p
max ( ∑ mk ⋅ min LDk (hk ) − ∑ mk ⋅ min LD
̂ k (hk ))
h1 ,...,hq k=1 i∈[q] k=1 i∈[q]
≤ max ( ∑ mk ⋅ max(LDk (hk ) − LD
̂ k (hk )))
h1 ,...,hq k=1 k∈[p]
= max ( ∑ mk ⋅ max(LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))
h1 ,...,hq k=1 f (k)
= max max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))
h1 ,...,hq f k=1
= max max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) ))) .
f h1 ,...,hq k=1

Since changing one sample changes the above function by at most 1, for a given f , by the McDiarmid’s
inequality, with probability at least 1 − δ, the following holds:
max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))
h1 ,...,hq k=1

≤ E [ max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))] + 2 m log .
h1 ,...,hq k=1 δ

The number of possible functions f is q p . Hence, by the union bound, for all f , with probability at least 1 − δ,
the following holds:
max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))
h1 ,...,hq k=1
p √
≤ E [ max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))] + 2 mp log .
h1 ,...,hq k=1 δ

For a given clustering f , by the sub-additivity of max,

max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))
h1 ,...,hq k=1

⎛ p ⎞
= max ∑ ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) ))
h1 ,...,hq ⎝k=1 ⎠
k∶f (k)=i
q ⎛ ⎞
≤ ∑ max ̂ k (hf (k) ))
∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
i=1 h1 ,...,hq ⎝k∶f (k)=i ⎠
q ⎛ ⎞
= ∑ max ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hi ) − LD
̂ k (hi ))
i=1 h1 ,...,hq ⎝k∶f (k)=i ⎠
q ⎛ ⎞
= ∑ max ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hi ) − LD
̂ k (hi ))
i=1 hi ⎝k∶f (k)=i ⎠
= ∑ max (mCi ⋅ (LCi (hi ) − L̂Ci (hi ))) ,
i=1 hi

where Ci is the cluster of clients such that f (k) = i and mCi is the number of samples in that cluster, and Ci
is its distribution. Thus,
p q
E [ max ( ∑ mk ⋅ (LDk (hf (k) ) − LD
̂ k (hf (k) )))] ≤ E [∑ max (mCi ⋅ (LCi (hi ) − L̂
Ci (hi )))]
h1 ,...,hq k=1 i=1 hi
≤ ∑ RCi ,mCi (H)mCi ,

where the last inequality follows from standard learning-theoretic guarantees and the definition of Rademacher
complexity (Mohri et al., 2018). The proof follows by combining the above equations, normalizing by m,
and the union bound.

C.4. Proof of Corollary 2

We show that for any clustering,

mCi dp em
∑ RCi ,mCi (H) ≤ log .
i=1 m m d

The proof then follows from Theorem 1. To prove the above observation, observe that
q q
√ q

mCi mCi dp emCi mCi dp em
∑ RCi ,mCi (H) ≤ ∑ log ≤∑ log
i=1 m i=1 m m Ci d i=1 m m Ci d
√ √
1 q em dq em
≤ ∑ ∑ dpmCi log ≤ log ,
i=1 m i=1 d m d

where the last inequality follows from Jensen’s inequality.

Appendix D. Supplementary material for data interpolation

D.1. Proof of Theorem 4

Let g(h) = λLD̂ k (h) + (1 − λ)L̂

C (h). Suppose we are interested in running T steps of SGD on g, where
at each step we independently sample D ̂ k with probability λ and ̂
C with probability 1 − λ and choose a
random sample from the selected empirical distribution to compute the gradient. This can be simulated by
first sampling T elements from ̂ C, denoted by ̂
C′ and using ̂
C′ instead of ̂
C during optimization. Hence to
prove the theorem, suffices to show that T = rmk steps of SGD on g using the above mentioned sampling
procedure yields the desired bound.
We now ask how large should T be to obtain error of λ . By standard stochastic gradient descent guarantees,
the output hA satisfies
∥hc − ĥλ )∥2 ηG2 T
E[g(hA )] ≤ E[g(ĥλ )] + + .
2η 2
Since the loss is strongly convex and hc is optimal for L̂C (hc ),
L̂C (ĥλ ) − L̂C (hc ) ≥ ∥hc − ĥλ )∥2 .
Furthermore, since ĥλ is optimal for a λ-mixture,

̂ k (ĥ
λLD λ ) + (1 − λ)L̂
C (ĥ
λ ) ≤ λLD
̂ k (hc ) + (1 − λ)L̂
C (hc ).

∥hc − ĥλ )∥2 ≤ L̂C (ĥλ ) − L̂C (hc )
≤ (L ̂ (hc ) − LD ̂ k (ĥ
λ ))
1 − λ Dk

≤ ∥hc − ĥλ )∥.

∥hc − ĥλ )∥ ≤ min ( , R)
µ(1 − λ)

Algorithm DAPPER(hc )
For each client k do the following:
1. Randomly sample r ⋅ mk data points from ̂ C. Let this dataset be Ĉ′ .
2. Let Λ be a cover of [0, 1]. For each λ ∈ Λ, the client starts with hc and minimizes

̂ k (h) + (1 − λ)LĈ′ (h)

λLD (9)

̂ k with probability
using stochastic gradient descent for r ⋅ mk steps, where at each step, it selects D
λ and C with probability 1−λ and samples an element from the corresponding dataset to compute
the stochastic gradient. Let hλ be the resulting model and HΛ = {hλ ∶ λ ∈ Λ}.
3. Output
argmin LD ̂ k (h).

Figure 3: Pseudocode for the DAPPER algorithm.

Combining the above equations, we get

1 2Gλ ηG2 T
E[g(hA )] ≤ E[g(ĥλ )] + min ( , R) + .
2η µ(1 − λ) 2

Substituting the learning rate and setting T = rmk yields

G 2Gλ
E[g(hA )] ≤ E[g(ĥλ )] + √ min ( , R) .
rmk µ(1 − λ)
2 √
Hence if r ≥ G2 maxλ min ( µ(1−λ)
λ ) , the above bound is at most
,R mk ≤ λ . Note that for any λ,

2G R 2G R 4G
min ( , )≤ 1λ<1/2 + 1λ≥1/2 ≤ + 2R,
µ(1 − λ) λ µ(1 − λ) λ µ

hence the theorem.

D.2. Dapper pseudo-code

We provide pseudo-code for the DAPPER algorithm in Figure 3.

D.3. Practical considerations

While the above algorithm reduces the amount of data transfer and is computationally efficient, it may be
vulnerable to privacy issues in applications such as FL. To overcome that, we propose several alternatives:
1. Sufficient statistics: in many scenarios, instead of the actual data, we only need some sufficient statistics.
For example in regression with `22 loss, we only need the covariance matrix of the dataset from ̂ C.

2. Generative models: for problems such as density estimation and language modelling, we can use the
centralized model to generate synthetic samples from hc and use that as an approximation to Ĉ′ . For
other applications, one can train a GAN and send the GAN to the clients and the clients can sample
from the GAN to create the dataset Ĉ′ (Augenstein et al., 2019).
3. Proxy public data: if it is not feasible to send the actual user data, one could send proxy public data
instead. While this may not be theoretically optimal, it will still avoid overfitting to the local data.

Appendix E. Supplementary material for model interpolation

E.1. Proof of Theorem 5

Observe that
p p
mk mk
∑ LDk ((1 − ̂ h∗c + λ∗k̂
λ∗k )̂ h∗l,k ) − ∑ LDk ((1 − λ∗k )h∗c + λ∗k h∗l,k )
k=1 m k=1 m
≤ 2 max ( ∑ ̂ k ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ))) .
(LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) − LD
hc ,λ̄,h̄l k=1 m

Changing one sample changes the above function by at most 1/m. Thus by McDiarmid’s inequality, with
probability at least 1 − δ,
max ( ∑ (LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) − LD
̂ k ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k )))
hc ,λ̄,h̄l k=1 m
p Á log 1
mk Á
≤ E [ max ( ∑ (LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) − LD
̂k ((1 − λ )h
k c + λ h
k l,k )))] + 2 δ
hc ,λ̄,h̄l k=1 m m

Let H̄l be the Cartesian product of hypothesis classes where the k th hypothesis class is the hypothesis applied
to k th client. Let H = λ̄Hc + (1 − λ̄)H̄l . Hence, by Talagrand’s construction lemma and the properties of
Rademacher complexity,
E [ max ( ∑ ̂ k ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k )))]
(LDk ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ) − LD
hc ,λ̄,h̄l k=1 m
≤ RU+D̄,m̄ (`(H))
≤ LRU+D̄,m̄ (H)
≤ LRU,m (Hc ) + LRDk ,mk (H̄l )
≤ L (RU,m (Hc ) + ∑ RDk ,mk (Hl )) ,
k=1 m

where the last inequality follows from the sub-additivity of Rademacher complexity.

E.2. M APPER algorithms

We first show that this method of independently finding the local models is sub-optimal with an example.

Algorithm M APPER
Randomly initialize and for t = 1 to T , randomly select a client k and do the following.
1. Let Λ be a cover of [0, 1]. For each λ ∈ Λ, let

̂ k (λhl,k + (1 − λ)hc ).
hl,k (λ) = argmin LD t−1

2. Find the best local model:

λ∗ = argmin LD
̂ k (λhl,k (λ) + (1 − λ)hc ).

3. Minimize the global model.

∗ ∗ ∗ t−1
htc = ht−1
c − η∇LD
̂ k (λ hl,k (λ ) + (1 − λ )hc ). (12)

Let hTc be the final global model. For each client k rerun 1(a) and 1(b) to obtain the local model hl,k
and the interpolation weight λk .

Figure 4: Pseudocode for the M APPER algorithm.

Example 2 Consider the following discrete distribution estimation problem. Let Hc be the set of distributions
over d values and let Hl be the set of distributions with support size 1. For even k, let Dk (1) = Deven (1) = 1.0
and for odd k, let Dk (y) = Dodd (y) = 1/d for all 1 ≤ y ≤ d. Let the number of clients p be very large and the
number of samples per client a constant, say ten. Suppose we consider the log-loss.
The intuition behind this example is that since we have only one example per domain, we can only derive
good estimates for the local model for even k and we need to estimate the global model jointly from the odd
clients. With this approach, the optimal solution is as follows. For even k, hl,k = Dk and λk = 1.0. For odd k,
λk = 0.0 and the optimal hc is given by, hc = Dodd . If we learn the models separately, observe that, for each
client ̂
hl,k be the empirical estimate and ̂
hc would be 0.5 ⋅ Deven + 0.5 ⋅ Dodd . Thus, for any λ̄, the algorithm
would incur at least a constant loss more than optimal for any λk for odd clients.
Since training models independently is sub-optimal in certain cases, we propose a joint-optimization algorithm.
First observe that the optimization can be rewritten as
min ∑ min LD̂ k ((1 − λk )hc + λk hl,k ).
hc k=1 m h̄l λ̄

Notice that for a fixed λ the function is convex in both h` and hc . But with the minimization over λ, the
function is no longer convex. We propose algorithm M APPER for minimizing the interpolation models. At
each round, the algorithm randomly selects a client. It then finds the best local model and interpolation weight
for that client using the current value of the global model. It then updates the global model using the local
model and the interpolation weight found in the previous step.

Table 4: EMNIST convolutional model.
Layer Output Shape # Parameters Activation Hyperparameters
Conv2d (26, 26, 32) 320 ReLU out chan=32;filter shape=(3, 3)
Conv2d (24, 24, 64) 18496 ReLU out chan=64;filter shape=(3, 3)
MaxPool2d (12, 12, 64) 0 window shape=(2, 2);strides=(2, 2)
Dropout (12, 12, 64) 0 keep rate=0.75
Flatten 9216 0
Dense 128 1179776 ReLU
Dropout 128 0 keep rate=0.5
Dense 62 7998 LogSoftmax

Appendix F. Supplementary material for experiments

F.1. Synthetic dataset

Let U be a uniform distribution over Y. Let Pk be a point mass distribution with Pk (k) = 1.0 and for all
y ≠ k, Pk (y) = 0. For a client k, let Dk be a mixture given by

Dk = 0.5 ⋅ Pk%4 + 0.25 ⋅ U + 0.25 ⋅ Pk%(d−4) ,

where a%b, is a modulo b. Roughly, U is the uniform component and is same for all the clients, Pk%4 is the
cluster component and same for clients with same clusters, and Pk%(d−4) is the individual component per

F.2. EMNIST dataset

For the EMNIST experiments, we follow previous work for model architecture (Jiang et al., 2019). The full
model architecture layer by layer is provided in Table 4. We train the model for 1000 communication rounds
with 20 clients per round and use server side momentum, though one can use different optimizers (Jiang et al.,
2019). Evaluating the combined effect of our approach and adaptive optimizers remains an interesting open
direction. Additionally, we apply logit smoothing with weight = 0.9 to the loss function to mitigate against
exploding gradients experienced often in training federated models.
For all algorithms, the following hyperparameters are the same: client batch size=20, num clients per
round=20, num rounds=1000, server learning rate=1.0, server momentum=0.9. For the remaining hyper-
parameters, we perform a sweep over parameters and use the eval dataset to choose the best. The best
hyperparameters after sweeping are as follows.
• F EDAVG: client num epochs=1, client step size=0.05.
• AGNOSTIC: client num epochs=1, client step size=0.05, domain learning rate=0.05. NIST doc-
umentation shows that the EMNIST dataset comes from two writer sources: C ENSUS and H IGH
S CHOOL (Grother, 1995). We use these two distinct sources as domains.
• H YP C LUSTER: client num epochs=1, client step size=0.03, num clusters=2. We determined that 2 was
the optimal number of clusters since for larger numbers of clusters, all clients essentially mapped to
just 2 of them.

• F INETUNE: client num epochs=5, client step size=0.01. We use the best baseline model as the
pre-trained starting global model and finetune for each client.
• DAPPER: client num epochs=1, client step size=0.04. Similar to F INETUNE, we use the best baseline
model as the pre-trained starting global model. For each client, we finetune the global model using a
mixture of global and client data. Given mk client examples, we sample 5 ⋅ mk global examples.
• M APPER: client num epochs=1, client step size=0.03 . We use the same global hyperparameters as the
starting global model with the above local hyperparameters. As stated previously, we use the same
architecture for both local and global models and at each optimization step, we initialize the local
model using the global parameters.
Over the course of running experiments, we observed a peculiar behavior regarding the original client ordering
provided in the EMNIST dataset. If the seen and unseen split is performed on the original ordering of clients,
the model performance between seen and unseen clients is very different. In particular, unseen is almost 10%
absolute worse than seen. Looking through the NIST documentation, we found that the data was sourced from
two distinct sources: C ENSUS and H IGH S CHOOL (Grother, 1995). The original client ordering is derived
from the data partition they are sourced from and H IGH S CHOOL clients were all in one split, resulting in the
difference in model performance. Thus, we determined that shuffling the clients before splitting was better.


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