IJAAAR 2016 - Resize
IJAAAR 2016 - Resize
IJAAAR 2016 - Resize
The use of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to control disastrous diseases in many crops has been
considered important recently. The research was conducted to evaluate several bacterial strains to control white
rust in chrysanthemum. The research consisted of two chronological experiments, in vitro and in vivo testing of
bacterial isolate against the disease. 16 bacteria isolates were collected, purified and applied on the rust-infected
leaf. Three isolates showed more effective in suppressing white rust during in vitro testing and further
identification confirmed these strains, Pf Kr 2, Pf Smd 2 and Pf Ktl were grouped into P. flourescens. In vivo
testing of the Pf isolates also revealed consistent performances of these three Pf isolates in retarding the growth of
fungal Puccinia horiana and even more effective than Azotobacter sp. and Azospirilium sp. The production of
ethylene on the leaf was coincidence with the slower development and lower disease intensity on the treated
plants. Among the three strains, Pf Kr 2 showed stronger suppression to the disease. Further investigations are
needed to further elucidate the existence of specific interrelation between Pf strains and plant genotypes or
cultivars. Prior to a selection of good bacterial inoculants, it is recommended to select cultivars that benefit from
association with these bacteria.
* Corresponding Author: Hanudin [email protected]
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with other metabolites might function as stress Puccinia horiana and (b) in vivo testing of isolated
factors including local and systemic host resistance PGPR to control white rust in chrysanthemum.
that led for the suppressions against Rhizoctonia
solani in cotton, guar and tomato (Chauhan et al., Isolation and in vitro screening of isolated Pf
2012), Cercospora in groundnut (Mali et al., 2011) Pf strains were collected from the soil at the
and F. oxysporum (Boshale et al., 2013). These free rhizosphere of certain bamboo species (local name
living bacteria were able to fix N2, produce vitamins are ‘Gombong’ and ‘Bitung’) and healthy
and growth substances including IAA, gibberellins chrysanthemum leaves in several areas in West Java,
and cytokines which enhanced root growth and aided Indonesia (Table 1). For about 10 g bamboo root and
in nutrient absorption (Mali and Bodhankar, 2009). chrysanthemum leaves were separately collected and
put into elenmeyer containing 100 ml sterile distilled
The genus Azospirilium composed of free-living, water. The water containing the bamboo root and
nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are found to be chrysanthemum leaves was put into rotary shaker
associated with the roots and rhizosphere of several with speed of 150 rpm for 30 min. The solution was
grasses including sugar-cane, maize, sorghum, and then diluted (10-1) by taking 1 ml solution into 9 ml
rice revealing a broad ecological distribution. They distilled water. The diluted solution was shaken for
can colonize, by adhesion, the root surface or the 150 for another 30 min. The 10-1 suspension was
intercellular spaces of the host plant roots. The diluted with the concentration of 10-2 up to 10-10, then
potential role of these PGPR is to promote plant inoculated at 0.1% Triptic Soybroth Agar (TSA)
growth by several mechanisms including nitrogen medium. All the cultured bacteria were incubated for
fixation (Bashan et al., 2004) and phytohormone 48 h under temperature of 29-30C. The growing
production, such as auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, colonies were selected and grouped based on their
and nitric oxide as signals of plant growth promotion. morphological features. The selected single colony
Several studies revealed that Azospirilium is was isolated and then, reinoculated to get the pure
phylogenetically closer to Rhodospirillum and can colony for further testing.
grow in the presence of sucrose as sole carbon source
and is also better adapted to soil acidity, which offers The in vitro screening test of the bacteria isolates
the bacterium additional advantages for colonization against P. horiana was carried out based on the
of plant root tissue in acid environments (Baldani and modified method of Suhardi et al. (2011) with the
Baldani, 2005). Considering the potential use of bacteria isolates as the biocontrol agent. The source of
PGPR as biological agents against fungal diseases, the white rust was the infected chrysanthemum leaves.
research was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness The source of inoculums was the infected leaves. The
of Pf, Azotobacter and Azospirillum in controlling leaves were selected for the early stage of infection,
white rust disease in chrysanthemum. characterized by less than 5 yellow spots per leaf with
no rust pustule (Fig. 1a). The leaves were soaked into
Materials and methods the bacteria solution for about 10 min. The base of the
The research was conducted at the laboratory of leaf petiole was wrapped with cotton that was
bacteriology and crop protection glass houses of the, previously also dipped in bacteria solution. The leaf
Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute was then put into plastic jar containing wet cotton to
(IOCRI) from January to December 2013. The preserve the humidity for the white rust and leaf
research comprised of 2 experiments; (a) Isolation of during the screening test (Fig. 1b) based on the
Pf and in vitro screening of isolated Pf against treatment design. The leaf was sprayed with bacteria
solution within 3 days - intervals.
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Table 1. Source and date of collection of Pf to be tested for in vitro screening against chrysanthemum white rust
(Puccinia horiana Henn).
Isolate Code Source of isolates Location Date of Collection
Pf Kr 1 Healthy Leaf (Chrysanthemum) Ciherang, Pacet, Cianjur 12 June 2013
Pf Kr 2 Healthy Leaf (Chrysanthemum) Ciherang, Pacet, Cianjur 12 June 2013
Pf Kr 3 Healthy Leaf (Chrysanthemum) Ciherang, Pacet, Cianjur 12 June 2013
Pf Kr 4 Healthy Leaf (Chrysanthemum) Ciherang, Pacet, Cianjur 12 June 2013
Pf Jl Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Jambu Luwak, Ciawi, Bogor 14 May 2013
Pf Km Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Kertamukti, Cipatat, Bandung Barat 14 May 2013
Pf Mm Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Mandalawangi, Cipatat, Bandung Barat 14 May 2013
Pf Bd Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Bedungan, Ciawi, Bogor 14 May 2013
Pf Mj Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Babakan Jawa, Majalengka 14 May 2013
Pf Ktl Rhizosphere (Bitung bamboo) Katumlampa, Bogor Timur, Bogor 14 May 2013
Pf Tt Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Titisan, Sukalarang, Sukabumi 14 May 2013
Pf Smd 1 Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Cadas Pangeran, Sumedang 14 May 2013
Pf Smd 2 Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Cadas Pangeran, Sumedang 14 May 2013
Pf Smd 3 Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Cadas Pangeran, Sumedang 14 May 2013
Pf Tp Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Kampung Tipar, Ciawi, Bogor 14 May 2013
Pf Cmk Rhizosphere (Gombong bamboo) Cimangkok, Sukalarang, Sukabumi 14 May 2013
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others. The higher the value of advantages was Results and discussion
representing the more frequent of the treatment In vitro screening test of the bacteria isolates against
advantage presented. The advantageous treatment white rust
was scored as 1 and the less was given the score of 0 Bacterial isolates performed differently in the
(Djatnika et al., 2012). The scoring criteria for the suppression against P. horiana during in vitro
basis of determination on presence and frequency of testing. These could be seen from the development of
treatment advantages were: pustule based on the increment of pustule numbers
a. Number of pustules on the treated plant at 7 DAA after 3 and 7 days and developmental stage of pustule
were low, the increase of number of pustule from after 7 days after bacterial application (Table 3). The
3 to 7 DAA were low and percentage of number of pustule ranged from 25 to 87 per leaf after
suppression of the treated bacteria on pustule 7 days and the higher number of pustule was
development was higher than control. observed on leaf sprayed with sterile water (control).
Most pustules on control treatment also reached
b. Disease incubation was longer on the treated more advance in developmental stages, that higher in
plants, intensity was low after 84 DAA and the number of broken pustules (spore release) than
ethylene production on the leaf was higher. the other treatments.
Table 3. Number and developmental stage of pustules after 1, 3 and 7 days after isolated bacterial application
under in vitro testing against white rust.
Number and increment percentage of numbers of Developmental stage of pustule
Degree of
pustule after 7 days isolates application
(Days after isolates application/DAA) (DAA)
Increment Increment
Isolate Code White spot White against white
percentage of percentage of
White with spot with rust
1*) 3*) number of 7*) number of
spot *) unbroken broken compared to
pustule after 3 pustule after 7
pustule*) pustule*) control
DAA (%) DAA (%)
Pf Kr 1 32 a 34 a 6.25 75 a 120.59 5c 20 a 50 b 13.79
Pf Kr 2 27 a 27 a 0 30 b 11.11 0d 23 a 7c 65.51
Pf Kr 3 17 b 29 a 70.59 57 b 96.55 0d 35 a 22 bc 34.48
Pf Kr 4 29 a 37 a 27.59 63 a 70.27 3c 10 b 50 b 27.59
Pf Jl 27 a 28 a 3.70 47 b 67.86 7c 10 b 30 b 45.98
Pf Km 16 b 17 b 6.25 72 a 323.53 12 b 30 a 30 b 17.24
Pf Mm 16 b 17 b 6.25 67 a 294.12 3c 14 b 50 b 22.99
Pf Bd 27 a 32 a 18.52 69 a 115.63 35 a 15 b 19 c 20.69
Pf Mj 5c 6b 20 47 b 683.33 10 b 27 a 10 c 45.98
Pf Ktl 17 b 17 b 0 23 c 35.29 12 b 5b 6c 73.56
Pf Tt 12 b 15 b 25 73 a 386.67 15 b 23 b 35 b 16.09
Pf Smd 1 17 b 27 a 58.82 37 b 37.04 10 b 7b 20 c 57.47
Pf Smd 2 15 b 15 b 0 25 c 66.67 2c 11 b 12 c 71.26
Pf Smd 3 12 b 17 b 41.67 39 b 129.41 9 bc 10 b 20 c 55.17
Pf Tp 19 b 23 ab 21.05 49 b 113.04 12 b 17 ab 20 c 43.68
Pf Cmk 17 b 29 a 70.59 53 b 82.76 13 b 10 b 30 b 39.08
Control 15 b 35 a 133.33 87 a 148.57 0d 7b 80 a -
CV (%) 7,2 7.9 6,9 7,5 10,1 9,2
Remarks: values within the same column followed by the same letter were not significant under Duncan’s
Multiple Range Test (DMRT), α = 5%.
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The suppression of white rust development by consisted of three layers mucopeptide. The content of
bacterial isolates was apparent at 3 days after might as much as 3-12 % from the total dry weight.
application. The degree of suppressions was varied Mucoopeptide is a chemical compound composed of
among the bacterial isolates. Three isolates namely, units of n-acetyl glucosamine (nag) and n-acetyl
Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Pf Smd 2 showed significant muramic acid (nam) bound in the composition , 1-4
suppression on the number of white rust pustules. (Kaiser, 2014). Mucopeptide complex was often
The increment of pustule on the leaves was absent (0) referred to by the name of murein (Acharya, 2013).
after 3 days application. The performances of these
three bacteria isolates in suppressing the newly Table 4. Cell and colony features of Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl
developed pustule were consistent up to 7 days and Pf Smd 2 based on morphology and biochemistry
application. The increase of pustule number was less characteristics and predicted of isolate group.
than 10 pustule per leaf and these was much lower Characteristics of selected
Cell feature isolated bacteria
than the other treatments that might reached more
Pf Kr2 Pf Ktl Pf Smd2
than 20 newly developed pustules after 7 days. Morphology
1. Cell shape Rod rod rod
2. Doom elevation Flat flat flat
The less number of newly developed pustules on the 3. Cell margin circled circled circled
leaf treated by Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Pf Smd 2 was 4. Gram (KOH 3%) - - -
germinate and infect the leaf of the susceptible King’s B medium (Table 4). The flourescens green
cultivar (Hanudin et al., 2015). colony was caused by "pyoverdins" an iron chelating
agent that was produced by a bacterium when grown
Three isolates of Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Pf Smd 2 showed under lacked-iron medium. Following the method of
better suppression against white rust compared to Godfrey and Marshall (2002), the three isolated
control. The degree of suppressions of Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl bacteria (Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Pf Smd 2) were grouped
and Pf Smd 2 were measured 66.51%, 73.56% and as Psedomonas flourescens, based on the
71.26%, respectively, compared to the control. Based morphological and biochemical features of their cells
Identification of selected bacteria isolates interaction among three factors, the virulent
All selected bacteria isolates showed rod with elevated pathogen, susceptible host and the environment were
with flat cell shape, ledge/wavy and included as gram conducive for the pathogen to grow and developed
negative based on KOH test (Table 4). Stojšin et al. (Francl, 2001). The early appearance of white rust in
(2015) stated that gram negative cell had a ccell wall chrysanthemum was recognized as whitish-yellow
spot on the upper leaf surface. The spot was then
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developed into central spot and discoloration from The suppression of Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Azotobacter sp.
white to dark brown. On the lower surface of the leaf, against white rust disease from 7 to 84 DAP were
the color of early stage pustule was initially pink. The observed more effective compared to other isolates
pustule was then enlarged, white turn into brown. and control (Fig. 3). These viewed from the disease
Rust pustules were actually a collection teliospore intensity less than 15.55%. The effectiveness of the
that might germinate to form basidiospora and isolates was also detected at the percentage of
infected the plant (Suhardi, 2009). suppression that was averaged more than 58.84%
from the control. The disease intensity on the plants
The effectiveness of Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl, Pf Smd 2, treated by Pf Kr 2, Pf Ktl and Azotobacter sp. was
Azotobacter sp and Azospirilium sp. against white recorded 2.22, 15.55 and 13.33% at 84 DAP with the
rust under in vivo conditions were varied. Disease percent suppression of 94.12, 58.84 and 64.72%,
intensity ranged from 0 to 37.78% with incubation respectively.
period from 7.67 to 38.67 days after planting (DAP)
(Fig. 2 & 3). White rust showed delay in incubation
period when treated by the isolates. The longest
postponement was detected at chrysanthemum plants
treated by Pf Kr 2, that prolonged up to 38.67 DAP,
followed by Pf Ktl and Azospirilium with the periods
of 11.67 and 10.33 DAP, respectively.
Fig. 2. (Form left to right) Development of white intensity. Higher ethylene production was observed
rust Puccinia horiana attacks symptom on when the disease intensity was high. These
chrysanthemum leaves, from the early visible stage phenomenon was observed on the plants treated by Pf
characterized by whitish spot and turn into dark Kr 2, in that the disease intensity was the lowest (2.22
brown with broken pustules. %) at 84 DAP (Fig. 3). The ethylene concentration on
the plant leaf was the highest that was detected up to
723.935 ppm (Fig. 5).
Fig. 3. Development of white rust intensity under Fig. 5. Ethylene concentration on the leaf of
different isolates application treatment and control chrysanthemum under different isolate treatment and
on 7, 28, 56 and 84 days after planting (DAP). control at 84 DAP (ppm).
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Table 5. Comparative analysis of the presence of advantage parameter of isolate treatment againts white rust
disease on chrysasntemum under in vitro and in vivo testing.
Frequemcy of advantage of each treatment on the parameters
Percentage Degree of
Degree of
Number of Disease supression
Condito supression of Incubati
of increment intensit of the Total of
ns of isolates on
Treatment pustules on the y after isolates Ethyene comparat
pustule againts white period
at 7 DAP number of 84 DAP compared producti ive
on rust compared under in
under in pustule at 7 under to control on advantag
certain to control vivo
vitro DAP under in vivo under in es
stage under in vitro testing
testing in vitro testing vivo
testing testing
Pf. Smd 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
Pf. Ktl 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7
Pf. Kr 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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