Measurement and Practical Applications of Magnetic Flux Sensors by Radial and Tangential Axis in Synchronous Machines
Measurement and Practical Applications of Magnetic Flux Sensors by Radial and Tangential Axis in Synchronous Machines
Measurement and Practical Applications of Magnetic Flux Sensors by Radial and Tangential Axis in Synchronous Machines
Paper ID – 11744
A1 Rotating electrical machines
PS1 Rotating electrical machines and the energy transition
Tashlyk Pump-Storage Power Plant (TPSPP)
[email protected]
A magnetic field (MF) appears around each of the rotor winding poles of a synchronous
machine (SM) when a direct current is applied. Therefore, monitoring the parameters of the MF
flow in the air-gap is primarily used to detect short-circuited turns of the rotor poles, or short-
circuits between the poles of the rotor winding, which lead to a decrease in the values of the
MF induction vector B in the air-gap of the SM. The analysis of the MF rotor poles allows to
detect the eccentricity of the rotor (i.e. deviation from the circular shape), as well as the "strong"
and "weak" magnetic poles of the rotor according to the magnitude of the sinusoidal signal,
which can lead to one-sided attraction of the rotor to the stator and vibration of the SM. In
addition to measuring the radial component of the induction vector of the magnetic field in the
air-gap of the SM, in this work proposed to perform additional measurements of the tangential
ВT (tangential in the “electrical” sense to the radial component), and axial ВA (along the rotor
shaft) components of the induction vector of the magnetic field (flow), and have been
considered practical cases to perform additional measurements of the tangential component ВT.
The remaining part of this paper is structured as follows : Section I in short explains the
concept of measurement of the radial ВR, tangential ВT, and axial ВA components of the
induction vector B of the magnetic field (flow) in the air-gap of the SM, and aims of it. In
Section II considered as installed the radial R-sensor and tangential T-sensors in the air-gap of
the synchronous generator-motors. Registered signals of R-sensor and T-sensors in different
operational modes of the synchronous generator-motors and their analysis are considered in
Section III. General results of the work, and propositions for further directions of design and
applications of the system by the radial ВR, tangential ВT, and axial ВA components of the
induction vector B of the MF (flow) in the air-gap of the SM are given in the conclusion.
MF, the induction vector of which B is measured in Tesla (T), is determined by the
current I f and, accordingly, the excitation voltage V f , and the armature (stator) reaction,
depending on the size and nature (inductive, active, and capacitive) of the load. In a normal
technical condition of the SM, the MF parameters measured in the air-gap for each of the poles
of the rotor winding should be approximately the same. With significant volumes of short-
circuited turns of the poles of the rotor winding, there is a magnetic imbalance of the distribution
of the MF in the air-gap, which leads to an increase in the vibration of the shaft bearings and
their possible damage. The most reliable monitoring of MF in the air-gap of the SM can be
performed in the no load mode with excitation. In this mode, there is no armature (stator)
reaction, which affects the MF of each pole, equalizing their deviation, especially with a
significant load of the SM. Also, changes in the thermal state of the SM (temperature of the
windings and iron) when working under load can lead to the occurrence of short-circuited turns
of the rotor poles. In addition, the MF of SM working in a grid with powerful power electronics
converters used by the renewable energy sources (RES) can significantly distort the sinusoidal
signal of the rotor poles due to the influence of higher harmonic components (displacement of
the sinusoidal signal relative to the "0", change in shape sinusoids). The analysis of MF in the
air-gap of the SM can also be used to assess the technical condition of the damper windings
(DW) of the rotor (damage of the rods or violation of the contact connections of the DW) by
measuring the parameters of the MF in the transient modes of the SM (when in the DW flowing
currents) by comparison with an undamaged state before, and in operational modes.
There are a number of techniques available for the monitoring and diagnostics of power
units. Between them, the measurement and analysis of magnetic field’s parameters in air-gap
of SM apparently provides the earliest and most complete information on the technical
condition of the rotor, stator, and the mechanical part. But in the existing literature, and on the
practice, rarely shown using this technique. Also, may be marked that some provisions of this
technique are given only two standards: 1) International Standard “Condition monitoring and
diagnostics of machines – Hydroelectric generating units”, ISO 19283:2020(E) [1], and 2)
Standard IEEE 1129-2014 “Guide for Online Monitoring of Large Synchronous Generators (10
MVA and Above)” [2].
We proposed to consider the induction vector of the MF in the air-gap of SM in the
coordinate system: B r BR t BT aB A where r is the unit vector of the radial component
from rotor to stator, t is the unit vector of the tangential component (see further), and a is the
unit vector of the axial component along the rotor shaft. The principle of measuring the
tangential component ВT in air-gap of SM based on [3], [4], and the tangential ВT component
in the “electrical” sense shifted to the radial component at the angle , where p is the
2 p
quantity of pole pairs of the SM. The axial ВA component of the induction vector of the magnetic
field (flow) directed along the rotor shaft.
This work will present practice of measurement and practical applications of magnetic
flux sensors by radial (as usual, R-sensor) and tangential (that is new, T-sensor) axis in air-gap
of synchronous generator-motors on the Tashlyk pump-storage power plant (TPSPP). The R-
sensor measures the radial component of the magnetic flux from the rotor to the stator. Two T-
sensors are placed relative to the radial axis at the geometrical angle 4.1 , where
2 p
p = 22 is the quantity of pole pairs of the TPSPP synchronous generators – motors. The
geometrical angle ,° corresponds to the electric angle e = р = /2,° electrical. As the reaction
of the active loading of a synchronous generator-motor directed along a bisector of the angle
between the neighbor poles, this makes it possible to additionally take into account the armature
(stator) reaction, and so more precisely to measure the rotor poles flux profile and to detect
shorted turns, and additionally to calculate the rotor angle as: arctg T for control and
protection aims, where BT – output of T-sensor, and BR - output of R-sensor. To measure the
magnetic flux parameters in the air-gap of TPSPP synchronous generators- motors a set of
MF25 sensors of the VESKI company was used.
The aims and applications of measurement of magnetic field components in the air-gap
of electrical machines are shown in Table I:
So, a measurement of tangential component BT can be used for a more accurate estimate
mmf of rotor poles taking into account the armature reaction, for the estimation of inter-turn
insulation of rotor poles, stator winding, insulation of shaft bearings (control of bearing
currents), and to defining the rotor angle. The axial component BA also can be used for the
estimation of inter-turn insulation of rotor poles, stator winding, insulation of shaft bearings
(control of bearing currents), and as a trigger value for under-excitation limiter (UEL) of SM
excitation system, when the magnetic flux is squeezed out of the air-gap in the frontal zone of
the stator winding.
Currently, there are two main types of sensors used to measure the parameters of the
magnetic field (magnetic flux) in the SM air-gap: 1) sensors using the Hall effect (the main type
of sensors), 2) induction sensors [1]. Both types of sensors use the effect of proportional
electromotive force (emf) guidance under the influence of external MF. The output from the
sensors is sent to the signal converter, where it is amplified and adjusted.
It should be taken into account that the measurements should be sufficiently sensitive to
changes in the output signals of the MF sensors obtained for each pole of the rotor winding. For
example, the synchronous generator-motors of TPSPP have 44 poles of the rotor winding (22
pairs), and each pole has 24 turns. Accordingly, one short-circuited turn of the rotor pole will
reduce its mmf and, accordingly, the magnetic flux, by 1/24 = 0.0417 relative units (p. u.) or
To measure the MF parameters in the air-gap of the synchronous generator-motors of
TPSPP, a set of MFS25 sensors (one as an R-sensor, and two as T-sensors for generator and
motor operational modes) of the VESKI company was used (see The MF25 MF measurement kit includes: MFS25
measuring sensors with built-in cable for operation in high temperature environments. The
MFS25 sensor is intended for installation in the air-gap between the stator and the SM rotor flat
on the inner surface of the stator bore and has dimensions of 153x31x4 mm (L x W x H), and
MF converter MFC25. Technical characteristics of the MF measurement kit are given in the
Table II:
Table III. The name, location, and angles of MF sensors installed in an air-gap
of TPSPP synchronous generator-motors.
Fig. 2. Raw output signals of MF R-sensor and T-sensors for the motor operational mode
of TPSPP synchronous generator-motor 3GM.
On Fig. 2 orange color correspond the output signal of T-sensor МП1 with amplitude
about 1.1T, yellow color corresponds the output signal of R-sensor МП2 with amplitude about
1.3T, grey color corresponds the output signal of T-sensor МП3 with amplitude about 1.15T,
and blue color correspond the output signal of keyphasor (revolution sensor). For this
operational mode, we can observe the armature (stator) reaction on MF in the air-gap, when
increasing the tangential component of MF (measured T-sensor МП3, grey color) results in
decreasing the radial component of MF (measured R-sensor МП2, yellow color) for some rotor
poles. Also, using the equation (1) from table I we can estimate the rotor angle in this
B 1.15
operational motor mode as: arctg T arctg 41.5 .
BR 1.3
Next, we will consider the change in the MF components in the air-gap of the
synchronous generator-motors of the TPSPP for some modes of their operation, including
transient ones, using the converted output signals of the R-sensor and T-sensor:
a) b) c)
Fig. 3. Load (a), steady-state (b), and unloading (c) in the generator operational mode
of TPSPP synchronous generator-motor 1GM (P = 160 MW).
1-phase short circuit in the grid 330 kV in the motor operational mode of TPSPP
synchronous generator-motor 2GM (P = - 213 MW).
Fig. 4 shows changes in electrical parameters and magnetic field components in the air-
gap of TPSPP synchronous generator-motor 2GM, which works in motor operational mode (P
= - 213 MW), and the appearance of the 1-phase short circuit in the grid 330 kV:
Fig. 4. Changing of electrical parameters, and magnetic field components in the air-gap of
TPSPP synchronous generator-motor 2GM, which works in the motor operational mode
(P = - 213 MW), and the appearance of the 1-phase short circuit in the grid 330 kV.
Fig. 4a shows the converted output signals of MF R-sensor (cyan color), T-sensors
(green and red colors), active (magenta color) and reactive (yellow color) power, and stator
voltage (blue color) in the motor operational mode of TPSPP synchronous generator-motor
2GM. In the steady-state motor operation mode with parameters active power P = - 213 MW,
reactive power Q = -18 MVAr, terminal voltage Vt = 16 kV the MF parameters in air-gap are
BR (МП2) ≈ 1.372 T, BTG (МП1) ≈ 1.325 T, BTM (МП3) ≈ 1.352 T, and calculated rotor angle
is δ ≈ 44.6°. At time moment 3:11:46 appearance the 1-phase short-circuit in the grid 330 kV,
and as shown in Fig. 4b due to excitation forcing and armature reaction, the MF parameters in
air-gap are increasing to values BR (МП2) ≈ 1.383 T, BTG (МП1) ≈ 1.333 T, BTM (МП3) ≈ 1.36
T, and calculated rotor angle is δ ≈ 44.5°. At the initial moment of this short-circuit in Fig. 4b
we can observe the demagnetized action of armature reaction that decreases the tangential
component of MF BTM0 (МП3) ≈ 1.348 T at other practically constant MF components (small
“breaking” effect of short-circuit). Further, the synchronous generator-motor 2GM is working
with increasing MF parameters in air-gap (after the short-circuit), which is a non-conventional
Fig. 5 shows the changing of MF components into the air-gap of TPSPP synchronous
generator-motor 3GM that works in generator and synchronous condenser operation modes.
Fig. 5 shows the converted output signals of MF R-sensor (green color) and T-sensors
(cyan and red colors) in the air-gap of TPSPP synchronous generator-motor 3GM that works in
generator and synchronous condenser operation modes. Generator operation modes are left and
right, and synchronous condenser mode is middle on the Fig. 5. We can see, that for generator
operation mode the output signals of T-sensors for measurement of MF tangential components
in generator and motor operational modes are different, while for synchronous condenser
operational modes this parameters the same. This can be explained by the fact that in the mode
of the synchronous compensator in the air-gap of the generator-motor there is no slope of the
magnetic field lines, and with the same angle of displacement of the T-sensors relative to the
radial axis, a signal of the same magnitude is induced in them.
We are considering the system for measuring components of magnetic field (flow)
vector induction B in air-gap of synchronous machines. In addition to measuring the radial
component BR of the induction vector of the magnetic field in the air-gap of the SM, it is
proposed to perform additional measurements of the tangential ВT (tangential in the “electrical”
sense to the radial component), and axial ВA (along the rotor shaft) components of the induction
vector of the magnetic field (flow). That is, we consider the induction vector of the magnetic
field into the air- gap of synchronous machines in the coordinate system: B r BR t BT aB A
where r is the unit vector of the radial component from rotor to stator, t is the unit vector of
the tangential component, that shifted relative
radial component by the half of angle between
the neighbor poles (along bisector), and a is the unit vector of the axial component along the
rotor shaft. The proposed system may be used for condition monitoring, protection, and control
of synchronous machines with the following advantages:
- at rotor condition monitoring (estimate mmf of rotor poles of synchronous machines) can
take into account the armature reaction due to measuring the tangential component BT,
- increasing tangential ВT and axial ВA components can be used as a trigger for estimation of
inter-turn insulation of rotor poles, stator winding, insulation of shaft bearings (control of
bearing currents),
- values of the radial BR and tangential ВT components allow to calculation of the rotor angle
of the synchronous machine without all delays and noises as input of power system stabilizer,
- values of the axial component BA can be used as a trigger value for the under-excitation
limiter (UEL) of the synchronous machine excitation system when the magnetic flux is
squeezed out of the air-gap into the frontal zone of the stator winding.
Installed on TPSPP systems for monitoring magnetic fields in air-gaps of synchronous
generator-motors by radial and tangential components allowed to see and detect some non-
obvious effects:
- increasing the tangential component ВT of the magnetic field results relative to a decrease in
the radial component BR of the magnetic field for some rotor poles, that possibly connected
to their technical condition or difference in parameters,
- at the initial moment of short-circuits are observing the demagnetized action of armature
reaction that decreasing the tangential component of magnetic field with other practically
constantly components in air-gap (small “breaking” effect of short-circuit). Further the
synchronous generator-motors are working with increasing magnetic field parameters in air-
gap (with a more saturated magnetic system).
Propositions relative to further development, design, and applications of systems for
monitoring magnetic fields in air-gaps of synchronous machines include:
- installation of the A-sensor for measuring the axial component BA of the induction vector of
the magnetic field (flow) in air-gap to realize the above-mentioned opportunities,
- design of a 3D sensor for opportunity measuring the radial component BR, tangential
component ВT, and axial component ВA of the induction vector of the magnetic field (flow) in
synchronous machine air-gap in one place, and measurement range to 2 T,
- creation of a database of changes in magnetic field parameters in the air-gap of synchronous
machines during various steady-state and transient processes as the basis of the technical
condition monitoring system and for use in the proposed protection and control functions,
- supplementing existing or developing new standards that describe and regulate the use of the
radial component BR, tangential component ВT, and axial component ВA of the induction vector
of the magnetic field (flow) into synchronous machine air-gap for condition monitoring,
protection, and control.
[1] ISO 19283:2020 (E) “Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Hydroelectric
generating units”, pages 1-70.
[2] IEEE 1129-2014 “Guide for Online Monitoring of Large Synchronous Generators (10
MVA and Above)”, pages 1-62.
[3] Agamalov O. M. Patent of Ukraine No. 66405. “Device for measuring the rotor runout
angle of synchronous machines”. Bul. No. 5, 2004 H02 P9/10, H02 P9/12.
[4] Oleg N. Agamalov “Fuzzy Field Power System Stabilizer of Synchronous Generator”, WAC-
2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9673-0, pages 7-13.