Profile of Rheumatoid Factor in Pregnant Women at The University Hospital Center For Mother and Child (Chu-Me)
Profile of Rheumatoid Factor in Pregnant Women at The University Hospital Center For Mother and Child (Chu-Me)
Profile of Rheumatoid Factor in Pregnant Women at The University Hospital Center For Mother and Child (Chu-Me)
RN), Chad. *
Tariam Djibangar Agnès, National Reference University Hospital
Faculty of Human Health Sciences, University of Ndjamena,
Laboratoire (CHU-RN), Chad.
Received: 21 Jun 2024; Accepted: 07 Sep 2024; Published: 18 Sep 2024
University Center for Mother and Child (CHU-ME), Chad.
Citation: Agnes TD, Mahamat AA, Moussa AM, et al. Profile of Rheumatoid Factor in Pregnant Women at the University Hospital
Center for Mother and Child (Chu-Me). Clin Immunol Res. 2024; 8(2): 1-4.
Introduction: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the most common chronic inflammatory rheumatism, predominantly
affecting women. The general objective of our study is to contribute to the management of pregnant women with RA
at CHU-ME in N'Djamena.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study analyzed the Rheumatoid Factor (Latex Test) in 60 parturients at
the prenatal consultation (CPN) of CHU-ME from January 1st to March 31st, 2024. The serological analysis of the
RF was determined by an agglutination test on a slide. The variables studied were sociodemographic, clinical, and
biological. Results were expressed in average, percentage with standard deviation.
Results: Out of 60 samples analyzed, we identified 3 cases of RF positivity in pregnant women showing a rate of 5%.
The average age of parturients was 22 years old, ranging from 18 to 40. Most pregnant women had a secondary
education level (40%), and 91.66% resided in urban areas. Multiparous women represented 75%, from whom most
of them shows no clinical signs (60%) or medical history (91.66%).
Conclusion: RF is a preventive factor against the progression to more severe stages of RA, contributing to the
reduction of prenatal mortality risks.
Blood Sampling
Blood was drawn by puncturing a peripheral vein into a dry tube.
The methodology for performing the tests included three phases:
Pre-analytical Phase Legend: Negative reaction (circles 1 and 2); Positive (circle 3)
This included all conditions implemented before testing, such Picture 1: Rheumatoid Factor Latex Test.
as withdrowing blood from patients and sending the samples to
the laboratory. Proper procedures included wearing a clean lab Biological Parameter
coat, washing hands, wearing gloves, cleaning the workspace, ◊ The Rheumatoid Factor
identifying and recording tubes in the bench log. The prevalence of RA in pregnant women is 5%.
Sample Collection 5%
Blood was collected from the elbow fold (or the back of the hand (n=3)
Analytical phase
This involved performing the Rheumatoid Factor analysis using
the agglutination test. 95 %
Used Reagents
1. Rheumatoid Factors (RF) - Latex Slide Test Ref 31013 lot Positive
42185: a suspension of polystyrene particles coated with
gamma globulins. Picture 2: Prevalence of RA in Pregnant Women.
60% of the patients had no clinical signs. Fever was the most
common clinical sign in 16.66% of cases.
Picture 3: Division of Patients by Residence.
Statistical Analysis
◊ Age Data entry was performed using Microsoft Excel®. Statistical
Table 1: Division of Patients by Age. analysis was conducted using Epi Info® 2008 (version 3.5.1).
Age (years) n % Comparisons between different variables were made using non-
18-25 28 46,66 parametric Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. A p-value of
26-35 24 40 0.05 was considered the threshold for significance.
36-40 8 13,34
Total 60 100 Ethical Considerations
The inquiry was conducted after obtaining informed and written
In this study, the most represented age group was 18-25 years old, consent from the patients. Anonymity and confidentiality of the
with a rate of 46.66%. The average age is 22 years with extremes obtained information were guaranteed.
of 18 to 40 years.
◊ Educational Level In our study, we recorded 60 pregnant women, with a prevalence
Table 2: Division of Patients by Educational Level.
rate of 5%. Urban residents constituted the majority, that is to say
Educational Level n %
Primary 6 10
91.66%. Women aged 18-25 years years had a representation rate
Secondary 24 40 of 46.66%, with an average age of 22 years old, ranging from 18
Higher Education 9 15 to 40 years. According to the education level, 40% had secondary
Unschooled 21 35 education, and multiparous women were the most represented at
Total 60 100 75%.
The majority of patients had secondary education with a frequency In terms of medical history, 91.66% of the patients had no prior
of 40%, followed by unschooled patients at 35%. medical history, and fever was the most dominant clinical sign at 60%.
Clinical Characteristics of Patients
◊ Parity
Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Table 3: Division of Patients by Parity.
Only RF serology by LATEX test (Biosystems) was our biological
Parity n %
parameter. We recorded three (03) positive cases of RF by slide
Primiparous 15 25
Nulliparous 0 0
agglutination test, a prevalence rate of 5%, with 95% of cases
Multiparous 45 75 being RF seronegative. Our results matched the data reported by
Total 60 100 BERRICHI Celia et al. in Algeria in 2022 [6] and Sabrine S. [1].
In this study, 75% of the patients were multiparous. With a specificity of 65-85% and sensitivity of 60-80%, RF (Latex
Test) [1], RF can be found in other rheumatic or inflammatory
◊ Medical History diseases, as it is not specific to RA. During pregnancy, there is an
Table 4: Division of Patients by Medical History. increase in the production of gonadal (estrogen and progesterone)
Medical History n % and adrenal (cortisol) sex steroids throughout pregnancy [7].
Rheumatic 5 8.34
Inflammatory 0 0 Sociodemographic Characteristics of Patients
None 55 91.66 In our study, pregnant women aged from 18-25 represented
Total 60 100 46.66%, followed by those aged from 26-35 (40%) and 36-40
© 2024 Agnes TD, et al. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License