A Small Molecule Screen Identifies An Inhibitor of
A Small Molecule Screen Identifies An Inhibitor of
A Small Molecule Screen Identifies An Inhibitor of
398 Chemistry & Biology 21, 398–407, March 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
screening, we exposed cells to the drugs for 12 hr, irradiated and showed almost complete inhibitory activity at 1 and 10 mM
them with UVC (60J/m2) and postincubated them for 3 hr in and a partial response (40% inhibition) at submicromolar con-
drug-free media before processing for (6-4)PP HTM immunoflu- centration (Figure 1D).
orescence, using anti-(6-4)PP antibody (Mori et al., 1991). As In the chemical library, some compounds were structurally
proof of principle, use of HeLa cells knocked down for the NER related to SP (Figure 1E). We tested several of these chemicals
factor XPA (Le May et al., 2010) was associated with 70% resid- individually and observed no potent inhibition of NER (Figure 1F).
ual (6-4)PP lesions 3 hr postirradiation, in marked contrast to the Eplerenone (Figure 1E) is a SP derivative designed to enhance
shRNA control cells that displayed 10% residual (6-4)PP signal the selective binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor (de Gas-
(Figure 1B). paro et al., 1987). However, Eplerenone did not significantly
Prestwick Chemical Library (http://www.prestwickchemical. inhibit NER in our assay (Figure 1F). We concluded from these
com/index.php?pa=26) containing 1,200 small molecules was experiments that the effect of SP in preventing the removal of
then used at a 10 mM single point concentration. More than DNA lesions by NER is an additional and highly specific function
90% of the chemicals had no effect on NER with a (6-4)PP signal of this molecule, independent from its aldosterone antagonist
<20% of the initial signal measured just after UV irradiation (Fig- function. We therefore focused on this compound for the subse-
ure 1C and Figure S1 available online). The compounds that quent analyses.
had resulted in a (6-4)PP signal higher than 80% were studied.
Six of these compounds were excluded because they showed SP Increases Cell Sensitivity to UV and Cisplatin
a high cellular toxicity following the pre-irradiation incubation, Treatment
which may explain the NER inhibition. We also excluded A hallmark of NER-deficient cells is their sensitivity to UV- or
Merbromin as a false positive because it has a major excitation cisplatin-induced DNA lesions (Furuta et al., 2002; Gillet and
peak at 498 nm, the wavelength used in our screening. Finally, Schärer, 2006). In a survival assay, SP-treated cells were more
only the SP, an aldosterone antagonist that binds to the sensitive to UVC irradiation or cisplatin treatment, compared
mineralocorticoid receptors, was retained as a potential NER to vehicle (DMSO)-treated control cells (Figures 2A and 2B,
inhibitor candidate. SP was tested at different concentrations respectively). Furthermore, viability values of cells treated with
400 Chemistry & Biology 21, 398–407, March 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
SP (10 mM) alone and determined using 7-AAD staining of dead We also analyzed the amount of endogenous XPB directly
cells showed no significant cytotoxic activity of this compound in vivo by immunofluorescence. The intensity of the nuclear
following 24 hr incubation (Figure 2C). staining of XPB was strongly reduced after 2 hr treatment with
We then prepared nuclear extracts (NE) from HeLa cells SP (Figures 3D, panels b–d, and S2D). In contrast, immunostain-
treated with SP (10 mM) for 2 hr and tested them in a dual incision ing of the same cells with anti-XPC antibody did not reveal sig-
of a single 1,3-intrastrand d(GpTpG) cisplatin-DNA crosslink nificant differences (Figures 3D, panels a–c, and S2D). Using
in vitro (Coin et al., 2006). NEs prepared from SP-treated cells live cell imaging, we also monitored the decrease in the nuclear
were highly deficient in dual incision assay (Figure 2D), indicating concentration of exogenous XPB by time-lapse microscopy
that SP affects one of the basal steps of NER. Finally, we following SP treatment of HeLa cells transfected with XPB-
analyzed whether the inhibition induced by SP was restricted GFP (Oksenych et al., 2009). The homogenous nuclear XPB
to NER or included other DNA repair pathways. For this purpose, signal progressively decreased within the time frame of the SP
we estimated the rate of double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair treatment (Figure 3E; Movie S1), without any modification of
by analyzing the persistence of phosphorylated histone H2AX XPB cellular localization (Movie S1). In total agreement with the
(gH2AX) taking place after treatment with the DSB-inducer neo- data on endogenous XPB (Figure S2B), we estimated the half-
carzinostatin (NCS). In unsynchronized cells, the DSB repair rate life of exogenous XPB to be 70 min in the presence of SP.
in SP-treated cells was not reduced in clear contrast to the These results indicate that SP induces a rapid decrease of the
persistence of phospho-H2AX induced by the treatment with XPB concentration in the nucleus without cellular relocalization
the DNA-PK inhibitor NU7026 (Figure 2E). These findings sug- of the protein.
gest that SP selectively inhibits NER over DSB repair.
SP Induced Ubiquitin-Activating Enzyme- and
SP Downregulates XPB Proteasome-Dependent Degradation of XPB
The above results indicate that SP hinders a crucial step of the We next investigated the mechanism of SP-induced XPB
NER reaction that occurs by sequential assembly of repair fac- downregulation. Two hour treatment with SP or DMSO was not
tors at the site of DNA damage (Volker et al., 2001). Therefore, associated with any detectable differences in the levels of XPB
we examined the distribution of NER factors 15 min after UV mRNA (Figure 4A) indicating a direct effect of SP at the protein
irradiation (100 J/m2) using HeLa cells covered with isopore pol- level. Indeed, addition of the proteasome inhibitor MG-132
ycarbonate filters with 5 mm diameter pores (Volker et al., 2001). during SP treatment preserved XPB protein levels (Figure 4B).
In control cells, immunostaining against the damage recognition We next used PYR-41, a small molecule chemical inhibitor of
factor XPC showed that it was located in discrete local spots of ubiquitin-activating enzymes (Yang et al., 2007). HeLa cells
the nucleus corresponding to irradiated areas (Figure 3A, panels pretreated with PYR-41 did not show any decrease of XPB
a, e, and i). In these cells, p62 (a subunit of TFIIH), XPA, and XPF following incubation with SP (Figure 4C). Finally, XPB interacts
colocalized with the XPC spots, indicating that they were effi- with Sug1, a component of the 26S proteasome (Weeda et al.,
ciently recruited to the damaged sites (Figure 3A, panels c, g, 1997). Accordingly, siRNA-mediated knock down of Sug1
and k). Surprisingly, while XPC continued to accumulate effi- partially restored XPB protein level in SP-treated cells (Figures
ciently on UV-irradiated spots of the SP-treated cells (Figure 3A, 4C and S2E). Together, these findings suggest a critical role
panels b, f, and j), p62, XPA, and XPF did not (Figure 3A, panels for ubiquitin-activating enzymes and the proteasome in the
d, h, and i). downregulation of XPB induced by SP.
We then initiated a systematic analysis of the relative amounts
of NER factors in nuclear extracts obtained from SP-treated SP-Induced XPB Degradation Impairs Transcription
cells lysed at different time points. While the amounts of the Besides its role in DNA repair, TFIIH is also a basal transcription
NER factors XPC, XPA, RPA, XPG, and XPF remained un- factor involved in the hormone-dependent transcriptional
changed along the time course, we noticed a rapid decrease response (Compe and Egly, 2012). As a consequence, the effect
of the concentration of XPB, the biggest TFIIH subunit, after of SP on gene expression was studied in HeLa cells by moni-
2 hr treatment with SP (Figure 3B). TFIIH is a ten-subunit factor toring the transcription of Cyp26 and RARb2, two retinoic acid
(Compe and Egly, 2012): all core subunits that we tested (p62, (t-RA)-responsive genes (Le May et al., 2012). We observed
p52, p44, or TTDA) were reduced by 6 hr after SP treatment that 2 hr of exposure to SP (10 mM) before incubation with t-RA
compared to DMSO vehicle control (Figure 3B). However, the over 6 hr resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of Cyp26 and
downregulation of these subunits clearly took place at a slower RARb2 gene expression (Figures 5A and 5B). In addition, in an
rate compared to XPB (Figure S2A). Using a shorter time in vitro transcription assay (Gerard et al., 1991), we noticed a
course, we determined the half-life of XPB to be 70 min reduced transcriptional activity of the NESP that can be restored
(Figure S2B). following the addition of purified TFIIH (Figure 5C, compare
The results above suggest that the SP-induced NER defi- lanes 7–9 with 10–12). These data demonstrated that the SP-
ciency is due to a defect in TFIIH. To test this hypothesis, we sup- induced degradation of XPB impairs both basal and activated
plemented NESP with highly purified TFIIH (Coin et al., 1998) mRNA transcription.
(Figure S2C) in a NER assay and observed a clear recovery of
dual incision (Figure 3C, compare lanes 7–9 to 10–12). In a Reversion of SP-Induced Degradation of XPB
normal situation, TFIIH is not a limiting factor because its addition We next tested whether the SP-induced degradation of XPB was
to NEDMSO did not increase DNA repair (Figure 3C, compare reversible. Following treatment of HeLa cells with SP (10 mM)
lanes 1–3 to 4–6). for 4 hr, the drug was removed and fresh medium was added
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
before cells were lysed at different recovery time points. We with the restoration of the XPB protein levels, we observed a
observed a progressive recovery of XPB protein level along the recovery of (6-4)PP removal that reached the levels of the
time course of the recovery time (Figure 6A), which was pre- DMSO-treated control cells, 6 hr after the removal of SP (Fig-
vented by addition of cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of the ure 6C). These observations indicate that SP-induced degrada-
de novo protein synthesis (Figure 6B, lanes 3 and 6). Together tion of XPB is rapidly reversible.
402 Chemistry & Biology 21, 398–407, March 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
(Hickson et al., 2004; Willmore et al., 2004), but SP showed purified TFIIH to NESP was enough to induce a complete recov-
at least some NER inhibitory activity even at submicromolar ery of DNA repair. Importantly for the use of SP as a chemosen-
concentration. sitizer, its effect on XPB was shown to be reversible because
At the molecular level, SP was proposed in an in silico screen- normal cellular concentrations of TFIIH and NER activity were
ing approach to inhibit the interaction between ERCC1 and XPA quickly restored after SP-removal. SP also impaired the transac-
(Barakat et al., 2009). However, in our hands, SP targets an even tivation of t-RA responsive genes upon ligand addition ex vivo
upstream NER factor by inducing the potent degradation of XPB, as well as the basal transcription in vitro. Strikingly, addition of
a subunit of the basal transcription/repair factor TFIIH. Such purified TFIIH to SP-treated NE was sufficient to restore tran-
degradation seems to depend both on ubiquitin-activating en- scription. Together, these results pinpoint the high specific
zymes and on the 26S proteasome pathway. In the human ubiq- effect of SP on XPB at least in NER and in basal transcription
uitylation pathway, ubiquitin is adenylated either by UBA1 or processes. Thus, SP could serve as an exquisite tool to further
UBA6, the two only ubiquitin-activating enzymes (Jin et al., investigate the regulation and function of TFIIH. Indeed, drug-
2007). Because the degradation of XPB depends both on ubiqui- induced protein degradation offers the possibility of a fine
tin-activating enzymes and on the 26S proteasome, we conclude temporal control over protein levels, compared to RNAi and
that XPB undergoes rapid ubiquitylation after SP-treatment that biochemical methods that only allow for the constitutive removal
leads to its quick degradation by the proteasome pathway. of the protein.
Because TFIIH is also a transcription factor, treatment with SP Interestingly, the molecular disruption of TFIIH by SP sensi-
induces an inhibition of basal or activated transcription both tized tumor cells to platinum-based chemotherapy. The pres-
in vivo and in vitro. We noted, however, that the basal transcrip- ence of SP was associated with increased cytotoxicity of
tion was less hindered compared to DNA repair in vitro in the cisplatin and, to a lesser degree, oxaliplatin toward ovarian and
presence of SP. This was in agreement with the fact that SP- colon carcinoma cells, respectively. This finding may have
treated cells showed very little toxicity and as thus did not important clinical implications, because the combination of SP
seem to be much affected in their capacity to transcribe genes. and platinum could reduce the risk of relapse by increasing
Overall, it appears that a reduction in the amount of TFIIH primary tumor cell mortality. Alternatively, this might allow a shift to
affects DNA repair before transcription. This observation was lower dose of platinum-based compounds that would reduce
already made in trichotyodystrophy patients who display muta- the toxic side effects. Such strategy would be particularly attrac-
tions in subunits of TFIIH leading to a strong reduction of the tive for cancers such as ovarian carcinoma where SP could be
amount of TFIIH with a defect in NER but a rather stable administrated together with cisplatin as an intraperitoneal infu-
transcription activity in vitro (Vermeulen et al., 2000). sion, where very high drug concentrations can be reached and
One can then question the specificity of SP on TFIIH. Although where the transcriptional impact of SP on normal cells could
this is a difficult question to tackle, several arguments can be be limited. Ovarian cancer is the ninth most common cancer
made on this matter. First, using local UV irradiation, we have among women and ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women,
mapped the NER defect induced by SP and identified a defi- accounting for more deaths than any other cancer of the female
ciency in the recruitment of TFIIH and downstream NER factors reproductive system (Coleman et al., 2013). Thus, SP-mediated
(i.e., XPA or XPF) to the local damaged sites, while the TFIIH- inhibition of NER emerges as a possible strategy for enhancing
upstream NER factor XPC was normally recruited. Second, the efficacy of platinum derivatives although additional work
using an in vitro dual incision assay, we show that addition of will be necessary to determine the consequences of the
404 Chemistry & Biology 21, 398–407, March 20, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
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DNA Repair Inhibitor Targets XPB Helicase
administration of SP on XPB stability in vivo and on the transcrip- by XPC and is required for the subsequent recruitment of
tion activity of normal cells. XPA, XPG, and ERCC1-XPF. In the presence of spironolac-
Although administration of SP is not harmful in humans, prob- tone, XPC is still recruited to the damage but XPA, XPG,
ably due to its metabolization in the liver (Los et al., 1994), our and ERCC1-XPF are not. We also observed that the removal
study also addressed the consequences of long-term oral of spironolactone leads to a rapid recovery of XPB protein
administration of SP. This molecule has been used as a diuretic and NER activity showing the reversibility of spironolactone
and as an antihypertensive drug for more than 30 years. How- action. We also demonstrate that cotreatment of various
ever, an early study indicated a potential tumorigenic effect tumor cells with spironolactone and platinum derivatives
when administrated to rats in the diet (Lumb et al., 1978). Defect leads to reduced IC50 showing the potentialization of plat-
of NER in human causes genetic disorders that predispose inum treatment in the presence of our NER inhibitor.
patients to cancers (Lehmann, 2011). Because patients may
receive daily doses of spironolactone for several years, it would EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
be important to reexamine the chronic effects of SP on patient
tissues following long-term SP treatment. Cell Lines
Parental A2780 and cisplatin-resistant A2780/CP70 ovarian carcinoma cells
were kindly provided by Robert Brown (Imperial College London, UK) while
SIGNIFICANCE the HCT-116 colon carcinoma cells were a gift from Bert Vogelstein (John
Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD). Oxaliplatin-resistant HCT-
116 (HCT-116/oxa) cells were developed in the laboratory of Annette K. Larsen
In this work, we have used a drug repositioning approach
as described (Petitprez et al., 2013). The nucleotide excision repair capacity
and drug screening to isolate inhibitors of the nucleotide of the four cell lines as determined by unscheduled DNA synthesis following
excision repair (NER) pathway that deals with bulky DNA le- UVC radiation has been described previously (Soares et al., 2011).
sions. NER is a fundamental repair pathway that particularly
repairs platinum-derived lesions used in anticancer chemo- Cell Viability Assays
therapy to kill tumor cells. The rationale behind our idea was The HeLa cell line was plated (25,000 cells per well in 6-well Petri dishes),
that any potent NER inhibitor could be used as an adjuvant in cultured overnight, and treated with 10 mM spironolactone or 0.1% DMSO
(control cells) for 4 hr before irradiation with various doses of UVC (Philips
platinum-based therapy to increase its efficiency by hinder-
TUV lamp, predominantly 254 nm) or exposition to various doses of cisplatin
ing cellular mechanisms that naturally reduce its efficacy. for 1 hr. Four days later, cells were stained with 0.2% Crystal Violet (Sigma).
The advantage of drug repositioning is that drugs tested After washing with tap water and drying, the stain was solubilized with 1%
are usually not cytotoxic, and their application for any given SDS and the optical density was measured by 96-well plate reader (595 nm).
new therapy may be quicker because these molecules are All values are averages of at least three independent experiments each done
already used in the human. Using this approach, we isolated in duplicate.
spironolactone as a potent NER inhibitor. The mechanism of
MTT Cytotoxicity Assay
spironolactone-induced NER inhibition was also investi-
Cancer cells were exposed to cisplatin or oxaliplatin in the presence of various
gated, and we found that one NER factor, the XPB helicase modulators (10 mM) for 120 hr and the cellular viability was determined by the
of TFIIH, was specifically degraded a few minutes after MTT tetrazolium dye [3-(4,5-dimethyl- thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium
addition of the drug. XPB is recruited to the damaged area bromide] assay (Sigma) as previously described (Poindessous et al., 2003).
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7-AAD Cytotoxicity Assay ascites. Anti-XPF (Ab-5 clone 51) antibody was obtained from Thermo
HeLa cells were treated with DMSO, 10 mM SP, or 2.5 mM cis-diammineplati- Fisher Scientific, anti-phospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139) (clone JBW301) from
num (II) dichloride (Sigma) for 24 hr, stained with 7-aminoactinomycin D Millipore, anti-XPC (A301-122A) from Bethyl; XPB degradation was also
(7-AAD Viability Dye, Beckman Coulter) according to manufacturer’s instruc- verified using anti-XPB antibody (S-19) from Santa-Cruz Biotechnology.
tions, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Anti-6-4PP were from Cosmobio (64M-2).
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