Biology Ss 2

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1. The process where living organism survive and responds to change in environment is called (a)
irritability (b) adaptation (c) movement (d) reproduction

2. Which of the following is a primary cause of air pollution? (a) Burning of fossil fuels (b) Deforestation
(c) Over population (d) Industrial estate

3. The following are agencies responsible for conservation of natural resources except _____ (a) FEPA (b)
forest department (c) River basin development authorities (d) United Nation conservation

4. The bony framework of the body responsible for carrying out life process is called _______ (a)
skeleton (b) cartilage (c) cuticle (d) bone

5. The process where an organism sheds off its old skeleton and grows a new one is called (a) muting (b)
shedding (c) ecdysis (d) scouching

6. What is the primary function of the cell wall in a bacterial cell? (a) To provide shape (b) To regulate
metabolism (c) To synthesize proteins (d) To transport nutrients

7. Which of the following micro-organisms is used for production of yogurt? (a) Saccharomyces (b)
Eschorichia (c) Lactobacillus (d) Aspergillus

8. Which of the following adaptative features enables bird to fly? (a) Hollow bones (b) Light weight
feathers (c) Powerful muscles (d) Stream line body

9. Which of the following Pollution contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer? (a) Carbon
monoxide (b) Sulphur dioxide (c) Chloroflourocarbon (d) Nitrogen oxide

10. The flatbones in the skull are joined by means of joint called _______ (a) maxilla (b) mandible (c) rib
(d) sutures

11. Structural adaptation of living organisms has to do mostly with the _______ (a) body regulation (b)
body functions (c) body colour (d) body size

12. Non-pathogenic organisms are usually ______ (a) harmful (b) beneficial (c) none of the above (d) all
of the above
13. Plants that lives in aquatic habitat are usually called _____ (a) mosophyte (b) hydrophyte (c)
xerophyte (d) lilophyte

14. Resources that cannot be recovered or replaced after being used are called _______ (a) renewable
(b) conservable (c) non-renewable (d) peonty

15. The DNA present in both virus and bacteria stands for ______ (a) Denatured natural acid (b)
deoxyribonucleic acid (c) deoxyribonitrogenious acid (d) Denatured ribonucleic acid

16. The type of skeleton possessed by soft bodied animals is called _____ (a) hydrostatic skeleton (b)
exoskeleton (c) anernones skeleton (d) soft skeleton

17. Housefly are majorly carriers of ______ (a) malaria (b) yellow fever (c) cholera (d) plague

18. The instrument used in the laboratory to measure the amount of light that can pass through a liquid
medium is called ____ (a) photometer (b) spectrophotometer (c) microcsope (d) telescope

19. The branch of biology that studies organisms that are microcsopic in nature is called ______ (a)
physiology (b) pathology (c) microbiology (d) anatomy

20. Bacteria that can exist as aerobic and anaerobic form are called _____ (a) facultative (b) extra
aerobic (c) full anaerobic (d) double bacteria

21. Which of the following adaptative feature enables fish to survive in aquatic environment by gaseous
exchange? (a) Streamlined body (b) Gills (c) Scales (d) Webbed feet

22. Plants that lives in extremely dry place are called _______ (a) mosophytes (b) thallophytes (c)
xerophyte (d) aderiophytes

23. Which of the following pollutants is responsible for acid rain? (a) Carbondioxide (b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Nitrogen oxide (d) Ozone

24. What is the main reason/purpose for establishing national parks? (a) To promote tourism (b) To
conserve wildlife (c) To exploit natural resources (d) To conduct scientific research

25. The inoculated micro-organisms are usually placed in a dark cupboard on _________ in a laboratory.
(a) Heater (b) Warmer (c) Incubator (d) Sterilizer

26. The following are examples of virus except (a) histovirus (b) togavirus (c) coronavirus (d) picornavirus

27. The following are consequences of water pollution except ______ (a) decrease in quality of aquatic
life (b) decrease in water borne disease (c) improved water quality (d) increment in aquatic animal life

28. The ball and socket joint moves in about (a) 50° (b) 180° (c) 45° (d) 360°
29. Chameleon are able to camouflage i.e change two colours of its body in order to ______ (a) enjoy
the coldness of its environment (b) hide from predators (c) see predators clearly (d) feed in the night

30. The following are methods of purifying water except ______ (a) boiling (b) soiling (c) distillation (d)

31. Animals that are capable of transferring diseases are called _______ (a) Pathogens (b) parasites (c)
vectors (d) diseases

32. Backbone that are framework present in vertebrate can also be called ______ (a) vertebral column
(b) axial cord (c) appendicular box (d) neural spine

33. ______ is an example of a natural cause of air pollution. (a) Burning of coal (b) Smoking of cigarettes
(c) Volcanic eruption (d) Natural gas

34. The method of measuring growth of micro-organisms that forms colonies on the petri dish is called
______ (a) second method (b) first method (c) third method (d) fourth method

35. The type of pollution that is associated with loss of hearing, emotional disorder and anxiety is called
_______ (a) land pollution (b) noise pollution (c) air pollution (d) water pollution

36. Throat bacteria in their simple description can be called ______ (a) diplococci (b) staphylococci (c)
stroptococci (d) tetran

37. Tse-tse fly is a vector carrying trypanosomaisis which transfer the disease called ______ (a) cholera
(b) malaria (c) thyphoid (d) sleeping sickness

38. A micro-organism is inoculated into a solution for proper culturing analysis, such solution is called
______ (a) Algae (b) Agar (c) Syrup (d) Magnesium

39. Vitamin D, a mineral needed for a healthy bone can also be called _____ (a) Retinol (b)
Cyanocobalamin (c) Riboflavin (d) Calciforot

40. The commonest group of micro-organism found around us is the ______ (a) virus (b) bacteria (c)
algae (d) fungi

41. The process of measuring growth that involves measuring turbidity in a petri dish is ______ (a) third
method (b) second method (c) first method (d) fourth method

42. The number of vertebra that is found in man is ______ (a) 45 (b) 57 (c) 33 (d) 30

43. _____ is the compound from the atmosphere that mixes with heamoglobin in the red blood cell,
which reduces it capacity to transport oxygen. (a) Co2 (b) No2 (c) So2 (d) So3

44. The type of skeletal material that is found in the external ear (pinna) is called _____ (a) fibrio-
cartilage (b) hyalic cartilage (c) elastic cartilage (d) bony cartilage
45. The simplest and the smallest micro-organism are the _______ (a) pathogens (b) algae (c) bacteria
(d) virus

46. The second cervical vertebral that is found in man is called _______ (a) centrum (b) axis (c) facet (d)

47. An environment that is free from the intervention of contaminating materials in the process of
culturing is called _____ (a) practical environment (b) culturing environment (c) sterile environment (d)
inoculating environment

48. The skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum are all component of the _______ (a) Appendicular
skeleton (b) Axial skeleton (c) Fluid skeleton (d) Exoskeleton

49. _______ are microcsopic green plant that are majorly found in the aquatic habitat. (a) Algae (b) Virus
(c) Bacteria (d) Protozoa

50. ______ allows for the twisting and turning of the head. (a) Atlas (b) Spine (c) Axis (d) Sternum

Section B Theory

Answer any four questions

1. What is adaptation?

b. Give two adaptive features each of the following organisms to their habitat:

I. Adaptation of tadpole to its aquatic environment

II. Adaptation of chameleon to its environment.

III. Adaptation of birds for flight.

IV. Adaptation of fish to its aquatic environment.

2. With 2 examples each, define the following:

I. Renewable resources

II. Non-renewable resources.

III. Pollution.

3. A laboratory experiment diagnosed the presence of a tiny micro-organism in an inculcating process. It

was easily observable with an ordinary microcsope, having a slimy capsule cell wall, a cell membrane
and a nuclear material called DNA which spreads through the cell.

I. What is the micro-organism under observation

II. Describe in details the type of micro-organisms under observation.

III. Illustrate with a labelled diagram the micro-organism under observation.

4. List 2 examples each of the following:

a. Water and food borne disease

b. Airborne disease

c. Vector borne disease

d. Sexually transmitted disease

e. Anaerobic bacteria

5. Give a detailed experiment to demonstrate the presence of micro-organisms in the air

6. What is a skeleton?

b. Give 2 differences between a bone and a cartilage

c. In a tabular format, list 4 vertebra present in mammals and where they are located.

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