Shim ReStackor User Manual

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Shim ReStackor User Manual

Shim ReStackor User Manual

Spreadsheets: ………………………………………………………………… pg.2

 Basic: Single valve and shim stack  Weight scaling: Modify damping for a
damping force change in spring rate or rider weight
o Spreadsheet operation
o Inputs and outputs  Suspension Response: Compute

o Shim ReStackor code key jump landing bottoming velocity,

rebound response and damping targets
 Mid-valve: Combined damping force of
for a baseline suspension setup
base and mid-valve with cavitation

Calculation Inputs: …………………………………………………..……. pg.29

 Shim stack configuration  Oil properties
 Damper geometry  Gas bladder
 Valve geometry  ICS pressurization system
 Clicker needle  Fork oil level
 Compression adjuster  Suspension response
 Check spring

Calculation Outputs: ……………………………………………….…… pg.47

 Shim stack deflection  Cavitation limits
 Damping force  Suspension response
 Combined base and mid-valve

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 1

Spreadsheet operation

Spreadsheet operation

Figure 1: Run button launches ReStackor calculations; Load Output button loads calculation results into spreadsheet

Basic ReStackor spreadsheet Shim ReStackor code the reads the spreadsheet
inputs and computes the shock absorber
The basic ReStackor.xls spreadsheet runs a performance.
single shock absorber valve in a single stroke
direction. The spreadsheet is applicable to fork Load_Output: The load output button loads
base valves, fork mid-valves, compression the Shim ReStackor calculation results into the
adjusters and the shock absorber main piston. "stack" and "ReStackor" tabs of the spreadsheet.
All plots in the spreadsheet are updated with the
All Shim ReStackor spreadsheets use the same new calculation results.
input format to describe the shim stack
configuration, valve port geometry and shock Edit_Output: Launches notepad to view the
absorber operating conditions. calculation output text file and any error
messages generated.
Separate distributions are available for
OpenOffice or Excel spreadsheets. Shim Baseline Button: Copies the current
ReStackor uses the spreadsheet interface to configuration and calculation results to the
present calculation results in the familiar “Baseline” tab and adds the orange “Baseline”
graphical environment of a spreadsheet allowing curve to the plots. Comparison of future
manipulation of the outputs to show the specific calculations to the “Baseline” allows quick
performance information of interest. evaluation of the effect of adding face shims,
modifying crossover gaps or changes to the shim
Spreadsheet operation: stack clamp diameter.
Run Button: Hitting the run button launches a
spreadsheet macro that runs the 12,000 lines of

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 2

Spreadsheet inputs

Valve port geometry  d.port: Defines the seat length along the
side of the valve port metering tangential
Three easily measured dimensions specify the
fluid spill. The d.port seat length
shock absorber valve port configuration.
progressively opens as the shim stack
Detailed specification of each input is given in
peels back along the valve port face
the User Manual input section.
 w.port: Defines the valve port perimeter
 r.port: Defines the inner radius where
seat length metering radial outward spill
the valve port fluid pressure is applied to
the shim stack face. The combination of The combination of d.port and w.port also define
r.port and d.port define the fluid the valve port area limiting flow at high speed.
pressure torque deflecting the shim stack

Figure 2: Three easily measured parameters define the valve port geometry

Shim stack inputs graphic, produced by the calculation outputs,

provides a simple visual check to insure the
A simple listing of shim diameters and thickness configuration analyzed matches the intended
specifies the shim stack configuration in shim stack configuration.
columns C and D. The shim stack deflection

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 3

Spreadsheet inputs

The final two entries in the shim stack listing in damping force as demonstrated by the
must specify the shim stack clamp washer and example below. For accurate results, ReStackor
nut dimensions. Small deflections of the clamp inputs need the actual thickness of the clamp
washer at high force produce significant changes washer and nut used in the shock absorber.

Figure 3: Small deflections in the shim stack clamp washer result in a significant damping force drop

Shim stack tuning example baseline setup. The examples below compare the
“Baseline” to various shim stack modifications
The “Make_Baseline” button in Shim ReStackor adding additional face shims, larger clamp shim,
spreadsheets saves the current configuration modifying the crossover diameter/position or
and damping performance as a reference adding a ring shim to preload the stack.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 4

Spreadsheet inputs

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 5

Spreadsheet inputs

Fine tune suspension setups based on clicker settings

Sample application: Test rides show the curve, the target curve is set as the “baseline”.
suspension needs to be five clicks stiffer. Details of specifying the clicker need geometry
are given in the input section.
Running ReStackor with the clickers set five
clicks stiffer gives the target damping force

Stiffening the high speed stack matches the diameter produces the best match to the target
target damping force at high speed, but low damping force curve at both low and high speed.
speed damping is too soft.
Tuning shim stacks in terms of clicker settings
Adding face shims matches low speed damping, allows the suspension setup to be fine tuned in
but does not produce the damping force increase terms of the real-world forces you can actually
needed at high speed. “feel“ when you ride. Damping force curves can
be reshaped to be three clicks softer at low speed
Hacking around on the shim stack shows adding
and five clicks stiffer at high speed or any other
a face shim and increasing the crossover shim
combination of settings determined from test
rides of the setup.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 6

Spreadsheet inputs

High speed compression adjuster force is applied. The box gives a visual check to
insure the HSC force is applied at the intended
The high speed compression adjuster (HSC)
location and serves as a reminder the HSC
adds spring preload to the shim stack. The HSC
system is active on the shim stack.
input block specifies the spring preload, shim
diameter where the spring force is applied to the Increasing HSC spring preload (cranking down
stack and the HSC spring stiffness. on the compression adjuster) increases damping
force and changes the shaft velocity where the
The HSC spring stiffness can be estimated from
HSC spring force kicks in to increase damping
measurements of the spring coil wire diameter.
Calculation outputs draw a box on the shim stack
indicating the location where the HSC spring

Shim stack float float opening and the spring preload controls the
cracking pressure.
The shim stack float input is at the top of the
shim stack listing in column D. The rate of float The example below demonstrates a floated shim
opening is controlled by installing an HSC spring stack run with a progressive increase in spring
on top of the stack to act as a check spring. preload to increase the cracking pressure and
Stiffness of the HSC spring controls the rate of compression damping force at low speed.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 7

Spreadsheet inputs

Pressurization systems
The ICS (Inner Chamber Spring) pressurization length. Cavitation events can push the ICS piston
system inputs are on the “Res” tab of Shim beyond the coil bind length, which cracks plastic
ReStackor spreadsheets. Inputs describe the ICS ICS pistons.
spring stiffness (Kics), the number of coils
(Ncoil) and spring wire diameter (Dwire). Detailed specifications for each input parameter
are given in the User Manual input section.
Shim ReStackor uses the number of coils and
wire diameter to determine the ICS coil bind

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 8

Spreadsheet inputs

The ICS inputs allow float on the spring (FLTics). through the ICS piston, which holds the base
Lics describes the chamber length and gas force valve. The combination of Dics and ID.ics
operating on the ICS piston for closed chamber describe the piston face area and the transfer of
systems. Dics describes the ICS piston diameter ICS piston force to shock chamber pressure.
and ID.ics describes the shaft diameter running

Oil viscosity
Shock oil property inputs use the manufacturer the shock absorber damping force at the input
spec’s for centistoke viscosity at 40 and 100 shock absorber operating temperature specified
centigrade coupled with the oil specific gravity by Toil.
SG (or g/cc density) at the reference temperature
Manufacture oil viscosity and density data specified by the manufacturer.
compiled by Peter Verdone shows SAE 5 wt oil
Shim ReStackor uses the combination of varies over a significant range emphasizing the
centistoke viscosity and oil density to determine importance of entering the actual suspension oil
the true dynamic viscosity of the oil. Shim properties to determine the true damping
ReStackor uses the Andrade equation to define performance of the shock absorber.
the effect of oil temperature on oil viscosity and

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 9

Spreadsheet inputs

Gas reservoir bladder

The gas reservoir bladder inputs specify the pressure as the bladder is compressed through
bladder initial pressure (P.res), bladder length the shock absorber stroke. Forks with a gas
(L.blad) and bladder diameter (OD.blad). The bladder use the ID.blad input to describe the
L.blad and OD.blad inputs specify the bladder shaft diameter running through the bladder and
volume, which in turn specifies the change in the corresponding reduction in bladder volume.

Fork gas spring

The fork input block defines the fork bleed travel. Those three inputs describe the fork gas
pressure at full extension (Pzero), the oil level pressure and gas spring force through the
measured at full compression (Loil) and the fork suspension travel.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 10

Shim ReStackor User key

Shim ReStackor code key

 Extract User key from demo

 Install code key purchased through PayPal

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 11

Shim ReStackor User key

Shim ReStackor demo

The Shim ReStackor demo installs the
calculation spreadsheets on the C: drive:

 C:\ReStackor\Excel
 C:\ReStackor\OpenOffice
The demo spreadsheets can be copied from the
C: drive directory and run from any directory on
the computer.

User key
All Shim ReStackor spreadsheets use the input Changing the Vspec keyword to Ukey and hitting
keyword Vspec to specify the shock absorber the run button instructs the calculations to
stroke. Normal inputs are: extract and display your unique User key in the
pop-up execution window.
 BVc: Base valve compression stroke
 MVc: Mid-valve compression stroke All spreadsheets access and display the same
 MVr: Mid-valve rebound stroke User key.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 12

Shim ReStackor User key

Purchase a code key Entering your code key

To purchase a code key enter your unique User Set the Vspec keyword to “Ckey”. Hitting the run
key on the Shim ReStackor web site “BuyNow” button instructs the pop-up execution window to
tab. Hitting the “Buy Now” button takes you to prompt you to enter your code key.
the PayPal web site to complete your transaction.
After entering your code key, all Shim ReStackor
On completion of the PayPal process, your Shim spreadsheets will be authorized to run at the
ReStackor code key is emailed to the address code level purchased through PayPal.
entered at PayPal. Unfortunately, unsolicited
emails sent to your inbox frequently end up in
the “junk mail” folder. If your code key does not
arrive in a couple of minutes check the “junk
mail” folders.

Code run levels The Suspension Response add-on enables

response calculations on the ReStackor-
Purchasing a Shim ReStackor pro license midvalve spreadsheet. Response calculations
enables damping force calculations in all compute the suspension bottoming velocity,
spreadsheets. rebound response and force over stroke
calculations on the response tab of mid-valve

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 13

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet

 Fork
o Combined compression damping force of base and mid-valve

 Shock
o Combined compression damping force of compression
adjuster and mid-valve

 Tune backpressure to pressure balance chambers and suppress

cavitation oil foaming

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 14

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet compression damping force including the effects

of cavitation.
The mid-valve spreadsheet contains separate
tabs for the base valve, mid-valve and rebound Under non-cavitating conditions, the overall
damping strokes. The three tabs define damping compression damping force is simply the sum of
force from each of the three valves in a shock the base plus mid-valve. Under cavitating
absorber and give a complete description of conditions, oil foaming alters the fluid flow
shock absorber performance in a single through the shock absorber circuits driving
spreadsheet. Inputs on each tab are the same as damping force up or down depending on the
those described for the “basic” ReStackor.xls severity of cavitation.
spreadsheet. The purpose of the mid-valve spreadsheet is
The “mv_Analysis” macro button on the Plots tuning fork base valves or shock compression
tab of ReStackor-midvalve.xls spreadsheets adjusters to control backpressure on the shock
combines the damping force of the base valve chambers and suppress cavitation. Tuning
and mid-valve to determine the combined backpressures to suppress cavitation is known as
“pressure balancing” the shock.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 15

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

Shock chamber pressure valve into the rebound chamber. The pressure
drop across the mid-valve subtracted from the
On the shock absorber compression stroke, the
compression chamber pressure defines the
shaft volume entering the shock body forces an
rebound chamber pressure. Pr= Pc –
equal volume of fluid out of the shock through
the base valve into the oil reservoir. Cavitation
The shock gas reservoir pressure plus the If the piston pressure drop on the compression
pressure drop across the base valve defines the stroke is greater than the compression chamber
fluid pressure in the compression chamber, Pc. pressure (P.c) the pressure in the rebound
The compression chamber pressure acting on chamber is driven to vacuum. Vacuum allows gas
the damper rod area defines the base valve dissolved in the suspension oil to boil out,
damping force. At zero velocity, the force of the foaming the oil and causing a cavitation event.
gas reservoir pressure acting on the damper rod Cavitation initiates when the chamber pressure
defines the shock absorber gas spring force. falls below the dissolved gas saturation pressure,
typically set by the gas reservoir pressure.
Motion of the main piston during the
compression stroke forces fluid through the mid-

Dissolved gas
Suspension oil contains 10% by volume
dissolved gas. Pulling a vacuum on a freshly
opened bottle of suspension fluid allows the
dissolved gas to boil out severally foaming the oil
as demonstrated by Ride Concepts Calgary.
When installed in a shock, gas slowly diffuses
through the bladder, or around the o-ring seals
of a piston reservoir, to saturate the oil with
pressurized gas after about four months.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 16

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

Dissolved gas in the shock absorber oil at the piston is just winging back through the foamed
reservoir pressure of 150 psi (10 atm) expanded out oil producing zero rebound damping force.
back to atmospheric pressure produces a 10:1
The problem with cavitation isn’t loss of
volume expansion making the dissolved gas
compression damping, it is loss of rebound.
100% gas by volume, which severely foams the
oil. Further expanding the gas to vacuum Shock pressure balancing
produces an infinite volume.
The cure for cavitation is simple: Adjust the base
Dissolved gas makes suspension oil behave like a valve, or compression adjuster, to backpressure
hot bottle of Coca-Cola. Keep the cap on and the the shock and match the pressure drop across
fluid behaves like a liquid. Crack the cap and the the mid-valve. Tuning shock absorber valves to
pressure drop allows the dissolved gas to boil out match pressure drops and suppresses rebound
making the fluid a foamy mess. chamber oil foaming is known as pressure
balancing the shock.
Oil foaming is caused by dissolved gas. The
foaming initiates whenever the fluid pressure Pressure balancing is easy with Shim ReStackor.
drops below the dissolved gas pressure set by the The calculations compute pressures in each
reservoir gas pressure. chamber of the shock. Pressure balancing simply
requires hacking around on the base valve, or
Cavitation severity compression adjuster, shim stacks to keep the
The impact of cavitation oil foaming on shock rebound chamber (blue line) pressurized at or
absorber performance is not widely understood. above the gas reservoir pressure (red line).
To demonstrate the severity and occurrence of
Keeping the rebound chamber pressurized at the
cavitation oil foaming in a shock absorber
initial reservoir pressure prevents the dissolved
Roehrig posted a video.
gas from boiling out of the fluid. That is
The problem with cavitation is when the shock equivalent to keeping the cap on a hot bottle of
flips around into the rebound stroke. The Coca-Cola to prevent foaming.
foamed oil in the rebound chamber allows the

The example above keeps the rebound chamber drop in pressure allows the dissolved gas to boil
pressurized up to shaft velocities of 60 in/sec. out and foam the oil.
When pushed beyond 60 in/sec the increase in
To fix the problem the compression adjuster
pressure drop across the mid-valve causes
needs to produce more backpressure above 60
pressures in the rebound chamber to drop. The
in/sec. That requires hacking around on the
--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 17
Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

compression adjuster shim stack to prevent the ReStackor calculations, approximately four
rebound chamber pressures from falling off. times the gas reservoir pressure. Tuning
compression adjusters or fork base valves to
Ideally, fork base valves or compression
produce pressures higher than the gas reservoir
adjusters are tuned to produce a constant
pressure has little impact on seal ware.
rebound chamber pressure equal to the gas
reservoir pressure across the entire range of Cavitation feature
stroke velocities. Matching the gas reservoir
Loss of rebound damping due to cavitating the
pressure is the minimum pressure required to
rebound chamber is obviously undesirable.
keep gas dissolved from boiling out. Maintaining
However, lower rebound damping can be made
rebound chamber pressures at that value
into a feature accelerating the rebound stroke to
reduces ware and seal drag on the rebound
get the wheels back on the ground faster after a
chamber shaft seal.
hard hit that has deflected the chassis.
However, the shock absorber damping force in
However, the loss of rebound damping on a hard
rebound is approximately double the value of
hit can become a snake bite when the shock
compression. The higher rebound damping force
mistakes a whoop face impact for a hard hit and
produces chamber pressures of 700 psi in
lets go of rebound.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 18

Mid-Valve Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet operation

Weight Scaling Spreadsheet

 Correct damping for a change in rider weight or spring rate


--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 19

Weight Scaling, Spreadsheet operation

Weight scaling physics

Spring-mass-damper theory defines two The two parameters Tau and Zeta completely
parameters that control suspension define suspension motion and performance. Two
performance: Tau and Zeta. riders of different weights, on different bikes
with different spring rates will have exactly the
Tau same suspension response, retracing the curves
Tau defines the time required for the suspension below, if the values of tau and zeta are set to be
to return to race sag. the same.

Tau is defined as the ratio of mass to spring rate. That fact from spring-mass-damper theory
Selecting spring rate to hit a target value of race- provides a powerful suspension tuning tool
sag sets the ratio of mass to spring rate. known as weight scaling. Matching the value of
Matching race sag between riders of different tau and zeta allows scaling of suspension
weight sets the value of tau to the same constant performance over a wide range of conditions.
 Suspension performance can be scaled
Zeta from one bike to another

Zeta defines damping. Zeta is also a function of  Stock suspension performance can be
mass and spring rate, and adds the third corrected for changes in rider weight and
parameter of damping. spring rate to preserve the suspension
response, “feel” and behavior the
manufacture intended

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 20

Weight Scaling, Spreadsheet operation

Weight scaling spreadsheet 2. Enter the stock spring rate and the
custom spring rate to scale to
The ReStackor-weight.xls spreadsheet makes
weight scaling easy. There are three steps:  Hit the “Weight Scale” and
“Load_Wtscale” buttons
1. Enter the stock shim stack and valve port
geometry to compute the stock damping 3. Hack the shim stack configuration to
performance match the dashed blue line target weight
scaled damping force

Correcting damping for changes in spring To hit the damping targets the example
rate simply requires hacking around on the below uses a larger crossover diameter, a
shim stack configuration to hit the target softer high speed stack and a stiffer clamp.
damping force curve. The combination of those three changes to
the shim stack gets low speed damping in the
There are two targets. The bold dashed line
ball park, but high speed damping is too stiff.
sets low speed damping controlling chassis
motions for the combined rider plus chassis Hitting both the low speed and high speed
weight. damping targets requires removing a face
shim or a slightly smaller crossover shim
The dotted blue line controls high speed
wheel motions. Since the wheel weight is the
same, the only correction needed is for the
change in spring rate.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 21

Weight Scaling, Spreadsheet operation

Shim stack slide bar The slide bar is useful to determine the
relationship between shim stack deflection and
The weight scaling spreadsheet includes a slide damping force, the closure of crossover gaps and
bar on the shim stack graphic. Dragging the slide the shock shaft velocity where those event occur.
bar pans the shim stack through the deflection
range and positions red dots on each plot
indicating the value at that shim stack deflection.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 22

Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

Suspension Response

Mid-valve spreadsheet

 Jump landing bottoming velocity

 Wheel bump bottoming velocity
 Rebound response
 Balance damping and spring force

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 23

Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

Suspension Response
The suspension response add-on to Shim  Test various combinations of spring rate
ReStackor computes bottoming velocities on and damping to control jump landing
jump landings, bump impacts that bottoms the bottoming
wheels, rebound response for nonlinear linked
suspension systems and the instantaneous  Test digressive damping force curves to
compression, rebound and spring force as the reduce damping force at high speed and
suspension moves through the stroke. chassis deflection

Those features translate the abstract concept of  Modify rebound damping curve shapes
damping to a sense of suspension “feel”. to maintain consistent response across
the range of suspension stroke depths

Figure 4: Response calculations quantify suspension bottoming velocities, rebound response and the strength of compression
damping relative to spring force

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 24

Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

Suspension response inputs Travel: The input race sag value specifies the
rider weight and the ride height where bump
Damping: The Shim ReStackor mid-valve
motions start. Max Stroke specifies the stroke
spreadsheet computes compression and
depth to be evaluated and must be greater than
rebound damping force. Response calculations
Race sag.
access that data to determine jump landing
bottoming velocities and suspension response. Link ratio
Mass: Inputs of un-sprung wheel weight, bike Shim ReStackor computes link ratio from inputs
curb weight and the fraction of weight on the of wheel and shock shaft position. Up to 39
rear wheel specify the bike weight distribution. entries can be used. Inputs that deviate from the
average curve are marked as “bad” with green
Spring: The input spring rate coupled with
data points. Measurements at the “bad” points
Shim ReStackor inputs for the reservoir gas
should be double checked to insure accuracy of
bladder pressure, ICS and fork oil level specify
the link ratio curve.
the spring force. Spring preload the Race sag
inputs specify the rider weight.

Figure 5: Simple inputs - Thorough analysis - Practical results

Jump landing bottoming changing the spring rate or configuration of the

compression damping shim stacks.
Response calculations use the input spring rate
and computed compression damping force to From the “Max Stroke” position at 0.1 seconds
determine the jump landing impact velocity that the response calculations continue into the
drives the suspension to the input “Max Stroke” rebound stroke. The dot symbol on the rebound
depth. For the example shown an impact velocity curve indicates the time required to return to
of 150 in/sec is needed to drive the suspension race sag. The residual stroke velocity on race sag
into an eleven inch stroke depth. return indicates the suspension will overshoot
race sag and baby-buggy back through a low
Gravity dictates jump landing impact velocities.
speed compression stroke.
A 2.5 foot jump freefall produces an impact
velocity of 152 in/sec. Jump heights that bottom Rebound stroke response calculations stop when
the suspension can be increased or decreased by the suspension reaches zero velocity or full
suspension extension.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 25

Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

Wheel bottoming velocity Enduro setups emphasizing bump compliance to

reduced chassis deflection off root and rock
Response calculations also compute the bump
impacts require softer compression damping
velocity required to drive the wheels to the input
and the softer damping produces a lower wheel
“Max Stroke” depth. For the example, a bump
bottoming velocity.
impact velocity of 350 in/sec is required
approximately equivalent to hitting an 8.5 inch
square edge step at 30 mph.

Rebound response integrated over the stroke to determine the

stroke averaged response and suspension
Linked suspension systems produce a
performance. Shim ReStackor response
progressive increase in shock shaft motion as the
calculations perform that integration starting
suspension is driven deeper into the stroke. The
with short strokes around race sag and
progressive link ratio makes the spring force
advancing to progressively deeper strokes to
progressive and has an even larger effect on
determine the stroke averaged response
increasing damping force.
coefficient at each stroke depth.
Response calculations compute the
The rebound response target for performance
instantaneous suspension response zeta value
suspension systems produces a rebound
showing how the change in link ratio over the
response zeta value of 0.7. Response calculations
stroke effects damping performance.
mark that target.
For suspension tuning purposes, the
The example below demonstrates a typical
instantaneous response values need to be
suspension tuning problem. The rider has closed
--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 26
Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

down the clickers to get good rebound response To fix the problem the rebound shim stack needs
for small strokes around race sag. But, when the a larger crossover diameter or a stiffer high
suspension is pushed deeper in the stroke the speed stack to produce a consistent suspension
suspension goes underdamped. response zeta value of 0.7 over the range of
suspension stroke depths.

Figure 6: Stroke averaged response shows how the suspension response varies over the suspension stroke depth range

Damping ratio rebound stroke will overshoot race sag and baby-
buggy back. Baby-buggy motions give poor
Damping ratio, the ratio of rebound to
suspension “feel”. Tuners have a trick to prevent
compression damping, is often used as a general
the baby-buggy motion.
rule of thumb to quantify shock absorber
performance. The typical value is 2:1. At low speed, below suspension speeds of 6
in/sec, the ratio of rebound to compression
Shocks with damping ratios below 2:1 have stiff
damping needs to be in the range of 0.8:1. That
compression damping to provide bottoming
ratio sets low speed compression damping stiffer
resistance. Damping ratios above 2:1 have light
than rebound.
compression damping setup to improve
compliance on root and rock impacts. Stiff low speed compression damping catches the
rebound overshoot, holds the suspension “high
Low speed target in the stroke” and heavily damps the overshoot
Rebound damping at the target zeta value of 0.7 return stroke to prevent baby-buggy motions.
is underdamped. Underdamped means the

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 27

Suspension Response, Spreadsheet operation

Force over stroke near 700 lbf, making the force at bump impact
250 lbf greater than the peak spring force.
The highest suspension velocities occur at bump
impact. As the suspension slows the Compression damping makes the suspension
compression damping force drops off while the stiff at bump impact and then blows through to
spring force ramps up. At the “Max Stroke” the softer spring force at bottoming. Stiff
position the suspension stops and reverses into compression damping at bump impact makes
the rebound stroke. the suspension harsh.
Spring force, on the force over stroke plots, is the To fix that a more digressive compression
sum of main spring plus the gas spring force set damping curve is needed to produce a lower
by the fork oil level or shock gas reservoir compression damping force at bump impact
pressure. The spring force is set to zero at race while maintaining the stiff compression
sag since there is no force causing suspension damping needed to prevent bottoming on jump
motion at race sag. landings.
The force over stroke plot gives some insight into An alternative is run a stiffer spring to prevent
suspension “feel” and harshness. For the bottoming with lighter compression damping.
example shown the wheel spring force at
Further discussion of rebound and compression
bottoming is approximately 450 lbf. The
damping tuning strategies are given on the
compression damping force at bump impact is
ReStackor web site.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 28

Calculation inputs

Calculation Inputs

 Shim stack configuration

 Valve port geometry
 Clicker needle geometry
 Reservoir pressurization systems

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 29

Calculation inputs

Calculation inputs

There are three sections to the Shim ReStackor 3) Auxiliary components:

spreadsheet inputs with additional inputs on the
 Clicker bleed
“Plots” tab specifying the oil reservoir
pressurization system:  Compression adjuster spring

1) Shim stack configuration  Dyno test parameters

2) Valve port geometry

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 30

Shim Stack Configuration, Calculation inputs

Shim stack configuration ID: The inside diameter of the shim in

millimeters. All shims in the stack have the same
A simple listing of shim diameter and thickness inside diameter.
specifies the shim stack configuration. Shim #1
is on the valve face with a maximum input of 50 Float: The gap in millimeters between the valve
shims. face and shim stack face shim, typically zero

The final two entries in the shim stack listing  Positive values of float allow the shim
must specify the shim stack clamp washer and stack to lift off the valve face using the
nut dimensions. The calculations will fail if there classic definition of float. The rate of float
is nothing backing the shim stack clamp. opening is controlled by the high speed
compression (HSC) spring stiffness and
The shim stack deflection graphic produced by the cracking pressure controlled by the
the calculation outputs helps to insure the shim HSC spring preload. The HSC
stack configuration input matches the intended configuration is specified in the auxiliary
configuration. The graphic also identifies closure input block.
of crossover gaps and collision of face shims with
the stack clamp washer which may prevent the  Negative values of float preload the shim
shim stack from fully opening at high speed. stack for modeling of a dished valve face
or valves with an edge lip.

Figure 7: A simple listing of shim diameter and thickness specifies the shim stack configuration

Shim stack configuration

 Shim [#]: Up to 50 shims can be input.  Diam: Shim outside diameter in

If you only need 10 shims leave the rest of millimeters. Multiple shims of the same
the cells blank diameter and thickness can be input

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 31

Shim Stack Configuration, Calculation inputs

using a prefix nx40 or n*40 to indicate the clamp washer diameter and thickness
“n” shims of 40 mm diameter and the nut diameter clamping the shim
 Thickness: Thickness of the shim in

 Stack clamp and nut: The final two

entries in the shim stack listing must be

Ring Shims
Ring shims or split ring shims require two

 The first entry specifies the centering

shim diameter and thickness. The center
shim is marked by putting a “c” after the
shim diameter

 The second entry specifies the outer ring

shim diameter and thickness. The ring
shim is marked by putting a “r” after the
shim diameter. Upper or lower case
letters can be used as shown in the

Shock shaft velocity and shim stack deflection

The Shim ReStackor weight scaling spreadsheet The weight scaling spreadsheet slide bar feature
includes a slide bar on the shim stack deflection is useful to determine shaft velocities where
graphic. Panning the slide bar through the range crossover gaps close and the connection between
deflects the shim stack and positions red dots on shim stack deflection and damping force
the damping force plots indicating the value at produced by the shock.
that slide bar position.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 32

Valve Port Geometry, Calculation inputs

Valve Port Geometry

D.rod: The shock absorber shaft diameter in  Ver: The pop-up execution window will
millimeters show the code version of the installed
Shim ReStackor software
D.valve: The shock absorber valve diameter.
More specifically, D.valve specifies the inside
diameter of the shock absorber body,
millimeters The valve port seat width in millimeters
Vspec: Shock absorber stroke to be analyzed

 BVc: Base valve compression

 MVc: Mid-valve compression

 MVr: Mid-valve rebound

The Vspec input is also used to extract your User
key, input the code authorization key and display
the code version of the installed Shim ReStackor

 Ukey: The pop-up execution window

will show your User key

 Ckey: The pop-up execution window will

prompt you to enter your Shim
ReStackor code key purchased through

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 33

Valve Port Geometry, Calculation inputs

Suspension stroke (BVc, MVr, MVc) Mid-valve MVr and MVc

There are two types of shock absorber valves: A mid-valve is located on the end of the damper
base valves and mid-valves. rod. As the damper rod is forced into the shock
fluid is forced through the mid valve to fill in the
BVc Base valve compression volume behind the valve. On the compression
adjuster stroke, MVc, the entire face of the mid-valve is
The base valve, or compression adjuster, is pressurized. On the rebound stroke, MVr, the
located on the opposite end of the shock from the annular area between the damper rod and valve
damper rod entrance. As the damper rod is OD is pressurized.
forced into the shock, an equal volume of fluid is Setting the Vspec keyword to MVc (mid-valve
forced out of the shock through the base valve compression), MVr (mid-valve rebound) or BVc
into the fluid reservoir. Since the damper rod has (base valve compression) sets ReStackor to run
a small diameter, the flow through the base valve the three different strokes of a shock absorber.
is small. A base valve stroke is specified in
ReStackor by setting the Vspec keyword to BVc.

User key and code key purchase keyword from (BVc, MVc or MVr) to “Ukey”.
When the spreadsheet run button is hit the pop-
The Vspec keyword is also used to extract your
up execution window will display your User key.
User key and input your code key purchased
through the Shim ReStackor web site at PayPal. To input your code key purchased through
PayPal set the Vspec keyword to “Ckey”. When
To obtain your User key install the Shim
the run button is hit the pop-up execution
ReStackor demo software and reset the Vspec
window will prompt you to input your code key.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 34

Valve Port Geometry, Calculation inputs

Valve Port Geometry

r.port: The radial distance from the valve center d.port: The radial length of the valve port side
to the port inside edge in millimeters. R.port in millimeters. D.port defines the valve port seat
defines the inner radius of the shim stack face length controlling sideways tangential spill out
pressurized by the valve port. of the valve port
w.port: The valve port width at the outside edge The sum of r.port plus d.port must be less than
in millimeters. W.port defines the valve port seat or equal to half of the valve diameter. Otherwise,
length metering outward radial spill. Also see the the code will kick out with an error message.
w.port definition below for a compression
N.port: The number of valve ports. The Honda
adjuster with a continuous perimeter seat.
and Marzocchi valves shown below have four
ports. The KTM valve has three ports.

h.deck: Port entrance deck height in

millimeters. The deck height between the reverse
flow shim stack and valve face creates a flow
restriction at the valve port entrance. ReStackor
uses h.deck*w.port to define the available flow
area. Installing delta shims on the reverse flow
shim stack raise the deck height and reduces the
port entrance flow loss.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 35

Valve Port Geometry, Calculation inputs

d.leak: Valve port leak jet diameter in  "3x0.5" specifies a 0.5 mm leak jet
millimeters. For valves with a single leak jet on installed on three of the valve ports
a single port the value of d.leak is simply the jet
diameter. For valves with multiple leak jets on
one port the "effective" jet diameter is [d.leak=
sqrt(N.jets) d.jet] where N.jets is the number of
leak jets. For valves with leak jets on multiple
ports the input is "Nport x Deff" where Nport
specifies the number of ports with a leak jet and
D.eff defines the leak jet diameter on a single

 "1.5" specifies a single leak jet on one

valve port with a 1.5 mm diameter

d.thrt: The effective flow diameter of the valve and parabolic shaped port restrictions are
port throat. Free flowing valves, like the KTM shown below.
valve above, d.port and w.port define the valve
N.thrt: The number of valve port throat
port flow area and there is no restriction. For
restrictions. For the Honda and Marzocchi
free flowing valves both D.thrt and N.thrt are
valves above each port has one throat
set to zero.
restriction so N.port and N.thrt have the same
For valves with port restrictions, like the Honda value of four. In general, N.thrt and N.port are
and Marzocchi valves above, D.thrt defines the equal. However, ReStackor allows for the
valve port throat minimum flow area. Example special case where multiple valve side ports feed
calculations to determine d.thrt for trapezoid a single valve port, in that case N.thrt > N.port.

The parameters d.port, w.port and N.port define the flow area. The parameters N.thrt and D.thrt
the valve port flow area. The additional also allow modeling of the special case where
parameters N.thrt and D.thrt handle the special multiple side ports feed a single valve port.
case where a restriction in the valve port reduces

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 36

Valve Port Geometry, Calculation inputs

Settings with the requested u.wheel shock shaft velocity.

However, the shim stack deflection plot is drawn
The settings input block defines the clicker
at the value specified by F.stack.
position, fluid force applied to the shim stack
face and the maximum shock absorber shaft
velocity to be computed. The clicker setting. specifies the

number of clicks out from full closed.
F.stack: Maximum fluid force applied to the
shim stack face. Shim ReStackor calculations
compute the stack structure deflection, stack Separate inputs for F.stack and u.wheel allow the
edge lift and flow area up to the maximum value stack structure to be displayed at a low applied
specified by F.stack in [lbf]. force, like examining where a crossover gap
closes, while the damping force is computed over
u.wheel: The maximum shock absorber shaft a larger shaft velocity range.
velocity in inches per second. ReStackor
computes the damping force as a function of For efficient calculations, the input value of
suspension velocity up to the value specified by F.stack should match the computed F.stack
u.wheel. If the fluid force on the shim stack is value shown in the calculation outputs at the
greater than the value specified by F.stack the maximum shock shaft velocity. Matching F.stack
calculations internally iterate to determine the avoids internal calculation iterations and gives
fluid force acting on the shim stack consistent faster calculation results.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 37

Auxiliary Components, Calculation inputs

Auxiliary components
Needle geometry
The default needle geometry is a simple tapered d.bleed: Bleed port diameter at the needle seat
cone with a tip diameter equal to half of the in [mm].
needle seat diameter. d.bleed defines the needle
MAX.clks: The number of adjuster clicks from
seat diameter. MAX.clks defines the number of
closed to full open with the needle tip positioned
clicks from closed to wide open.
flush with the seat.

Needle geometry file

Alternatively, a needle “Geom File” can be used
to specify the needle diameter as a function of
clicker position. Virtually any needle geometry
can be described in the table with up to 100
entries giving a precise description of the bleed
circuit flow area and low speed damping force.
Geom File: Setting both d.bleed and MAX.clks
to zero triggers the calculations look for a needle
geometry table at the file path specified by
Geom.File. In the example the needle geometry
table is located at D:\Needles\

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 38

Auxiliary Components, Calculation inputs

High speed compression adjuster ReStackor draws a small box on the shim where
and Mid-valve check spring the HSC spring force is applied as a reminder the
HSC system is active and to verify the HSC
The HSC inputs define the stiffness of springs spring force is applied at the correct location on
used to preload the shim stack on shock the shim stack.
compression adjusters. The HSC system also
models check springs used to hold fork mid-
valve shim stacks closed. Setting all inputs to
zero, or blank, means there is no HSC spring
operating on the shim stack.
Preload: Spring preload in [mm]. For an HSC
system the preload includes static preload plus
any additional preload from cranking down the k: HSC or mid-valve spring stiffness in [kg/mm].
compression adjuster. Shock compression Little information is available on the stiffness of
adjusters generally preload the HSC spring 1 mm springs used in HSC systems, or aftermarket
per turn of the adjuster. springs available for HSC or mid-valve check
D.hsc: Shim diameter where the HSC spring springs.
force is applied to the shim stack. The example, The actual stiffness can be measured or
with D.hsc set to 10 mm, applies spring force to estimated using the spring design equations.
the first shim from the top of the stack with an
outside diameter greater than or equal to 10 mm.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 39

Auxiliary Components, Calculation inputs

HSC Spring stiffness The art of computing spring stiffness is figuring

out how many active coils are in the spring. At
Computing coil spring stiffness is straight
each end of the spring, the last coil is collapsed
forward using measurements of the spring
and ground flat to square the spring. The first
diameter, wire diameter and number of active
active coil begins at the point where the wire
coils. The spring diameter is raised to the third
pitch departs from the collapsed end coil. Each
power and the wire diameter to the fourth power
full revolution of the wire counts as one active
making small measurement errors, like the paint
thickness, significant.
The example below evaluates a coil spring with a
¾ dead wrap at each end and the number of
active coils increasing from four to five.

Decreasing the active coils from five to four shortening the spring is used on fork springs to
increases the spring rate by 25%. That process of make the spring stiffer.

Dyno test parameters

Dyno’s provide accurate damping force
measurements. However, other parameters
creep into dyno testing resulting in identical
shock absorbers producing different damping
force values. ReStackor uses four parameters to
compensate for test-to-test variations in dyno
damping force measurements.
Offset: Seal drag and changes in the reservoir Offset parameter simply adds (or subtracts)
gas force as the shock heats up through the from the computed ReStackor damping force to
course of a test causes the zero force to drift. The

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 40

Auxiliary Components, Calculation inputs

align the zero offset force measured in dyno cavitation like event. The increase in
testing. volume due to the released gas causes
the fluid flow to accelerate increasing
 Recommended value, Offset= 0.0 the pressure drop and damping force
cf.stk: Friction between shims makes a stack
 -0.12 < xLsat < 0: Dissolved gas is
stiffer during deflection and softer while closing.
released causing the oil to foam. The
Friction has been measured in Belleville spring
lower density foamed oil reduces the
stacks to increase the spring stiffness by 30%.
shock damping force
Through the first couple of hours of operation
friction values are high as the shim surfaces  Recommended value, xL.sat= -0.015
The shock oil reservoir pressurized to 147 psi
That causes dyno test problems where short test contains 12% by volume dissolved nitrogen.
durations do not allow the shim surfaces to mate When expanded back to atmospheric pressure,
resulting in measured damping force values the 10:1 volume expansion increase the dissolved
higher than then the fielded shock operating gas volume to 120% of the oil volume, severely
with thoroughly broken in shim surfaces. foaming the shock oil.
 Recommended value, cf.stk= 1.0 dToil: Through the course of a dyno test oil
temperatures heat up increasing the gas
xLsat: Suspension oils contain 12% by volume
reservoir pressure, decreasing the oil viscosity
dissolved gas measured as an Ostwald
and the capability of the oil to contain the
coefficient. The dissolved gas is in one of two
dissolved gas. The dToil input increases oil
temperatures with shaft velocity in ReStackor
 0 < xL.sat < 0.12: Gas is dissolved calculations to match the end of test oil
in the liquid giving a clear fluid. temperature in PVP dyno testing.
Pressure drops through the shock
 Recommended value, dToil= 0.0
circuits allow the dissolved gas to boil
out and foam the oil creating a

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 41

Pressurization Systems, Calculation inputs

Reservoir Pressurization Systems

Reservoir pressurization inputs and the
suspension oil inputs are on the “Plots” or “Res”
tab of Shim ReStackor spreadsheets.
mv_Analysis: The mid-valve analysis run
button on the “Plots” tab combines the damping
force computed on the BVc tab for the base valve
with the damping force of the mid-valve
computed on the MVc tab. The combined
damping force is checked and corrected for
cavitation effects up to the maximum velocity
specified by the “Rod Speed” input.
L.stroke: Backpressure from the shock bladder
and ICS system are a function of stroke depth
and computed at the stroke depth specified by
the “L.stroke” input.
Rod Speed: Maximum shock absorber shaft
speed for the mid-valve calculations combining
the base and mid-valve damping force.

Oil Properties Density: Oil specific gravity relative to water.

Basically equivalent to g/cc
T.oil: Shock absorber oil temperature
T.den: Temperature of the oil density
cSt.40c: Oil viscosity in centistokes measured
measurement. Typically 15 c.
at 40 c.
cSt.100c: Oil viscosity in centistokes measured
at 100 c.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 42

Pressurization Systems, Calculation inputs

ICS pressurization system

The ICS inputs specify the spring stiffness, float
and piston diameter of the inner chamber spring
pressurization system. To run an ICS
configuration all of the bladder inputs must be
set to zero.
K.ics: Stiffness of ICS spring, [kg/mm]. Spring
stiffness can be estimated using the coil spring
wire diameter.
N.coil: Number of coils in the ICS spring.
ReStackor uses the number of coils and wire
diameter to determine the coil bind travel limit.
When the ICS spring is pushed to coil bind
plastic ICS pistons will crack. The fraction of ICS
stroke used is reported in the ReStackor output
as Nics.
D.wire: ICS coil spring wire diameter [mm].
FLT.ics: ICS spring float at full suspension Closed chamber ICS: (Lics= chamber length)
extension, [mm]. Negative float specifies spring The ICS spring length plus float define the ICS
preload. chamber length. Pzero defines the initial
L.ics: ICS chamber length, [mm]. To specify an chamber pressure at full extension. ICS piston
open chamber ICS where the fork gas pressure motion further compresses the gas in the closed
operates on the ICS piston the value of Lics must ICS chamber producing a pressure independent
be zero. of the gas pressure in the fork chamber.

D.ics: ICS piston diameter, [mm]. Open chamber ICS: (Lics= 0.0) An open
chamber ICS is vented to the fork gas chamber
ID.ics: Shaft diameter through the ICS piston, and the Fork input values of Pzero, Loil and
[mm]. For a typical configuration the base valve Ltravel defined the Fork gas spring pressure and
support shaft passes through the ICS piston. This ICS chamber pressure as a function of stroke
parameter specifics the shaft diameter and position. Compression of the ICS spring further
pressurized face area of the ICS piston. increases back pressure on the shock chambers.
Pzero: Pzero in the Fork section specifies the
initial ICS chamber pressure at full extension of
the suspension, [psig].

Reservoir gas bladder P.res: Initial bladder pressure at full suspension

extension, [psig].
Bladder inputs specify the oil reservoir gas
bladder configuration in a fork or shock. To run L.blad: Bladder length, [mm].
a bladder configuration all of the Fork and ICS
OD.blad: Bladder outside diameter, [mm].
inputs must be set to zero.
ID.blad: Normally zero. For a fork, the bladder
may have the base valve support shaft running
--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 43
Pressurization Systems, Calculation inputs

through the bladder. In that case, ID.blad is the

diameter of the shaft used to compute the gas
volume inside the bladder, [mm].

Fork oil level

The “Fork” input block defines the initial bleed
pressure and oil height with the fork at full
extension. To run an open chamber fork all ICS
and Bladder inputs must be set to zero. Initial bleed pressure of the fork at full

suspension extension, [psig].
L.oil: Oil height in fork measured from top of
fork tube with the fork fully compressed, [in]. Length of fork travel, [in].

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 44

Suspension response, Calculation inputs

Suspension response Spring inputs:

Suspension response calculations use the k.spring: Spring rate in kg/mm.
compression and rebound damping force preload: Spring preload at full extension, mm.
computed by Shim ReStackor on the
“Mid_Valve_Calc” and “mvr_ReStackor” output Stroke inputs: Suspension stroke type, one of
tabs for compression and rebound damping. {fork, shock, front, rear}.

Inputs on the suspension response tab describe fork: Calculations assume front chassis weight
the bike mass, spring rate, link ratio and is supported by two fork legs with equal
suspension stroke depth to be analyzed. damping and spring rate in each leg. For a
single function fork (SFF) use the shock input
Mass inputs: below and reverse the front/rear weight spilt
m.wheel: Wheel un-sprung weight. Includes (1.0-Weight split).
wheel, tire, brake caliper, fork stanchion tube shock: Calculations assume rear chassis weight
and everything else bouncing up and down with is supported by the spring and damping of a
the wheel. Putting a scale under the wheel with single shock.
the fork or shock spring removed is the best way
to measure un-sprung weight including all of the front: Spec for car. Calculations assume front
moving components. chassis weight is supported by two shocks, two
spring and two wheels.
Chassis: Curb weight of bike including wheel
weight, fuel and accessories. rear: Spec for car. Calculations assume rear
chassis weight is supported by two shocks, two
Weight split: Fraction of bike curb weight on springs and two wheels.
rear wheel, w.rear/w.curb.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 45

Suspension response, Calculation inputs

Travel inputs: maximum of 39 points. Using more inputs

improves the fidelity of the link ratio calculation.
Race sag: Normal suspension ride height with
rider on foot pegs. Typically 1/3 of suspension Wheel position inputs that fall off the average
travel. Shim ReStackor measures race sag as the curve are labeled as “bad” in the output plot. The
vertical chassis displacement as typically used green “bad” points should be checked for
measuring rear sag. Fork sag is also measured as accuracy.
chassis sag and not stanchion tube sag.
Wheel Position Data:
Max Stroke: The bump stroke depth. The
y.wheel: Wheel stroke distance measured from
stroke depth must be greater than race sag and
full extension
the bump rubber stroke depth is recommended
as the maximum for suspension tuning. y.shock: Shock stroke depth measured from
full extension
Link ratio
Fork wheel position measurements can be
Shim ReStackor computes the suspension link
computed directly from the fork rake angle:
ratio from inputs of the wheel and shock position
measurements through the suspension stroke. Fork wheel position:
At least four measurements are needed with a
y.wheel=y.shock*cos[(pi/180)*rake angle]

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 46

Calculation outputs

Calculation Outputs

 Shim stack deflection

 Damping force tables
 Suspension response tables

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 47

Calculation outputs

Calculation Outputs

Damping force calculations tabs containing tables describing the shim stack
deflection and damping force computed for each
The base valve, mid-valve compression and mid- valve.
valve rebound tabs each have separate output
Stack tab Data on the “stack” tab is simply a table
describing the radius and deflection of each FEA
The “stack” tab of the worksheet contains data
node point in the shim stack structure.
tables describing the shim stack deflection. Shim
stack deflection FEA calculations solve up to d.n: The radius of each node point for
5,000 simultaneous equations balancing the shim n.
radial and axial forces transmitted through the
y.n: The deflection height of shim n at
shim stack, the closure of crossover gaps and the
node point d.n
changes in the shim bend profile as the shim
stack structure deflects.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 48

Shim stack deflection, Calculation outputs

Figure 8: Shim stack deflection output table. Vertical deflection of each shim as a function of radial position

The above table is far more interesting when structure, the effect of shim changes in clamp
viewed as a plot. Running ReStackor with the diameter, stack taper, crossover gaps and the
stack force set to 0, 100 and 200 lbf produces the influence of changes in the shim stack structure
sequence of plots shown below. Shim stack on the shape of the damping force curve.
deflection graphics help visualize the stack

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 49

Damping force, Calculation outputs

Damping force outputs Shim stack deflection

The computed shock absorber damping force is Calculations start with zero fluid force applied to
loaded into the “ReStackor” tab of the the shim stack. The output table lists the shim
spreadsheet. stack deflection with progressively higher fluid
force applied to the shim stack face up to the
 Columns A through E contain the shim maximum specified by the input F.stack
stack deflection at a given applied fluid parameter. ReStackor increments the force
force using a logarithmic function focusing more
 Columns G through Q contain the points at low force to accurately describe how the
damping force computed for the shock shim stack cracks open.

Fstack: Force applied to the stack face shim, The flow area is controlled by shim stack
[lbf]. deflection and the specifics of the valve port
geometry configuration.
Yport: Edge lift of the stack measured at the
outer edge of the valve port, [inches]. The port A.clk: The stack flow area as defined above, plus
outer edge is defined by the input parameters the flow area through the clicker bleed circuit at
r.port + d.port. the input clicker position, [square inches].
A.clsd: The fluid flow area between the valve A.wo: The stack face flow area as defined above,
face and shim stack [square inches]. This plus the clicker flow area at the wide open clicker
measurement is taken with the clickers closed. position, [square inches].

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 50

Damping force, Calculation outputs

Shim stack deflection plots lift and flow area as a function of fluid force
applied to the stack. The stack fluid force as a
The above calculation outputs are plotted on the
function of shock absorber shaft velocity is listed
output tab for each valve showing the stack edge
in column K.

Damping force plots providing the data plotted in the output damping
force curves.
Damping force outputs from Shim ReStackor
calculations are listed in columns G through Q

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 51

Damping force, Calculation outputs

Damping force outputs

U.clk: The shock absorber damper rod velocity Gv: The fluid flow rate through the combined
[inches/sec] with the clickers set at the input valve and bleed circuits [liters/min]. position. ReStackor calculations
Fstack: The fluid force applied to the shim stack
determine the flow split between the bleed
face [lbf].
circuit and valve, fluid dynamic forces acting on
the shim stack face and resulting stack deflection Fshaft: The damping force produced by the
controlling the damping force produced by the shock at the given shaft velocity [lbf].
Pressure: The pressure drop across the valve
U.wo: The shock absorber damper rod velocity [psi]. This is the pressure difference across the
[inches/sec] with the clickers in the wide open valve, not the chamber pressure.
position. The difference between U.clk and U.wo
is the fluid flow through the clicker bleed circuit. C.clk: Damping coefficient with clickers set at
With the clickers wide open a higher suspension the requested position. The damping coefficient
velocity is needed to make up for the additional is defined as the shock absorber damping force
flow through the clicker bleed circuit. divided by the shaft velocity [lbf-sec/in]

U.clsd: The shock absorber damper rod velocity C.wo: Damping coefficient with the clickers
[inches/sec] with the clickers in the closed wide open. [lbf-sec/in]
position. The difference between Uclk and Uclsd C.clsd: Damping coefficient with the clickers
is there is no flow through the bleed circuit. closed. [lbf-sec/in]

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 52

Mid-valve damping force, Calculation outputs

Mid-valve damping force ReStackor “mv_Analysis” calculations track the

flow through each valve enforcing conservation
The “mv_Analysis” button on the Plots tab of of fluid mass and volume to determine the
ReStackor-midvalve spreadsheets combine the change in valve flow and damping force as the
mid-valve and base valve (or compression severity of cavitation increases.
adjuster) damping force to determine the overall
compression damping force of the shock The “mv_Analysis” calculations also determine
absorber. the chamber pressure and backpressure
required to “pressure balance” the shock
Under non-cavitating conditions, the combined chambers for suppression of cavitation oil
damping force is simply the sum of the base and foaming. Operation under “pressure balanced”
mid-valve. Under cavitating conditions release conditions is recommended to obtain repeatable
of dissolved gas foams the oil and alters the flow and reliable performance from the shock in a
rate and pressure drop through the valve driving cavitation free environment.
damping force up or down depending on the
severity of the cavitation.

U.clk: Suspension damper rod velocity with the Pc: Fluid pressure in the shock compression
base valve and mid-valve clickers set at the chamber, [psia]
requested position on the BVc and MVc input
tabs. Pr: Fluid pressure in the rebound chamber,
Pgas: Bladder gas pressure or pressure above
the ICS piston in the fluid reservoir of the shock Nr: Fraction of rebound chamber filled with
or fork, [psia]. fluid.

Pfrk: Pressure in the shock fluid reservoir; Nics: Fraction of ICS stroke or bladder volume
[psia]. The parameter name in this column will used at current suspension stroke.
change from Pfrk to Pics or Pbld (bladder) Fbv.cav: Damping force produced by base
depending on the configuration of the reservoir valve, if the shock is cavitating this force will be
pressurization system used in the calculation.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 53

Mid-valve damping force, Calculation outputs

different from the non-cavitating damping force Cx.clk: Damping coefficient at the stroke depth
computed on the bv_ReStackor tab, [lbf]. specified by the Lstroke input, [lbf-sec/in].
Fmv.cav: Damping force produced by mid- Ft.clk: Combined damping force of base and
valve, if the shock is cavitating this force will be mid-valve integrated over the specified stroke
different from the non-cavitating damping force depth, [lbf].
computed on the mv_ReStackor tab, [lbf].
Ct.clk: Damping coefficient of combined base
Fx.clk: Damping force produced at the stroke and mid-valve damping force integrated over
depth specified by the Lstroke input, [lbf]. specified stroke depth, [lbf-sec/in].

Open and closed clicker damping force

Base valve clickers wide open Ct.wo: Averaged damping coefficient integrated
over specified stroke depth with the base valve
U.wo: Suspension velocity with the base valve compression clickers wide opened, [lbf-sec/in].
clicker wide open and the mid-valve clickers set
at position requested on the MVc tab. If you want Base valve clickers closed
to evaluate the effect of the mid-valve clicker on
compression damping you can re-run the U.clsd: Suspension velocity with the base valve
calculations with the MVc clicker set at the clicker closed and mid-valve set at the position
desired position, [in/sec]. requested on the MVc input tab, [in/sec].

Pr.wo: Fluid pressure in the rebound chamber Pr.clsd: Rebound chamber pressure with the
with the base valve compression clickers wide base valve compression clickers closed, [psia].
open, [psia]. Ft.clsd: Stroke averaged damping force with the
Ft.wo: Stroke averaged damping force with the base valve clickers closed, [lbf].
base valve clickers wide open. Mid-valve clickers Ct.clsd: Stroke averaged damping coefficient
are at the position specified on the MVc tab. [lbf]. with the base valve clickers closed, [lbf-sec/in].

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 54

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

Suspension response outputs push the compression stroke to the input

specified "Max Stroke" position. The wheel
Suspension response outputs are on the bump stroke starts from the suspension normal
“Resp_Dat” tab of Shim ReStackor mid-valve ride height specified by the “race sag” input.
spreadsheets. Output parameters are defined
below. The chassis bottoming stroke assumes the bike is
landing after a jump free fall and starts from full
Wheel and chassis bottoming suspension extension. The calculations account
for the effect of link ratio, shock gas force, spring
ReStackor suspension response calculations
determine the wheel bump velocity required to force and damping.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 55

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

Wheel stroke outputs Each block is separated by a header describing

the variable name and units. In each output
Suspension position and velocities are tabulated block the first line records the value at race sag
on the “Resp_Dat” tab. The first output block for plotting purposes.
describes the compression stroke wheel position
and velocity. The second block describes the
rebound stroke.

Time: Elapsed time from start of suspension a.wheel or a.chs: Wheel or chassis
stroke acceleration at current stroke position
y.wheel: Wheel position measured from full u.wheel or u.chs: Wheel or chassis velocity at
extension current stroke position
LR: Suspension link ratio. Ratio of shock to u.shaft: Shock shaft velocity
wheel motion for an incremental change in
y.wheel at the current suspension position zeta.whl: Suspension response zeta coefficient
at current stroke position
TR: Travel ratio. Ratio of wheel to shock travel
at the current suspension position y.shk: Shock shaft position from full extension
XL.spr: Spring plus shock gas force on wheel
F.spring: Spring force at wheel
axel minus the race sag axel weight. The
F.gas: Shock gas force at wheel abbreviation XL stands for axel
F.damp: Shock damping force at shock shaft. XL.dmp: Damping force at wheel axel
Damping force at the wheel is given by

Chassis stroke outputs

Outputs for the chassis bottoming stroke follow
the wheel bump stroke and use the same output
parameter definitions given above for the wheel
bump stroke.

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 56

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

Stroke averaged zeta response

Following the wheel and chassis stroke outputs
ReStackor outputs for the instantaneous and
stroke averaged rebound zeta values for both the
wheel and chassis are tabulated.
stroke: Maximum stroke depth measured from
full extension
u.shaft: Maximum shock shaft velocity in the
rebound stroke
zeta: Instantaneous rebound zeta value on
return to race sag
zetaC: Stroke averaged zeta value giving same
response time and final velocity as actual

Damping Force
ReStackor suspension response calculations use
the computed compression damping force for
the shock extracted from the "Mid_Valve_Calc"
output tab and rebound damping force from the
"mvr_ReStackor" output tab. Those values are
echoed in the suspension response output data
along with the rebound/compression damping
ratio. The output parameters are defined below:
U.comp: Shock shaft compression velocity
C.comp: Shock compression damping
coefficient defined as the shocks compression
damping force divided by shaft velocity

U.rbnd: Shock shaft rebound velocity

C.rbnd: Shocks rebound damping coefficient
U.whl: Suspension wheel velocity
Damp Ratio: Shocks rebound/compression
damping ratio at the suspension wheel velocity
specified by U.whl

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 57

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

Maximum compression and rebound stroke velocity

ReStackor suspension response calculations Rbnd.max: Maximum rebound shock shaft
determine the bump impact velocity required for velocity for a full stroke. The first line specifies
the suspension to achieve a full suspension the maximum wheel stroke velocity and the
stroke specified by the input link ratio data table. second line specifies the maximum chassis
The “Max Damping Force” output table lists the rebound velocity after bottoming
full stroke suspension velocity.
C.rbnd: Shock rebound damping coefficient at
Comp.max: Maximum shock shaft the maximum shaft velocity
compression velocity to reach the stroke limit of
U.whl: Maximum rebound stroke suspension
the input link ratio curve. The first line specifies
wheel velocity for the input "Max Stroke" depth.
maximum velocities for the wheel bottoming
First line gives the maximum velocity during the
stroke and the second line specifies the limit for
wheel response stroke and the second line gives
the chassis bottoming stroke
the chassis stroke
C.comp: Shock compression damping
Damp Ratio: Rebound/compression damping
coefficient at the maximum shaft velocity
ratio at the U.whl maximum rebound velocity

Suspension link ratio

The output block echoes the input wheel and y.wheel: Wheel position measured from full
shock position data used to determine the extension
suspension link ratio along with the link ratio
y.shock: Shock position measured from full
and travel ratio determined from the input
values. Input data more than 5% off of the
average curve are listed in the y.bad column and y.input: Shock position input data
plotted as green data symbols on the link ratio
plot. y.bad: y.input values that are more than 5% off
of the average link ratio curve

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 58

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

LR: Suspension link ratio defined as the 1/TR: Suspension travel ratio defined as the
incremental change in shock suspension wheel position divided by the shock
position/incremental change in wheel position position. Outputs are 1/TR for plotting purposes.

Race sag spring force

Using inputs of spring rate, spring preload, Chassis: Chassis weight on wheel based on
shock reservoir gas force, ICS force, link ratio, input chassis weight and weight split
chassis curb weight and rear/front weight spring
Race sag: Input value of Race sag
ReStackor calculations determine the chassis
free sag and rider weight needed to hit the target Race wt: Force on wheel for input value of race
Race sag value input. Output parameters are sag, spring rate and link ratio. If calculations are
defined below: for a fork Race wt is weight on front wheel. If
calculations are for a shock Race wt is the weight
Free sag: Free sag necessary to support the
on the rear wheel
chassis weight
rw: Rider weight on foot pegs

Parametric calculations evaluating rebound F.comp: Peak compression damping force over
response zeta values over the range of stroke stroke
depths also record the maximum suspension
F.sprg: Peak spring force at stroke depth
velocity and damping force at each stroke depth.
Those values along with the damping force ratio Fc/Fsprg: Ratio of peak compression damping
and work done are output. force to peak spring force
Stroke: Suspension stroke depth u.rbnd: Maximum rebound velocity at stroke
u.comp: Maximum suspension velocity in
compression stroke F.rbnd: Peak rebound force over stroke

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 59

Suspension response, Calculation outputs

r/c force: Ratio of peak compression damping Izeta: Instantaneous zeta value at the maximum
force to peak rebound damping force rebound stroke velocity
r/c work: Ratio of work over rebound stroke to
work in compression stroke

--- Shim ReStackor User Manual --- 60

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