Companion Portables
Companion Portables
2200 Airport Industrial Dr., Ste. 500
Ball Ground, GA 30107
Customer/Technical Service:
North and South America
Phone (US Only): 800-482-2473 Fax: 888-932-2473
US: 770-721-7759 Fax: 770-721-7758
Asia, Australia, Pacific Rim
Phone: 770-721-7759 Fax: 770-721-7758
Phone: +44 (0) 1189 367080 Fax: +44 118 9799245
The following document contains additional information useful in servicing this equipment:
For Customer or Technical Service needs (product assistance, ordering, part numbers, specifications, unexpected events, etc.) contact:
2200 Airport Industrial Dr., Ste. 500
Customer & Technical Service:
NOTE: CAIRE Reservoir and Portable units are intended only for the delivery of medical grade oxygen as prescribed by a physi-
This manual is intended for use by experienced personnel only. No attempt should be made to fill or maintain this equipment until both this
manual and the Patient Operating Instruction booklet have been read and fully understood.
Companion Portables
FCV Flow Control Valve PRV Primary Relief Valve
LED Light Emitting Diode QDV Quick Disconnect Valve
LOX Liquid Oxygen RMA Return Materials Authorization
LPM Liters Per Minute RP Repair Procedure
NER Normal Evaporation Rate RR Removal and Replacement
POI Patient Operating Instructions SRV Secondary Relief Valve
N2 Nitrogen Gas O2 Oxygen Gas
TF Top Fill SF Side Fill
DF Dual Fill PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene (“Teflon”)
DISS Diameter Index Safety System
Definition of Terms
WARNING Description of a condition that can result in personal injury or death.
CAUTION Description of a condition that can result in equipment or component damage.
NOTE A statement containing information important enough to emphasize or repeat.
(ITEM) Item numbers used throughout this manual are shown on the illustrations.
Companion Portables
I. Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
III. Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IV. Equipment Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
V. Theory of Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
VI. Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
VII. Saturation Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
VIII. Unpacking and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
IX. Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
X. Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
XI. Troubleshooting & Repair Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
XII. Parts List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
XIII. Ordering Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
XIV. Return & Restocking Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
XV. Service Tools/Equipment/Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Companion Portables
Safety Guidelines and Operational Safety WARNING: Do not modify equipment without authorization
from the manufacturer.
Oxygen, as it exists at standard atmospheric pressure and tem-
perature, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Oxygen con- WARNING: These devices are not intended for life supporting
stitutes 21% of the atmosphere, by volume. Aside from its well- applications nor do they provide patient monitoring capabili-
documented ability to sustain life, oxygen also supports combus- ties.
tion, even though it is nonflammable. Many substances which
will burn in air, burn at a faster rate and at a higher temperature in WARNING: In certain circumstances, the use of non-pre-
an oxygen enriched atmosphere. Other materials that do not burn scribed oxygen can be hazardous. These devices should only
in air will burn as oxygen concentration increases. Additionally, be used when prescribed by a physician.
many greases and liquid solvents become extremely hazardous
WARNING: Not for use in the presence of flammable anes-
materials when placed in an oxygen-enriched environment. In its
liquid form, oxygen is still odorless and tasteless, but is pale blue
in color. At an operating pressure of 1,4 bar /20 psig, the tem-
WARNING: Excess accumulation of oxygen creates an
perature of liquid oxygen is about -173°C/-280° F. Skin exposed
oxygen-enriched atmosphere (defined by the Compressed Gas
to such a low temperature can become severely frostbitten.
Association as an oxygen concentration above 23%). In an
oxygen-enriched atmosphere, flammable items may burn vigor-
ously and may explode. Certain items considered noncombus-
tible in air may burn rapidly in such an environment. Keep all
While CAIRE, Inc. equipment is designed and built to the most
organic materials and other flammable substances away from
rigid standards, no piece of mechanical equipment can ever be
possible contact with oxygen; particularly oil, grease, kerosene,
made 100% foolproof. Strict compliance with proper safety prac-
cloth, wood, paint, tar, coal dust, and dirt which may contain oil
tices is necessary when using any CAIRE unit. We recommend
or grease. DO NOT permit smoking or open flame in any area
that our distributors emphasize safety and safe handling practices
where oxygen is stored, handled, or used. Failure to comply
to their employees and customers. While safety features have
with this warning may result in serious personal injury.
been designed into the unit and safe operations are anticipated, it
is necessary that all distributor personnel carefully read and fully
WARNING: In the event a unit is dropped, tipped over, or
understand WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES throughout
unreasonably abused, immediately, but cautiously, raise the
the manual. Periodic review of this information is recommended.
container to its normal vertical position. If substantial con-
tainer damage has occurred, remove the liquid oxygen from
These hazards require certain safety precautions to be taken when
the vessel in a safe manner (RP3). Purge the unit with an inert
working around gaseous and/or liquid oxygen.
gas (nitrogen) and promptly return it to CAIRE for inspection.
The container should be prominently marked “CONTAINER
WARNING: Never permit combustible substances such as DROPPED, INSPECT FOR DAMAGE.” Failure to comply
greases, oils, solvents, or other compounds not oxygen compat- with these procedures may result in personal injury and can se-
ible to contact any component of the unit exposed to higher- riously damage the container.
than atmospheric concentrations of gaseous or liquid oxygen.
This especially applies to tubing, fittings, and valves. WARNING: Personnel must remove liquid oxygen and depres-
surize the unit before removing parts or loosening fittings from
WARNING: Keep oxygen equipment away from open flames a unit. Failure to do so may result in personal injury from the
or electrical appliances such as heaters, stoves, toasters, and extreme cold of liquid oxygen and/or the pressure in the vessel.
other devices with heating elements.
WARNING: During transfer of liquid oxygen, components will
WARNING: Never permit smoking in an area where oxygen become extremely cold. Care should be used to avoid any con-
equipment is repaired, filled, or used. tact with these components, as serious frostbite may result.
Companion Portables
WARNING: When using concentrated oxygen, the risk of fire WARNING: Extreme high pressure can rupture container or
is increased. plumbing components. Be sure specified pressure relief devices
are present, in the proper location, and functioning properly.
WARNING: The possibility of fire exists when the combina-
tion of a fuel, source of ignition, and oxygen is present. High WARNING: During transfer of liquid oxygen gas blow off
concentrations of oxygen (air is approximately 21% oxygen) from the vent valve creates a loud horn-like noise. Ear protec-
greatly enhance the possibility of combustion. tion is recommended.
• Obtain all replacement parts for medical oxygen equipment WARNING: Do not smoke or keep burning tobacco near this
from the manufacturer. equipment. Death or injury may occur.
• Use only recommended oxygen compatible cleaning and
leak detection products. WARNING: Keep flammable materials away from this equip-
• Keep the reservoir upright at all times. Secure liquid oxy- ment. Oils, grease, including facial creams and petroleum jelly,
gen equipment when transporting to prevent accidental asphalt, and synthetic fibers ignite easily and burn rapidly in
tipover and spillage. the presence of concentrated oxygen. If needed, use only speci-
fied oxygen compatible lubricants as directed.
• If a liquid oxygen spill occurs indoors, open doors and
windows to ventilate the area. Avoid sources of ignition
WARNING: Liquid oxygen vessels periodically release small
and do not walk on or roll equipment over the affected
amounts of oxygen gas that must be ventilated to prevent pres-
sure buildup. Do not store liquid oxygen equipment in a car
• Any clothing or porous material that is splashed with liq- trunk, closet, or other confined area. Do not place bags, blan-
uid oxygen or otherwise absorbs high concentrations of kets, draperies, or other fabrics over the equipment when it
oxygen should be removed and aired for at least one hour contains liquid oxygen.
away from any source of ignition.
Companion Portables
Table 2
The Companion 1000/T is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the
Companion 1000/T should assure that it is used in such an environment.
• Medical Electrical Equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according
to the EMC information provided in this manual.
• Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect Medical Electrical Equipment.
• The use of Accessories, transducers, and cables other than those specified, with the exception of transducers and cables sold by
the Manufacturer of this device as replacement parts for internal components, may result in increased Emissions or decreased
Immunity of the Companion 1000/T.
• The Companion 1000/T should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment and that if adjacent or stacked use is
necessary, the Companion 1000/T should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used.
Companion Portables
Table 3
The Companion 1000/T is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the
Companion 1000/T should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment—guidance
Electrostatic ±6 kV contact ±6 kV contact Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic tile. If floors
discharge (ESD) ±8 kV air ±8 kV air are covered with synthetic material, the relative
IEC 61000-4-2 humidity should be at least 30%.*
Electrical fast ±2 kV for power Not applicable Not applicable
transient/burst supply lines DC powered device
IEC 610004-4 ±1 kV for Not applicable
input/output linesNo data input/output lines
±1 kV line(s)
Surge to line(s) Not Applicable Not Applicable
IEC 61000-4-5 ±2 kV line(s) DC powered device
to earth
Voltage dips, <5% UT (>95% dip
short interruptions in UT) for 0,5 cycle
and voltage 40% UT (60% dip
variations on in UT) for 5 cycles Not Applicable Not Applicable
power supply 70% UT (30% dip DC powered device
input lines in UT) for 25 cycles
IEC 61000-4-11 <5% UT (>95% dip
in UT) for 5 sec
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields should be at levels
(50/60 Hz) characteristic of a typical location in a typical
magnetic field commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-8
Note: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
* This statement indicates that the required testing was performed in a controlled environment and the Companion 1000/Ts are found
to be compliant with regulations.
Companion Portables
Table 4*
The Companion 1000/T is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the
Companion 1000/T should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment—guidance
Conducted RF 3Vrms Not Applicable Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should
IEC 61000-4-6 150kHz to 80 MHz Battery powered be used no closer to any part of the Companion 1000/T,
device including cables, than the recommended separation distance
calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency
of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance
d = 1.2 √P
d = 1.2 √P 80 MHz to 800 MHz
d = 2.3 √P 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
where P is the maximum output power rating of the
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz manufacturer and d is the recommended separation
distance in meters (m).
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, ama-
teur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To asses the electromag-
netic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength
in the location in which the Companion 1000/T is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the Companion 1000/T
should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as
reorienting or relocating the Companion 1000/T.
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.
* This table is included as a standard requirement for equipment which has been tested to specific test levels and over specific
frquency ranges and been found compliant with regulations.
Companion Portables
Table 5*
The Companion 1000/T is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The
customer or the user of the Companion 1000/T can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance
between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Companion 1000/T as recommended below, ac-
cording to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.
NOTE 1 at 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
* This table is included as a standard requirement for equipment which has been tested to specific test levels and over specific
frquency ranges and been found compliant with regulations.
Companion Portables
NOTE: Throughout this manual the CAIRE Companion 1000 1. Cryogenic Container This assembly is a double walled
and CAIRE Companion 1000 T will be referred to as the vacuum insulated Dewar for storing liquid oxygen (LOX) at
Companion 1000/T whenever information that is applicable to approximately -173°C/-280°F. The inner vessel is designed
both models is presented. to safely hold liquid oxygen and is protected from over pres-
surization by the primary relief valve. Vacuum insulation
The CAIRE Companion C1000 and C1000T units are the between the inner and outer vessel keeps outside heat from
portable components of a supplemental oxygen system. The causing the cold liquid inside to evaporate.
Companion 1000 provides continuous oxygen flow up to 6LPM, 2. Plumbing System The plumbing system consists of the
and the Companion 1000T provides continuous oxygen flow up warming coils, vent valve, PRV, SRV, FCV and QDV (fill
to 15LPM. The C1000 and the C1000T are nearly identical in connector). It is responsible for filling the unit with liquid
features and operational characteristics. The difference in the oxygen, as well as removing the liquid oxygen from the
two units is primarily the oxygen flow delivery rate capabilities. cryogenic container and warming it to a gas for delivery to
Enclosed in a plastic case, the C1000/T incorporates a stainless the patient.
steel cryogenic container with the valves, plumbing, and associ- 3. Case Assembly The C1000/T side covers are molded poly-
ated hardware necessary to deliver gaseous oxygen to a patient at carbonate plastic. When assembled, they form a clam-shell
or near room temperature. enclosure of the plumbing and cryogenic container.
4. Liquid Content/Level Indicator The system uses a weight
The Companion portable units are composed of four major as-
scale system to measure the level of LOX remaining in the
semblies, grouped according to function:
cryogenic container. It is activated by suspending the unit by
one end of the carrying strap and reading the needle gauge
built into the top cover.
Companion Portables
Filling As with all vacuum-insulated cryogenic containers, the liquid
oxygen in the C1000/T is always evaporating into a gas. The rate
The C1000/T portable units are designed to be filled from any of generation of this gas (called “head gas”) is called the normal
top-fill (TF) reservoir with a compatible male QDV. The fol- evaporation rate (NER). When the flow control knob is in the off
lowing CAIRE reservoirs are compatible with the C1000/T for position, this gas will build up pressure in the headspace above
filling: the liquid oxygen. When the pressure reaches the PRV setting,
this gas is released through the primary relief valve into the at-
• Liberator (TF/DF) 10, 20, 30, 37, 45, 60 mosphere. The vented gas represents the system’s NER loss.
• Companion C21, C31, C41
• Low Loss (TF/DF) 31, 42 Oxygen Withdrawal
• HELiOS Universal U36, U46
With oxygen in the unit, and the vent valve closed, the pres-
sure in the inner vessel will remain at or near the primary relief
NOTE: The Companion T moisture cup must be removed from
valve opening pressure. At operating pressure and with the flow
the unit before filling.
control valve open, pressure forces liquid oxygen up the liquid
withdrawal tube and into the warming coils. In the warming coils,
The C1000/T is filled by coupling its female quick disconnect liquid oxygen absorbs heat and vaporizes, warming to almost am-
valve (QDV) with the male QDV on the reservoir and opening bient temperature by the time gas is dispensed by the flow control
the vent valve. valve to the patient.
Once the QDV’s have been connected, the vent valve on the port- A moisture collection pad is an internal component of the
able unit must be opened to initiate flow of liquid into the unit. C1000, and a moisture collection cup is externally attached to the
When the vent valve is opened, it vents the contents of the inner C1000T. These collect the additional condensed water that is cre-
container to the atmosphere. ated when the Companion is operated at higher flow-rates.
Venting the gas inside of the container creates a pressure drop in- Liquid Contents/Level Indicator Operation
side of the C1000/T. This pressure differential causes liquid oxy-
gen to flow up the reservoir fill tube, through the coupled QDV’s, The C1000/T is equipped with a spring scale liquid level meas-
and into the inner container of the C1000/T urement system. The spring scale is incorporated into the strap
assembly of the portable and the display is built in to the top
At the beginning of a fill, the liquid oxygen that leaves the res- bezel. Suspending the unit from the carrying strap closest to the
ervoir will vaporize into a gas because the inside of the C1000/T contents indicator activates the weight-scale mechanism. The
container is relatively warm. This gas is discharged through the needle on the weight scale display moves an amount proportional
vent valve. After a short time, the container cools and liquid oxy- to the amount of LOX in the unit.
gen is contained.
When the unit is full, liquid oxygen is expelled through the vent
valve. The venting sound also changes and the liquid oxygen
creates a dense vapor cloud coming from under the reservoir’s
shroud. Closing the vent valve and separating the C1000/T from
the reservoir terminates the fill process.
Companion Portables
Portable Serial Number Identification Figure 4
Each C1000/T is identified by a unique serial number. The serial
number is crucial if a problem arises with the unit or support is Portables Manufactured prior to January 1985
ever needed through CAIRE Customer or Technical Service.
4 - 6 - 25 - 1
Prior to June 2010, the serial number for the C1000/T was etched
on the vent valve mounting bracket. The vent valve is pulled Designates Year Designates Designates Day Designates Number
down to view the serial number when the side covers of the unit (4 represents Month of Month of Specific Unit
are in place. As of June 2010, the serial number location has 1984) Produced that Day
changed. The serial number is now found on a white, rectangular
sticker placed on the outside of the cryogenic container. It can be
seen through the vents on the side of the outer case. Portables Manufactured in and after January 1985 and
prior to October 1994
Figure 4 shows a history of the serial number structure for
Companion portables. 88 06 25 01
Designates Year Designates Designates Day Designates Number
Month of Month of Specific Unit
Produced that Day
95 176 001
Designates Year Designates Sequential Day Designates Number
(4 represents of Year of Specific Unit
1984) (Jan 1 = 001, Dec 31 = 365) Produced that Day
CB B30 10 29 0964
Designates Designates Designates Designates Designates
Manufacturing Portable Year Week of Number of
Location Product Code the Year Specific Unit
that Week
Companion Portables
Table 6
Outlet Pressure 1.28 – 1.62 bar / 18.5 – 23.5 psi 1.28 – 1.62 bar / 18.5 – 23.5 psi
Primary Relief Valve Opening Pressure <1.62 bar / <23.5 psi <1.62 bar / <23.5 psi
Primary Relief Valve Reseat Pressure >1.28 bar / >18.5 psi >1.28 bar / >18.5 psi
Secondary Relief Valve Opening Pressure 1.97-2.17 bar / 28.5-31.5 psi 1.97-2.17 bar / 28.5-31.5 psi
Secondary Relief Valve Reseat Pressure >1.86 bar / >27 psi >1.86 bar / >27 psi
Companion Portables
Oxygen, in its normal state, is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas that is non-flammable, although it greatly accelerates combustion
in high concentrations. It constitutes about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume. Oxygen in higher concentrations is medically
beneficial to patients suffering from certain respiratory diseases.
Oxygen, like most gases, will condense into a liquid with an increase in pressure or decrease in temperature. As a liquid, oxygen is
pale blue in color and is about 860 times as dense as its gaseous form. At atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia), oxygen condenses into its
liquid form at a temperature of about -297°F (-184°C). Liquid oxygen (LOX) is an efficient form of oxygen to meet a patient’s port-
able, ambulatory oxygen needs. A volume of liquid oxygen, when vaporized, yields about 860 volumes of gaseous oxygen (Figure 1).
As you can see, a relatively small volume of liquid oxygen provides a much larger volume of gaseous oxygen for a patient to use.
In medical liquid oxygen systems, liquid oxygen, and the gaseous oxygen resulting from its vaporization or boiling, is stored under
pressure. The elevated pressure, typically 1.52 bar (22 psi), enables oxygen to flow to the patient at a selected, prescribed rate. To sus-
tain this oxygen flow to the patient, the liquid oxygen must be in a state that allows vaporization to readily occur. In other words, the
liquid oxygen must be in a state of saturation. Let’s take a look at what liquid saturation is all about.
A saturated liquid is one that absorbs the maximum amount of heat possible at a given pressure without vaporizing into a gas. If ad-
ditional heat is added, the saturated liquid begins to vaporize (boil) while remaining at a constant temperature until all of the liquid
is vaporized. A common example of a saturated liquid is water at its boiling point of 212°F (100°C) at sea level. The constant addi-
tion of heat to the boiling water does not cause it to become hotter, but instead causes part of the liquid water to turn to water vapor
(Figure 5).
The saturation (boiling) point of a liquid depends not only on temperature but also on pressure. If the pressure in a container of satu-
rated liquid increases, the temperature required for saturation to occur will also increase. This leaves the liquid unsaturated, that is,
capable of accepting more heat before it will boil (Figure 6).
Companion Portables
If the pressure in a container of saturated liquid decreases, the temperature required for saturation to occur will decrease. This leaves
the liquid “super saturated” or too warm. When this occurs, rapid boiling and vaporizing of some of the liquid occurs. The rapid boil-
ing and evaporation of the liquid dissipates the excessive heat until the remaining liquid cools down to the new saturation temperature
associated with the decreased pressure (Figure 7).
Oxygen, which is normally a gas at atmospheric pressure, changes into liquid form when it is cooled to about -297°F (-183°C) at
atmospheric pressure. It is saturated at this temperature (and pressure) which means it will remain a liquid as long as no additional
heat is added. However, the large quantity of heat present in the atmosphere constantly enters the liquid oxygen and causes it to boil
and vaporize back into a gas. Since it is virtually impossible to keep all of the heat in the atmosphere from entering the liquid oxygen,
constant boiling and vaporization occurs.
Now when liquid oxygen is placed in a closed container, the vaporizing gas is trapped and begins to build pressure. As pressure in-
creases above atmospheric pressure, more heat is needed for boiling to occur at the higher pressure. The heat that is constantly avail-
able from the atmosphere warms the liquid to a higher temperature where boiling again occurs. The vaporizing gas builds pressure
and the process continues. As the pressure on liquid oxygen builds, the related saturation temperature of the liquid increases propor-
tionally (Figure 8).
It is important to maintain liquid oxygen saturation (boiling) at the specified operating pressure of a liquid oxygen system. As an oxy-
gen flow demand is put on the system, a slight decrease in pressure occurs due to oxygen withdrawal. The saturated liquid oxygen in
the system vaporizes enough gaseous oxygen to maintain system operating pressure. This ensures proper oxygen flow to the patient.
If the liquid oxygen saturation temperature is too low, the corresponding lower saturation pressure causes low oxygen flows to the
Companion Portables
If the saturation pressure of the liquid in the portable unit is greater than 1.93 bar (28 psi) the following symptoms may occur:
If the saturation pressure of the liquid in the portable unit is lower than 1.2 bar (18 psi) the following symptoms may occur:
High saturation pressure in portables can be prevented by always ensuring that the reservoir being used to fill the portable is filled
according to its respective service manual. The saturation pressure of a portable unit is equal to the saturation pressure of the LOX
inside of the reservoir used to fill the portable.
Companion Portables
Unpacking Transport
1. Inspect carton for shipping damage. Report any damage to
the freight company before signing the bill of lading. The C1000/T are designed with carrying straps. Portable units
may be moved about or transported in a vehicle while full
2. Check description on carton against your order. without damage. However, they should not be dropped, placed
3. Unpack unit, including all accessories and documentation. on their side, or handled roughly to prevent physical damage.
Maintain unit in the upright position at all times.
4. Set aside packing materials in case unit must be returned to
the factory.
1. Locate and record the C1000/T serial number.
2. Visually inspect the C1000/T for damage from improper
handling. Note any dents in the container, cracks in the
case, missing or loose hardware, and bent or damaged com-
3. Check the vent valve for smooth operation by moving the
vent valve lever down to the open position. Verify that the
lever moves smoothly when opening and closing the valve.
4. Move the flow control knob to each flow setting. Verify
that the knob moves smoothly and encounters a detent at
each setting.
5. If possible, connect the portable to a reservoir to check for
smooth coupling, and to make sure the portable unit is in
proper alignment with the reservoir when mated and there
is no interference with the shroud or case of the portable
6. Verify operation of the liquid level contents indicator by
suspending the portable. Hold the C1000/T on a table and
carefully pull up on the end of the carrying strap nearest
the contents indicator. Verify that the indicator mechanism
moves smoothly. If the unit is empty, the contents should
display empty.
7. Inspect the carrying strap and buckle for abnormal wear.
8. Companion 1000 T Only: Inspect the moisture cup for
cracks. Verify the presence of a clean moisture pad in the
moisture cup. Verify that the quarter-turn fastener operates
properly and secures the moisture cup to the bottom of the
Companion T.
9. Check all labels for damage and wipe away any dust on
unit with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
Companion Portables
Filling i. When you notice a change in the sound of the venting gas,
followed by the emission of a dense, white vapor around the
1. Fill Source Preparation reservoir shroud, close the vent valve to terminate the fill.
j. Disengage the C1000/T from the reservoir by holding the
a. Ensure that the liquid reservoir contains a sufficient amount carrying strap above the unit and pressing the release button
of liquid oxygen to completely fill the portable. on the reservoir. Should the units not disengage easily, they
b. Ensure the liquid oxygen in the fill source is properly satu- may be frozen together. Do not use force. Allow a few mo-
rated according to its technical manual filling instructions. ments for the frozen parts to warm. Disengage the units after
the ice has melted.
WARNING: Fill source must be in a well ventilated area to pre-
vent development of an oxygen enriched atmosphere. k. Check the liquid oxygen contents indicator to verify that the
C1000/T is full of liquid oxygen.
WARNING: The fill connectors must be clean and dry before CAUTION: Liquid oxygen discharge from the fill connector can
filling the C1000/T. Moisture on the fill connectors can lead to occur. When disconnecting the Companion 1000/T, never stand
leakage of liquid oxygen. Moisture can also cause the units to directly over the reservoir QDV. If the reservoir QDV stays open
freeze together, and can lead to malfunctions of the portable or and minor liquid oxygen discharge occurs, carefully re-engage
reservoir. and disengage the Companion 1000/T to help dislodge any ice
or other obstruction. If major liquid oxygen discharge (steady
CAUTION: Do not depress or disturb the plastic poppet in the stream) occurs, open the reservoir vent valve (if safely possible)
center of the reservoir fill connector. This will cause an uncon- to vent pressure and stop the release of liquid oxygen. Open
trolled release of liquid oxygen from the fill connector. windows and doors to ventilate the room. Do not walk on areas
exposed to liquid oxygen for 60 minutes after frost disappears.
c. Hold the C1000/T with both hands and position its female
QDV over the male QDV of the reservoir.
NOTE: The pressure in the Companion 1000/T may be slightly
d. Lower the C1000/T carefully into place, ensuring the fill
lower than normal for up to 20 minutes after filling the unit. This
connectors are properly aligned.
may cause actual oxygen flows to be slightly lower than normal.
CAUTION: Do not leave the Companion 1000/T unattended
during the filling operation. Excessive liquid oxygen discharge
can occur Liquid Level Measurement
e. Place one hand on top of the C1000/T and press straight 1. Suspend the C1000/T by the strap nearest the liquid level
down. This will lower the unit about 3/8 in, properly engag- gauge.
ing the fill connectors. 2. Observe the location of the needle on the liquid level gauge.
f. While holding the C1000/T in this position, move the vent 3. The green section of the color coded gauge indicates a full
lever to the open position. A hissing sound will be heard in- unit.
dicating liquid flowing into the portable.
g. During the filling operation, maintain a slight downward
pressure on the C1000/T with one hand to ensure stability
and proper filling position.
h. Approximately 20-30 seconds into the fill, close and reopen
the vent valve one or more times to prevent the vent valve
from freezing open.
Companion Portables
Operation TABLE 7: Recommended Cleaning and Disinfectant Solutions
Cleaning & Disinfecting 1. Inspect the case for cracks, warpage, and discoloration.
2. Verify that all warning labels are present and legible on the
To ensure proper functioning and end-user safety, CAIRE porta-
bles should be cleaned whenever dirt or grime is visually appar-
ent. The unit should be disinfected if required by applicable local 3. Verify that the fill connector is not worn or damaged and
regulations or the home healthcare distributor’s own decontami- that the poppet is not broken.
nation schedule. 4. Verify that the vent valve moves smoothly when opening
and closing the valve.
Preparation 5. Verify that the contents indicator works properly and reads
empty when the strap is suspended.
Prior to cleaning or disinfecting, the unit should be completely
purged of LOX. The technician should wear appropriate safety
gear when performing the following procedures.
1. Perform Leak Test
1. Remove the front and rear cover (RP4). 2. Perform Liquid Oxygen Functional Tests
2. Spray an approved cleaner (Table 7) onto a clean, dry, lint- 3. Perform Gaseous Oxygen Functional Tests
free cloth.
3. Clean the interior and exterior of each cover with the cloth. End of Life
Use cotton swabs in tight places.
4. Wipe the covers dry with a towel. At the end of the unit’s service life, all portable units must be
5. Use a Scotch-Brite pad lightly with detergent to remove returned to a recycling facility in compliance with the Waste
scuff marks on the case. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), or other
applicable codes and regulations. Alternatively, CAIRE may be
6. Clean the plumbing with water. contacted for disposal information.
7. Dry the plumbing with a towel and oil-free compressed gas.
8. Inspect the C1000/T moisture pad and replace if necessary.
NOTE: Make sure that the fill connector and vent valve shaft are
thoroughly dry before proceeding.
Companion Portables
There are two schedules for routine maintenance which the home 4. Prepare for Use
health care distributor may follow. These schedules allow the a. Empty Contents (RP3)
distributor maximum flexibility while assuring that equipment is
operating properly. The healthcare distributor may follow either b. Clean and/or disinfect the unit following instructions set
Schedule A or Schedule B, or a combination of the two sched- forth in the Operation section.
ules. Maintenance Checklists are provided for each schedule.
See Below.
Routine maintenance is a series of steps used to assure that the
equipment is functioning properly.
1. If a unit fails a given test, one of two things may be done:
a. Refer to Troubleshooting section of this manual.
b. Return the unit to CAIRE, Inc. for repair.
2. Schedule – Maximum of two years between routine mainte-
nance testing. Unit should be tested whenever a problem is
Follow the steps in order listed. If the unit fails any step, refer to
Troubleshooting section of this manual.
1. Visual Inspection
a. Remove all LOX prior to maintenance (RP3).
b. Look for damaged or missing parts
c. Verify the contents indicator reads empty and that the
spring scale moves freely.
2. Component Test
a. Remove Case (RP4)
b Perform Leak Test (RP2)
c. Preform PRV Test (RP9)
d. Preform SRV Test (RP11)
e. Pressure Retention Test (RP13)
f. Replace Case (RP4)
g. Liquid Contents/Level Indicator Test (RP7)
h. Flow Rate Test (RP19)
3. Check Efficiency of Unit:
a. Inspect the unit for cold or sweaty condition and for ex-
cessive venting from relief valve (some venting may be nor-
b. Perform NER Test (RP23)
Companion Portables
Schedule A (Biennial) Maintenance Checklist
Step 10 Year Service Life Year 2 Year 4 Year 6 Year 8 Year 10
1 LOXPurgedFromReservoir(RepairProcedureRP3) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
2 Inpection for Damaged/Missing Parts PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
3 ContentsIndicatorReadsEmptyandSpringScale PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
Moves Freely
4 Remove Cover (Repair Procedure RP4) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
5 PerformLeakTest (Repair Procedure RP2) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
6 Perform PRVTest (Repair Procedure RP9) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
PRV Crack Pressure
PRV Reseat Pressure
7 PerformSRVTest(RepairProcedureRP11) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
SRV Crack Pressure
SRV Reseat Pressure
8 PressureRetentionTest(RepairProcedureRP13) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
Internal Pressure at initial reading
Internal Pressure after 8-9 hours
9 Replace Case (Repair Procedure RP4) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
10 LiquidContents/LevelIndicatorTest(Repair PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
Procedure RP7)
green (1/1) when full.
11 Flow Rate Test (Repair Procedure RP19) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
C1000 C1000T
Flow Rate at: 0.25 0.5
Flow Rate at: 0.5 1.0
Flow Rate at: 0.75 1.5
Flow Rate at: 1.00 2.0
Flow Rate at: 1.50 3.0
Flow Rate at: 2.00 4.0
Flow Rate at: 2.50 5.0
Flow Rate at: 3.00 6.0
Flow Rate at: 4.00 8.0
Flow Rate at: 5.00 10.0
Flow Rate at: 6.00 15.0
12 InspectforColdorSweatyconditon/Excessive PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
Venting from RV
13 PerformNERTest(RepairProcedureRP23) PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
NER Results
14 EmptyContentsfromPortable(RepairProcedure PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
15 Clean and/or Disenfect Outside of Unit PerformedorVerifiedBy/Date
Companion Portables
Schedule B – Continuous Pre and Post Fill Inspection
A. Introduction
1. Visually Verify
a. QDV poppet is closed and not leaking
b. Vent valve is completely closed and not leaking
c. No heavy frost or condensation is present on the exterior
of the unit
d. Liquid Level Contents Indicator reads the accurate
Companion Portables
Schedule B (Continuous Pre and Post Fill Inspection) Maintenance Checklist
7 Verified By/Date
the Exterior of the Unit
8 Verified By/Date
Valve Functions as it Should
9 FCVknobmovessmoothlyandencountersadetentateachsetting Verified By/Date
Companion Portables
Table of Contents
A. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
B. Troubleshooting Chart----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
C. Repair Procedures
RP1 General------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30
RP2A Leak Test (Warm & Empty Unit)---------------------------------------------------------- 30
RP2B Leak Test (Unit Containing Oxygen)---------------------------------------------------- 31
RP3 Emptying/Warming Portable RR--------------------------------------------------------- 31
RP4 Side Cover RR---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
RP5 Top Bezel RR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
RP6 Carrying Strap RR----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
RP7 Liquid Contents/Level Indicator Test--------------------------------------------------- 32
RP8 Liquid Contents/Level Indicator RR----------------------------------------------------- 32
RP9 PRV Test----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
RP10 PRV RR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
RP11 SRV Test----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
RP12 SRV RR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
RP13 Pressure Retention Test-------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
RP14A Warming Coil Assembly RR (C1000)----------------------------------------------------- 35
RP14B Warming Coil Assembly RR (C1000T)--------------------------------------------------- 35
RP15 Vent Valve Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
RP16 Vent Valve RR---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
RP17 QDV Assembly RR---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
RP18 Lip Seal RR-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
RP19 Flow Rate Test Test-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
RP20 FCV RR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
RP21 Back Flushing the FCV---------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
RP22 Operating Pressure Test-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
RP23 NER Test---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
RP24 Manifold RR------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40
RP25 Cryogenic Container RR-------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
1. These procedures are designed to be performed only by qualified personnel with proper equipment.
2. Any failure during routine maintenance checks will refer you to this section. See troubleshooting chart for appropriate
Companion Portables
Table 5 below provides troubleshooting procedures for the Companion Portables. This guide is not all-inclusive but is intended to
serve as a general outline for solving operational problems. The table describes symptoms, identifies probable causes, and suggests
corrective actions.
When more than one probable cause is identified, the causes are listed in order of most likely to least likely reasons for the problem.
Table 8 - Troubleshooting
c) Vent valve not open Ensure that the vent valve lever is fully in the open position.
The lever must be open to begin a fill.
d) FCV is open Be sure that the FCV knob is in the off (“0”) position. If the
valve is open, fill times can increase.
e) Reservoir saturation pressure is Swap reservoirs or allow the reservoir time to stabilize and
too low build pressure
f) Vent valve is obstructed Inspect the vent tubes for blockages. Clean by blowing out with
compressed gas or replace parts if necessary.
g) Leak in the system Check the portable for leaks (RP2) and repair if needed.
h) QDV damaged or faulty Inspect the QDV and be sure the poppet opens properly and
smoothly. If necessary, replace the QDV (RP17)
i) Faulty vent valve Replace the vent valve (RP16)
2) Liquid leaks from the a) Worn or damaged lip seal Replace the QDV lip seal (RP18)
coupled QDVs during
the fill
3) Unable to disconnect the a) Pop-off assembly not being Ensure that the pop-off assembly on the reservoir is being used.
poratble from the reser- utilized Do not use force to separate the QDVs.
voir b) QDVs are frozen together Leave the units coupled with the vent valve closed and let them
sit until they warm up enough to disconnect. Always ensure that
male and female QDV’s are cleaned and dried prior to each fill.
4) Liquid leaks from the a) Ice crystal preventing the QDV Engage and disengage the portable onto the reservoir several
QDV poppet after filling from closing properly. times to dislodge the ice crystal. Always be sure that the male
and female QDVs are wiped clean and dry before filling.
Companion Portables
Table 8 (cont.)
c) Vent valve is frozen open Allow the portable to warm until the vent valve can close. After the
warm up, allow up to 60 minutes for the portable to stabilize and build
pressure before operating.
d) Faulty vent valve Replace the vent valve (RP16)
6) Excessive venting a) The portable has been Return the portable to an upright or acceptable operating position and
from relief valves transported or laid in an im- allow several minutes for stabilization.
(hissing sound) proper operating position
b) Saturation pressure too Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling. Allow
high. at least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate properly.
c) Relief valve frozen open Allow the portable to warm and thaw. Attempt to re-fill the portable.
d) Faulty relief valve Test the relief valve (RP9) and replace if necessary (RP10)
e) Partial or complete loss of Conduct the NER test (RP23) and return the unit to CAIRE, Inc. if
vacuum necessary.
7) No Flow a) Portable is empty Check the contents indicator/level gauge and fill the portable if
b) Flow control valve turned Ensure the flow control knob is not in the off (“0”) position.
c) Nasal cannula kinked or Ensure proper nasal cannula functionality and positioning
e) Saturation pressure is too Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling. Allow
low at least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate properly.
f) Leak in the system Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as neces-
g) Relief valve is open Ensure that there is no venting from the relief valves. If there is refer to
the corrective actions for “Excessive venting from relief valves (hiss-
ing sound)”
h) Vent valve is open Ensure that there is no venting from the vent valve outlet/tube. If there
is refer to the corrective actions for “Liquid leaks from the vent valve
i) FCV inlet filter is ob- Clean or replace (RP20) the filter screen.
j) Blockage in the liquid Check the warming coils and withdrawal tubes for blockages. Replace
withdrawal circuit if necessary.
k) FCV Faulty Replace the FCV (RP20)
Companion Portables
Table 8 (cont.)
c) Leak in the system Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as necessary.
d) Flow control valve inlet Clean or replace (RP20) the filter screen.
filter screen dirty
e) PRV faulty Test the PRV (RP9) and replace (RP10) if necessary.
f) Blockage in the liquid Check the warming coils and withdrawal tubes for blockages. Replace if
withdrawal circuit necessary.
g) FCV faulty Replace the FCV (RP20)
9) Increased NER a) Saturation Pressure is too Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling. Allow at
high least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate properly.
b) Leak in the system Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as necessary.
c) Relief valve open Ensure that there is no venting from the relief valves. If there is refer to
the corrective actions for “Excessive venting from relief valves (hissing
d) Partial or complete loss of Conduct the NER test (RP23) and return the unit to CAIRE, Inc. if neces-
vacuum sary.
10) Excessive Frost a) Frost is acceptable Some frost on the outer case and on the plumbing is acceptable, espe-
NOTE: Minimal cially at high flow rates during continuous use. This is due to the evapo-
frost on the case and ration of LOX to gas and the temperature difference between the LOX
on the plubming is and room temperature.
normal. This symp-
b) High humidity level High humidity levels can increase frost accumulation.
tom applies to frost
that is much greater c) Saturation pressure is too Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling. Allow at
than what is nor- high least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate properly.
mally observed.
d) Leak in the system Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as necessary.
e) Relief valve open Ensure that there is no venting from the relief valves. If there is refer to
the corrective actions for “Excessive venting from relief valves (hissing
f) Partial or complete loss of Conduct the NER test (RP23) and return the unit to CAIRE, inc. if neces-
vacuum sary.
11) Unit will not main- a) Saturation pressure is out Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling. Allow at
tain acceptable pres- of specification least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate properly.
sure when in use
b) Leak in the system Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as necessary.
c) PRV faulty Test the PRV (RP9) and replace (RP10) if necessary.
Companion Portables
Companion Portables
Companion Portables
RP1 – General RP2A - Leak Test (Warm & Empty Unit)
1) Remove the covers (RP4).
The following procedures have been carefully prepared to allow
proper removal and replacement of defective components and 2) Set the flow control valve to 0 LPM (Off).
should be used in conjunction with the Troubleshooting Chart and 3) Pressurize the C1000/T portable to approximately 1.52 bar
the tests in this section. (22 psi) with gaseous oxygen using the portable pressurizing
setup and gaseous oxygen supply (Figure 9). Close the vent
valve after pressurizing the unit and remove the pressurizing
WARNING: Make sure the unit is empty and vent valve is open
setup from the vent tube.
before replacing any component, except seals.
4) Connect the test pressure gauge to the oxygen outlet barbed
fitting and set the flow control valve to its highest setting.
WARNING: Parts that are welded in place must not be replaced Place the C1000/T in the portable test fixture (Figure 10).
in the field. Should these parts fail, return complete assembly or
sub-assembly to factory for repair. DO NOT use solder or silver
solder to repair broken welds.
Companion Portables
RP3 – Emptying/Warming Portable RR
1) Turn the FCV knob to the highest flow setting.
2) Allow unit to sit for 24 hours before proceeding.
Companion Portables
RP6 – Carrying Strap RR 4) Remove the lever spacer, the spring, and the spring rod.
5) Use a medium-blade screwdriver to remove the four pan
1) Remove the covers (RP4) and top bezel (RP5). head screws from the indicator. Remove the four screws and
2) Use a small screwdriver to remove the outermost E-clip the four upper spacers from the indicator.
from the pivot shaft. Remove the pivot shaft.
Figure 12
RP7 - Liquid Contents/Level Indicator Test
6) Pry the lens cap away from the base.
NOTE: Disconnect the plastic buckle in the carrying strap before
performing the following steps. The C1000/T side covers must 7) Remove the indicator needle from the base
be in place when performing this test.
Companion Portables
RP9 - PRV Test
1) Remove the covers (RP4).
2) Connect the pressurizing setup to the C1000/T as shown in
Figure 9.
3) Place one drop of SNOOP on the PRV or PRV silencer.
4) Slowly pressurize the unit with gaseous oxygen by adjusting
the oxygen regulator until tiny, foam-like bubbles begin to
form to indicate that the PRV has opened. You can also lis-
ten for an audible hissing sound.
5) Verify that the PRV opens (bubbles appear on the silencer)
at a pressure less than 1.62 bar (23.5 psi).
6) If the opening pressure is not within the specified range, re- Figure 16: PRV Removal
peat the procedure. If the PRV fails to open in the specified
range a second time, replace the PRV (RP10).
7) Slowly reduce the gaseous oxygen source pressure until the NOTE: Inspect the relief valve adapter for cracks caused from
stream of bubbles begins to diminish. overtightening. Replace as necessary.
8) Verify the PRV closes (bubbles begin to diminish) at a pres-
sure greater than 1.28 bar (18.5 psi). NOTE: Some older models contain a blue, anodized relief valve
9) If the closing pressure does not meet the acceptable adapter. Some of these adapters may be susceptible to cracking.
range,repeat the procedure. If the PRV fails to close at the The blue relief valve adapter has been replaced by a clear ano-
specified range a second time, replace the PRV (RP10). dized adapter that has a longer thread engagement length.
10) Remove the pressurizing setup and reinstall the covers
NOTE: The primary relief circuit tubing on some older models
consists of a “pig-tailed” section of aluminum tubing. The cur-
RP10 – PRV RR rent primary relief circuit tube is a long, U-shaped section of alu-
1) Remove the covers (RP4). minum tubing.
2) Loosen and remove the silencer from the end of the primary
relief valve (Figure 15).
Companion Portables
RP11 – SRV Test RP13 – Pressure Retention Test
1) Remove the covers (RP4). 1) Empty the unit and remove the covers (RP4).
2) Connect the pressurizing setup as shown in Figure 9.
NOTE: Perform RP13 only on warm, empty portable units.
3) Remove the silencer from the PRV.
Performing this test on Portable units containing liquid oxygen
4) Hold the PRV closed while pressurizing the portable. will yield inaccurate results.
5) Slowly pressurize the C1000/T by adjusting the gaseous oxy-
gen source regulator. 2) Set the flow control valve to 0 LPM (Off).
6) Verify that the SRV opens (audible hiss) at 1.97-2.17 bar 3) Use the pressurizing setup show in Figure 9 to pressur-
(28.5-31.5 psi). ize the C1000/T until the PRV vents (approximately 1.52
7) If the SRV does not open within these specified ranges, bar/22psi). This is indicated by an audible hissing noise.
repeat the procedure. If it fails to open the second time, re- 4) Close the vent valve and remove the pressurizing setup.
place the SRV (RP12). Connect the test pressure gauge to the oxygen outlet barbed
8) Slowly reduce the pressure of the gaseous oxygen source fitting and set the flow control valve to the highest setting.
until the audible hissing noise is no longer heard, indicating Record the pressure gauge reading and the time.
that the SRV has closed. 5) Set the flow control valve to 0 and remove the test pressure
9) Verify that the SRV closes at a pressure greater than 1.86 bar gauge from the oxygen outlet.
(27 psi). 6) Do not disturb the C1000/T for 8 to 9 hours.
10) If the SRV does not close within this specified range the 7) At the end of this period, verify that the unit maintains at
first time, repeat the test. If it fails to open in an acceptable least 1.04 bar (15 psi). Should the pressure be less, re-pres-
range the second time, replace the SRV (RP12). surize the unit to approximately 1.52 bar (22 psi) and locate
the leak by testing all components, fittings, and tubing with
NOTE: Do not release the PRV poppet unit pressure in the unit liquid leak detector (RP2). Make repairs as needed, taking
is reduced below 1.52 bar (22 psi) by removing the pressurizing care not to over tighten connections.
setup and opening the vent valve. Replace the PRV silencer.
1) Remove the covers (RP4)
2) Use a 1/2 inch open-end wrench to loosen the 3/16inch tube
nut connected between the secondary relief valve and the
secondary relief valve adaptor. Simultaneously, hold the re-
lief valve adapter stationary with another 1/2inch open-end
wrench while removing the secondary relief valve.
3) Install the SRV by reversing steps 1-2.
NOTE: Before installing the SRV, wrap the SRV threads with
Teflon tape, starting two threads back from the end.
Companion Portables
RP14A – Warming Coil Assembly RR (C1000) NOTE: Do not overtighten the tube nuts on the warming coil.
1) Remove the covers (RP4). Overtightening may result in a cracked fitting. Only a slight in-
2) Use side-cut pliers to cut the two wire ties from the warming crease in torque is required to seal a compression fitting that has
coil. already been made up. When making up a new fitting, three-quar-
ters of a turn from finger-tight is required for 3/16inch tubing.
3) Use a 5/8inch open-end wrench on the vent valve body hex
flats to hold the body stationary. Use a 11/16inch open-end
wrench to loosen the jam nut that holds the vent valve to the RP14B – Warming Coil Assembly RR (C1000T)
mounting bracket. 1) Remove the covers (RP4)
4) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch 2) Use side-cut pliers to cut the wire tie from the warming coil.
tube nut where the vent tube connects to the manifold.
3) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
Remove the vent valve and tube assembly (Figure 17).
tube nuts where the warming coil connects to the two brass
tees. Remove the warming coil.
4) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch
tube nut where the fill tube connects to the female fill con-
nector adapter.
5) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch
tube nut where the fill tube connects to the manifold.
Remove the fill tube.
6) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
tube nut where the warming coil connects to the flow control
7) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
tube nut where the warming coil connects to the brass tee.
Figure 17: Warming Coil Removal Remove the warming coil.
8) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
5) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch tube nut where the spined tube connects to the manifold.
tube nut where the warming coil connects to the flow control 9) Use a 1/2-in open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
valve. tube nut where the spined tube connects to the brass tee.
6) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch Remove the spined tube.
tube nut where the warming coil connects to the manifold. 10) Install the warming coils by reversing steps 1-9.
Remove the warming coil (Figure 18).
NOTE: Be sure to replace the wire tie after reinstalling the warm-
ing coil.
Companion Portables
RP16 - Vent Valve RR
1) Remove the covers (RP4).
2) Use a 9/16 inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch
tube nut that connects the vent extension tube to the vent
valve (Figure 19).
Figure 19: Vent Extension Tube Removal NOTE: The mounting bracket should be between the jam nut and
the valve body hex flats. The valve flow direction arrow should
3) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4 inch point downward.
tube nut that connects the long vent tube to the vent valve
(Figure 20). 7) Align the short vent tube and long vent tube with the proper
vent valve ports. Thread the tube nuts onto the valve and
NOTE: Do not over tighten the vent tube nuts. Over tightening
may result in a cracked fitting. Only a slight increase in torque
is required to seal up a compression fitting that has already been
made up. For 1/2 inch tubing, 1/4 turn from finger-tight is re-
quired when making up a new fitting.
8) Push the vent valve fully into the slot in the mounting
bracket. Hold the valve in this position with a 5/8 inch open-
end wrench placed on the valve body hex flats. Use a 11/16
Figure 20: Vent Tube Removal inch open-end wrench to tighten the jam nut.
4) Use a 5/8inch open-wrench on the vent valve body hex NOTE: Check for proper vent valve lever operation after install-
flats to hold the body stationary. Use a 11/16 inch open end ing the side cover. Adjust the vent valve horizontally by shifting
wrench to loosen the jam nut that holds the vent valve to the the valve in the mounting bracket. Adjust vertically by loosening
mounting bracket (Figure 21). the two socket head cap screws mounted in the tabs on the bottom
of the bottle and shifting the entire bottle assembly up or down.
Make sure that the vent extension tube outlet is centered in the
corresponding side cover clearance hole.
Companion Portables
RP17 – QDV Assembly RR RP18 – Lip Seal RR
1) Remove the covers (RP4). 1) Remove the QDV (RP17).
2) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the tube nut 2) Hold the QDV body with an adjustable wrench placed on
at the female adaptor (Figure 22). the machined flats. Use a second adjustable wrench to re-
move the lip seal retainer sleeve.
3) Pull the lip seal out of the fill connector body.
3) Use a 7/8inch open-end wrench to loosen the jam nut (ear- Figure 24: Lip Seal Removal
lier models may have a 5/8inch jam nut) that holds the fe-
male adapter to the mounting bracket. Pull the fill connector 4) Insert the stepped (spring) end of the new lip seal into the
assembly down slightly to clear the fill tube and then slide it corresponding recess in the large end of the QDV body.
out of the mounting bracket (Figure 23). Make sure that it is squarely seated.
5) Thread the lip seal retainer onto the large end of the fill con-
nector body and tighten to a torque of 35 lb/ft (511 n/m).
6) Replace the QDV assembly (RP17).
Companion Portables
RP19 - FCV Test Table 10 C1000T FCV
1) Fill the C1000/T with liquid oxygen. Allow approximately
one hour for the system pressure to stabilize. Verify that the Nominal Setting (LPM) Allowable Range (LPM)
PRV is venting and that the system pressure is 1.28 – 1.62 0.50 0.33 - 0.67
bar (18.5 – 23.5 psi).
1.00 0.83 - 1.17
2) Attach a calibrated flow meter to the oxygen outlet barbed
fitting. 1.50 1.18 - 1.82
3) At each flow setting, check the flow control valve. 2.00 1.61 - 2.43
Acceptable flow ranges are given below in Table 9 and 10. 3.00 2.55 -3.51
4.00 3.43 - 4.62
5.00 4.33 - 5.77
NOTE: Data listed in Table 9 and 10 is based on an operating 6.00 5.14 -6.92
pressure range of 1.41-1.66 bar (20.5-24 psi). If the flow meas-
urements are out of specification, check the pressure in the unit. A 8.00 6.72 - 9.28
combination of high or low pressure and the tolerance of the par- 10.00 8.42 - 11.53
ticular flow meter you are using can result in inaccurate readings.
15.00 12.97 - 17.28
Companion Portables
RP20 – FCV RR RP21 – Back Flushing the FCV
1) Remove the FCV (RP20) and its filter screen.
WARNING: Liquid oxygen discharge from the FCV can occur 2) Temporarily reinstall the oxygen outlet barbed fitting in the
if a 0-15LPM C1000T FCV is installed on a C1000. Always flow control valve. Connect 3.45-5.18 bar (50-75 psi) oxy-
check the flow rating decal on the FCV before installing the gen to the valve’s outlet barbed fitting. Temporarily install
valve on a portable. DO NOT install a 0-15LPM valve on a the valve knob on the rotor shaft.
3) Slowly rotate the valve knob through all flow settings
(Figure 28). Gas flow should be audible at each flow posi-
1) Remove the top bezel (RP5).
tion, indicating that the appropriate orifice is open.
2) Use a 1/2 inch open-end wrench to loosen the 3/16inch tube
nut on the back of the flow control valve. Remove the tube
and nut from the flow control valve.
3) Use a 1/16 inch Allen wrench to loosen the set screw in the
flow control valve knob. Remove the flow control valve
knob and decal. If the knob does not use a set screw, insert
the Allen wrench into the hole in the knob. Simultaneously
push in and pull up on the Allen wrench to remove the knob.
4) Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to loosen and remove the
two flat-head screws from the flow plate. Remove the flow
plate and the flow control valve.
5) Use a dental pick or similar tool to carefully remove the in-
let filter screen from the flow control valve. Be careful not
to scratch any part of the flow control valve inlet port when Figure 28: Backflushing the FCV
removing the screen (Figure 26).
6) Install the FCV by reversing steps 1-5.
RP22 – Operating Pressure Test
1) Fill the C1000/T with liquid oxygen from a properly satu-
rated reservoir.
2) Attach the test pressure gauge w/ tubing (B-701732-00) to
the cannula outlet barb on the top of the C1000/T.
3) Open the FCV to the highest flow setting.
4) Read the operating pressure on the gauge. The pressure
should be between 1.28 – 1.62 bar (18.5 – 23.5 psi).
Companion Portables
RP23 – NER Test RP24 – Manifold RR
1) Perform a leak test (RP2) and verify that the results are ac- 1) Remove the covers (RP4).
ceptable. 2) Remove the top bezel (RP5).
2) Perform the PRV test (RP9) and verify that the PRV is func- 3) Loosen and remove the four socket head cap screws from
tioning properly. the base of the contents indicator assembly. Remove the as-
3) Set the flow control valve to 0LPM and fill the unit from a sembly.
properly saturated liquid oxygen source. 4) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
4) Allow 30 minutes for the unit to stabilize. tube nut where the warming coil connects to the manifold.
5) Record the initial weight of the unit and the time (w1). 5) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch
6) After an elapsed time of 18 to 24 hours, record the weight tube nut where the vent tube connects to the manifold.
and time (w2). 6) Use a 9/16inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 1/4inch
7) Calculate the NER using the following formula. tube nut where the fill tube connects to the manifold.
7) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
(24 hrs.) x (w1 - w2) tube nut where the primary relief valve tube connects to the
(Time between w1 and w2 in hrs.) manifold.
8) Use a 1/2inch open-end wrench to disconnect the 3/16inch
8) Verify that the NER is less than 1.5 lb/day (0.7 kg/day). tube nut where the secondary relief valve tube connects to
the manifold.
9) Use a 3/16inch nut driver to remove the four standoffs from
the manifold (Figure 29). Remove the manifold.
Companion Portables
RP25 – Cryogenic Container RR
1) Remove the manifold (RP24).
2) Use a 5/8inch open-end wrench on the vent valve body hex
flats to hold the body stationary. Use an 11/16inch open-end
wrench to loosen the jam nut that holds the vent valve to the
mounting bracket. Remove the vent valve and tube assembly
from the mounting bracket.
3) Use side-cut pliers to cut the wire tie from the warming coil.
4) Use a 7/8inch open-end wrench to loosen the jam nut (some
earlier models may have a 5/8inch jam nut) that retains the
female adapter to the mounting bracket. Remove the female
fill connector and tube assembly from the mounting bracket.
Figure 30: Manifold Torque Sequence
5) Install the cryogenic container by reversing steps 1-4.
Companion Portables
Contact Customer Service or visit
to obtain your parts list.
Companion Portables
Ordering Information 4. E-Mail or fax the completed purchase order for confirma-
tion to:
The following steps should be used when ordering a new C1000/T North and South America/Asia/Pac Rim email to:
or replacement parts for an existing unit:
[email protected]
1. Compile a list of all equipment and replacement parts to be
Africa/Europe/Middle East email to:
2. Fill out a purchase order containing the following informa- [email protected]
a. Purchase order number.
North and South America fax to: 888-932-2473
b. Name and address of billing location.
c. Name and address of shipping location. Asia/Pac Rim fax to: 770-721-7758
d. Quantity, part number, description, and unit cost Africa/Europe/Middle East fax to: +44 118 9799245
for each item ordered.
3. Telephone or fax CAIRE Inc. at one of the numbers listed All new equipment will be shipped either “prepaid”,, F.O.B. from
below to begin immediate processing of the order: the factory, or collect via your specified carrier. All replacement
USA parts will be sent by UPS “prepaid”, and the shipping charges for
equipment and parts will be added to the final invoice. Payment for
Toll Free Phone: 800 48 CAIRE
replacement parts are located on CAIRE, Inc.’s, invoice with pay-
(800 482 2473) ment date indicated. All shipments will originate from the factory. If
Toll Free Fax: 888 WE CAIRE a particular carrier or method of shipment is desired, specify when
(To place an order): (888 932 2473) placing order.
Phone: 770 257 1299
Fax: 770 257 1300
Companion Portables
When a CAIRE unit is received, it should be inspected im- Restocking Policy
mediately, as outlined in Section VII, Unpacking and Setup
Instructions. If it becomes necessary to cancel an order with CAIRE Inc. af-
ter the shipment has been received, use the following “Restock
If a problem with the unit should be encountered, reference
Policy” procedure:
should be made to the Troubleshooting Chart in Section XII. If
these procedures do not provide a solution for the problem, the 1. Call CAIRE, Inc. Customer Service.
following steps should be taken: 2. When contacting Customer Service personnel, it will be nec-
1. Call CAIRE, Inc. Customer Service. essary to relay the following information:
North and South America/Asia/Pac Rim: a. State the quantity and description of equipment to be re-
Phone (US Only) 800-482-2473
b. Give the Serial Number of each unit to be returned.
Phone 770-721-7759
c. State the equipment purchase date.
Africa/Europe/Middle East:
3. An RMA number will be issued in the name of the distribu-
Phone +44 (0) 1189 367080
tor by CAIRE, Inc. for the equipment to be returned.
2. State the problem with the unit.
4. When the equipment is shipped to the factory, the RMA
3. If it is determined that the problem cannot be solved by the number must appear on the packing slip and shipping boxes.
distributor, a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number
5. Customer Service will provide the correct shipping location
will be assigned to the unit or part(s).
once the RMA is provided
4. If a Purchase Order Number is to be referenced, please give
6. Finally, a “Credit Memo”, minus a 15% restocking fee, will
this number to the Customer Service Representative at that
be issued to the distributor when all equipment has been re-
ceived, inspected, and restocked by CAIRE, Inc
5. Carefully package the parts, or repack the unit in its original
shipping container, precisely as shipped.
Return of Unused Non-Defective Merchandise
6. Write the Return Authorization Number on the top of the
shipping container. CAIRE Inc., at its discretion, charges a 15% restocking fee for
7. Customer Service will provide the correct shipping location unused non-defective merchandise that is returned. An RMA
once the RMA is provided number must be obtained from CAIRE Inc. Customer Service
prior to return of any goods. Merchandise cannot be returned for
credit after sixty (60) days. Customer to pay all freight charges.
Tracking capability and insurance on all returned goods is ad-
vised. CAIRE Inc. will not be responsible for misdirected ship-
Companion Portables
Required Tools Tools and Accessories available from Caire