Employee Engagement 3
Employee Engagement 3
Employee Engagement 3
April, 2020
Addis Ababa
JUNE, 2020
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I, hereby certify that, Mr. ketema feleke zike student of Masters of General
Business Administration at St. Mary‟s University, Department of General
Business Administration, School of Graduate Studies, has completed his research
project on
First of all,I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty God for helping me in every
moment ,and in accomplishing my courses and this research successfully. Also, I would like to
express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Afework G(PHD) for his constructive and insightful
comments throughout the preparation of this thesis unless it may be difficult to hold this form.
In addition, I would be indebted to Commercial bank of Ethiopia staffs for their kind cooperation
in providing information that is relevant for this study.
I am grateful to thank to my best friend kahsay Meresa and my lovely wife Helen Balcha for
their immense support in conducting this research and in all my attending of this study. Finally, I
would like to appreciate to Micheal Mamechia for his invaluable encouragement.
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Now days, business leaders understand the importance of human elements in an organization.
They do not simply need employee rather they require highly motivated and committed
employees that can understand organization’s goals and put their extra effort for the
achievement of the goals. They require the involvement of the hearts, minds and hands of the
employees in combination. Enabling employees to be energetic and committed in the work is not
business as usual, it requires understanding the physiological, physical and emotional state of
the employees. Therefore, organizations need to conducted employees’ satisfaction and
engagement surveys to know the status of employees and act accordingly.
This study focused on assessing employees’ satisfaction and engagement in commercial bank. It
used descriptive research design and distributes 185 questionnaires which were analyzed using
SPSS version 23.the analysis results were presented using tables and were analyzed by
frequency, mean, standard deviation and correlation. Data were collected through
The overall frequency and mean results show employees are satisfied and engaged i.e. Variables
such as job character, working environment, salary and benefit, relationship with immediate
supervisor, PMS, training, promotion, service quality, management opinion, dedication and
absorption are assessed and the overall result showed employees are satisfied and engaged.
Correlation analyses show that employee satisfaction and engagement variables are significantly
correlated. There is positive and significantly correlated among variables. Finally, employees
show their disagreement regarding working environment such as lack of clean workplace, office
equipment and tidiness of rest room.
Table of Contents
Declaration .................................................................................................................................... III
Endorsement ................................................................................................................................. IV
Acknowledgement ..........................................................................................................................V
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................ VI
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ VII
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1
Back ground of the study ...................................................................................................... 1
Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................... 2
Research Questions ............................................................................................................... 2
Objective of the Study .......................................................................................................... 3
Specific objectives ............................................................................................................ 3
Significance of the study....................................................................................................... 3
Scope of the study (delimitation) .......................................................................................... 3
Limitation of the Study ......................................................................................................... 3
Organization of the Paper ..................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5
Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 5
Employee Engagement ......................................................................................................... 5
Employee Satisfaction .......................................................................................................... 6
Concept of Employees‟ Satisfaction and Engagement ....................................................... 8
Determinants of Employee Satisfaction and Engagement .................................................... 8
Theoretical Model of Employee Engagement .................................................................... 13
Figure 2.1: X Model of Engagement ........................................................................................ 13
Empirical Works on Satisfaction and Engagement ............................................................ 15
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 17
3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 17
Research Design ................................................................................................................. 17
Research Approach ............................................................................................................. 17
Data source ......................................................................................................................... 18
Target Population and Sample Size Determination ............................................................ 18
Target population ............................................................................................................ 18
Sampling techniques and sample size determination...................................................... 18
Data Collection ............................................................................................................... 19
Method of data analysis ...................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 21
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ......................................................................................... 21
Validity and Reliability Test ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Rate of Response................................................................................................................. 21
Background of Respondents ............................................................................................... 21
Job characteristics ............................................................................................................... 22
My knowledge enables me to perform my duty ............................................................. 22
Employees are entrusted with adequate responsibility to carry out their job. ................ 23
Employees perform their job with intrusion ................................................................... 23
Employees duty is in line with job description. .............................................................. 23
There is employees‟ job rotation in their branch/ process. ........................................... 24
working environment .......................................................................................................... 26
salary and benefits............................................................................................................... 27
Relationship with immediate supervisor............................................................................. 28
Performance Management System (PMS) .......................................................................... 29
Frequency result of PMS ................................................................................................ 30
Mean results of PMS....................................................................................................... 30
Training 31
Frequency results ............................................................................................................ 31
Mean result of training .................................................................................................... 31
Employee promotion........................................................................................................... 32
Frequency Result on Employee Promotion ........................................................................ 32
Mean Result of Employee Promotion ................................................................................. 33
Service Quality.................................................................................................................... 33
Frequency Results of Service Quality............................................................................. 34
Mean Results of Service Quality .................................................................................... 34
Management Opinion (VIGOR) ......................................................................................... 35
Frequency Result on Management Opinion ................................................................... 35
Mean Results of Managements Opinion ......................................................................... 35
Dedications 36
Frequency Result of Dedication...................................................................................... 36
Mean Results of Dedications .......................................................................................... 36
Absorption 37
Frequency Result ............................................................................................................ 37
Mean Results of Absorption ........................................................................................... 37
Overall Mean Results of Employees Opinion .................................................................... 38
Correlation Analysis of Employee Satisfaction and Engagement ...................................... 39
Correlation between Employees‟ Satisfaction and Engagement Variables ................... 39
Correlation between Employees‟ Opinion and Management Opinion .......................... 40
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 42
Summary of Findings .......................................................................................................... 42
CONCLUSION OF THE STUDY...................................................................................... 44
Recommendations............................................................................................................... 44
References..................................................................................................................................... 45
Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 47
1.4 Occupation/position ........................................................................ 48
List of figures
Figure.1: X Model of Engagement ............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 2. Aon Hewitt Engagement Model ................................................................................................ 15
List of tables
Statement of the problem
Organizations, at present working environment, are not only contending by having better
physical assets that enables to win the market but also they are competing by the quality of
human resource they have. The availability of quality human resource helps the organizations to
excel the services and attain the required goals. As a result, they work to produce quality
employees and retain them. Due to the high cost of recruitment and training process, most
organizations give emphasis for retentions. They overlook to produce a motivated and committed
staffs. Complaining up the quality of staffs, in turn, increases the retention as well as the
performance of an organization. Sustainable organizational success requires balancing the needs
and offer of the organization with the needs and offer of the individual employee (BPI group,
2014), inferring working on employee satisfaction and engagement are critical to boost up
individual pleasure as well as organizational achievement.
Engagement is not a buzz work for employee satisfaction (ADP, 2011). It has constructs and
identity. Currently, employee engagement and satisfaction is a top business priority for senior
executives. In this rapid cycle economy, business leaders know that having a high-performing
workforce is essential for growth and survival. They recognize that a highly satisfied and
engaged workforce can increase innovation, productivity, and bottom-line performance while
reducing costs related to hiring and retention in highly competitive talent markets (Harvard
Business Review, 2013).
The main intent of this study is to identify the factors that are important to overall employee job
satisfaction and engagement. This knowledge will helps the Bank and the industries in similar
area to keep in consideration and appreciate employee preferences when developing plans,
programs and policies designated to influence job satisfaction and engagement.
Research Questions
1. What are the variables to measure employee satisfaction and engagement?
2. What is the relationship between the variables and employee satisfaction and
3. How employee satisfaction and engagement influence the overall performance of the
Objective of the Study
The major objective of this study is to assess the satisfaction and engagement level of the CBE
employees and state the factors that are important to the overall jobs satisfaction and
Specific objectives
To realize the main intent of the study, the following specific objectives will be addressed:
Organization of the Paper
This paper is organized in to different chapters. The first chapter will deal with back ground of
the study, statement of the problem, research objective, and research question up to limitation of
the study .The second chapter focuses on review of literatures where earlier studies are reviewed
and presented about employee satisfaction and engagement. Moreover, concepts and definitions,
basic issues on satisfaction and engagement and empirical evidences (studies) will be discussed
in detail. Previous studies will be incorporated in this chapter.
The third chapter is about research design and methodology which deals with the design and
method of the study which consist the research design, population and sampling technique, types
of data and tools of data collection, procedure of data collection and method of data collection.
The fourth chapter is devoted to data presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data
collected accordingly with the theoretical and empirical frameworks discussed in the earlier
chapters. The final chapter deals with summarization of the study findings which leads the
researcher to conclude and recommend based on the results.
Literature Review
Human beings have strong relations with organizations. They spend a part of their time in
organizations either as a customer or employee or both. It is often said that human beings are
born, learned, worked and even died in organizations. At age of work, a major part of their life is
spent in the workplace, which is a social reality and expectation to which man seems to confirm
(Hassan et al, 2011). It is very imaginary to think that all employees in a given organization are
satisfied or/and engaged. The extent and degree of employee satisfaction and engagement differs
among employees and depends on many factors. It is also considered that more satisfied and
engaged employees could spend their time and effort in favor of their organization. Therefore,
knowing the extent of employees‟ satisfaction and engagement ben efits organizations to take
action and build capabilities for their future success.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is an invaluable concept towards many aspects of individual and
organizational performance. Research indicated that Kahn (1990) is the founder of the employee
Engagement movement (as cited in Rebecca –L (2018), Bedarkar and etl. Kahn described
feel (Sanneh, 2015). Per Anitha (2014), employees who have supportive relationships with co-
workers‟ experience higher engagement levels because they feel safe trying new things without
fear of the consequences. Training and career development allow the employee to increase his or
her confidence in the job and provide more engagement with his or her job. Training provides
the employee with opportunities for growth and development, which helps with career
advancement and commitment (Jehanzeb & Ahmed Bashir, 2013). Compensation, whether
financial or non-financial, is a core factor in engagement. Employees who feel correctly
compensated, whether through their salary or extra time , will show higher levels of engagement
‟s policies relating to recruitment
(Jalani & Juma, 2015). Research indicated the organization
have an impact on employee engagement and commitment. Organizations that support flexible
work arrangements, permiting employees to balance their work and home lives notably lead to
engaged employees (Anitha, 2014). The interest of the organization in the well-being of the
employee also affects employee engagement. The more interest an organization shows for the
welfare of the individual, the more engaged the employee because he or she feels the
organization cares about him or her on a personal level (Anitha, 2014). Highly engaged
employees find satisfaction with their jobs.
Employee Satisfaction
In the study researchers carecterised employee satisfaction as the level of contentment that
employees feel about their job overall and specific aspects of the job (Baseri, 2013; van Scheers
& Botha, 2014). This description is not a static definition because job satisfaction means
something different to everyone. Upper-level management should not overlook the effect that job
satisfaction and engagement have on the overall atmosphere of the organization (Fischer &
Montalbano, 2014).
Multiple studies included examination how the culture of an organization affects employee
satisfaction. Organizational culture has strong and deep impact on the performance of the
employees (Habib, Aslam, Hussain, Yasmeen, & Ibrahim, 2014). Research indicated that a
supportive organizational culture may increase the satisfaction levels of employees (Uddin,
‟s (2014) conclusion that a worker‟ s
Luva, & Hossian, 2013). Belias and Koustelios
assessments of the organization‟s culture, particularly the social support and leadership aspects
of this culture, can influence his or her job satisfaction level supports Uddin et al. (2013)
research. The culture of an accounting firm plays an important part on the engagement,
satisfaction, and commitment of the employees. Andreassi, Lawter, Brockerhoff, and Rutigliano
(2014) hypothesized that
masculine cultures, rather than feminine cultures, would have a stronger relationship with job
satisfaction. Both masculine and feminine cultures value accomplishment and recognition.
Masculine cultures prefer a sense of accomplishment, while personal recognition is important to
feminine cultures (Fening & Beyer, 2014). Satisfied workers 19 result when employees receive
both, a sense of accomplishment and personal recognition (Uzonna, 2013).
Researchers studied various factors that affect the degree of job satisfaction among employees.
These factors include pay, promotions, supervision, co-workers, communication, and benefits.
Mpeka (2012) found that co-workers, pay, promotion, supervision, and the work itself have a
significant influence on job satisfaction levels of Tanzanian CPAs. Other research findings
indicated that the level of job satisfaction among CPAs is dependent on promotion and
development opportunities, such as on-thejob training and job diversity (Salehi, Moradi, &
‟s (20
Dehghan, 2013). Lumley, Coetzee, Tladinyane, and Ferreira 11) results are in line with
Spector‟s (1997). Miarkolaei and Miarkolaei (2014) found that participants who were happy
with pay, promotion, supervision, benefits, co-workers, and communication emotionally attach to
the organization. The level of job satisfaction can be an important indicator of employee
behavior. Non-professional behavior, such as absenteeism, may be the result of a low level of job
satisfaction (Salehi, Gahderi, & Rostami, 2012). Javed, Balouch, and Hassan (2014) suggested
that a low level of job satisfaction will have an adverse impact on the organization, while a high
level of satisfaction will result in a positive effect on the organization. The various levels of job
satisfaction within an organization also have financial repercussions. High levels of job
satisfaction may enhance the organization‟s financial position, but labor costs will increase, thus
reducing firm value (Edmans, 2012).20 Accountants, whether self-employed or salaried
employees need to have engagement, satisfaction and commitment to their job and organization.
Millan, Hessels,
Thurik, and Aguado (2013) found that self-employed individuals are highly satisfied with
the type of work they did, while paid-employed individuals reported higher levels of satisfaction
with job security. Self-employed workers have more independence and flexibility, which causes
them to be more satisfied with their job, than paid employees (Alvarez & Sinde-Cantorna, 2014).
Per Lange (2012), employed individuals must obey orders given by their superiors, while self-
employed individuals experience a higher level of self-determination and freedom.
Concept of Employees’ Satisfaction and Engagement
Conversely, the concept of employee engagement is new for academic and practitioners. The
first definition of engagement in the academic literature was introduced by Kahn (1990). He
‟ selves to their work roles. In
defined engagement as the harnessing of organization members
engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally
during role performances. The other influential definition of engagement has its basis in the
literature on job burnout as the opposite or positive antithesis of burnout (Maslach et al., 2001).
Bateman and Grant (2003) stated that intrinsic motivation exists when behavior is performed for
its own sake rather than to obtain material or social reinforces. Overall, engagement definitions
express how employees are passionate about their jobs, committed to the organization, and put
discretionary effort into their work.
high work motivation, satisfaction, and performance (Hackman and Oldham, 1980).
According to Hackman and Oldham (1980) model the core job characteristics are skill
variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Which impact three
critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for
outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes (job
satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation, etc.). The five core job characteristics can be
combined to form a motivating potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an
index of how likely a job is to affect an employee's attitudes and behaviors.
Hackman and Oldham‟s job characteristics theory proposes that high motivation is related to
experiencing three psychological states whilst working:
Meaningfulness of work
That labor has meaning to you, something that you can relate to, and does not occur just
as a set of movements to be repeated. This is fundamental to intrinsic motivation, i.e.
that work is motivating in of itself (as opposed to motivating only as a means to an end).
That you have been given the opportunity to be a success or failure at your job because
sufficient freedom of action has given you. This would include the ability to make
changes and incorporate the learning you gain whilst doing the job.
Knowledge of outcomes
This is important for two reasons. Firstly to provide the person knowledge on how successful their
work has been which in turn allows them to learn from mistakes. The second is to connect them
emotionally to the customer of their productions, thus giving further purpose to the work (e.g. I
may only work on a production line, but I know that the food rations I produce are used to help
people in disaster areas, saving many lives).
Jobs that are high on the core job characteristics provide individuals with the room and incentive
to bring more of themselves into their work or to be more engaged (Kahn, 1992). Positive
relationship is presumed to exist between decent or better jobs and employee satisfaction and
Salary, Benefits and Recognition these are the most important variables for employee
satisfaction and engagement. Compensation can be described as the amount of reward
that a worker expects from the job. Employees should be satisfied with competitive salary
packages, and should be satisfied with it when comparing their pay packages with those
of the outsiders who are working in the same industry. Engagement is also influence by
employee perception about the benefits they receive from their work. Employees are
more likely to engage themselves at work to the extent that they perceive a greater
amount of rewards and recognition for their role performances (Saks, 2006). A feeling of
satisfaction and higher level of engagement could be attained through fair and equitable
rewards and recognition.
Relation with Supervisor A relationship with immediate supervisor is an important
antecedent of employees‟ job satisfaction and engagement (Dupre and Day, 2007). The
‟ feelings, well
consideration a supervisor has for his/her subordinates -being, and
contributions are important predictors of job satisfaction and engagement (Gagnon and
Judd, 2004). In addition, the relation with one’s immediate manager can have a dramatic
impact on individual‟s perceptions of the work environment. A supportive, and non-
controlling, relationship should foster perceptions of safety and enhance employee
creativity (William, 2015).
Leadership, compensation, training and development, as well as work place well-being are the
motorists of employee engagement and satisfaction (Anitha 2014). However, training and
development are documented by Cherry (2016) as the important elements of engagement and
satisfaction levels for employees. The elements raise the ability of workers to perform better,
there by contributing to productivity enhancement.
One of the biggest factors in employee satisfaction and engagement levels is the amount of
training and development companies provide (Sussman, 2006). Continued training and programs
not only help employee satisfaction, but also produce tangible benefits for an organization.
Employee development opportunities also have impact on engagement; the ability to learn and to
apply new knowledge increases meaningfulness for employee, which in turn positively
influences engagement (Sakovska, 2012). This study assess whether employee satisfaction and
engagement has the ability to improve labor productivity in the bank sector.
Promotion can be reciprocated as a significant achievement in the life. It promises and
delivers more pay, responsibility, authority, independence and status. So, the opportunity
for promotion determines the degree of satisfaction to the employee (Sageer et al, 2012).
Yoder (1972) also define promotion as “A promotion occurs when an employee moves
from one job to another that is higher in pay, responsibility, and status. It is a vertical
move in rank and responsibility. defines promotion as a movement to a position in which
responsibility and prestige are i Strauss and Sayles (1976) define promotion as a
movement to a position in which responsibility and prestige are increased. It is a job with
more prestige and income.
When a higher position is given without a change in the salary it is known as Dry Promotion.
Open and closed promotional systems. A company is said to have an open promotion policy if it
considers all employees within the organization as potential candidates and also announces
internally such vacancies.
When an organization does not proclaim vacancies or where the openings are not open to all
employees within the organization for the promotion, the company has a closed promotion
Work conditions are defined as an employee’s work place, work instruments, the work
itself, organization policy, and organizational rules. Arnold and Feldman(1996),
promoted factors such as temperature, lighting, ventilation, hygiene, noise, working
hours, and resources as part of working conditions. Employees may feel that poor working conditions
will only provoke negative performance, since their jobs are mentally and physically demanding.
Linking performance to business outcomes is another essential aspect. Employees‟
connection to an organization is one of the important drives for employee engagement.
‟ job, organizational
This can be expressed as the connection between the employees
strategy and the employees understanding of how important their job is to the
organization‟s success. Therefore, it is assumed that there will be positive relationship
between employees‟ connection to the organization and engagement.
The Gallup organization studied indicators of work satisfaction. They found that "whether you
have a best friend at work was one of the twelve key questions asked of employees that predicted
job satisfaction. Without a friend at work, work satisfaction deteriorates. There are several
characteristics that make up good, healthy working relationships:
• Trust – This is the foundation of every good relationship. When you trust your team and
colleagues, you form a powerful bond that helps you to work and communicate more
effectively. If you trust the people you work with, you can be open and honest in your
thoughts and actions, and you don't have to waste time and energy "watching your back."
• Mutual Respect – When you respect the people who you work with, you value their input and
ideas, and they value yours. Working together, you can develop solutions based on your
collective insight, wisdom and creativity.
• Mindfulness – This means taking responsibility for your words and actions. Those who are
mindful are careful and attend to what they say, and they don't let their own negative
emotions impact the people around them.
• Welcoming Diversity – People with good relationships not only accept diverse people and
opinions, but they welcome them. For instance, when your friends and colleagues offer
different opinions from yours, you take the time to consider what they have to say, and factor
their insights into your decision-making.
• Open Communication – We communicate all day, whether we're sending emails and IMs, or
meeting face to face. The better and more effectively you communicate with those around
you, the richer your relationships will be. All good relationships depend on open, honest
The letter A in the above picture refers the point where an alignment of maximum job
satisfaction with maximum job contribution, which can be described as full engagement. Letter
„B‟ indicates almost engaged group; these employees are among the high performers and are
reasonably satisfied with their job. They may not have consistent “great days at work,” but they
know what those days look like. Letter „C‟ constitutes honeymooners that are new to the
organization or their role and happy to be there. They have yet to find their stride and clearly
understand how they can best contribute. It should be a priority to move them out of this
temporary holding area to full alignment and productivity. Letter „D‟ represents disillusioned
and potentially exhausted, employees who are top producers but who aren’t achieving their
personal definition of success and satisfaction. They can be bitterly vocal those senior leaders are
making bad decisions or colleagues are not pulling their weight. Letter ‟„E
denotes th e most
disengaged employees. They are the most disconnected from organizational priorities often feel
underutilized and are clearly not getting what they need from work. They are likely to be
skeptical and can indulge in contagious negativity.
However, the X model doesn’t measure individuals as well as organizational outcomes. In order
to capture the individual outcomes, the survey also used Aon Hewitt Engagement Model, which
includes engagement drivers as well as individual and business outcomes. The model explains
engagement as the psychological state and behavioral outcomes that lead to better performance.
However, the purpose of using the model in this survey is only to analyze individual engagement
The model operationalizes employee engagement as a construct of six items (drivers) composed
of three observable facets of “say, stay, and strive” known as 3S. Say refers speak positively
about the organization to coworkers, potential employees, and customers. Stay indicates an
intense sense of belonging and desire to be part of the organization. Strive is a sense of
motivation and exert effort toward success in the job and for the company.
Figure 2.2: Aon Hewitt Engagement Model
Various empirical works have been carried out on employee satisfaction and engagement. Some
scholars conducted employees‟ satisfaction and engagement surveys separately while others
prefer to examine them together. Some big research institutes such as Society of Human
Resource Management complied employees‟ satisfaction and engagement in the same report.
Although other engagement surveys have tried to compute engagement score, they have used
employees‟ satisfaction as a component. The findings of some empirical studies are briefly
discussed hereunder.
Table 1 Summary of Empirical Findings
This chapter explains how the research to conduct; it starts with brief definition of research, the
design, approach, the followed by the method and procedure which were used in in data
collection. It had also gone through the population, sampling size and sampling technique, data
collection data analysis.
Research Design
According to Cooper (2014), research design is the blueprint for the collection, measurement,
and analysis of data. Descriptive studies serve variety of research objectives; such as description
of phenomenon or characteristics associated with a subject population (The who, what, when,
where, and how of a topic), Estimates of the proportions of a population that have these
characteristics and Discovery of associations among different variables which labeled as a
correlational study. Kothari (2004), also defined research design as “the arrangement of
conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure. Neuman (2007), said „descriptive research design
presents a picture of specific details of a situation or a relationship. The researcher had used
descriptive-correlational form of research design to provide solutions to the research problems.
Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates,
depicts, and describes the data collection. This research design selected because it often uses
visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution.
Because the human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive
statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable form.
Research Approach
The three common approaches for conducting a research are quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
methods. The knowledge claims, the strategies, and the method all contribute to a research
approach that tends to be more quantitative, qualitative or mixed (Creswell 2003).this study used
quantitative research approach. According to Kumar (2005), quantitative research approach is
used based on the purpose of the research, data collection process and analysis of the data. The
purpose of quantitative approach is to quantify the situation or phenomenon and to determine the
relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Hence, the researcher
implemented quantitative type of approach to analyze and interpret the factors affecting employee
satisfaction and engagement from data collected through questionnaire.
Data source
This study used primary data source collection method. According to Kothari (2004), Primary
data are fresh data that are collected for the first time and thus happened to be original in
character. It is considered as a major source of information since it were directly collected from
selected respondents through appropriately advanced questionnaire which will be develop based
on previously reviewed literatures and studies.
Yamane (1967:886)’s formula
n= 2632 2632
1+2632(.07)² = 13.8968 = 190
Data Collection
The researcher was required permission from the district office to collect the data through
questionnaire from employees. After the permission is granted, the questionnaires will be
distributed to the respondents. Questionnaire will be prepared using five point liker response
scales to show their extent of agreement or not. According to Robson (2002), likert scale method
is preferred to make questions interesting to respondents there by enhance their cooperation and
ultimately to ensure maximum response rate.
The researcher proposed a questionnaire with the intent of presenting a questionnaire in more
precise and readable way. The questionnaires were designed in Amharic and English format to
comprise almost all part of the employees. The questionnaire had two main parts. The first
section of the questionnaire is personal profile of the employees and the second section focuses
on evaluating the major areas which are used to examine the employees‟ satisfaction and
engagement. The main body of the questionnaire is five scale liker, ranges from strongly
disagree to strongly agree. In the questionnaire neutrality option is replaced by statement of “I do
not have information”. This would give the additional choice for respondents when they do not
have information about the issue. The questionnaires were collected by Researcher personally.
Method of data analysis
The collected data was compiled, sorted, edited, classified and finally it was enter into computer
for analysis. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) software version 23 was employed to
organize the data descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation also used to analyze it.
The Descriptive statistics results were presented by tables, percent, mean frequency and standard
deviation to give condensed picture of the data. This statistical tool helps to determine the factors
of satisfaction and engagement. According to Poonlar (1987) cited by Almaz (2015), the highest
the mean, the highest satisfaction and engagement as the respondents indicate the extent of their
agreement or not.
Cronbach's N of Items
.9001 61
The above cronbach’s Alpha result shows α is greater than 0.70, as 0.90 is
greater than 0.70.
Rate of Response
In this study 190 questionnaires were distributed to employees and all the distributed
questionnaires were collected though only 185 questionnaires were properly filled and the
remaining five questionnaires were not fully and properly filled. As a result the researcher used
185 questionnaires response was used for analysis. Thus, the analysis was based on 94.7%
validity response from the employee‟s.
Background of Respondents
This table represents background information of respondents of this study. The Survey showed
that there were more males as compared to females. Male respondents represent 54.1 Percent,
and the rest 45.9 percent were females. Regarding age of respondents 69.7 percent of the
respondents are in the range of 26-35 years, 21.6 percent of the respondents are in the range of
18-25 years, 8.6 percent are in the range of 41-50 years. Moreover, with respect to the
educational level of the respondents 82.7 percent are degree graduates, 16.2 percent are second
degree graduates and 1.1 percent is high school graduates. This shows majority of the
respondents are degree holders.
Regarding service year of respondents is 48.1 percent represents less than five years of
experience followed by 35.1 percent with service year of 5-10 years and 6.5 percent represents
above ten years of banking experience .Finally, looking at respondents service year majority are
clerical/ non-managerial having 61.6 percent followed by customer relation office with 23.2
percent and managerial having 11.9 percent.
Item Frequency Percent Valid Percent
male 100 54.1 54.1
Total 185 100.0 100.0
lessthan 19 10.3 10.3
one year
service year
Job characteristics
Job characteristics are an attribute that creates conditions for high work motivation, satisfaction,
and performance .under these questions are analyzed using frequency, percent and mean.
agree 113 61.1 61.1 61.1
As the above table indicates majority of respondents agreed that their knowledge enable them to
perform their duty.
Employees are entrusted with adequate responsibility to carry out their job.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
The above table indicates 57.8 percent of respondents agreed and 35.7 percent strongly agreed
that, they entrusted with their adequate responsibility to carry out their job followed by degree of
disagreement having 3.2 percent disagreed and strongly disagreed.
The frequency result shows Most of the respondents agreed that they perform their job with
intrusion holding the degree of agreement with 93 percent followed by 7 percent of
Employees duty is in line with job description.
Most respondents show their degree of agreement that there is job rotation in their
branch/process with total percent of agreement 57.8 percent and degree of disagreement of 19.5
Over All Job Character Frequencies
Majority of the respondents show their degree of agreement that their knowledge enables them to
perform their duty, they are entrusted, there is job rotation and they perform in line with their job
Mean score is calculated to show the average responses of respondents for each question that
was included under job characteristics.
My knowledge enables
185 3 4 3.39 .489
me to perform my duty.
Employees are
entrusted with adequate
185 1 4 3.26 .674
responsibility to carry
out their job.
Employees perform
185 2 4 3.15 .520
their job with intrusion
Employees’ duty is in
line with job 185 1 4 2.97 .790
There is employees‟
job rotation in their 185 1 4 2.63 .970
branch/ process.
Valid N 185
As clearly indicated in the above table most respondents show their degree of agreement: their
knowledge enables them to perform their duty, they are entrusted with adequate responsibility to
carry out their job and they perform their job with intrusion respectively.
working environment
Working environment is an employee‟s work place, work instruments, the work itself,
organization policy, and organizational rules.
Table 11 Overall frequency result of working environment
strongly strongly
No. Item agree agree dis agree Disagree
adequate office equipment to
1 discharge duties 6.5 43.8 7.6 42.2
2 sufficient space in workplace 6.5 47.6 9.7 36.2
smooth relationship with co-
3 workers 33.5 54.1 3.8 8.6
4 clean workplace 3.2 41.6 10.3 44.9
5 rest room is clean 6.5 42.7 13.5 37.3
6 there is team-work 20 69.2 4.3 6.5
The frequency results show that majority of respondents show their degree of agreement; there is
smooth relationship with co-workers having 54.1 percent, there is sufficient space in workplace
with 47.6 percent and there are adequate office equipment to discharge duties having 43.8
percent. Moreover, there are degrees of disagreement on clean workplace, office equipment and
tidiness of rest room.
Table 8 Overall mean result of working environment
working environment questionnaire N Mean Deviation
adequate office equipment to 185 2.49 .731
discharge duties
185 2.51 .760
sufficient space in workplace
smooth relationship with co- 185 3.17 .739
185 2.38 .713
clean workplace
185 2.42 .805
rest room is clean
185 3.05 .662
there is team-work
Valid N (list wise) 185
The overall mean result of working environment shows there is smooth relationship with co-
workers, there is team-work and sufficient space in workplace. This smooth relationship has
Positive relationship among staffs could bring sense of belongingness and pleasant working
conditions as it lays ground for synergy which has an immense role in banking industries.
Employees were requested whether they are satisfied with the current salary and benefits or not.
They show their highest degree of agreement that; the bank pays competitive salary 96.8 percent,
they are earned competitive benefit packages having 93.5 percent and they are satisfied with
salary earned with 90.8 percent.
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
employees are satisfied with
1 their salary 40.5 50.3 3.8 5.4
employees are happy with the
2 benefit packages 26.5 63.2 7.1 3.2
the bank pays competitive
salary as compare to others
3 similar sector. 42.7 54.1 - 3.2
the bank offers competitive
4 benefits as compare to others 43.8 49.7 - 6.5
Table 10 Overall mean salary and benefits
The overall mean results of employee salary and benefits show that employees believe the
organization offers competitive benefits as compare to others followed by the bank pays
competitive salary as compare to others and employees are satisfied with their current salary.
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
My immediate supervisor is
1 willing to solve problems 20 52.4 10.3 17.3
have a good r/ship with my
2 immediate supervisor 29.7 54 16.2
immediate supervisor gives
sufficient guidance and useful
3 feedback 26.5 50.3 7 16.2
Immediate supervisor respects
the rights stipulated in the
4 collective agreement. 14.1 68.1 3.2 14.6
immediate supervisor is
5 impartial 20.5 57.3 6.5 15.7
immediate supervisor
recognizes subordinate's
6 contribution 17.3 54.1 6.5 22.1
7 there is a mutual trust 13.5 55.7 6.5 24.3
there is a system that resolves
employees complaints in the
8 bank 7 43.2 6.5 43.2
Majority of respondents show their degree of agreement that immediate supervisor respects
rights of stipulated in the collective agreement; immediate supervisor is impartial and recognizes
subordinates contribution respectively.
Table 12 Mean relationship with immediate supervisor
No. Item
N Mean Deviation
My immediate supervisor is 2.82 .870
willing to solve problems 185
have a good r/ship with my 3.14 .666
immediate supervisor 185
immediate supervisor gives 2.96 .843
Majority of the respondents show they have a good relationship with their supervisor with 3.14,
immediate supervisor gives sufficient guidance and useful feedback having mean result of 2.96
and immediate supervisor respects the rights stipulated in the collective agreement having 2.93.
The bank implemented new performance management system in all processes, districts and
branches starting from July, 2015.
Frequency result of PMS
strongly strongly
No. Item agree agree dis agree disagree
annual plan is discussed and
every employee is informed
1 his/her duty 16.8 61.1 22.2
2 Target given are achievable. 21.6 45.9 7 25.4
3 measuring criteria’s are clear 13 56.8 15.7 14.6
PMS process is free from
4 subjectivity 3.4 54.4 9.7 32.4
evaluation system contributes to
5 diligence in our job 3.5 53.2 6.5 36.8
immediate supervisors discuss
with employees about their
6 performance 3.2 61.6 3.2 31.9
Looking at the frequency results of the respondents majority of them show their agreement
immediate supervisors discuss with their performance, annual plan is discussed and every
employee is informed his/her duty and measuring criteria‟s are clear respectively .
PMS N Mean Deviation
annual plan is discussed and 185 2.95 .623
1 every employee is informed
his/her duty
185 2.82 .851
2 Target given are achievable.
185 2.67 .893
3 measuring criteria’s are clear
PMS process is free from 185 2.51 .716
evaluation system contributes 185 2.54 .668
to diligence in our job
My immediate supervisor 185 2.65 .600
The above shows the overall mean result of respondents are satisfied with performance
management system i.e. annual plan is discussed having 2.95,target given are achievable 2.82
and measuring criteria‟s are clear.
Training and development provide mutually benefit for both employees and the organization.
They should have the opportunity to refine and acquire new skill and knowledge through
training, continuous education and professional development to advance in their career.
Employees‟ career advancement, in turn, has positive spillover effect on the efficiency and
effectiveness of the organization.
Frequency results
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
1 employees received training in last year 14.1 74.1 11.9
the bank works strongly on professional
2 development 16.2 72.4 11.4
3 the trainings provided are helpful 19.5 64.9 15.7
3 the trainings provided are helpful 3.04 .593
N 185
Thus, the overall frequency and mean results agreement of the respondents convey that the bank
is working on professional development.
Employee promotion
A better prospect of promotion within the organization is assumed to have a positive impact on
job satisfaction. In addition, the rules and procedures that an organization follows to promote
employees also contributes for satisfaction/dissatisfaction of employees. Employees‟
perception regarding promotion practice within the bank is assessed using set of nine attributes.
Majority of the respondents agreed oracle system is easy to apply vacancy having 73 percent;
employees receive vacancy posts in time with 71.4 percent, oracle system makes promotion
process easy having 67.6 percent and career path of the bank is clear with 67 percent
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
1 there is job promotion in the bank 6.5 55.1 13.5 24.9
2 oracle system is easy to apply vacancy 14.1 73 6.5 6.5
3 criteria for vacant posts are clear 9.7 55.1 4.3 30.8
4 employees receive vacancy posts in time 6.5 71.4 22.2
selection for promotion is based on PMS
5 and examination 16.2 43.2 14.1 26.5
oracle system makes promotion process
6 easy 7.6 67.6 4.3 20.5
oracle system makes promotion process
7 transparent 3.2 63.8 11.9 21.1
oracle system has made employee
8 promotion credible 57.8 7.6 34.6
9 career path of the bank is clear 9.7 67 8.6 14.6
Mean Result of Employee Promotion
N Mean
No. Item 185 2.55
The overall mean results of employee promotion shows there is a job promotion in the bank
2.95,criteria for vacant post are clear 2.84,selection for promotion is based on PMS and
examination and oracle system has made employee promotion credible having similar mean
result 2.78.thus,employees are happy with the banks employee promotion system.
Service Quality
In service rendering organizations, the quality of service that is delivered have a potential to
influence the satisfaction of employees. Poor service quality that arises from stretched service
delivery time due to network interruption, power failure, improper office setting, lack of
information etc., may disrupt the eagerness of employees to work. So, it may reduce the
satisfaction of employees.
Frequency Results of Service Quality
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
bank service system help employees
1 to accomplish their job properly 16.2 67 6.5 10.3
technology used by the bank has
helped employees to give quality
2 service 25.9 62.2 6.5 5.4
fast service delivery in the bank has
helped employees to perform
3 properly 20.5 66.5 3.2 9.7
employees get timely information to
4 perform their work properly 9.7 71.9 6.5 11.9
Majority of the respondents show their agreement they get timely information to perform their
work properly with 71.9 percent, bank service system help employees to accomplish their job
properly having 67 percent and fast service delivery in the bank has helped employees to
perform properly with 66.5 percent. Thus, employees are satisfied with quality service they
No. Item
N Mean Std. Deviation
bank service system help employees to 185 2.93 .723
accomplish their job properly
technology used by the bank has helped 185 3.08 .755
employees to give quality service
185 3.04 .658
fast service delivery in the bank has
helped employees to perform properly
employees get timely information to
perform their work properly 185 2.85 0.675
The overall mean result showed employees are happy with the technology used by the bank has
helped them to give quality service and, fast service delivery helped them to perform properly
and bank system help employees to accomplish their job properly.
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
1 Manager’s feel bursting at work 6.5 85.9 3.2 4.3
2 Managers feel strong and energetic 13.5 75.1 11.4
at morning, managers feel like they
3 are going to work 13 79.5 7.6
Managers can continue working for
4 very long periods at a time 19.5 73 7.6
5 Managers are mentally strong at job 29.2 62.2 8.6
Managers continue at work even
6 things are not going well 16.2 69.7 2.2 11.9
Majority of the respondents show their degree of agreement they feel bursting at work, at
morning, they feel like they are going to work, they are strong and energetic and they continue
working even things are not going well.
at morning, employees feel like they are going to 185 3.05 .451
employees can continue working for very long 185 3.12 .507
periods at a time
5 employees are mentally strong at job 185 3.21 .581
employees continue at work even things are not 185 3.00 .608
going well
The overall mean result show employees are willing and engaging in their organization thus
employees are mentally strong at job, employees can continue working for very long periods at a
time, at morning, employees feel like they are going to work.
Frequency Result of Dedication
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
employees find work with full
1 meaning and purpose 9.7 81.6 8.6
2 employees enthusiastic 22.7 67.6 9.7
3 employees are inspired 22.6 66.6 10.8
4 employees are proud on they do 25.9 62.2 11.9
5 employees job is challenging 16.2 48.1 4.9 30.8
Employees were asked regarding their dedications and majority of the respondents‟ show their
agreement that; employees find work with full meaning and purpose, employees are enthusiastic,
employees are inspired and employees are proud on they do.
The overall mean result shows employees are dedicated by being proud on they do, they are
enthusiastic and inspired, and employees find work with full meaning and purpose.
Frequency Result
strongly dis
No. Item agree agree agree disagree
1 time flies when I am working 16.2 60 4.3 19.5
I forget everything else around me
2 while working 9.7 56.2 4.4 29.7
I feel happy when I am working
3 intensely 10 84.6 1.1 4.3
4 I am immersed in my work 13 67.6 4.4 15
I get approved away when I am
5 working 3.2 50.8 38.4 7.6
it is difficult to detach myself from my
6 job 4.2 49.8 38.3 7.7
Majority of respondents agreed that; they feel happy when they are working intensely; they are
immersed in their work, time flies when they are working and they forgot everything else around
them while working.
Table 26 Mean result of absorption
The nutshell mean result show employees feel happy when they are working intensely, times
flies when employees working and they are immersed in their work.
No. Employees Opinion Mean Result N Mean Deviation
1 job character 185 15.4000 1.95659
Employee satisfaction and engagement could be influenced by many variables such as job
character, working environment, salary and benefit, relationship with supervisor, PMS, training
and development, promotion and service quality. Employees were asked their opinion about the
variables which affect employees‟ satisfaction and engagement and the overall mean result
shows promotion, relationship with supervisor, PMS, working environment, job character, salary
and benefit, service quality and training are affecting variables respectively.
Correlation Analysis of Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Correlation between Employees’ Satisfaction and Engagement Variables
Employee jobchar workin salaryb iatesu Traini Promo Servicequ
sop ac genvt enefit pvser PMS ng tion ality
Employees Pearson 1
opinion Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 185
job character Pearson .536
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 185
** **
working Pearson .715 .468
environment Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
N 185 185
** **
salary & Pearson .562 .060 .311
benefit Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .416 .000
N 185 185 185
** ** ** **
relationship Pearson .814 .387 .500 .504
immediate Correlation
supervisor Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000
N 185 185 185 185
** ** ** ** **
PMS Pearson .822 .363 .573 .286 .579
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 185 185 185 185 185
Training ** ** * ** **
Pearson .481 .270 .164 .099 .414 .341
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .026 .178 .000 .000
N 185 185 185 185 185 185
** ** ** ** ** ** **
Promotion Pearson .739 .238 .404 .417 .399 .563 .342
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 185 185 185 185 185 185 185
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Servicequality Pearson .811 .440 .609 .367 .468 .736 .364 .617
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
As the above correlation table clearly indicated there is strong and positive relationship between
the variables of employee satisfaction and engagement. There is strong and positive relationship
between performance management system and employees opinion as PMS is dealing with
immediate supervisors discuss with their performance, annual plan is discussed and every
‟s; thus, when measuring criteria‟ s
employee is informed his/her duty and measuring criteria
are clear and discussed, employees will be ready to accept the result of their performance which
in turn increase the degree of satisfaction. Besides, there is strong and positive relationship
between employees‟ opinion and relationship with immediate supervisor which are; immediate
supervisor respects rights of stipulated in the collective agreement; immediate supervisor is
impartial and recognizes subordinates contribution that have an immense role on increasing the
satisfaction and engagement of the employee.
There is strong and positive relationship between the variables such as vigor, dedication and
‟ satisfaction and
absorption which indicates these variables have significant role employees
engagement. When employees‟ are energetic and strong they will be sat isfied and engaging.
When employees‟ are inspired, proud with what they are doing and enthusiastic; they show
their dedications which turned them to engagement. Moreover, employees forget about else
when they working, feel happy when they work intensely etc.it shows their excitement and
Summary of Findings
Regarding background of respondents there were more male respondents than female
respondents which constitute 54.1 percent of them and majority age group of them are
26-35 years of age with 69.7 percent. Looking at academic level of respondents
majority of the respondents is degree awarded from different academic institutions which
82.7 percent of the respondents. Service year of the respondents holds a majority of 1-5
‟ the
years of experience with 48.1 percent. Finally, regarding position of respondents
majority goes to clerical/ non-managerial position having 61.6 percent.
The frequency result of job character shows that majority of the respondents show their
degree of agreement that their knowledge enables them to perform their duty, they are
entrusted, there is job rotation and they perform in line with their job description;
working environment, The frequency results show that majority of respondents show
their degree of agreement; there is smooth relationship with co-workers having 54.1
percent, there is sufficient space in workplace with 47.6 percent and there are adequate
office equipment to discharge duties having 43.8 percent. However, there are degrees of
disagreement on clean workplace, office equipment and tidiness of rest room.
Concerning frequency results of salary and benefit employees show their highest degree
of agreement that; the bank pays competitive salary 96.8 percent, they are earned
competitive benefit packages having 93.5 percent and they are satisfied with salary
earned with 90.8 percent. Majority of respondents show their degree of agreement that
immediate supervisor respects rights of stipulated in the collective agreement; immediate
supervisor is impartial and recognizes subordinates contribution respectively. Dealing
with PMS majority of them show their agreement immediate supervisors discuss with
their performance, annual plan is discussed and every employee is informed his/her duty
and measuring criteria‟s are clear respectively.
development having 72.4 percent and the trainings provided are helpful with 64.9 percent
Employees‟ perception regarding promotion practice within the bank is assessed using
set of nine attributes. Majority of the respondents agreed oracle system is easy to apply
vacancy, employees receive vacancy posts in time, oracle system makes promotion
process easy having and career path of the bank is clear, thus employees are engaged and
satisfied. Moreover, employees are satisfied with the service they deliver management
opinion of their engagement and dedications and excited with their career place.
The overall mean result shows promotion, relationship with supervisor, PMS, working
environment, job character, salary and benefit, service quality and training are affecting
variables respectively to employees‟ engagement and satisfaction. Thus, employees
show their agreement these variables are conducive and exciting which help them to be
highly engaged.
The correlation result shows that the variables are strong and positively related each other
with satisfaction and engagement variables. When employees‟ are inspired, proud with
what they are doing and enthusiastic; they show their dedications which turned them to
engagement. Moreover, employees forget about else when they working, feel happy
when they work intensely etc.it shows their excitement and engagement.
Studies on employee satisfaction and engagement are essential to the organizations to know their
status and take actions to fill the observed gaps accordingly. In the area where the employees feel
happy and engaged, the organizations can have dual benefits such as individual as well as
business benefit. Happy and engaged employees build the reputation of the organization, do not
plan to leave the organization easily and put their efforts as much as possible. Moreover, it
enhances retention, productivity and returns. This study thoroughly assessed about employee‟s
satisfaction and engagement issues in the preceding section.
Variables such as job character, working environment, salary and benefit, relationship with
immediate supervisor, PMS, training, promotion, service quality, management opinion,
dedication and absorption are assessed and the overall result showed employees are satisfied and
The overall mean result shows promotion, relationship with supervisor, PMS, working
environment, job character, salary and benefit, service quality and training are affecting variables
respectively to employees‟ engagement and satisfaction. Thus, employees show their agreement
these variables are conducive and exciting which help them to be highly engaged.
Based on the results of the assessment and summary of findings made the following
recommendations are forwarded which helps the bank to assess its service delivery process.
The bank has to provide good working environment regarding clean workplace, office
equipment and tidiness of rest room as respondents show their disagreement.
There are some sort of disagreement on performance management system which targets
are achievable, measuring criteria and subjectivity issue. thus, the organization should
diagnose its target, measuring criteria‟s and evaluation process of PMS.
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General MBA
Respected madam/sir,
1. Personal Information
1. 18 - 25 4. 41 – 50
2. 26 – 35 5. 51-60
3. 36 - 40
Level of Education
1. Managerial position
5. Other
Year of Service
No. Statement Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
No. Statement Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
2.6 Training
2.6.1 I have received training organized by HRD or
district in the past one year.
2.6.2 The bank works strongly on professional
2.6.3 Training given to me by the bank has helped me
to carry out my job effectively.
2.7 Employee Promotion
2.7.1 There is job promotion opportunity in the bank.
2.7.2 The Oracle system the bank uses for vacancy
announcements is easy to use.
2.7.3 The requirements/criteria for vacant posts are
2.7.4 I receive vacant post announcements timely.
2.7.5 Selection of employees for promotion is based on
PMS and examination.
2.7.6 The Oracle system has made the employee
promotion process easy.
2.7.7 The Oracle system has made employee promotion
process transparent.
2.7.8 The Oracle system has made employee promotion
process credible.
2.7.9 The career path of the bank is clear.
2.8 Service Quality
2.8.1 The bank's customer service system helps me to
accomplish my job properly.
2.8.2 The technology used by the bank has helped me
to give quality service.
2.8.3 The fast service delivery in our bank has helped
me to perform my job properly.
2.8.4 I get timely information to perform my work
2.9 Engagement Opinion(VIGOR)
No. Statement Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
2.9.1 At my work, I feel bursting with energy
2.10 Dedications
2.10.1. I find the work that I do full of meaning and purpose
2.11 Absorption related questionnaires