Principles of Critical Care Third Edition Farokh Erach Udwadia All Chapter Instant Download
Principles of Critical Care Third Edition Farokh Erach Udwadia All Chapter Instant Download
Principles of Critical Care Third Edition Farokh Erach Udwadia All Chapter Instant Download
Critical Care Obstetrics 4th edition Gary A.
Critical Care
third Edition
Critical Care
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care units rather than copy the West and establish critical care units in different specialities and subspecialities. A
multidisciplinary intensive care unit permits concentration of meager resources with regard to staffing, equipment
and technical expertise. Above all, it encourages a more holistic approach, so that problems in the critically ill are
considered in an overall perspective rather than in terms of disease afflicting isolated organ systems. There is also
a crying need to formulate laws and regulations (non-existent at the present time) that govern the establishment
and functioning of critical care units in the developing countries. Financial lucre will otherwise continue to allow the
mushrooming of so-called intensive care units which are veritable death traps for unwary, unsuspecting patients.
Efficiently functioning critical care units in the foreseeable future will be largely confined to the big cities of
this country. Should we not promote a modicum of better care for critical illnesses in the huge population of over
650,000,000 that resides outside these cities? This can for the present only be achieved by providing a better staffed
and better equipped high-dependency ward in every district hospital of this subcontinent. These wards would not
qualify by Western standards as critical care units, but in our experience, could offer better care, with improved
results, at a smaller cost.
This book is largely based on my numerous jottings and notes embodying my experience of problems in the diagnosis
and management of critically ill patients over the last 30 years. A book of this magnitude, authored in the main by a
single individual helped by just a few distinguished contributors, may seem audacious, but has the intrinsic advantage
of presenting the uniform view of one who for many years has had to grapple with a wide spectrum of critical illnesses.
It in no way detracts from the fact that for a successful outcome, critical care often needs team effort involving many
specialities in medicine, surgery and their allied branches. The emphasis in this book is on fundamentals that form
the basis of care and on important problems that find their way to a busy unit. The book also includes in most
chapters an insight into the nature of derangement of altered functions in a critical illness. Good management can
then be better understood and need not be ritualized or didactic.
Critical care in developing countries encompasses both diseases prevalent in the West, as also special problems
chiefly encountered in poor countries such as India. These problems particularly in relation to important fulminant
tropical infections have been given due emphasis in this book. We also have to necessarily contend with the lack of
sophisticated gadgetry and equipment in many of our units. The successful management of many life-threatening
problems under these circumstances and restraints is difficult but still possible, and has been discussed in relevant
It is essential to stress that the principles of good critical care are the principles of good medicine and surgery.
Improvement in critical care can, therefore, only flow from improved standards in general medicine and surgery.
A careful history, a good physical examination, and the evaluation of relevant laboratory and imaging data will
always form the bedrock for correct diagnosis and management of life-threatening problems. Improved technology
and invasive gadgetry can be of help, but they can never be a substitute for sound clinical acumen and experience
gathered over years of trials and tribulations. The use of machines and, in particular, of invasive technique, should
never be an end in itself, but always a means to the solution of difficult problems. To feed a machine in a critical
care unit just because it is there, is to court medical nemesis.
The speciality of critical care by its very nature often incites the caring physician to prompt or hurried action.
Admittedly, there are a few emergencies which do demand immediate measures if life is to be salvaged. But in
most critical situations, there will be time to stand and wait, to think and deliberate—
The physician must take time to muster the clinical discipline that allows a focused view on an emergent
threatening problem, yet not lose an overall perspective of the patient. The initiate in critical care medicine should
first and foremost be reminded ever so often of the Hippocratic dictum, Primum Non Nocere—first of all, do no
harm. He should, therefore, be encouraged to think (without falling asleep) over a problem before jumping into
action, else he may well become the prime iatrogenic hazard in the unit.
Preface to the First Edition xi
In the final analysis, critical care is the care that aids and improves patient survival. It is doctors and nurses who
care for the patients and not machines. We should take comfort in the fact that there is no substitute for human
ingenuity, endeavor and resources. Motivation and dedication toward providing better patient care can indeed
compensate significantly in our part of the world for the lack of sophisticated technology and technical expertise.
I very sincerely acknowledge my thanks to all my extremely distinguished contributors who are all well-known
specialists in their own fields, and who have so kindly and willingly contributed in an honorary capacity to this
book. They have immeasurably enhanced the prestige of this book by their valuable contributors. I would like to
acknowledge my immense gratitude most of all to Dr Ruby Jal Kharas, my research assistant, who has made this
book her special baby. She has been of immense help in every single aspect of this book, and this book would have
had to wait for many more months to see the light of the day, if it had not been for her dedication and perseverance.
I also owe an immense debt of gratitude to Mr Oatta, Chairman of Hindustan Lever Ltd, India, who on behalf of his
company has been kind enough to give a very generous subsidy toward the publication of this magnum opus. The
price of this work has thereby been substantially reduced so that the book is now within the reach of all students and
all my medical colleagues. Dr Ramnik Parikh and Dr Rajgopal were instrumental in arranging for this munificent
subsidy, and to them I express my sincere gratitude. I would also like to thank the publishers and authors who have
granted me permission to reproduce some figures and tables from their books/journals. Although every effort has
been made to trace copyright holders of material printed in this book, in some cases, this has not proved possible.
In a few cases, the copyright holders are yet to respond. The publishers will be glad to hear from them.
I would also like to thank dr Shilpa Bhojraj for her assistance with the chapter on Control of Pain and Anxiety
and the Use of Muscle Relaxants in the Critically Ill. My special thanks are due to Mrs Lavanya Ray and Ms Rivka
Israel for their excellent editorial advice and assistance. I am grateful to Mr Abe Aboody and Mr Balagangadharan
of Alliance Phototypesetters for their kind cooperation and excellent work. I am also grateful to Mr V Pradhan
and Mr Prabhu for the good art work and X-ray plates. I also offer my thanks to Ms Katy Irani who has helped with
the typing of this manuscript and with the Index. My gratitude to my wife, Vera, for having helped to correct the
page proofs and for her extra forbearance and care during the many days and nights spent on this work. Finally,
my sincere thanks to the Oxford University Press in Mumbai and Delhi for their unstinted help and cooperation
in publishing this work.
38. Mechanical Ventilation in the Critically Ill 395 52. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 593
39. Weaning from Ventilator Support 416 53. Acute Kidney Injury 607
54. Critical Care in Acute Hepatic Failure 623
section 10 Fluid and Electrolyte 55. Acute Pancreatitis 641
Disturbances in the Critically Ill 56. Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding 652
57. Hemorrhagic Disorders 665
40. Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances in 58. Transfusion (Blood Product) Therapy 677
the Critically Ill 425 59. Endocrine Dysfunction 683
60. Diabetes Mellitus 694
section 11 Acid-Base Disturbances 61. Neurological Problems 703
in the Critically Ill A. Raised Intracranial Pressure
Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
B. Traumatic Brain Injury
41. Acid-Base Disturbances in the Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
Critically Ill 443 C. Stroke
Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
section 12 Nutritional Support in D. Central Nervous System Infections
Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
the Critically Ill Adult E. Status Epilepticus
Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
42. Nutritional Support in the F. Rapidly Progressive Neuromuscular Disorders with
Respiratory Failure
Critically Ill Adult 459 Jimmy Lalkaka, BS Singhal
G. Perioperative Neurological Care
section 13 Fever and Acute Infections Late Sohrab K Bhabha
65. Management of Critically Ill Burns Patients 794 78. Respiratory and Hemodynamic
SM Keswani, FE Udwadia Monitoring in Children 907
Mahesh V Balsekar
66. Critical Care in Poisonings 805
67. Envenomation 822 79. Approach to Shock in the Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit 914
68. Drowning 830 YK Amdekar
69. Heat Stroke 834
80. Hypertensive Emergencies in Pediatrics 918
70. Hypothermia 837 YK Amdekar
81. Heart Failure in Neonates and Children 920
section 19 Critical Care of the YK Amdekar
Cancer Patient 82. Acute Respiratory Failure in Children
and Hyaline Membrane Disease 922
71. Critical Care of the Cancer Patient 843 YK Amdekar
83. Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbance in
section 20 Control of Pain and the Critically Ill Child 928
Anxiety and the Use of Muscle Relaxants YK Amdekar
Principles, Philosophy and Ethics of Critical Care
Critical Care Scoring
Critical care is the care of seriously ill patients with life- It was obvious from the 1960s onward that critically ill
threatening illnesses or trauma, as also of patients who have patients are best and ideally cared for in special units which
the potential to develop life-threatening complications from centralize equipment, staff and facilities, so necessary for
their disease. Critical care should, correctly speaking, be the care of life-threatening problems. Intensive or critical
reserved for patients with severe but potentially reversible care has blossomed into a specialty with special training
problems. Patients with chronic terminal illnesses, with the and certification in the West, and also in many developed or
end close at hand should be given every care at home or in quickly developing Southeast Asian countries.
the ward of a hospital, but not in critical care units. In India the seed of critical care planted in the mid and late
The origin of the present day intensive care unit started sixties has now grown into a strong tree trunk with spreading
with the use of the postoperative recovery room for immediate branches and deepening roots. The Indian Society of Critical
special postoperative care. This concept was given a further Care Medicine holds an examination that accredits trained
impetus during the poliomyelitis epidemic in the early 1950s doctors qualified to practice this specialty. These accredited
when the use of mechanical ventilation salvaged many intensivists will in future train junior colleagues, so that the
future of this specialty is assured. However, in large cities of the
paralyzed patients. Present day intensive care is however far
country there are still many privately owned so-called critical
more meaningful than mere postoperative care and ventilatory
care units, which are poorly equipped and poorly staffed.
support. It incorporates the knowledge and experience of
These are death traps for unwary patients. It would be ideal if all
numerous specialties that have blossomed over nearly four
units claiming to be intensive (critical) care units have a
decades from 1960 onward. Pulmonary medicine with the
certificate of accreditation from a responsible professional
concept of respiratory care, cardiology with the concept of the body.
coronary care unit and advances in anesthesiology have all Many practitioners of critical care medicine are specialists
contributed greatly to the evolution of the modern day critical in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, anesthesiology or in
care unit. While specialties in medicine or surgery are sharply critical care itself. However, the principles of critical care are
focused on a single organ system within the body, a general the principles of general medicine and general surgery, rather
medical or surgical critical care unit is devoted to the patient than the principles applicable to any particular specialty. An
as a whole, recognizing the overwhelming fact that there is a individual with a wide experience of medicine or surgery
tremendous interdependence and interrelationship between coupled with suitable training and exposure to acute medical
various organ systems, so that a serious involvement of one or surgical problems has perhaps the best aptitude and
strongly jeopardizes the function of others. The approach to philosophy for organizing and directing a critical care unit.
critical care medicine is thus simultaneously holistic, viewing It is important, particularly in a poor country like ours,
the patient in an overall perspective, and yet focused on one that the few good critical care units we have, admit patients
or more problems that constitute an immediate threat to life. who truly need appropriate care. It is sad to see critical care
4 Section 1 An Introduction to Critical Care
units cluttered with patients who are unquestionably better almost certain to cause death within a matter of months.
looked after in the wards or at home. A critical care unit has An example of this is a patient with cancer at a stage when
1 its advantages and disadvantages. The chief advantage is
that it provides better and more organized care. The main
his life expectancy is 3–6 months. An acute complicating
pneumonia in such a patient is a life-threatening emer
disadvantage is of a hostile environment contributing to gency, which is treatable, curable and may well necessitate
anxiety, emotional stress, loneliness, fear and above all a critical care.
greater risk of developing nosocomial infections. A critical care unit as already mentioned should not be
The following conditions require intensive or critical care— used for terminal cases where the end is close at hand. The
1. Acute life-threatening illnesses which are potentially tendency to use a critical care unit as the last halt or stopping
reversible. station before an expected departure from this world should
2. Acute illnesses with potential and likely to occur life-
be strongly deprecated.
threatening complications.
3. Monitoring of vital parameters of patients with symptoms This section first deals with the principles and philosophy
and/or signs that suggest the possibility of an evolving of critical care. This is followed by a short discussion on ethical
life-threatening illness. principles governing critical care, on ethical issues in terminal
4. Acute or immediate life-threatening crisis or complic illness, and on euthanasia. The section ends with a description
ations in a chronic illness, even when the latter by itself is of current critical care scoring systems.
Principles, Philosophy and
Ethics of Critical Care
management in individual patients, but their overall influence management with regard to a particular problem in critical
on reducing morbidity and improving mortality in critically ill care. Yet, it must be remembered that the evidence provided,
1 patients is debatable. It is remarkable that how with increasing
experience, the use of invasive monitoring is significantly
though valuable, is based on a statistical study of large
population groups. The results of a statistical study of large
reduced. Again this is not to decry the use of sophisticated population groups, however scientific, need not necessarily
technology in the intensive care unit (ICU). It is merely to apply to the individual patient in one’s care. On the other
restress that in the final analysis, good care rests with doctors hand, observational studies are considered the weakest form
and nurses, and not with machines. of evidence in critical care medicine. Yet, some of the greatest
discoveries in medicine have been made by our illustrious
Primum Non Nocere ancestors through the sheer excellence of observation—
First of all, do no harm. This is an ancient Hippocratic tenet. discoveries far greater than some of the best double blind
Do not subject the patient to procedures and investigations randomized controlled studies of the present era. Witness
which add to pain and suffering, when one is certain or almost the discovery of small pox vaccination by Jenner, antirabies
certain that these can lead to no extra benefit. The risk-benefit vaccination by Pasteur, the observations of Lister that led to
ratio should always be kept in mind in all management advances in surgery and the observation of the importance
decisions in the ICU. of handwashing by Thomas Ignas Semmelweis.
The intensivist should also remember that evidence
can be imperfect, can change and is not sacrosanct. If it
Recognition of the Limits of Critical Care
were, medicine would be static, whereas history teaches us
Physicians involved with critical care must recognize the limits that it is ever-changing, dynamic. It is also possible that the
of such care. Critical illnesses are necessarily associated with conclusions drawn from evidence-based medicine in the
a high morbidity and mortality, and quite often this morbidity Western world will not always apply to the rest.
and mortality cannot be improved despite all the care available Therefore, evidence-based medicine should be viewed
in present times. The discerning physician learns to recognize in its proper perspective—good but not infallible, important
the limits of care, knows when to draw the line, and recognizes but not all-inclusive; applicable in many, but not in all.
the futility, and often the cruelty of aggressive management in Medicine has several other aspects —social, cultural, economic,
patients who are well past the point of no return. Learning the psychological, philosophical, religious, genetic, and other
limits of care is not easy; it is fraught with doubts, difficulties nebulous aspects that characterize a trusting caring doctor-
and danger. A working guideline is to struggle unto life or patient relationship. It is important to take all into consideration
death in a young individual with a potentially reversible life- when caring for acutely ill patients.
threatening illness, and to remember not to play God in the
ICU. Yet in the old and feeble, in patients who are clearly dying,
and in those with serious background illnesses, one must learn
through wisdom and experience to temper care with reason. A physician must be a judge. Judgment is difficult, for
indeed medicine has been defined as the art of coming to
CRITICAL APPRECIATION OF EVIDENCE- a conclusion on insufficient evidence. It is no surprise that
errors in judgment frequently abound. Clinical judgment does
not come within the purview of art or science. It is a special
Evidence-based medicine is the rallying cry of all modern quality, a faculty—often inborn and occasionally cultivated. It
medicine, a shining banner held aloft by the profession cannot be equated to intellectual ability for it may be lacking
for all to view, a promised trail for better health care and in brilliant minds and be present to a marked degree in those
for appropriate management of critically ill patients. It is who are in other respects for less clever or knowledgeable.
unquestionably important to judge the clinical effectiveness Perhaps a knowledge of and an interest in the humanities—
or otherwise of treatment options through scientifically literature, poetry, music, history, philosophy, religion—can
accumulated evidence. It is even more important to gather improve clinical judgment by providing a more holistic
evidence to ensure that a treatment option is not injurious perspective of man and medicine and of health and disease.
to patients. However, in critical care medicine, it may be To cope with the diagnosis and management of a life-
impossibly difficult and even unethical (in some situations) threatening emergency requires more than mere factual
to furnish evidence or proof as to the optimal approach to knowledge, reason, logic, experience and skill. It requires
acutely emergent problems occurring in very ill patients good clinical judgment—the hallmark of a good physician.
with many variables. In spite of all protocols and guidelines Clinical judgment is a rich blend of all the above requisites
based on evidence, the practice of critical care medicine and adds to these a further intangible, indefinable quality; a
today remains largely empirical. The student of critical care quality that encompasses faith, charity, hope and compassion;
medicine should be aware of a few more aspects of evidence- a quality that has a deep understanding of human nature. It
based medicine. Double blind randomized controlled trials is also the quality that gives the doctor in crisis the wisdom to
are the gold standard, which provide evidence for patient know what to say and do, and what not to say and do; when to
Chapter 2 Principles, Philosophy and Ethics of Critical Care 7
wait and watch, and when to treat vigorously without delay; and countries, but the absolute values of good and evil, right
when to fight death and when to give in to it; when to press and wrong, and the sanctity of human life are remarkably
for a cure and when to console with words, or to rest content
with palliative relief. Sound clinical judgment includes an
similar in all civilized societies.
There are three basic ethical principles derived from 1
extra-special perceptive ability that enables a doctor to sense a these absolute values, which govern the art and science of all
clue which his less fortunate colleagues will miss; the ability to medicine, and in particular of critical care medicine. The first
process this clue and judge its correct diagnostic, therapeutic is beneficence and its companion-in-arms, nonmaleficence.
and prognostic implications. A physician who combines the Beneficence is an all-important ethical principle and duty
sharpness of his perceptive faculties with a wisdom born of the physician, which has been emphasized in ancient
of reading and experience, with a compassion for and an Ayurvedic texts, as also by Hippocrates. Beneficence directs
understanding of human suffering and who also possesses the physician to do good by relieving suffering and restoring
the faculty of good clinical judgment in truly blessed by the good health. Beneficence does not merely involve technical
gods. He has an attribute which no medicine can duplicate expertise and medical skill; it equally involves human
and no science can invent. He enjoys a ringside seat in the qualities, particularly in the care of critical illnesses. It is these
theater of life and has the most intimate insight into many human qualities, which tend to be unfortunately forgotten
who seek his help.1 or pushed into the background by the frontiers of advancing
technology in medicine. The chief of these human qualities
ART OF MEDICINE expressed in a single word is humanity. Humanity can be
defined as the sensibility, which enables a physician to feel for
Today, science rules medicine. However, the practice of its the distress and suffering of a patient, prompting him to relieve
science without an equal measure of its art dehumanizes them. True humanity in a physician is the fount of sympathy
medicine, robs it of its essence. This is unfortunately the and care for a critically ill patient. A critically ill but conscious
trend today, which must be reversed. The art of medicine patient in my opinion has special antennae (very like what
lies in the artful, appropriate application of its science to the child has for the mother), which enable him to promptly
the overall holistic care of an individual patient. The art of recognize, reach out and clasp to his heart a physician who
medicine remains all pervasive even when its science fails truly cares. This often makes the difference between life and
or has reached its utmost limits. “For when all the marvels of death in a critical illness. In a similar manner, a critically ill
science are of no avail to unfortunately ward off the fatal end, it individual often recognizes the pseudosympathy exhibited
is no small portion of a physician’s art to rid his patient’s path by some physicians; however, brilliant and technologically
of thorns if he cannot make it bloom with roses.”1 well-equipped they may be. Knowledge and experience
The art of critical care medicine lies in hearing an unspoken when linked to humanity make a great physician and indeed
subtle nuance in a patient’s history and in the ability to spot a great man.
and appreciate the significance of one or more subtle physical Nonmaleficence is the companion-in-arms of beneficence.
signs that no gadget or machine could possibly recognize. It It reminds the physician that above all, he should do no harm.
lies in his ability to sift the evidence before him and give the Beneficence and nonmaleficence may at times in a critical
right answer (of several possible answers) to the appropriate care setting be in apparent conflict. Thus, the use of a narcotic
question. It lies in the intuitive feel for a solution either in to relieve pain is beneficence in a dying patient, yet this may
diagnosis or management. Above all, it consists of looking at hasten death by depressing respiration, thus violating the
a very ill patient holistically rather than compartmentalizing tenet of nonmaleficence. This conflict, as explained later, is
the patient into different organ systems. The art of medicine apparent and not real.
is the art of healing, not just treating, not even just curing. Yet The second basic ethical principle governing decision-
it is only when art and science join hands that healing is best making and management in critical care medicine is patient
accomplished. It is only then that a physician can engage the autonomy. This is the patient’s right to self-determination—
unique individuality of a particular human being so that a the right after being properly informed, to accept or refuse
critically ill patient becomes much more than a disease that medical treatment offered to him including life support
needs to be treated.1 measures like mechanical ventilation. It is indeed the proper
I came across the ancient description of a good physician interpretation of the balance between the principles of
and I feel that it has a timeless relevance—“it was his path to beneficence and the principles of patient autonomy, which
learn the practice of medicine and the practice of healing, and governs decision-making and management in critical care
careless of fame, to exercise the quiet art”. medicine. This balance is indeed difficult and not easy to strike
in a critical care setting. This is because seriously ill patients
ETHICAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNING may be unable to make proper decisions about their own
care. In fact, they may often make the wrong decisions under
CRITICAL CARE the physical and emotional stress of their illness. In these
The principles of ethics are rooted in religious, philosophical circumstances, the physician must lean toward the principle
and sociocultural traditions. These vary in different cultures of beneficence, and take management decisions, which he
8 Section 1 An Introduction to Critical Care
genuinely believes, are in the best interests of the patient. quality of life. In this case, the patient is not involved in the
It is important to illustrate this point with true-to-life decision.
1 examples. A patient was brought in nearly dead after a sedative
poisoning, with a note informing the physician that it was her
Advocates of euthanasia remarkably enough invoke
the ethical principles of beneficence, stating that the act
express wish not to be resuscitated and treated. The directive is morally justified because it is doing good to the patient
was ignored; the patient was resuscitated and discharged in and is in his or her best interest. In my opinion, this act is
good health. She was forever grateful for being restored to life. wrong, unjustifiable, and violates the sanctity of life, as it is
A patient with quickly progressive respiratory muscle perpetrated with known intent to kill. Yet, it must be clearly
weakness, in his extreme fright, agitation, anxiety and distress, understood that withholding or withdrawing treatment, when
refused intubation and mechanical ventilator support. The it is certain that such treatment will be of no benefit and when
request was ignored, appropriate management decisions death is inevitable, does not constitute euthanasia (even
taken, and the patient was again ever grateful to the doctor though some prefer to call this passive euthanasia) because
for having ignored his directive. the intent is not to kill but to prevent prolongation of the act
There are many factors which distort, prejudice or inter of dying.
fere with autonomous decisions of patients in critical care I gather from discussions with my colleagues in the West,
medicine. These include fear, anxiety, depression, panic, that a significant number of acutely ill patients who are about
lack of information and abhorrence of invasive modalities to die, as also patients with chronic but terminal disease,
of treatment, which prompt them to decide (often wrongly) express a desire to be killed or to be medically assisted in
to die with dignity. The working ethical principle is that in suicide. It is amazing that in my long association of over 45
acute medicine, when confronted with a potentially reversible years with so many critically ill patients in their terminal state,
life-threatening illness, beneficence prevails over patient there has not been a single individual who has persistently
autonomy. wished for euthanasia. There have been a few who have
The third and final ethical principle is justice—to dis expressed a fleeting wish, but talking to them and gently
tinguish in patient care, the right from the wrong. If at times explaining measures to relieve their symptoms have led to
this is difficult or impossible to determine in absolute terms, a resigned and comparatively unanguished acceptance of
one should determine what is more right or less wrong. In their destiny. Why is there this difference between the East
developing countries where resources are limited, justice and the West? I think it is basically related to sociocultural
dictates that treatment is administered to patients who are and religious differences. A patient’s, and for that matter
more likely to benefit from them. This often produces an a physician’s attitude to suffering, pain, impending death,
ethical quandary. Witness for example a situation where there and death itself, is conditioned by these sociocultural and
are three ventilators in an eight-bedded tetanus ward and religious factors. Most people in our part of the world and
all eight patients have severe tetanus requiring mechanical in the Far East believe that life cannot be divorced from pain
ventilation. Physicians should unquestionably be involved and suffering, that we live in the midst of pain and suffering,
in the ethics of resource distribution that provide equitable and that each one in this world is apportioned one’s share of
medical care to the society in which they live and work. Yet, pain and suffering. This is the law of Karma—a belief that one
ethical arguments limiting care because of limited resources reaps in the present life what one has sown in previous lives,
should not in my opinion be applicable to an individual and that one will reap in future existences what one sows in
patient already under intensive care. Wisdom however the present.
dictates that in all situations requiring protracted intensive In our experience, suffering in a terminal illness (whether
care, the burden-benefit relationship should be carefully this is a sequel to an acute or chronic problem), almost always
considered, and care be tempered with reason, when judged can be relieved by appropriate medication and compassion.
to be an exercise in futility. This brings us to the question of whether it is imperative to
tell the patient the exact truth that his terminal illness will
inevitably end fatally. Here again, East and West may differ.
EUTHANASIA The relatives have a right to know the whole truth, and it is
No discussion of ethics in relation to modern day medicine, the moral obligation of the physician to apprise them of this
including critical care medicine, can be complete without a truth. Many terminally ill patients either in critical care units
short discussion on euthanasia. Euthanasia includes— or outside, know and feel that their illness is terminal, but
Voluntary euthanasia or intentional killing of patients who barring rare exceptions, they do not wish to discuss death or
express a competent, freely made wish to die, because of the dying with the physician. In fact, they will if possible, in no
pain or suffering they experience. uncertain terms stop the physician from broaching the issue.
Medically assisted suicide, at the patient’s insistence and I would agree that the ethical principle of patient autonomy
wish. includes the patient’s right to know and understand the nature
Homicide following a surrogate decision on a crippled or of his illness, so that an informed consent or dissent regarding
handicapped patient, or in a patient with a poor or hopeless management decisions is possible. Yet, a patient also has a
Chapter 2 Principles, Philosophy and Ethics of Critical Care 9
right to choose exactly how much he wants to know. If the would want to end his suffering as a matter of a cult, or even
physician is to exert beneficence, he must respect that right. as a matter of duty that needs to be performed in time to
Perhaps the patient’s disinclination to discuss the end is due
to a faint glimmer of hope that life will extend longer than
come? Is it ever possible to quantify suffering? Is not suffering
often a state of the mind? And cannot a state of the mind be 1
what the physician feels or what medical science expects. I subject to changing social pressures and social mores? Can
am of the opinion that under these circumstances, a physician most doctors claim to have the knowledge, experience, the
has no right to systematically destroy that glimmer of hope, Ostlerian wisdom and perspective to be truly able to enlist
which keeps the patient more happy and peaceful toward the themselves to the cause of euthanasia in a patient who states,
end of his life. I cannot bear the suffering I am going through? These are
To die with dignity and to legalize euthanasia are slogans pertinent questions which are difficult to answer. Finally,
often linked together, as if one needs the latter to achieve when one legalizes a solution to a problem like euthanasia,
the former. Legalizing euthanasia in our country, even in the would the good that accrues clearly outbalance the evil or
most diluted form, could well open the floodgates to murder. harm that could possibly result from this legal sanction. This
Euthanasia however, under strict clauses and safeguards, has again is a question that physicians all over the world should
already been legalized in Holland. Perhaps in time to come, seriously consider.
it may be similarly legalized in other Western countries as
well. I am in no position to comment on the Western world, Reference
but for all the safeguards and guarantees against misuse that 1. Udwadia FE. The Forgotten Art of Healing and Other Essays.
the Dutch for example have, is it not possible that a patient Oxford University Press. 2009.
Critical Care Scoring
Optimized distribution of medical and financial resources is of Table 1: Glasgow Coma Scale
crucial importance in the delivery of health care, particularly
Eye opening Motor response Verbal response
in the poor developing countries of the world. To this end,
4 = Spontaneous 6 = Obedient 5 = Oriented
the critical care physician often has to make decisions about 3 = To voice 5 = Purposeful 4 = Confused
which patients are likely to derive the maximum benefit from 2 = To pain 4 = Withdrawal 3 = Inappropriate
admission to a critical care unit. 1 = None 3 = Flexion 2 = Incomprehensible
Illness scoring systems have been introduced in the 2 = Extension 1 = None
past three decades to formulate some degree of priority for 1 = None
intensive care unit (ICU) admissions in patients with acute
illness or trauma. These scoring systems are useful for medical TRAUMA SCORE AND REVISED
audit purposes and for comparison of therapy and results
in groups of patients who roughly have the same degree of
physiological derangements produced by critical illnesses. These are useful for patients with trauma. The trauma score
However, scoring systems have strong limitations, and critical is based on the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory
care of individual patients should not be influenced by scoring systems and on the GCS (Table 2). Values are given to each
protocols. parameter and these are added to give the total trauma score,
The commonly used trauma and critical care scores are which ranges from 1 to 16. The lower the score the greater the
briefly discussed below. risk for mortality.
The trauma score was found to underestimate the pro-
GLASGOW COMA SCORE gnostic significance of head injuries. This led to the
development of the revised trauma score (RTS), which is
The Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) judges the extent of coma in now widely used to assess the severity of trauma. The RTS
patients with head injury. It is useful for pre-hospital trauma is based on the GCS, the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and
triage as also for patient assessment after hospitalization. The the respiratory rate. Coded values are given for the above
scale is based on eye opening, motor response and verbal parameters and summed up (Table 3). Higher values have a
response (Table 1), and can be tested and scored by the better prognosis and lower values a poor prognosis.
physician within a couple of minutes. The total score is the
sum of each response and varies from a minimum of 3 to a
maximum of 15. The lower the score the greater the severity
of head injury in relation to central nervous system (CNS) The circulation, respiration, abdomen, motor, speech
function. (CRAMS) scale is another trauma triage scale frequently
Chapter 3 Critical Care Scoring 11
A. Systolic blood pressure B. Respiratory rate C. Respiratory effort D. Capillary refill
>90 4 10–24 4 Normal 1 Normal 2
70–90 3 25–35 3 Shallow or Delay 1
50–69 2 >35 2 retractions 0 None 0
<50 1 <10 1
0 0 0 0
E. Glasgow Coma Scale
1. Eye opening 2. Motor response 3. Verbal response (1 + 2 + 3)
4 = Spontaneous 6 = Obedient 5 = Oriented 14–15 5
3 = To voice 5 = Purposeful 4 = Confused 11–13 4
2 = To pain 4 = Withdrawal 3 = Inappropriate 8–10 3
1 = None 3 = Flexion 2 = Incomprehensible 5–7 2
2 = Extension 1 = None 3–4 1
1 = None
Trauma score (A + B + C + D + E) = __________
scales in critical illnesses. It is used in order to stratify prognosis 7. Serum sodium (mmol/L).
and outcome in groups of patients, and to determine success 8. Serum potassium (mmol/L).
1 of different forms of treatment.1-6 The APACHE II score uses
twelve easily measured variables [acute physiology score
Serum creatinine (mg/dL).
Hematocrit (%).
(APS)] and takes into consideration background disease 11. Leukocyte count (cells/mm3).
or premorbid health (Table 4). The worst scores in the first 12. Glasgow Coma Score.
24 hours following ICU admissions are used. The twelve Depending on the degree of derangement, a weighted
parameters considered are— score is given to each parameter. Sedated, ventilated patients
1. Temperature (°C). are given a GCS of 15 when neurological problems seem
2. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) (mm Hg). unlikely.
3. Heart rate (beats/min). Scores are also assigned for increasing age, emergency
4. Respiratory rate (breaths/min). postoperative or nonoperative admission, and for the presence
5. Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (A-aDO2) if fractional of background diseases resulting in pre-existing organ
inspired oxygen (FiO2) is 0.5 or greater, or PaO2 if FiO2 dysfunction. Double weighting is assigned to derangements
less than 0.5. of serum creatinine in the setting of acute renal failure, due
6. Arterial pH. to marked increase in mortality in critically ill patients with
acute renal failure. The maximum possible APACHE II score consideration two obvious facts: (1) organ dysfunction is a
is 71. Increasing scores correlate with increasing mortality at continuum, varying from very mild at one end of the spectrum
each 5-point increment across a wide range of diseases.
The APACHE II scoring system is a useful scale in critical
to hopelessly severe at the other end; (2) organ dysfunction
is a dynamic process and the degree of dysfunction or failure 1
care medicine. Nevertheless, it is wrong to allow APACHE could vary with time.
II scores to influence management in individual patients.
A high initial APACHE II score in postoperative coronary Sequential Organ Function Assessment Score
artery bypass surgery is not necessarily associated with a high The SOFA score is made up of scores from six organ sys
mortality.6 It is also shown later in this book (see chapter tems graded from 0 to 4, depending upon the degree of
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) that tropical problems dysfunction.15 A SOFA score greater than 15 is associated with
may be associated with severe multiple organ dysfunction a mortality greater than 80%.16 We use this scoring system in
(and high APACHE II scores), and yet do not have the grim our unit and find it valuable. However, as explained in the
prognosis forecast by the APACHE II score. A critique of chapter Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, we have
these scoring systems is given in the chapter Multiple Organ noted that in fulminant tropical infections (e.g. falciparum
Dysfunction Syndrome. malaria), high SOFA scores do not necessarily predict death.
Several variants of the APACHE II scoring systems have The recovery rate in these infections is significantly higher
been devised. These include Bion’s sickness score,7,8 mortality than that predicted by the SOFA score (see chapter Multiple
prediction models9-11 and the therapeutic intervention scoring Organ Dysfunction Syndrome). Table 5 gives the details of
system.12,13 organ function assessment through the SOFA system.
None of these scoring systems have any significant advan
tage over the more frequently used APACHE II score, and none
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score
of these should significantly influence decision-making in
individual patients. There is also little or no difference in the The multiple organ dysfunction score was devised because
predictive ability of each of these systems over a wide range of the direct relationship between the number of organs that
of scores.11 fail to mortality in ICU patients.17 The score for each patient is
The APACHE II scoring system (and its modifications) was assessed daily, allowing a better prediction of morbidity and
not designed to judge individual patient outcomes. A new mortality (Table 6).
scoring system (the APACHE III score) has been introduced
to objectively assess patient risk for death and other important Simplified Acute Physiology Score
outcomes related to patient stratification. This new system The SAPS I score was developed from a small database
aims to provide (1) an APACHE III score; (2) a series of pre of about 700 patients in France, as a simplification of the
dictive equations that help to predict individual patient APACHE scoring system. 18 The SAPS I score had a range
mortality at different times during the patient’s stay in the ICU. from 0 to 56 and was based on physiological parameters, age
The APACHE III system is based on seventeen physiolo and invasive or noninvasive ventilation. Predictive results
gical variables or parameters, and includes within its ambit using the SAPS I were found to be comparable to those
a coma scale, age and pre-existing comorbid conditions.14 using the APACHE I score. The main drawback of the SAPS
The APACHE III score is calculated by adding the coded I as an outcome prediction tool was that it did not take into
variables for each category. A 5-point increase in the APACHE consideration the specific diagnosis and background diseases
III score (range 0–299) is associated with increased risk of or chronic health status of the individual.
death. Further use and evaluation of this scoring system is About a decade later, the updated SAPS II score was
necessary before it can be used routinely for triage decisions developed from a large database of more than 13,000 patients
in critical care. from ICUs across Europe and North America.19 The SAPS II
score is calculated using seventeen variables—twelve phy
OTHER IMPORTANT SCORING SYSTEMS IN siological parameters, age, type of admission (emergency/
elective), presence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), metastatic cancer or hematologic malignancy. The
In the 1990s three other important scoring systems were main outcome measure predicted by the SAPS II is vital status
devised to predict the outcome in critically ill patients. These at hospital discharge. It has been found to perform better
were: (1) the sequential organ function assessment (SOFA) than SAPS I and its performance is comparable to that of the
score, (2) the multiple organ dysfunction score and (3) the APACHE II. Modifications of the SAPS II have been used to
simplified acute physiological score I (SAPS I); this was further make it more applicable at local ICU levels and also for clinical
modified to SAPS II. Unlike the APACHE II scoring system, trials in specific diseases and conditions such as sepsis.
which is used only on admission of the patient to the ICU, The SAPS III is developed by the European Society of
the SOFA score, multiple organ function score and SAPS II Inte nsive Care Medicine. The database for this score is
score are determined daily in a critically ill patient till either expected to be very large, collected from ICUs all over the
recovery or death occurs. These scoring systems take into world. The SAPS III will consist of four modules: (1) a basic
14 Section 1 An Introduction to Critical Care
0 1 2 3 4
Respiration— >400 ≤400 ≤300 ≤200 with ≤100 with
• PaO2/FiO2 ventilatory ventilatory
support support
Coagulation— >150 ≤150 ≤100 ≤50 ≤20
• Platelets (× 103/mm3)
Liver— <1.2 1.2–1.9 2.0–5.9 6.0–11.9 >12.0
• Bilirubin (mg/dL)
Cardiovascular— No MAP Dopamine ≤5 Dopamine >5 Dopamine >15
• Hypotension hypotension <70 or dobutamine or epi ≤0.1 or epi >0.1
mm Hg (any dose)* or norepi ≤0.1* or norepi >0.1*
Central nervous system— 15 13–14 10–12 6–9 <6
• Glasgow Coma Score
• Creatinine (mg/dL) <1.2 1.2–1.9 2.0–3.4 3.5–4.9 or >5 or
• Urine output <500 mL/day <200 mL/day
*Adrenergic agents administered for at least 1 hour (doses given are in µg/kg/min).
Abbreviations: FiO2, fractional inspired oxygen; MAP, mean arterial pressure; epi, epinephrine; norepi, norepinephrine.
Scoring method: The most abnormal value for each parameter over a 24-hour period is selected for scoring purposes. The addition of scores of all six
parameters gives the final score. It has been observed that scores between 13 and 16 carry a 50% mortality, scores between 17 and 20 carry a 75% mortality
and scores >20 carry a 100% mortality.
evaluation module, (2) an extended outcomes module, parts of the world is influenced by cultural, social and eco
(3) an infection module and (4) a resources module. Along nomic factors. For these reasons, it is difficult to quantify
with predictive models for patient outcomes, the score is also critical care with measurable values and compare these
expected to provide a reliable tool for evaluation of individual values with different institutions in different countries of the
ICUs with a special emphasis infection rates and cost-benefit world.
ratios of investigations and therapies. Present scoring systems are a valuable guide to patient
outcome and indirectly on how management can affect
CRITICAL CARE SCORING IN THE FUTURE outcome. Yet, it is our opinion that scores should not influence
management decisions in individual patients. Clinical
The evolution and practice of better future scoring systems
judgment should never be replaced by any scoring system
need to take into account: (1) factors which predict patient
or scale.
outcome, (2) effectiveness of therapy or management and
(3) efficiency of delivered care.
Critical care is however a complex process. Patients REFERENCES
receiving critical care constitute many variables related to 1. Knaus WA, Zimmerman JE, Wagner DP, et al. APACHE-acute
different disease processes. The problem is further com physiology and chronic health evaluation: a physiologically based
pounded by the fact that delivery of critical care in different classification system. Crit Care Med. 1981;9:591-7.
Chapter 3 Critical Care Scoring 15
2. Scheffler RM, Knaus WA, Wagner DP, et al. Severity of illness and 12. Keene AR, Cullen DJ. Therapeutic intervention scoring system:
the relationship between intensive care and survival. Am J Public update 1983. Crit Care Med. 1983;11:1-3.
Health. 1982;72:449-54.
3. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, et al. Evaluating outcome from
intensive care: a preliminary multihospital comparison. Crit Care
13. Cullen DJ, Civetta JM, Briggs BA, et al. Therapeutic intervention
scoring system: a method for quantitative comparison of patient 1
care. Crit Care Med. 1974;2:57-60.
Med. 1982;10:491-6. 14. Knaus WA, Wagner DP, Draper EA, et al. The APACHE III
4. Knaus WA, Le Gall JR, Wagner DP, et al. A comparison of intensive prognostic system. Risk prediction of hospital mortality for critically
care in the USA and France. Lancet. 1982;2:642-6. ill hospitalized adults. Chest. 1991;100:1619-36.
5. Wagner DP, Knaus WA, Draper EA. Physiologic abnormalities and 15. Vincent JL, Moreno R, Takala J, et al. The SOFA (sepsis-related
outcome from acute disease. Evidence for a predictable relationship. organ failure assessment) score to describe organ dysfunction/
Arch Intern Med. 1986;146:1389-96. failure. On behalf of the Working Group on Sepsis-Related
6. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, et al. APACHE II: a severity Problems of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
of disease classification system. Crit Care Med. 1985;13:818-29.
Intensive Care Med. 1996;22:707-10.
7. Bion JF, Edlin SA, Ramsay G, et al. Validation of a prognostic score
16. Vincent JL, de Mendonca A, Moreno R, et al. Use of the SOFA score
in critically ill patients undergoing transport. Br Med J (Clin Res
to assess the incidence of organ dysfunction/failure in intensive care
Ed). 1985;291:432-4.
units: results of a multicenter, prospective study. Working group on
8. Bion JF, Aitchison TC, Edlin SA, et al. Sickness scoring and
sepsis-related problems of the European Society of Intensive Care
response to treatment as predictors of outcome from critical illness.
Intensive Care Med. 1988;14:167-72. Medicine. Crit Care Med. 1998;26:1793-800.
9. Lemeshow S, Teres D, Pastides H, et al. A method for predicting 17. Marshall JC, Cook DJ, Christou NV, et al. Multiple organ dys
survival and mortality of ICU patients using objectively derived function score: a reliable descriptor of a complex clinical outcome.
weights. Crit Care Med. 1985;13:519-25. Crit Care Med. 1995;23:1638-52.
10. Lemeshow S, Teres D, Avrunin JS, et al. Refining intensive care unit 18. Le Gall JR, Loirat P, Alperovitch A, et al. A simplified acute
outcome prediction by using changing probabilities of mortality. physiology score for ICU patients. Crit Care Med. 1984;12:
Crit Care Med. 1988;16:470-7. 975-7.
11. Lemeshow S, Teres D, Avrunin JS, et al. A comparison of methods 19. Le Gall JR, Lemeshow S, Saulnier F. A new simplified acute
to predict mortality of intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med. physiology score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American
1987;15:715-22. multicenter study. JAMA. 1993;270:2957-63.
and the prognosis of neurological recovery (after restoration hospital, particularly in an intensive care unit (ICU)
of the circulation) based on clinical examination. setting, this graduates seamlessly almost pari passu to
Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
EPIDEMIOLOGY TT There is a window of approximately 4 minutes from the
cessation of effective cardiac function (with absence of
It would be appropriate to state that for several reasons, very major pulses) and of respiration, after which hypoxic
little is known about the epidemiology of cardiac arrest in our injury to the brain progresses rapidly, leading to irreversible
country. An out-of-hospital arrest in large cities of India is death. Resuscitation attempts after 10–15 minutes of arrest
invariably fatal. For one there are very few lay people trained have rarely been found to be successful, and most doctors
in basic life support and for another it may take hours (because hesitate to resuscitate when more than 10 minutes have
of horrendous traffic) for an out-of-hospital arrest to reach a elapsed after an unattended cardiac arrest. Permanent
hospital. brain damage and a vegetative state are the sequelae even
In Western countries, the incidence of out-of-hospital if the CPR is successful.
arrests is estimated at 52.1 per 100,000 people per year with a TT Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in terminal malignancy
reported median survival rate of 8.4%.3 The incidence of in- or in terminal hepatic, renal, or pulmonary diseases offers
patient hospital arrests is estimated at about 0.17 events per a cruel extension of life for a short span, and should be
hospital bed per year,4 survival to hospital discharge being just avoided. The ethical issues involved are fairly clear, but
17%. It is of note that 17% of episodes of respiratory arrest or should be decided in consultation with the patient’s
compromise may progress to cardiac arrest.5 relatives, and one’s own colleagues.
Only 44% of patients who suffer an arrest in the hospital
have return of circulation and 60% of those resuscitated from Management of the Individual Patient
cardiac arrest in hospital die prior to discharge from hospital.4
Post-ischemic brain injury and multiorgan failure are the The following steps are detailed for the management of the
causes of these deaths. Failure to awaken contributes to individual patient (Flowchart 1). In an in-hospital setting, and
withdrawal of care in Western countries in as many as 24–68% more so in an ICU setting, one step dovetails into the next,
of patients after initial successful resuscitation. and more often than not, many steps are in simultaneous
operation. It is important that in an ICU setting each doctor,
nurse or paramedical person knows exactly what is expected
BASIC MECHANISMS of him or her, and that there is one individual to supervise
The mechanisms underlying cessation of effective cardiac and direct operations.
pump function, which if uncorrected lead to rapid loss of
consciousness and death are— Recognition of Cardiac Arrest
TT Ventricular fibrillation (VF). A health-care provider (doctor, nurse, paramedical person)
TT Ventricular tachycardia (VT) resulting in pulselessness should assume that a person is in cardiac arrest if he or she
and an unconscious state. is unresponsive and has abnormal breathing. Since prompt
TT Cardiac standstill or asystole; a markedly severe brady and continuous chest compression is of utmost importance,
arrhythmia has well-nigh the same effect as an asystole searching for the pulse should never be a lengthy process.
or standstill. Health-care providers, and this includes trained intensivists
TT Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) In this condition, though
should spend a maximum of 10 seconds searching for the
carotid or femoral pulse. If a definite pulse is not detected,
the electrocardiogram (ECG) or cardiac monitor show a
chest compression should start immediately.6,7
normal or satisfactory electrical activity, the mechanical
Lay people are instructed not to attempt to feel the pulse.
pumping action of the heart is either feeble or absent.
They should assume cardiac arrest if the patient is unrespon
sive and has abnormal breathing and start chest compressions
MANAGEMENT Once a cardiac arrest is diagnosed in hospital and in the
TT The chief objective is to restore and maintain stable,
wards, the rescuer should promptly shout for help. There
effective cardiopulmonary function resulting in effective should also be a provision for an alarm that summons prompt
transport of oxygen to the tissues of the body. help. This of course is unnecessary when an arrest occurs in
TT To prevent or minimize brain damage not only during
the ICU where prompt help from two or more doctors together
CPR but also after successful restoration of the circulation. with nurses and paramedical personnel is always available.
TT Since irreversible brain injury or death can occur within
4–6 minutes of the onset of arrest, immediate treatment Restoring Circulation
is mandatory. Time is of essence and every single second Restoring circulation is of crucial importance in CPR. This is
counts. specifically achieved by prompt uninterrupted well performed
TT A preplanned, well-organized management protocol chest compressions. Chest compressions augment both the
is essential. Initially, it aims at Basic Life Support. In a coronary and the cerebral circulation. Interruption in chest
Chapter 4 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults 21
Flowchart 1: Steps in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation order. The current 2010 guideline is circulation, airway,
breathing (CAB) in this new order. The stress first and foremost
is now rightly placed on the prompt restoration of circulation
by immediately starting chest compressions. Delay in starting
of chest compressions is thereby minimized. Care-givers who
hesitate or are fearful of performing rescue breathing can start
resuscitation more promptly and continue uninterruptedly
if they are required to perform chest compressions as their
first and immediate task. Another equally important aid
in the restoration of circulation is the use of cardioversion
and defibrillation in appropriate conditions. The current 2
guidelines also advise on the use of drugs such as epinephrine,
vasopressors, dopamine, atropine, antiarrhythmic, and other
drugs. They do not however lay great emphasis on these
medications, perhaps because they have not been shown to
influence outcomes. On the other hand, prompt recognition
of VF and prompt defibrillation is life-saving so that defibrill
ation in a number of patients is second in importance only to
chest compressions. Unfortunately, in the large metropolitan
cities of India, an out-of-hospital arrest can only be managed
by cardiac compressions either by a layperson or by a
doctor who happens to be present. The paucity of cardiac
ambulances, the time taken by the ambulance to reach the
victim, make timely availability of a defibrillator extremely
unlikely. Invariably by the time an out-of-hospital arrest
reaches hospital, meaningful recovery is extremely unlikely.
An in-hospital arrest, in the wards or in a department or
during transfer of a patient from the ward to a department
poses special problems. Chances of recovery are increased if
there is an organizational system and a protocol that allows
rescuers within the hospital to reach the victim as quickly as
possible. This aspect is discussed later in the chapter. However,
in an ICU, features of basic life support and advanced life
support are seamlessly dovetailed. This is because emergency
equipment is waiting and ready for use, and there are two or
more rescuers attending to the crisis. One continues with chest
compressions, the other handles the airway and ventilation,
Source: Adapted with permission from Adult Basic Life Support: 2010 American a third is ready if needs be to use the defibrillator and a nurse
Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency helps to gain access to one or more large peripheral veins in
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 122. preparation for infusion of drugs.
This chapter will now discuss details of resuscitation
compressions or incorrectly performed chest compressions of the circulation through closed chest compression and
strongly jeopardizes recovery, leading to a less favorable the appropriate use of defibrillation. It next discusses the
neurological outcome. In patients who suffer an arrest due care given to the airway and breathing and then deals with
primarily to a cardiac cause, chest compressions take preced drugs that may help to restore circulation. Finally, there is a
ence over ventilation. In patients who have experienced discussion on the post-arrest care (i.e. care after successful
a primary pulmonary arrest rescue breathing should be CPR). Specialized intensive post-arrest care is necessary
started as soon as possible after commencement of cardiac chiefly to prevent or minimize brain damage and also to
compressions. prevent damage to other organ systems.
In 2010, the American Heart Association (AHA) drasti
cally revised its guidelines for emergency CPR and emergency Basic Life Support consists of—
cardiovascular care.8 This revision was based on research TT Continuous correctly delivered closed chest compress
contributing to improved morbidity and mortality associated ions at 80–100/minute.
with cardiac arrest. Prior to 2010, the basic life support TT Defibrillation of the heart in patients with pulseless VT
advocated was airway, breathing, circulation (ABC) in that or VF.
22 Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults
TT Ensuring patency of the airway (head-tilt, chin-lift man recoil (the upstroke) before starting the next compression.
euver). The time for compression and recoil should roughly be
TT Ventilation (mouth-to-mouth or bag-mask ventilation) the equal, the chest being seen to re-expand fully before the next
ratio of chest compression to ventilator breaths being 30:2. compression. The hands should be slightly removed (lifted)
from the chest wall during the upstroke to ensure full and
Advanced Life Support consists of— adequate recoil. Interruption of the recoil or inadequate
TT A combination of closed chest compressions and defibri recoil leads to increased intrathoracic pressures and a poor
llatory shocks for pulseless VT or VF. hemodynamic profile characterized by decreased coronary
TT Securing IV access. perfusion pressure, poor myocardial blood flow, decreased
resuscitation18 and counter the brain’s extreme vulnerability More often than not a rescuer fails to recognize or admit
to ischemic injury. fatigue. Ideally, care-givers (i.e. rescuers) giving chest
compressions should rotate every 2 minutes. This switch
The following factors encroach upon and can significantly
should be seamless the second rescuer being ready and in
interrupt compression time—
position on the other side of the patient when the first rescuer
TT Advanced Cardiac Life Support interventions (ACLS)
is relieved.
These can result in numerous pauses in chest compression.
The insertion of artificial airways is observed to be res
Hands-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
ponsible for 25% of all interruptions with a median
If there is a single rescuer there is necessarily an interruption
duration of 2 minutes. Endotracheal intubation should
not be attempted at the very start of resuscitation. It should in chest compressions since he or she needs to deliver two
preferably await restoration of the circulation or if deemed rescue breaths after every 30 chest compressions. The per
imperative should be attempted only after 3–5 minutes of formance of a hands-only CPR allows a single rescuer to focus
continuous chest compression. solely on continuous uninterrupted chest compressions. It
is believed that ventilation is not necessary in the first few
TT Frequent Pulse Checks form another Source of Interruption
minutes of resuscitation because blood oxygen levels remain
Pulse check should not exceed 10 seconds; frequent
adequate for some minutes after a cardiac arrest from a
pulse checks are not necessary and should be avoided
non-respiratory cause.8 The safe and acceptable duration of
unless there is other evidence of return of spontaneous oxygen levels in such circumstances is not known. However,
circulation (ROSC), such as an increase in the patient’s chest wall recoil may provide some degree of ventilation and
oxygen saturation as measured by an oximeter or an oxygenation during hands-only CPR.
increase in the end tidal CO 2 (EtCO 2) measurement. It should however be noted that the hands-only CPR
Studies have shown that the patients with ROSC had a concept contradicts the early work demonstrating that airways
mean increase of 10 mm in the EtCO2 as compared with collapse in most comatose patients, so that compressions
patients with cardiac arrest who failed to survive. EtCO2 alone cannot provide adequate ventilation.20 Recent studies
measurement can therefore monitor ROSC, obviating the suggest that chest compressions generate tidal volumes less
need to interrupt chest compressions. than the physiological dead space.21
TT Defibrillation It is another often necessary procedure
which interrupts chest compression. This interruption Alternative Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
even while preparing for defibrillation leads to a sharp Techniques
drop in the coronary perfusion pressure. Till recently
Alternative techniques of CPR have been tried and described
the traditional method for defibrillation was to stop
with uncertain success.
compression, analyze the ECG rhythm, charge the defi
TT High frequency chest compressions are delivered at a rate
brillator and deliver the shock to the patient. This amounts of greater than 120/minute. Two clinical trials showed
to be an interruption of about 15 seconds. The correct improved hemodynamic profile but no improvement in
method is to charge the defibrillator in anticipation outcome.22
of shocking the patient, chest compressions being TT Open cardiac chest CPR Direct cardiac massage is resorted
continued throughout and being interrupted only during to in patients suffering cardiac arrest during thoracic
rhythm analysis and delivery of the shock. The average or cardiac surgery as also in patients undergoing other
interruption time for chest compressions is thereby close to surgery where closed chest compressions have been
just 4 seconds. If rhythm analysis show that defibrillation is ineffective. Open chest CPR with direct cardiac massage is
not warranted chest compressions are promptly restarted, also used after cardiac arrest from a traumatic chest injury.
thereby further saving on interruption time. Recent studies
Open cardiac massage (which was the only method to
have shown that it is completely safe for a care-giver treat cardiac arrest before 1960) has now been supplanted
wearing standard examination gloves to continue chest by closed chest compressions. At present, its main use is
compressions during the use of a biphasic defibrillator with when the chest is already opened at surgery or when cardiac
self adhesive pads.19 There is no danger of an electric shock arrest occurs soon after thoracotomy or occasionally after a
to the rescuer with biphasic defibrillators in contrast to the laparotomy (if prompt resuscitation through closed cardiac
legitimate fear with the use of monophasic defibrillators. compression is unsuccessful). It should be noted that direct
TT Rescuer fatigue can result in imperfect technique of chest cardiac compression via a thoracotomy procedure produces
compression. The depth and even the frequency of chest roughly a threefold increase in coronary perfusion pressure
compression may be compromised. A shallow depth fails compared to external chest compressions. Also VF and
to generate an adequate coronary and cerebral perfusion mechanical activity of the heart are directly visible so that
pressure. It is also associated with an impaired recoil direct defibrillation of the heart or direct ventricular pacing
which results in a reduced coronary artery blood flow and can be promptly used if necessary. Finally, cardiac tamponade
an increased intrathoracic pressure. causing arrest can be promptly relieved by pericardiotomy.
24 Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults
TT Interposed intra-abdominal compression (IAC) is another promoting coronary artery perfusion and the supply of oxygen
procedure reported to help increase coronary and cer and other metabolic substrates to the myocardium.16
ebral perfusion. It requires three rescuers (health care
workers). The first provides chest compression; the second Method of Defibrillation
compresses the abdomen (with the same hand position As soon as a defibrillator is available it is attached to the
and to the same depth) between the xiphoid process and patient and if pulseless VT or VF is present, defibrillation is
the umbilicus during chest wall recoil. The third provides carried out with a shock of 200 joules. The shock is delivered
ventilation preferably with an advanced airway device. through paddles (coated with a jelly), one paddle being held
IAC results in improved coronary perfusion. An in-hospital firmly in contact with the sternum and the other placed over
2 trial demonstrated improved survival compared to CPR.23
A further study is needed to validate this result.
the left side of the chest in the midaxillary line. The following
points are of importance as they add to the likelihood of
TT A precordial thump A precordial thump is a forceful blow successful CPR—
to the anterior chest wall. It can occasionally stun the
TT Most available defibrillators now deliver biphasic wave
myocardium and convert VF or a pulseless VT into a more
forms as these produce more effective depolarization and
stable rhythm. The precordial thump is not advocated for
achieve defibrillation with less energy than monophasic
unwitnessed cardiac arrest. It may occasionally be useful
wave forms.
in witnessed, monitored cardiac arrest showing VF and
TT The paddles must exert a firm pressure (0.5–0.8 kg) over
pulseless VT if a defibrillator is not immediately available.
the sites of application on the chest wall; this decreases
It should not delay prompt chest compressions.
chest wall impedance, increasing delivery of the current
to the myocardium.
TT It is crucial that the transition from the chest compressions
The prompt delivery of transthoracic electric shocks is (which the patient is receiving) to the delivery of the
critical to survival in patients with cardiac arrest due to VF shock is seamless. Therefore, chest compressions should
or pulseless VT. The earlier these rescue shocks are given the be continued while the defibrillator is charged and
more likely are they to be effective. In fact, rescue shocks are compressions stopped only when the shock is just about
highly effective when VF is of brief duration (1–2 minutes). to be delivered. Reducing the delay between the last
The chance of successful defibrillation diminishes rapidly compression and the delivery of a single shock has been
over time. 24 The probability of successful defibrillation associated with more successful resuscitation.28 Following
declines by about 2–10% per minute starting with an estimated the delivery of the shock, chest compressions should
probability of 70–80% at time zero.25 Thus, if a patient with VF promptly recommence, the transition from shock back to
is not shocked (defibrillated) within 10 minutes of the onset of chest compressions again being seamless.
collapse or arrest the probability of survival approaches zero. Prior to 2010, it was recommended that defibrillator shocks
Interestingly, resuscitation is more difficult and less likely were delivered in stacks (2–3 at a time). The current recom
if rescue shocks covert VF into asystole instead of converting mendation is to deliver a single shock followed by immediate
VF into a stable organized rhythm. It is also to be noted that resumption of chest compressions. This recommendation
pulseless VT or VF may be resistant to cardioversion in the leads to a minimum interruption of chest compressions, so
presence of severe hypoxia, acidosis or electrolyte imbalance. crucial to successful resuscitation.
Transthoracic electric shocks act by depolarizing the Rescue shocks may need to be repeated with multiphasic
heart, thereby abolishing the VF wave fronts, and allowing the wave forms but they should be delivered singly in patients with
restitution of a stable cardiac rhythm. In all probability, a critical recurrent VF or pulseless VT, with as short an interruption of
mass of the myocardium must be depolarized to produce this chest compressions as possible.
depolarizing effect. VF may however recur perhaps related TT Hands-on defibrillation Uninterrupted chest compressions
to persistent foci within the myocardium which are not are crucial for recovery of spontaneous circulation. In
depolarized or perhaps because of heterogeneous areas of most units (including ours), chest compressions are
refractoriness within the heart muscle.26 necessarily interrupted, though briefly (hands off) during
the delivery of the rescue shock. This was due to the fear
CPR before Defibrillation of electrocuting the rescuer. Recent studies have however
The rate of survival is noted to be higher among patients who shown that it is perfectly safe to continue compressions
have experienced an unwitnessed sudden cardiac arrest, if during the delivery of a defibrillatory shock when a
these patients have received CPR for 1.5–3 minutes followed biphasic defibrillator is used with self-adhesive electrodes,
by defibrillation. 27 In a witnessed sudden cardiac arrest, and the rescuer wears standard examination gloves.19 The
immediate defibrillation is crucial, the patient receiving AHA has not adopted this practice in the 2010 guidelines,
chest compressions while the defibrillator is being prepared. but it is likely that in the future, interruption of chest
Chest compressions prior to defibrillation perhaps improve compressions may be recommended only and solely for
the myocardial readiness for a successful cardioversion by the purpose of rhythm analysis.
Chapter 4 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults 25
TT Current research has shown that quantitative analysis of is left unattended. This prevents oxygenation, causing or
VF wave forms can distinguish early VF from late VF.29 Large perpetuating cardiorespiratory arrest.
amplitude wave forms suggest early VF and is associated Obstruction of the airway can occur in any patient who
with greater success in defibrillation. Recording conditions is comatose, including a patient who suffers cardiac arrest
and body build may however affect the amplitude of from a primary cardiac cause. The airway can be opened by
wave forms. Future generations of defibrillators almost the simple maneuver of extension of the neck (head tilt) and
certainly will incorporate devices that provide a real- forward displacement of the mandible (chin lift). Following
time semiquantitative analysis as to the probability of a this, positive pressure ventilation can be provided by mouth-
successful cardioversion after delivery of a rescue shock. to-mouth or bag-mask ventilation. A positive pressure breath of
The intensivist would then use the information to shock
VF if the probability of success is high or continue with
400 ml delivered in 2–3 seconds is enough to cause a sufficient
expansion of the chest. Hyperventilation and hyperexpansion 2
chest compressions when the probability of success is low. of the chest can do more harm than good as this can impair
venous return and decrease circulation during resuscitation.
Pulse Check after Defibrillation30 The optimal rate and timing of pressure breaths must be
Chest compressions should be resumed immediately after balanced against the fact that interrupting chest compressions
defibrillation. The pulse should not be checked after defi frequently leads to a lesser survival rate. As mentioned earlier
brillation. This is because even if the patient is successfully the ratio of 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths for ventilation
cardioverted, the myocardium is generally stunned and has been recommended in the current guidelines.
unable to generate adequate perfusion pressure. The pulse The view that chest compressions alone without any
rate and rhythms can be checked at the next 2 minute interval, artificial ventilation may be sufficient to accomplish resuscit
either at the time when the rescuer is changed, or when ation has been mentioned earlier. This view is debatable and
the next defibrillatory shock is ready to be delivered. The is not acceptable to most intensivists.
importance of uninterrupted cardiac compressions lies at the
heart of the above recommendation. Relevant AHA recommendations with regard to airway
If the patient lapses into repeated VF, many defibrillating and ventilation are briefly mentioned below.
shocks may need to be given, notwithstanding the fact that TT The use of 100% oxygen is recommended during initial
repeated shocks may directly damage the myocardium. We resuscitation as there is no evidence that it causes harm
have had patients lapsing into repeated VF necessitating during short-term resuscitation.
numerous defibrillatory shocks. In some of these patients TT Chest compressions cause air to be expelled during
the underlying cause turned out to be a blocked left anterior compression and drawn into the lungs passively during
descending artery (LAD). Coronary angiography with ang the recoil. Therefore if the airway is patent, the passive
ioplastic stenting of the LAD led to survival. inhalation of oxygen via a face mask suffices for several
minutes after sudden cardiac arrest.
BASIC AIRWAY MANAGEMENT AND TT Bag-mask ventilation can maintain adequate ventilation.
VENTILATION It needs to be performed correctly and preferably needs
two trained care-givers. One holds the mask firmly in place
The current AHA basic life support and the ACLS guidelines from the bridge of the nose on top to well below the mouth
place circulation before airway and breathing in patients who at the lower end, so that there is no leak of air or oxygen
experience sudden cardiac arrest from a cardiac cause. This that is delivered. The other care-giver presses the bag pro
is because in the early stages, patients with sudden cardiac viding a tidal volume of 600 ml over 1 second at the rate
arrest suffer from severe hypoxia to the heart and brain due
of 8–10 breaths per minutes.
to decreased or absent perfusion and not due to decreased
ventilation. In the above situation oxygen reserves remain An important complication of bag-mask ventilation is
adequate for the first few minutes so that giving precedence to insufflation of the stomach. Normally the esophageal tone
ventilation over circulation as was done prior to 2010, reduces prevents air entering the stomach unless the upper airway
the chance of survival. However, in patients who have suffered pressure is close to 20 cm H2O. However, in cardiac arrest, the
cardiac arrest from a primary pulmonary cause (drowning, esophageal muscle tone is decreased allowing insufflation of
severe respiratory failure, sudden obstruction to the upper the stomach with air at an upper airways pressure of 5–8 cm
airways) a patent airway and ventilation should be restored H2O. Overvigorous squeezing of the bag during the bag-mask
as quickly as possible. If there are two rescuers at work, this is ventilation can therefore prove dangerous. Gastric dilatation
easily possible as one attends to chest compressions and the can cause vomiting, aspiration of gastric contents; it can also
other to the airway and ventilation. If there is just one rescuer, impair venous return and decrease lung compliance.
the task may prove difficult.
Though attention to circulation precedes that given to the Advanced Airway Management and Ventilation
airway and ventilation, it needs to be stressed that CPR cannot TT Insertion or placement of an advanced airway (such as
succeed if the airway is left obstructed and if ventilation an endotracheal tube) should be avoided in the initial
26 Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults
phase of resuscitation as the procedure interrupts chest prolonged circulatory arrest). Other important causes of PEA
compressions. The procedure should be delayed until are massive pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax and
the patient fails to respond to initial CPR or defibr cardiac tamponade.
illation attempts, or inserted if necessary after there is a Perfusion may not be absent but yet be very poor in
successful ROSC. In patients whose circulation has been pulseless VT, supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and atrial
restored, the presence of coma or respiratory failure is fibrillation with a very rapid ventricular response. These
an indication for endotracheal intubation. Endotracheal rhythm disturbances though organized need prompt cor
intubation unquestionably secures a definite airway, but rection through rescue shock to improve the circulatory state.
it often involves fairly long interruption in chest compre In patients with a PEA, the rate of complexes in the ECG
PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY It must be stated that though clinical data and experience
support an increased probability of restoring spontaneous
Drugs chiefly used in cardiac arrest are vasopressors, inot circulation following the use of vasopressors during CPR, there
ropes, and antiarrhythmic drugs. Sodium bicarbonate may is no clear evidence that their use, improves overall survival.
need to be administered to patients who develop well marked
metabolic acidosis. Electrolyte disturbances may need Antiarrhythmic Drugs
appropriate correction, particularly with regard to potassium, A vagally induced bradyarrhythmia may be corrected by IV
magnesium and calcium. atropine. However, the nervous system does not influence
the heart rate once circulatory arrest has been present for
There is evidence to show that vasopressors improve
2–3 minutes. Once VF is established the only drug of use
is amiodarone (5 mg/kg given as bolus). The drug works 2
circulation during CPR. They act by raising systemic arterial even better on pulseless VT. If a stable organized rhythm is
pressure, increase coronary perfusion pressure so that restored after its use in VF or pulseless VT, the drug should
restoration of pulses is more likely. Though current data in be given prophylactically in an IV infusion (750–1000 mg)
patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest concludes that over 24 hours. Unquestionably the therapy of choice for VF
no drug therapy influences long-term survival, vasopressors or pulseless VT is a rescue shock. If, however, VF or pulseless
must nevertheless always be used. The two vasopressors in VT persists after three rescue shocks, amiodarone should be
common use are epinephrine and vasopressin. Epinephrine given a try.
increases coronary perfusion pressure and systemic In earlier years, lidocaine, procainamide, and bretylium
arterial pressure through stimulation of α-adrenergic have been used for VF. These drugs have no effect once VF has
receptors. Epinephrine is administered intravenously in 1 occurred, though they may suppress the arrhythmia before its
mg increments (0.015 mg/kg). The duration of the action occurrence. Even as prophylaxis, amiodarone has replaced
of epinephrine in cardiac arrest is brief lasting just a few each one of these drugs. Occasionally, we have successfully
minutes, so the dose needs to be repeated. Also the dose of used both amiodarone and lidocaine in separate infusions as
1 mg is perhaps too small to produce a significant effect on prophylaxis for recurrent VT not controlled by either one or
the circulation. The dose should therefore be stepped up and the other of these drugs.
in most patients needs to be used at frequent 3–5 minute All pharmacotherapy is given intravenously. It is however
intervals.8 A 15 mg dose compared to 1 mg in patients with important to bear in mind that if the endotracheal tube is in
out-of-hospital arrests showed a significantly higher rate of place but if for some reason an IV line has not been secured,
restoration of the pulses and admission to hospital in those a few emergency drugs can be effectively administered via
the tube. Medications given by this route should be given in
receiving the larger dose.32 Yet, the overall survival rate was
a dose 2.5 times that recommended for IV use, and should
the same in both groups. A dose of 7 mg when compared to 1
first be diluted in 10 ml normal saline or distilled water. The
mg showed no difference either in restoration of pulses or in
emergency drugs which are thus absorbed and are effective
survival, both in patients with in-hospital and out-of-hospital
after administration through the endotracheal tube are
arrests.33 Though no definite dosage can be recommended,
epinephrine, lidocaine and atropine.
the drug is best used in progressive increments at 3–5 minute
intervals in the hope of restoring circulation and palpable
Treatment of Metabolic Disturbances
Vasopressin acts on the vasopressin receptors raising Intravenous Bicarbonate is used to improve metabolic
the blood pressure and coronary perfusion pressure helping acidosis (pH <7.2). Cardiac function is believed to improve
thereby to restore the pulses. It is administered IV as 40 unit once metabolic acidosis has been corrected. Though the use
boluses (0.5 mg/kg). Its action is longer lasting (10 minutes) of bicarbonate in the presence of acidosis has shown higher
than epinephrine, so it may be repeated if necessary at 10 rates of successful resuscitation, there is as yet no evidence to
minutes intervals. Both epinephrine and vasopressin are show an improved outcome.
titrated with reference to the ECG wave forms, presence of Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia are important trigger
factors for VT, VF. Hyperkalemia can cause a sudden
pulses and changes in EtCO2. There is no evidence to show
bradyarrhythmia, wide ventricular complexes with absent
that any one of these vasopressor is superior to the other.
P waves. Marked ST changes may also be present. Pulseless
Nor does combination of these vasopressors confer added
electrical activity may supervene. This precipitating factor
should always be kept in mind, particularly in patients with
chronic renal failure who are on angiotensin-converting-
Inotropes enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Correction of hyperkalemia in
The inotrope most commonly used is dopamine, particularly addition to the usual CPR procedures often leads to survival
in patients with a past history of IHD or in patients whose with good ultimate outcomes.
cardiac arrest is directly related to an acute myocardial infarc Similarly marked abnormalities in calcium, magnesium
tion (AMI). need correction as they may contribute to cardiac arrest.
28 Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults
2 the CPR time does not exceed 30 minutes, half of the survivors
had a good neurological recovery. If, however, the arrest
specific changes in gene transcription.38 Most importantly
after 24–72 hours of reperfusion there is an activation of
time exceeds 6 minutes, a CPR lasting more than 15 minutes specific proteases which lead to neuronal death. Brain injury
always resulted in a significant neurological impairment in with neuronal death probably results as a culmination of
the survivors. Though it is perhaps impossible to be dogmatic, all these metabolic changes observed after reperfusion is
this observation suggests that CPR should be continued for established. There is no drug as yet that has been shown to
at least 30 minutes if the arrest time is less than 6 minutes. If prevent or counter brain injury. Calcium channel blockers,
the arrest time is longer than 6 minutes, the CPR should be magnesium, diazepam, thiopental have been tried in
terminated after 15 minutes.35 randomized trials but without benefit. This is because there
are multiple mechanisms contributing to neuronal injury
and death, and a single drug is not likely to act on all of these
POST-CARDIAC ARREST MANAGEMENT mechanisms. Perhaps different classes of drugs, each acting
Good post-cardiac arrest intensive care after successful on different mechanisms causing brain damage may in the
resuscitation is crucial for a good ultimate outcome future be discovered. Today, the focus on post-cardiac arrest
(Flowchart 2). The single most important objective to bear in intensive care rests on—
mind at this stage is the prevention of brain injury. Though TT Achieving therapeutic hypothermia (32–34°C) for 12–24
brain ischemia and injury can occur during prolonged hours after resuscitation.
CPR, most of it develops as an active process over hours to TT Maintenance of a cardiocerebral perfusion pressure.
TT Early cardiac catheterization with a view to opening up
and stenting critically blocked coronary vessels if these
Flowchart 2: Adult immediate post-cardiac arrest care be present.
Induced Hypothermia
Induction of mild hypothermia (32–34°C) for 12–24 hours
after resuscitation produces a 24–30% relative risk reduction
for death or poor neurological outcome. 39 Survival and
neurological outcomes were favorable when hypothermia
was used in patients resuscitated from VF or cardiac arrest. It
is advocated that hypothermia should be used in all patients
who remain comatose after resuscitation from a cardiac arrest
whatever the initial rhythm. To be maximally effective cooling
should be achieved within 6 hours after resuscitation and
should be continued from 12 to 24 hours; rewarming should
Source: Adapted with permission from Adult basic life support: 2010 American then be performed slowly (< 0.25°C/hour).
Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Hypothermia can be induced by either surface cooling or
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 122.
through endovascular devices. Surface cooling is achieved
Abbreviations: ECG, electrocardiography; IO, intraosseous; IV, intravenous; STEMI,
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; AMI, acute myocardial infarction by ice packs and cooling blankets. Neuromuscular blockade
Chapter 4 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults 29
Source: Adapted with permission from Adult basic life support: 2010 American Source: Adapted with permission from Adult basic life support: 2010 American
Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 122. Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 122.
and sedation may help if shivering or other compensatory Maintenance of Cardiovascular Perfusion Pressure
responses interfere with surface cooling. After resuscitation from cardiac arrest, myocardial function
Endovascular cooling through endovascular catheters is impaired. Hence, a degree of both vasopressor and
perhaps allows more stable control over time. An efficient inotropic support becomes necessary in patients where the
quick method of cooling is the bolus infusion of cold (4°C) resuscitation time has been 3–4 minutes or more. Dependence
IV crystalloid solution 30 ml/kg (unless contraindicated). on support usually diminishes over 24–72 hours.
Hypothermia can then be maintained by either surface Following successful resuscitation, there is evidence to
cooling or endovascular cooling. Use of sedation and at show that within the first 24 hours there is increased cerebral
times neuromuscular blockade enhance the cooling effect. vascular resistance and impaired cerebral autoregulation.40
There is a high incidence of seizures after cardiac arrest, Available data suggests that relative hypertension, with a mean
hence neurophysiological monitoring should be in place if arterial pressure of 80–100 mm Hg should be maintained,
neuroparalytic agents have been used. provided the heart can tolerate the increase in afterload. It
Hypothermia can lead to an increased incidence of has been noted that hypotension soon after resuscitation is
infections if prolonged over 24 hours. Mild hypothermia associated with increased neurological damage in patients
can inhibit platelet function and coagulation but bleeding admitted to the hospital after cardiac arrest. Dopamine 5–20
complications are rare. Elevation of pancreatic enzymes and mg/kg per minute and norepinephrine (0.01 mg/kg per minute)
a fall in creatinine clearance may be observed during cooling. are often used to increase blood pressure and maintain an
All these disorders are corrected following rewarming. effective coronary cerebral perfusion.
Two important points in neurological care of the post-
cardiac arrest patients is (1) to prevent any fever over the Early Cardiac Catheterization
first 24–48 hours of brain injury; (2) monitor for seizures if an Every patient resuscitated from cardiac arrest is a candidate
electroencephalogram (EEG) is available. for cardiac catheterization with a view to opening and stenting
30 Section 2 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Cerebral Preservation in Adults
Box 1: Main focus in post-cardiac arrest care Table 1: Important features in the care of organ systems in post-
cardiac arrest
CVS • Counter arrhythmias
xx Hypothermia (32–34°C) for 12–24 hours—
• Amiodarone prophylaxis
–– Slow rewarming
• Mean arterial BP 80–100 for the first 24–48 hours
–– Counter seizures; avoid and counter fever particularly in
• Primary angioplasty in inpatients with MI or IHD
first 48 hours
xx Maintain coronary cerebral perfusion— RS • Avoid hypoxia
–– Mean arterial pressure 80–100 mm Hg through use of • Avoid hyperventilation
dopamine, norepinephrine • Prevent and treat nosocomial infections
2 xx Consider early cardiac catheterization in patients with IHD GI • Consider early refeeding after hypothermia to
prevent translocation of bacteria
Abbreviation: IHD, ischemic heart disease.
CNS • Hypothermia, CT to exclude an intracranial bleed
one or more blocked coronary arteries. Most cardiac arrests or detect a massive recent infarct
are due to underlying IHD; hence most patients would require • Monitor (EEG) and counter seizures
the above approach. Primary angioplasty can be conducted in • Sedation + muscle relaxant if needed for
patients undergoing hypothermia treatment. The presence of
• Periodic CNS examination
continuing coma is no contraindication to primary angioplasty. • MRI, EEG to help with prognosis
and an absence of spontaneous opening of the eyes. A TT Brainstem reflexes (doll’s eye movements, response to cold
vegetative state is similar to coma except that the patient water irrigation of the external auditory canal, pupillary
opens his eyes spontaneously, and may appear to look and corneal reflexes) are often absent immediately after
around. A locked-in state is due to a brainstem lesion successful resuscitation. Their return within 1–2 hours is
in which though there is no movement of the limbs, the a good prognostic sign for possible recovery. The absence
patient is aware of his surroundings; he cannot speak but of pupillary or corneal reflexes at 6–24 hours after arrest
can communicate with his eyes. Stupor is a comparatively carries a grim prognosis. Levy et al.44 noted that not a
benign sequel in which the patient is arousable by a single patient with absent pupillary or corneal reflexes 24
noxious stimulus; significant and at times complete hours following CPR, was restored to a good quality of life.
recovery can ensue from this stage. Mental obtundation
and amnesia for present as well as past events are often
The data given above is useful not only in predicting
prognosis, but in identifying patients in whom critical care is 2
observed for 24–48 hours after successful resuscitation; likely to prove futile. In the West, care after restoring circulation
here recovery is the rule. is invariably stopped if clinical findings (as mentioned above)
TT Cortical blindness It is sometimes seen after recovery. This supplemented at times by EEG and imaging studies point to
type of blindness is associated with an intact optic nerve a hopeless quality of life. In our part of the world, it is often
and a normal retina. The condition usually improves over impossible to do so, as very often close relatives insist on
a period of time though full recovery may not occur. The continuing care at whatever cost and whatever the anticipated
longer it persists, the greater the likelihood of permanent sequel unless one can give proof of the presence of brain death.
impairment of vision.
TT Seizures These are an important sequel in the first
24 hours. In the worst form, they present as a status REFERENCES
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This is the degree of stretch of myocardial fibers at end-
diastole, just prior to myocardial contraction. The Frank-
Starling law states, the energy of contraction however
Figs 3A to C: Influence of transmural pressure on pressure-volume
relationships in the ventricle. In B, as compared to A, the intrapleural
pressure (p) has risen from -2 to +4 mm Hg, and the intraventricular
pressure (P) has increased to the same extent (from 10 to 16 mm Hg).
The transmural pressure gradient remains the same, and therefore the
intraventricular volume (V) is unchanged. If however, as in C, the rise in
intrapleural pressure (pressure surrounding the heart) is not associated
with a corresponding rise in intraventricular pressure, the transmural
pressure gradient is reduced, and the intraventricular volume falls
Source: Modified from Clemmer TP (1988), as in Fig. 1
Fig. 2: Ventricular function curve showing effect of ventricular
compliance on stroke volume and end-diastolic filling pressures. It
should be noted that a reduction in ventricular compliance causes a fall
in the stroke volume (A→B), without any change in the filling pressure. systolic function (i.e. contractility) of the ventricle. In clinical
Similarly, an increase in ventricular compliance results in an increased medicine, it is important that a fall in stroke volume due to
stroke volume (A→C) for the same filling pressure decreased compliance (poor distensibility) is not wrongly
attributed to a reduction in contractility.
In a similar fashion, a decrease in ventricular compliance
TT The transmural pressure, i.e. the pressure surrounding would lead to an increase in end-diastolic volume, and to
the ventricle. an increased stroke volume for the same filling pressure
TT The volume of the right ventricle, which shares a common (Fig. 2).
wall (the septum) with the left ventricle, and a common Ventricular compliance does alter in critical illnesses.
limiting pericardial sac. Compliance is reduced for example, in ischemia to the
Venous pressure and its relation to venous return has ventricle, in hemorrhagic and septic shock, and following
already been briefly discussed earlier. It is a major factor the use of inotropic drugs like dopamine, epinephrine, and
influencing both ventricular end-diastolic filling pressure and isoproterenol.5 Compliance on the other hand is increased
end-diastolic volume. after relief of ischemia, in cardiac dilatation, and after drugs
Compliance of the Ventricle Altered compliance or dis such as nitroglycerin and nitroprusside.6-8
tensibility is also important in determining fiber length. Transmural Pressure Transmural pressure also influences
Compliance can be regarded as the change in end-diastolic the pressure-volume relationships in the ventricle. This
volume (ΔEDV) in relation to change in end-diastolic pressure is illustrated in Figures 3A to C. The intrapleural pressure
(ΔEDP). has risen from –2 to +4 mm Hg; the intraventricular
Compliance = ΔEDV/ΔEDP pressure (P) has increased to the same extent (from 10 to
A fall in compliance (i.e. a decrease in diastolic dis 16 mm Hg). The transmural pressure gradient remains
tensibility), will lead to a rise in end-diastolic pressure for the same, and therefore the intraventricular volume (v) is
any given diastolic volume. If a ventricular function curve of unchanged. If however; the rise in intrapleural pressure
stroke volume against end-diastolic filling pressure is plotted, (pressure surrounding the heart) is not associated
the stroke volume will fall for the same filling pressure, if with a corresponding rise in intraventricular pressure,
the compliance is reduced. When ventricular compliance is the transmural pressure gradient is reduced, and the
markedly reduced (stiff, very poor distensibility), two effects intraventricular pressure falls. The measured stroke volume
follow: (1) the stroke volume is sharply reduced because the is thus the same with a higher LVEDP. This could be wrongly
ventricular end-diastolic volume is reduced; (2) the high left interpreted as a fall in contractility, or to a decreased
ventricular end-diastolic pressure needed to distend the stiff compliance, when in point of fact it is related to an increase
ventricle leads to pulmonary congestion and edema. The in the intrapericardial or intrapleural pressure. The former
decrease in stroke output that accompanies a decrease in can result from pericardial effusion, and the latter may
ventricular compliance is termed diastolic dysfunction or occur in patients on ventilatory support, particularly when
diastolic heart failure, as it is independent of any change in the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is being used.
38 Section 3 Basic Cardiorespiratory Physiology in the Intensive Care Unit
Volume of the Right Ventricle Acute dilatation of the right Influence of Pleural Pressure on Afterload
ventricle can shift the interventricular septum towards the Negative intrapleural pressures increase transmural pressure
left ventricular cavity, reducing left ventricular end-diastolic and increase ventricular afterload. Negative pressure surrou
volume without any apparent change in left ventricular end- nding the heart acts by impeding the inward movement of
diastolic pressure. This has been observed to occur following the ventricular wall during systole.9 This is responsible for a
a sharp increase in pulmonary vascular resistance due to reduced cardiac output and reduced systolic blood pressure
pulmonary embolism, in acute respiratory failure, and with during the inspiratory phase of spontaneous breathing.
use of high levels of PEEP. Acute right ventricular dilatation When the fall in inspiratory-related pressure during systole is
may thus reduce left ventricular filling and cardiac output. greater than 15 mm Hg, it is termed pulsus paradoxus. There
In summary, the left ventricular filling pressure (the is nothing paradoxical about this observation, as it is merely
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure as measured through a an exaggeration of a normal response.
Swan-Ganz catheter) is a good index of the preload. However, Positive intrapleural pressure can reduce the afterload,
when interpreting pressure readings, or when manipulating by promoting the inward movement of the ventricular wall
filling pressures through volume infusions, the influence of during systole, thereby facilitating ventricular emptying. It is
the compliance of the ventricle, as also of the intrapleural and likely that the beneficial effects of closed chest compressions
intrapericardial pressures should be given due consideration. performed during cardiac resuscitation are related to sharp
Septal shifts due to acute right ventricular dilatation may swings in positive pleural pressure, which exert a massage-
also compromise left ventricular end-diastolic volume, and like action and propel blood outwards from the heart into the
interfere with left ventricular filling, for reasons stated above. systemic circulation.
It is to be however noted that the reduction in afterload
Contractility effect produced by a positive intrapleural pressure during the
Stroke volume can be increased not only by augmenting inspiratory phase of positive pressure ventilation is negated
preload, but also by increasing contractility. This is accom– by the obstruction to venous return caused by the inspiratory
plished by the use of inotropes that increase both isometric rise in intrapleural pressure. In fact the sum effect is a decrease
force, and the velocity of isotonic muscle shortening at inspiratory cardiac output because of decreased venous
all loads. Neurohormonal mechanisms within the body, return (see chapter Mechanical Ventilation in the Critically
by stimulating beta-1 agonist receptors in the ventricles, Ill Patients).
also increase contractility with improved emptying of the
ventricles, for any given diastolic length. Cardiac Rate and Rhythm
The rate is also important in determining cardiac output. A
Afterload rate greater than 100/minute adversely affects cardiac output,
This is an important factor governing stroke volume. Afterload and a marked bradyrhythm acts likewise. Loss of atrial kick
is the ventricular wall tension generated during systolic may sharply reduce cardiac output in patients with a poor
ejection of blood from the ventricles. The aortic pressure is an cardiac reserve. Rhythm disturbances even in a normal heart
important determinant of left ventricular afterload. Increasing can reduce output; they can be catastrophic in diseased
the afterload moderately in a normal heart, causes a slight hearts.
fall in the ejection fraction. This results in a compensatory
increase in fiber length and diastolic volume, with stronger HEART FAILURE
contraction and an improved ejection fraction. On the other
This has been dealt with at length in subsequent chapters
hand, an increased afterload in a diseased heart, which has
of the book. A few basic concepts need to be stressed at this
poor contractility, can be disastrous. It results in a profound
fall in the ejection fraction, and in the forward flow from the
Cardiac failure, in brief, is a failure of the pumping action
of the heart. Left ventricular failure leads to two recognizable
The relationship of a changing afterload to a failing heart
is more clearly illustrated by the application of Laplace’s law,
1. Pulmonary edema, with or without systemic venous
T= congestion. Pulmonary edema is associated with an
2h increase in end-diastolic left ventricular pressure to greater
where T is the wall tension (afterload). T is not only directly than 15 mm Hg, and often as high as 30 mm Hg.
related to the intracavitary pressure (P), but also directly 2. Poor forward flow resulting in poor tissue perfusion.
related to the radius of the chamber (r), and inversely to (h), Cardiac failure may produce pulmonary edema, or poor
the thickness of the ventricular wall. Thus, T (wall tension forward flow, or both. It is important to consider these
or afterload) increases with the increased radius of a dilated two aspects of cardiac failure as separate facets, even
heart. It is reduced with hypertrophy or increased thickness when both are present at the same time. Death from acute
of the ventricular wall. cardiac failure can be due to a severe fall in cardiac output,
Chapter 5 Basic Cardiorespiratory Physiology in the Intensive Care Unit 39
Fig. 4: Left and right ventricular function curves in an overinfused Fig. 5: Relationship of stroke volume to left ventricular end-diastolic
hypervolemic patient. Note that very high left and right ventricular pressure (LVEDP) in subjects with normal myocardial function (a), and
filling pressures that cause pulmonary edema and systemic venous in patients with moderate (b) and severe (c) left ventricular dysfunction.
congestion can occur in the presence of good pump function with high Note that in patients with myocardial dysfunction, a rising LVEDP
stroke volumes and cardiac output produces a smaller degree of rise in the stroke volume, as compared
to normal subjects
hypoxia. erial oxygenation. A ventilation-perfusion mismatch
TT Venous capacitance which contains 80% of the intra is characterized clinically and physiologically by two
vascular volume. Decrease in venous tone or increase in features: (1) An increase in dead space—ventilation of
venous capacitance reduces mean circulating pressures, unperfused or poorly perfused alveoli which are hyper
filling pressures within the heart, and effective circulating ventilated in relation to the blood perfusing them; (2) an
volume. Increase in venous tone or decrease in venous increase in venous admixture, i.e. perfusion of atelectatic
capacitance has exactly the contrary effects—an increase alveoli causing a true right to left shunt. Alveoli which are
in the venous pressure and an increase in the filling hypoventilated in relation to blood perfusing them, also
pressures of the heart. contribute to a shunt effect.
TT Viscosity of blood Blood viscosity is chiefly due to TT Diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar wall into the
circulating erythrocytes (hematocrit). Increase in the capillaries perfusing the alveoli, and of carbon dioxide
hematocrit means increased viscosity, entailing greater from the capillaries out into the alveolar space. A severe
work for the heart to move blood through the circulatory diffusion defect may contribute to a low PaO2 but is hardly
system. This increase in work load may have significant ever its sole cause. Most pathologies producing a diffusion
clinical implications in patients with ischemic heart defect also lead to an uneven compliance within the lungs
disease or in patients with poor myocardial reserve. and thereby to a ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
Viscosity of blood increases following a loss of plasma or
fluid from the vascular system. Blood viscosity also increases Alveolar Ventilation
following repeated packed cell transfusions, a fall in body The pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) is the best
temperature, and a decrease in the flow rate of blood. This rise indicator of alveolar ventilation. This basic fact in respiratory
in viscosity can further reduce flow through the circulation physiology is explained below. Consider for purposes of
and thereby promote ischemic injury. Prevention of an illustration an alveolus of volume V· A (Fig. 7). It contains a
undue rise in viscosity is therefore of particular importance volume of CO2 (VCO 2). The fractional concentration of CO2
in critically ill patients. The degree of viscosity is best gauged (FACO2) in this alveolus is given by the volume of CO2 divided
by monitoring hematocrit values which should not exceed by the volume of the alveolus.
40–45% as the upper limit.
Finally, the right heart, which pumps into the low re FACO2 =
sistance, low pressure pulmonary circuit, is intrinsically and A
inevitably locked to the left heart which pumps into the high The CO2 released into the alveolus from the blood perfusing it,
resistance, high pressure systemic circuit. It is a closed system, will be cleared from the alveolus by ventilation; the greater the
and by sheer necessity the stroke volume pumped by the two ventilation the lower the concentration of CO2 in the alveolus.
sides of the heart must be equal. The alveolar concentration will be a balance between the
alveolar ventilation and the rate at which the CO2 is evolved
Efficient gas exchange in the lungs requires— FACO2 =
TT An adequate alveolar ventilation evenly distributed to A
both lungs. The fractional concentration of CO2, FACO 2 (0.05–0.06),
TT Even ventilation-perfusion ratios of 0.8 to 1. Uneven exerts a pressure equal to the same fraction of the barometric
ventilation-perfusion ratios or ventilation-perfusion pressure (PB).
Chapter 5 Basic Cardiorespiratory Physiology in the Intensive Care Unit 41
PACO2 = × 0.863
What were the kinds of ships that sailed in English waters during
the reign of Elizabeth? As far as historical research will suffer us let
us try and obtain a general idea as to their rig and appearance. Fig.
51, which is taken from the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian, affords
an excellent example of an Elizabethan man-of-war. The flags flying
are the green and white Tudor colours on the ensign staff and the
St. George at the main, which was the national flag, but it was men-
of-war only that were allowed to fly it at the main. According to
Manwayring the Elizabethan ships, when running before a wind or
with the wind on the quarter in the case of a fair fresh gale, often
unparralled the mizzen lateen yard from the mast, and launched out
the yard and sail over the quarter on the lee side, fitting guys at the
further end to keep the yards steady. A boom also appears to have
been used in this case. If a ship gripe too much, says Manwayring,
then the mizzen was stowed, for otherwise “she will never keep out
of the wind.” The mizzen was sometimes used when at anchor to
back the ship astern in order to keep her from fouling her anchor on
the turn of the tide.
Perhaps in the mind of the general reader the one type of ship of
this age that he has any vague knowledge of is the galleon. He
associates her with the Armada and with the Spanish nation
exclusively. He has not forgotten that he learned in the days of his
youth that the ships of the Armada were of enormous size, and that
the English ships were victorious because they were small and
nimble. It is perfectly true to say that our vessels were light and
comparatively handy, but we must not omit to throw into the
balance the superiority of our seamanship and gunnery, as we
pointed out just now. The English had a natural taste for the sea;
the Spaniards, in spite of all their trading and exploring across the
ocean, had for it an equal distaste. They were admittedly bad
seamen.[84] I am not expressing an opinion but asserting a fact, and
this was as much the cause of their defeat as anything else. But the
English ships were not particularly small. At least seven were of
between 600 and 1100 tons. There were in the whole Spanish
Armada only four ships larger than our Triumph, whilst of the English
merchantmen the Leicester and the Merchant Royal were each of
400 tons.
Nor did the word “galleon” necessarily denote a Spanish ship. It is
perfectly true that the Spanish Armada contained a number of
cumbrous galleons, but it must not be inferred from this that a
galleon was necessarily clumsy. In point of fact, Spain was the last
of the great maritime nations to adopt the galleon. In England the
galleon denoted a vessel built expressly for war, as distinguished
from the adapted merchantmen. She was essentially a ship built with
finer lines, and in every way smarter than the ordinary vessel. The
type had been first introduced into the English service by Henry VIII.
long before Spain had adopted it, although, as we mentioned earlier,
there was considerable confusion as to the actual names. Thus
Henry VIII.’s ships were classed as “great ships,” “galleasses,” and
“galleys,” while for a long time, both in England and France, the
galleon was called indifferently “galleon,” “galleasse,” “galley,” and
“galliot.” By the outbreak of the Spanish war practically all the men-
of-war in our country were galleons, and were thus described by
foreigners. Nevertheless, as Mr. Corbett points out,[85] English
seamen never took kindly to the word galleon. They continued to
confuse “galleasse” and “galleon” in describing the ships of
foreigners. But for all that English shipwrights understood perfectly
the technical characteristics, and in official building programmes
after the middle of Elizabeth’s reign the three terms “galleon,”
“galleasse,” and “galley” appear correctly. The galleon, as Mr.
Masefield well describes her, was roughly the prototype of the ship
of the line, the galleasse the prototype of the frigate, and the
pinnace of the sloop or corvette. The galleon was low in the waist
with a square forecastle and a high quarter-deck just abaft the
mainmast, rising to a poop above the quarter-deck. Reckoning
upwards, the two decks, according to Manwayring, were called lower
orlop or first orlop, and the next the second orlop. But if a ship had
three decks they never called the uppermost—the third—by the
name of orlop, but simply “upper deck.” The wooden bulkheads that
separated the stern from the waist were pierced with holes for small
quick-firing guns.
The length of the galleon was three times that of her beam,
whereas the ordinary merchantman was only twice her own beam,
thus preserving the old distinction that we saw in classical time
existing between the long ship and the round ship. Yet the newer
class of Elizabethan merchantman was getting longer, influenced by
the experience gained on the long voyages across the Atlantic. It
had been in Italy, the great home of maritime matters in earlier
days, that the galleon had first been built. The galleon was in fact
the child of necessity. The Mediterranean possessed the galley-type
from very early times as we have already seen; she had, as we have
also seen, the “round” merchant type. But as time went on a
demand arose for a compromise between the two. Able to hold as
much cargo, and more, than the old rounships, yet not utterly
helpless like them in calms and narrow waters, the galleons were yet
to be of such a kind as to be capable of acting with the galleys in
war time. So they were made not as long but with more beam than
the galleys, with a built-up structure fore and aft and—let us note
this carefully—though they were sailing ships they had at first
auxiliary oar-propulsion. The smaller English galleons also retained
their oars for a long time.
Fig. 53. The “Black Pinnesse,” which brought Home the Body of Sir Philip
We have mentioned above that Spain was the last of the great
maritime Powers to adopt the galleon. In Fig. 55 the reader will see
a representation of her galleons. It was not till about 1550, Mr.
Oppenheim states, that the great galleon was introduced. The print
here reproduced is in the British Museum, and the date the
authorities assign to it is about 1560, so that we have every reason
for supposing that this illustration is a correct one. The reader will at
once notice the high-charged stern immediately abaft the mainmast.
The Spanish ships were notorious for their wall-like sides; and for
the height to which the bowsprit was “steeved,” both of which
details will be noticed in the illustration before us. We mentioned in
this chapter that in her origin the galleon owed something to the
galley. Now, one of the chief characteristics of the galley type was
the ram which was handed down from ancient times. Here, then, in
this picture will be seen the survival of the ram affixed to the
galleon. But it is here no longer entirely for the purpose of attacking
the enemy’s ships but for boarding the fore-tack when by the wind.
The bowlines are clearly seen on the vessel to the right of the print,
leading from both the foresail to the bowsprit and from the mainsail.
On both the fore and main courses, the martnets or leach lines are
shown very clearly in the print; it is a little difficult to indicate these
so clearly in reproduction. Notice, too, that both foresail and main
have got both bonnet and drabbler laced on. Below the bowsprit is
seen the spritsail. The main-mizzen topsail is stowed, and the
bonaventure does not carry a topsail above her lateen. The under
portion of the hull of these Spanish ships was painted white, but
ochre was frequently used for the stern. They had lids to their
portholes, nettings and waist-cloths, and “blinders” to avert the
arrows and musket fire. The armament of the Spanish merchantman
was, in the case of vessels of 100 tons, four heavy iron guns and
eight hand guns aside as well as eight other hand guns; but after
about 1550 the armament became heavier.
One of the most memorable of naval battles was that which was
fought on the Adriatic Sea in 1571. On the one side were the allied
forces of Venice, Spain, and the Papal States: on the other, the Turks
who were defeated. Galleys and galleasses played an important part
in obtaining this victory. To what development the galley had
attained since the times of the early Greeks and Romans will be seen
in Figs. 57 and 58. But in spite of all that history had added to them,
it is surprising how little they differ in essentials. Fig. 57 has been
sketched from a model in the South Kensington Museum. It is quite
old, and is said to have belonged to the Knights of Malta. Her
dimensions if built to scale would work out at about 165 feet long,
by 22 feet beam, with extreme beam from gunwale to gunwale, 31
feet. The depth would be 9·9 feet, and the number of sweeps 44. In
the United Service Museum there is also an instructive Maltese galley
model of a large size which, though of the eighteenth century,
differed so little as to be closely similar to the excellent illustration
which we give in Fig. 58. This has been taken from an important
publication, of the beginning of the seventeenth century, by Joseph
Furttenbach, entitled “Architectura Navalis,” printed at Ulm in 1629.
As will be seen, each oar is still worked by a gang of men. At the
stern the captain sits with his knights by his side, while at the
extreme stern is the pilot. Along the corsia or gangway down the
ship walk two men with long poles with which to beat the lazy
oarsmen. The principal armament was carried in the bows and so
was unable to be used for broadside fire. Notice also the survival of
the trumpeters. The length of this vessel was 169 feet from beak to
stern, with an extreme beam of about 20 feet. The word antennæ is
still found at this time as applied to the yards. In spite of the
handiness of the galley and her consequent popularity in the
Mediterranean, she was thoroughly despised by Elizabethan seamen.
Much more after their own heart was the nave or ship shown in Fig.
59, and also taken out of Furttenbach. The reader will notice a wise
restriction of high-charged structures. This vessel, in fact, shows a
steady improvement in naval architecture. Thus, besides the lateen
mizzen she carries a square topsail above, while in addition to the
spritsail seen furled to its yard on the bowsprit, there has now been
added a sprit topsail whose yard is seen to hoist up a sprit topmast.
When we compare this vessel with the wooden walls of the
eighteenth century, she will be seen to be wonderfully modern. The
last traces of crude mediævalism are disappearing. Science in design
has fast begun to supplant rule of thumb and guess-work based only
on ignorance. Skill has taken the place of inexperience in the work of
the shipwright, and both design and construction have been based
on the knowledge obtained not only in long and tedious voyages,
but in the brisk fighting between nation and nation and privateer
against treasure ship and trader. In the same volume of Furttenbach
a useful plan of the lines of this ship is given, from which we see
that whilst the mainmast is stepped at the keelson, the fore and
mizzen are stepped on the main deck.
Fig. 58. An Early Seventeenth-century Galley.