Network Intrusion Detection in Big Datasets Using Spark Environment and Incremental Learning

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024, pp. 4414~4421

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v13.i4.pp4414-4421  4414

Network intrusion detection in big datasets using Spark

environment and incremental learning

Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil, Mohamed Hamlich, Amine Khatib, Marouane Chriss

Laboratory of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems, National School of Arts and Crafts, Casablanca, University Hassan II,
Casablanca, Morocco

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Internet of things (IoT) systems have experienced significant growth in data
traffic, resulting in security and real-time processing issues. Intrusion
Received Nov 23, 2023 detection systems (IDS) are currently an indispensable tool for self-protection
Revised Mar 24, 2024 against various attacks. However, IoT systems face serious challenges due to
Accepted Apt 17, 2024 the functional diversity of attacks, resulting in detection methods with
machine learning (ML) and limited static models generated by the linear
discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm. The process entails adjusting the
Keywords: model parameters in real time as new data arrives. This paper proposes a new
method of an IDS based on the LDA algorithm with the incremental model.
Big data The model framework is trained and tested on the IoT intrusion dataset
Incremental learning (UNSW-NB15) using the streaming linear discriminant analysis (SLDA) ML
Internet of things algorithm. Our approach increased model accuracy after each training,
Intrusion detection system resulting in continuous model improvement. The comparison reveals that our
Machine learning dynamic model becomes more accurate after each batch and can detect new
Streaming linear discriminant types of attacks.
analysis This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil
Laboratory of Complex Cyber-Physical System, National School of Arts and Crafts Casablanca
University Hassan II
Casablanca, Morocco
Email: [email protected]

An intrusion detection system (IDS) [1], [2] is an instrument or software application that surveys
the network and the system for cynical activities and warns the system or network administrator. There are two
kinds of IDS, network-based IDS, and host-based IDS. A host-based IDS keeps track of individual host
machines and gives notification to the user if suspicious activities like deleting or modifying a system file,
undesired configuration changes, or unnecessary sequence of system calls are detected [3]. Generally, a
network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) [4] is kept at network points like a gateway or routers to
detect intrusions in the network traffic. Lately, artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in the field of
cybersecurity, and to achieve high-performance IDS, machine learning (ML) techniques can be used for all
types of detection techniques. ML is a subclass of AI used in computers with the ability to learn without being
ML algorithms can be supervised or unsupervised, the first category builds a mathematical model
of a data set that contains both the desired inputs and outputs. The data is known as training data and consists
of a set of training examples. Each training example has one or more inputs and outputs. The second category
takes a set of data containing only inputs and finds a pattern in the data, such as grouping or clustering data
points. The algorithms, therefore, learn from test data that has not been labeled, classified, or categorized [5].

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In our research work, we have proposed a framework in which a feature reduction algorithm is used
for eliminating the less important features. Then we applied supervised data mining techniques on the
UNSW-NB15 network dataset for fast, efficient, and accurate detection of intrusion in the Netflow records by
leveraging the power of Spark. In this paper, we have used principal component analysis (PCA) and streaming
linear discriminant analysis (SLDA) algorithms to analyze the performance of the proposed framework. We
focused on three performance indicators: accuracy, training time, and duration of prediction.

Agrawal and Agrawal [6] have surveyed abnormality detection with data mining techniques to detect
intrusions. They have classified the anomaly detection techniques with three features: clustering-based
techniques, classification-based techniques, and hybrid techniques. Their comprehensive analysis sheds light
on the diverse approaches utilized in the ongoing pursuit of enhancing cybersecurity measures.
Buczak and Guven [7] made a survey that describes the application of data mining and ML
techniques to detect known and unknown attacks. They established a clear difference between ML and data
mining. Their study underscores the growing significance of these approaches in preventing and detecting
threats within the complex landscape of modern cybersecurity.
Haija et al. [8] have done a new inclusive discovery scheme that evaluates five supervised ML
classifiers: logistic regression, decision trees, linear/quadratic discriminant, naïve Bayes, and ensemble boosted
trees. Port scanning attacks involve attackers sending packets with various port numbers to scan for accessible
services and identify open or weak ports in a network, necessitating the development of multiple detection and
prevention techniques. Through performance comparison using the PSA-2017 dataset, the logistic regression
model demonstrated superior results with 99.4% accuracy, 99.9% precision, 99.4% recall, 99.7% F-score, and
a detection overhead of 0.454 µSec, highlighting its effectiveness and enhanced attack discovery speed
compared to existing models.
Haija et al. [9] have introduced an advanced self-reliant system designed to detect mutations of
internet of things (IoT) cyber-attacks using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and CUDA-based
Nvidia-Quad GPUs for parallel computation. This innovative approach achieved exceptional attack
classification accuracy, exceeding 99.3% for binary classifiers and 98.2% for multi-class classifiers. They
highlight the substantial growth and impact of the IoT technology, while also addressing its vulnerability to
cyber-attacks due to the limitations in computation, storage, and communication capacity of endpoint devices
such as thermostats and home appliances.
Dhanya et al. [10] have surveyed various ML-based techniques applied to UNSW-NB15 dataset.
They compared the naïve Bayes algorithm with proposed probability-based supervised ML algorithms using a
reduced UNSW NB15 dataset. Their examination offers valuable insights into the efficacy of different ML
approaches when applied to this dataset, contributing to the ongoing discourse on cybersecurity methodologies.
Alsulami et al. [11] have proposed a predictive ML model to detect and classify network activity in
an IoT system. Specifically, the model distinguishes between normal and anomaly network activity.
Furthermore, it classifies network traffic into five categories: normal, Mirai attack, denial of service (DoS)
attack, Scan attack, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. Five supervised learning models were implemented
to characterize their performance in detecting and classifying network activities for IoT systems.
Haija [12] introduces an innovative and versatile top-down framework for enhancing intrusion
detection and classification within IoT networks through the utilization of non-conventional ML techniques.
The article puts forth a novel architecture that offers the flexibility to adapt and apply to intrusion detection
and classification tasks involving various IoT cyber-attack datasets, such as the CICIDS dataset and MQTT
dataset. More specifically, this newly proposed system comprises three distinct subsystems: the feature
engineering (FE) subsystem, the feature learning (FL) subsystem, and the detection and classification (DC)
Haija et al. [13] conducted a study that develops and evaluates machine-learning-based Darknet
traffic detection systems (DTDS) in IoT networks, utilizing six supervised machine-learning techniques. Their
research highlights the application of these techniques to address vulnerabilities in IoT infrastructures due to
limited endpoint device capabilities. The study underscores the effectiveness of bagging ensemble techniques
(BAG-DT) in achieving superior accuracy and lower error rates, demonstrating significant improvements over
existing DTDS models by 1.9% to 27%.
The majority of researchers employing ML in the cybersecurity domain concentrate on assessing
the performance of models generated using diverse ML algorithms. However, these performances, such as
accuracy and prediction time, do not exhibit temporal variations with the emergence of new attacks, ultimately
rendering these models outdated over time. This research underscores two significant aspects: firstly, the
effectiveness of intrusion detection methods employing incremental algorithms, such as SLDA, in identifying

Network intrusion detection in big datasets using Spark environment and … (Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil)
4416  ISSN: 2252-8938

emerging attack patterns, and secondly, the progressive enhancement of their accuracy over time. The
UNSW-NB15 dataset has been curated for experimentation within the Spark tool environment.

2.1. Description of UNSW-NB 15 dataset

The UNSW NB15 dataset has carved its place as a cornerstone in the field of network security
research. Numerous researchers have harnessed the potential of this dataset to unravel the complexities of
network behavior, intrusion detection [14], and the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. UNSW NB15
stands as a testament to the pivotal role that data plays in comprehending and safeguarding against cyber-attacks.
For the evaluation of the performance and effectiveness of our IDS, we required a comprehensive
dataset that contains both normal and abnormal behaviors. A lot of research has been done using older
benchmark data sets like KDDCUP 99 and NSLKDD but these datasets do not offer realistic output
performance. The reason is that KDDCUP 99 has lots of redundant and missing records in the training set. So
these datasets are not comprehensive representations of modern low footprint attack environments.
UNSW-NB 15 dataset [15] was created by the IXIA PerfectStorm tool in the Cyber Range Lab of the Australian
Centre for Cyber Security (ACCS). It contains both real modern normal activities and synthetic contemporary
attack behaviors [16]. UNSW-NB15 dataset is available in comma-separated values (CSV) file format. There
are 175,341 records in the training set and 82,332 records in the testing set with all different 9 types of attacks
and normal records. There are 49 attributes or features with 10 class values in this dataset. All records are
divided into two major categories of the records - normal and attack. The attack categories as shown in
Table 1 are again subdivided into 9 categories. Attack types are fuzzers, analysis, backdoors, DoS, exploits,
generic, reconnaissance, shellcode, and worms [17].

Table 1. List of attacks UNSW NB-15 dataset

Category Training set Testing set
Normal 56000 37000
Generic 40000 18871
Exploits 33393 11132
Fuzzers 18184 6062
DoS 12264 4089
Reconnaissance 10491 3496
Analysis backdoor 2000 677
Backdoor 1746 583
ShellCode 1133 378
Worms 130 44
Total instances 175,341 82,332

2.2. System modeling

2.2.1. Intrusion detection systems architecture
Creating a general model for all IDS with a fixed accuracy is not a viable solution. Different users
have different models and the model must be updated on the fly with terrain data. However, the training model
consumes a lot of resources, which hinders the promotion and practicality of incremental models on
resource-constrained devices. The proposed system allows changing the model parameters, as shown in
Figure 1. When the data stream arrives, SLDA can infer each upcoming sample and update its parameters by
exploiting the benefits of online learning.

Figure 1. The building blocks of our IDS system

2.2.2. Model training process

Initially, we structured the database into separate training and testing segments. Subsequently, we
implemented the PCA technique to reduce dimensionality. The training phase involved feeding our models with

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 4414-4421

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  4417

data batches, mimicking a consistent data stream. This approach enabled us to monitor the accuracy progression
post each training iteration. The proposed framework for online intrusion detection is shown in the Figure 2.

Figure 2. Proposed framework for intrusion detection

2.3. Streaming linear discriminant analysis algorithm

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a widely embraced method in the fields of computer vision and
pattern recognition due to its versatility in both dimensionality reduction and classification tasks. Numerous
studies [18], [19] have demonstrated its effectiveness. LDA involves seeking a linear data transformation that
optimally separates classes while reducing the dimensionality of the data [20].
The typical implementation of the LDA technique requires that all samples be available in advance
[21]. However, there are situations where the complete data set is not available and the input data is observed
as a flow. In this case, the LDA feature extraction should have the ability to update the computed LDA features
by observing the new samples without running the algorithm on the entire data set. For example, in many
real-time applications such as mobile robotics, online facial recognition, and IoT networks, it is important to
update the extracted LDA features as soon as new observations are available.
Simply observing new samples is a streaming LDA algorithm, and this idea has been widely studied
over the past two decades. Chatterjee and Roychowdhury [22] proposed an incremental self-organizing LDA
algorithm to update LDA features. Demir and Ozmehmet [19] proposed local online learning algorithms to
update LDA features incrementally using error correction and Hebbian learning rules. Later, Ghassabeh et al.
[21] derived fast incremental algorithms to update LDA functionality by observing new samples. Let be the
following prediction equation:

yt=W.zt+b (1)

Where zt ϵ IRd is a vector, Wzt ϵ IRk*d and b ϵ IRk are updated online parameters, and k is the total number
of classes.
SLDA stores one mean vector per class μk ϵ IRd with an associated number ck ϵ IR and a single
matrix of shared covariance Ʃ ϵ Rd×d. When a new data point (zt, y) arrives, the average vector and the
associated counter are updated as:
𝑐(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) +𝑧𝑡
𝜇(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡+1) = (2)
c(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) +1

Network intrusion detection in big datasets using Spark environment and … (Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil)
4418  ISSN: 2252-8938

𝑐(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡+1) = c(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) + 1 (3)

with 𝜇 as the mean of the class y has the moment t and c(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) is the associated counter. For SLDA with an
online variable variance, we use the following update:

𝑡Ʃ𝑡 +∆𝒕
Ʃ𝑡+1 = (4)

∆t is calculated as:

t(𝑧𝑡−𝜇(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) )(𝑧𝑡−𝜇(𝑘=𝑦,𝑡) )𝑇
∆𝒕 = (5)

We use (1) and Wk to calculate the prediction. The columns of W is given as:

Wk=Λ µk (6)

with Λ are determined by:

Λ=[(1-ε) Ʃ + ε. I]-1 (7)

bk is updated as:
𝑏𝑘 = − 2 (µ𝑘 . Λµ𝑘 ) (8)

2.4. Big data processing tools: Apache Spark

The Apache Spark environment is a robust tool in the realm of big data, offering an open-source
distributed cluster-computing framework. It boasts a comprehensive ML library known as MLlib, specifically
designed for ML classifiers. Apache Spark excels in in-memory processing and provides support for multiple
programming languages, including Java, Scala, Python, SQL, and R, with particularly strong compatibility
with Python.

2.4.1. Components of the Spark ecosystem:

The Spark ecosystem comprises several key components, including Spark core component, Spark
SQL, Spark streaming, Spark MLlib, Spark GraphX, and SparkR. Each component serves a distinct purpose,
facilitating different aspects of big data processing and analytics. In this specific work, we focus on using Spark
MLlib, a scalable ML library that encompasses various ML algorithms. Spark MLlib's capabilities enable
efficient implementation and execution of ML tasks on large datasets, highlighting its significance within the
Spark ecosystem for advanced data analysis and predictive modeling [23], [24].

2.4.2. Features of Apache Spark:

Some notable features of Apache Spark include [25]:
− Rapid processing: Apache Spark boasts high-speed data processing capabilities, performing
approximately 100 times faster in memory and 10 times faster on disk compared to traditional methods.
− Dynamic: it facilitates the development of parallel applications within Spark, thanks to the availability of
around 80 high-level operators.
− In-memory computation: Apache Spark supports in-memory computation, enabling enhanced processing
speeds by keeping data in memory for quicker access and analysis.
Overall, Apache Spark offers a powerful and versatile environment for processing large-scale data and
performing ML tasks efficiently.

2.5. Performance of machine learning model

The performance of a ML model is a critical aspect that determines its effectiveness in making
accurate predictions. Evaluating the performance involves a set of metrics that provide insights into how well
the model can classify or predict data points. Key measures include accuracy, which indicates the proportion of
correct predictions; sensitivity (or recall), which measures the ability to identify true positives; specificity, which
assesses the identification of true negatives; precision, which evaluates the accuracy of positive predictions; and
the F1 score, which balances precision and recall. These metrics collectively offer a comprehensive

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 2024: 4414-4421

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  4419

understanding of the model’s strengths and weaknesses, guiding improvements and ensuring the model's
reliability in practical applications.
‒ To evaluate the accuracy or superiority of our classifiers in predicting the class labels of tuples, we use
several key metrics. These classifier evaluation measures include accuracy, sensitivity (or recall),
specificity, precision, and F1 score. The accuracy of a classifier on a given test set is determined by the
percentage of true positives and true negatives out of all correctly classified instances.
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁+𝐹𝑃+𝐹𝑁 (9)

Here, TP is true positive, TN is true negative, FP is false positive, and FN is false negative.
‒ Training time: measurement of the time taken by the algorithm to train a new batch.
‒ Prediction time: measurement of time taken by a classifier to predict new data.


Table 2 and Figure 3 illustrates the evolution of the accuracy of a machine-learning model across 12
training batches. The initial accuracy stands at 9.85% after the first batch. Subsequently, as the model is exposed
to more training data and learning iterations, its accuracy gradually improves throughout these batches. It
becomes evident that the model undergoes significant improvement.
The most remarkable aspect of this training process is the substantial leap in accuracy, culminating
in an impressive rate of 96.37 % after the last (the 12th) batch. This indicates that the model has made significant
progress in its ability to make accurate predictions as it learns from the data. When we compare the results of
our approache to previous studies based on traditional learning techniques, IDS based on the progressive
learning model showed superior adaptability and efficiency. Notably, the step-by-step approach achieved
similar or higher accuracy levels while significantly reducing computational resources and training time.

Table 2. Performance evaluation using SLDA on dataset–1 and dataset–2 of (UNSW NB-15 dataset)
Duration of training (Sec) Duration of prediction (Sec) Accuracy (%)
Batch 1 0.0779 0.0229 9.85
Batch 2 0.0929 0.0109 18.88
Batch 3 0.0829 0.0099 28.18
Batch 4 0.1159 0.0089 37.01
Batch 5 0.0849 0.0079 49.39
Batch 6 0.0829 0.0069 52.60
Batch 7 0.0849 0.0059 56.63
Batch 8 0.0829 0.0049 62.40
Batch 10 0.0969 0.0059 69.48
Batch 11 0.0889 0.002997 76.28
Batch 12 0.0879 0.002998 96.37

Figure 3. IDS performance on UNSW-NB15 test after each training session

Network intrusion detection in big datasets using Spark environment and … (Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil)
4420  ISSN: 2252-8938

The paper proposed a framework that was fast and effective for intrusion detection. We have used
the UNSW NB-15 dataset for performance evaluation of the proposed framework by applying feature reduction
using PCA and classification algorithm SLDA. It is found that using SLDA is more efficient compared to
author static algorithms especially when the input data is observed as a flow as is the case in our subject where
the precision of the model improves during the arrival of the new batch of data. It can be concluded that this
approach is better, faster, and more efficient when used on Apache Spark.


Several suggestions for future research endeavors could be explored to expand upon this study. These
additional recommendations are outlined as follows: the proposed algorithm has the potential to be fine-tuned
and utilized for various real-world applications that necessitate image recognition and classification. This
includes domains such as medical imaging, biomedical analysis, and handwriting recognition applications. The
proposed system could be integrated into an IoT device to offer intrusion detection services for IoT networks.
Further investigation into this proposed IDS could delve into aspects such as power consumption, memory
utilization, communication protocols, and computational complexity, particularly when implemented on
low-power IoT nodes with small-scale system components, such as battery-operated or energy-efficient

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Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil is a lecturer in electrical engineering at BTS

Elkhawarizmi Casablanca, Morocco. He obtained his Master's degree in Big Data and the
Internet of Things at Hassan 2 University, Casablanca, Morocco. In 2021, he has been a
computer science teacher in high school since 2008. He is currently a writer and researcher
on artificial intelligence applied in industry. His research interests include tinyML
technologies, continuous learning, industrial electronics, robotics, home automation,
predictive maintenance, and STEAM models in the field of education. He can be contacted
at email: [email protected].

Mohamed Hamlich is the Director of the “Complex Cyber-Physical Systems”

Research Laboratory at ENSAM Casablanca (UH2C). He obtained his doctoral thesis in
Computer Science from Hassan II University in Casablanca. His areas of research interest
include robotics, artificial intelligence, IoT, and big data. He is the president of the
Association of Connected Objects and Intelligent Systems and the chair of The
International Conference “SADASC”. He is the editor of two SPRINGER books and the
author of several papers published in indexed journals. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Amine Khatib is a scientific researcher at Littoral Côte d'Opale University,

France. He obtained his bachelor of engineering degree in automatic at Hassan 2
University, Casablanca, Morocco. His research interests include robotics and data science.
He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Marouane Chriss is a teacher of electrical engineering at BTS Elkhawarizmi

Casablanca, Morocco. In 2002 he obtained a Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Approfondies
(DESA) in Electrical Engineering from ENSEM, Hassan 2 University, Casablanca,
Morocco. He is currently a Ph.D. student at LCCPS Laboratory, ENSAM, Hassan 2
University. His research interests include artificial intelligence, robotics, and systems
control. He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Network intrusion detection in big datasets using Spark environment and … (Abdelwahed Elmoutaoukkil)

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