Unveiling The Role of Free Radicals
Unveiling The Role of Free Radicals
Unveiling The Role of Free Radicals
K Meera1, P Pretty2
Scholar, 1.P.G.
Department of Shareera Kriya,
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan-573201, Karnataka, India
INTRODUCTION: The primary objective of Ayurveda is to maintain health of a healthy person and to cure the diseases of sick
people. As per Ayurveda, a healthy person will be having equilibrium of Dosha, Agni, Dhatu and regular excretion of Mala. The
derangement of Agni in any case will hamper the proper conversion of Ahara rasa into Prasada (sara) and Kitta (mala) parts. This
improper metabolism leads to the accumulation of undigested waste products called Ama in the body. A Free radical can be defined
as any molecular species capable of independent existence that contain unpaired electrons in the atomic orbital. They are highly
reactive species that are capable of damaging DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To understand the concept of Ama with special reference to free radicals.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Modern texts, review articles, and authenticated sources were scrutinized for understanding
the concept of free radicals and Ayurvedic texts were referred for further understanding.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As per Ayurveda there are 13 types of Agni (Jatharagni, Bhutagni, Dhatwagni). Its
improper functioning can lead to production of various dimensions of Ama. At the present era, free radicals which are responsible
for various diseases, can be identified as Ama at the level of Bhutagni i.e at the molecular level. Therefore understanding the concept
of Ama and free radicals leads to the scope of using Ayurvedic remedies which may be helpful in prevention and care of free radical
medicated diseases.
KEYWORDS: Ama, Free radicals, Agni
Agni is one of the important factors which helps in the MATERIALS AND METHODS
maintenance of health of an individual and in prevention of Modern texts, review articles, and authenticated sources were
diseases. Ordinarily ‘Ama’ means unripe, uncooked, undigested scrutinized for understanding the concept of free radicals and
substance. Ama is that which arises as a result of derangement Ayurvedic texts were referred for further understanding.
in Agni, mainly by Agnimandya. The hypo functioning of Agni
causes the accumulation of undigested or waste products called CONCEPT OF AMA
Ama in the body. It is the root cause of various diseases. For the Due to Alpa bala of Agni, the first Dhathu (rasa) is not properly
management of this, knowledge of Ama is essential. Free digested, instead the Annarasa undergoes fermentation being
radicals are highly reactive atoms or molecules with unpaired retained in the Amashaya leading to the formation of Ama1. It
electrons in the outermost orbit. These free radicals can cause is also said as the matter which has not undergone Vipaka,
damage to cell and tissue leading to various diseases. In the leading to Durgandha (bad smell), which is in large quantity,
contemporary science Ama can be compared with free radicals which is Pichila(sticky) and that which leads to Gatrasadana is
that are formed in the body. Understanding the relationship called as Ama2.
between Ama and free radicals is crucial for maintaining the The factors which cause Mandagni are responsible for the
overall health and wellbeing. production of Ama. Ama and Agnimandhya are interdependent
to each other.
• To review the concept of Ama as per Ayurvedic
• To review the concept of Free radical in relation with
From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the main
factor responsible for the formation of Ama is Mandagni. Ama
is produced by the accumulation of byproducts of metabolism
as well as metabolic waste that are not eliminated from the
body. Ama can be considered as free radical which are also
byproducts of metabolism having tendency to block the
microchannel in different locations leading to various diseases.
Increase in normal value of blood sugar, urea, uric acid, etc can
be understood as Ama. The whole discussion concludes the
various similarities between Ama and free radicals. By
understanding these similiarity, there starts a new scope for
Ayurveda in the management of free radical mediated diseases.
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