4 - Seafood

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Part 4: Seafood in the Food Service Industry

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Road Map
• Current situation: The unique
aspects of seafood, where it comes
from and the state of global fisheries.
• Problems in sourcing: How the way
we fish and farm seafood impacts the
environment—and why it is so
• Making a Difference: How
foodservice professional can play a part
if sustainable seafood by being able to
recognize healthy fisheries and making
wise choices as to which seafood they
Seafood Is Unique

The term seafood encompasses a wide variety of products:

• Fish: from small, short-lived anchovies to large, carnivorous fish that live
more than 50 years like sharks and orange roughy
• Invertebrates: shellfish like mussels, oysters, snails
• Algae: foraged and farmed

All seafood comes from two sources:

• Wild-caught
• Farmed (aquaculture)
Seafood Is Unique

The term seafood encompasses a wide variety of products:

• Fish: from small, short-lived anchovies to large, carnivorous fish that live
more than 50 years like sharks and orange roughy
• Invertebrates: shellfish like mussels, oysters, snails
• Algae: foraged and farmed

All seafood comes from two sources:

• Wild-caught
• Farmed (aquaculture)

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World Fisheries And Aquaculture Production
Biomass Of Table Fish In 1900
Biomass Of Table Fish In 1999
The maximum wild capture fishery potential from the 90% of fisheries « fully-fished or
world’s oceans has probably been reached. - FAO overfished »- FAO
And We Are Now Fishing In Places Where Management
Efforts Are Infeffective

Source: Mora, Camillo, et al., Management Effectiveness of the World’s Marine Fisheries. PLOS Biol 7(6)
Dead Zones
Plastics Pollution
Much of the world’s plastic pollution comes from food-related waste.

By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fishes.

Threats To Seafood Sustainability
Pollution of freshwater
Persistent carcinogens (DDT, PCBs, etc.), heavy metals, phosphates and
other chemicals have created rivers and lakes too polluted for
swimming or fishing; and water that is unsafe to drink.

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85+% Of Fisheries Are Fully Exploited Or Worse
Impacts On Ocean Wildlife
Impacts On Ocean Habitat: Fishing Gear
Impacts On Ocean Habitat: Fishing Gear
Threats To Seafood Sustainability
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU)

IUU fishing can be stopped when seafood buyers ask for

information about where their seafood came from and how it was
Open Farms And Impacts On Ocean Habitats

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What Fish Should I Choose
• Work with a reputable fish purveyor who can provide insights as to the sustainability,
whether it is aquaculture or wild-caught, of each species.
• Research characteristics of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture (following slides)
• De-emphasize the most common seafood solutions (salmon, tuna, shrimp). This
narrow focus put pressure on these fisheries with significant environmental impacts.
• Farm-raised carnivorous fish result in heavy harvesting of small fish which effects
• Serve seasonal seafood
• Serve local seafood
• Serve non-carnivorous species and small fish.
• SERVE MORE VEGETABLES AND GRAINS. While there are excellent health attributes
to consuming fish, it is still an animal protein. Refer to the Eat Lancet Diet.
Characteristics Of Sustainable Fisheries

Fishing Impacts Bycatch Impacts Management: Habitat Impacts

on the desired on other species Fishery regulations on ocean, river
species are that are caught balance the needs of or lake habitats
minimized; or injured the fisherman and are minimized;
A healthy and unintentionally the long-term There are places w
abundant fish are minimized or survival of the fish; here fish and
population is left in non-existent Catch is limited to other species can
the water to the right number grow, feed and
ensure future from the right place reproduce
generations in the right season
Characteristics Of Sustainable Aquaculture

Data: Effluent: Farms Habitat Impacts: A Chemicals:

Complete, that reduce their farm’s location, on Chemical use on
accurate farm level waste land or in the water, farmed fish
data help buyers production and changes the farm’s impacts nearby
understand a discharge reduce impact on habitats species. There are
farm’s impacts. their impact. and resources. also human health
Characteristics Of Sustainable Aquaculture

Feed: Ingredients Escapes: There are Disease: Farms Source of Stock:

used and their effi many kinds of can host and Reliance on wild
cient conversion t impacts on spread disease populations for
o fish protein can nearby wild fish and parasites to farm stock can
have global ecolog and ecosystems nearby wild fish, have similar
ical impacts. Feed caused by increasing their impacts to fishing.
is a defining factor escaped farmed mortality.
for aquaculture. fish.
Aside from fish, our waters can be a source of algae which
(microalgae and macroalgae). Both have a promising future!
Microalgae These are large water plants,
These are single-celled plants, rich in known as sea plants or seaweed,
oils, proteins and carbohydrates. that are full of essential minerals
Then can produce fuel, food for and nutrients. There are a wide
aquaculture, food for humans and variety of these that are cultivated
animals, plastics, textiles, paper, and or harvested wild and sold in
medicines. markets across the globe.
Other Chef Trends
• Serve “trash fish” which are fish
that traditionally the fishermen did
not save and tossed back into the
• Reduce seafood portion size in
favor of more plant-based.
• Cooking from the whole net
It is always important to educate
the consumer as to why certain Pan roasted red fish with
spring vegetable fricassee and
seafoods are served. This can
asparagus veloute, Grace,
increase business by Chicago, USA
demonstrating your commitment
Photo courtesy of Flavor and the Menu
to the future.
Need Help Finding Robust Seafood

There are organizations world-wide that have created guiding recommendations about
the sustainability of popular seafood items. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch®
program provides science based, peer-reviewed recommendations for approximately
2,000 of the most popular seafood items. Visit SeafoodWatch.org or download the app
for a complete listing

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