Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis
Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis
Osteomyelitis and Septic Arthritis
•The long bones of the arms and legs are most commonly involved in
Diabetic foot, direct spread not hematogenous
• while the feet, spine, and hips are most commonly involved in adults.
•The cause is usually a bacterial infection and rarely a fungal infection.
Most route of infection
1) Hemato genus Route
fracture 7 Surgery
2) Direct in#tin → open
3) Direct spread →
Diabetic foot Pressure
•Risks for developing osteomyelitis include diabetes, intravenous Any chronic medical
illness increase risk of
drug use, prior removal of the spleen, and trauma to the area.
3-Chronic infection:
-after an acute one, or start as a chronic
-formation of granulation tissue & fibrosis will take place
Based on the duration and type of symptoms
§ Acute : < 2 weeks
§Chronic : > 2 weeks
Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis
Usually is a disease of children Peds distal femur & Proximal tibial metapheses
Adults spine
Causal organisms
◦ Staph. Aureus (M.C. in both adults and children .)
◦ S. pyogenes (found in chronic skin infections)
◦ S. pneumoniae
◦ H. infleunzae
◦ Gram –ve
◦ Anaerobes
◦ Salmonella especially in sickle cell disease
Pathophysiology: Hematogenous
Progression of Disease
Infection (regardless site) leading to inflammation and exudation Throbbing pain
With every systole
of chronic osteomylities
chronic -0 bone
üall these changes lead to decrease in blood supply leading to :-
-ischemia and necrosis > sequestrum ( dead bone ) hyper dense collapsed
New bone formation (the body reacts to the elevation of periosteum as if its a
fracture ) 1st x ray findings 2 wks
ios6 his ji ¥ .
Clinical Presentation
Clinical presentation in
◦ Infants (failure to thrive,irritable,tender,refuse feeding ,decrease range of motion)
◦ Adults ( back pain mainly )
For the first 10 days X-ray is normal : no bone findings ( bone edema can be
detected early via MRI , there is only soft tissue edema
ØPeriosteal reaction on X-ray which is the earliest sign of CHRONIC O.M.
ØThe sequestrum appears a bit whiter than normal bone on x-ray; because of
the loss of normal bone structure
ØMRI (bone vs soft tisuue infection ) 100% Sensitive (-ve MRI can rule out O.M)
but not specific
ØFNA : To confirm Dx (not performed if MRI is done)
ØU/S: presence of an abscess
" " ""
"" "ʳᵗ"" bone collapse/ destruction .
-subperiosteal abscess
water )
C detect
if it is doesn't show water means no infection
1. CBC: leukocytosis
2. CRP, ESR: elevated 99% sensitive
BE Failure to respond to antibiotics within 48 to 72 hrs, the
patient comes with: Persistence of symptoms, Patient is still
febrile, CRP is still elevated.
2- Chronic osteomyelitis.
Chronic osteomyelitis
Septic arthritis
Growth disturbance
Pulmonary embolism
Subacute Hematogenous
Relatively mild (less virulent organism or patient resistant)
Common sites:
◦ Distal femur
◦ Proximal and distal tibia/ fibula
◦ Distal radius
Clinical picture …child ..dull aching pain for several weeks(>3 months)
,localized pain , near a large joint often nocturnal , alleviated by aspirin
Brodie’s abscess
Caused by:
Ø Acute osteomyelitis
Ø Open fracture
Ø Operation
Chronic Osteomyelitis
-Most common: mixed ( non healthy bone can attract different bacteria ) à 50%
S. Aureus after surgery
- Staph epidermis à metal or screw implant with chronic presentation
less than Tizcdenovoinf )
← .
3. month -Post op acutely à Staph S. Aureus S pyogens and shigella disentery
More vurelent
surgery a year laterà Staph epidermis Endolent
2 days to cause infection
# the metal at
>4 weeks of infection we remove the
Clinical Presentation:
Suseptable to Salmonella
Open fractures
Staph. Aureus m.c.o ↓envi#ment
saline ✗
Prophylaxis glucose
◦ Irrigation with normal saline or derivatives (3litres in GA I, 6 litres in GAII, 9 litres in GAIII) Ringer lactate ✗
◦ Sterile dressing
Tap water Relativespeakinan.no
Ringer Lactate War conditions
◦ Analgesia (narcotics) 3 carbon atom, bacteria can feeds from it
more sterile
E. coli , Sannes
neonatal sepsis -0
. -
most organism
. ,
→ ,
>3 -0 S . aureus
☆ Give anti tetanus vaccine
toxic for unvaccinated people
Vancomycin -0 S awes
with resistance .
Peds hip
◦ Staph. aureus Adults knee & Pressure inside the
◦ H. infleunzae (Common in children <4yrs) .
Clinical presentaion
◦ Acute pain and swelling in a single large joint
Local signs:
◦ Superficial joints (tenderness, erythema, swelling)
◦ Pseudoparesis (restricted movement due to pain and spasm)
◦ Picture of septicemia in infants.
soft tissue infection .
◦ Bone scan
◦ Joint aspiration (confirmatory)
◦ Blood culture (+ve in 50%) more sensitive than osteomyelitis
◦ CBC, ESR, CRP (not diagnostic)
Septic arthritis Acute infective synovitis
◦ Drainage
◦ Antibiotics
◦ Augmentin
◦ 3rd generation cephalosporin
Complications :
◦ Dislocation (due to tense effusion)
◦ Epiphyseal destruction (Tom Smith’s dislocation )
◦ Growth disturbance
◦ Ankylosis (late)
Kocher Criteria to differentiate between
septic arthritis and reactive arthritis
Hip in
← Groin pain with
non Medical Parvovirus 5th disease
1- inability to bear weight (most important )
don't do
Tuberculosis brucella ( non caseating granuloma)
in causing
Same as
← Vertebral bodies & large synovial joints mainly affected
◦ Caseating granuloma
◦ Cold abscess
Vertebral TB
◦ Anterior part of vertebral body
◦ Gibbus On single vertebrae
Joint TB
◦ Chronic monarthritis of a large joint.
◦ Ankylosis
Clinical Features
◦ Joint TB Chronic de novo
◦ Pain & swelling
◦ Muscle wasting Knee vastus medialis
Shoulder ifraspinus fossa
◦ Synovial thickening
◦ Movement limitation
◦ Spine TB Ant: groin abcsess, lat: motor and sensory deficit of a nerve root, post: transsection of spinal cord-Potts paraplesis& incontenence
◦ Localized kyphosis
◦ Weakness/ sensory deficit (when pus opens in the spinal canal)
◦ Pott’s paraplegia (if ttt is delayed)
◦ Tuberculous arthritis
◦ Bone erosion.
◦ Cystic lesions
◦ Tuberculous spondylitis:
Antituberculosis chemotherapy
Optic neuritis
Local measures:
◦ Rest, traction, and occasionally operation
Infective bursitis → H
S aureus
Drainage of pus
jig 1
systemic Antibiotic
Thank You