Indian Journal of Hill Farming

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in; ISSN: 0970-6429

Indian Journal of Hill Farming

June 2022, Volume 35, Issue 1, Page 91-96
Self-sustainable Intensive Integrated Farming System (IIFS) through crop, livestock and forestry
interventions for sustainable productivity enhancement in Meghalaya
Rajappa JJ* ∙ Puran Chandra ∙ T. Ramesh ∙ G. Kadirvel ∙ A. Sen
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya 793 103
*Present Address of Corresponding Author: ICAR-CTRI Research Station, Hunsur, Karnataka

Article history: Farming system models are also necessary to achieve food security at household
Received: 24 June, 2022
Revision: 24 June, 2022
level particularly in rural areas of NEH region. To achieve food and nutritional security at
Accepted: 30 June, 2022 household level and to develop sustainable food production system, it is advocated to
-------------------------------------- include crops, animal, fishery, agroforestry and horticulture including many other location
Key words: Agroforestry, crop
production, Intensive Integrated farming specific commodities for long term sustainable production. The productivity of five
system, Meghalaya, Productivity, different IIFS models developed reveal that the fish productivity was recorded highest in
Sustainable Crop-fish-dairy-vermicompost-horticulture-hedgerow system. Among the livestock, daily
weight gain was recorded highest in pig. Highest meat production was from crop-fish-poultry-
multipurpose trees. The Crop- fish-dairy – mushroom vermicompost - horticulture hedgerow
model was the most profitable followed by Crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose trees. Among
these five models, Crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose trees model was the most profitable. While
chicken-crop-fish- duck-horticulture system was ecologically most viable. It was crop-fish-
dairy-mushroom -liquid manure-broom-horticulture-vermiculture system which was
economically most viable with output/input ratio of 1.83(including labour cost) and
2.59 (excluding labour cost), respectively. In mid-hill conditions of Meghalaya, where low
productivity and depleting soil fertility under the low input systems adopted by the farmers
and there is need to develop this kind of IIFS models which can effectively recycle the
available resources to increase the biomass production per unit area with appropriate farming
practices for subsistence of the resource poor farmers as viable alternative to agricultural
development in the region.

1. Introduction crops, horticultural crops, trees, animal husbandry and

Hilly regions of Northeast India are inhabited by fisheries. The emergence of Integrated Farming Systems
various ethnic groups who depend largely on agriculture for (IFS) has enabled us to develop a framework for an
their subsistence. From the ages Jhum (Shifting cultivation) is alternative development model to improve the feasibility of
a major source of economy in its traditional and cultural small sized farming operations in relation to larger ones. In
integrated form which is economically and ecologically this system an inter-related set of enterprises used so that the
viable to the aboriginal people here (R Bhuyan 2019). “waste” from one component becomes an input for another
However due to time factor and high population pressure, part of the system, which reduces cost and improves
jhum has caused drastic decline in crops yield, loss of forest production and/or income. The advantages of IIFS include
wealth, biodiversity and environmental degradation pooling and sharing of resources/inputs, efficient use of
(Ramakrishnan P.S. 1992). Besides this, dependency on sole family labor, conservation, preservation and utilization of
crops or an enterprise is highly risky with under-utilization of farm biomass including non-conventional feed and fodder
resources leading to unsustainable systems. Therefore, it is resources, effective use manure/animal waste, regulation of
essential to have farming systems approach and integrate soil fertility and health, income and employment generation
different components of agriculture such as agricultural for many people and increase economic resources (Bhatt BP
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

& KM Bujarbaruah 2005). The IIFS is part of the strategy to is sandy loamy, characterized by P-deficient acidic Alfisol
ensure sustainable use of the natural resources for the benefit
with pH range 5.2 – 5.5. The climate area falls under humid
of present and future generations (Preston 1995). With a subtropical with observed annual rainfall of 2011mm (in
theme of “there is no waste” and “waste is only misplaced 2013) to 2250mm (in 2019) under rainfed condition during
resources which can be become a valuable material for 2013-19. The Monsoon rainfall ranging from 1182mm (in
another product” (Edwards et al 1986), concept of Integrated 2013) to 1473mm (in 2018). The Tmax was 27.4°C to 28.7°C
farming system (IFS) was ventured. With an aspiration to (in 2013) and 25.1°C to 29.6°C (in 2019), whereas Tmin during
explicate strategies for agricultural development in this region
this period was in the range of 21°C to 20.2°C and 25.7°C to
using appropriate farming practices for subsistence of 19.8°C. In this rainfed condition, the major crops taken were
resource poor farmers, sustainable and profitable farming paddy, maize, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, elephant foot yam,
system models were put in place. With an objective to assess colocasia, vegetables along with fishery, pig, dairy, poultry
the productivity of the whole system, productivity of five and goat as the integrated system in area of 2.52 hectare in
different Intensive Integrated Farming System models was which 1.158 ha was allotted for crop component, 0.79 ha for
estimated. Among these five models, crop-fish-dairy- fish pond and rest for various livestock including fodder area.
vermicompost-horticulture-hedgerow model was found to be Poly culture fingerlings @ 9,000/ha (rohu 20%, catla 30%
most profitable followed by crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose and mrigal 40%) were released into the pond (Table 1).
trees. The findings suggest that the intensive integrated Twenty-five poultry birds (Giriraj) were maintained in the
farming system which furnishes unique opportunities for poultry shed constructed on the fish pond. Goats (14 females
management, enhancing biodiversity and ensuring food + 3 males) were maintained in a shed constructed separately.
security is a feasible alternative through restoration of To sustain the productivity the residues obtained in the
marshy/low lands, water harvesting for agricultural system was recycled. Poultry droppings was allowed to drop
development in the hilly region of NE India. into the pond directly which served as the source of food for
fish. Fishes were harvested after completing one year using
2. Material and methods drag net. Observations on the productivity and economics of
A study site was IIFS farm (colony side) of ICAR Research individual components of 5 subsystems (models) of IIFS
complex for NEH region, Umiam located at 25°39' - along with one unit as a control having no integration were
25°41'N latitude and 91°54' - 91°63'E Longitude with altitude recorded (Table 2).
ranging from 890 – 990m asl. The soil of the experiment site

Table 1. Productivity and stocking density of animal/birds and fishes of different IIFS:
Sl. Stocking density of animals/birds and
IIFS model Productivity/yr
No. fishes
1 Chicken-crop-fish-duckhorticulture Duck: 24 Nos. Duck- 38 nos./ha
along with hedgerow on contour Eggs: 13.5 Kg Fish-9000 fingerlings/ha
bunds. Fish: 6.43 q/ha
2 Crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose trees Live chicken: 6.43q Broiler birds 200/batch
Fish: 4.25 q/ha Fish-9000 fingerlings/ha
3 Crop-fish-goat-multipurpose trees Meat: 116 kg Goat- 12 nos./ha
Fish: 4.29 q/ha Fish-9000 fingerlings/ha
4 Crop-fish-pig-vermicompost - Pork: 0 .78 q/ pig Pigs- 2 nos./ha
bamboo-multipurpose trees Pond underwent repairing and Fish-9000 fingerlings/ha
hedgerow-broom hence fish yield not obtained
5 Crop- fish-dairy-vermicompost- Milk: 1634 liters Cattle- 3 nos./ha
horticulture-hedgerow Fish: 16.22 q/ha Fish-9000 fingerlings/ha

Table 2. Productivity of various IIFS models

IIFS models Area (ha) Components Var./Breed Area (ha) Productivity
Duck-fish- Pond 0.160 Duck (24 nos.) Indian runner 0.166
hedge row- Pond dyke 0.049 Egg 145 nos.
vegetables- Duck shed 0.022 Soya bean JS-335 0.051 2.45 t/ha
annual crops Crop area 0.360 Maize DMH-849 0.19 2.15 t/ha
Hedgerow 0.300 Up land Paddy Bhalum-1 0.032 1.39 t/ha
Total area 0.856 Low land paddy Shasarang 0.12 2.61 t/ha

Turmeric Lakadong 0.05 25.6 t/ha
Ginger Nadia 0.03 15.9 t/ha
Lentil PL126 ,L-4147 0.10 0.7 t/ha
Mustard M-27 0.03 0.4 t/ha
Rapeseed TS-36, Varuna 0.063 0.79 t/ha
Vegetables: 0.14 0.62 t/ha
Poultry-fish Pond 0.143 Poultry birds (200 per Kroiler/Broiler 0.13
Pond dyke 0.058 batch)
Poultry shed 0.013 Eggs 157 nos.
Total area Meat 1100 kg/yr
0.24 Poultry dropping 800 kg/yr
Goat-fish Pond 0.980 Meat (17 nos.) 0.11 190 kg/yr
Pond dyke 0.098
Goat shed 0.008 Goat manure 1700 kg/yr
Total area 0.143
Pig-fish- Pond 0.530 Pig Meat (4 nos.) 0.121 340 kg
MPTs-crops Pond dyke 0.057 Paddy Bhalum-1 0.10 1.2 t/ha
Pig shed 0.001 Groundnut ICGS-76 0.05 1.25 t/ha
Crop area 0.151
Total area 0.306
Cattle-fish- Pond 0.085 Milk 3561 ltr/yr
MPTs-crops- Pond dyke 0.025
vermicompost Dairy shed 0.016 FYM 0.001 18 t/yr
Crop area 0.03 Vermicompost 900 kg/yr
Total area 0.226

Table 3. Economics of IIFS

Farming system BC ratio Net Income (Rs/ha/yr)
Broiler chicken-Crop-Fish-Duck-Horticulture-Nitrogen fixing hedge row 1.69 65,306

Crop-Fish-Poultry-Multipurpose trees 1.57 31,573

Crop-Fish-Goat-MPTs-hedge row 1.60 33,735
Crop-Fish-Pig-Bamboo-MPTs-Fruit trees-Hedge rows 1.47 34,276

Crop-Fish-Dairy-MPTs-Fruit trees-Hedge rows-Vermiculture-Liquid 1.83 1,21,634

Upland crops, and fish farming without integration (control) 1.01 13,965

3. Results and Discussion Bujarbaruah, 2005 during 2000-2007 reveals that monetary
The productivity from all the models was estimated from output/input could further increase if family labour is
Crop, animal and fish production. The integration of crop involved. In the both cases (labour components from farming
with fish, poultry and goat resulted in higher productivity as family or outsourced), the Crop-fish-dairy-MPTs-fruit trees-
compared to control (crop and fish alone). Compared to hedge rows-vermiculture-liquid manure-broom based IIFS
control, net income from Integrated farming system showed ranked first and hence more economically viable system.
more than one-fold increase in poultry, goat and pig-based The productivity of five different IIFS models
systems. Whereas broiler based and dairy based systems developed reveal that the fish productivity was recorded
showed 4-fold and 8-fold increased productivity respectively. highest in Crop-fish-dairy-vermicompost-horticulture-
The results when compared to studies of Bhatt BP & KM hedgerow system (1.13 t/ha). Among the livestock, daily

weight gain was recorded highest in pig (0.29 kg/day). 4. Conclusion
Highest meat production was from crop-fish-poultry- In the present study, Intensive Integrated Farming
multipurpose trees (3.18 q/ha). Among these five models, System (IIFS) with five different land use systems, the
Crop- fish-dairy – mushroom vermicompost - horticulture complementarity of crop-fish-livestock-horticulture-
hedgerow model was the most profitable followed by Crop- agroforestry could be utilized for long term sustainable
fish-poultry-multipurpose trees. Among the livestock, daily production on one hand and to bring food and nutritional
weight gain was recorded highest in pig (0.21 kg/day). security to a farming family having small land holding on the
Highest meat production was from crop-fish-poultry- other. The practical implication of developing such land use
multipurpose trees (0.69 t/ha). Among these five models, models is that the stakeholders could replicate the land
Crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose trees model was the most use model of their choice in similar agro climatic zone in
profitable. Ecological and economic efficiency of various this part of country where jhum has already caused severe
IIFS was worked out. All the systems have been found environmental degradation.
ecologically and economically viable. While chicken-crop-
fish- duck-horticulture system was ecologically most viable 5. Acknowledgements
whereas crop-fish-dairy-mushroom -liquid manure-broom- Authors are thankful to Late Dr. A. Venkatesh for
horticulture-vermiculture system which was economically the valuable contribution towards management of the
most viable with output/input ratio of 1.83 (including experimental site prior to conduct of this work. Thanks are
labour cost) and 2.59 (excluding labour cost), respectively. due to the Directors of ICAR Research Complex for NEH
Among the cropping sequences under integrated farming region, Umiam, Meghalaya namely Dr. S.V. Ngachan, Dr. N.
systems, turmeric-groundnut system yielded the maximum Prakash and Dr. B.K. Kandpal for their consistent guidance
closely followed by vegetables. Integration of fish component and financial support by the Institute to manage IIFS models.
with livestock and crop is a profitable in farming system, Thanks are also due to Mr. Handique, Mr. Tarun Sarma and
productivity of fish was recorded highest in Crop-fish-dairy- Mr. Arjun and agroforestry field labourers for their assistance
vermicompost-horticulture-hedgerow system (1.62 t/ha). in data recording.
Among the animal components daily weight gain was
recorded highest in pig (0.28 kg/day). Highest meat 6. Conflict of Interest
production was from crop-fish-poultry-multipurpose trees There are no conflict of interest
(0.64 t/ha). Among these five models, Crop-fish-poultry-
multipurpose trees model was the most profitable with cost 7. Declaration on Ethical Conduct of Research
benefit ratio (table2). Among the various components, Dairy I declare that this research has been conducted
based model recorded the highest benefit cost ratio (1.76) ethically.
followed by Broiler-duck (1.58) based systems. This was
followed by goat based (1.55), poultry-based system (1.51) 8. References
and pig-based system at ratio 1.42 which is higher than the Ramakrishnan, P.S. (1992). Ecology of shifting agriculture
control (1.09). Results discussed revealed that IFS enables the and ecosystem restoration. In: Ecosystem
agricultural production system sustainable, profitable and Rehabilitation, Volume 2, Ecosystem Analysis and
productive. Most of the nutritional requirement of the system Synthesis (Ed. K Mohan Wali) SPB Academic
is self-sustained through resource recycling. As the number of publishing, Hague, Netherlands, 19-35
enterprises is increased, the profit margin increases. On an Preston T R. (1995). Research, Extension and Training for
average profit margin on account of IFS varied from Rs Sustainable Farming Systems in the Tropics.
31,573 to Rs 1,21,634/ha/annum in comparison with only Livestock Research for Rural Development,
crops and fisheries components as control having net income Volume 7, Number 2:1-8.
at Rs. 13,965 i.e., without any integration. R. Bhuyan. (2019). A Review Note on Shifting Cultivation in
The overall premise of IIFS is to put in place a process for Northeast India amidst Changing Perceptions.
increasing the productivity and promote crop-livestock Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
synergies and interactions that aim to integrate crops and 13: 90-95.
livestock effectively with careful land use, raise the B.P. Bhatt and K.M. Bujarbaruah. 2005. Intensive Integrated
productivity of specific mixed crop-livestock systems, Farming System: A Sustainable Approach of Land
facilitate expansion of food and feed production and use in Eastern Himalayas. Tech. Bull. 46. ICAR
simultaneously safeguard the environment with efficient use Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam,
of natural resources. Meghalaya

Edwards, P. Kaewpaitoon, K, McCoy, E.W. and
Chantachaeng, C. (1986). Pilot small-scale
crop/ livestock fish integrated farm, AIT
Research Report, 184, Bangkok, Thailand, 131

Figure1. Various Components of IIFS

a) Goat + Fish

b) Duck +Rabbit+ Fish

c) Poultry+ Fish

d) Dairy + Fish

e) Crops + Fish

f) Piggery g) Multipurpose tree Parkia roxbhurghii

h) Hedge rows with crop (soybean)


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