Sensorex Modbus User Instruction (Rev 1.1)

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For Sensorex Smart Sensors

JUNE 16, 2021

11751 Markon Drive, Garden Grove, CA, 92841
Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

Thank you for choosing Sensorex Smart Sensor products. This instruction manual is provided to guide the user in the
use of the smart sensor products. It covers all aspects of programming and communication for the sensors. If any
question not covered in this document arise, please contact your Sensorex supplier or [email protected]


Sensor Wiring:
Wire Color Function
Red V+ (7‐40VDC in Modbus mode)
Black V‐
White Modbus A
Green Modbus B

Smart Sensor Remote Electronics Wiring:

See Smart Sensor remote electronics manual.

Sensor Mdbus Defaults:

Baud Rate: 19200
Framing: 8N1
Slave ID: 240

Voltage & Power Requirements:

Sensorex Smart sensors with Modbus 485 output can be powered with 7‐40V DC
In Modbus mode, the minimum power requirements are:
1. pH <90mw
2. ORP <90mW
3. EC(Conductivity) <50mW
4. DO <90mW
5. Toroidal <75mW
6. FCL <90mW
Start waiting time is >10 seconds**(see pg 3)


Rev Level Date Notes
1.0 6/14/2021 AZ/SE- 1st release
1.1 6/24/2021 SE- Added startup wait note to 1. DEVICE ADDRESS. Page 3

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

Table of Contents
1. Device Address ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. Baud Rate ............................................................................................................................. 3
3. Data Format .......................................................................................................................... 3
4. Read Register (Function Code 03/0x03) ............................................................................... 4
4.1 Modbus Read Query Message .......................................................................................... 4
4.2 Modbus Read Response Message ................................................................................... 4
5. Write Single Register (Function Code 06 / 0x06) .................................................................. 5
5.1 Unlock Write Protection ..................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Modbus Write Query Message .......................................................................................... 6
6. Write Multiple Registers (Function Code 16 / 0x10) .............................................................. 7
6.1 Unlock Write Protection ..................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Modbus Write Query Message .......................................................................................... 7
6.3 Modbus Write Response Message .................................................................................... 7
7. Sensor Measurement Data Register ..................................................................................... 9
7.1 Probe Value, Temperature and Alternate value ............................................................ 7
7.2 Probe Raw Value .............................................................................................................. 7
8. Sensor Calibration Data Register ........................................................................................ 10
8.1 Calibration Data Storage ............................................................................................. 10
8.2 User Calibration ............................................................................................................. 9
8.3 Temperature Calibration .............................................................................................. 10
8.4 Free Chlorine sensor Calibration will be added up later .............................................. 10
9. Operation Mode and 4-20mA Scale Setup ......................................................................... 12
9.1 Operation Mode ........................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Current Loop 4-20mA Scale Setup .............................................................................. 10
10. Temperature Coefficient Data Register ............................................................................... 12
11. Firmware Version ................................................................................................................ 12
12. Model Number ..................................................................................................................... 12
13. Serial Number ..................................................................................................................... 13
14. User label ............................................................................................................................ 13
15. Manufacture Date ................................................................................................................ 13
16. Exception Responses and Exception Codes ...................................................................... 11
16.1 Exception Responses ...................................................................................................... 13
16.2 Exception Codes ............................................................................................................. 14
17. Sensor Soft Reset ............................................................................................................... 15
18. Sensorex Modbus Register List .......................................................................................... 15

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction

Modbus is a simple and robust standard communication protocol. Sensorex Smart Sensor is
designed to function as a Modbus Slave on a multi-drop RS485 serial connection using the
Modbus RTU (remote terminal unit) protocol. Please refer to Modbus Application Protocol
Specification V1.1b3 (April 26, 2012) for more detailed about each protocol specification. The
Remote Terminal Unit serial protocol is described in MODBUS over Serial Line, Specification and
Implementation Guide, V1.02.
Each sensor has four wires: two for RS485 (white is A, green is B) and two for power (red is V+,
Black is V-). When in the Modbus mode, a Modbus master devise can read and configure the
sensor. Since RS-485 uses half-duplex communication, master switches to transmitting state to
send a command then switches to receiver state and waits for a response. The waiting time for
master to receive a response should be at least 200 milliseconds for the slave to process the
command and send out the response.
It is important to remember that all setup changes requires a power (on then off) cycle or soft
reset to accept any changes.
Sensorex Smart Sensors are capable of reading and writing in the 4-20mA loop current mode.
Any changes to the 4-20mA scale require the Modbus communication interface.

1. Device Address

The device address in register 0 is also called slave ID. Valid device addresses are 1-247
decimal. Factory default is 240. Slave ID 0 is reserved for broadcast mode and will not supported
at this time. **Note: All smart sensors have a default setup at the startup window time. The user
must wait at least 10 seconds at the power up time before starting Modbus communication for slave
ID’s other than 240, or multiple drops connections.

2. Baud Rate

The Baud Rate in register 1 is selectable via the Modbus Communications Interface. The
selectable baud rates are 9600, 19.2k or 38.4K bits per second. Value 9 is 9600, 19 is 19.2K and
38 is 38.4K. The default baud rate is 19.2K.
Baud Rate Value Access
9600 9 Read/Write
19,200 19 Read/Write
38,400 38 Read/Write

3. Data Format

The Data Format in register 2 is selectable via the Modbus Communications Interface. The
selectable data formats are as follows. The default value is 0 that means 8-N-1 format.

Data Bits Parity Stop Bit Format Register

8 None 1 8-N-1 0

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

8 Even 1 8-E-1 1
8 Odd 1 8-O-1 2
8 None 2 8-N-2 3

Important note: The default communication setup Slave ID=240, Baud rate 19.2K bit/second, 8
data bits, no parity and one stop bit. In case the configuration set by user is forgotten and
communication is not working, your smart sensor has a startup window to rebuild the
communication with the default setup upon power up.

4. Read Register (Function Code 03/0x03)

4.1 Modbus Read Query Message

Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID (Address)

2nd Function Code 03 Function Code
3rd Starting Register Hi* 00-FF (Hex) Currently Not Used (00)
4th Starting Register Lo* 00-FF (Hex) Commands
5th No. of Registers Hi 00 Currently Not Used (00)
6th No. of Registers Lo 01 No. of 16-Bit Registers
7th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
8th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

* Note: Start register can be a maximum of 9999 Address Locations (0000-270E)

Example 1- read six registers (3 float point data) from address 03 for a pH sensor (Slave ID 240).

Command: Read probe value, Temperature, probe alternate value

byte index byte description Example (Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 3
2 Reg_Addr_H 0
3 Reg_Addr_L 3 Start to read/write
4 Number of regester_H 0 Beckhoff FB. MBAdrr
5 Number of regester_L 6 How many data read/write
6 CRC16_L 20 in Beckhoff is FB. Quantity
7 CRC16_H E9

4.2 Modbus Read Response Message

Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID (Address)

2nd Function Code 03 Read Holding Registers
3rd Byte Count 02 No. of Data Bytes
4th Data Hi 00-FF (Hex) Hi Byte Status Data

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

5th Data Lo 00-FF (Hex) Lo Byte Status Data

6th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
7th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

Example 2 –Return to request of example 1.

Response: pH=10.37, Temp.=24.67, mV=‐235.65

byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 3
2 byte count C
3 pH_HH 41
4 pH_HL 25 37 decimal
5 pH_LH FF
6 pH_LL 55
7 Temp_HH 41
8 Temp_HL C5
9 Temp_LH 57
10 Temp_LL 60
11 mV_HH C3
12 mV_HL 6B
13 mV_LH A7
14 mV_LL 72
15 CRC16_L 78
16 CRC16_H F6

5. Write Single Register (Function Code 06 / 0x06)

5.1 Unlock Write Protection

Sensorex Smart sensor has write protection feature. It is required to use a password to
access the register value change. An unlock command must be carried out before writing
to single register. The command is as below. Password is “SX” that in hex is 0x5358.

sub command 87 with

Command: value 0x5358 Unlock write protection
byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 6
2 Sub Command H 0
3 Sub Command L 57
4 password _H 53
5 password _L 58

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

6 CRC16_L 10
7 CRC16_H 31

Unlock Command Response Message

The slave sensor will respond with the same message as master sent.

5.2 Modbus Write Query Message

After the slave response for the unlock command has been received by the master, the
master will send the write command as below in order to write a single 16 bit register in
the sensor.
Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID

2nd Function Code 06 Preset Single Register
3rd Start Register Hi 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Hi
4th Start Register Lo 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Lo
5th Preset Data Hi 00-FF (Hex) Value Hi Byte
6th Preset Data Lo 00-FF (Hex) Value Lo Byte
7th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
8th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

Example 3 Change Slave ID to 1

Command Change Slave ID to 1

byte index byte description Example (Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 6
2 Register H 0
3 Register L 0
4 Value number _H 0
5 Value number _L 1
6 CRC16_L 5D
7 CRC16_H 2B
Modbus Write Response Message is as the same as master sent as Example 3.

Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID

2nd Function Code 06 Preset Single Register
3rd Start Register Hi 00 Sensor register Hi
4th Start Register Lo 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Lo
5th Preset Data Hi 00-FF (Hex) Value Hi Byte
6th Preset Data Lo 00-FF (Hex) Value Lo Byte
7th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
8th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

6. Write Multiple Registers (Function Code 16 / 0x10)

6.1 Unlock Write Protection

As shown in section 5, an unlock command must be carried out before you can write to
single register. The command is as below. Password is “SX” that in hex is 0x5358.

sub command 87 with

Command: value 0x5358 Unlock write protection
byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 6
2 Sub Command H 0
3 Sub Command L 57
4 password _H 53
5 password _L 58
6 CRC16_L 10
7 CRC16_H 31

Unlock Command Response Message

The slave sensor will respond with the same message as master sent.

6.2 Modbus Write Query Message

After the slave response has been received for the unlock command, send the write
command as shown below. (Example to write four registers)

Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID

2nd Function Code 16 Preset Single Register
3rd Start Register Hi 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Hi
4th Start Register Lo 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Lo
5th Number of Register Hi 00 number Hi Byte
6th Number of Register Lo 0x04 number Lo Byte
7th Byte count 0x08 number of register x2
8th Byte 0 00-FF (Hex) data to write
9th Byte 1 00-FF (Hex) data to write
10th Byte 2 00-FF (Hex) data to write
11th Byte 3 00-FF (Hex) data to write
12th Byte 4 00-FF (Hex) data to write
13th Byte 5 00-FF (Hex) data to write
14th Byte 6 00-FF (Hex) data to write
15th Byte 7 00-FF (Hex) data to write
16th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
17th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

Example 4. Write a float point number 10.0 into register 90

write 10.0 into

Command: address 90
byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 10
2 Reg_Addr_H 0
3 Reg_Addr_L 5A
4 Number of regester_H 0
5 Number of regester_L 2
6 Byte Count 4
7 Value_HH 41
8 Value_HL 20
9 Value_LH 0
10 Value_LL 0
11 CRC16_L 64
12 CRC16_H E5

6.3 Modbus Write Response Message

The response returned from slave is 8 bytes.

Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID

2nd Function Code 16 command code
3rd Start Register Hi 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Hi
4th Start Register Lo 00-FF (Hex) Sensor register Lo
5th Number of Register Hi 00 number Hi Byte
6th Number of Register Lo 0x02 number Lo Byte
7th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
8th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

Example 5. Write Response Message for example 4.

byte index byte description Example(Hex)

0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 10
2 Reg_Addr_H 0
3 Reg_Addr_L 5A
4 Number of regester_H 0
5 Number of regester_L 2

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

6 CRC16_L 74
7 CRC16_H FA

7. Sensor Measurement Data Register

7.1 Probe Value, Temperature and Alternate value
Registers 3 to 7 are float point data for probe value, temperature in degree C and alternate probe
value. The table below is the list for the Sensorex smart sensor. There is no data available for
ORP temperature value. Register 80-81 is for DO sensor ppm value. Conductivity sensor and
toroidal conductivity sensors use the same units. The alternate value is salinity in ppt (parts per

Sensor Type pH ORP DO FCL Conductivity

Register 3‐4 pH mV % ppm uS
Register 5‐6 °C xxx °C °C °C
Register 7‐8 mV mV_raw mV nA ppt

The float point is 32 bit IEEE751 standard that reads out with high bytes first. See example 2.

7.2 Probe Raw Value

Register 86-87 is the probe manufacture calibrated value before user calibration of Register 3-4.
It is a float point data. This data should be used for user calibration.
Example 6. Read probe raw value
Command: Read probe raw value
byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 3
2 Reg_Addr_H 0
3 Reg_Addr_L 56
4 Number of regester_H 0
5 Number of regester_L 2
6 CRC16_L 31
7 CRC16_H 3A
The Sensor response message.
Example : pH raw value =11.16
byte index byte description
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 3
2 byte count 4
3 pH_raw_HH 41
4 pH_raw_HL 32
5 pH_raw_LH 91
6 pH_raw_LL 97

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7 CRC16_L 83
8 CRC16_H 31

8. Sensor Calibration Data Register

8.1 Calibration Data Storage
Registers 90 to 133 are for Calibration data storage. There are two data pairs for calibration. Data
pair A is Calibration Reference A and measurement reading A. Data pair B is Calibration
Reference B and measurement reading B. All are float point data. Calibration data should be
stored into sensor memory. See table below.
When register 90 data is overwritten, the previous data is copied into register 104 Cal-Point-A1,
and register 104 data is copied into register 118 Cal-Point-A2. The same processing is carried by
sensor for register 92, 94, 96 and 98. Register 98-103 is 12 ASCII bytes for a time stamp such as
YYYYMMDDHHmm (year, month, day, hour, and minutes). Writing the time stamp will also make
an increment for the calibration number of register 132.
Register Addr. Register name Register count Bytes Read write access
90 Cal_point_A 2 4 Read/write
92 Meas_point_A 2 4 Read/write
94 Cal_point_B 2 4 Read/write
96 Meas_point_B 2 4 Read/write
98 Cal_Time 6 12 Read/write
104 Cal_point_A1 2 4 Read
106 Meas_point_A1 2 4 Read
108 Cal_point_B1 2 4 Read
110 Meas_point_B1 2 4 Read
112 Cal_Time1 6 12 Read
118 Cal_point_A2 2 4 Read
120 Meas_point_A2 2 4 Read
122 Cal_point_B2 2 4 Read
124 Meas_point_B2 2 4 Read
126 Cal_Time2 6 12 Read
132 Cal_Number 1 2 Read

8.2. User Calibration

In most cases, a two-point calibration is recommended. In case of use one point calibration, point
A and B should be different value for sensor to calculate slope and offset.
Slope =(Cal_point_B-Cal_point_A)/(Meas_point_B-Meas_point_A)
Offset =Cal_point_A-slope*Meas_point_A

Here is the calibration step:

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

1. Put probe into buffer A. read the probe raw measurement of register 86-87 see Example 6.
When the reading value is stable, write down the reference value and measurement value.
Such as reference buffer is 4.0pH, measured value is 3.86pH.
2. Rinse the probe and put probe into buffer B. Read the probe raw measurement of register
86-87. When the reading value is stable, write down the reference value and
measurement value, such as reference buffer is 10.0pH, measured value is 9.56pH.
3. Write value 4.0 to register 90-91. Write 3.86 to register 92-93. Write 10.0 to register 94-95.
Write value 9.56 to register 96-97. Write 12 bytes ASCII string into register 98-103.
Remember to unlock write protection for every write command. There is no combined
write for all calibration data, in another word, one-write command for one float point.
Because the sensor will do the copy processing for every calibration data storage. See
unlock command and example 4.
Example 7. Write 12 bytes of Calibration Time Digits into register 98-103.
Command: write '201903221130' into register 98
byte index byte description Example(Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 10
2 Reg_Addr_H 0
3 Reg_Addr_L 62
4 Number of regester_H 0
5 Number of regester_L 6
6 Byte Count C
7 byte0 32
8 byte1 31
9 byte2 31
10 byte3 39
11 byte4 30
12 byte5 33
13 byte6 32
14 byte7 32
15 byte8 31
16 byte9 31
17 byte10 33
18 byte11 30
19 CRC16_L B2
20 CRC16_H 8D

8.3 Temperature Calibration

Register 66-67 is the offset for temperature calibration. To do the calibration, first read out
the offset value in register 66-67. Then read the measured temperature in the register 5-6.
The new offset value is
Offset_new =T_ref-T_meas+Offset.

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

Here T_ref is reference temperature. T_meas is measured temperature.

Write the Offset_new into register 66-67, the updated temperature reading should be close to
reference temperature.
8.4 Free Chlorine sensor Calibration will be added in a later revision of this manual.

9. Operation Mode and 4-20mA Scale Setup

9.1 Operation Mode

Sensorex smart sensor can communication in one of two ways: Modbus or 4-20mA current loop
signaling over the power line. The operation mode can be switched from Modbus to 4-20mA loop
current mode by changing the operating mode to 2 in register 52 (default is Modbus). Please
follow the example 3 of writing a single register for the operating mode change. Recycle the
power for the new setup to take effect.
9.2 Current Loop 4-20mA Scale Setup
The Modbus is function in the 4-20mA loop current mode. The user can configure the 4-20mA
scale by changing the value in register 11-12 (4mA probe value) and register 13-14 (20mA probe
value). Recycle the power after the new 4-20mA scale setup to write these changes to the sensor.
Please follow Example 4 of write multiple register for the 4-20mA scale change.
10. Temperature Coefficient Data Register

Temperature coefficient in register 46-47 is used for the temperature compensation of

conductivity measurement. The default value is 0.02. That is 2% per degree C. The user can
change the value as the application requires. Follow the example 4 for the float point data write.
11. Firmware Version
Register 34-39, Sensor firmware version is a 12 bytes ASCII string. There are four fields
separated by dashes. The first field is sensor type such as “ph”, “orp” or “cl”. A number behind
represents a new design update. The second field number represents the firmware owner
(example 3 is for Sensorex). The third number is a major revision and the fourth field is a minor

Example 8. Firmware Revision

“cp2-3-0-4” – Contact conductivity sensor with second design change, firmware for
Sensorex sensors. Major reversion 0 and minor reversion 4.
“ph-3-0-4” – pH sensor.
“cl-3-0-4” – Free Chlorine sensor.
“do-3-0-4” -– Dissolved oxygen sensor.
“to2-3-0-4” -– Toroidal conductivity sensor with second design change.
“orp-3-0-4” – ORP sensor.

12. Model Number

Register 16-21. Model number is a 12 byte ASCII string indicating product model number
such as EM802-EC-MB2.

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

13. Serial Number

Register 22-27. It is a 12 byte ASCII string indicating manufacturing serial number such
as 2021012811.

14. User label

Register 28-33. It is a space of 12 bytes ASCII reserved for user labeling the sensor.

15. Manufacture Date

Register 28-33. It is a 12 bytes ASCII string indicating manufacturing date such as 2019-

16. Exception Responses and Exception Codes

16.1 Exception Response

In a normal communications query and response, the master device sends a query to the Sensor
and the Sensor receives the query without a communications error and handles the query
normally within the master device’s allowable timeout. The Sensor then returns a normal
response to the master. An abnormal communications produces one of four possible events.
1) If the Sensor does not receive the query due to a communications error, then no response is
returned from the Sensor and the master device will eventually process a timeout condition for
the query.
2) If the Sensor receives the query, but detects a communication error (CRC, etc.), then no
response is returned from the Sensor and the master device will eventually process a timeout
condition for the query.
3) If the Sensor receives the query without a communications error, but cannot process the
response to the master within the master’s timeout setting, then no response is returned from
the Sensor and the master device will eventually process a timeout condition for the query. In
order to prevent this condition from occurring the maximum response time for the
Sensor is 200 milliseconds. Therefore the Master’s Timeout Setting should be set to
200 milliseconds or greater.
4) If the Sensor receives the query without a communications error, but cannot process it due to
reading or writing to a non-existent Sensor command register, then the Sensor will return an
exception response message informing the master of the error.

The exception response message (ref. No. 4 above) has two fields that differentiate it from a
normal response:
Byte Modbus Range Referenced to Sensor

1st Slave Address 1-247* (Decimal) Sensor ID (Address)

2nd Function Code 83, 86 or 90 (Hex) Function Code + 0x80(Hex)

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3rd Exception Code 01 - 06 (Hex) Appropriate Exception Code (See

4th CRC Lo 00-FF (Hex) CRC Lo Byte
5 th CRC Hi 00-FF (Hex) CRC Hi Byte

16.2 Exception Code

Exception Code Field: In a normal response, the Sensor returns data and status in the data
field, which was requested in the query from the master. In an exception response, the Sensor
returns an exception code in the data field, which describes the Sensor condition that caused the
exception. Below is a list of exception codes that are supported by the Sensorex Modbus:
Code Name Description
01 Illegal Function The function code received in the query is not an allowable action
for the Sensor.
02 Illegal Data Address The data address received in the query is not allowable address
for the Sensor.
03 Illegal Data Value A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value
for the Sensor.
04 Slave Device Failure An unrecoverable error occurred while the Sensor was
attempting to perform the requested action.
05 Acknowledge Sensor has accepted the request and is processing it, but a
long duration of time will be required to do so. This response is
returned to prevent a timeout error from occurring in the master.
06 Device Busy The Sensor is engaged in processing a long-duration program
command. The master should retransmit the message later
when the slave is free.
17. Soft Reset Sensor
Sensorex Modbus has a soft reset command that resets (reboots) the sensor without cycling the
power. That is convenient in configuration for the multi-drop application. The following is the
command detail. The sub-command is 89(0x59) and the password is ASCII “RX” that is 0x5258 in
Command Soft Reset sensor
byte index byte description Example (Hex)
0 Slave ID F0
1 Function Code 6
2 Register H 0
3 Register L 59
4 Password _H 52
5 Password _L 58
6 CRC16_L 70
7 CRC16_H 62

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The return response is the same as the message the master sent. Then slave sensor will take a
few seconds for reboot.

18. Sensorex Modbus Register List

This register List is also a memory map for sensor to access the manufacturing calibration
parameters when processing the measurement data. Some of them are for manufacture
calibration mode. Many important factor data is using for calculation on the run time. Please take
precaution when writing into register. Any improper write will cause sensor malfunction.

Address Register Name Format count Bytes ACCESS
0 modbus_address uint8 1 2 Read/write
1 baud_rate uint8 1 2 Read/write
2 serial_format uint8 1 2 Read/write Write/read
3 probe_value float 2 4 Read only
5 probe_temp_c grade float 2 4 Read only
7 probe_alternate_value float 2 4 Read only Read
9 loop_current_ma float 2 4 Read only
11 probe_value_min float 2 4 Read/write
13 probe_value_max float 2 4 Read/write
15 probe range uint16 1 2 Read only
16 model_number char12 6 12 Read only
22 serial_number char12 6 12 Read only
28 user_label char12 6 12 Read/write
34 firmware_version char12 6 12 Read only
40 manufacture_date char12 6 12 Read only
46 temperature_coefficient float 2 4 Read/Write
48 pressure_torr uint16 1 2 Read/write
50 salinity_ppm uint16 1 2 Read
51 reed_switch_active uint16 1 2 Read
52 operating_mode uint16 1 2 Read/write
53 override_mode uint16 1 2 Read
54 override_value float 2 4 Read
56 probe_duty_cycle_c2 float 2 4 Read
58 probe_duty_cycle_c1 float 2 4 Read
60 probe_duty_cycle_c0 float 2 4 Read
62 probe_temp_c2 float 2 4 Read
64 probe_temp_c1 float 2 4 Read
66 probe_temp_c0 float 2 4 Read/write
68 probe_value_c2 float 2 4 Read
70 probe_value_c1 float 2 4 Read
72 probe_value_c0 float 2 4 Read

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74 calib_mode_c2 float 2 4 Read

76 calib_mode_c1 float 2 4 Read
78 calib_mode_c0 float 2 4 Read
80 DO/ppm float 2 4 Read
82 probe_value_raw float 2 4 Read
84 probe_temp_raw float 2 4 Read
86 instrument_temp_raw float 2 4 Read
88 instrument_temp_c float 2 4 Read
90 Cal_point_A float 2 4 Read/write
92 Meas_point_A float 2 4 Read/write
94 Cal_point_B float 2 4 Read/write
96 Meas_point_B float 2 4 Read/write
98 Cal_Time char12 6 12 Read/write
104 Cal_point_A1 float 2 4 Read
106 Meas_point_A1 float 2 4 Read
108 Cal_point_B1 float 2 4 Read
110 Meas_point_B1 float 2 4 Read
112 Cal_Time1 char12 6 12 Read
118 Cal_point_A2 float 2 4 Read
120 Meas_point_A2 float 2 4 Read
122 Cal_point_B2 float 2 4 Read
124 Meas_point_B2 float 2 4 Read
126 Cal_Time2 char12 6 12 Read
132 Cal_number uint16 1 2 Read
134 Cal_ppm0 float 2 4 Read/write
136 Meas_nA0 float 2 4 Read/write
138 Cal_ppm1 float 2 4 Read/write
140 Meas_nA1 float 2 4 Read/write
142 Cal_Temp float 2 4 Read/write
144 Cal_pH float 2 4 Read/write
146 FCL_Cal_Time char12 6 12 Read/write
152 FactorA1 float 2 4 Read
154 FactorA2 float 2 4 Read
156 FactorA3 float 2 4 Read
158 FactorA4 float 2 4 Read
160 FactorB1 float 2 4 Read
162 FactorB2 float 2 4 Read
164 FactorB3 float 2 4 Read
166 FactorB4 float 2 4 Read
168 FactorC1 float 2 4 Read
170 FactorC2 float 2 4 Read

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Sensorex Smart Sensor Modbus User Instruction Rev. 1.0

172 FactorC3 float 2 4 Read

174 FactorC4 float 2 4 Read
176 Cell_Const1 float 2 4 Read
178 MiddlePoint float 2 4 Read
180 Zero_Cutoff float 2 4 Read
182 Parameter0 float 2 4 Read
184 Parameter1 float 2 4 Read
186 Parameter2 float 2 4 Read
188 Parameter3 float 2 4 Read
190 Parameter4 float 2 4 Read
192 Parameter5 float 2 4 Read
194 Parameter6 float 2 4 Read
196 Pwm_Counts_4mA uint16 1 2 Read/write
197 Pwm_Counts_20mA uint16 1 2 Read/write
198 Pwm_Counts uint16 1 2 Read

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