About Maha Card

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Innovative Financing

Installation, Operation and Maintenance of

Automatic Fare Collection System on the basis of PPP.

Technical details of Maha Card

Ÿ Maha card is a dual interface card i.e. chip based contact and EMV
based contact-less smart card.
Ÿ Maha card can be used for transit purposes in Maha Metro, feeder
busses, parking, retail transactions, utility payments etc.
Ÿ Maha cards may be issued at the metro stations and at the branches of SBI.

AFC Business Model

Ÿ Consortium led by M/s. State Bank of India (SBI) along with M/s. Aurion Pro
& M/s. SC Soft as other partners are Maha-Metro’s contractor for Automatic
Fare Collection.
Ÿ Full up-front Capital Cost of Rs. 260 Crores to be borne by the Consortium.
Ÿ Maintenance cost for 10 years will also be borne by the Consortium.
Ÿ Consortium will pay royalty of Rs. 30 Crores to Maha-Metro.
Ÿ Consortium gets 4% Fare-box Revenue Share of Nagpur Metro.
Ÿ Maha-Metro will get 25% share on transaction costs of non-transit use of card.
Ÿ Consortium has exclusive issuance rights for Metro & Bus commuters.

The above resulted in total savings of Rs. 300 Crores from DPR cost
to Maha-Metro.

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