My Consumer Responsibilities - Ethical Shopping 1 1

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My Consumer Responsibilities- Sustainable

Development and Ethical Shopping

Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. In other words, it is for people to be able to use resources without
resources running out.
To do this, we as consumers can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and
synthetic chemicals, reduce destruction of natural elements, and enable
people globally to live in a world that meets their needs.
The UN Sustainable Development Chart
Ethical Shopping

When buying goods and services, we make a choice about what

type of business we give our money to.
If a person chooses to buy goods from an ethical business- one that
behaves in a way that is fair to the environment, their customers,
and their workers, then they are supporting this type of business
with their purchase.
If a person chooses to buy goods from an unethical business- one
that behaves in a way that they exploit their workers or pollutes the
environment, then they are supporting that type of business when
they purchase
Ethical Businesses- The Triple Bottom Line
Ethical business operates a triple bottom line- where they aim to
make a Profit, be fair to People, and protect the Planet
The Effects of our Shopping Choices
1. The Environment
Online Shopping
Have you ever considered how far something bought online has to
travel before it gets to your house? Think of the different types of
transports and the pollution it creates
The pollution of land, air, and sea from dumping and waste is a huge
Climate Change
Rising levels of carbon dioxide gas from pollution is causing the
Earth’s climate to change- through consumers use of burning oil, gas
2. Labour Exploitation

Child Labour, poor working conditions, unfair wages. There are many
companies who we buy from who adapt these strategies when
making their products and services- does Fair Trade matter to you?

Fairtrade ensures that producers in less developed countries get a

fair price for their produce. Common Fairtrade goods include
chocolate and coffee.

3. Animal Testing and habitat loss

Many cosmetic and cleaning products are tested on animals before
consumers use them. Many natural habitats for animals are
destroyed like forests to provide consumer goods and services
4. Food Choices
Food that is not healthy is being purchased that contain lots of
sugars, additives, and fats. This is creating huge health problems
down the line.
5. Globalisation
A lot of large, multinational companies are locating in Ireland and
forcing smaller, indigenous companies and family owned businesses
to close down. These companies have no loyalty to Ireland and could
move tomorrow. Which business do you shop in?

Product Labels to look out for in ethical shopping

How can I be responsible?
 Be aware of your purchasing- When buying goods and services,
understand the journey of these products/services. You can
then choose an alternative product
 Read the labels- Labels provide key sources of information such
as ingredients, company name, environmental impact etc…
 Know your values- This is a personal question- what is
important to you
 Don’t make unnecessary purchases
 Advise others close to you on what you have learned

How can a business be responsible?

We can only act ethically, if business’s themselves behaved in an
ethical way. A business that is conscious of their behaviour and
impact on producing goods and services is behaving with Corporate
Social Responsibility.
They can achieve this by:
 Not misleading consumers about products and services
 Keep the environment in mind, recycle, do not dump illegally,
replant trees etc…
 Engaging in fair labour practices and treating employees with
 Paying a fair price to suppliers
 Not testing products on animals
Class task: Using the link below, research any business select 10
points of information on their Corporate Social Responsibility

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