OceanofPDF - Com Python 101 - Michael Driscoll
OceanofPDF - Com Python 101 - Michael Driscoll
OceanofPDF - Com Python 101 - Michael Driscoll
Michael Driscoll
* * * * *
This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the
Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-
progress ebook using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader
feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you
* * * * *
Let me spend a few moments explaining what each part has to offer. In part
one, we will cover the following:
Part two will talk about some of Python’s standard library. The standard
library is what comes pre-packaged with Python. It is made up of modules
that you can import to get added functionality. For example, you can import
the math module to gain some high level math functions. I will be cherry
picking the modules I use the most as a day-to-day professional and
explaining how they work. The reason I think this is a good idea is that they
are common, every day modules that I think you will benefit knowing about
at the beginning of your Python education. This section will also cover
various ways to install 3rd party modules. Finally, I will cover how to create
your own modules and packages and why you’d want to do that in the first
place. Here are some of the modules we will be covering:
smtplib / email
thread / queues
time / datetime
Part three will cover intermediate odds and ends. These are topics that are
handy to know, but not necessarily required to be able to program in
Python. The topics covered are:
Part four will be made up of small tutorials that will help you to learn how
to use Python in a practical way. In this way, you will learn how to create
Python programs that can actually do something useful! You can take the
knowledge in these tutorials to create your own scripts. Ideas for further
enhancements to these mini-applications will be provided at the end of each
tutorial so you will have something that you can try out on your own. Here
are a few of the 3rd party packages that we’ll be covering:
Part five is going to cover how to take your code and give it to your friends,
family and the world! You will learn the following:
The chapters and sections may not all be the same length. While every topic
will be covered well, not every topic will require the same page count.
Some people think Python is just for writing little scripts to glue together
“real” code, like C++ or Haskell. However you will find Python to be
useful in almost any situation. Python is used by lots of big name
companies such as Google, NASA, LinkedIn, Industrial Light & Magic,
and many others. Python is used not only on the backend, but also on the
front. In case you’re new to the computer science field, backend
programming is the stuff that’s behind the scenes; things like database
processing, document generation, etc. Frontend processing is the pretty stuff
most users are familiar with, such as web pages or desktop user interfaces.
For example, there are some really nice Python GUI toolkits such as
wxPython, PySide, and Kivy. There are also several web frameworks like
Django, Pyramid, and Flask. You might find it surprising to know that
Django is used for Instagram and Pinterest. If you have used these or many
other websites, then you have used something that’s powered by Python
without even realizing it!
As with most technical books, this one includes a few conventions that you
need to be aware of. New topics and terminology will be in bold. You will
also see some examples that look like the following:
1 >>> myString = "Welcome to Python!"
The >>> is a Python prompt symbol. You will see this in the Python
interpreter and in IDLE. You will learn more about each of these in the
first chapter. Other code examples will be shown in a similar manner, but
without the >>>.
You will need a working Python 3 installation. The examples should work
in either Python 2.x or 3.x unless specifically marked otherwise. Most
Linux and Mac machines come with Python already installed. However, if
you happen to find yourself without Python, you can go download a copy
from http://python.org/download/. There are up-to-date installation
instructions on their website, so I won’t include any installation instructions
in this book. Any additional requirements will be explained later on in the
Reader Feedback
I welcome feedback about my writings. If you’d like to let me know what
you thought of the book, you can send comments to the following address:
I try my best not to publish errors in my writings, but it happens from time
to time. If you happen to see an error in this book, feel free to let me know
by emailing me at the following:
[email protected]
Part I - Learning the Basics
In Part I, we will learn the basics of the Python programming language.
This section of the book should get you ready to use all the building blocks
of Python so that you will be ready to tackle the following sections
Lists, Dictionaries and Tuples
Conditional statements
Exception Handling
File I/O
Importing modules and packages
The first chapter in this section will familiarize you with Python’s built-in
development environment that is known as IDLE. The next couple of
chapters will go over some of Python’s types, such as strings, lists, and
dictionaries. After that we’ll look at conditional statements in Python and
looping using Python’s for and while loops.
To open up IDLE, you will need to find it and you’ll see something like
Yes, it’s a Python shell where you can type short scripts and see their output
immediately and even interact with code in real time. There is no compiling
of the code as Python is an interpretive language and runs in the Python
interpreter. Let’s write your first program now. Type the following after the
command prompt (>>>) in IDLE:
1 print("Hello from Python!")
You have just written your first program! All your program does is write a
string to the screen, but you’ll find that very helpful later on. Please note
that the print statement has changed in Python 3.x. In Python 2.x, you
would have written the above like this:
1 print "Hello from Python!"
In Python 3, the print statement was turned into a print function, which is
why parentheses are required. You will learn what functions are in chapter
If you want to save your code into a file, go to the File menu and choose
New Window (or press CTRL+N). Now you can type in your program and
save it here. The primary benefit of using the Python shell is that you can
experiment with small snippets to see how your code will behave before
you put the code into a real program. The code editor screen looks a little
different than the IDLE screenshot above:
Now we’ll spend a little time looking at IDLE’s other useful features.
Python comes with lots of modules and packages that you can import to add
new features. For example, you can import the math module for all kinds of
good math functions, like square roots, cosines, etcetera. In the File menu,
you’ll find a Path Browser which is useful for figuring out where Python
looks for module imports. You see, Python first looks in the same directory
as the script that is running to see if the file it needs to import is there. Then
it checks a predefined list of other locations. You can actually add and
remove locations as well. The Path Browser will show you where these files
are located on your hard drive, if you have imported anything. My Path
Browser looks like this:
Next there’s a Class Browser that will help you navigate your code. This is
actually something that won’t be very useful to you right now, but will be in
the future. You’ll find it helpful when you have lots of lines of code in a
single file as it will give you a “tree-like” interface for your code. Note that
you won’t be able to load the Class Browser unless you have actually saved
your program.
The Edit menu has your typical features, such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo,
Redo and Select All. It also contains various ways to search your code and
do a search and replace. Finally, the Edit menu has some menu items that
will Show you various things, such as highlighting parentheses or
displaying the auto-complete list.
The Format menu has lots of useful functionality. It has some helpful items
for indenting and dedenting your code, as well as commenting out your
code. I find that pretty helpful when I’m testing my code. Commenting out
your code can be very helpful. One way it can be helpful is when you have
a lot of code and you need to find out why it’s not working correctly.
Commenting out portions of it and re-running the script can help you figure
out where you went wrong. You just go along slowly uncommenting out
stuff until you hit your bug. Which reminds me; you may have noticed that
the main IDLE screen has a Debugger menu. That is nice for debugging,
but only in the Shell window. Sadly you cannot use the debugger in your
main editing menu. If you need a more versatile debugger, you should
either find a different IDE or try Python’s debugger found in the pdb
The Run menu has a couple of handy options. You can use it to bring up the
Python Shell, check your code for errors, or run your code. The Options
menu doesn’t have very many items. It does have a Configure option that
allows you to change the code highlighting colors, fonts and key shortcuts.
Other than that, you get a Code Context option that is helpful in that it puts
an overlay in the editing window which will show you which class or
function you’re currently in. We will be explaining functions and classes
near the end of Part I. You will find this feature is useful whenever you
have a lot of code in a function and the name has scrolled off the top of the
screen. With this option enabled, that doesn’t happen. Of course, if the
function is too large to fit on one screen, then it may be getting too long and
it could be time to break that function down into multiple functions.
The Windows menu shows you a list of currently open Windows and
allows you to switch between them.
Last but not least is the Help menu where you can learn about IDLE, get
help with IDLE itself or load up a local copy of the Python documentation.
The documentation will explain how each piece of Python works and is
pretty exhaustive in its coverage. The Help menu is probably the most
helpful in that you can get access to the docs even when you’re not
connected to the internet. You can search the documentation, find
HOWTOs, read about any of the builtin libraries, and learn so much your
head will probably start spinning.
Other Tips
When you see code examples in the following chapters, you can write and
run them in IDLE. I wrote all my programs in IDLE for the first couple of
years of my Python programming life and I was pretty happy with it. There
are lots of free Python IDEs out there though and several IDEs that you
have to pay for. If you want to go cheap, you might want to take a look at
Eclipse+PyDev, Editra or even Notepad++. For a paid IDE, I would
recommend WingWare’s IDE or possibly PyCharm. They have many more
features such as integration with code repositories, better debuggers,
refactoring help, etc.
In this book, we will be using IDLE in our examples because it comes with
Python and will provide a common test bed. I still think IDLE has the best,
most consistent code highlighting of any IDE I have used. Code
highlighting is important in my mind in that it helps prevent me from using
one of Python’s keywords (or built-ins) for a variable name. In case you’re
wondering, here is a list of those key words:
1 and del from not while
2 as elif global or with
3 assert else if pass yield
4 break except import print
5 class exec in raise
6 continue finally is return
7 def for lambda try
As you can see, IDLE color coded everything. A key word is magenta, a
string of text is in green, a comment is in red and the output from the print
function is in blue.
Wrapping Up
In this chapter we learned how to use Python’s integrated development
environment, IDLE. We also learned what comments are and how to use
them. At this point, you should be familiar enough with IDLE to use it in
the rest of this book. There are many other integrated development
environments (IDEs) for Python. There are free ones like PyDev and Editra,
and there are some others that you have to pay for, such as WingWare and
PyCharm. There are also plug-ins for regular text editors that allow you to
code in Python too. I think IDLE is a good place to start, but if you already
have a favorite editor, feel free to continue using that.
At this point, we are ready to move on and start learning about Python’s
various data types. We will start with Strings in the following chapter.
Chapter 2 - All About Strings
There are several data types in Python. The main data types that you’ll
probably see the most are string, integer, float, list, dict and tuple. In this
chapter, we’ll cover the string data type. You’ll be surprised how many
things you can do with strings in Python right out of the box. There’s also a
string module that you can import to access even more functionality, but we
won’t be looking at that in this chapter. Instead, we will be covering the
following topics:
The triple quoted line can be done with three single quotes or three double
quotes. Either way, they allow the programmer to write strings over
multiple lines. If you print it out, you will notice that the output retains the
line breaks. If you need to use single quotes in your string, then wrap it in
double quotes. See the following example.
1 >>> my_string = "I'm a Python programmer!"
2 >>> otherString = 'The word "python" usually refers to a snake'
3 >>> tripleString = """Here's another way to embed "quotes" in a string"""
The code above demonstrates how you could put single quotes or double
quotes into a string. There’s actually one other way to create a string and
that is by using the str method. Here’s how it works:
1 >>> my_number = 123
2 >>> my_string = str(my_number)
If you type the code above into your interpreter, you’ll find that you have
transformed the integer value into a string and assigned the string to the
variable my_string. This is known as casting. You can cast some data types
into other data types, like numbers into strings. But you’ll also find that you
can’t always do the reverse, such as casting a string like ‘ABC’ into an
integer. If you do that, you’ll end up with an error like the one in the
following example:
1 >>> int('ABC')
2 Traceback (most recent call last):
3 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
4 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ABC'
We will look at exception handling in a later chapter, but as you may have
guessed from the message, this means that you cannot convert a literal into
an integer. However, if you had done
1 >>> x = int("123")
It should be noted that a string is one of Python immutable types. What this
means is that you cannot change a string’s content after creation. Let’s try to
change one to see what happens:
1 >>> my_string = "abc"
2 >>> my_string[0] = "d"
3 Traceback (most recent call last):
4 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
5 TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
Here we try to change the first character from an “a” to a “d”; however this
raises a TypeError that stops us from doing so. Now you may think that by
assigning a new string to the same variable that you’ve changed the string.
Let’s see if that’s true:
1 >>> my_string = "abc"
2 >>> id(my_string)
3 19397208
4 >>> my_string = "def"
5 >>> id(my_string)
6 25558288
7 >>> my_string = my_string + "ghi"
8 >>> id(my_string)
9 31345312
By checking the id of the object, we can determine that any time we assign
a new value to the variable, its identity changes.
Note that in Python 2.x, strings can only contain ASCII characters. If you
require unicode in Python 2.x, then you will need to precede your string
with a u. Here’s an example:
1 my_unicode_string = u"This is unicode!"
The example above doesn’t actually contain any unicode, but it should give
you the general idea. In Python 3.x, all strings are unicode.
String Concatenation
Concatenation is a big word that means to combine or add two things
together. In this case, we want to know how to add two strings together. As
you might suspect, this operation is very easy in Python:
1 >>> string_one = "My dog ate "
2 >>> string_two = "my homework!"
3 >>> string_three = string_one + string_two
String Methods
A string is an object in Python. In fact, everything in Python is an object.
However, you’re not really ready for that. If you want to know more about
how Python is an object oriented programming language, then you’ll need
to skip to that chapter. In the meantime, it’s enough to know that strings
have their very own methods built into them. For example, let’s say you
have the following string:
1 >>> my_string = "This is a string!"
Now you want to cause this string to be entirely in uppercase. To do that, all
you need to do is call its upper() method, like this:
1 >>> my_string.upper()
If you have your interpreter open, you can also do the same thing like this:
1 >>> "This is a string!".upper()
There are many other string methods. For example, if you wanted
everything to be lowercase, you would use the lower() method. If you
wanted to remove all the leading and trailing white space, you would use
strip(). To get a list of all the string methods, type the following command
into your interpreter:
1 >>> dir(my_string)
You can safely ignore the methods that begin and end with double-
underscores, such as __add__. They are not used in every day Python
coding. Focus on the other ones instead. If you’d like to know what one of
them does, just ask for help. For example, say you want to learn what
capitalize is for. To find out, you would type
1 >>> help(my_string.capitalize)
S.capitalize() -> string
Return a copy of the string S with only its first character capitalized.
You have just learned a little bit about a topic called introspection. Python
allows easy introspection of all its objects, which makes it very easy to use.
Basically, introspection allows you to ask Python about itself. In an earlier
section, you learned about casting. You may have wondered how to tell
what type the variable was (i.e. an int or a string). You can ask Python to
tell you that!
1 >>> type(my_string)
2 <type 'str'>
String Slicing
One subject that you’ll find yourself doing a lot of in the real world is string
slicing. I have been surprised how often I have needed to know how to do
this in my day-to-day job. Let’s take a look at how slicing works with the
following string:
1 >>> my_string = "I like Python!"
This grabs the first character in the string up to, but not including, the 2nd
character. Yes, Python is zero-based. It’s a little easier to understand if we
map out each character’s position in a table:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 - - - - - - - - - - – – – – I l i k e P y t h o n !
Thus we have a string that is 14 characters long, starting at zero and going
through thirteen. Let’s do a few more examples to get these concepts into
our heads better.
1 >>> my_string[:1]
2 'I'
3 >>> my_string[0:12]
4 'I like Pytho'
5 >>> my_string[0:13]
6 'I like Python'
7 >>> my_string[0:14]
8 'I like Python!'
9 >>> my_string[0:-5]
10 'I like Py'
11 >>> my_string[:]
12 'I like Python!'
13 >>> my_string[2:]
14 'like Python!'
As you can see from these examples, we can do a slice by just specifying
the beginning of the slice (i.e. my_string[2:]), the ending of the slice (i.e.
my_string[:1]) or both (i.e. my_string[0:13]). We can even use negative
values that start at the end of the string. So the example where we did
my_string[0:-5] starts at zero, but ends 5 characters before the end of the
You may be wondering where you would use this. I find myself using it for
parsing fixed width records in files or occasionally for parsing complicated
file names that follow a very specific naming convention. I have also used it
in parsing out values from binary-type files. Any job where you need to do
text file processing will be made easier if you understand slicing and how to
use it effectively.
You can also access individual characters in a string via indexing. Here is
an example:
1 >>> print(my_string[0])
The code above will print out the first character in the string.
String Formatting
String formatting (AKA substitution) is the topic of substituting values into
a base string. Most of the time, you will be inserting strings within strings;
however you will also find yourself inserting integers and floats into strings
quite often as well. There are two different ways to accomplish this task.
We’ll start with the old way of doing things and then move on to the new.
The easiest way to learn how to do this is to see a few examples. So here we
1 >>> my_string = "I like %s" % "Python"
2 >>> my_string
3 'I like Python'
4 >>> var = "cookies"
5 >>> newString = "I like %s" % var
6 >>> newString
7 'I like cookies'
8 >>> another_string = "I like %s and %s" % ("Python", var)
9 >>> another_string
10 'I like Python and cookies'
Oops! We didn’t pass enough arguments to format the string! If you look
carefully at the example above, you’ll notice it has two instances of %s, so
to insert strings into it, you have to pass it the same number of strings! Now
we’re ready to learn about inserting integers and floats. Let’s take a look!
1 >>> my_string = "%i + %i = %i" % (1,2,3)
2 >>> my_string
3 '1 + 2 = 3'
4 >>> float_string = "%f" % (1.23)
5 >>> float_string
6 '1.230000'
7 >>> float_string2 = "%.2f" % (1.23)
8 >>> float_string2
9 '1.23'
10 >>> float_string3 = "%.2f" % (1.237)
11 >>> float_string3
12 '1.24'
The first example above is pretty obvious. We create a string that accept
three arguments and we pass them in. Just in case you hadn’t figured it out
yet, no, Python isn’t actually doing any addition in that first example. For
the second example, we pass in a float. Note that the output includes a lot of
extra zeroes. We don’t want that, so we tell Python to limit it to two decimal
places in the 3rd example (“%.2f”). The last example shows you that
Python will do some rounding for you if you pass it a float that’s greater
than two decimal places.
In this example, we pass it two strings instead of an integer and a float. This
raises a TypeError and tells us that Python was expecting a number. This
refers to not passing an integer, so let’s fix that and see if that fixes the
1 >>> int_float_err = "%i + %f" % (1, "2.00")
2 Traceback (most recent call last):
3 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
4 TypeError: float argument required, not str
Nope. We get the same error, but a different message that tells us we should
have passed a float. As you can see, Python gives us pretty good
information about what went wrong and how to fix it. If you fix the inputs
appropriately, then you should be able to get this example to run.
This probably looks pretty weird, but basically we just changed our %s into
%(lang)s, which is basically the %s with a variable inside it. The second
part is actually called a Python dictionary that we will be studying in the
next section. Basically it’s a key:value pair, so when Python sees the key
“lang” in the string AND in the key of the dictionary that is passed in, it
replaces that key with its value. Let’s look at some more samples:
1 >>> print("%(value)s %(value)s %(value)s !" % {"value":"SPAM"})
3 >>> print("%(x)i + %(y)i = %(z)i" % {"x":1, "y":2})
4 Traceback (most recent call last):
5 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
6 KeyError: 'z'
7 >>> print("%(x)i + %(y)i = %(z)i" % {"x":1, "y":2, "z":3})
8 1 + 2 = 3
In the first example, you’ll notice that we only passed in one value, but it
was inserted 3 times! This is one of the advantages of using templates. The
second example has an issue in that we forgot to pass in a key, namely the
“z” key. The third example rectifies this issue and shows the result. Now
let’s look at how we can do something similar with the string’s format
1 >>> "Python is as simple as {0}, {1}, {2}".format("a", "b", "c")
2 'Python is as simple as a, b, c'
3 >>> "Python is as simple as {1}, {0}, {2}".format("a", "b", "c")
4 'Python is as simple as b, a, c'
5 >>> xy = {"x":0, "y":10}
6 >>> print("Graph a point at where x={x} and y={y}".format(**xy))
7 Graph a point at where x=0 and y=10
In the first two examples, you can see how we can pass items positionally.
If we rearrange the order, we get a slightly different output. The last
example uses a dictionary like we were using in the templates above.
However, we have to extract the dictionary using the double asterisk to get
it to work correctly here.
There are lots of other things you can do with strings, such as specifying a
width, aligning the text, converting to different bases and much more. Be
sure to take a look at some of the references below for more information.
Wrapping Up
We have covered a lot in this chapter. Let’s review:
In the next chapter, we will look at three more of Python’s built-in data
types: lists, tuples and dictionaries. Let’s get to it!
Chapter 3 - Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries
Python has several other important data types that you’ll probably use every
day. They are called lists, tuples and dictionaries. This chapter’s aim is to
get you acquainted with each of these data types. They are not particularly
complicated, so I expect that you will find learning how to use them very
straight forward. Once you have mastered these three data types plus the
string data type from the previous chapter, you will be quite a ways along in
your education of Python. You’ll be using these four building blocks in 99%
of all the applications you will write.
A Python list is similar to an array in other languages. In Python, an empty
list can be created in the following ways.
1 >>> my_list = []
2 >>> my_list = list()
As you can see, you can create the list using square brackets or by using the
Python built-in, list. A list contains a list of elements, such as strings,
integers, objects or a mixture of types. Let’s take a look at some examples:
1 >>> my_list = [1, 2, 3]
2 >>> my_list2 = ["a", "b", "c"]
3 >>> my_list3 = ["a", 1, "Python", 5]
The first list has 3 integers, the second has 3 strings and the third has a
mixture. You can also create lists of lists like this:
1 >>> my_nested_list = [my_list, my_list2]
2 >>> my_nested_list
3 [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]
Occasionally, you’ll want to combine two lists together. The first way is to
use the extend method:
1 >>> combo_list = []
2 >>> one_list = [4, 5]
3 >>> combo_list.extend(one_list)
4 >>> combo_list
5 [4, 5]
Yes, it really is that easy. You can also sort a list. Let’s spend a moment to
see how to do that:
1 >>> alpha_list = [34, 23, 67, 100, 88, 2]
2 >>> alpha_list.sort()
3 >>> alpha_list
4 [2, 23, 34, 67, 88, 100]
Now there is a got-cha above. Can you see it? Let’s do one more example to
make it obvious:
1 >>> alpha_list = [34, 23, 67, 100, 88, 2]
2 >>> sorted_list = alpha_list.sort()
3 >>> sorted_list
4 >>> print(sorted_list)
5 None
A tuple is similar to a list, but you create them with parentheses instead of
square brackets. You can also use the tuple built-in. The main difference is
that a tuple is immutable while the list is mutable. Let’s take a look at a few
1 >>> my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
2 >>> my_tuple[0:3]
3 (1, 2, 3)
4 >>> another_tuple = tuple()
5 >>> abc = tuple([1, 2, 3])
The code above demonstrates one way to create a tuple with five elements.
It also shows that you can do tuple slicing. However, you cannot sort a
tuple! The last two examples shows how to create tuples using the tuple
keyword. The first one just creates an empty tuple whereas the second
example has three elements inside it. Notice that it has a list inside it. This
is an example of casting. We can change or cast an item from one data type
to another. In this case, we cast a list into a tuple. If you want to turn the
abc tuple back into a list, you can do the following:
1 >>> abc_list = list(abc)
To reiterate, the code above casts the tuple (abc) into a list using the list
A Python dictionary is basically a hash table or a hash mapping. In some
languages, they might be referred to as associative memories or
associative arrays. They are indexed with keys, which can be any
immutable type. For example, a string or number can be a key. You need to
be aware that a dictionary is an unordered set of key:value pairs and the
keys must be unique. You can get a list of keys by calling a dictionary
instance’s keys method. To check if a dictionary has a key, you can use
Python’s in keyword. In some of the older versions of Python (2.3 and older
to be specific), you will see the has_key keyword used for testing if a key is
in a dictionary. This keyword is deprecated in Python 2.x and removed
entirely from Python 3.x.
The first two examples show how to create an empty dictionary. All
dictionaries are enclosed with curly braces. The last line is printed out so
you can see how unordered a dictionary is. Now it’s time to find out how to
access a value in a dictionary.
1 >>> my_other_dict["one"]
2 1
3 >>> my_dict = {"name":"Mike", "address":"123 Happy Way"}
4 >>> my_dict["name"]
5 'Mike'
In the first example, we use the dictionary from the previous example and
pull out the value associated with the key called “one”. The second example
shows how to acquire the value for the “name” key. Now let’s see how to
tell if a key is in a dictionary or not:
1 >>> "name" in my_dict
2 True
3 >>> "state" in my_dict
4 False
While this probably won’t matter much to you right now, in a real job
situation, seconds matter. When you have thousands of files to process,
these little tricks can save you a lot of time in the long run!
Wrapping Up
In this chapter you just learned how to construct a Python list, tuple and
dictionary. Make sure you understand everything in this section before
moving on. These concepts will assist you in designing your programs. You
will be building complex data structures using these building blocks every
day if you choose to pursue employment as a Python programmer. Each of
these data types can be nested inside the others. For example, you can have
a nested dictionary, a dictionary of tuples, a tuple made up of several
dictionaries, and on and on.
When you are ready to move on, we will learn about Python’s support for
conditional statements.
Chapter 4 - Conditional Statements
Every computer language I have ever used has had at least one conditional
statement. Most of the time that statement is the if/elif/else structure. This is
what Python has. Other languages also include the case/switch statement
which I personally enjoy, however Python does not include it. You can
make your own if you really want to, but this book is focused on learning
Python fundamentals, so we’re going to be only focusing on what’s
included with Python in this chapter.
The if statement
Python’s if statement is pretty easy to use. Let’s spend a few minutes
looking at some examples to better acquaint ourselves with this construct.
1 >>> if 2 > 1:
2 print("This is a True statement!")
3 This is a True Statement!
The Python language cares a lot about space. You will notice that in
our conditional statement above, we indented the code inside the if
statement four spaces. This is very important! If you do not indent
your blocks of code properly, the code will not execute properly. It
may not even run at all.
Also, do not mix tabs and spaces. IDLE will complain that there is an
issue with your file and you will have trouble figuring out what the
issue is. The recommended number of spaces to indent a block of code
is four. You can actually indent your code any number of spaces as
long as you are consistent. However, the 4-space rule is one that is
recommended by the Python Style Guide and is the rule that is
followed by the Python code developers.
In this one, we compare two variables that translate to the question: Is 1 >
3? Obviously one is not greater than three, so it doesn’t print anything. But
what is we wanted it to print something? That’s where the else statement
comes in. Let’s modify the conditional to add that piece:
1 if var1 > var2:
2 print("This is also True")
3 else:
4 print("That was False!")
If you run this code, it will print the string that follows the else statement.
Let’s change gears here and get some information from the user to make
this more interesting. In Python 2.x, you can get information using a built-in
called raw_input. If you are using Python 3.x, then you’ll find that
raw_input no longer exists. It was renamed to just input. They function in
the same way though. To confuse matters, Python 2.x actually has a built-in
called input as well; however it tries to execute what is entered as a Python
expression whereas raw_input returns a string. Anyway, we’ll be using
Python 2.x’s raw_input for this example to get the user’s age.
1 # Python 2.x code
2 value = raw_input("How much is that doggy in the window? ")
3 value = int(value)
5 if value < 10:
6 print("That's a great deal!")
7 elif 10 <= value <= 20:
8 print("I'd still pay that...")
9 else:
10 print("Wow! That's too much!")
Let’s break this down a bit. The first line asks the user for an amount. In the
next line, it converts the user’s input into an integer. So if you happen to
type a floating point number like 1.23, it will get truncated to just 1. If you
happen to type something other than a number, then you’ll receive an
exception. We’ll be looking at how to handle exceptions in a later chapter,
so for now, just enter an integer.
In the next few lines, you can see how we check for 3 different cases: less
than 10, greater than or equal to 10 but less than or equal to 20 or something
else. For each of these cases, a different string is printed out. Try putting
this code into IDLE and save it. Then run it a few times with different
inputs to see how it works.
You can add multiple elif statements to your entire conditional. The else is
optional, but makes a good default.
Boolean Operations
Now we’re ready to learn about Boolean operations (and, or, not).
According to the Python documentation, their order of priority is first or,
then and, then not. Here’s how they work:
Let’s take a look at some examples of each of these. We will start with or.
1 x = 10
2 y = 20
4 if x < 10 or y > 15:
5 print("This statement was True!")
Here we create a couple of variables and test if one is less than ten or if the
other is greater than 15. Because the latter is greater than 15, the print
statement executes. As you can see, if one or both of the statements are
True, it will execute the statement. Let’s take a look at how and works:
1 x = 10
2 y = 10
3 if x == 10 and y == 15:
4 print("This statement was True")
5 else:
6 print("The statement was False!")
If you run the code above, you will see that first statement does not get run.
Instead, the statement under the else is executed. Why is that? Well, it is
because what we are testing is both x and y are 10 and 15 respectively. In
this case, they are not, so we drop to the else. Thus, when you and two
statements together, both statements have to evaluate to True for it to
execute the following code. Also note that to test equality in Python, you
have to use a double equal sign. A single equals sign is known as the
assignment operator and is only for assigning a value to a variable. If you
had tried to run the code above with one of those statement only having one
equals sign, you would have received a message about invalid syntax.
Note that you can also or and and more than two statements together.
However, I do not recommend that as the more statements that you do that
too, the harder it can be to understand and debug.
In this example, we create a list that contains four integers. Then we write a
test that asks if “x” is not in that list. Because “x” equals 10, the statement
evaluates to True and the message is printed to the screen. Another way to
test for not is by using the exclamation point, like this:
1 x = 10
2 if x != 11:
3 print("x is not equal to 11!")
If you want to, you can combine the not operation with the other two to
create more complex conditional statements. Here is a simple example:
1 my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
2 x = 10
3 z = 11
4 if x not in my_list and z != 10:
5 print("This is True!")
The first four lines set up four variables. Next we create four conditionals to
test them. The first one checks to see if the empty_list is really empty. The
second conditional checks to see if the empty_tuple has something in it.
Yes, you read that right, The second conditional only evaluates to True if
the tuple is not empty! The last two conditionals are doing the opposite of
the second. The third is checking if the string is empty and the fourth is
checking if the nothing variable is really None.
The not operator means that we are checking for the opposite meaning. In
other words, we are checking if the value is NOT True. So in the third
example, we check if the empty string is REALLY empty. Here’s another
way to write the same thing:
1 if empty_string == "":
2 print("This is an empty string!")
To really nail this down, let’s set the empty_string variable to actually
contain something:
1 >>> empty_string = "something"
2 >>> if empty_string == "":
3 print("This is an empty string!")
If you run this, you will find that nothing is printed as we will only print
something if the variable is an empty string.
Please note that none of these variables equals the other. They just evaluate
the same way. To prove this, we’ll take a look at a couple of quick
1 >>> empty_list == empty_string
2 False
3 >>> empty_string == nothing
4 False
As you can see, they do not equal each other. You will find yourself
checking your data structures for data a lot in the real world. Some
programmers actually like to just wrap their structures in an exception
handler and if they happen to be empty, they’ll catch the exception. Others
like to use the strategy mentioned above where you actually test the data
structure to see if it has something in it. Both strategies are valid.
Personally, I find the not operator a little confusing and don’t use it that
much. But you will find it useful from time to time.
Special Characters
Strings can contain special characters, like tabs or new lines. We need to be
aware of those as they can sometimes crop up and cause problems. For
example, the new line character is defined as “n”, while the tab character is
defined as “t”. Let’s see a couple of examples so you will better understand
what these do:
1 >>> print("I have a \n new line in the middle")
2 I have a
3 new line in the middle
4 >>> print("This sentence is \ttabbed!")
5 This sentence is tabbed!
Was the output as you expected? In the first example, we have a “n” in the
middle of the sentence, which forces it to print out a new line. Because we
have a space after the new line character, the second line is indented by a
space. The second example shows what happens when we have a tab
character inside of a sentence.
You will notice that the first example didn’t work so well. Python thought
we were escaping the double-quote, so it couldn’t tell where the end of the
line (EOL) was and it threw an error. The second example has the backslash
appropriately escaped.
if __name__ == “__main__”
You will see a very common conditional statement used in many Python
examples. This is what it looks like:
1 if __name__ == "__main__":
2 # do something!
You will see this at the end of a file. This tells Python that you only want to
run the following code if this program is executed as a standalone file. I use
this construct a lot to test that my code works in the way I expect it to. We
will be discussing this later in the book, but whenever you create a Python
script, you create a Python module. If you write it well, you might want to
import it into another module. When you do import a module, it will not
run the code that’s under the conditional because __name__ will no longer
equal “__main__“. We will look at this again in Chapter 11 when we talk
about classes.
Wrapping Up
We’ve covered a fair bit of ground in this chapter. You have learned how to
use conditional statements in several different ways. We have also spent
some time getting acquainted with Boolean operators. As you have
probably guessed, each of these chapters will get slightly more complex as
we’ll be using each building block that we learn to build more complicated
pieces of code. In the next chapter, we will continue that tradition by
learning about Python’s support of loops!
Chapter 5 - Loops
Every programming language I have tried has some kind of looping
construct. Most have more than one. The Python world has two types of
You will find that the for loop is by far the most popular of the two. Loops
are used when you want to do something many times. Usually you will find
that you need to do some operation or a set of operations on a piece of data
over and over. This is where loops come in. They make it really easy to
apply this sort of logic to your data.
As you can see, the range function above took an integer and returned a
range object. The range function also accepts a beginning value, an end
value and a step value. Here are two more examples:
1 >>> range(5,10)
2 range(5, 10)
3 >>> list(range(1, 10, 2))
4 [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
The first example demonstrates that you can pass a beginning and end value
and the range function will return the numbers from the beginning value up
to but not including the end value. So in the case of 5-10, we get 5-9. The
second example shows how to use the list function to cause the range
function to return every second element between 1 and 10. So it starts with
one, skips two, etc. Now you’re probably wondering what this has to do
with loops. Well one easy way to show how a loop works is if we use the
range function! Take a look:
1 >>> for number in range(5):
2 print(number)
4 0
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
What happened here? Let’s read it from left to right to figure it out. For
each number in a range of 5, print the number. We know that if we call
range with a value of 5, it will return a list of 5 elements. So each time
through the loop, it prints out each of the elements. The for loop above
would be the equivalent of the following:
1 >>> for number in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
2 print(number)
The range function just makes it a little bit smaller. The for loop can loop
over any kind of Python iterator. We’ve already seen how it can iterate over
a list. Let’s see if it can also iterate over a dictionary.
1 >>> a_dict = {"one":1, "two":2, "three":3}
2 >>> for key in a_dict:
3 print(key)
5 three
6 two
7 one
When you use a for loop with a dictionary, you’ll see that it automatically
loops over the keys. We didn’t have to say for key in a_dict.keys()
(although that would have worked too). Python just did the right thing for
us. You may be wondering why the keys printed in a different order than
they were defined in the dictionary. As you may recall from chapter 3,
dictionaries are unordered, so when we iterate over it, the keys could be in
any order.
Now if you know that the keys can be sorted, then you can do that before
you iterate over them. Let’s change the dictionary slightly to see how that
1 >>> a_dict = {1:"one", 2:"two", 3:"three"}
2 >>> keys = a_dict.keys()
3 >>> keys = sorted(keys)
4 >>> for key in keys:
5 print(key)
7 1
8 2
9 3
Let’s take a moment to figure out what this code does. First off, we create a
dictionary that has integers for keys instead of strings. Then we extract the
keys from the dictionary. Whenever you call the keys() method, it will
return an unordered list of the keys. If you print them out and find them to
be in ascending order, then that’s just happenstance. Now we have a view of
the dictionary’s keys that are stored in a variable called keys. We sort it and
then we use the for loop to loop over it.
Now we’re ready to make things a little bit more interesting. We are going
to loop over a range, but we want to print out only the even numbers. To do
this, we want to use a conditional statement instead of using the range’s step
parameter. Here’s one way you could do this:
1 >>> for number in range(10):
2 if number % 2 == 0:
3 print(number)
5 0
6 2
7 4
8 6
9 8
The while loop is kind of like a conditional statement. Here’s what this code
means: while the variable i is less than ten, print it out. Then at the end, we
increase i’s value by one. If you run this code, it should print out 0-9, each
on its own line and then stop. If you remove the piece where we increment
i’s value, then you’ll end up with an infinite loop. This is usually a bad
thing. Infinite loops are to be avoided and are known as logic errors.
There is another way to break out of a loop. It is by using the break builtin.
Let’s see how that works:
1 >>> while i < 10:
2 print(i)
3 if i == 5:
4 break
5 i += 1
7 0
8 1
9 2
10 3
11 4
12 5
The break builtin is known as a flow control tool. There is another one
called continue that is used to basically skip an iteration or continue with
the next iteration. Here’s one way to use it:
1 i = 0
3 while i < 10:
4 if i == 3:
5 i += 1
6 continue
8 print(i)
10 if i == 5:
11 break
12 i += 1
There’s one more topic we need to cover regarding loops and that’s the else
Wrapping Up
Hopefully at this point you can see the value in Python loops. They make
repetition easier and pretty easy to understand. You will likely see the for
loop much more often than the while loop. In fact, we are going to look at
another way for loops are used in the next chapter when we learn about
comprehensions! If you’re still not quite sure how all this works, you may
want to re-read this chapter before continuing.
Chapter 6 - Python Comprehensions
The Python language has a couple of methods for creating lists and
dictionaries that are known as comprehensions. There is also a third type of
comprehension for creating a Python set. In this chapter we will learn how
to use each type of comprehension. You will find that the comprehension
constructs build on the knowledge you have acquired from the previous
chapters as they contain loops and conditionals themselves.
List Comprehensions
List comprehensions in Python are very handy. They can also be a little
hard to understand when and why you would use them. List
comprehensions tend to be harder to read than just using a simple for loop
as well. You may want to review the looping chapter before you continue.
If you are ready, then we’ll spend some time looking at how to construct list
comprehensions and learn how they can be used. A list comprehension is
basically a one line for loop that produces a Python list data structure.
Here’s a simple example:
1 >>> x = [i for i in range(5)]
Let’s break this down a bit. Python comes with a range function that can
return a list of numbers. By default, it returns integers starting at 0 and
going up to but not including the number you pass it. So in this case, it
returns a list containing the integers 0-4. This can be useful if you need to
create a list very quickly. For example, say you’re parsing a file and looking
for something in particular. You could use a list comprehension as a kind of
1 if [i for i in line if "SOME TERM" in i]:
2 # do something
I have used code similar to this to look through a file quickly to parse out
specific lines or sections of the file. When you throw functions into the mix,
you can start doing some really cool stuff. Say you want to apply a function
to every element in a list, such as when you need to cast a bunch of strings
into integers:
1 >>> x = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
2 >>> y = [int(i) for i in x]
3 >>> y
4 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
This sort of thing comes up more often than you’d think. I have also had to
loop over a list of strings and call a string method, such as strip on them
because they had all kinds of leading or ending white space:
1 >>> myStrings = [s.strip() for s in myStringList]
There are also occasions where one needs to create a nested list
comprehension. One reason to do that is to flatten multiple lists into one.
This example comes from the Python documentation:
1 >>> vec = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
2 >>> [num for elem in vec for num in elem]
3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
The documentation shows several other interesting examples for nested list
comprehensions as well. I highly recommend taking a look at it! At this
point, you should now be capable of using list comprehensions in your own
code and use them well. Just use your imagination and you’ll start seeing
lots of good places where you too can use them.
Dictionary Comprehensions
Dictionary comprehensions started life in Python 3.0, but were backported
to Python 2.7. They were originally proposed in the Python Enhancement
Proposal 274 (PEP 274) back in 2001. They are pretty similar to a list
comprehension in the way that they are organized.
This will only work if the dictionary values are of a non-mutable type, such
as a string. Otherwise you will end up causing an exception to be raised.
I could also see a dictionary comprehension being useful for creating a table
out of class variables and their values. However, we haven’t covered classes
at this point, so I won’t confuse you with that here.
Set Comprehensions
Set comprehensions are created in much the same way as dictionary
comprehensions. Now a Python set is much like a mathematical set in that it
doesn’t have any repeated elements. You can create a normal set like this:
1 >>> my_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8]
2 >>> my_set = set(my_list)
3 >>> my_set
4 set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8])
As you can see from the example above, the call to set has removed the
duplicates from the list. Now let’s rewrite this code to use a set
1 >>> my_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8]
2 >>> my_set = {x for x in my_list}
3 >>> my_set
4 set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8])
You will notice that to create a set comprehension, we basically changed the
square brackets that a list comprehension uses to the curly braces that the
dictionary comprehension has.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use the various Python comprehensions. You will
probably find the list comprehension the most useful at first and also the
most popular. If you start using your imagination, I am sure you will be able
to find uses for all three types of comprehensions. Now we’re ready to
move on and learn about exception handling!
Chapter 7 - Exception Handling
What do you do when something bad happens in your program? Let’s say
you try to open a file, but you typed in the wrong path or you ask the user
for information and they type in some garbage. You don’t want your
program to crash, so you implement exception handling. In Python, the
construct is usually wrapped in what is know as a try/except. We will be
looking at the following topics in this chapter:
Let’s start out by learning about some of the most common exceptions that
you’ll see in Python. Note: an error and an exception are just different
words that describe the same thing when we are talking about exception
Common Exceptions
You have seen a few exceptions already. Here is a list of the most common
built-in exceptions (definitions from the Python documentation):
Exception (this is what almost all the others are built off of)
AttributeError - Raised when an attribute reference or
assignment fails.
IOError - Raised when an I/O operation (such as a print
statement, the built-in open() function or a method of a file
object) fails for an I/O-related reason, e.g., “file not found” or
“disk full”.
ImportError - Raised when an import statement fails to find the
module definition or when a from … import fails to find a name
that is to be imported.
IndexError - Raised when a sequence subscript is out of range.
KeyError - Raised when a mapping (dictionary) key is not found
in the set of existing keys.
KeyboardInterrupt - Raised when the user hits the interrupt key
(normally Control-C or Delete).
NameError - Raised when a local or global name is not found.
OSError - Raised when a function returns a system-related error.
SyntaxError - Raised when the parser encounters a syntax error.
TypeError - Raised when an operation or function is applied to
an object of inappropriate type. The associated value is a string
giving details about the type mismatch.
ValueError - Raised when a built-in operation or function
receives an argument that has the right type but an inappropriate
value, and the situation is not described by a more precise
exception such as IndexError.
ZeroDivisionError - Raised when the second argument of a
division or modulo operation is zero.
There are a lot of other exceptions as well, but you probably won’t see them
all that often. However, if you are interested, you can go and read all about
them in the Python documentation.
Bare Excepts
You can also catch multiple exceptions with a single statement. There are a
couple of different ways to do this. Let’s take a look:
1 my_dict = {"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}
2 try:
3 value = my_dict["d"]
4 except IndexError:
5 print("This index does not exist!")
6 except KeyError:
7 print("This key is not in the dictionary!")
8 except:
9 print("Some other error occurred!")
Notice that in this example, we are putting the errors that we want to catch
inside of parentheses. The problem with this method is that it’s hard to tell
which error has actually occurred, so the previous example is
Most of the time when an exception occurs, you will need to alert the user
by printing to the screen or logging the message. Depending on the severity
of the error, you may need to exit your program. Sometimes you will need
to clean up before you exit the program. For example, if you have opened a
database connection, you will want to close it before you exit your program
or you may end up leaving connections open. Another example is closing a
file handle that you have been writing to. You will learn more about file
handling in the next chapter. But first, we need to learn how to clean up
after ourselves. This is facilitated with the finally statement.
If you run the code above, it will print the statement in the except and the
finally. This is pretty simple, right? Now you can use the finally statement
to clean up after yourself. You would also put the exit code at the end of the
finally statement.
If you run this example, it will execute the else and finally statements. Most
of the time, you won’t see the else statement used as any code that follows a
try/except will be executed if no errors were raised. The only good usage
of the else statement that I’ve seen mentioned is where you want to execute
a second piece of code that can also raise an error. Of course, if an error is
raised in the else, then it won’t get caught.
Wrapping Up
Now you should be able to handle exceptions in your code. If you find your
code raising an exception, you will know how to wrap it in such a way that
you can catch the error and exit gracefully or continue without interruption.
Now we’re ready to move on and learn about how to work with files in
Chapter 8 - Working with Files
This chapter introduces the topic of reading and writing data to files on your
hard drive. You will find that reading and writing files in Python is very
easy to do. Let’s get started!
Here are a couple of examples that show how to use open for reading:
1 handle = open("test.txt")
2 handle = open(r"C:\Users\mike\py101book\data\test.txt", "r")
The first example will open a file named test.txt in read-only mode. This is
the default mode of the open function. Note that we didn’t pass a fully
qualified path to the file that we wanted to open in the first example. Python
will automatically look in the folder that the script is running in for test.txt.
If it doesn’t find it, then you will receive an IOError.
The second example does show a fully qualified path to the file, but you’ll
notice that it begins with an “r”. This means that we want Python to treat
the string as a raw string. Let’s take a moment to see the difference between
specifying a raw string versus a regular string:
1 >>> print("C:\Users\mike\py101book\data\test.txt")
2 C:\Users\mike\py101book\data est.txt
3 >>> print(r"C:\Users\mike\py101book\data\test.txt")
4 C:\Users\mike\py101book\data\test.txt
As you can see, when we don’t specify it as a raw string, we get an invalid
path. Why does this happen? Well, as you might recall from the strings
chapter, there are certain special characters that need to be escaped, such as
“n” or “t”. In this case, we see there’s a “t” (i.e. a tab), so the string
obediently adds a tab to our path and screws it up for us.
The second argument in the second example is also an “r”. This tells open
that we want to open the file in read-only mode. In other words, it does the
same thing as the first example, but it’s more explicit. Now let’s actually
read the file!
Put the following lines into a Python script and save it in the same location
as your test.txt file:
1 handle = open("test.txt", "r")
2 data = handle.read()
3 print(data)
4 handle.close()
If you run this, it will open the file and read the entire file as a string into
the data variable. Then we print that data and close the file handle. You
should always close a file handle as you never know when another program
will want to access it. Closing the file will also help save memory and
prevent strange bugs in your programs. You can tell Python to just read a
line at a time, to read all the lines into a Python list or to read the file in
chunks. The last option is very handy when you are dealing with really
large files and you don’t want to read the whole thing in, which might fill
up the PC’s memory.
If you run this example, it will only read the first line of your text file and
print it out. That’s not too useful, so let’s try the file handle’s readlines()
1 handle = open("test.txt", "r")
2 data = handle.readlines() # read ALL the lines!
3 print(data)
4 handle.close()
After running this code, you will see a Python list printed to the screen
because that’s what the readlines method returns: a list! Let’s take a
moment to learn how to read a file in smaller chunks.
Here we open up a read-only file handle and then we use a for loop to
iterate over it. You will find that you can iterate over all kinds of objects in
Python (strings, lists, tuples, keys in a dictionary, etc). That was pretty
simple, right? Now let’s do it in chunks!
1 handle = open("test.txt", "r")
3 while True:
4 data = handle.read(1024)
5 print(data)
6 if not data:
7 break
In this example, we use Python’s while loop to read a kilobyte of the file at
a time. As you probably know, a kilobyte is 1024 bytes or characters. Now
let’s pretend that we want to read a binary file, like a PDF.
So this time we changed the file mode to rb, which means read-binary.
You will find that you may need to read binary files when you download
PDFs from the internet or transfer files from PC to PC.
Writing Files in Python
If you have been following along, you can probably guess what the file-
mode flag is for writing files: “w” and “wb” for write-mode and write-
binary-mode. Let’s take a look at a simple example, shall we?
CAUTION: When using “w” or “wb” modes, if the file already exists, it
will be overwritten with no warning! You can check if a file exists before
you open it by using Python’s os module. See the os.path.exists section in
Chapter 16.
1 handle = open("output.txt", "w")
2 handle.write("This is a test!")
3 handle.close()
That was easy! All we did here was change the file mode to “w” and we
called the file handle’s write method to write some text to the file. The file
handle also has a writelines method that will accept a list of strings that the
handle will then write to disk in order.
The syntax for the with operator is a little strange, but you’ll pick it up
pretty quickly. Basically what we’re doing is replacing:
1 handle = open("test.txt")
with this:
1 with open("test.txt") as file_handler:
You can do all the usual file I/O operations that you would normally do as
long as you are within the with code block. Once you leave that code block,
the file handle will close and you won’t be able to use it any more. Yes, you
read that correctly. You no longer have to close the file handle explicitly as
the with operator does it automatically! See if you can change some of the
earlier examples from this chapter so that they use the with method too.
Catching Errors
Sometimes when you are working with files, bad things happen. The file is
locked because some other process is using it or you have some kind of
permission error. When this happens, an IOError will probably occur. In
this section, we will look at how to catch errors the normal way and how to
catch them using the with operator. Hint: the idea is basically the same in
1 try:
2 file_handler = open("test.txt")
3 for line in file_handler:
4 print(line)
5 except IOError:
6 print("An IOError has occurred!")
7 finally:
8 file_handler.close()
As you might have guessed, we just wrapped the with block in the same
way as we did in the previous example. The difference here is that we do
not need the finally statement as the context manager handles that for us.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should be pretty well versed in dealing with files in
Python. Now you know how to read and write files using the older style and
the newer with style. You will most likely see both styles in the wild. In the
next chapter, we will learn how to import other modules that come with
Python. This will allow us to create programs using pre-built modules. Let’s
get started!
Chapter 9 - Importing
Python comes with lots of pre-made code baked in. These pieces of code
are known as modules and packages. A module is a single importable
Python file whereas a package is made up of two or more modules. A
package can be imported the same way a module is. Whenever you save a
Python script of your own, you have created a module. It may not be a very
useful module, but that’s what it is. In this chapter, we will learn how to
import modules using several different methods. Let’s get started!
import this
Python provides the import keyword for importing modules. Let’s give it a
1 import this
If you run this code in your interpreter, you should see something like the
following as your output:
1 The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
3 Beautiful is better than ugly.
4 Explicit is better than implicit.
5 Simple is better than complex.
6 Complex is better than complicated.
7 Flat is better than nested.
8 Sparse is better than dense.
9 Readability counts.
10 Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
11 Although practicality beats purity.
12 Errors should never pass silently.
13 Unless explicitly silenced.
14 In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
15 There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
16 Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
17 Now is better than never.
18 Although never is often better than *right* now.
19 If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
20 If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
21 Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
You have found an “Easter egg” in Python known as the “Zen of Python”.
It’s actually a sort of an unofficial best practices for Python. The this
module doesn’t actually do anything, but it provided a fun little way to
show how to import something. Let’s actually import something we can
use, like the math module:
1 >>> import math
2 >>> math.sqrt(4)
3 2.0
Here we imported the math module and then we did something kind of
new. We called one of its functions, sqrt (i.e. square root). To call a method
of an imported module, we have to use the following syntax:
module_name.method_name(argument). In this example, we found the
square root of 4. The math module has many other functions that we can
use, such as cos (cosine), factorial, log (logarithm), etc. You can call these
functions in much the same way you did sqrt. The only thing you’ll need to
check is if they accept more arguments or not. Now let’s look at another
way to import.
This works pretty much exactly how it is read: from the math module,
import the sqrt function. Let me explain it another way. We use Python’s
from keyword to import the sqrt function from the math module. You can
also use this method to import multiple functions from the math function:
1 >>> from math import pi, sqrt
In this example, we import both pi and sqrt. If you tried to access pi you
may have noticed that it’s actually a value and not a function that you can
call. It just returns the value of pi. When you do an import, you may end up
importing a value, a function or even another module! There’s one more
way to import stuff that we need to cover. Let’s find out how to import
Importing Everything!
Python provides a way to import all the functions and values from a module
as well. This is actually a bad idea as it can contaminate your namespace.
A namespace is where all your variables live during the life of the program.
So let’s say you have your own variable named sqrt, like this:
1 >>> from math import sqrt
2 >>> sqrt = 5
Now you have just changed the sqrt function into a variable that holds the
value of 5. This is known as shadowing. This becomes especially tricky
when you import everything from a module. Let’s take a look:
>>> from math import * >>> sqrt = 5 >>> sqrt(16) Traceback (most
recent call last): File “<string>”, line 1, in <fragment> TypeError: ‘int’
object is not callable
Thus it is recommended that in most cases, you should import items from
modules using one of the previous methods mentioned in this chapter. There
are a few exceptions to this rule. Some modules are made to be imported
using the “*” method. One prominent example is Tkinter, a toolkit included
with Python that allows you to create desktop user interfaces. The reason
that it is supposedly okay to import Tkinter in this way is that the modules
are named so that it is unlikely you would reuse one yourself.
Wrapping Up
Now you know all about Python imports. There are dozens of modules
included with Python that you can use to give extra functionality to your
programs. You can use the builtin modules to query your OS, get
information from the Windows Registry, set up logging utilities, parse
XML, and much, much more. We will be covering a few of these modules
in Part II of this book.
This function doesn’t do anything except print out some text. To call a
function, you need to type out the name of the function followed by an open
and close parentheses:
1 >>> a_function()
2 You just created a function!
Simple, eh?
All functions return something. If you don’t tell it to return something, then
it will return None. In this case, we tell it to return a + b. As you can see,
we can call the function by passing in two values. If you don’t pass enough
or you pass too many arguments, then you’ll get an error:
1 >>> add(1)
2 Traceback (most recent call last):
3 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
4 TypeError: add() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
You can also call the function by passing the name of the arguments:
1 >>> add(a=2, b=3)
2 5
3 >>> total = add(b=4, a=5)
4 >>> print(total)
5 9
You’ll notice that it doesn’t matter what order you pass them to the function
as long as they are named correctly. In the second example, you can see that
we assign the result of the function to a variable named total. This is the
usual way of calling a function as you’ll want to do something with the
result. You are probably wondering what would happen if we passed in
arguments with the wrong names attached. Would it work? Let’s find out:
1 >>> add(c=5, d=2)
2 Traceback (most recent call last):
3 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
4 TypeError: add() got an unexpected keyword argument 'c'
Keyword Arguments
Functions can also accept keyword arguments! They can actually accept
both regular arguments and keyword arguments. What this means is that
you can specify which keywords are which and pass them in. You saw this
behavior in a previous example.
1 >>> def keyword_function(a=1, b=2):
2 return a+b
4 >>> keyword_function(b=4, a=5)
5 9
You could have also called this function without specifying the keywords.
This function also demonstrates the concept of default arguments. How?
Well, try calling the function without any arguments at all!
1 >>> keyword_function()
2 3
The function returned the number 3! Why? The reason is that a and b have
default values of 1 and 2 respectively. Now let’s create a function that has
both a regular argument and a couple keyword arguments:
1 >>> def mixed_function(a, b=2, c=3):
2 return a+b+c
4 >>> mixed_function(b=4, c=5)
5 Traceback (most recent call last):
6 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
7 TypeError: mixed_function() takes at least 1 argument (2 given)
8 >>> mixed_function(1, b=4, c=5)
9 10
10 >>> mixed_function(1)
11 6
There are 3 example cases in the above code. Let’s go over each of them. In
the first example, we try calling our function using just the keyword
arguments. This will give us a confusing error. The Traceback says that our
function accepts at least one argument, but that two were given. What’s
going on here? The fact is that the first argument is required because it’s not
set to anything, so if you only call the function with the keyword
arguments, that causes an error.
For the second example, we call the mixed function with 3 values, naming
two of them. This works and gives us the expected result, which was
1+4+5=10. The third example shows what happens if we only call the
function by passing in just one value…the one that didn’t have a default.
This also works by taking the “1” and adding it to the two default values of
“2” and “3” to get a result of “6”! Isn’t that cool?
Note: in addition to the convention of *args and *kwargs, you will also see
a andkw from time to time.
First we create our function using the new syntax and then we call it with
three regular arguments and two keyword arguments. The function itself
will print out both types of arguments. As you can see, the args parameter
turns into a tuple and kwargs turns into a dictionary. You will see this type
of coding used in the Python source and in many 3rd party Python
If you run this code, you will receive the following error:
1 NameError: global name 'a' is not defined
This is caused because the variable a is only defined in the first function
and is not available in the second. You can get around this by telling Python
that a is a global variable. Let’s take a look at how that’s done:
1 def function_a():
2 global a
3 a = 1
4 b = 2
5 return a+b
7 def function_b():
8 c = 3
9 return a+c
11 print(function_a())
12 print(function_b())
This code will work because we told Python to make a global, which means
that that variable is available everywhere in our program. This is usually a
bad idea and not recommended. The reason it is not recommended is that it
makes it difficult to tell when the variable is defined. Another problem is
that when we define a global in one place, we may accidentally redefine its
value in another which may cause logic errors later that are difficult to
Coding Tips
One of the biggest problems that new programmers need to learn is the idea
of “Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)”. This concept is that you should avoid
writing the same code more than once. When you find yourself doing that,
then you know that chunk of code should go into a function. One great
reason to do this is that you will almost certainly need to change that piece
of code again in the future and if it’s in multiple places, then you will need
to remember where all those locations are AND change them.
Copying and pasting the same chunk of code all over is an example of
spaghetti code. Try to avoid this as much as possible. You will regret it at
some point either because you’ll be the one having to fix it or because
you’ll find someone else’s code that you have to maintain with these sorts
of problems.
Wrapping Up
You now have the foundational knowledge necessary to use functions
effectively. You should practice creating some simple functions and try
calling them in different ways. Once you’ve played around with functions a
bit or you just think you thoroughly understand the concepts involved, you
can turn to the next chapter on classes.
Chapter 11 - Classes
Everything in Python is an object. That’s a very vague statement unless
you’ve taken a computer programming class or two. What this means is that
every thing in Python has methods and values. The reason is that everything
is based on a class. A class is the blueprint of an object. Let’s take a look at
what I mean:
1 >>> x = "Mike"
2 >>> dir(x)
3 ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__',
4 '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__',
5 '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__',
6 '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',
7 r__',
8 '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
9 _',
10 '_formatter_field_name_split', '_formatter_parser', 'capitalize', 'center',
11 nt',
12 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs', 'find', 'format', 'index',
13 m',
14 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join',
15 ',
16 'lower', 'lstrip', 'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust',
17 on',
18 'rsplit', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip',
'swapcase', 't\
19 itle',
20 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']
Here we have a string assigned to the variable x. It might not look like
much, but that string has a lot of methods. If you use Python’s dir keyword,
you can get a list of all the methods you can call on your string. There are
71 methods here! Technically we’re not supposed to call the methods that
start with underscores directly, so that reduces the total to 38, but that’s still
a lot of methods! What does this mean though? It means that a string is
based on a class and x is an instance of that class!
In Python we can create our own classes. Let’s get started!
Creating a Class
Creating a class in Python is very easy. Here is a very simple example:
1 # Python 2.x syntax
2 class Vehicle(object):
3 """docstring"""
5 def __init__(self):
6 """Constructor"""
7 pass
The code above added three attributes and two methods. The three
attributes are:
1 self.color = color
2 self.doors = doors
3 self.tires = tires
Attributes describe the vehicle. So the vehicle has a color, some number of
doors and some number of tires. It also has two methods. A method
describes what a class does. So in this case, a vehicle can brake and drive.
You may have noticed that all of the methods, including the first one have a
funny argument called self. Let’s talk about that!
What is self?
Python classes need a way to refer to themselves. This isn’t some kind of
narcissistic navel-gazing on the part of the class. Instead, it’s a way to tell
one instance from another. The word self is a way to describe itself,
literally. Let’s take a look at an example as I always find that helpful when
I’m learning something new and strange:
Add the following code to the end of that class you wrote above and save it:
1 if __name__ == "__main__":
2 car = Vehicle("blue", 5, 4)
3 print(car.color)
5 truck = Vehicle("red", 3, 6)
6 print(truck.color)
In this example, we pass in another parameter to tell the class which vehicle
type we’re creating. Then we call each method for each instance. If you run
this code, you should see the following output:
1 car braking
2 I'm driving a blue car!
3 I'm driving a red truck!
4 truck braking
This demonstrates how the instance keeps track of its “self”. You will also
notice that we are able to get the values of the attributes from the __init__
method into the other methods. The reason is because all those attributes are
prepended with self.. If we hadn’t done that, the variables would have gone
out of scope at the end of the __init__ method.
The real power of classes becomes apparent when you get into subclasses.
You may not have realized it, but we’ve already created a subclass when we
created a class based on object. In other words, we subclassed object. Now
because object isn’t very interesting, the previous examples don’t really
demonstrate the power of subclassing. So let’s subclass our Vehicle class
and find out how all this works.
1 class Car(Vehicle):
2 """
3 The Car class
4 """
6 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
7 def brake(self):
8 """
9 Override brake method
10 """
11 return "The car class is breaking slowly!"
13 if __name__ == "__main__":
14 car = Car("yellow", 2, 4, "car")
15 car.brake()
16 'The car class is breaking slowly!'
17 car.drive()
18 "I'm driving a yellow car!"
For this example, we subclassed our Vehicle class. You will notice that we
didn’t include an __init__ method or a drive method. The reason is that
when you subclass Vehicle, you get all its attributes and methods unless you
override them. Thus you will notice that we did override the brake method
and made it say something different from the default. The other methods we
left the same. So when you tell the car to brake, it uses the original method
and we learn that we’re driving a yellow car. Wasn’t that neat?
Using the default values of the parent class is known as inheriting or
inheritance. This is a big topic in Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
This is also a simple example of polymorphism. Polymorphic classes
typically have the same interfaces (i.e. methods, attributes), but they are not
aware of each other. In Python land, polymorphism isn’t very rigid about
making sure the interfaces are exactly the same. Instead, it follows the
concept of duck typing. The idea of duck typing is that if it walks like a
duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck. So in Python, as long as the
class has method names that are the same, it doesn’t matter if the
implementation of the methods are different.
Anyway, you really don’t need to know the nitty gritty details of all that to
use classes in Python. You just need to be aware of the terminology so if
you want to dig deeper, you will be able to. You can find lots of good
examples of Python polymorphism that will help you figure out if and how
you might use that concept in your own applications.
Now, when you subclass, you can override as much or as little from the
parent class as you want. If you completely override it, then you would
probably be just as well off just creating a new class.
Wrapping Up
Classes are a little complicated, but they are very powerful. They allow you
to use variables across methods which can make code reuse even easier. I
would recommend taking a look at Python’s source for some excellent
examples of how classes are defined and used.
We are now at the end of Part I. Congratulations for making it this far! You
now have the tools necessary to build just about anything in Python! In Part
II, we will spend time learning about using some of the wonderful modules
that Python includes in its distribution. This will help you to better
understand the power of Python and familiarize yourself with using the
Standard Library. Part II will basically be a set of tutorials to help you on
your way to becoming a great Python programmer!
Part II - Learning from the Library
In Part II, you will get an abbreviated tour of some of the Python Standard
Library. The reason it’s abbreviated is that the Python Standard Library is
HUGE! So this section is to get you acquainted with using the modules that
come with Python. I will be going over the modules I use the most in my
day-to-day job and the modules I’ve seen used by my co-workers. I think
this mini-tour will prepare you for digging in on your own.
smtplib / email
thread / queues
time / datetime
The first chapter in this section will give you a quick tutorial into Python’s
introspection abilities; basically you’ll learn how to make Python tell you
about itself, which sounds kind of weird but is really quite valuable to know
about. Next we’ll learn how to use ConfigParser, a neat little module that
let’s you read and write config files. After that we’ll take a look at logging.
The os module can do lots of fun things, but we’ll try to focus on the ones
that I think you’ll find most useful. The subprocess allows you to open
other processes.
You will find the sys module allows you to exit a program, get the Python
path, acquire version information, redirect stdout and a whole lot more. The
thread module allows you to create threads in your program. We won’t
dive too deep into that subject as it can get confusing pretty quickly. The
time and datetime modules allow you to manipulate dates and time in
Python, which has many applications when it comes to developing
As you can see, Python has a keyword called type that can tell you what is
what. In my real-life experiences, I’ve used type to help me figure out what
is going on when my database data is corrupt or not what I expect. I just add
a couple lines and print out each row’s data along with its type. This has
helped me a lot when I’ve been dumbfounded by some stupid code I wrote.
Since everything in Python is an object, we can pass a string to dir and find
out what methods it has. Pretty neat, huh? Now let’s try it with an imported
1 >>> import sys
2 >>> dir(sys)
3 ['__displayhook__', '__doc__', '__egginsert', '__excepthook__',
4 '__name__', '__plen', '__stderr__', '__stdin__', '__stdout__',
5 '_getframe', 'api_version', 'argv', 'builtin_module_names',
6 'byteorder', 'call_tracing', 'callstats', 'copyright',
7 'displayhook', 'dllhandle', 'exc_clear', 'exc_info',
8 'exc_traceback', 'exc_type', 'exc_value', 'excepthook',
9 'exec_prefix', 'executable', 'exit', 'exitfunc',
10 'getcheckinterval', 'getdefaultencoding', 'getfilesystemencoding',
11 'getrecursionlimit', 'getrefcount', 'getwindowsversion', 'hexversion',
12 'maxint', 'maxunicode', 'meta_path', 'modules', 'path', 'path_hooks',
13 'path_importer_cache', 'platform', 'prefix', 'setcheckinterval',
14 'setprofile', 'setrecursionlimit', 'settrace', 'stderr', 'stdin',
15 'stdout', 'version', 'version_info', 'warnoptions', 'winver']
Now, that’s handy! If you haven’t figured it out yet, the dir function is
extremely handy for those 3rd party packages that you have downloaded (or
will soon download) that have little to no documentation. How do you find
out about what methods are available in these cases? Well, dir will help you
figure it out. Of course, sometimes the documentation is in the code itself,
which brings us to the builtin help utility.
Python Help!
Python comes with a handy help utility. Just type “help()” (minus the
quotes) into a Python shell and you’ll see the following directions (Python
version may vary)
1 >>> help()
3 Welcome to Python 2.6! This is the online help utility.
5 If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out
6 the tutorial on the Internet at http://www.python.org/doc/tut/.
8 Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing
9 Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and
10 return to the interpreter, just type "quit".
12 To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",
13 "keywords", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary
14 of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word
15 such as "spam", type "modules spam".
17 help>
Note that you now have a “help>” prompt instead of the “>>>”. When you
are in help mode, you can explore the various modules, keywords and
topics found in Python. Also note that when typing the word “modules”,
you will see a delay as Python searches its library folder to acquire a list. If
you have installed a lot of 3rd party modules, this can take quite a while, so
be prepared to go fix yourself a mocha while you wait. Once it’s done, just
follow the directions and play around with it and I think you’ll get the gist.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to take an unknown module and learn a lot about it by
just using some of Python’s built-in functionality. You will find yourself
using these commands over and over again to help you learn Python. As I
mentioned earlier, you will find these tools especially helpful for the 3rd
Party modules that don’t believe in documentation.
Chapter 13 - The csv Module
The csv module gives the Python programmer the ability to parse CSV
(Comma Separated Values) files. A CSV file is a human readable text file
where each line has a number of fields, separated by commas or some other
delimiter. You can think of each line as a row and each field as a column.
The CSV format has no standard, but they are similar enough that the csv
module will be able to read the vast majority of CSV files. You can also
write CSV files using the csv module.
Let’s take a moment to break this down a bit. First off, we have to actually
import the csv module. Then we create a very simple function called
csv_reader that accepts a file object. Inside the function, we pass the file
object into the csv.reader function, which returns a reader object. The
reader object allows iteration, much like a regular file object does. This lets
us iterate over each row in the reader object and print out the line of data,
minus the commas. This works because each row is a list and we can join
each element in the list together, forming one long string.
Now let’s create our own CSV file and feed it into the DictReader class.
Here’s a really simple one:
1 first_name,last_name,address,city,state,zip_code
2 Tyrese,Hirthe,1404 Turner Ville,Strackeport,NY,19106-8813
3 Jules,Dicki,2410 Estella Cape Suite 061,Lake Nickolasville,ME,00621-7435
4 Dedric,Medhurst,6912 Dayna Shoal,Stiedemannberg,SC,43259-2273
Let’s save this in a file named data.csv. Now we’re ready to parse the file
using the DictReader class. Let’s try it out:
1 import csv
3 def csv_dict_reader(file_obj):
4 """
5 Read a CSV file using csv.DictReader
6 """
7 reader = csv.DictReader(file_obj, delimiter=',')
8 for line in reader:
9 print(line["first_name"]),
10 print(line["last_name"])
12 if __name__ == "__main__":
13 with open("data.csv") as f_obj:
14 csv_dict_reader(f_obj)
In the example above, we open a file and pass the file object to our function
as we did before. The function passes the file object to our DictReader
class. We tell the DictReader that the delimiter is a comma. This isn’t
actually required as the code will still work without that keyword argument.
However, it’s a good idea to be explicit so you know what’s going on here.
Next we loop over the reader object and discover that each line in the reader
object is a dictionary. This makes printing out specific pieces of the line
very easy.
The csv_writer function opens the path that we pass in and creates a csv
writer object. Then we loop over the nested list structure and write each line
out to disk. Note that we specified what the delimiter should be when we
created the writer object. If you want the delimiter to be something besides
a comma, this is where you would set it.
Now we’re ready to learn how to write a CSV file using the DictWriter
class! We’re going to use the data from the previous version and transform
it into a list of dictionaries that we can feed to our hungry DictWriter. Let’s
take a look:
1 import csv
3 def csv_dict_writer(path, fieldnames, data):
4 """
5 Writes a CSV file using DictWriter
6 """
7 with open(path, "w", newline='') as out_file:
8 writer = csv.DictWriter(out_file, delimiter=',',
9 writer.writeheader()
10 for row in data:
11 writer.writerow(row)
13 if __name__ == "__main__":
14 data = ["first_name,last_name,city".split(","),
15 "Tyrese,Hirthe,Strackeport".split(","),
16 "Jules,Dicki,Lake Nickolasville".split(","),
17 "Dedric,Medhurst,Stiedemannberg".split(",")
18 ]
19 my_list = []
20 fieldnames = data[0]
21 for values in data[1:]:
22 inner_dict = dict(zip(fieldnames, values))
23 my_list.append(inner_dict)
25 path = "dict_output.csv"
26 csv_dict_writer(path, fieldnames, my_list)
We will start in the second section first. As you can see, we start out with
the nested list structure that we had before. Next we create an empty list and
a list that contains the field names, which happens to be the first list inside
the nested list. Remember, lists are zero-based, so the first element in a list
starts at zero! Next we loop over the nested list construct, starting with the
second element:
1 for values in data[1:]:
2 inner_dict = dict(zip(fieldnames, values))
3 my_list.append(inner_dict)
Inside the for loop, we use Python builtins to create dictionary. The zip
method will take two iterators (lists in this case) and turn them into a list of
tuples. Here’s an example:
1 zip(fieldnames, values)
2 [('first_name', 'Dedric'), ('last_name', 'Medhurst'), ('city',
Now when your wrap that call in dict, it turns that list of tuples into a
dictionary. Finally we append the dictionary to the list. When the for
finishes, you’ll end up with a data structure that looks like this:
[{‘city’: ‘Strackeport’, ‘first_name’: ‘Tyrese’, ‘last_name’: ‘Hirthe’},
{‘city’: ‘Lake Nickolasville’, ‘first_name’: ‘Jules’, ‘last_name’:
‘Dicki’}, {‘city’: ‘Stiedemannberg’, ‘first_name’: ‘Dedric’,
‘last_name’: ‘Medhurst’}]
You may be interested to know that you can also create Dialects with the
csv module. This allows you to tell the csv module how to read or write a
file in a very explicit manner. If you need this sort of thing because of an
oddly formatted file from a client, then you’ll find this functionality
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use the csv module to read and write CSV files.
There are many websites that put out their data in this format and it is used
a lot in the business world. In our next chapter, we will begin learning about
the ConfigParser module.
Chapter 14 - configparser
Configuration files are used by both users and programmers. They are
usually used for storing your application’s settings or even your operating
system’s settings. Python’s core library includes a module called
configparser that you can use for creating and interacting with configuration
files. We’ll spend a few minutes learning how it works in this chapter.
The code above will create a config file with one section labelled Settings
that will contain four options: font, font_size, font_style and font_info. Also
note that in Python 3 we only need to specify that we’re writing the file in
write-only mode, i.e. “w”. Back in Python 2, we had to use “wb” to write in
binary mode.
This code first checks to see if the path for the config file exists. If it does
not, then it uses the createConfig function we created earlier to create it.
Next we create a ConfigParser object and pass it the config file path to read.
To read an option in your config file, we call our ConfigParser object’s get
method, passing it the section name and the option name. This will return
the option’s value. If you want to change an option’s value, then you use the
set method, where you pass the section name, the option name and the new
value. Finally, you can use the remove_option method to remove an option.
This example is heavily refactored compared to the first one. I even went so
far as to name the functions following PEP8. Each function should be self-
explanatory and self-contained. Instead of putting all the logic into one
function, we separate it out into multiple functions and then demonstrate
their functionality within the bottom if statement. Now you can import the
module and use it yourself.
Please note that this example has the section hard-coded, so you will want
to update this example further to make it completely generic.
If you run this code, you should see output similar to the following:
1 You are using Courier at 12 pt
2 You are using Arial at 100 pt
Wrapping Up
At this point, you should know enough about the configparser’s
capabilities that you can use it for your own projects. There’s another
project called ConfigObj that isn’t a part of Python that you might also
want to check out. ConfigObj is more flexible and has more features than
configparser. But if you’re in a pinch or your organization doesn’t allow
3rd party packages, then configparser will probably fit the bill.
Chapter 15 - Logging
Python provides a very powerful logging library in its standard library. A lot
of programmers use print statements for debugging (myself included), but
you can also use logging to do this. It’s actually cleaner to use logging as
you won’t have to go through all your code to remove the print statements.
In this chapter we’ll cover the following topics:
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to confidently create your
own logs for your applications. Let’s get started!
As you might expect, to access the logging module you have to first import
it. The easiest way to create a log is to use the logging module’s
basicConfig function and pass it some keyword arguments. It accepts the
following: filename, filemode, format, datefmt, level and stream. In our
example, we pass it a file name and the logging level, which we set to
INFO. There are five levels of logging (in ascending order): DEBUG,
INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. By default, if you run this
code multiple times, it will append to the log if it already exists. If you
would rather have your logger overwrite the log, then pass in a
filemode=”w” as mentioned in the comment in the code. Speaking of
running the code, this is what you should get if you ran it once:
1 INFO:root:Informational message
2 ERROR:root:An error has happened!
Note that the debugging message isn’t in the output. That is because we set
the level at INFO, so our logger will only log if it’s a INFO, WARNING,
ERROR or CRITICAL message. The root part just means that this logging
message is coming from the root logger or the main logger. We’ll look at
how to change that so it’s more descriptive in the next section. If you don’t
use basicConfig, then the logging module will output to the console /
The logging module can also log some exceptions to file or wherever you
have it configured to log to. Here’s an example:
1 import logging
3 logging.basicConfig(filename="sample.log", level=logging.INFO)
4 log = logging.getLogger("ex")
6 try:
7 raise RuntimeError
8 except RuntimeError:
9 log.exception("Error!")
Let’s break this down a bit. Here we use the logging module’s getLogger
method to return a logger object that has been named ex. This is handy
when you have multiple loggers in one application as it allows you to
identify which messages came from each logger. This example will force a
RuntimeError to be raised, catch the error and log the entire traceback to
file, which can be very handy when debugging.
If you run the main code, you should end up with a log that has the
following contents:
1 INFO:root:Program started
2 INFO:root:added 7 and 8 to get 15
3 INFO:root:Done!
Do you see the problem with doing it this way? You can’t really tell very
easily where the log messages are coming from. This will only get more
confusing the more modules there are that write to this log. So we need to
fix that. That brings us to the complex way of creating a logger. Let’s take a
look at a different implementation:
1 import logging
2 import otherMod2
4 def main():
5 """
6 The main entry point of the application
7 """
8 logger = logging.getLogger("exampleApp")
9 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
11 # create the logging file handler
12 fh = logging.FileHandler("new_snake.log")
14 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s -
15 ssage)s')
16 fh.setFormatter(formatter)
18 # add handler to logger object
19 logger.addHandler(fh)
21 logger.info("Program started")
22 result = otherMod2.add(7, 8)
23 logger.info("Done!")
25 if __name__ == "__main__":
26 main()
Note that here we have two loggers defined. We don’t do anything with the
module_logger in this case, but we do use the other one. If you run the main
script, you should see the following output in your file:
1 2012-08-02 15:37:40,592 - exampleApp - INFO - Program started
2 2012-08-02 15:37:40,592 - exampleApp.otherMod2.add - INFO - added 7 and 8 to
3 15
4 2012-08-02 15:37:40,592 - exampleApp - INFO - Done!
You will notice that all references to root have been removed. Instead it
uses our Formatter object which says that we should get a human readable
time, the logger name, the logging level and then the message. These are
actually known as LogRecord attributes. For a full list of LogRecord
attributes, see the documentation as there are too many to list here.
You’ll notice that we have two loggers specified: root and exampleApp. For
whatever reason, “root” is required. If you don’t include it, Python will
raise a ValueError from config.py’s _install_loggers function, which is a
part of the logging module. If you set the root’s handler to fileHandler,
then you’ll end up doubling the log output, so to keep that from happening,
we send it to the console instead. Study this example closely. You’ll need a
section for every key in the first three sections. Now let’s see how we load
it in the code:
1 # log_with_config.py
2 import logging
3 import logging.config
4 import otherMod2
6 def main():
7 """
8 Based on http://docs.python.org/howto/logging.html#configuring-logging
9 """
10 logging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf')
11 logger = logging.getLogger("exampleApp")
13 logger.info("Program started")
14 result = otherMod2.add(7, 8)
15 logger.info("Done!")
17 if __name__ == "__main__":
18 main()
As you can see, all you need to do is pass the config file path to
logging.config.fileConfig. You’ll also notice that we don’t need all that
setup code any more as that’s all in the config file. Also we can just import
the otherMod2 module with no changes. Anyway, if you run the above,
you should end up with the following in your log file:
1 2012-08-02 18:23:33,338 - exampleApp - INFO - Program started
2 2012-08-02 18:23:33,338 - exampleApp.otherMod2.add - INFO - added 7 and 8 to
3 15
4 2012-08-02 18:23:33,338 - exampleApp - INFO - Done!
As you might have guessed, it’s very similar to the other example. Now
we’ll move on to the other config method. The dictionary configuration
method (dictConfig) wasn’t added until Python 2.7, so make sure you have
that or a later version, otherwise you won’t be able to follow along. It’s not
well documented how this works. In fact, the examples in the
documentation show YAML for some reason. Anyway, here’s some
working code for you to look over:
1 # log_with_config.py
2 import logging
3 import logging.config
4 import otherMod2
6 def main():
7 """
8 Based on http://docs.python.org/howto/logging.html#configuring-logging
9 """
10 dictLogConfig = {
11 "version":1,
12 "handlers":{
13 "fileHandler":{
14 "class":"logging.FileHandler",
15 "formatter":"myFormatter",
16 "filename":"config2.log"
17 }
18 },
19 "loggers":{
20 "exampleApp":{
21 "handlers":["fileHandler"],
22 "level":"INFO",
23 }
24 },
26 "formatters":{
27 "myFormatter":{
28 "format":"%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %
29 }
30 }
31 }
33 logging.config.dictConfig(dictLogConfig)
35 logger = logging.getLogger("exampleApp")
37 logger.info("Program started")
38 result = otherMod2.add(7, 8)
39 logger.info("Done!")
41 if __name__ == "__main__":
42 main()
If you run this code, you’ll end up with the same output as the previous
method. Note that you don’t need the “root” logger when you use a
dictionary configuration.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should know how to get started using loggers and how to
configure them in several different ways. You should also have gained the
knowledge of how to modify the output using the Formatter object. The
logging module is very handy for troubleshooting what went wrong in your
application. Be sure to spend some time practicing with this module before
writing a large application.
In the next chapter we will be looking at how to use the os module.
Chapter 16 - The os Module
The os module has many uses. We won’t be covering everything that it can
do. Instead, we will get an overview of its uses and we’ll also take a look at
one of its sub-modules, known as os.path. Specifically, we will be covering
the following:
That looks like a lot to cover, but there is at least ten times as many other
actions that the os module can do. This chapter is just going to give you a
little taste of what’s available. To use any of the methods mentioned in this
section, you will need to import the os module, like this:
1 import os
The os module has both callable functions and normal values. In the case of
os.name, it is just a value. When you access os.name, you will get
information about what platform you are running on. You will receive one
of the following values: ‘posix’, ‘nt’, ‘os2’, ‘ce’, ‘java’, ‘riscos’. Let’s see
what we get when we run it on Windows 7:
1 >>> import os
2 >>> os.name
3 'nt'
This tells us that our Python instance is running on a Windows box. How do
we know this? Because Microsoft started calling its operating system NT
many years ago. For example, Windows 7 is also known as Windows NT
You could also use the os.getenv function to access this environmental
1 >>> os.getenv("TMP")
2 'C:\\Users\\mike\\AppData\\Local\\Temp'
The code above shows us that we started out in the Python directory by
default when we run this code in IDLE. Then we change folders using
os.chdir(). Finally we call os.getcwd() a second time to make sure that we
changed to the folder successfully.
The first line of code will create a folder named test in the current directory.
You can use the methods in the previous section to figure out where you
just ran your code if you’ve forgotten. The second example assigns a path to
a variable and then we pass the path to os.mkdir(). This allows you to create
a folder anywhere on your system that you have permission to.
The os.makedirs() function will create all the intermediate folders in a path
if they don’t already exist. Basically this means that you can created a path
that has nested folders in it. I find myself doing this a lot when I create a log
file that is in a dated folder structure, like Year/Month/Day. Let’s look at an
1 >>> path = r'C:\Users\mike\Documents\pytest\2014\02\19'
2 >>> os.makedirs(path)
What happened here? This code just created a bunch of folders! If you still
had the pytest folder in your system, then it just added a 2014 folder with
another folder inside of it which also contained a folder. Try it out for
yourself using a valid path on your system.
This code snippet will attempt to remove a file named test.txt from your
current working directory. If it cannot find the file, you will likely receive
some sort of error. You will also receive an error if the file is in use (i.e.
locked) or you don’t have permission to delete the file. You might also want
to check out os.unlink, which does the same thing. The term unlink is the
traditional Unix name for this procedure.
The code above will attempt to remove a directory named pytest from your
current working directory. If it’s successful, you will see that the directory
no longer exists. An error will be raised if the directory does not exist, you
do not have permission to remove it or if the directory is not empty. You
might also want to take a look at os.removedirs() which can remove nested
empty directories recursively.
os.rename(src, dst)
The os.rename() function will rename a file or folder. Let’s take a look at
an example where we rename a file:
1 >>> os.rename("test.txt", "pytest.txt")
The os.startfile() method allows us to “start” a file with its associated
program. In other words, we can open a file with it’s associated program,
just like when you double-click a PDF and it opens in Adobe Reader. Let’s
give it a try!
1 >>> os.startfile(r'C:\Users\mike\Documents\labels.pdf')
In the example above, I pass a fully qualified path to os.startfile that tells it
to open a file called labels.pdf. On my machine, this will open the PDF in
Adobe Reader. You should try opening your own PDFs, MP3s, and photos
using this method to see how it works.
The os.walk() method gives us a way to iterate over a root level path. What
this means is that we can pass a path to this function and get access to all its
sub-directories and files. Let’s use one of the Python folders that we have
handy to test this function with. We’ll use: C:\Python27\Tools
1 >>> path = r'C:\Python27\Tools'
2 >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
3 print(root)
5 C:\Python27\Tools
6 C:\Python27\Tools\i18n
7 C:\Python27\Tools\pynche
8 C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\X
9 C:\Python27\Tools\Scripts
10 C:\Python27\Tools\versioncheck
11 C:\Python27\Tools\webchecker
If you want, you can also loop over dirs and files too. Here’s one way to do
1 >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
2 print(root)
3 for _dir in dirs:
4 print(_dir)
5 for _file in files:
6 print(_file)
This piece of code will print a lot of stuff out, so I won’t be showing its
output here, but feel free to give it a try. Now we’re ready to learn about
working with paths!
The os.path sub-module of the os module has lots of great functionality
built into it. We’ll be looking at the following functions:
isdir and isfile
There are lots of other functions in this sub-module. You are welcome to go
read about them in the Python documentation, section 10.1.
The basename function will return just the filename of a path. Here is an
1 >>> os.path.basename(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 'ChipViewer.py'
I have found this useful whenever I need to use a filename for naming some
related file, such as a log file. This happens a lot when I’m processing a
data file.
The dirname function will return just the directory portion of the path. It’s
easier to understand if we take a look at some code:
1 >>> os.path.dirname(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 'C:\\Python27\\Tools\\pynche'
In this example, we just get the directory path back. This is also useful
when you want to store other files next to the file you’re processing, like the
aforementioned log file.
The exists function will tell you if a path exists or not. All you have to do is
pass it a path. Let’s take a look:
1 >>> os.path.exists(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 True
3 >>> os.path.exists(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\fake.py')
4 False
In the first example, we pass the exists function a real path and it returns
True, which means that the path exists. In the second example, we passed it
a bad path and it told us that the path did not exist by returning False.
os.path.isdir / os.path.isfile
The isdir and isfile methods are closely related to the exists method in that
they also test for existence. However, isdir only checks if the path is a
directory and isfile only checks if the path is a file. If you want to check if a
path exists regardless of whether it is a file or a directory, then you’ll want
to use the exists method. Anyway, let’s study some examples:
1 >>> os.path.isfile(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 True
3 >>> os.path.isdir(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
4 False
5 >>> os.path.isdir(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche')
6 True
7 >>> os.path.isfile(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche')
8 False
Take a moment to study this set of examples. In the first one we pass a path
to a file and check if the path is really a file. Then the second example
checks the same path to see if it’s a directory. You can see for yourself how
that turned out. Then in the last two examples, we switched things up a bit
by passing a path to a directory to the same two functions. These examples
demonstrate how these two functions work.
The join method give you the ability to join one or more path components
together using the appropriate separator. For example, on Windows, the
separator is the backslash, but on Linux, the separator is the forward slash.
Here’s how it works:
1 >>> os.path.join(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche', 'ChipViewer.py')
2 'C:\\Python27\\Tools\\pynche\\ChipViewer.py'
In this example, we joined a directory path and a file path together to get a
fully qualified path. Note however that the join method does not check if
the result actually exists!
The split method will split a path into a tuple that contains the directory and
the file. Let’s take a look:
1 >>> os.path.split(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 ('C:\\Python27\\Tools\\pynche', 'ChipViewer.py')
This example shows what happens when we path in a path with a file. Let’s
see what happens if the path doesn’t have a filename on the end:
1 >>> os.path.split(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche')
(‘C:\Python27\Tools’, ‘pynche’)
As you can see, it took the path and split it in such a way that the last sub-
folder became the second element of the tuple with the rest of the path in
the first element.
For our final example, I thought you might like to see a commmon use case
of the split:
1 >>> dirname, fname = os.path.split(r'C:\Python27\Tools\pynche\ChipViewer.py')
2 >>> dirname
3 'C:\\Python27\\Tools\\pynche'
4 >>> fname
5 'ChipViewer.py'
This shows how to do multiple assignment. When you split the path, it
returns a two-element tuple. Since we have two variables on the left, the
first element of the tuple is assigned to the first variable and the second
element to the second variable.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should be pretty familiar with the os module. In this
chapter you learned the following:
There are a lot of other functions in the os module that are not covered here.
Be sure to read the documentation to see what else you can do. In the next
chapter, we will be learning about the email and smtplib modules.
Chapter 17 - The email / smtplib Module
Python provides a couple of really nice modules that we can use to craft
emails with. They are the email and smtplib modules. Instead of going
over various methods in these two modules, we’ll spend some time learning
how to actually use these modules. Specifically, we’ll be covering the
We imported two modules, smtplib and the string module. Two thirds of
this code is used for setting up the email. Most of the variables are pretty
self-explanatory, so we’ll focus on the odd one only, which is BODY. Here
we use the string module to combine all the previous variables into a single
string where each lines ends with a carriage return (“/r”) plus new line
(“/n”). If you print BODY out, it would look like this:
1 'From: [email protected]\r\nTo: [email protected]\r\nSubject: Test email
from \
2 Python\r\n\r\nblah blah blah'
After that, we set up a server connection to our host and then we call the
smtplib module’s sendmail method to send the email. Then we disconnect
from the server. You will note that this code doesn’t have a username or
password in it. If your server requires authentication, then you’ll need to
add the following code:
1 server.login(username, password)
This should be added right after you create the server object. Normally, you
would want to put this code into a function and call it with some of these
parameters. You might even want to put some of this information into a
config file. Let’s put this code into a function.
1 import smtplib
3 def send_email(host, subject, to_addr, from_addr, body_text):
4 """
5 Send an email
6 """
7 BODY = "\r\n".join((
8 "From: %s" % from_addr,
9 "To: %s" % to_addr,
10 "Subject: %s" % subject ,
11 "",
12 body_text
13 ))
14 server = smtplib.SMTP(host)
15 server.sendmail(from_addr, [to_addr], BODY)
16 server.quit()
18 if __name__ == "__main__":
19 host = "mySMTP.server.com"
20 subject = "Test email from Python"
21 to_addr = "[email protected]"
22 from_addr = "[email protected]"
23 body_text = "Python rules them all!"
24 send_email(host, subject, to_addr, from_addr, body_text)
Now you can see how small the actual code is by just looking at the
function itself. That’s 13 lines! And we could make it shorter if we didn’t
put every item in the BODY on its own line, but it wouldn’t be as readable.
Now we’ll add a config file to hold the server information and the from
address. Why? Well in the work I do, we might use different email servers
to send email or if the email server gets upgraded and the name changes,
then we only need to change the config file rather than the code. The same
thing could apply to the from address if our company was bought and
merged into another.
We’ve added a little check to this code. We want to first grab the path that
the script itself is in, which is what base_path represents. Next we combine
that path with the file name to get a fully qualified path to the config file.
We then check for the existence of that file. If it’s there, we create a
ConfigParser and if it’s not, we print a message and exit the script. We
should add an exception handler around the ConfigParser.read() call just
to be on the safe side though as the file could exist, but be corrupt or we
might not have permission to open it and that will throw an exception. That
will be a little project that you can attempt on your own. Anyway, let’s say
that everything goes well and the ConfigParser object is created
successfully. Now we can extract the host and from_addr information using
the usual ConfigParser syntax.
Now we’re ready to learn how to send multiple emails at the same time!
You’ll notice that in this example, we removed the to_addr parameter and
added an emails parameter, which is a list of email addresses. To make this
work, we need to create a comma-separated string in the To: portion of the
BODY and also pass the email list to the sendmail method. Thus we do the
following to create a simple comma separated string: ’, ‘.join(emails).
Simple, huh?
In this code, we pass in 3 lists, each with one email address a piece. We
create the CC and BCC fields exactly the same as before, but we also need
to combine the 3 lists into one so we can pass the combined list to the
sendmail() method. There is some talk on forums like StackOverflow that
some email clients may handle the BCC field in odd ways that allow the
recipient to see the BCC list via the email headers. I am unable to confirm
this behavior, but I do know that Gmail successfully strips the BCC
information from the email header.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to send out emails with Python. For those of you that
like mini projects, you should go back and add additional error handling
around the server.sendmail portion of the code in case something odd
happens during the process, such as an SMTPAuthenticationError or
SMTPConnectError. We could also beef up the error handling during the
attachment of the file to catch other errors. Finally, we may want to take
those various lists of emails and create one normalized list that has removed
duplicates. This is especially important if we are reading a list of email
addresses from a file.
Also note that our from address is fake. We can spoof emails using Python
and other programming languages, but that is very bad etiquette and
possibly illegal depending on where you live. You have been warned! Use
your knowledge wisely and enjoy Python for fun and profit!
Chapter 18 - The sqlite Module
SQLite is a self-contained, server-less, config-free transactional SQL
database engine. Python gained the sqlite3 module all the way back in
version 2.5 which means that you can create SQLite database with any
current Python without downloading any additional dependencies. Mozilla
uses SQLite databases for its popular Firefox browser to store bookmarks
and other various pieces of information. In this chapter you will learn the
In other words, rather than covering bits and pieces of the sqlite3 module,
we’ll go through how to actually use it.
If you want to inspect your database visually, you can use the SQLite
Manager plugin for Firefox (just Google for it) or if you like the command
line, you can use SQLite’s command line shell.
First we have to import the sqlite3 module and create a connection to the
database. You can pass it a file path, file name or just use use the special
string “:memory:” to create the database in memory. In our case, we created
it on disk in a file called mydatabase.db. Next we create a cursor object,
which allows you to interact with the database and add records, among
other things. Here we use SQL syntax to create a table named albums with
5 text fields: title, artist, release_date, publisher and media_type. SQLite
only supports five data types: null, integer, real, text and blob. Let’s build
on this code and insert some data into our new table!
Note: If you run the CREATE TABLE command and the database
already exists, you will receive an error message.
1 # insert some data
2 cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO albums
3 VALUES ('Glow', 'Andy Hunter', '7/24/2012',
4 'Xplore Records', 'MP3')"""
5 )
7 # save data to database
8 conn.commit()
10 # insert multiple records using the more secure "?" method
11 albums = [('Exodus', 'Andy Hunter', '7/9/2002', 'Sparrow Records', 'CD'),
12 ('Until We Have Faces', 'Red', '2/1/2011', 'Essential Records',
13 ('The End is Where We Begin', 'Thousand Foot Krutch', '4/17/2012',
14 Kmusic', 'CD'),
15 ('The Good Life', 'Trip Lee', '4/10/2012', 'Reach Records', 'CD')]
16 cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO albums VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", albums)
17 conn.commit()
Here we use the INSERT INTO SQL command to insert a record into our
database. Note that each item had to have single quotes around it. This can
get complicated when you need to insert strings that include single quotes
in them. Anyway, to save the record to the database, we have to commit it.
The next piece of code shows how to add multiple records at once by using
the cursor’s executemany method. Note that we’re using question marks
(?) instead of string substitution (%s) to insert the values. Using string
substitution is NOT safe and should not be used as it can allow SQL
injection attacks to occur. The question mark method is much better and
using SQLAlchemy is even better because it does all the escaping for you
so you won’t have to mess with the annoyances of converting embedded
single quotes into something that SQLite will accept.
Here we use SQL’s UPDATE command to update out albums table. You
can use SET to change a field, so in this case we change the artist field to
be John Doe in any record WHERE the artist field is set to Andy Hunter.
Wasn’t that easy? Note that if you don’t commit the changes, then your
changes won’t be written out to the database. The DELETE command is
almost as easy. Let’s check that out!
1 import sqlite3
3 conn = sqlite3.connect("mydatabase.db")
4 cursor = conn.cursor()
6 sql = """
7 DELETE FROM albums
8 WHERE artist = 'John Doe'
9 """
10 cursor.execute(sql)
11 conn.commit()
Deleting is even easier than updating. The SQL is only 2 lines! In this case,
all we had to do was tell SQLite which table to delete from (albums) and
which records to delete using the WHERE clause. Thus it looked for any
records that had “John Doe” in its artist field and deleted it.
The second query is much like the first, but it returns every record in the
database and orders the results by the artist name in ascending order. This
also demonstrates how we can loop over the results. The last query shows
how to use SQL’s LIKE command to search for partial phrases. In this case,
we do a search of the entire table for titles that start with “The”. The percent
sign (%) is a wildcard operator.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use Python to create a SQLite database. You can
also create, update and delete records as well as run queries against your
Chapter 19 - The subprocess Module
The subprocess module gives the developer the ability to start processes or
programs from Python. In other words, you can start applications and pass
arguments to them using the subprocess module. The subprocess module
was added way back in Python 2.4 to replace the os modules set of
os.popen, os.spawn and os.system calls as well as replace popen2 and the
old commands module. We will be looking at the following aspects of the
subprocess module:
If you run this on a Windows machine, you should see Notepad open up.
You will notice that IDLE waits for you to close Notepad and then it returns
a code zero (0). This means that it completed successfully. If you receive
anything except for a zero, then it usually means you have had some kind of
Normally when you call this function, you would want to assign the
resulting return code to a variable so you can check to see if it was the
result you expected. Let’s do that:
1 >>> code = subprocess.call("notepad.exe")
2 >>> if code == 0:
3 print("Success!")
4 else:
5 print("Error!")
6 Success!
If you run this code, you will see that it prints out Success! to the screen.
The call method also accepts arguments to be passed to the program that
you’re executing. Let’s see how that works:
1 >>> code = subprocess.call(["ping", "www.yahoo.com"])
3 Pinging ds-any-fp3-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of
4 Reply from bytes=32 time=66ms TTL=45
5 Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=45
6 Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=45
7 Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=45
9 Ping statistics for
10 Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
11 Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
12 Minimum = 66ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 74ms
13 >>> code
14 0
You will notice that in this example we are passing a list of arguments. The
first item in the list is the program we want to call. Anything else in the list
are arguments that we want to pass to that program. So in this example, we
are executing a ping against Yahoo’s website. You will notice that the return
code was zero, so everything completed successfully.
You can also execute the program using the operating system’s shell. This
does add a level of abstraction to the process and it raises the possibility of
security issues. Here is the Python documentation’s official warning on the
When you do this in IDLE, Notepad will pop up and may be in front of
your IDLE session. Just move Notepad out of the way, but do not close it!
You need to tell your process to wait for you won’t be able to get the return
code. Once you’ve typed that line, close Notepad and print the code out. Or
you could just put all this code into a saved Python file and run that.
Note that using the wait method can cause the child process to deadlock
when using the stdout/stderr=PIPE commands when the process generates
enough output to block the pipe. You can use the communicate method to
alleviate this situation. We’ll be looking at that method in the next section.
Now let’s try running Popen using multiple arguments:
1 >>> subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-l"])
2 <subprocess.Popen object at 0xb7451001>
If you run this code in Linux, you’ll see it print out the Popen object
message and then a listing of the permissions and contents of whatever
folder you ran this in. You can use the shell argument with Popen too, but
the same caveats apply to Popen as they did to the call method.
Learning to Communicate
There are several ways to communicate with the process you have invoked.
We’re just going to focus on how to use the subprocess module’s
communicate method. Let’s take a look:
1 args = ["ping", "www.yahoo.com"]
2 process = subprocess.Popen(args,
3 stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
5 data = process.communicate()
6 print(data)
If you run this code, you should see something like the following printed to
your screen:
1 Pinging ds-any-fp3-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com [] with 32 bytes of
2 Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=45
3 Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=45
4 Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=45
5 Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=45
7 Ping statistics for
8 Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
9 Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
10 Minimum = 67ms, Maximum = 70ms, Average = 68ms
12 None
That last line that says “None” is the result of stderr, which means that there
were no errors.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you have the knowledge to use the subprocess module
effectively. You can open a process in two different ways, you know how to
wait for a return code, and you know how to communicate with the child
process that you created.
The value of sys.argv is a Python list of command line arguments that were
passed to the Python script. The first argument, argv[0] is the name of the
Python script itself. Depending on the platform that you are running on, the
first argument may contain the full path to the script or just the file name.
You should study the documentation for additional details.
Let’s try out a few examples to familiarize ourselves with this little tool:
1 >>> import sys
2 >>> sys.argv
3 ['']
If you run this in the interpreter, you will receive a list with an empty string.
Let’s create a file named “sysargv.py” with the following contents:
1 # sysargv.py
2 import sys
4 print(sys.argv)
Now run the code in IDLE. You should see it print out a list with a single
element that contains the path to your script in it. Let’s try passing the script
some arguments. Open up a terminal / console screen and change
directories (use the “cd” command) to where your script is. Then run
something like this:
The first argument is the name of the script we wrote. The next two
arguments in the list are the ones we passed to our script on the command
The value of sys.executable is the absolute path to the Python interpreter.
This is useful when you are using someone else’s machine and need to
know where Python is installed. On some systems, this command will fail
and it will return an empty string or None. Here’s how to use it:
1 >>> import sys
2 >>> sys.executable
3 'C:\\Python27\\pythonw.exe'
The sys.exit() function allows the developer to exit from Python. The exit
function takes an optional argument, typically an integer, that gives an exit
status. Zero is considered a “successful termination”. Be sure to check if
your operating system has any special meanings for its exit statuses so that
you can follow them in your own application. Note that when you call exit,
it will raise the SystemExit exception, which allows cleanup functions to
work in the finally clauses of try / except blocks.
When you run this code in IDLE, you will see the SystemExit error raised.
Let’s create a couple of scripts to test this out. First you’ll want to create a
master script, a program that will call another Python script. Let’s name it
“call_exit.py”. Put the following code into it:
1 # call_exit.py
2 import subprocess
4 code = subprocess.call(["python.exe", "exit.py"])
5 print(code)
Now create another Python script called “exit.py” and save it in the same
folder. Put the following code into it:
1 import sys
3 sys.exit(0)
In the screenshot above, you can see that the exit script we wrote returned a
zero, so it ran successfully. You have also learned how to call another
Python script from within Python!
The sys module’s path value is a list of strings that specifies the search path
for modules. Basically this tells Python what locations to look in when it
tries to import a module. According to the Python documentation, sys.path
is initialized from an environment variable called PYTHONPATH, plus an
installation-dependent default. Let’s give it a try:
1 >>> import sys
2 >>> print(sys.path)
3 ['',
4 'C:\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib',
5 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\setuptools-0.9.5-py2.7.egg',
6 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\pip-1.3.1-py2.7.egg',
7 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\sphinx-1.2b3-py2.7.egg',
8 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\docutils-0.11-py2.7.egg',
9 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\pygments-1.6-py2.7.egg',
10 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\python27.zip', '
11 C:\\Python27\\DLLs',
12 'C:\\Python27\\lib',
13 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\plat-win',
14 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk',
15 'C:\\Python27',
16 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages',
17 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL',
18 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.9.4-msw']
This can be very useful for debugging why a module isn’t getting imported.
You can also modify the path. Because it’s a list, we can add or delete paths
from it. Here’s how to add a path:
1 >>> sys.path.append("/path/to/my/module")
The sys.platform value is a platform identifier. You can use this to append
platform specific modules to sys.path, import different modules depending
on platform or run different pieces of code. Let’s take a look:
1 >>> import sys
2 >>> sys.platform
3 'win32'
The code above shows how we might check to see if we’re using a
particular operating system. If we’re on Windows, we’ll get some
information from the Window’s Registry using a Python module called
_winreg. If we’re on Linux, we might execute the ls command to get
information about the directory we’re in.
Wrapping Up
There are many other values and methods in the sys module. Be sure to
look it up in the Python documentation, section 27.1. You have learned a lot
in this chapter. You now know how to exit a Python program, how to get
platform information, working with arguments passed on the command line
and much more. In the next chapter, we’ll be learning about Python threads!
Chapter 21 - The threading module
Python has a number of different concurrency constructs such as threading,
queues and multiprocessing. The threading module used to be the primary
way of accomplishing concurrency. A few years ago, the multiprocessing
module was added to the Python suite of standard libraries. This chapter
will be focused on how to use threads and queues.
Using Threads
We will start with a simple example that just demonstrates how threads
work. We will sub-class the Thread class and make it print out its name to
stdout. Let’s get coding!
1 import random
2 import time
4 from threading import Thread
6 class MyThread(Thread):
7 """
8 A threading example
9 """
11 def __init__(self, name):
12 """Initialize the thread"""
13 Thread.__init__(self)
14 self.name = name
16 def run(self):
17 """Run the thread"""
18 amount = random.randint(3, 15)
19 time.sleep(amount)
20 msg = "%s is running" % self.name
21 print(msg)
23 def create_threads():
24 """
25 Create a group of threads
26 """
27 for i in range(5):
28 name = "Thread #%s" % (i+1)
29 my_thread = MyThread(name)
30 my_thread.start()
32 if __name__ == "__main__":
33 create_threads()
In the code above, we import Python’s random module, the time module
and we import the Thread class from the threading module. Next we sub-
class Thread and make override its __init__ method to accept an argument
we label “name”. To start a thread, you have to call its start() method.
When you start a thread, it will automatically call the thread’s run method.
We have overridden the thread’s run method to make it choose a random
amount of time to sleep. The random.randint example here will cause
Python to randomly choose a number from 3-15. Then we make the thread
sleep the number of seconds that we just randomly chose to simulate it
actually doing something. Finally we print out the name of the thread to let
the user know that the thread has finished.
The order of the output will be different each time. Try running the code a
few times to see the order change. Now let’s write something a little more
This is basically a complete rewrite of the first script. In this one we import
the os and urllib2 modules as well as the threading module. We will be
using urllib2 to do the actual downloading inside the thread class. The os
module is used to extract the name of the file we’re downloading so we can
use it to create a file with the same name on our machine. In the
DownloadThread class, we set up the __init__ to accept a url and a name
for the thread. In the run method, we open up the url, extract the filename
and then use that filename for naming / creating the file on disk. Then we
use a while loop to download the file a kilobyte at a time and write it to
disk. Once the file is finished saving, we print out the name of the thread
and which url has finished downloading.
The Python 3 version of the code is slightly different. You have to import
urllib instead of urllib2 and use urllib.request.urlopen instead of
urllib2.urlopen. Here’s the code so you can see the difference:
1 # Python 3 version
3 import os
4 import urllib.request
6 from threading import Thread
8 class DownloadThread(Thread):
9 """
10 A threading example that can download a file
11 """
13 def __init__(self, url, name):
14 """Initialize the thread"""
15 Thread.__init__(self)
16 self.name = name
17 self.url = url
19 def run(self):
20 """Run the thread"""
21 handle = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url)
22 fname = os.path.basename(self.url)
23 with open(fname, "wb") as f_handler:
24 while True:
25 chunk = handle.read(1024)
26 if not chunk:
27 break
28 f_handler.write(chunk)
29 msg = "%s has finished downloading %s!" % (self.name,
30 self.url)
31 print(msg)
33 def main(urls):
34 """
35 Run the program
36 """
37 for item, url in enumerate(urls):
38 name = "Thread %s" % (item+1)
39 thread = DownloadThread(url, name)
40 thread.start()
42 if __name__ == "__main__":
43 urls = ["http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf",
44 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040a.pdf",
45 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040ez.pdf",
46 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040es.pdf",
47 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040sb.pdf"]
48 main(urls)
Using Queues
A Queue can be used for first-in-first-out (FIFO) or last-in-last-out (LILO)
stack-like implementations if you just use them directly. In this section,
we’re going to mix threads in and create a simple file downloader script to
demonstrate how Queues work for cases where we want concurrency.
To help explain how Queues work, we will rewrite the downloading script
from the previous section to use Queues. Let’s get started!
1 import os
2 import threading
3 import urllib.request
5 from queue import Queue
7 class Downloader(threading.Thread):
8 """Threaded File Downloader"""
10 def __init__(self, queue):
11 """Initialize the thread"""
12 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
13 self.queue = queue
15 def run(self):
16 """Run the thread"""
17 while True:
18 # gets the url from the queue
19 url = self.queue.get()
21 # download the file
22 self.download_file(url)
24 # send a signal to the queue that the job is done
25 self.queue.task_done()
27 def download_file(self, url):
28 """Download the file"""
29 handle = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
30 fname = os.path.basename(url)
31 with open(fname, "wb") as f:
32 while True:
33 chunk = handle.read(1024)
34 if not chunk: break
35 f.write(chunk)
37 def main(urls):
38 """
39 Run the program
40 """
41 queue = Queue()
43 # create a thread pool and give them a queue
44 for i in range(5):
45 t = Downloader(queue)
46 t.setDaemon(True)
47 t.start()
49 # give the queue some data
50 for url in urls:
51 queue.put(url)
53 # wait for the queue to finish
54 queue.join()
56 if __name__ == "__main__":
57 urls = ["http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf",
58 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040a.pdf",
59 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040ez.pdf",
60 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040es.pdf",
61 "http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040sb.pdf"]
62 main(urls)
Let’s break this down a bit. First of all, we need to look at the main function
definition to see how this all flows. Here we see that it accepts a list of urls.
The main function then creates a queue instance that it passes to 5
daemonized threads. The main difference between daemonized and non-
daemon threads is that you have to keep track of non-daemon threads and
close them yourself whereas with a daemon thread you basically just set
them and forget them and when your app closes, they close too. Next we
load up the queue (using its put method) with the urls we passed in.
Finally we tell the queue to wait for the threads to do their processing via
the join method. In the download class, we have the line self.queue.get()
which blocks until the queue has something to return. That means the
threads just sit idly waiting to pick something up. It also means that for a
thread to get something from the queue, it must call the queue’s get method.
Thus as we add or put items in the queue, the thread pool will pick up or get
items and process them. This is also known as dequeing. Once all the items
in the queue are processed, the script ends and exits. On my machine, it
downloads all 5 documents in under a second.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use threads and queues both in theory and in a
practical way. Threads are especially useful when you are creating a user
interface and you want to keep your interface usable. Without threads, the
user interface would become unresponsive and would appear to hang while
you did a large file download or a big query against a database. To keep that
from happening, you do the long running processes in threads and then
communicate back to your interface when you are done.
Chapter 22 - Working with Dates and Time
Python gives the developer several tools for working with dates and time. In
this chapter, we will be looking at the datetime and time modules. We will
study how they work and some common uses for them. Let’s start with the
datetime module!
These will cover the majority of instances where you’ll need to use date and
datetime object in Python. There is also a tzinfo class for working with time
zones that we won’t be covering. Feel free to take a look at the Python
documentation for more information on that class.
Python can represent dates several different ways. We’re going to look at
the datetime.date format first as it happens to be one of the simpler date
1 >>> datetime.date(2012, 13, 14)
2 Traceback (most recent call last):
3 File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
4 builtins.ValueError: month must be in 1..12
5 >>> datetime.date(2012, 12, 14)
6 datetime.date(2012, 12, 14)
This code shows how to create a simple date object. The date class accepts
three arguments: the year, the month and the day. If you pass it an invalid
value, you will see a ValueError, like the one above. Otherwise you will
see a datetime.date object returned. Let’s take a look at another example:
1 >>> import datetime
2 >>> d = datetime.date(2012, 12, 14)
3 >>> d.year
4 2012
5 >>> d.day
6 14
7 >>> d.month
8 12
Here we assign the date object to the variable d. Now we can access the
various date components by name, such as d.year or d.month. Now let’s
find out what day it is:
1 >>> datetime.date.today()
2 datetime.date(2014, 3, 5)
This can be helpful whenever you need to record what day it is. Or perhaps
you need to do a date-based calculation based on today. It’s a handy little
convenience method though.
A datetime.datetime object contains all the information from a
datetime.date plus a datetime.time object. Let’s create a couple of examples
so we can better understand the difference between this object and the
datetime.date object.
1 >>> datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5)
2 datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5, 0, 0)
3 >>> datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5, 12, 30, 10)
4 datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5, 12, 30, 10)
5 >>> d = datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5, 12, 30, 10)
6 >>> d.year
7 2014
8 >>> d.second
9 10
10 >>> d.hour
11 12
The datetime module has another method that you should be aware of
called strftime. This method allows the developer to create a string that
represents the time in a more human readable format. There’s an entire table
of formatting options that you should go read in the Python documentation,
section 8.1.7. We’re going to look at a couple of examples to show you the
power of this method:
1 >>> datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
2 '20140305'
3 >>> today = datetime.datetime.today()
4 >>> today.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
5 '03/05/2014'
6 >>> today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S")
7 '2014-03-05-17.59.53'
The datetime.timedelta object represents a time duration. In other words, it
is the difference between two dates or times. Let’s take a look at a simple
1 >>> now = datetime.datetime.now()
2 >>> now
3 datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 5, 18, 13, 51, 230000)
4 >>> then = datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 26)
5 >>> delta = now - then
6 >>> type(delta)
7 <type 'datetime.timedelta'>
8 >>> delta.days
9 7
10 >>> delta.seconds
11 65631
We create two datetime objects here. One for today and one for a week ago.
Then we take the difference between them. This returns a timedelta object
which we can then use to find out the number of days or seconds between
the two dates. If you need to know the number of hours or minutes between
the two, you’ll have to use some math to figure it out. Here’s one way to do
1 >>> seconds = delta.total_seconds()
2 >>> hours = seconds // 3600
3 >>> hours
4 186.0
5 >>> minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
6 >>> minutes
7 13.0
What this tells us is that there are 186 hours and 13 minutes in a week. Note
that we are using a double-forward slash as our division operator. This is
known as floor division.
Now we’re ready to move on and learn a bit about the time module!
I ran this on Windows 7 and it too seems to think that time began in 1970.
Anyway, in this section, we will be studying the following time-related
The time.ctime function will convert a time in seconds since the epoch to a
string representing local time. If you don’t pass it anything, then the current
time is returned. Let’s try out a couple of examples:
1 >>> import time
2 >>> time.ctime()
3 'Thu Mar 06 07:28:48 2014'
4 >>> time.ctime(1384112639)
5 'Sun Nov 10 13:43:59 2013'
Here we show the results of calling ctime with nothing at all and with a
fairly random number of seconds since the epoch. I have seen sort of thing
used when someone saves the date as seconds since the epoch and then they
want to convert it to something a human can understand. It’s a bit simpler to
save a big integer (or long) to a database then to mess with formatting it
from a datetime object to whatever date object the database accepts. Of
course, that also has the drawback that you do need to convert the integer or
float value back into a string.
The time.sleep function gives the developer the ability to suspend
execution of your script a given number of seconds. It’s like adding a pause
to your program. I have found this personally useful when I need to wait a
second for a file to finish closing or a database commit to finish
committing. Let’s take a look at an example. Open a new window in IDLE
and save the following code:
1 import time
3 for x in range(5):
4 time.sleep(2)
5 print("Slept for 2 seconds")
Now run the code in IDLE. You can do that by going to the Run menu and
then choose the Run module menu item. When you do so, you will see it
print out the phrase Slept for 2 seconds five times with a two second pause
between each print. It’s really that easy to use!
The time module has a strftime function that works in pretty much the
same manner as the datetime version. The difference is mainly in what it
accepts for input: a tuple or a struct_time object, like those that are
returned when you call time.gmtime() or time.localtime(). Here’s a little
1 >>> time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S",
2 time.localtime())
3 '2014-03-06-20.35.56'
This code is quite similar to the timestamp code we created in the datetime
portion of this chapter. I think the datetime method is a little more intuitive
in that you just create a datetime.datetime object and then call its strftime
method with the format you want. With the time module, you have to pass
the format plus a time tuple. It’s really up to you to decide which one makes
the most sense to you.
The time.time function will return the time in seconds since the epoch as a
floating point number. Let’s take a look:
1 >>> time.time()
2 1394199262.318
That was pretty simple. You could use this when you want to save the
current time to a database but you didn’t want to bother converting it to the
database’s datetime method. You might also recall that the ctime method
accepts the time in seconds, so we could use time.time to get the number of
seconds to pass to ctime, like this:
1 >>> time.ctime(time.time())
2 'Fri Mar 07 07:36:38 2014'
If you do some digging in the documentation for the time module or if you
just experiment with it a bit, you will likely find a few other uses for this
Wrapping Up
At this point you should know how to work with dates and time using
Python’s standard modules. Python gives you a lot of power when it comes
to working with dates. You will find these modules helpful if you ever need
to create an application that keeps track of appointments or that needs to run
on particular days. They are also useful when working with databases.
Chapter 23 - The xml module
Python has built-in XML parsing capabilities that you can access via its
xml module. In this article, we will be focusing on two of the xml module’s
We’ll start with minidom simply because this used to be the de-facto
method of XML parsing. Then we will look at how to use ElementTree
This is fairly typical XML and actually pretty intuitive to read. There is
some really nasty XML out in the wild that you may have to work with.
Anyway, save the XML code above with the following name: appt.xml
Let’s spend some time getting acquainted with how to parse this file using
Python’s minidom module. This is a fairly long piece of code, so prepare
1 import xml.dom.minidom
2 import urllib.request
4 class ApptParser(object):
6 def __init__(self, url, flag='url'):
7 self.list = []
8 self.appt_list = []
9 self.flag = flag
10 self.rem_value = 0
11 xml = self.getXml(url)
12 self.handleXml(xml)
14 def getXml(self, url):
15 try:
16 print(url)
17 f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
18 except:
19 f = url
21 doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(f)
22 node = doc.documentElement
23 if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
24 print('Element name: %s' % node.nodeName)
25 for (name, value) in node.attributes.items():
26 print(' Attr -- Name: %s Value: %s' % (name, value))
28 return node
30 def handleXml(self, xml):
31 rem = xml.getElementsByTagName('zAppointments')
32 appointments = xml.getElementsByTagName("appointment")
33 self.handleAppts(appointments)
35 def getElement(self, element):
36 return self.getText(element.childNodes)
38 def handleAppts(self, appts):
39 for appt in appts:
40 self.handleAppt(appt)
41 self.list = []
43 def handleAppt(self, appt):
44 begin = self.getElement(appt.getElementsByTagName("begin")[0])
45 duration = self.getElement(appt.getElementsByTagName("duration")
46 subject = self.getElement(appt.getElementsByTagName("subject")[0])
47 location = self.getElement(appt.getElementsByTagName("location")
48 uid = self.getElement(appt.getElementsByTagName("uid")[0])
50 self.list.append(begin)
51 self.list.append(duration)
52 self.list.append(subject)
53 self.list.append(location)
54 self.list.append(uid)
55 if self.flag == 'file':
57 try:
58 state =
59 ])
60 self.list.append(state)
61 alarm =
62 ")[0])
63 self.list.append(alarm)
64 except Exception as e:
65 print(e)
67 self.appt_list.append(self.list)
69 def getText(self, nodelist):
70 rc = ""
71 for node in nodelist:
72 if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
73 rc = rc + node.data
74 return rc
76 if __name__ == "__main__":
77 appt = ApptParser("appt.xml")
78 print(appt.appt_list)
Let’s try one more example with minidom before we move on. We will use
an XML example from Microsoft’s MSDN website:
Save the following XML as example.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <catalog>
3 <book id="bk101">
4 <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
5 <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
6 <genre>Computer</genre>
7 <price>44.95</price>
8 <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date>
9 <description>An in-depth look at creating applications
10 with XML.</description>
11 </book>
12 <book id="bk102">
13 <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
14 <title>Midnight Rain</title>
15 <genre>Fantasy</genre>
16 <price>5.95</price>
17 <publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date>
18 <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
19 an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
20 of the world.</description>
21 </book>
22 <book id="bk103">
23 <author>Corets, Eva</author>
24 <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
25 <genre>Fantasy</genre>
26 <price>5.95</price>
27 <publish_date>2000-11-17</publish_date>
28 <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
29 society in England, the young survivors lay the
30 foundation for a new society.</description>
31 </book>
32 </catalog>
For this example, we’ll just parse the XML, extract the book titles and print
them to stdout. Here’s the code:
1 import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
3 def getTitles(xml):
4 """
5 Print out all titles found in xml
6 """
7 doc = minidom.parse(xml)
8 node = doc.documentElement
9 books = doc.getElementsByTagName("book")
11 titles = []
12 for book in books:
13 titleObj = book.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]
14 titles.append(titleObj)
16 for title in titles:
17 nodes = title.childNodes
18 for node in nodes:
19 if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
20 print(node.data)
22 if __name__ == "__main__":
23 document = 'example.xml'
24 getTitles(document)
This code is just one short function that accepts one argument, the XML
file. We import the minidom module and give it the same name to make it
easier to reference. Then we parse the XML. The first two lines in the
function are pretty much the same as the previous example. We use the
getElementsByTagName method to grab the parts of the XML that we
want, then iterate over the result and extract the book titles from them. This
actually extracts title objects, so we need to iterate over that as well and pull
out the plain text, which is why we use a nested for loop.
Now let’s spend a little time trying out a different sub-module of the xml
module named ElementTree.
If you run this code, you should get something like the following (probably
all on one line):
1 <zAppointments>
2 <appointment>
3 <begin>1181251680</begin>
4 <uid>040000008200E000</uid>
5 <alarmTime>1181572063</alarmTime>
6 <state />
7 <location />
8 <duration>1800</duration>
9 <subject />
10 </appointment>
11 </zAppointments>
This is pretty close to the original and is certainly valid XML. While it’s not
quite the same, it’s close enough. Let’s take a moment to review the code
and make sure we understand it. First we create the root element by using
ElementTree’s Element function. Then we create an appointment element
and append it to the root. Next we create SubElements by passing the
appointment Element object (appt) to SubElement along with a name, like
“begin”. Then for each SubElement, we set its text property to give it a
value. At the end of the script, we create an ElementTree and use it to write
the XML out to a file.
Now let’s write some code to change each of the begin tag’s values from
seconds since the epoch to something a little more readable. We’ll use
Python’s time module to facilitate this:
1 import time
2 import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
4 def editXML(filename):
5 """
6 Edit an example XML file
7 """
8 tree = ET.ElementTree(file=filename)
9 root = tree.getroot()
11 for begin_time in root.iter("begin"):
12 begin_time.text = time.ctime(int(begin_time.text))
14 tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
15 with open("updated.xml", "w") as f:
16 tree.write(f)
18 if __name__ == "__main__":
19 editXML("original_appt.xml")
Here we create an ElementTree object (tree) and we extract the root from it.
Then we use ElementTree’s iter() method to find all the tags that are
labeled “begin”. Note that the iter() method was added in Python 2.7. In our
for loop, we set each item’s text property to a more human readable time
format via time.ctime(). You’ll note that we had to convert the string to an
integer when passing it to ctime. The output should look something like the
1 <zAppointments reminder="15">
2 <appointment>
3 <begin>Thu Jun 07 16:28:00 2007</begin>
4 <uid>040000008200E000</uid>
5 <alarmTime>1181572063</alarmTime>
6 <state />
7 <location />
8 <duration>1800</duration>
9 <subject>Bring pizza home</subject>
10 </appointment>
11 <appointment>
12 <begin>Thu Jun 07 17:06:17 2007</begin>
13 <uid>sdlkjlkadhdakhdfd</uid>
14 <alarmTime>1181588888</alarmTime>
15 <state>TX</state>
16 <location>Dallas</location>
17 <duration>1800</duration>
18 <subject>Bring pizza home</subject>
19 </appointment>
20 </zAppointments>
You can also use ElementTree’s find() or findall() methods to search for
specific tags in your XML. The find() method will just find the first
instance whereas the findall() will find all the tags with the specified label.
These are helpful for editing purposes or for parsing, which is our next
You may have already noticed this, but in this example and the last one,
we’ve been importing cElementTree instead of the normal ElementTree.
The main difference between the two is that cElementTree is C-based
instead of Python-based, so it’s much faster. Anyway, once again we create
an ElementTree object and extract the root from it. You’ll note that we print
out the root and the root’s tag and attributes. Next we show several ways of
iterating over the tags. The first loop just iterates over the XML child by
child. This would only print out the top level child (appointment) though, so
we added an if statement to check for that child and iterate over its children
Next we grab an iterator from the tree object itself and iterate over it that
way. You get the same information, but without the extra steps in the first
example. The third method uses the root’s getchildren() function. Here
again we need an inner loop to grab all the children inside each appointment
tag. The last example uses the root’s iter() method to just loop over any tags
that match the string “begin”.
As mentioned in the last section, you could also use find() or findall() to
help you find specific tags or sets of tags respectively. Also note that each
Element object has a tag and a text property that you can use to acquire that
exact information.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use minidom to parse XML. You have also learned
how to use ElementTree to create, edit and parse XML. There are other
libraries outside of Python that provide additional methods for working
with XML too. Be sure you do some research to make sure you’re using a
tool that you understand as this topic can get pretty confusing if the tool
you’re using is obtuse.
Part III - Intermediate Odds and Ends
In Part III, you will learn about some Python internals that many would
consider intermediate-level Python. You have graduated from the milk and
you’re ready for some meat! In this section, we will take a look at the
following topics:
The lambda statement
Profiling your code
The first chapter in this section will introduce you to Python’s debugging
module, pdb and how to use it to debug your code. The next chapter is all
about decorators. You will learn about how to create them and about a few
of the decorators that are built into Python. For the third chapter, we will be
looking at the lambda statement, which basically creates a one-line
anonymous function. It’s a little weird, but fun! The fourth chapter will
cover how you profile your code. This discipline gives you the ability to
find possible bottlenecks in your code so that you know where to focus to
optimize your code. The final chapter in this section is about testing your
code. In it you will discover how to test your code using a couple of
Python’s own built-in modules.
I think you will find this section very helpful in continuing your Python
education. Let’s jump right in!
Chapter 24 - The Python Debugger
Python comes with its own debugger module that is named pdb. This
module provides an interactive source code debugger for your Python
programs. You can set breakpoints, step through your code, inspect stack
frames and more. We will look at the following aspects of the module:
Now let’s learn how to run the debugger against this piece of code.
Here we import our module and pdb. Then we execute pdb’s run method
and tell it to call our module’s main method. This brings up the debugger’s
prompt. Here we typed continue to tell it to go ahead and run the script.
You can also type the letter c as a shortcut for continue. When you
continue, the debugger will continue execution until it reaches a breakpoint
or the script ends.
The other way to start the debugger is to execute the following command
via your terminal session:
1 python -m pdb debug_test.py
If you run it this way, you will see a slightly different result:
1 -> def doubler(a):
2 (Pdb) c
3 2
4 4
5 6
6 8
7 10
8 12
9 14
10 16
11 18
12 The program finished and will be restarted
You will note that in this example we used c instead of continue. You will
also note that the debugger restarts at the end. This preserves the debugger’s
state (such as breakpoints) and can be more useful than having the debugger
stop. Sometimes you’ll need to go through the code several times to
understand what’s wrong with it.
Let’s dig a little deeper and learn how to step through the code.
Here we start up the debugger and tell it to step into the code. It starts at the
top and goes through the first two function definitions. Then it reaches the
conditional and finds that it’s supposed to execute the main function. We
step into the main function and then use the next command. The next
command will execute a called function if it encounters it without stepping
into it. If you want to step into the called function, then you’ll only want to
just use the step command.
Setting breakpoints
A breakpoint is a line in the code where you want to pause execution. You
can set a breakpoint by calling the break (or b) command followed by a
space and the line number that you want to break on. You can also prefix
the line number with a filename and colon to specify a breakpoint in a
different file. The break command also allows you to set a breakpoint with
the function argument. There is also a tbreak command which will set a
temporary breakpoint which is automatically removed when it gets hit.
Here’s an example:
1 c:\py101>python -m pdb debug_test.py
2 > c:\py101\debug_test.py(4)<module>()
3 -> def doubler(a):
4 (Pdb) break 6
5 Breakpoint 1 at c:\py101\debug_test.py:6
6 (Pdb) c
7 > c:\py101\debug_test.py(6)doubler()
8 -> result = a*2
We start the debugger and then tell it to set a breakpoint on line 6. Then we
continue and it stops on line 6 just like it’s supposed to. Now would be a
good time to check the argument list to see if it’s what you expect. Give it a
try by typing args now. Then do another continue and another args to see
how it changed.
Wrapping Up
There are a lot of other commands that you can use in the debugger. I
recommend reading the documentation to learn about the others. However,
at this point you should be able to use the debugger effectively to debug
your own code.
Chapter 25 - Decorators
Python decorators are really cool, but they can be a little hard to understand
at first. A decorator in Python is a function that accepts another function as
an argument. The decorator will usually modify or enhance the function it
accepted and return the modified function. This means that when you call a
decorated function, you will get a function that may be a little different that
may have additional features compared with the base definition. But let’s
back up a bit. We should probably review the basic building block of a
decorator, namely, the function.
A Simple Function
A function is a block of code that begins with the Python keyword def
followed by the actual name of the function. A function can accept zero or
more arguments, keyword arguments or a mixture of the two. A function
always returns something. If you do not specify what a function should
return, it will return None. Here is a very simple function that just returns a
1 def a_function():
2 """A pretty useless function"""
3 return "1+1"
5 if __name__ == "__main__":
6 value = a_function()
7 print(value)
All we do in the code above is call the function and print the return value.
Let’s create another function:
1 def another_function(func):
2 """
3 A function that accepts another function
4 """
5 def other_func():
6 val = "The result of %s is %s" % (func(),
7 eval(func())
8 )
9 return val
10 return other_func
This function accepts one argument and that argument has to be a function
or callable. In fact, it really should only be called using the previously
defined function. You will note that this function has a nested function
inside of it that we are calling other_func. It will take the result of the
function passed to it, evaluate it and create a string that tells us about what
it did, which it then returns. Let’s look at the full version of the code:
1 def another_function(func):
2 """
3 A function that accepts another function
4 """
6 def other_func():
7 val = "The result of %s is %s" % (func(),
8 eval(func())
9 )
10 return val
11 return other_func
13 def a_function():
14 """A pretty useless function"""
15 return "1+1"
17 if __name__ == "__main__":
18 value = a_function()
19 print(value)
20 decorator = another_function(a_function)
21 print(decorator())
This is how a decorator works. We create one function and then pass it into
a second function. The second function is the decorator function. The
decorator will modify or enhance the function that was passed to it and
return the modification. If you run this code, you should see the following
as output to stdout:
1 1+1
2 The result of 1+1 is 2
You will note that in Python, a decorator starts with the <@*>* symbol
followed by the name of the function that we will be using to “decorate”
our regular with. To apply the decorator, you just put it on the line
before the function definition. Now when we call **a_function, it will
get decorated and we’ll get the following result:
1 The result of 1+1 is 2
This little script has a log function that accepts a function as its sole
argument. It will create a logger object and a log file name based on the
name of the function. Then the log function will log what function was
called and what the function returned, if anything.
Built-in Decorators
Python comes with several built-in decorators. The big three are:
There are also decorators in various parts of Python’s standard library. One
example would be functools.wraps. We will be limiting our scope to the
three above though.
It might help to see a code example of how these two decorators work:
1 class DecoratorTest(object):
2 """
3 Test regular method vs @classmethod vs @staticmethod
4 """
6 def __init__(self):
7 """Constructor"""
8 pass
10 def doubler(self, x):
11 """"""
12 print("running doubler")
13 return x*2
15 @classmethod
16 def class_tripler(klass, x):
17 """"""
18 print("running tripler: %s" % klass)
19 return x*3
21 @staticmethod
22 def static_quad(x):
23 """"""
24 print("running quad")
25 return x*4
27 if __name__ == "__main__":
28 decor = DecoratorTest()
29 print(decor.doubler(5))
30 print(decor.class_tripler(3))
31 print(DecoratorTest.class_tripler(3))
32 print(DecoratorTest.static_quad(2))
33 print(decor.static_quad(3))
35 print(decor.doubler)
36 print(decor.class_tripler)
37 print(decor.static_quad)
This example demonstrates that you can call a regular method and both
decorated methods in the same way. You will notice that you can call both
the @classmethod and the @staticmethod decorated functions directly from
the class or from an instance of the class. If you try to call a regular function
with the class (i.e. DecoratorTest.doubler(2)) you will receive a TypeError.
You will also note that the last print statement shows that decor.static_quad
returns a regular function instead of a bound method.
Python Properties
Python has a neat little concept called a property that can do several useful
things. We will be looking into how to do the following:
As you can see, because we turned the method into a property, we can
access it using normal dot notation. However, if we try to set the property to
something different, we will cause an AttributeError to be raised. The
only way to change the full_name property is to do so indirectly:
1 >>> person.first_name = "Dan"
2 >>> person.full_name
3 'Dan Driscoll'
To use this class, we have to use the setters and getters that are defined:
1 >>> f = Fees()
2 >>> f.set_fee("1")
3 >>> f.get_fee()
4 Decimal('1')
If you want to add the normal dot notation access of attributes to this code
without breaking all the applications that depend on this piece of code, you
can change it very simply by adding a property:
1 from decimal import Decimal
3 class Fees(object):
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self):
7 """Constructor"""
8 self._fee = None
10 def get_fee(self):
11 """
12 Return the current fee
13 """
14 return self._fee
16 def set_fee(self, value):
17 """
18 Set the fee
19 """
20 if isinstance(value, str):
21 self._fee = Decimal(value)
22 elif isinstance(value, Decimal):
23 self._fee = value
25 fee = property(get_fee, set_fee)
We added one line to the end of this code. Now we can do stuff like this:
1 >>> f = Fees()
2 >>> f.set_fee("1")
3 >>> f.fee
4 Decimal('1')
5 >>> f.fee = "2"
6 >>> f.get_fee()
7 Decimal('2')
As you can see, when we use property in this manner, it allows the fee
property to set and get the value itself without breaking the legacy code.
Let’s rewrite this code using the property decorator and see if we can get it
to allow setting.
1 from decimal import Decimal
3 class Fees(object):
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self):
7 """Constructor"""
8 self._fee = None
10 @property
11 def fee(self):
12 """
13 The fee property - the getter
14 """
15 return self._fee
17 @fee.setter
18 def fee(self, value):
19 """
20 The setter of the fee property
21 """
22 if isinstance(value, str):
23 self._fee = Decimal(value)
24 elif isinstance(value, Decimal):
25 self._fee = value
27 if __name__ == "__main__":
28 f = Fees()
The code above demonstrates how to create a “setter” for the fee property.
You can do this by decorating a second method that is also called fee with a
decorator called <@fee.setter>. The setter is invoked when you do
something like this:
1 >>> f = Fees()
2 >>> f.fee = "1"
If you look at the signature for property, it has fget, fset, fdel and doc as
“arguments”. You can create another decorated method using the same
name to correspond to a delete function using <@fee.deleter*>* if you
want to catch the **del command against the attribute.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should know how to create your own decorators and how
to use a few of Python’s built-in decorators. We looked at @classmethod,
@property and @staticmethod. I would be curious to know how my readers
use the built-in decorators and how they use their own custom decorators.
Chapter 26 - The lambda
The Python lambda statement is an anonymous or unbound function and a
pretty limited function at that. Let’s take a look at a few typical examples
and see if we can find a use case for it. The typical examples that one
normally sees for teaching the lambda are some sort of boring doubling
function. Just to be contrary, our simple example will show how to find the
square root. First we’ll show a normal function and then the lambda
1 import math
3 def sqroot(x):
4 """
5 Finds the square root of the number passed in
6 """
7 return math.sqrt(x)
9 square_rt = lambda x: math.sqrt(x)
If you try each of these functions, you’ll end up with a float. Here are a
couple examples:
1 >>> sqroot(49)
2 7.0
3 >>> square_rt(64)
4 8.0
Pretty slick, right? But where would we actually use a lambda in real life?
Maybe a calculator program? Well, that would work, but it’s a pretty limited
application for a builtin of Python! One of the major pieces of Python that
lambda examples are applied to regularly are Tkinter callbacks. Tkinter is a
toolkit for building GUIs that is included with Python.
Tkinter + lambda
We’ll start with Tkinter since it’s included with the standard Python
package. Here’s a really simple script with three buttons, two of which are
bound to their event handler using a lambda:
1 import Tkinter as tk
3 class App:
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self, parent):
7 """Constructor"""
8 frame = tk.Frame(parent)
9 frame.pack()
11 btn22 = tk.Button(frame, text="22", command=lambda:
12 btn22.pack(side=tk.LEFT)
13 btn44 = tk.Button(frame, text="44", command=lambda:
14 btn44.pack(side=tk.LEFT)
16 quitBtn = tk.Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red",
17 quitBtn.pack(side=tk.LEFT)
20 def printNum(self, num):
21 """"""
22 print("You pressed the %s button" % num)
24 if __name__ == "__main__":
25 root = tk.Tk()
26 app = App(root)
27 root.mainloop()
Notice the btn22 and btn44 variables. This is where the action is. We create
a tk.Button instance here and bind to our printNum method in one fell
swoop. The lambda is assigned to the button’s command parameter. What
this means is that we’re creating a one-off function for the command, much
like in the quit button where we call the frame’s quit method. The difference
here is that this particular lambda is a method that calls another method and
passes the latter an integer. In the printNum method, we print to stdout
which button was pressed by using the information that was passed to it
from the lambda function. Did you follow all that? If so, we can continue; if
not, re-read this paragraph as many times as necessary until the information
sinks in or you go crazy, whichever comes first.
Wrapping Up
The lambda statement is used in all kinds of other projects as well. If you
Google a Python project name and lambda, you can find lots of live code
out there. For example, if you search for “django lambda”, you’ll find out
that django has a modelformset factory that utilizes lambdas. The Elixir
plugin for SqlAlchemy also uses lambdas. Keep your eyes open and you’ll
be surprised how many times you’ll stumble across this handy little
function maker.
Chapter 27 - Code Profiling
Code profiling is an attempt to find bottlenecks in your code. Profiling is
supposed to find what parts of your code take the longest. Once you know
that, then you can look at those pieces of your code and try to find ways to
optimize it. Python comes with three profilers built in: cProfile, profile and
hotshot. According to the Python documentation, hotshot is “no longer
maintained and may be dropped in a future version of Python”. The profile
module is a pure Python module, but adds a lot of overhead to profiled
programs. Thus we will be focusing on cProfile, which has an interface that
mimics the profile module.
Here we import the hashlib module and use cProfile to profile the creation
of an MD5 hash. The first line shows that there were 4 function calls. The
next line tells us how the results are ordered. According to the
documentation, standard name refers to the far right column. There are a
number of columns here.
ncalls is the number of calls made.
tottime is a total of the time spent in the given function.
percall refers to the quotient of tottime divided by ncalls
cumtime is the cumulative time spent in this and all subfunctions.
It’s even accurate for recursive functions!
The second percall column is the quotient of cumtime divided by
primitive calls
filename:lineno(function) provides the respective data of each
In this example, we create four functions. The first three run at different
rates. The fast function will run at normal speed; the medium function will
take approximately half a second to run and the slow function will take
around 3 seconds to run. The main function calls the other three. Now let’s
run cProfile against this silly little program:
1 >>> import cProfile
2 >>> import ptest
3 >>> cProfile.run('ptest.main()')
4 I run fast!
5 I run slow!
6 I run a little slowly...
7 8 function calls in 3.500 seconds
9 Ordered by: standard name
11 ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
12 1 0.000 0.000 3.500 3.500 <string>:1(<module>)
13 1 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 ptest.py:15(medium)
14 1 0.000 0.000 3.500 3.500 ptest.py:21(main)
15 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ptest.py:4(fast)
16 1 0.000 0.000 3.000 3.000 ptest.py:9(slow)
17 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {method 'disable' of
18 iler' objects}
19 2 3.499 1.750 3.499 1.750 {time.sleep}
This time around we see the program took 3.5 seconds to run. If you
examine the results, you will see that cProfile has identified the slow
function as taking 3 seconds to run. That’s the biggest bottleneck after the
main function. Normally when you find a bottleneck like this, you would
try to find a faster way to execute your code or perhaps decide that the
runtime was acceptable. In this example, we know that the best way to
speed up the function is to remove the time.sleep call or at least reduce the
sleep length.
You can also call cProfile on the command line rather than using it in the
interpreter. Here’s one way to do it:
1 python -m cProfile ptest.py
This will run cProfile against your script in much the same way as we did
before. But what if you want to save the profiler’s output? Well, that’s easy
with cProfile! All you need to do is pass it the -o command followed by the
name (or path) of the output file. Here’s an example:
1 python -m cProfile -o output.txt ptest.py
Unfortunately, the file it outputs isn’t exactly human-readable. If you want
to read the file, then you’ll need to use Python’s pstats module. You can use
pstats to format the output in various ways. Here’s some code that shows
how to get some output that’s similar to what we’ve seen so far:
1 >>> import pstats
2 >>> p = pstats.Stats("output.txt")
3 >>> p.strip_dirs().sort_stats(-1).print_stats()
4 Thu Mar 20 18:32:16 2014 output.txt
6 8 function calls in 3.501 seconds
8 Ordered by: standard name
10 ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
11 1 0.000 0.000 3.501 3.501 ptest.py:1(<module>)
12 1 0.001 0.001 0.500 0.500 ptest.py:15(medium)
13 1 0.000 0.000 3.501 3.501 ptest.py:21(main)
14 1 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 ptest.py:4(fast)
15 1 0.001 0.001 3.000 3.000 ptest.py:9(slow)
16 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 {method 'disable' of
17 iler' objects}
18 2 3.499 1.750 3.499 1.750 {time.sleep}
21 <pstats.Stats instance at 0x017C9030>
The strip_dirs call will strip out all the paths to the modules from the
output while the sort_stats call does the sorting that we’re used to seeing.
There are a bunch of really interesting examples in the cProfile
documentation showing different ways to extract information using the
pstats module.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should be able to use the cProfile module to help you
diagnose why your code is so slow. You might also want to take a look at
Python’s timeit module. It allows you to time small pieces of your code if
you don’t want to deal with the complexities involved with profiling. There
are also several other 3rd party modules that are good for profiling such as
the line_profiler and the memory_profiler projects.
Chapter 28 - An Intro to Testing
Python includes a couple of built-in modules for testing your code. They
two methods are called doctest and unittest. We will look at how to use
doctest first and in the second section we will introduce unit tests using
Test Driven Development techniques.
Now we just need to run this code in doctest. Open up a terminal (or
command line) and change directories to the folder that contains your
script. Here’s a screenshot of what I did:
You will notice that in the first example, I executed the following:
1 python -m doctest dtest1.py
That ran the test and nothing printed out to the screen. When you don’t see
anything printed, that means that all the tests passed successfully. The
second example shows the following command:
1 python -m doctest -v dtest1.py
The “-v” means that we want verbose output, which is exactly what we
received. Open up the code again and add a space after the “18” in the
docstring. Then re-run the test. Here’s the output I received:
The error message says it expected “18” and it got “18”. What’s going on
here? Well we added a space after “18” to our docstring, so doctest actually
expected the number “18” followed by a space. Also beware of putting
dictionaries as output in your docstring examples. Dictionaries can be in
any order, so the likelihood of it matching your actual output isn’t very
If you do not want to hard-code the verbose option, you can also do it on
the command line:
1 python dtest2.py -v
Now we’re ready to learn how to put the tests into a separate file.
Let’s run this test file on the command line. Here’s how:
You will notice that the syntax for calling doctest with a text file is the same
as calling it with a Python file. The results are the same as well. In this case,
there are three tests instead of two because we’re also importing a module.
You can also run the tests that are in a text file inside the Python interpreter.
Here’s one example:
Here we just import doctest and call its testfile method. Note that you need
to also pass the filename or path to the testfile function. It will return a
TestResults object that contains how many tests were attempted and how
many failed.
This is a pretty simple test. We create a game object and then call its roll
method eleven times with a score of one each time. Then we use the
assertEqual method from the unittest module to test if the game object’s
score is correct (i.e. eleven). The next step is to write the simplest code you
can think of to make the test pass. Here’s one example:
1 class Game:
2 """"""
4 def __init__(self):
5 """Constructor"""
6 self.score = 0
8 def roll(self, numOfRolls, pins):
9 """"""
10 for roll in numOfRolls:
11 self.score += pins
For simplicity’s sake, you can just copy and paste that into the same file
with your test. We’ll break them into two files for our next test. Anyway, as
you can see, our Game class is super simple. All that was needed to pass
the test was a score property and a roll method that can update it.
Let’s run the test and see if it passes! The easiest way to run the tests is to
add the following two lines of code to the bottom of the file:
1 if __name__ == '__main__':
2 unittest.main()
Then just run the Python file via the command line, If you do, you should
get something like the following:
1 E
2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ERROR: test_all_ones (__main__.TestBowling)
4 Constructor
5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Traceback (most recent call last):
7 File "C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Scripts\Testing\bowling\test_one.py",
8 line 27, in test_all_ones
9 game.roll(11, 1)
10 File "C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Scripts\Testing\bowling\test_one.py",
11 line 15, in roll
12 for roll in numOfRolls:
13 TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16 Ran 1 test in 0.001s
18 FAILED (errors=1)
Oops! We’ve got a mistake in there somewhere. It looks like we’re passing
an Integer and then trying to iterate over it. That doesn’t work! We need to
change our Game object’s roll method to the following to make it work:
1 def roll(self, numOfRolls, pins):
2 """"""
3 for roll in range(numOfRolls):
4 self.score += pins
If you run the test now, you should get the following:
1 .
2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3 Ran 1 test in 0.000s
5 OK
Note the “.” because it’s important. That little dot means that one test has
run and that it passed. The “OK” at the end clues you into that fact as well.
If you study the original output, you’ll notice it leads off with an “E” for
error and there’s no dot! Let’s move on to test #2.
Let’s take a look at our first test and how it changed. Yes, we’re breaking
the rules here a bit when it comes to TDD. Feel free to NOT change the first
test and see what breaks. In the test_all_ones method, we set the pins
variable to equal a list comprehension which created a list of eleven ones.
Then we passed that to our game object’s roll method along with the
number of rolls.
In the second test, we roll a strike in our first roll, a five in our second and a
four in our third. Note that we went a head and told it that we were passing
in eleven rolls and yet we only pass in three. This means that we need to set
the other eight rolls to zeros. Next, we use our trusty assertEqual method
to check if we get the right total. Finally, note that we’re now importing the
Game class rather than keeping it with the tests. Now we need to
implement the code necessary to pass these two tests. Let’s take a look at
one possible solution:
1 class Game:
2 """"""
4 def __init__(self):
5 """Constructor"""
6 self.score = 0
7 self.pins = [0 for i in range(11)]
9 def roll(self, numOfRolls, pins):
10 """"""
11 x = 0
12 for pin in pins:
13 self.pins[x] = pin
14 x += 1
15 x = 0
16 for roll in range(numOfRolls):
17 if self.pins[x] == 10:
18 self.score = self.pins[x] + self.pins[x+1] + self.pins[x+2]
19 else:
20 self.score += self.pins[x]
21 x += 1
22 print(self.score)
Right off the bat, you will notice that we have a new class attribute called
self.pins that holds the default pin list, which is eleven zeroes. Then in our
roll method, we add the correct scores to the correct position in the self.pins
list in the first loop. Then in the second loop, we check to see if the pins
knocked down equals ten. If it does, we add it and the next two scores to
score. Otherwise, we do what we did before. At the end of the method, we
print out the score to check if it’s what we expect. At this point, we’re ready
to code up our final test.
First off, we added a setUp method that will create a self.game object for us
for each test. If we were accessing a database or something like that, we
would probably have a tear down method too for closing connections or
files or that sort of thing. These are run at the beginning and end of each test
respectively should they exist. The test_all_ones and test_strike tests are
basically the same except that they are using “self.game” now. The only the
new test is test_spare. The docstring explains how spares work and the
code is just two lines. Yes, you can figure this out. Let’s look at the code
we’ll need to pass these tests:
1 # game_v2.py
3 class Game:
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self):
7 """Constructor"""
8 self.score = 0
9 self.pins = [0 for i in range(11)]
11 def roll(self, numOfRolls, pins):
12 """"""
13 x = 0
14 for pin in pins:
15 self.pins[x] = pin
16 x += 1
17 x = 0
18 spare_begin = 0
19 spare_end = 2
20 for roll in range(numOfRolls):
21 spare = sum(self.pins[spare_begin:spare_end])
22 if self.pins[x] == 10:
23 self.score = self.pins[x] + self.pins[x+1] + self.pins[x+2]
24 elif spare == 10:
25 self.score = spare + self.pins[x+2]
26 x += 1
27 else:
28 self.score += self.pins[x]
29 x += 1
30 if x == 11:
31 break
32 spare_begin += 2
33 spare_end += 2
34 print(self.score)
For this part of the puzzle, we add to our conditional statement in our loop.
To calculate the spare’s value, we use the spare_begin and spare_end list
positions to get the right values from our list and then we sum them up.
That’s what the spare variable is for. That may be better placed in the elif,
but I’ll leave that for the reader to experiment with. Technically, that’s just
the first half of the spare score. The second half are the next two rolls,
which is what you’ll find in the calculation in the elif portion of the current
code. The rest of the code is the same.
Other Notes
As you may have guessed, there is a whole lot more to the unittest module
than what is covered here. There are lots of other asserts you can use to test
results with. You can skip tests, run the tests from the command line, use a
TestLoader to create a test suite and much, much more. Be sure to read the
full documentation when you get the chance as this tutorial barely scratches
the surface of this library.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you should be able to understand how to use the doctest and
unittest modules effectively in your own code. You should go and read the
Python documentation about these two modules as there is additional
information about other options and functionality that you might find
useful. You also know a little about how to use the concepts of Test Driven
Development when writing your own scripts.
Part IV - Tips, Tricks and Tutorials
In Part IV, you will learn how to install 3rd party packages from the Python
Package Index (PyPI). You will learn a bit about easy_install, pip and
setup.py and how to use these tools to install the packages. This is just the
first chapter though. Here’s a listing of the packages you will learn about:
The requests package is great replacement for the urllib module. Its
interface is simpler and the documentation is quite good. SQLAlchemy is
the premier Object Relational Mapper for Python. It allows you to write
SQL queries, tables, etc in Python code. One of its best features is that if
you need to switch database backends, you won’t have to change your code
very much to continue working with said database. For the last chapter,
we’ll look at virtualenv, a neat module that allows you to create mini-
virtual environments that you can write your code in. These virtual
environments are especially handy for testing out new modules or just new
releases of modules before you apply them to your Python core installation.
Chapter 29 - Installing Modules
When you’re first starting out as a Python programmer, you don’t think
about how you might need to install an external package or module. But
when that need appears, you’ll want to know how to in a hurry! Python
packages can be found all over the internet. Most of the popular ones can be
found on the Python Package Index (PyPI). You will also find a lot of
Python packages on github, bitbucket, and Google code. In this article, we
will be covering the following methods of installing Python packages:
If Python isn’t on your system path, you will receive an error message
stating that the python command wasn’t found or is an unknown
application. You can call this command by using the full path to Python
instead. Here’s how you might do it if you were on Windows:
1 c:\python34\python.exe setup.py install
This method is especially handy if you have multiple versions of Python
installed and you need to install the package to different ones. All you need
to do is type the full path to the right Python version and install the package
against it.
Some packages contain C code, such as C header files that will need to be
compiled for the package to install correctly. On Linux, you will normally
already have a C/C++ compiler installed and you can get the package
installed with minimal headaches. On Windows, you will need to have the
correct version of Visual Studio installed to compile the package correctly.
Some people say you can use MingW too, but I have yet to find a way to
make that work. If the package has a Windows installer already pre-made,
use it. Then you don’t have to mess with compiling at all.
Using easy_install
Once you have setuptools installed, you can use easy_install. You can find
it installed in your Python installation’s Scripts folder. Be sure to add the
Scripts folder to your system path so you can call easy_install on the
command line without specifying its full path. Try running the following
command to learn about all of easy_install’s options:
1 easy_install -h
When you want to install a package with easy_install, all you have to do is
1 easy_install package_name
easy_install will attempt to download the package from PyPI, compile it (if
necessary) and install it. If you go into your Python’s site-packages
directory, you will find a file named easy-install.pth that will contain an
entry for all packages installed with easy_install. This file is used by Python
to help in importing the module or package.
You can also tell easy_install to install from a URL or from a path on your
computer. It can also install packages directly from a tar file. You can use
easy_install to upgrade a package by using -upgrade (or -U). Finally, you
can use easy_install to install Python eggs. You can find egg files on PyPI
and other locations. An egg is basically a special zip file. In fact, if you
change the extension to .zip, you can unzip the egg file.
There are some issues with easy_install. It will try to install a package
before it’s finished downloading. There is no way to uninstall a package
using easy_install. You will have to delete the package yourself and update
the easy-install.pth file by removing the entry to the package. For these
reasons and others, there was movement in the Python community to create
something different, which caused pip to be born.
Using pip
The pip program actually comes with Python 3.4. If you have an older
version of Python, then you will need to install pip manually. Installing pip
is a little bit different than what we have previously discussed. You still go
to PyPI, but instead of downloading the package and running its setup.py
script, you will be asked to download a single script called get-pip.py. Then
you will need to execute it by doing the following:
1 python get-pip.py
You may want to call pip -h to get a full listing of everything pip can do.
One thing that pip can install that easy_install cannot is the Python wheel
format. A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename
and the .whl extension. You can also install wheels via its own command
line utility. On the other hand, pip cannot install an egg. If you need to
install an egg, you will want to use easy_install.
A Note on Dependencies
One of the many benefits of using easy_install and pip is that if the
package has dependencies specified in their setup.py script, both
easy_install and pip will attempt to download and install them too. This
can alleviate a lot of frustration when you’re trying new packages and you
didn’t realize that package A depended on Packages B, C and D. With
easy_install or pip, you don’t need to worry about that any more.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you should be able to install just about any package that you
need, assuming the package supports your version of Python. There are a
lot of tools available to the Python programmer. While packaging in Python
is a bit confusing right now, once you know how to use the proper tools,
you can usually get what you want installed or packaged up. We will be
looking more at creating our own packages, eggs and wheels in Part V.
Chapter 30 - ConfigObj
Python comes with a handy module called ConfigParser. It’s good for
creating and reading configuration files (aka INI files). However, Michael
Foord (author of IronPython in Action) and Nicola Larosa decided to write
their own configuration module called ConfigObj. In many ways, it is an
improvement over the standard library’s module. For example, it will return
a dictionary-like object when it reads a config file. ConfigObj can also
understand some Python types. Another neat feature is that you can create a
configuration spec that ConfigObj will use to validate the config file.
Getting Started
First of all, you need to go and get ConfigObj. This is a good time to use
your knowledge from the last chapter on installing packages. Here is how
you would get ConfigObj with pip:
1 pip install configobj
Once you have it installed, we can move on. To start off, open a text editor
and create a file with some contents like this:
1 product = Sony PS3
2 accessories = controller, eye, memory stick
3 # This is a comment that will be ignored
4 retail_price = $400
Save it where ever you like. I’m going to call mine config.ini. Now let’s see
how ConfigObj can be used to extract that information:
1 >>> from configobj import ConfigObj
2 >>> config = ConfigObj(r"path to config.ini")
3 >>> config["product"]
4 'Sony PS3'
5 >>> config["accessories"]
6 ['controller', 'eye', 'memory stick']
7 >>> type(config["accessories"])
8 <type 'list'>
As you can see, ConfigObj uses Python’s dict API to access the information
it has extracted. All you had to do to get ConfigObj to parse the file was to
pass the file’s path to ConfigObj. Now, if the information had been under a
section (i.e. [Sony]), then you would have had to do pre-pend everything
with [“Sony”], like this: config[“Sony”][“product”]. Also take note that
the accessories section was returned as a list of strings. ConfigObj will take
any valid line with a comma-separated list and return it as a Python list. You
can also create multi-line strings in the config file as long as you enclose
them with triple single or double quotes.
If you need to create a sub-section in the file, then use extra square
brackets. For example, [Sony] is the top section, [[Playstation]] is the sub-
section and [[[PS3]]] is the sub-section of the sub-section. You can create
sub-sections up to any depth. For more information on the formatting of the
file, I recommend reading ConfigObj’s documentation.
Now we’ll do the reverse and create the config file programmatically.
1 import configobj
3 def createConfig(path):
4 config = configobj.ConfigObj()
5 config.filename = path
6 config["Sony"] = {}
7 config["Sony"]["product"] = "Sony PS3"
8 config["Sony"]["accessories"] = ['controller', 'eye', 'memory stick']
9 config["Sony"]["retail price"] = "$400"
10 config.write()
12 if __name__ == "__main__":
13 createConfig("config.ini")
As you can see, all it took was 13 lines of code. In the code above, we
create a function and pass it the path for our config file. Then we create a
ConfigObj object and set its filename property. To create the section, we
create an empty dict with the name “Sony”. Then we pre-pend each line of
the sections contents in the same way. Finally, we call our config object’s
write method to write the data to the file.
Using a configspec
ConfigObj also provides a way to validate your configuration files using a
configspec. When I mentioned that I was going to write on this topic,
Steven Sproat (creator of Whyteboard) volunteered his configspec code as
an example. I took his specification and used it to create a default config
file. In this example, we use Foord’s validate module to do the validation. I
don’t think it’s included in your ConfigObj download, so you may need to
download it as well. Now, let’s take a look at the code:
1 import configobj, validate
3 cfg = """
4 bmp_select_transparent = boolean(default=False)
5 canvas_border = integer(min=10, max=35, default=15)
6 colour1 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('280', '0', '0'))
7 colour2 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('255', '255', '0'))
8 colour3 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('0', '255', '0'))
9 colour4 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('255', '0', '0'))
10 colour5 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('0', '0', '255'))
11 colour6 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('160', '32', '240'))
12 colour7 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('0', '255', '255'))
13 colour8 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('255', '165', '0'))
14 colour9 = list(min=3, max=3, default=list('211', '211', '211'))
15 convert_quality = option('highest', 'high', 'normal', default='normal')
16 default_font = string
17 default_width = integer(min=1, max=12000, default=640)
18 default_height = integer(min=1, max=12000, default=480)
19 imagemagick_path = string
20 handle_size = integer(min=3, max=15, default=6)
21 language = option('English', 'English (United Kingdom)', 'Russian',
22 'Hindi', default='English')
23 print_title = boolean(default=True)
24 statusbar = boolean(default=True)
25 toolbar = boolean(default=True)
26 toolbox = option('icon', 'text', default='icon')
27 undo_sheets = integer(min=5, max=50, default=10)
28 """
30 def createConfig(path):
31 """
32 Create a config file using a configspec
33 and validate it against a Validator object
34 """
35 spec = cfg.split("\n")
36 config = configobj.ConfigObj(path, configspec=spec)
37 validator = validate.Validator()
38 config.validate(validator, copy=True)
39 config.filename = path
40 config.write()
42 if __name__ == "__main__":
43 createConfig("config.ini")
The configspec allows the programmer the ability to specify what types are
returned for each line in the configuration file. It also can be used to set a
default value and a min and max values (among other things). If you run
the code above, you will see a config.ini file generated in the current
working directory that has just the default values. If the programmer didn’t
specify a default, then that line isn’t even added to the configuration.
Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on just to make sure you
understand. In the createConfig function, we create a ConfigObj instance
by passing in the file path and setting the configspec. Note that the
configspec can also be a normal text file or a python file rather than the
string that is in this example. Next, we create a Validator object. Normal
usage is to just call config.validate(validator), but in this code I set the copy
argument to True so that I could create a file. Otherwise, all it would do is
validate that the file I passed in fit the configspec’s rules. Finally I set the
config’s filename and write the data out.
Wrapping Up
Now you know just enough to get you started on the ins and outs of
ConfigObj. I hope you’ll find it as helpful as I have. Be sure to go to the
module’s documentation and read more about what it and validate can do.
Chapter 31 - Parsing XML with lxml
In Part I, we looked at some of Python’s built-in XML parsers. In this
chapter, we will look at the fun third-party package, lxml from codespeak.
It uses the ElementTree API, among other things. The lxml package has
XPath and XSLT support, includes an API for SAX and a C-level API for
compatibility with C/Pyrex modules. Here is what we will cover:
For this chapter, we will use the examples from the minidom parsing
example and see how to parse those with lxml. Here’s an XML example
from a program that was written for keeping track of appointments:
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <zAppointments reminder="15">
3 <appointment>
4 <begin>1181251680</begin>
5 <uid>040000008200E000</uid>
6 <alarmTime>1181572063</alarmTime>
7 <state></state>
8 <location></location>
9 <duration>1800</duration>
10 <subject>Bring pizza home</subject>
11 </appointment>
12 <appointment>
13 <begin>1234360800</begin>
14 <duration>1800</duration>
15 <subject>Check MS Office website for updates</subject>
16 <location></location>
17 <uid>604f4792-eb89-478b-a14f-dd34d3cc6c21-1234360800</uid>
18 <state>dismissed</state>
19 </appointment>
20 </zAppointments>
First off, we import the needed modules, namely the etree module from the
lxml package and the StringIO function from the built-in StringIO
module. Our parseXML function accepts one argument: the path to the
XML file in question. We open the file, read it and close it. Now comes the
fun part! We use etree’s parse function to parse the XML code that is
returned from the StringIO module. For reasons I don’t completely
understand, the parse function requires a file-like object.
Now let’s parse this XML and put it in our data structure!
1 from lxml import etree
3 def parseBookXML(xmlFile):
5 with open(xmlFile) as fobj:
6 xml = fobj.read()
8 root = etree.fromstring(xml)
10 book_dict = {}
11 books = []
12 for book in root.getchildren():
13 for elem in book.getchildren():
14 if not elem.text:
15 text = "None"
16 else:
17 text = elem.text
18 print(elem.tag + " => " + text)
19 book_dict[elem.tag] = text
20 if book.tag == "book":
21 books.append(book_dict)
22 book_dict = {}
23 return books
25 if __name__ == "__main__":
26 parseBookXML("books.xml")
This example is pretty similar to our last one, so we’ll just focus on the
differences present here. Right before we start iterating over the context, we
create an empty dictionary object and an empty list. Then inside the loop,
we create our dictionary like this:
1 book_dict[elem.tag] = text
The text is either elem.text or None. Finally, if the tag happens to be book,
then we’re at the end of a book section and need to add the dict to our list as
well as reset the dict for the next book. As you can see, that is exactly what
we have done. A more realistic example would be to put the extracted data
into a Book class. I have done the latter with json feeds before.
Anyway, once you have it installed, we can start going over this wonderful
piece of XML again:
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <zAppointments reminder="15">
3 <appointment>
4 <begin>1181251680</begin>
5 <uid>040000008200E000</uid>
6 <alarmTime>1181572063</alarmTime>
7 <state></state>
8 <location></location>
9 <duration>1800</duration>
10 <subject>Bring pizza home</subject>
11 </appointment>
12 <appointment>
13 <begin>1234360800</begin>
14 <duration>1800</duration>
15 <subject>Check MS Office website for updates</subject>
16 <location></location>
17 <uid>604f4792-eb89-478b-a14f-dd34d3cc6c21-1234360800</uid>
18 <state>dismissed</state>
19 </appointment>
20 </zAppointments>
Now we need to write some code that can parse and modify the XML. Let’s
take a look at this little demo that shows a bunch of the neat abilities that
objectify provides.
1 from lxml import etree, objectify
3 def parseXML(xmlFile):
4 """Parse the XML file"""
5 with open(xmlFile) as f:
6 xml = f.read()
8 root = objectify.fromstring(xml)
10 # returns attributes in element node as dict
11 attrib = root.attrib
13 # how to extract element data
14 begin = root.appointment.begin
15 uid = root.appointment.uid
17 # loop over elements and print their tags and text
18 for appt in root.getchildren():
19 for e in appt.getchildren():
20 print("%s => %s" % (e.tag, e.text))
21 print()
23 # how to change an element's text
24 root.appointment.begin = "something else"
25 print(root.appointment.begin)
27 # how to add a new element
28 root.appointment.new_element = "new data"
30 # remove the py:pytype stuff
31 objectify.deannotate(root)
32 etree.cleanup_namespaces(root)
33 obj_xml = etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)
34 print(obj_xml)
36 # save your xml
37 with open("new.xml", "w") as f:
38 f.write(obj_xml)
40 if __name__ == "__main__":
41 f = r'path\to\sample.xml'
42 parseXML(f)
The code is pretty well commented, but we’ll spend a little time going over
it anyway. First we pass it our sample XML file and objectify it. If you
want to get access to a tag’s attributes, use the attrib property. It will return
a dictionary of the attributes of the tag. To get to sub-tag elements, you just
use dot notation. As you can see, to get to the begin tag’s value, we can just
do something like this:
1 begin = root.appointment.begin
One thing to be aware of is if the value happens to have leading zeroes, the
returned value may have them truncated. If that is important to you, then
you should use the following syntax instead:
1 begin = root.appointment.begin.text
If you need to iterate over the children elements, you can use the
iterchildren method. You may have to use a nested for loop structure to get
everything. Changing an element’s value is as simple as just assigning it a
new value.
1 root.appointment.new_element = "new data"
Let’s break this down a bit. We will start with the create_xml function. In it
we create an XML root object using the objectify module’s fromstring
function. The root object will contain zAppointment as its tag. We set the
root’s reminder attribute and then we call our create_appt function using a
dictionary for its argument. In the create_appt function, we create an
instance of an Element (technically, it’s an ObjectifiedElement) that we
assign to our appt variable. Here we use dot-notation to create the tags for
this element. Finally we return the appt element back and append it to our
root object. We repeat the process for the second appointment instance.
The next section of the create_xml function will remove the lxml
annotation. If you do not do this, your XML will end up looking like the
1 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
2 <zAppointments py:pytype="TREE" reminder="15">
3 <appointment py:pytype="TREE">
4 <begin py:pytype="int">1181251680</begin>
5 <uid py:pytype="str">040000008200E000</uid>
6 <alarmTime py:pytype="int">1181572063</alarmTime>
7 <state py:pytype="str"/>
8 <location py:pytype="str"/>
9 <duration py:pytype="int">1800</duration>
10 <subject py:pytype="str">Bring pizza home</subject>
11 </appointment><appointment py:pytype="TREE">
12 <begin py:pytype="int">1234360800</begin>
13 <uid py:pytype="str">604f4792-eb89-478b-a14f-dd34d3cc6c21-
14 d>
15 <alarmTime py:pytype="int">1181572063</alarmTime>
16 <state py:pytype="str">dismissed</state>
17 <location py:pytype="str"/>
18 <duration py:pytype="int">1800</duration>
19 <subject py:pytype="str">Check MS Office website for
20 </appointment>
21 </zAppointments>
The last piece of the puzzle is to get lxml to generate the XML itself. Here
we use lxml’s etree module to do the hard work:
1 obj_xml = etree.tostring(root,
2 pretty_print=True,
3 xml_declaration=True)
The tostring function will return a nice string of the XML and if you set
pretty_print to True, it will usually return the XML in a nice format too.
The xml_declaration keyword argument tells the etree module whether or
not to include the first declaration line (i.e. <?xml version=”1.0” ?>.
Wrapping Up
Now you know how to use lxml’s etree and objectify modules to parse
XML. You also know how to use objectify to create XML. Knowing how to
use more than one module to accomplish the same task can be valuable in
seeing how to approach the same problem from different angles. It will also
help you choose the tool that you’re most comfortable with.
Chapter 32 - Python Code Analysis
Python code analysis can be a heavy subject, but it can be very helpful in
making your programs better. There are several Python code analyzers that
you can use to check your code and see if they conform to standards. pylint
is probably the most popular. It’s very configurable, customizable and
pluggable too. It also checks your code to see if it conforms to PEP8, the
official style guide of Python Core and it looks for programming errors too.
Note that pylint checks your code against most, but not all of PEP8’s
standards. We will spend a little time learning about another code analysis
package that is called pyflakes.
If everything goes as planned, you should now have pylint installed and
we’ll be ready to continue.
Now we need some code to analyze. Here’s a piece of code that has four
errors in it. Save this to a file named crummy_code.py:
1 import sys
3 class CarClass:
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self, color, make, model, year):
7 """Constructor"""
8 self.color = color
9 self.make = make
10 self.model = model
11 self.year = year
13 if "Windows" in platform.platform():
14 print("You're using Windows!")
16 self.weight = self.getWeight(1, 2, 3)
18 def getWeight(this):
19 """"""
20 return "2000 lbs"
Can you spot the errors without running the code? Let’s see if pylint can
find the issues!
1 pylint crummy_code.py
When you run this command, you will see a lot of output sent to your
screen. Here’s a partial example:
1 c:\py101>c:\Python34\Scripts\pylint crummy_code.py
2 No config file found, using default configuration
3 ************* Module crummy_code
4 C: 2, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
5 C: 5, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
6 C: 12, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
7 C: 15, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
8 C: 17, 0: Trailing whitespace (trailing-whitespace)
9 C: 1, 0: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
10 C: 3, 0: Empty class docstring (empty-docstring)
11 C: 3, 0: Old-style class defined. (old-style-class)
12 E: 13,24: Undefined variable 'platform' (undefined-variable)
13 E: 16,36: Too many positional arguments for function call (too-many-
14 s)
15 C: 18, 4: Invalid method name "getWeight" (invalid-name)
16 C: 18, 4: Empty method docstring (empty-docstring)
17 E: 18, 4: Method should have "self" as first argument (no-self-argument)
18 R: 18, 4: Method could be a function (no-self-use)
19 R: 3, 0: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
20 W: 1, 0: Unused import sys (unused-import)
Let’s take a moment to break this down a bit. First we need to figure out
what the letters designate: C is for convention, R is refactor, W is warning
and E is error. pylint found 3 errors, 4 convention issues, 2 lines that might
be worth refactoring and 1 warning. The 3 errors plus the warning were
what I was looking for. We should try to make this crummy code better and
reduce the number of issues. We’ll fix the imports and change the
getWeight function to get_weight since camelCase isn’t allowed for method
names. We also need to fix the call to get_weight so it passes the right
number of arguments and fix it so it has “self” as the first argument. Here’s
the new code:
1 # crummy_code_fixed.py
2 import platform
4 class CarClass:
5 """"""
7 def __init__(self, color, make, model, year):
8 """Constructor"""
9 self.color = color
10 self.make = make
11 self.model = model
12 self.year = year
14 if "Windows" in platform.platform():
15 print("You're using Windows!")
17 self.weight = self.get_weight(3)
19 def get_weight(self, this):
20 """"""
21 return "2000 lbs"
Let’s run this new code against pylint and see how much we’ve improved
the results. For brevity, we’ll just show the first section again:
1 c:\py101>c:\Python34\Scripts\pylint crummy_code_fixed.py
2 No config file found, using default configuration
3 ************* Module crummy_code_fixed
4 C: 1,0: Missing docstring
5 C: 4,0:CarClass: Empty docstring
6 C: 21,4:CarClass.get_weight: Empty docstring
7 W: 21,25:CarClass.get_weight: Unused argument 'this'
8 R: 21,4:CarClass.get_weight: Method could be a function
9 R: 4,0:CarClass: Too few public methods (1/2)
We will start by running pyflakes against the original version of the same
piece of code that we used with pylint. Here it is again:
1 import sys
3 class CarClass:
4 """"""
6 def __init__(self, color, make, model, year):
7 """Constructor"""
8 self.color = color
9 self.make = make
10 self.model = model
11 self.year = year
13 if "Windows" in platform.platform():
14 print("You're using Windows!")
16 self.weight = self.getWeight(1, 2, 3)
18 def getWeight(this):
19 """"""
20 return "2000 lbs"
As was noted in the previous section, this silly piece of code has 4 issues, 3
of which would stop the program from running. Let’s see what pyflakes can
find! Try running the following command and you’ll see the following
1 c:\py101>c:\Python34\Scripts\pyflakes.exe crummy_code.py
2 crummy_code.py:1: 'sys' imported but unused
3 crummy_code.py:13: undefined name 'platform'
While pyflakes was super fast at returning this output, it didn’t find all the
errors. The getWeight method call is passing too many arguments and the
getWeight method itself is defined incorrectly as it doesn’t have a self
argument. Well, you can actually call the first argument anything you want,
but by convention it’s usually called self. If you fixed your code according
to what pyflakes told you, your code still wouldn’t work.
Wrapping Up
The next step would be to try running pylint and pyflakes against some of
your own code or against a Python package like SQLAlchemy and seeing
what you get for output. You can learn a lot about your own code using
these tools. pylint is integrated with many popular Python IDEs, such as
Wingware, Editra, and PyDev. You may find some of the warnings from
pylint to be annoying or not even really applicable. There are ways to
suppress such things as deprecation warnings through command line
options. Or you can use the -generate-rcfile to create an example config
file that will help you control pylint. Note that pylint and pyflakes does not
import your code, so you don’t have to worry about undesirable side effects.
Chapter 33 - The requests package
The requests package is a more Pythonic replacement for Python’s own
urllib. You will find that requests package’s API is quite a bit simpler to
work with. You can install the requests library by using pip or easy_install
or from source.
Using requests
Let’s take a look at a few examples of how to use the requests package. We
will use a series of small code snippets to help explain how to use this
1 >>> r = requests.get("http://www.google.com")
This example returns a Response object. You can use the Response object’s
methods to learn a lot about how you can use requests. Let’s use Python’s
dir function to find out what methods we have available:
1 >>> dir(r)
2 ['__attrs__', '__bool__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__',
3 '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__',
4 '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__',
5 '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__reduce__',
6 '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
7 ook__',
8 '__weakref__', '_content', '_content_consumed', 'apparent_encoding',
9 'connection', 'content', 'cookies', 'elapsed', 'encoding', 'headers',
10 'iter_content', 'iter_lines', 'json', 'links', 'ok', 'raise_for_status',
11 'reason', 'request', 'status_code', 'text', 'url']
If you run the following method, you can see the web page’s source code:
1 >>> r.content()
The output from this command is way too long to include in the book, so be
sure to try it out yourself. If you’d like to take a look at the web pages
headers, you can run the following:
1 >>> r.headers
Note that the headers attribute returns a dict-like object and isn’t a function
call. We’re not showing the output as web page headers tend to be too wide
to show correctly in a book. There are a bunch of other great functions and
attributes in the Response object. For example, you can get the cookies, the
links in the page, and the status_code that the page returned.
The requests package supports the following HTTP request types: POST,
GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS. If the page returns json, you
can access it by calling the Response object’s json method. Let’s take a
look at a practical example.
The first thing you have to do when you want to submit a web form is
figure out what the form is called and what the url is that you will be
posting to. If you go to duckduckgo’s website and view the source, you’ll
notice that its action is pointing to a relative link, “/html”. So our url is
“http://duckduckgo.com/html”. The input field is named “q”, so to pass
duckduckgo a search term, we have to concatenate the url to the “q” field.
The results are read and written to disk. Now let’s find out how this process
differs when using the requests package.
The requests package does form submissions a little bit more elegantly.
Let’s take a look:
1 import requests
3 url = 'https://duckduckgo.com/html/'
4 payload = {'q':'python'}
5 r = requests.get(url, params=payload)
6 with open("requests_results.html", "wb") as f:
7 f.write(r.content)
With requests, you just need to create a dictionary with the field name as the
key and the search term as the value. Then you use requests.get to do the
search. Finally you use the resulting requests object, “r”, and access its
content property which you save to disk.
Wrapping Up
Now you know the basics of the requests package. I would recommend
reading the package’s online documentation as it has many additional
examples that you may find useful. I personally think this module is more
intuitive to use than the standard library’s equivalent.
Chapter 34 - SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy is usually referred to as an Object Relational Mapper
(ORM), although it is much more full featured than any of the other Python
ORMs that I’ve used, such as SqlObject or the one that’s built into Django.
SQLAlchemy was created by a fellow named Michael Bayer. Since I’m a
music nut, we’ll be creating a simple database to store album information.
A database isn’t a database without some relationships, so we’ll create two
tables and connect them. Here are a few other things we’ll be learning:
But first we need to actually make the database, so that’s where we’ll
begin our journey. You will need to install SQLAlchemy to follow
along in this tutorial. We’ll use pip to get this job done:
If you run this code, then you should see something similar to the following
1 2014-04-03 09:43:57,541 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT CAST('test
2 in returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS anon_1
3 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
4 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine SELECT CAST('test
5 code returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS anon_1
6 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
7 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine PRAGMA
8 tists")
9 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
10 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine PRAGMA
11 bums")
12 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
13 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
14 CREATE TABLE artists (
16 name VARCHAR,
18 )
21 2014-04-03 09:43:57,551 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
22 2014-04-03 09:43:57,661 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
23 2014-04-03 09:43:57,661 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
24 CREATE TABLE albums (
26 title VARCHAR,
27 release_date DATE,
28 publisher VARCHAR,
29 media_type VARCHAR,
30 artist_id INTEGER,
31 PRIMARY KEY (id),
32 FOREIGN KEY(artist_id) REFERENCES artists (id)
33 )
36 2014-04-03 09:43:57,661 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ()
37 2014-04-03 09:43:57,741 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
Why did this happen? Because when we created the engine object, we set
its echo parameter to True. The engine is where the database connection
information is and it has all the DBAPI stuff in it that makes
communication with your database possible. You’ll note that we’re creating
a SQLite database. Ever since Python 2.5, SQLite has been supported by
the language. If you want to connect to some other database, then you’ll
need to edit the connection string. Just in case you’re confused about what
we’re talking about, here is the code in question:
1 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///mymusic.db', echo=True)
The last line of the script will create the tables in the database. If you run
this script multiple times, it won’t do anything new after the first time as the
tables are already created. You could add another table though and then it
would create the new one.
Querying a joined table is a little bit more complicated. This time we wrote
a query that queries both our tables. It filters using the Artist id AND the
Album title. It returns two objects: an artist and an album. Once we have
those, we can easily change the title for the album. Wasn’t that easy? At this
point, we should probably note that if we add stuff to the session
erroneously, we can rollback our changes/adds/deletes by using
session.rollback(). Speaking of deleting, let’s tackle that subject!
As you can see, all you had to do was create another SQL query to find the
record you want to delete and then call session.delete(res). In this case, we
deleted our MXPX record. Some people think punk will never die, but they
must not know any DBAs! We’ve already seen queries in action, but let’s
take a closer look and see if we can learn anything new.
The first query we run will grab all the artists in the database (a SELECT )
and print out each of their name fields. Next you’ll see how to just do a
query for a specific artist and return just the first result. The third query
shows how do a SELECT on the Album table and order the results by album
title. The fourth query is the same query (a query on a JOIN) we used in our
editing section except that we’ve broken it down to better fit PEP8
standards regarding line length. Another reason to break down long queries
is that they become more readable and easier to fix later on if you messed
something up. The last query uses LIKE, which allows us to pattern match
or look for something that’s “like” a specified string. In this case, we
wanted to find any records that had a Publisher that started with a capital
“S”, some character, an “a” and then anything else. So this will match the
publishers Sparrow and Star, for example.
SQLAlchemy also supports IN, IS NULL, NOT, AND, OR and all the other
filtering keywords that most DBAs use. SQLAlchemy also supports literal
SQL, scalars, etc, etc.
Wrapping Up
At this point you should know SQLAlchemy well enough to get started
using it confidently. The project also has excellent documentation that you
should be able to use to answer just about anything you need to know. If
you get stuck, the SQLAlchemy users group / mailing list is very responsive
to new users and even the main developers are there to help you figure
things out.
Chapter 35 - virtualenv
Virtual environments can be really handy for testing software. That’s true in
programming circles too. Ian Bicking created the virtualenv project, which
is a tool for creating isolated Python environments. You can use these
environments to test out new versions of your software, new versions of
packages you depend on or just as a sandbox for trying out some new
package in general. You can also use virtualenv as a workspace when you
can’t copy files into site-packages because it’s on a shared host. When you
create a virtual environment with virtualenv, it creates a folder and copies
Python into it along with a site-packages folder and a couple others. It also
installs pip. Once your virtual environment is active, it’s just like using your
normal Python. And when you’re done, you can just delete the folder to
cleanup. No muss, no fuss. Alternatively, you can keep on using it for
In this chapter, we’ll spend some time getting to know virtualenv and how
to use it to make our own magic.
First of all, you probably need to install virtualenv. You can use pip or
easy_install to install it or you can download the virtualenv.py file from
their website and install it from source using its setup.py script.
If you have Python 3.4, you will find that you actually have the venv
module, which follows an API that is very similar to the virtualenv
package. This chapter will focus on just the virtualenv package, however.
You’ll note that once your virtual environment is activated, you’ll see your
prompt change to include a prefix of the folder name that you created,
which is sandbox in this case. This lets you know that you’re using your
sandbox. Now you can use pip to install other packages to your virtual
environment. When you’re done, you just call the deactivate script to exit
the environment.
There are a couple of flags you can pass to virtualenv when creating your
virtual playground that you should be aware of. For example, you can use -
system-site-packages to inherit the packages from your default Python’s
site packages. If you want to use distribute rather than setuptools, you can
pass virtualenv the -distribute flag.
virtualenv also provides a way for you to just install libraries but use the
system Python itself to run them. According to the documentation, you just
create a special script to do it.
There’s also a neat (and experimental) flag called -relocatable that can be
used to make the folder relocatable. However, this does NOT work on
Windows at the time of this writing, so I wasn’t able to test it out.
Finally, there’s an -extra-search-dir flag that you can use to keep your
virtual environment offline. Basically it allows you to add a directory to the
search path for distributions that pip or easy_install can install from. In this
way, you don’t need to have access to the internet to install packages.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you should be able to use virtualenv yourself. There are a
couple of other projects worth mentioning at this point. There’s Doug
Hellman’s virtualenvwrapper library that makes it even easier to create,
delete and manage virtual environments and then there’s zc.buildout which
is probably the closest thing to virtualenv that could be called a competitor.
I recommend checking them both out as they might help you in your
programming adventures.
Part V - Packaging and Distribution
In Part V you will learn about Python packaging and the various methods to
distribute your code. You will learn about the following:
The next four chapters will cover how to create binaries using the following
3rd party packages: py2exe, bb_freeze, cx_Freeze and PyInstaller. The only
package in this list that is actually compatible with Python 3 is cx_Freeze.
Because of this fact, we will be showing Python 2 examples in these four
chapters so that we can easily compare all 4 packages and their capabilities.
The next to last chapter will show you how to use GUI2Exe, a neat little
user interface that was created to go on top of py2exe, bb_freeze, etc.
GUI2Exe makes creating binaries even easier!
The last chapter of this section will show how to create an installer using
InnoSetup. Let’s get started!
Chapter 36 - Creating Modules and Packages
Creating Python modules is something that most Python programmers do
every day without even thinking about it. Any time you save a new Python
script, you have created a new module. You can import your module into
other modules. A package is a collection of related modules. The things you
import into your scripts from the standard library are modules or packages.
In this chapter, we will learn how to create modules and packages. We’ll
spend more time on packages since they’re more complicated than modules.
This code has issues, of course. If you pass in two Integers to the division
method, then you’ll end up getting an Integer back if you are using Python
2.x. This may not be what you’re expecting. There’s also no error checking
for division by zero or mixing of strings and numbers. But that’s not the
point. The point is that if you save this code, you have a fully qualified
module. Let’s call it arithmetic.py. Now what can you do with a module
anyway? You can import it and use any of the defined functions or classes
that are inside it. And we could make it executable with a little spit and
polish. Let’s do both!
First we’ll write a little script that imports our module and runs the
functions in it. Save the following as math_test.py:
1 import arithmetic
3 print(arithmetic.add(5, 8))
4 print(arithmetic.subtract(10, 5))
5 print(arithmetic.division(2, 7))
6 print(arithmetic.multiply(12, 6))
Now let’s modify the original script so that we can run it from the command
line. Here’s one of the simplest ways to do it:
1 def add(x, y):
2 return x + y
4 def division(x, y):
5 return x / y
7 def multiply(x, y):
8 return x * y
10 def subtract(x, y):
11 return x - y
13 if __name__ == "__main__":
14 import sys
15 print(sys.argv)
16 v = sys.argv[1].lower()
17 valOne = int(sys.argv[2])
18 valTwo = int(sys.argv[3])
19 if v == "a":
20 print(add(valOne, valTwo))
21 elif v == "d":
22 print(division(valOne, valTwo))
23 elif v == "m":
24 print(multiply(valOne, valTwo))
25 elif v == "s":
26 print(subtract(valOne, valTwo))
27 else:
28 pass
The proper way to do this script would be to use Python’s optparse (pre-
2.7) or argparse (2.7+) module. You should spend some time to figure out
one of these modules as a learning exercise. In the meantime, we will move
on to packages!
Now we just need to replicate this structure in our own package. Let’s give
that a whirl! Create each of these files in a folder tree like the above
example. For the add, subtract, multiply and divide files, you can use the
functions we created in the earlier example. For the sqrt.py module, we’ll
use the following code.
1 # sqrt.py
2 import math
4 def squareroot(n):
5 return math.sqrt(n)
You can leave both __init__.py files blank, but then you’ll have to write
code like mymath.add.add(x,y) which is pretty ugly, so we’ll add the
following code to the outer __init__.py to make using our package easier to
understand and use.
1 # outer __init__.py
2 from . add import add
3 from . divide import division
4 from . multiply import multiply
5 from . subtract import subtract
6 from .adv.sqrt import squareroot
Now we should be able to use our module once we have it on our Python
path. You can copy the folder into your Python’s site-packages folder to do
this. On Windows it’s in the following general location:
C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages. Alternatively, you can edit the path on the
fly in your test code. Let’s see how that’s done:
1 import sys
3 # modify this path to match your environment
4 sys.path.append('C:\Users\mdriscoll\Documents')
6 import mymath
8 print(mymath.add(4,5))
9 print(mymath.division(4, 2))
10 print(mymath.multiply(10, 5))
11 print(mymath.squareroot(48))
Note that my path does NOT include the mymath folder. You want to
append the parent folder that holds your new module, NOT the module
folder itself. If you do this, then the code above should work.
You can also create a setup.py script and install your package in develop
mode. Here’s an example setup.py script:
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from setuptools import setup
6 # This setup is suitable for "python setup.py develop".
8 setup(name='mymath',
9 version='0.1',
10 description='A silly math package',
11 author='Mike Driscoll',
12 author_email='[email protected]',
13 url='http://www.mymath.org/',
14 packages=['mymath', 'mymath.adv'],
15 )
You would save this script one level above the mymath folder. To install
the package in develop mode, you would do the following:
1 python setup.py develop
This will install a link file in the site-packages folder that points to where
ever your package resides. This is great for testing without actually
installing your package.
Wrapping Up
You’ve just learned how to create your very own, custom-made modules
and packages. You will find that the more you code, the more often you’ll
create programs that have parts that you want to re-use. You can put those
reusable pieces of code into modules. Eventually you will have enough
related modules that you may want to turn them into a package. Now you
have the tools to actually do that!
Chapter 37 - How to Add Your Code to PyPI
We created a package called mymath in the previous chapter. In this
chapter, we will learn how to share it on the Python Packaging Index
(PyPI). To do that, we will first need to learn how to create a setup.py file.
Just to review, here is our current folder hierarchy:
1 mymath/
2 __init__.py
3 adv/
4 __init__.py
5 sqrt.py
6 add.py
7 subtract.py
8 multiply.py
9 divide.py
This means that you have a mymath folder with the following files in it:
__init__.py, add.py, subtract.py, multiply.py and divide.py. You will also
have an adv folder inside the mymath folder. In the adv folder, you will
have two files: __init__.py and sqrt.py.
Now that we’re done with that, we should test our script. You can create a
virtual environment using the directions from chapter 35 or you can just
install your code to your Python installation by calling the following
1 python setup.py install
Alternatively, you can use the method at the end of the last chapter in which
you created a special setup.py that you installed in develop mode. You will
note that in the last chapter, we used setuptools whereas in this chapter we
used distutils. The only reason we did this is that setuptools has the
develop command and distutils does not.
Registering Packages
Registering you package is very easy. Since this is your first package, you
will want to register with the Test PyPI server instead of the real one. You
may need to create a .pypirc file and enter the Test PyPI server address. See
the next section for more information. Once you have done that, you just
need to run the following command:
1 python setup.py register
You will receive a list of options that ask you to login, register, have the
server send you a password or quit. If you have your username and
password saved on your machine, you won’t see that message. If you’re
already registered, you can login and your package’s metadata will be
To upload some files to PyPI, you will need to create some distributions.
1 python setup.py sdist bdist_wininst upload
When you run the command above, it will create a dist folder. The sdist
command will create an archive file (a zip on Windows, a tarball on Linux).
The bdist_wininst will create a simple Windows installer executable. The
upload command will then upload these two files to PyPI.
In your setup.py file, you can add a long_description field that will be
used by PyPI to generate a home page for your package on PyPI. You can
use reStructuredText to format your description. Or you can skip adding the
description and accept PyPI’s default formatting.
If you would like a full listing of the commands you can use with setup.py,
try running the following command:
1 python setup.py --help-commands
You should also add a README.txt file that explains how to install and
use your package. It can also contain a “Thank You” section if you have a
lot of contributors.
Wrapping Up
Now you know the basics for adding your package to the Python Packaging
Index. If you want to add a Python egg to PyPI, you will need to use
easy_install instead of distutils. When you release your next version, you
may want to add a CHANGES.txt file that lists the changes to your code.
There is a great website called The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging
which would be a great place for you to check out for additional
information on this exciting topic. Alternatively, you may also want to
check out this tutorial by Scott Torborg to get a different take on the
Chapter 38 - The Python egg
Python eggs are an older distribution format for Python. The new format is
called a Python wheel, which we will look at in the next chapter. An egg
file is basically a zip file with a different extension. Python can import
directly from an egg. You will need the SetupTools package to work with
eggs. SetupTools is the original mainstream method of downloading and
installing Python packages from PyPI and other sources via the command
line, kind of like apt-get for Python. There was a fork of SetupTools called
distribute that was eventually merged back into SetupTools. I only mention
it because you may see references to that fork if you do much reading about
Python eggs outside of this book.
While the egg format is being migrated away from, you do still need to
know about it as there are many packages that are distributed using this
technology. It will probably be years before everyone has stopped using
eggs. Let’s learn how to make our own!
Creating an egg
You can think of an egg as just an alternative to a source distribution or
Windows executable, but it should be noted that for pure Python eggs, the
egg file is completely cross-platform. We will take a look at how to create
our own egg using the package we created in a previous modules and
packages chapter. To get started creating an egg, you will need to create a
new folder and put the mymath folder inside it. Then create a setup.py file
in the parent directory to mymath with the following contents:
1 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
3 setup(
4 name = "mymath",
5 version = "0.1",
6 packages = find_packages()
7 )
Python has its own package for creating distributions that is called distutils.
However instead of using Python’s distutils’ setup function, we’re using
setuptools’ setup. We’re also using setuptools’ find_packages function
which will automatically look for any packages in the current directory and
add them to the egg. To create said egg, you’ll need to run the following
from the command line:
1 c:\Python34\python.exe setup.py bdist_egg
This will generate a lot of output, but when it’s done you’ll see that you
have three new folders: build, dist, and mymath.egg-info. The only one we
care about is the dist folder in which you will find your egg file, mymath-
0.1-py3.4.egg. Note that on my machine, I forced it to run against Python
3.4 so that it would create the egg against that version of Python. The egg
file itself is basically a zip file. If you change the extension to “zip”, you
can look inside it and see that it has two folders: mymath and EGG-INFO.
At this point, you should be able to point easy_install at your egg on your
file system and have it install your package.
Wrapping Up
Now it’s your turn. Go onto the Python Package Index and find some pure
Python modules to download. Then try creating eggs using the techniques
you learned in this chapter. If you want to install an egg, you can use
easy_install. Uninstalling an egg is a bit tougher. You will have to go to its
install location and delete the folder and / or egg file it installed as well as
remove the entry for the package from the easy-install.pth file. All of these
items can be found in your Python’s site-packages folder.
Chapter 39 - Python wheels
Python’s first mainstream packaging format was the .egg file. Now there’s a
new format in town called the wheel (.whl). According to the Python
Packaging Index’s description, a wheelis designed to contain all the files for
a PEP 376 compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk
format*. In this chapter, we will learn how to create a wheel and then install
our wheel in a virtualenv.
Getting Started
Using pip is the recommended way to work with wheels. Make sure you
have installed the latest copy of pip as older versions did not support the
wheel format. If you’re not sure if you have the latest pip, you can run the
following command:
1 pip install --upgrade pip
If you didn’t have the latest, then this command will upgrade pip. Now
we’re ready to create a wheel!
Creating a wheel
First of all, you will need to install the wheel package:
1 pip install wheel
That was easy! Next, we’ll be using the unidecode package for creating our
first wheel as it doesn’t already have one made at the time of writing and
I’ve used this package myself in several projects. The unidecode package
will take a string of text and attempt to replace any unicode with its ASCII
equivalent. This is extremely handy for when you have to scrub user
provided data of weird anomalies. Here’s the command you should run to
create a wheel for this package:
1 pip wheel --wheel-dir=my_wheels Unidecode
Here’s a screenshot of the output I received when I ran this:
Once that is installed, we can install our wheel with the following
1 pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links=path/to/my_wheels Unidecode
To test that this worked, run Python from the Scripts folder in your
virtualenv and try importing unidecode. If it imports, then you successfully
installed your wheel!
The .whl file is similar to an.egg in that it’s basically a .zip file in disguise.
If you rename the extension from.whl to *.zip, you can open it up with your
zip application of choice and examine the files and folders inside at your
Wrapping Up
Now you should be ready to create your own wheels. They are a nice way
to create a local repository of dependencies for your project(s) that you can
install quickly. You could create several different wheel repositories to
easily switch between different version sets for testing purposes. When
combined with virtualenv, you have a really easy way to see how newer
versions of dependencies could affect your project without needing to
download them multiple times.
Chapter 40 - py2exe
The py2exe project used to be the primary way to create Windows
executables from your Python applications. The regular version of py2exe
just supports Python 2.3-2.7. There is a new version listed on PyPI that will
work with Python 3.4 as well. We will focus on the Python 2.x version,
although this chapter should work with the Python 3 version too.
You have several choices for your application. You can create a program
that only runs in a terminal, you can create a desktop graphical user
interface (GUI) or you can create a web application. We will create a very
simple desktop interface that doesn’t do anything except display a form that
the user can fill out. We will use the wxPython GUI toolkit to help
demonstrate how py2exe can pick up packages without us telling it to.
If you run the code above, you should see something like the following:
Let’s break this down a bit. We create two classes, DemoPanel and
DemoFrame. In wxPython, the wx.Frame object is what you use to create
the actual “window” that you see in most cases. You add a wx.Panel to give
your application the proper look and feel and to add tabbing between fields.
The panel object’s parent is the frame. The frame, being the top level
widget, has no parent. The panel contains all the other widgets in this
example. We use sizers to help layout the widgets. Sizers allow the
developer to create widgets that will resize appropriately when the window
itself is resized. You can also place the widgets on the panel using absolute
positioning, which is not recommended. We call the MainLoop method of
the wx.App object at the end to start the event loop, which allows
wxPython to respond to mouse and keyboard events (like clicking, typing,
As you can see, we import the setup method from distutils.core and then
we import py2exe. Next we call setup with a windows keyword parameter
and pass it the name of the main file inside a python list object. If you were
creating a non-GUI project, than you would use the console key instead of
windows. To run this snippet, save it into the same folder as your wxPython
script, open up a command prompt and navigate to the location that you
saved the two files. Then type python setup.py py2exe to run it. If all goes
well, you will see a lot of output ending with something like this:
If you happen to use Python 2.6, you might get an error about
MSVCP90.dll not being found. Should you see that error, you will
probably need to go find the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
Package and install it to make the DLL available on your system.
Occasionally you will create the executable and then when you run it, it just
won’t load correctly. A log file is normally created when this happens that
you can use to try to figure out what happened. I have also found a tool
called Dependency Walker that you can run against your executable and it
can tell you about non-Python items that are missing (like DLLs, etc).
I would like to point out that the setup.py file doesn’t explicitly include
wxPython. That means that py2exe was smart enough to include the
wxPython package automatically. Let’s spend some time learning a bit more
about including and excluding packages.
Creating an Advanced setup.py File
Let’s see what other options py2exe gives us for creating binaries by
creating a more complex setup.py file.
1 from distutils.core import setup
2 import py2exe
4 includes = []
5 excludes = ['_gtkagg', '_tkagg', 'bsddb', 'curses', 'email',
6 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon', 'pywin.dialogs', 'tcl',
7 'Tkconstants', 'Tkinter']
8 packages = []
9 dll_excludes = ['libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll', 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll',
10 'tk84.dll']
12 setup(
13 options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 2,
14 "optimize": 2,
15 "includes": includes,
16 "excludes": excludes,
17 "packages": packages,
18 "dll_excludes": dll_excludes,
19 "bundle_files": 3,
20 "dist_dir": "dist",
21 "xref": False,
22 "skip_archive": False,
23 "ascii": False,
24 "custom_boot_script": '',
25 }
26 },
27 windows=['sampleApp.py']
28 )
In the options dictionary, we have a few other options to look at. The
compressed key tells py2exe whether or not to compress the zipfile, if it’s
set. The optimize key sets the optimization level. Zero is no optimization
and 2 is the highest. By setting optimize to 2, we can reduce the size of
folder by about one megabyte. The bundle_files key bundles dlls in the
zipfile or the exe. Valid values for bundle_files are:
A few years ago, when I was first learning py2exe, I asked on their mailing
list what the best option was because I was having issues with bundle
option 1. I was told that 3 was probably the most stable. I went with that
and stopped having random problems, so that’s what I currently
recommend. If you don’t like distributing more than one file, zip them up or
create an installer. The only other option I use in this list is the dist_dir one.
I use it to experiment with different build options or to create custom builds
when I don’t want to overwrite my main good build. You can read about all
the other options on the py2exe website.
The py2exe package does not support including Python eggs in its binaries,
so if you have installed a package that your application depends on as an
egg, when you go to create the executable, it won’t work. You will have to
make sure your dependencies are installed normally.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you should know enough to get started using py2exe yourself.
You can get busy and start distributing your latest creation now. It should be
noted that there are several alternatives to py2exe, such as bbfreeze,
cx_freeze and PyInstaller. You should try at least a couple of the others to
see how they compare. Creating executables can be frustrating, but have
patience and persevere through it. The Python packaging community is
quite willing to help. All you need to do is ask.
Chapter 41 - bbfreeze
The bbfreeze package also allows us to create binaries, but only on Linux
and Windows. When you create a binary on Linux, the result will only run
on machines that have the same hardware architecture and version of libc,
which limits its usefulness on Linux. It should also be noted that bbfreeze
only works with Python versions 2.4 - 2.7. You can use easy_install or pip
to install the bbfreeze package onto your system. The bbfreeze package
includes egg support, so it can include egg dependencies in your binary,
unlike py2exe. You can also freeze multiple scripts at once, include the
Python interpreter and more.
This script has a couple of functions that are pretty pointless, but we’ll
leave them in for illustrative purposes. According to the bbfreeze
documentation, we should be able to create a binary with the following
string typed into the command line:
1 bb-freeze config_1.py
You will note that when you run the executable, it creates a config file
named sampleconfig2.ini. You may see a warning about the pywin32
package not being installed. You can ignore the warning or download and
install pywin32.
Now we’re ready to move on and try to create an executable from code that
use wxPython!
First off, we import the Freezer class from the bbfreeze package. Freezer
accepts three arguments: a destination folder, an includes iterable and an
excludes iterable (i.e. a tuple or list). Just to see how well bbfreeze works
with only its defaults, we leave out the includes and excludes tuples/lists.
Once you have a Freezer object, you can add your script(s) by calling the
Freezer object name’s addScript method. Then you just need to call the
object (i.e. f() ).
Note: You may see a warning about bb_freeze not being able to find
“MSVCP90.dll” or similar. If you see that message, you may need to
include it explicitly or add it as a dependency when you create an
installer. We will be learning about how to create an installer in a later
When I ran this script, it created a folder named bb-binary that contained
19 files that weighed in at 17.2 MB. When I ran the sampleApp.exe file, it
ran just fine and was properly themed, however it also had a console screen.
We’ll have to edit our script a bit to fix that:
1 # bb_setup2.py
2 from bbfreeze import Freezer
4 includes = []
5 excludes = ['_gtkagg', '_tkagg', 'bsddb', 'curses', 'email',
6 'pywin.debugger.dbgcon', 'pywin.dialogs', 'tcl',
7 'Tkconstants', 'Tkinter']
9 bbFreeze_Class = Freezer('dist', includes=includes, excludes=excludes)
11 bbFreeze_Class.addScript("sampleApp.py", gui_only=True)
13 bbFreeze_Class.use_compression = 0
14 bbFreeze_Class.include_py = True
15 bbFreeze_Class()
If you run this, you should end up with a dist folder with about 19 files, but
a slightly different size of 19.6 MB. Notice that we added a second
argument to the addScript method: gui_only=True. This makes that
annoying console go away. We also set compression to zero (no
compression) and include the Python interpreter. Turning on compression
only reduced the result back down to 17.2 MB though.
Wrapping Up
Now you should know the basics of using bbfreeze to create binaries from
your programs. I noticed that when I ran bbfreeze on my machine, it was
considerably slower in producing the wxPython executable compared with
py2exe. This is one of those things that you will have to experiment with
when you are determining which tool to use to create your binaries.
Chapter 42 - cx_Freeze
In this chapter, we will be learning about cx_Freeze, a cross-platform set of
scripts designed to freeze Python scripts into executables in a manner
similar to py2exe, PyInstaller, etc. We will freeze one console script and
one window (i.e GUI) script, using the examples from the previous chapter.
The cx_Freeze tool is the only binary creation tool that can work with both
Python 2.x and 3.x on multiple operating systems at this time. We will be
using it with Python 2.7 in this chapter only because we want to compare it
directly to the other binary creation tools.
You can install cx_Freeze using one of their Windows installers, via their
provided Linux RPMs, via a source RPM or directly from source. You can
also use pip to install cx_Freeze.
All this script does is create a really simple configuration file using Michael
Foord’s configobj module. You can set it up to read the config too, but for
this example, we’ll skip that. Let’s find out how to build a binary with
cx_Freeze! According to the documentation, all it should take is the
following string on the command line (assuming you are in the correct
1 cxfreeze config_1.py --target-dir dirName
As you can see, the total file size should around 5 megabytes. That was
pretty easy. It even picked up the configobj module without our having to
tell it to. There are 18 command line arguments you can pass to cx_Freeze
to control how it does things. These range from what modules to include or
exclude, optimization, compression, include a zip file, path manipulation
and more.
As you can see, this is a pretty simple one. We import a couple classes from
cx_Freeze and pass some parameters into them. In this case, we give the
setup class a name, version, description and Executable class. The
Executable class also gets one parameter, the script name that it will use to
create the binary from.
To get the setup.py to build the binary, you need to do the following on
the command line:
After running this, you should end up with the following folders:
buildexe.win32-2.7. Inside that last folder I ended up with 15 files that total
16.6 MB. When you run the sampleApp.exe file, you will notice that we’ve
screwed something up. There’s a console window loading in addition to our
GUI! To rectify this, we’ll need to change our setup file slightly. Take a
look at our new one:
1 from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
3 exe = Executable(
4 script="sampleApp.py",
5 base="Win32GUI",
6 )
8 setup(
9 name = "wxSampleApp",
10 version = "0.1",
11 description = "An example wxPython script",
12 executables = [exe]
13 )
First off, we separated the Executable class from the setup class and
assigned the Executable class to a variable. We also added a second
parameter to the Executable class that is key. That parameter is called base.
By setting base=”Win32GUI”, we are able to suppress the console
window. The documentation on the cx_Freeze website shows the many
other options that the Executable class takes.
Wrapping Up
Now you should know how to create binaries with cx_Freeze. It’s pretty
easy to do and it ran a lot faster than bbfreeze did in my testing. If you have
the need to create binaries for both Python 2.x and 3.x on all major
platforms, then this is the tool for you!
Chapter 43 - PyInstaller
PyInstaller is the last tool we will be looking at for creating binaries. It
supports Python 2.4 - 2.7. We will continue to use our simple console and
wxPython GUI scripts for our testing. PyInstaller is supposed to work on
Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris and AIX. The support for Solaris and AIX is
experimental. PyInstaller supports code-signing (Windows), eggs, hidden
imports, single executable, single directory, and lots more!
You can also install PyInstaller using pip. We will start with our little piece
of config creation code:
1 # config_1.py
2 import configobj
4 def createConfig(configFile):
5 """
6 Create the configuration file
7 """
8 config = configobj.ConfigObj()
9 inifile = configFile
10 config.filename = inifile
11 config['server'] = "http://www.google.com"
12 config['username'] = "mike"
13 config['password'] = "dingbat"
14 config['update interval'] = 2
15 config.write()
17 def getConfig(configFile):
18 """
19 Open the config file and return a configobj
20 """
21 return configobj.ConfigObj(configFile)
23 def createConfig2(path):
24 """
25 Create a config file
26 """
27 config = configobj.ConfigObj()
28 config.filename = path
29 config["Sony"] = {}
30 config["Sony"]["product"] = "Sony PS3"
31 config["Sony"]["accessories"] = ['controller', 'eye', 'memory stick']
32 config["Sony"]["retail price"] = "$400"
33 config.write()
35 if __name__ == "__main__":
36 createConfig2("sampleConfig2.ini")
Now let’s try to create an executable! You should be able to just do this to
get PyInstaller to work:
1 pyinstaller config_1.py
When I ran the executable, it created the config file just as it should. You
will notice that PyInstaller was able to grab configobj without you needing
to tell it to.
If you execute the pyinstaller command against this script, you will see
ever more output sent to the screen. It will create 23 files that total 19.4
MB. You will also notice that when you run the sampleApp.exe, it shows a
console window in addition to your GUI, which is not what we want. The
simplest way to fix that is to call PyInstaller with the -w command which
tells PyInstaller to suppress the console window:
1 pyinstaller -w sampleApp.py
The PyInstaller package has many command line options that you can use
to change the way PyInstaller processes your program. Whenever you run
PyInstaller, it will create a spec file that it uses to process your program. If
you’d like to save a copy of the spec file to help you better understand what
PyInstaller is doing, you can do so using the following command:
1 pyi-makespec sampleApp.py
In earlier versions of PyInstaller, you would actually create the spec file and
edit it directly. Now unless you need something really special, you can
generate the right spec by just using flags. Be sure to read the
documentation for full details as there are many flags and describing them
all is outside the scope of this chapter.
Wrapping Up
This ends our quick tour of PyInstaller. I hope you found this helpful in
your Python binary-making endeavors. The PyInstaller project is pretty well
documented and worth your time to check out.
Chapter 44 - Creating an Installer
In this chapter, we will walk you through the process of creating an
executable and then packaging it up into an installer. We will be using a
really neat little user interface called GUI2Exe that was written by Andrea
Gavana to create the executable. It is based on wxPython, so you will need
to have that installed to use it. GUI2Exe supports py2exe, bbfreeze,
cx_Freeze, PyInstaller and py2app. Then once we have the dist folder
created, we will use Inno Setup to create our installer.
If that executed successfully, you should see a screen similar to this one:
Now go to File -> New Project and give your project a name. In this case, I
called the project wxForm. If you want to, you can add a fake Company
Name, Copyright and give it a Program Name. Be sure to also browse for
your main Python script (i.e. sampleApp.py). According to Andrea’s
website, you should set Optimize to 2, Compressed to 2 and Bundled
Files to 1. This seems to work most of the time, but I’ve had some screwy
errors that seem to stem from setting the last one to 1. In fact, according to
one of my contacts on the py2exe mailing list, the bundle option should be
set to 3 to minimize errors. The nice thing about setting bundle to “1” is that
you end up with just one file, but since I’m going to roll it up with Inno I’m
going to go with option 3 to make sure my program works well.
Once you have everything the way you want it, click the Compile button in
the lower right-hand corner. This will create all the files you want to
distribute in the dist folder unless you have changed the name by checking
the dist checkbox and editing the subsequent textbox. When it’s done
compiling, GUI2Exe will ask you if you want to test your executable. Go
ahead and hit Yes. If you receive any errors about missing modules, you can
add them in the Python Modules or Python Packages section as
appropriate. For this example, you shouldn’t have that issue though.
Choose the Create a new script using the Script Wizard option and then
press the OK button. Click Next and you should see something like this:
Fill this out however you like and click Next (I called mine wxForm). This
next screen allows you to choose where you want the application to be
installed by default. It defaults to Program Files which is fine. Click Next.
Now you should see the following screen:
Browse to the executable you created to add it. Then click the Add file(s)…
button to add the rest. You can actually select all of the files except for the
exe and hit OK. This is how mine turned out:
Now you’re ready to click Next. Make sure the Start Menu folder has the
right name (in this case, wxForm) and continue. You can ignore the next
two screens or experiment with them if you like. I’m not using a license or
putting information files in to display to the user though. The last screen
before finishing allows you to choose a directory to put the output into. I
just left that empty since it defaults to where the executable is located,
which is fine with this example. Click Next, Next and Finish. This will
generate a full-fledged .iss file, which is what Inno Setup uses to turn your
application into an installer. It will ask you if you’d like to go ahead and
compile the script now. Go ahead and do that. Then it will ask if you’d like
to save your .iss script. That’s a good idea, so go ahead and do that too.
Hopefully you didn’t receive any errors and you can try out your new
If you’re interested in learning about Inno’s scripting language, feel free to
read Inno’s Documentation. You can do quite a bit with it. If you happen to
make changes to your build script, you can rebuild your installer by going
to the build menu and choosing the compile menu item.
Wrapping Up
At this point, you now know how to create a real, live installer that you can
use to install your application and any files it needs to run. This is
especially handy when you have a lot of custom icons for your toolbars or a
default database, config file, etc that you need to distribute with your
application. Go back and try creating the installer again, but choose
different options to see what else you can do. Experimenting is a great way
to learn. Just make sure you always have a backup in case something goes
Appendix A: Putting It All Together
Now that you’ve finished reading the book, what do you do? Most beginner
programming books I’ve read would leave you hanging at this point, but not
this one. In this chapter, we will take what we’ve learned and apply it to
create a real program! First we need some background and a set of
requirements. In the business world, we might call this a specification. The
more specific the specification is, the more likely your code will match the
customer’s expectations. Unfortunately, you will find that in the real world,
good specifications are hard to come by and you have to spend a lot of time
nailing down exactly what the customer wants. But I digress. Let’s get
started on our program!
The Background
This book was written using a markup language called RestructuredText.
Each chapter of the book was saved in its own file (Ex. chapter1.rst) as I
have found that my proofers would rather proof individual chapters than get
overwhelmed by large chunks of the book. Here is a really short example
that demonstrates how to create a chapter heading:
You may want to take a look at this Quick Reference to learn more about
The Specification
What I need to be able to do is find a way to produce a PDF out of these
individual chapters, add the customer’s name and email address to each
page and email the PDF to each customer. This was my original idea for
distributing the book to my Kickstarter backers. Note that Kickstarter
provides the customer information in a CSV file.
Let’s break the specification down a bit. Here are the tasks that occurred to
Write a program to put all the chapters into one book file
Figure out how to add a footer
Find some way to turn the book file into a PDF
Write a program that can email PDFs
Let’s start with the first two items since they’re related.
Let’s break this down a bit. At the beginning of the script, we import two
modules: os and subprocess. Then we create a really simple function that
will open a chapter file that’s located in the data folder, read the chapter
and return the file’s contents. The meat of the program is in the make_book
function. Here we set up the names of the RestructuredText file and the
PDF. Then we create a page_break variable and a footer variable. These
two variables contain RestructuredText that we insert into the document.
Right now, the program does not insert a customer’s name or email, but will
just use a couple of defaults instead.
Let’s create a quick function that can extract the name and email address
from this file.
1 import csv
3 def read_csv(path):
4 """"""
5 try:
6 with open(path) as csv_file:
7 reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
8 for line in reader:
9 name, email = line
10 print(name)
11 print(email)
12 except IOError:
13 print("Error reading file: %s" % path)
14 raise
16 if __name__ == "__main__":
17 path = "backers.csv"
18 read_csv(path)
All this script does is read the CSV file and print out the name and email
address. Let’s rename the function to main and have it call our make_book
1 def main(path):
2 """"""
3 try:
4 with open(path) as csv_file:
5 reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
6 for line in reader:
7 name, email = line
8 make_book(name, email)
9 except IOError:
10 print("Error reading file: %s" % path)
11 raise
13 if __name__ == "__main__":
14 main("backers.csv")
This will call the make_book function 3 times, so we will create the PDF 3
times and overwrite each time. You can check the file at the end of the run
to see which name and email address is in the footer. This gets us two-thirds
of the way there. All that’s left is to figure out how to send the PDF out in
an email. Fortunately, we covered that back in Chapter 17 when you learned
about the email and smtplib modules!
Let’s go over the minor changes. First off, we had to change the
make_book function so that it returned the PDF path. Then we changed the
main function so that it took that path and passed it to the send_email
function along with the email address. Two changes and we’re done!
Wrapping Up
Now you have the knowledge to take apart a new program and turn it into a
set of smaller tasks. Then you can join the smaller programs into one large
program. There are lots of different ways we could have done this. For
example, we could have left each piece in its own file or module. Then we
could import each piece into a different script and run them that way. That
would be a good exercise for to try on your own.
When I did this, I ran into issues with my email host. Most email hosts will
not let you send out lots of emails per hour or even make many connections
at once. You can find a few services on the internet that you can use instead
of your own internet provider that may work better for you.
I hope you found this chapter helpful in your own endeavours. Thanks for