Revised COPA SPLIT UP With 2024-25
Revised COPA SPLIT UP With 2024-25
Revised COPA SPLIT UP With 2024-25
No. Date Learning Outcome No. (Professional Skills) (Professional Knowledge) Date
Practice on managing files and folders using Various input / output devices in
13/09/2024 9
removable drivers use and their features
14/09/2024 Second Saturday
15/09/2024 Sunday - Holiday
16/09/2024 Id-e-Milad Holiday
17/09/2024 Install and setup MARATHWADA MUKTI DIN
operating system
and related
software in a
Install and setup
operating system Customize the desktop , setting s and Introduction to Windows operatin
18/09/2024 and related 10
manage user accounts. system
software in a
computer. View system properties and control panel
19/09/2024 11 Introduction to Operatin system
15/10/2024 29 Create tables and modify tables Printing documents using word
Create, format
16/10/2024 30 Create and modify lists Page setup
7 and edit
document using
Create and manage reference elements and
17/10/2024 word processing 31 Other word features
Insert and format illustrations and text
18/10/2024 software. 32 Other tools an word
Add and modify text to graphic elements &
19/10/2024 33 Add and manage commets and chane Working with objcts, macro
20/10/2024 Sunday - Holiday
Working with mail merge and
21/10/2024 34 Perform mail merge
07/11/2024 42 Filter and sort table data & Insert reference Concept of Sorting and filtering
19/11/2024 51 Open and fprmat Power Point presentation Image editing , Presentations
Create and
13 27/11/2024 57 Insert illustrations and text boxes Creatin slided shows
17/12/2024 72 Joins, Group by , Having , Sub quiery Joining of tables, Sub Queries
Functions used in query like sum,
18/12/2024 73 Joins, Group by , Having , Sub quiery
averae, max, min, count etc
View network connections, Connect a Communcating on a local Network,
19/12/2024 74
computer to a network and share Devices Priciples of Communications
Work with various Network devices,
How do Ethernet Networks Work ?
20/12/2024 75 connectors and cables. Create straight and
How are Network Built ?
cross cable
Install, Setup /
troubleshoot, and
Practice IP Addressing and Subnet maskin
21/12/2024 76 Routin Across Networks
for IPV4/ IPV6 and pinging to test networks
Install, Setup /
22/12/2024 Sunday - Holiday
troubleshoot, and
Explain how end user devices and
secure computer
23/12/2024 77 Configure Hub and Switch local networks interact with the
network including
globla internet
Set up and configure wired and wireless LAN Explain the concept of Network
24/12/2024 78
at lab communication
25/12/2024 Khrismas Natal Holiday
Develop Web
Introduction to www, Concept of
Design simple web page with text,
15/01/2025 91 Internet, Web Browsers, Internet
paragraph and line break using HTML tas
20 servers
Develop Web
Format text, change background colour and
16/01/2025 Pages using HTML 92 , Search engine & email systems
insert pictures in web page
and CSS
Design simple web page with tables and Concept of Domain naming systems
17/01/2025 93
lists and E mail communication
Use marquees, hyperlinks and mail to link in
18/01/2025 94 Introduction to Video Chattin tools
designing web pages
19/01/2025 Sunday - Holiday
Create frames, add styles and design layout
20/01/2025 95 & Display a web pae within a web pae usin Social Networking Concept
Insert text, check and combo box in web
21/01/2025 96 Web Design Concept
Design web page usin password field,
Concept of Static and Dynamic web
22/01/2025 97 submit button, Reset button and radio
21 button etc.
Design a web pae addin flash file, audio and
Introduction to HTML and various
23/01/2025 98 video files, with forms and from controls
tags in HTML
Develop Web usin HTML tags
Pages using HTML
CSS syntax, addin colors, fonts,
and CSS Concept of different controls used
24/01/2025 99 backgrounds, images borders, text
in Web pages
alignment, text transformation, lists etc.
25/01/2025 4th - Saturday
26/01/2025 Sunday - Holiday
3 types of CSS, Addin a Naviation bars Concept of CSS and applying CSS to
27/01/2025 100
(Vertical/ Horizontal) HTML
20/02/2025 120 Practice with Math Functions in JavaScript The String Data types in JavaScript
12/03/2025 133 Create and modify advanced charts Pivot table and Pivot Chart
Create workbooks
with Advanced
13/03/2025 formulas, macros, 134 Create and modify advanced charts Pivot table and Pivot Chart
Charts, Pivot
14/03/2025 tables and Holi - Holiday
15/03/2025 demonstrate 135 Create and modify Pivot tables Conditional Formatting
16/03/2025 ability to use Sunday - Holiday
Power tools
17/03/2025 136 Create and modify Pivot tables Advanced Graphs
28/03/2025 Browse, select, 145 List features of e-commerce sites Building business on net
and transact using
29/03/2025 E-commerce 146 Use e-commerece sites to source an item Payment and oreder processing
30/03/2025 Sunday - Holiday
31/03/2025 Monthly Test - 7
Undetake transactions on an e-commerce Authorization, Chargeback and other
01/04/2025 147
site payment methods
02/04/2025 148 Revision / Test Revision / Test
31 03/04/2025 149 Add products to an ecommerce website Security issues
Security issues and payment
04/04/2025 150 Practice order processing
Browse, select, gateways
and transact using
05/04/2025 E-commerce 151 Practice payment processing Revision
32 Secure
Overview of SSL, HTTPS, Security
09/04/2025 information from 154 Secure computers & networks
threats, information securtiy
Internet by using
cyber security
10/04/2025 concept Mahavir Jayanti - Holiday
11/04/2025 155 Reduce Cyber security threats Vulnerability and Risk management
12/04/2025 2nd Saturday - Holiday
13/04/2025 Sunday - Holiday
14/04/2025 Dr. BabaSaheb Ambedkar Jayanti - Holiday
Introduction to Directory Services,
15/04/2025 156 Secure a Wi-Fi Network
Access control
Security , Privacy protection, audit
16/04/2025 157 Use anti-Virus software
33 and security
17/04/2025 158 Revision / Test Revision / Test
Secure Perform back-ups of files, data and Introduction to IT Act and penalties
18/04/2025 information from 159
information for cyber crimes
Internet by using Introduction to IT Act and penalties
19/04/2025 cyber security 160 Identify steps for information privacy
for cyber crimes
20/04/2025 concept Sunday - Holiday
information from
Internet by using
cyber security
Identify common cybercrimes and penalties Introduction to IT Act and penalties
21/04/2025 161
applicable for cyber crimes
22/04/2025 162 Revision / Test Revision / Test
23/04/2025 163 Revision / Test Revision / Test
Benefits of cloud services, Different
24/04/2025 164 Practice with laaS using free cloud services
25/04/2025 165 Practice with PaaS using free cloud services Resources available in cloud
13/05/2025 175 Install, setup the environment & run Python Introduction to python history
Use command Line and IDE to create and Features, Setting up path Basic
14/05/2025 176
execute a python program Syntax, Comments, Variable
Write programs
37 using Python Write and test a python program to
Features, Setting up path Basic
15/05/2025 language 177 demonstrate print statement, comments,
Syntax, Comments, Variable
different types of variables
Write programs
37 using Python
Write programs
Document code sements using comments String Manipulation, Lists, Tuple,
39 28/05/2025 using Python 203
and documentations strins Sets
Construct and analyze code segments that
29/05/2025 204 include List comprehensions, tuple, set and Dictonaries
30/05/2025 205 Revision Revision
a) Create and host a web site of at
a) Create and host a web site of at least 6
least 6 web paes using JavaScript &
web paes using JavaScript & CSS containin
CSS containin interactive objects,
interactive objects, functions etc.
functions etc.
Industrial Visit /
11/06/2025 Project Work
Industrial Visit /
42 b) Create a project with excel on Payroll b) Create a project with excel on
Project Work
Systems Payroll Systems
22/06/2025 Sunday - Holiday
C) Create a database with MySQL on Library C) Create a database with MySQL on
Industrial Visit /
43 management system. Library management system.
25/06/2025 Project Work
28/06/2025 4th Saturday - Holiday
29/06/2025 Sunday - Holiday
Industrial Visit /
44 03/07/2025 D) Create project in Python / JAVA D) Create project in Python / JAVA
Project Work
programming language programming language
06/07/2025 Sunday - Holiday
45 Industrial Visit / E) Create project in Python / JAVA E) Create project in Python / JAVA
Project Work programming language programming language
45 Industrial Visit / E) Create project in Python / JAVA E) Create project in Python / JAVA
Project Work programming language programming language