ML CA1 Ecommerce
ML CA1 Ecommerce
ML CA1 Ecommerce
recommender systems (RS) are widely
utilized in social networks, ecommerce, and
various other fields. The integration of
machine learning (ML) methods, which
enable computers to learn from user input
and provide more personalized suggestions,
In this measurement, the Random Forest
marks a significant advancement in the
(RF) shows the best value at 0.3, followed
development of RS. This research explores
by the Decision Tree (DT) at 1.77. The
four machine learning approaches for
Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) gives a value
recommendation engines: Decision Tree
of 67.8, while the Logistic Regression (LR)
(DT), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB),
shows 180.81.
Random Forest (RF), and Logistic
Regression (LR).To optimize outcomes and
save time, the study employs the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) method for
feature reduction. The performance of each
model is evaluated using multiple
assessment metrics, including accuracy, R-
square score, Mean Squared Error (MSE),
and Mean Absolute Error (MAE).
Experimental results indicate that the RF
algorithm outperforms the GNB, DT, and
LR algorithms, achieving the highest Method, article in Journal of Physics
accuracy. Data Availability Data generated Conference Series. 8. Ali, N.M.;
for this study is available from the Alshahrani, A.Alghamdi, A.M.; Novikov,
corresponding author on formal request. B. SmartTips: Online Products
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