Promouvoircompetences ComBurkina 17 Bac Anglais Series C D Sujet 1
Promouvoircompetences ComBurkina 17 Bac Anglais Series C D Sujet 1
Promouvoircompetences ComBurkina 17 Bac Anglais Series C D Sujet 1
1. Relying on the text, enumerate two symptoms of the disease which killed the
Congolese teenagers.
2. Basing on the text, say, in your own words, why it took three years to identify the
Bas-Congo virus.
3. According to the text, how do scientists proceed when they discover a new virus?
4. Referring to the text, what are the benefits of Chiu’s findings for health
5. In your opinion, how can transmissible diseases be prevented in your country?