S7. Chaos, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
S7. Chaos, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
S7. Chaos, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Abstract—In this study, we proposed a 2-stage hybrid approach and Deep Learning algorithms gained popularity, mainly due
for financial time series forecasting wherein chaos is modeled in to their inherent power to model non-linearity. Further, they
stage-1 followed by forecasting is accomplished using machine can adapt to the dynamic nature of the economy, leading to
learning and deep learning algorithms in stage-2. The effective-
ness of the proposed hybrid is tested on forecasting Consumer better forecasts.
Price Index Inflation of Food & Beverages, Fuel & Light, This paper proposes a 2-stage hybrid involving, in tandem,
and Headline in India. This is a first-of-its-kind study where chaos modeling and forecasting by a host of machine learn-
chaos is modeled and deep learning is employed in forecasting ing/deep learning algorithms.
macroeconomic time series. From the results, it is inferred that
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Chaos + Machine learning hybrids yielded better forecasts than
pure machine learning algorithms without Chaos in terms of presents introduction to chaos theory; Section 3 presents the
Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE), Theil’s literature review; Section 4 presents in detail our proposed
U statistic and Directional statistic across all the data sets. A deep model; Section 5 presents the data set description and eval-
learning model namely, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) was uation metrics; Section 6 presents a discussion of the results
also employed but without much success. The results of 2-stage
and finally section 7 concludes the paper and presents future
hybrid models are compared with models without accounting
for chaos. The results are encouraging and these hybrids can be directions.
applied to predict other financial time series.
Index Terms—Chaotic Time Series, Consumer price index II. I NTRODUCTION TO C HAOS T HEORY
inflation forecasting, GRRN, GMDH, Machine Learning, Deep In the late 1800s, the theory of chaos was proposed by
Poincare, and later extended by Lorenz [3] in 1963 in order
I. I NTRODUCTION to deal with unpredictable complex nonlinear systems [4]. A
chaotic system is deterministic, dynamic and evolves from the
Time series is a list of observations recorded over equal
initial conditions and it can be described by trajectories in the
intervals of time. Examples of time series include the stock
state space. As the governing equations are not known ahead
market price of a company, gold price, crude oil price,
for a chaotic system, the state space is represented by phase
foreign exchange rate, rainfall, temperature, etc. Time series
space, which we can rebuild from the original series. Packard
forecasting uses an algorithm to forecast future values based
et al. [5] developed a process to reconstruct the phase space
on the previously observed values. However, time series
using the method delays, using which for a time series Xj
analysis is the use of techniques to understand the series
where j = 1, 2, 3, .., N, the phase space can be constructed by
better. Decomposition is one such method to analysis the
a d-dimensional vector as in Eq.(1),
trend and seasonality of the series. Domains such as Weather
forecasting, earthquake prediction, astronomy, finance sector
use time series forecasting models daily to forecast predictions. Yj = (Xj , Xj+τ , Xi+jτ , ...., Xj+(d−1)τ ) (1)
Forecasting macroeconomic indicators is a difficult task due Where τ , d are lag and the embedding dimension of the
to the dynamic nature of the macro-economy. Forecasting system to reconstruct state space. Autocorrelation function or
Consumer Price Index Inflation plays a vital role in improving mutual information method is used to find the optimal lag
monetary policy formulation of a country [1]. Traditional value. Cao’s method [6] was used to estimate the minimum
algorithms such as Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average embedding dimension (m) as in fig. The presence of chaos in
(ARIMA) and Seasonal ARIMA [2] are not able to capture the the system can be tested using Lyapunov exponent method [7],
dynamic non-linear nature of the inflation. Machine Learning [8], Kolmogorov entropy [9], Correlation dimension method
978-1-7281-2547-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE [9], false nearest neighbour algorithm [10] etc. In this study,
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the Lyapunov exponent method was employed to test the partition the series into blocks and looks for blocks which
presence of chaos. After the reconstruction of phase space, are closed to recent observations and this model found to
the problem gets converted into multiple input single output be outperforming the parametric linear, non-linear, univariate
(MISO) problem and MISO can be modelled by methods and multivariate alternatives during 1990 to 2015. As Neural
ranging from linear models to neural networks. Networks (NN) [21] have the capability learn complex patterns
from the data set, McAdam and McNelis [22] used NN to
A. Rosenstein’s method
predict the inflation in the United States, Japan, and the
Rosenstein’s algorithm [7] estimates the largest Lyapunov Europe. Nakamura and Emi [23] also found that NN models
Exponent (λ) [11] from the given time series. If λ >= 0 then outperformed linear forecasting algorithms at a small horizon
series contains chaos; otherwise it doesn’t contain chaos. of 1 to 2 quarters.
B. Cao’s method Orphanides and Van Norden [24] found that output gap
estimation improves inflation forecasting in real-time using
In order to find out the minimum embedding dimension for a univariate and bivariate models without using past inflation
time series, Cao developed the following method [6]. Let X = data. Using surveys to forecast inflation found to be outper-
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , ...., xN ) be a time series. In the phase space, forming ARIMA variations and regressions using the Phillips
the time series can be reconstructed as time delay vectors as Curve motivated real activity measures [25]. Several works
in Eq.2: were published on inflation forecasting as it has an essential
role in monetary policy formulation in many countries [1],
Yi = (xi , xi+τ , xi+2τ , ..., xi+(m−1)λ ) (2) [23], [26], [27]. In India as Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Where, Yi is the ith reconstructed vector, and τ is the time officially adopted the Flexible Inflation Targeting (FIT) regime
delay. in 2016. Stock and Watson [26] proposed an Unobserved Com-
ponent Stochastic Volatility Model (UCSV) which improved
III. L ITERATURE S URVEY the United States (US) inflation forecasting. And for the same
Forecasting algorithms of macroeconomics mainly employ Random forest [28], a machine learning bagging model based
two distinct strategies (i) structural and (ii) non-structural on Decision Trees [29] seems to be outperforming the linear
[12]. The structural approaches use the economic theory for models [27], [30].
model specification whereas the latter follow a data-driven In the Indian context, Kapur [31] applied augmented Phillips
approach i.e. estimating the model specification using under- curve frame to forecast inflation and found that non-fuel
lying properties of the data. The preferred forecasting algo- inflation is driving the domestic inflation. Pradhan et al. [32]
rithms for the non-structural approach are ARIMA and Vector used NN models to forecast inflation and economic growth in
auto-regression (VAR) [13]. However, these linear forecasting India from 1994 to 2009. Malhotra and Maloo [33], Anand et
models failed to recognise macroeconomic business patterns, al. [34] and Pradhan [35] also applied multi-variate Artificial
periods of severe volatility and regime shifts during the 1980s Neural Network (ANN) models to forecast inflation in India.
and 1990s which led to the popularity of non-linear models Pratap and Sengupta [1], in an unpublished work, employed
[14]. Even though inflation highly depends on seasonality, the machine learning techniques to forecast Consumer Price
Dua and Kumawat [15] found that incorporating nonstationary Index inflation in India and they used Auto-correlation func-
seasonality into statistical models does not lead to significant tion (ACF) to find-out the lag of each CPI series in order to
improvements in forecasting results. transform the series into appropriate input and target variables
The research community is now focused on using Machine for training machine learning models. The following are the
Learning (ML) algorithms for time series forecasting [16] as very few works, where chaos was systematically modelled
they are both non-linear and dynamic in nature. Yun Liao before forecasting was performed. Pradeepkumar and Ravi
[17] conducted an experiment to test the effectiveness of [36]–[38] successfully applied hybrids of Chaos modelling and
ML vs Statistical methods (ARIMA, Bayesian Forecasting, Quantile Regression Random Forest (QRRF) for FOREX rate
economic theory based models such as Phillips curve, term forecasting and they have also proposed chaos modelling and
structure and asset model pricing) and found that ML methods multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) [39] for the
outperformed these models on 11 financial series datasets. foreign exchange rate forecasting. Most recently, hybrids of
The superiority of Machine learning algorithms over statistical chaos theory, neural networks, and Multi-objective evolution-
models is not taken for granted as it depends mainly upon the ary algorithm are proposed to predict FOREX rate [40]. In
underlying data generating process (DGP), data quality and the Banking Sector, chaos modelling with machine learning
the forecast horizon [16], [18]. As explained by Makridakis algorithms for forecasting turned out to perform better than
and Hibon [19], mathematically sophisticated or non-linear models without explicit chaos models in the case of automated
models may not certainly provide better estimates compared teller machines (ATMs) cash demand prediction [41].
to more mere models, and the performance of an ensemble Long short term memory (LSTM), a deep sequential learn-
of various models beats any specific model. As inflation is ing algorithm was proposed by [42] to solve difficult sequence
unpredictable during the times of crises, Pablo and Molin [20] problems. As LSTM good at solving sequence problems, many
proposed a parsimonious semiparametric method, which will works have been published [43]–[46] harnessed the power of
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LSTM to forecast both financial and non-financial time series. TABLE I
A. Data preprocessing
As deep learning and machine learning algorithms require
the data to be normalized, we used standard min-max scaling
and to make the non-stationary time series into stationary
series, we adopted the differencing method.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the 2-Stage Hybrid Model.
Standard Min-Max Normalization All the values in the
series will be scaled down to [0, 1] as in Eq. (3):
X − Xmin
We considered the consumer price index (CPI) infla- Xnorm = (3)
Xmax − Xmin
tion data of food & beverages, fuel & light and headline
(http:// from the Ministry We considered the last 6 months’ data of each series to be
of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Gov- the test set and previous data to be the training data.
ernment of India. The dataset contains the monthly percentage
change in the CPI inflation starting from Jan 2012 to Dec
B. Evalution Metrics
2018. The standard deviation for all CPI inflation datasets is
high, which clearly indicates that inflation in India is highly We considered the Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage
volatile (see Table I). Fig.1 shows the monthly CPI Headline Error (SMAPE), Theil’s U statistic ( [53]–[55] and DS statistic
and Components plot over 7 years. [56] to choose a model with the best quality forecast.
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1) Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE):
SMAPE is invariant to the scale of the series data.
|Ft − At |
SM AP E = (4)
n t=1 (|At | + |Ft |) /2
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