PreferenceAssessment2013 Letter

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P ce Assessment©


Name: Completeed by: Date:

Thank you
y for pro oviding thiss crucial info
ormation. If
I you needd additionall space, pleease
feel free
f to attach additionnal pages. Please
P be as
a specific as
a possible.. If there iss a
me brand that is imporrtant in anyy area, list that
nam t as welll.

Salty Snack Foods: Sweet Snack Foods:

Crunchy Sn
nack Foodss: Smo
ooth Snackk Foods:

Fresh Fruit: Dried Fru


Created by Anne
A Overcash, MEd for Pyramiid Educational Consultants
Updated Appril 2013
Drinks: Candy:

Prefers ice in drinks:  yes  no

Chewy/Gummy Candy: Hard Candy:

Specific color(s) or flavor(s): Specific color(s) or flavor(s):

Candy Bars: Seasonal Candy:

Breakfast Meats: Other Breakfast Foods:

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 2
Cereal: Cereal Bars/Granola Bars:

Main Course Options (lunch): Sandwiches/Spreads:

Lunch (sides): Condiments (lunch or breakfast):

Favorite Toys/Activities: Outside Activities:

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 3
TV shows (or news/weather): DVDs:

Favorite books (s) or Magazines: Video Games:

Prefers to play these alone? yesno

Visual (specific patterns, etc.): Auditory (specific sounds or types):

Fine Motor Activities: Gross Motor Activities:

Sensory Toys/Activities: Characters:

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 4
Deep Pressure Input (where?): Light Pressure Input (where?):

Social Games: Songs/Rhymes/Fingerplays:

Music genre or band: Cartoon characters/Anime/Manga:

Cosmetics or other hygiene: Crafting activities:

Musical Instruments: Specific Apps:

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 5
Gym equipment or activity: Sport or sporting equipment:

Outdoor Activities: OT/PT Activities:

Unique "stimmy" items: Plays with these how?

Vestibular (swinging, spinning): Stickers/stamps:

Sensory play (water, rice, etc.): Favorite people:

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 6
Additional Information that you feel is important!

NOTE: If you are having a difficult time identifying a variety of specific

preferences, review these categories (adding others as well!) and spend a
couple of days simply watching what this person does when no other tasks
are presented. Watching what a person likes to do during down time can
be a powerful indicator of preference!

Copyright, 2013, Pyramid Educational Consultants. This form may be reproduced. Expanded Preference Assessment 7

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