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Annex 2B.1o DepEd Order No.42, s.
SCHOOL DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher MEYCA G. DE CHAVEZ Learning Area TLE Second Teaching Dates November 11—November 15, 2024 Quarter Quarter
November November November November November 15, 11, 2024 12, 2024 13, 2024 14, 2024 2024 12:50- 1:30- 12:50- 1:30- 12:50- 1:30- 12:50- 1:30- 12:45- 1:20- Hyacinth Hyacinth Hyacinth Hyacinth Hyacinth Time & 1:30- 2:10- 1:30- 2:10- 1:30- 2:10- 1:30- 2:10- 1:20- 1:55- Section Bougainville Bougainville Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Bougainvillea a a 3:10- 3:50- 3:10- 3:50- 3:10- 3:50- 3:10- 3:50- 2:50- 3:25 Cattleya Cattleya Cattleya Cattleya Cattleya 3:50-4:30- 3:50-4:30- 3:50-4:30- 3:50-4:30- 3:25-4:00- Forsythia Forsythia Forsythia Forsythia Forsythia I. The learners… OBJECTIVE S A. Content demonstrate an understanding of identify the basic parts and Standard function of Microsoft Excel B. shall be able to demonstrate the basic parts and Performance function of Microsoft Excel Standard C. Learning Identify the Identify the Identify the Identify the Identify the Competencie parts of parts of parts of parts of parts of s/Objectives Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft (Write the LC Word Word Excel Excel Excel Code for each) Parts of Parts of Identify the Identify the Identify the Microsoft Microsoft Word Word basic parts basic parts basic parts II. CONTE NT and function and function and function of Microsoft of Microsoft of Microsoft Excel Excel Excel III. LEARN ING RESOU RCES A. Referen https:// https:// https:// https:// https:// ces www.compu techdatahind www.slidesha www.slidesha www.slideshar /jargon/h/ tab-in- cristobalarjay cristobalarjay cristobalarjay home- microsoft- 111390/ 111390/ 111390/ tab.htm office microsoft- microsoft- microsoft- office- office- office- application- application- application- word-power- word-power- word-power- point-excel point-excel point-excel 1. Teacher ’s Guide page 2. Learner' s materia ls pages 3. Textboo k pages 4. Additio nal Material s from Learnin g resourc e (LR) Portal B. Other DLL, DLL, DLL, DLL, DLL, laptop, Learnin laptop, laptop, laptop, laptop, videos g Resourc videos videos videos videos es IV. PRO CEDURE S A. Reviewi Review the Review Basic parts Basic parts Basic parts ng different commands and function and function and function previou tabs in in HOME tab of Microsoft of Microsoft of Microsoft s lesson Microsoft and Insert Excel Excel Excel or Word. Tab presenti ng the new lesson B. Establis What is the What are Review about Review Review about hing a most used the steps in the parts and about the parts and purpose tab? inserting function of Microsoft functions of for the table? Microsoft Excel. Microsoft lesson word. Excel. C. Presenti Give the What is the What are the ng name of the used of parts of exampl following Microsoft Microsoft es/ commands; Excel? Excel? instanc 1. B es of 2. I the 3. U lesson D. Discuss Discuss What is What are What are the Discussi again how again the Microsoft the basic different Tabs ng new to use Home commands Excel? parts and used in concept Tab in home tab function of Microsoft s and at insert tab. Microsoft Excel? practici Excel? ng new skills #1 E. Discussi Discuss Discuss the Discuss Discuss the Discuss the ng new again how instruction Microsoft basic parts different tabs concept to insert on how to do Excel. and Microsoft used in s and table in the Excel. Microsoft practici Microsoft performance Excel. ng new Word task no. 1. skills #2 F. Develop Enumerate Discuss the Discuss the Discuss the ing the different Microsoft function of its function of its mastery commands Excel parts of Tab in (Leads in HOME Microsoft Microsoft window. to tab. Excel. Excel. Formati What are ve the things Assess do we insert ment 3) in MS Word? G. Finding Students Students will What is What are the What are the Practica will do the do the Microsoft parts of different tabs l activity. performance Excel? Microsoft in Microsoft applicat task # 1 Excel? Excel? ions of Concept s and skills in daily living H. Making What is the How MS What is the Students What is the generali important of word help used of will identify common tab zations you as a in Excel and HOME tab in Microsoft the parts of and students? Word? Abstrac MS word? Excel? Microsoft tion Excel. about the lesson I. The Ask students What are the Why is it What tab is Evaluati students what they advantage of important to there in ng have a long learn in using know the Microsoft learning quiz about doing their Microsoft different excel that is the topic. performance Excel? parts of not in task? Microsoft Microsoft Excel? word? J. Additio Ask the What is the How can nal students difference Microsoft activitie s for what they between Excel help applicat learned in Microsoft students? ion or the topic Word and remedi Microsoft ation Excel? V. RE MA RK S VI. RE FLE CTI ON S A. No. of Hyacinth learners Bougainvillea who Cattleya earned Forsythia 80% in the evaluatio n B. No. Hyacinth of Bougainvillea learners Cattleya who Forsythia require addition al activities for remediat ion C. Did Hyacinth the Bougainvillea remedial Cattleya lessons Forsythia work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. Hyacinth of Bougainvillea learners Cattleya who Forsythia continue to require remediat ion. E.Which of Strategies used that work well: Why? ___ Metacognitive ___ Complete IM’s the ___ Bridging ___ Availability of Materials teaching ___ Schema-Building ___ Students’ eagerness to strategie learn s worked ___ Contextualization ___ Group member’s well? collaboration/cooperation Why did ___ Text Representation this ___ Explicit Teaching work? ___ Group Collaboration ___ Gamification/Learning through play ___ Role/Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method.
___ Bullying among students ___ Interactive IM’s for teaching.
F. What difficultie ___ Pupils behavior/attitude ___ Unavailable materials for activity s did I ___ Classroom Management ___ Unavailable Technology encount equipment (AVR/LCD) er which my principal or superior can help me with? G. What Planned Innovations: innovati ___ Contextualized/Localized and Indigenized IM’s ___ Localized Videos on or localized ___ Improvising materials needed for the subject component material s did I use/disc over which i wish to share with other teachers ?