Year - M.C.A. - II (C.B.C.S. Pattern) Sem-IV Subject - PSMCAT401 - Paper-I - Asp .NET Using C#

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M.C.A. - II (C.B.C.S.

Pattern) Sem-IV
PSMCAT401 - Paper-I : Asp .NET Using C#

P. Pages : 2 GUG/S/19/11110
Time : Three Hours *3055* Max. Marks : 80
_______________________________________ ______________________________
Notes : 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Draw neat and labelled diagram and use supporting data whenever necessary.
3. Avoid vague answer and write specific answer related to questions.

1. Either
a) Explain Asp .Net life cycle in detail. 8

b) Write short note on. 8


ii) CLR


c) Explain role of CSS in web development. 8

d) Describe need of CSS in web development. 8

2. Either
a) Explain textbox and list controls with suitable example. 8

b) Create a web application to check whether the inputted number is palindrome or not. 8


c) Explain various data types of Asp .Net in detail. 8

d) Create a web application to check factorial of a number. 8

3. Either
a) Explain the following validation control. 8

i) Compare validator

ii) Regular expression validator

b) Create a login application. User has only 3 attempts after that application must be closed. 8


c) What is Navigation? Write a program to demonstrate Navigation between two pages. 8

d) What is cookies? Also write its advantages and disadvantages. 8

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4. Either
a) Explain grid view control with example. 8

b) Explain the following. 8

1) Details view control

2) Form view control


c) Explain how data is access in list view control by SQL server. 8

d) Explain Asp .Net provider model. 8

5. Answer all the questions.

a) Explain .Net frame work in short. 4

b) What is web. Config. File. 4

c) Write note on state management. 4

d) Write short note on authorization. 4


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