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Types and components of a computer system

computer is an electronic device that can input, cute, ut

store and process information. A computer is a useful

device with 2 basic integral components

type; hardware and software

11-Hard and software

we All physical parts of a computer that one can touch or

see are considered as hardware.

-These parts are what nhake up a computer

-Hardware can be of 2 types Internal & External.

Internal hardwares are aside the system unit like; The

motherboard, RAM, ROM, Video & sound cards (Storage
devices) HDD & SS
External hardwares are outside the susterm unit tike, that
can be either input and out put demes like; Keyboard,
Mouse, Monito. Printer

e-Software is simply cated instructions (programs) that

control how the computer woks process data -We have 2
types of software Applicatia and system


Application software are the everyday programs we wise

to perform specific tasks on alt computer Elg. Microsoft
office programs, editing softwares (videa alusion, image)
measurement softwares etc.

Systern softwares that refer to operaturg systems and

other utilities that enable smooth functioning fof a
computer. They manage the computer's hardware

For eg. Operating systems, device drivers, Linkers, disk

cleaners, virus protection, compilers etc.

Analogune and Digital data

Analogue dates the physical data that change smoothly
from one value to other ine date use in read world is
analogue in nature.

Digital data is only used by computers as only they

understand d'ata in binary format: Oard 1. It only has
discrete and discontinuous values.

If analogue data is sent to computer, it is first converted

into digital data for computer's understanding using a
hardware called Analogue to Digital tonverter (ADC). If
computer is contro a device then digital data is converted
towng analogue data for the motor's input. This is done by
Digital to Anglogue converter (DAC)

Softwares in detail

Application Software

Word Processing

•Creating, editing, saving and manipulating text in

documents and importing images, audios Jintage
• Spell checkers


Organise, manipulate and work with numerical •Use of

formulas and carry out calculations

Producing graphs and modelling

Video editing sofware

Rearranging, adding and removing section of Video clips

or audio dips.

Palling transition beture Creating n dips in videos

→System Softwares

Operating system

It is an important software running in backgroun of the

Input and Output operations are carried

Manages Loading and running of programs

Ervor handling and basic user communication

• Security in use by user accounts, log on passwo

Utility programs • Designerd

to carry out specific tasks on compuk

Antivirus and Anti-pyware

• File management and file backup

•Disk repair

Device drier
Software the enable computer's operating system to
control a hardware deuce like printere


• It trar slates a High-Level Language program into

hachine code so that computer perfor The original
program is called sources arnd after compilation it is
object code Code The compiler translate whole code at


• Ablity to subrange and analyse given date

• Ability to carry out queries on data and produce a report.

Add, delete and modify remias in a table

Measuring and control softwares

•They are a interfove to display results of sensors •

Measure physical quantities in real world such
as temperatures Control applications help you to
communicate with machines such as washing machine


•Type of software running on mobiles or tablets

•Video & Music streaming

Gps used in satellite navigation that meşin you to find a

chosen location

•Camera for taking and storing photos

computer-Aided Design softokes

•CAD softwares are used in creation manipulatio

modification and analysis of drawing cind design

Graphic Manipulation software they allow bitmap and

vector imag les to be Thanipulated. Bitmap images are
made of paxeis Containing image brighthess and colour
Vector graphic editors use equations to thapes and
characters. information represent


-Features of ‫السالم‬

GUIS use WIMP. (Windows, Ilons, Menu and tung

devices) Counting use which wols developed for

display the task and to see Windals task at a time,

different wirdow more than ore Can be used each having a
task being done. noon and it opens (a taske Icons-click on
an in

Easy and faster the open apps by clicking Menu - It is

used to give all options

Pointing device- It is a cursor like object use for selecting



CLI User is in durect communication with compu •Uses

ittle computer space


• User needs to earn many commands

Takes a lot of time in completing simple


when awer needs to edit a entered comme

it is very difficult

GUI Advantage
user does not need to learn any commfand

Picorams can be simply albased thy

clicking on the icons


•It is just like the compiler but it translates the source code
pe by line to the object code


•A computer program that combine one or more object

files from compiler and converts it into an executalde file
that can be run by a comput

1.3User Interfaces The operating system allows

communication between user and computer system
through user interface
1) command line interface (CLI)

CLI requires the user to type in unstruction to do tasks like

opening software. There are often a number of commands
that need to be typed in for example copy a file. The user
has to learn the commands just to carry basic operation.
Cli is rowadays only used by programmer, analyst and

2) Graphical user interface (GUI)

GUI allows the user to interact with the computer in an

natural way using pictures called icons rather than typing
commands. GUI is used by the end-user who doesn't have
a lot of knowledge of how computers work.

3) Dialogue Based Interface

Dialogue based Interface use the human voice to give

commands to a computer. For example, this interface is
used in some luxury cars where voice actuation is used to
control devires. But mare sure the vocal commare are
clear to understry

4) Gesture Based Interface

Gesture Based Interface: relies on human interaction by

moving of hands, thread or feet. It allows humar to
interface with computer in a more natural way. The
interfaze uses tethniques such as computer vision and
image processing. It eliminates the need for an array of
auttens or diate some disadvantages are that unintentional
movements can be detected and the user should be very
close to the system.

1.2 Main comparients of a computer system

Input devices

central nitoressing

Output devices
Man iste al Memory

(RAM & Royecondary Cecorup memory (HOD & sip)

Intemal compafer hardwares Central Processing Unit


The CPU is a part that interprets and Executes the

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