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Eaton – convincing in terms of safety, performance and operational availability.

xEnergy Bus Bar Top –

The switchgear for the future.
A partner
for all cases.
Technology leader Eaton con-
solidates its importance in
panel building: through type-
tested switchgear systems
that grow with your needs.

Eaton Corporation, headquartered Eaton - 5 times successful

in Cleveland, Ohio (USA), is • as the world leading provider
pursuing a diversified business of products and services in
strategy and is the undisputed the areas of electrical control,
technology leader in multiple power distribution, uninter-
categories. Its Electrical Sector ruptible power supply, and
alone is a global leader in pro- industrial automation
ducts and services for power
distribution, safe power supply • as a global market leader in
and industrial automation. the design, manufacture and
marketing of complete series
With proven brands such of drive systems and
as Cutler-Hammer®, F&G®, components for medium and
Moeller®, Powerware®, Holec®, heavy duty vehicles during
MEM®, Santak® and MGE operation
Office Protection Systems™,
Eaton provides customer-orien- • as the world leading supplier
ted PowerChain Management® of the commercial and military
solutions for energy systems aviation as well as aerospace
in data centres, hospitals, in- industries with an extensive
dustrial sectors, hotel industry, technology portfolio of
retail, food industry, and water hydraulic, fuel supply, motion
treatment plants. control and propulsion

Successful full-service • as a major supplier of critical

provider components reducing
Eaton is already operating as a emissions and fuel
worldwide specialist for switch- consumption and improving
gear systems. The declared the stability and performance
intent of being a full-service of cars, light trucks and utility
provider is a decisive factor vehicles
for its success. No matter for
which application, at Eaton you • as the world leading
will get everything from a single manufacturer of reliable,
source, from power distribu- highly efficient hydraulic
tors, to busbars up to single systems and components for
components. Eaton is focused mobile and industrial
on complying with the current applications in many sales
standards and being a pioneer areas, from mining to the
in safety. As is currently the entertainment industry
case of the new IEC/EN 61439

Distributes energy systematically.
Saves efficiently.
Thinks ahead.
In Eaton you will find a The xEnergy system offer itself, the mounting system, The system is designed as a
business partner who thinks ahead. That is, it is desi- the housing, right up to the construction kit and allows for
supports your expertise in all gned to meet growing requi- software tools. intelligent combinations.
respects. xEnergy is a switch- rements. Aimed at maximum
gear system with multiple efficiency in the implementati- Systematically switching = The advantage for you is
options for reliable power on of your individual projects, Customising the future multifaceted. Not only can you
distribution and individual Eaton xEnergy Busbar Top You too can decide in favour generate optimum added value
possibilities to adjust to your creates the ideal prerequisites of this technically sophisti- in your own switchgear building
customers‘ needs. for building infrastructures up to cated and economical unit and trust that with Eaton you
4000A. consisting of switching and will build safety-tested switch-
protection devices, embedded gears, but you can also be
Each functional module of our systems and switchgears. It confident that you will always
switchgear systems is perfectly helps to optimally switch and be on the cutting edge. In addi-
prepared and consistently control power - in short, to tion, you also save time, money
thought out - from the device master it. and space.

xEnergy Bus Bar Top
Eaton is tailored to your Free choice - free access
requirements as a panel
builder: That is why the xE-
An essential feature of the new of performing mechanical
nergy system offer was exten-
system is the new patented tests on such connections. If
ded with additional solutions
Open Frame structure with a predictive/preventive main-
that facilitate your work. The
freely selectable rail position. tenance is done on a regular
main focus is a new user-
Using the newly developed mo- basis, any potential hotspots
oriented switch-gear: xEnergy
dular busbar carrier, currents up can be identified at a very early
Bus Bar Top.
to 4000A are possible (copper stage, so - thanks to the Open
mounting of at least 1 x 30/10 = Frame structure – maintenance
In the development of xEnergy
800A, up to a maximum of 12 x personnel can act immediately
Bus Bar Top, utmost attention
30/10 = 4000A). to fix the problem before a
has been paid to to the compa-
component fails. Removing all
tibility of new components with
A further valuable feature: Per- top covers provides access to
the proven xEnergy system
manent availability of electrical all important CU screw-type
(main busbar Bus Bar Back).
equipment and installations connections and consequently
Thanks to its modular concept,
is an increasingly important allows doing the thermographic
the system grows with the
issue, and production downtime test on the installation under
specific customer requirements.
needs to be avoided when and full load.
wherever possible. This is why
greater emphasis than ever is The unit is equipped with fully
now placed on thermographic featured connections at the
inspections on live electrical back. This makes maintenance
connections of CU bars instead and expansion easier.

Modular, multi-talented
Open circuit breakers and mers per phase (as usual in
compact circuit breakers can be the Middle East). The current
installed above or next to each transformers are installed on
other in the xEnergy power copper terminals, connected to
field, for use as inputs, outputs the phase conductors. In order
or couplings. Our incoming to provide the best layout for
cubicles can be fitted with mea- current transformers installati-
surement modules. They also on, the phase conductors are
have space for special versions routed into the enclosures at
with up to 4 current transfor- different depths.

The incoming cubicles provide space for special versions with up to 4 current transformers per phase.

Outgoing feeder panels are just
as easy and flexible to configure.
A large number of switching
combinations is possible,
such as an NZM3 with remote
operator and/or plug-in socket
and rotary handle. The internal
separation can be configured
for 4b form up to type 7. The
cable connection compartments
are modular in construction.
This has the advantage that
no panels or covers obstruct
access to the interior of the
compartment during installation
and hookup.

In brief: xEnergy Bus Bar Top

provides an easy to install,
technically fully-featured and
cost-effective power distribution
system which saves you time
and effort during installation
and maintenance.

System description
Tested for compliance with: IEC/EN 61439
Copper: per EN13601-CU-ETP-R250-SH
Ambient temperature: 50 °C
Relative humidity: 50 % at 40 °C
Protection: Protection class 1, earth terminal
Protection rating: IP31, IP42, IP55
Impact resistance: IK10
Rated insulation voltage: 1000V
Rated operating voltage: 690V
Insulation coordinates: III/3
Insulation voltage: 8kV
Over-voltage category: IV
Contamination class: 3
Rated frequency: 40 – 60 Hz
Bus bar rated current: 4000A
Bus bar rated transient current ICW: up to 105kA (1 s); 65kA (3 s)
Bus bar rated peak current IPK: up to 220kA
Cabinet height: 2000 mm
Depth: 800 mm (additional cable panels available from
400 mm to 800 mm)
Cabinet widths: 425, 600, 800, 850, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1350 mm
Standard colour: 7035 structure

• Simple connection to the main busbar
• The bars are available at all times
• The busbar connections can be inspected thermographically
and mechanically at any time
• Significantly reduced installation time

Shopping centers

Whether the application is a health or computer
centre, industrial or a sewage plant:
panel builders trust Eaton.
The experts in safe power Eaton‘s xEnergy solution is Service in seconds On the other hand, XR‘s using
distribution understand the a type-approved switching Whether it‘s a hospital or quick mounting modules require
importance of availability solution which offers unbeatab- factory, a server farm, shop- only a few minutes for swap-
and the costs of outages better le personal and system safety, ping centre or sewage plant: ping components out, and with
than any other supplier. while reducing outages to a unscheduled outages cost the high end XW version, this is
minimum. Available in a variety money. That‘s why Eaton takes reduced to just a few seconds.
of basic configurations, the special care that the user friend-
system is built in robust steel liness of its systems is adapted With its plug&play technology
panelling to suit the client‘s to the requirements of each and the option for live swapping
current requirements, with individual client. XF‘s with fixed of components, downtimes is
room for any expansions and components can result in even finally a thing of the past and
combinations down the line. longer outages, and the field of the requirement for skilled staff
In brief: xEnergy has the right application must be chosen in is also reduced to a minimum.
solution for every need. relation to calculated downtimes.

Functional and residential buildings Hospitals

Water treatment plants Hotels

• Type-approved, modular and flexible • Outstanding safety
• Tested/safe combination of switchgear and housings • Supplied as flatpack or fully assembled control cabinet
• Compatible with a vast number of components • Software tools and training for easy planning
• The solution for any field of application and implementation
(from power distribution to motor control centres) • Long service life even in the most demanding conditions
• Time saving

X Benefits of xEnergy Bus Bar Top
Open circuit breaker series IZMX16/40
This xEnergy panel allows the circuit breakers to be installed individually,
next to and above each other.

• Widths 425/600/800 mm
• Fixed or removable
• 3- or 4-pole
• Feasible as a Single, Stacked or Side-by-Side solution
• Can be used as a coupling panel (compatible with mechanical interlock)
• 630 - 4000A
• 4b form up to type 7
• IP31, IP42, IP55
• Simple, cost-effective cable connection system
• Can be operated externally
• Switchgear compatible with components (e.g. mutual locking)

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X Fooutgoing
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ections ffor
or fi
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XF outgoing feeder panels Box Solution
outgoers up to 630A for fixed outputs up to 630A • Panel widths 600 mm (800/1000 mm
in Form 2b in Form 4b with additional side cable connection
space as supplementary functional space)
• Outputs with circuit breakers PKZ, NZM, • Panel widths 600 mm (800/1000 mm with • Module width 600 mm
FAZ additional side cable connection space as • Each module has its own door
• For main busbars running at the top supplementary functional space) • 3- or 4-pole and 3P+N
under the lid • Module width 600 mm • 4b form up to type 7
• Panel height 2000 mm, depth 800 mm + • Each module has its own front panel • IP31, IP42, IP55
additional rear cable connection space of • 3- or 4-pole and 3P+N • Circuit breaker compatible with all
400 mm to 800 mm available as required • 4b form up to type 7 accessories. e.g. rotary drives
• Back plane connection • IP31, IP42, IP55 • Distribution bars up to 2000A
• 3- or 4-pole and 3P+N • Circuit breaker compatible with all • Clear division of functional spaces
• IP31, IP42, IP55 accessories. e.g. rotary drives • Can be operated from behind the door or
• Circuit breaker compatible with all acces • Transparent doors (glass) available with door coupling handle
sories. e.g. rotary drives • Distribution bars up to 2000A
• Transparent doors (glass) available • Clear division of functional spaces
• Distribution bars up to 2000A
XW plug&play outgoing feeder panels XG general purpose blank
• Panel widths 600 mm (800/1000 mm with • Busbars completely insulated from the
additional side cable connection space) front with self-closing cover flap
• 3- or 4-pole • Available inserts: • General purpose blank panels
• Distribution bar rated current o Power outputs up to 400A • Rail mounting systems
In = 1000-1600A o Direct starter 0.06 – 132kW • Individual fixed systems on installation
• IP31, IP42, IP55 o Reversing starter 0.06 – 132kW panels
• Shelves individually height adjustable to o Star-delta starter 5.5 – 110kW • Control technology – field-high or divided
fit the module • Outputs from 132 to 250kW as well as installation panels
• Maximum installation height = 1600 mm power outputs up to 630A are available • Panel height 2000 mm
• Rear cable connection space completely as fixed solutions • Panel depth 800 mm
insulated from equipment space, main • Integrated SmartWire DT solutions • Panel width 425/600/800/850/1000/1100/1
busbar space and distribution busbar • Integrated soft starter solutions 200/1350 mm
space • IP31, IP42, IP55

Eaton xEnergy Bus Bar Top Support

Configurator included at no additional • Parts lists for devices, inserts and
charge distributors
In order to make planning and configuring • Generation of front views for offers,
xEnergy as easy as possible, we offer drag and drop customisation
our tried and tested xEnergy Configurator
software at no additional charge. Further information
• Detailed catalogue with ordering and
• User friendly xEnergy selection options technical sections
• Windows based wizards • Information includes instruction leaflets,
• Functional, self-explanatory construction construction guides and technical
• Short training period with Look and Feel manuals
• Versatile applications
• Project management and system All data freely available from
structure www.xEnergy-partner.com
• The system generates the correct For any further information, please write to
distributor in relation to the guided [email protected]
system choice

Now also available
in IP42
(tested at 50° Celsius
ambient temperature)

XP Power panels/
• Feeds, outputs and couplings
up to 4000A
• Cable connections routed
from below; additional cable
panels can be installed below
and above
• Feasible as a Single, Stacked
or Side-by-Side solution
• The busbars can run at the
top under the lid, through
the middle or below, and as a
busbar connection in a vertical
• Panel height 2000 mm, depth
800 mm + additional cable
space of 400 to 800 mm
• Internal separation 4b form up
to type 7
• Back plane connection

Compact circuit
breaker NZM3/4
in form 4b
xEnergy panels allow the
circuit breakers to be installed
individually or in pairs, next to
and above each other.

• Widths 425/600/800 mm
• Fixed or removable
• 3- or 4-pole
• Can be used as a
coupling panel
• 250 - 630A (NZM3)
• 630 - 1600A (NZM4)
• Form 4b
• IP31, IP42, IP55
• Simple, cost-effective cable
connection system
• Can be operated externally or
with door coupling handle
• Switchgear is compatible
with components (e.g. motor
lift, socket, etc.)

Distribute, switch,
protect - systematically.

Variable circuit breakers up to 4000A
Height, width and depth of the switch are always Compact circuit breakers up to 1600A
the same, increased operational safety with Available in four switching capacities, compact
robust construction and communications, cost- and space-saving, ideal as master switches for
optimised design thanks to modular construction, machine controllers, feed switches in installation
suited to installation worldwide, for xEnergy and distributors or output switches in power distri-
xVTL. butors, for xEnergy and xVTL, for installation

Power Xpert® FMX Xiria Ring Cable Station

Medium voltage current distribution Medium voltage current distribution
with SF6 free vacuum technology with SF6-free vacuum technology
An innovative and compact switchgear system For outstanding operational safety in applica-
with fixed circuit breakers for applications up tions up to 24kV, hermetically sealed housings
to 24kV, ideal for use in power provider distri- constructed with top quality components and
bution networks and industrial and public utility mechanisms make Xiria a service-free solution.
applications. FMX sets new standards in ease of Available in two basic configurations (for ring
connection, compactness, operational safety and cable connections and for protecting power trans-
user friendliness. formers and their associated cable connections)
for unrestricted use in fully automated grids.

Power Xpert® XP CS
Current busbar systems in copper Wall housings in solid steel panelling
and aluminium Ideal for applications requiring effective protec-
Its sandwich-type design makes XP ideal for a tion against direct contact with live components,
vast range of applications from 500 to 6300A, available in 45 housing sizes.
able to handle any of the challenges faced by
electrical systems, with much lower power
dispersion than cable-based solutions - which
means energy saving and reduced emissions.

Modular insulated material housing Modular busbar system
Designed for the most challenging conditions, as an For effective power distribution in the control
individual housing, wall-mounted or free-standing cabinet, in combination with the latest cutouts
distributor, type-approved for all current applications. and circuit breakers, a complete solution for
switching, control and distribution, with UL


Motor and system cutout Motor cutout Circuit breaker
The essence of quality and Easy to equip with manual swit- Designed for individual
innovation, available with swap-out ches, trip indication and other solutions, depending on the
trip block on demand. components, for a complete, client‘s industry.
easy-to-design solution

Service / Software / Support
Eaton actively supports the ZVEI Service Initiative „Services in
Automation“. For our service offering, this means: tailor-made
service, easy identification of available services, guaranteed
competency for the services offered, and determination of the
desired results and performance data in consultation with the

Type-approved quality Custom deliveries
Eaton is DIN ISO 9001 certified. Eaton supplies its entire The system offering is op-
You can rely on Eaton product product range as a flatpack, timised for installation of
quality. Eaton switching solu- functionally packed in com- Eaton‘s internationally available
tions use building blocks const- ponent families, or as a fully switching and circuit breaker
ructed from precisely-specified assembled cabinet if so desi- equipment, and is supple-
IEC/EN 61439 type-approved red. Short delivery times make mented by configuration and
functional modules. The building it easy to respond promptly to planning tools.
block system is designed for our customers‘ requests for We have the right tool for every
local (DIN VDE, CEI, NF, UNE) information and changes. phase of your power distributi-
installation requirements. on project!
• Easy configuration and
Eaton also offers all relevant ordering, with software tools
circuit breaker combinations for for generating parts lists
the desired protection type up • Fast deliveries from stock
to 4000 A. The type-approval thanks to our streamlined
of the entire product, consis- logistics
ting of switchgear, installation • Easy part handling with
equipment and control cabinet practical packing units
per IEC/EN 61439 guarantees a • Safe and time-saving
high level of safety. And its mo- assembly, using Eaton
dularity means that the system assembly instructions
is easy to expand as your needs

Technical support
Eaton offers expert, reliable This has the benefit that the
technical support. For new client works directly with the
clients, we offer training in the panel builder to build his first
construction of a type-approved switchgear system, which
switchgear system solution. means that he learns how best
to proceed.

Eaton offers you the tools CurveSelect xSpider Configurator
you require. Our planning,
documentation and calcula- Eaton‘s characteristic curve pro- A graphic design system for ra-
for xEnergy
tion software tools support gram for protection equipment ting low voltage grids equipped
planners as well as control Quickly and easily configures an
is available free of charge and with Eaton protection equip- xEnergy switchgear combination.
cabinet builders and instal- enables you to represent the ment. xSpider is available for
lers. The Eaton Toolbox is Draw up tenders in real time
application-specific characte- download free of charge. and generate the exact parts
perfectly designed for the job: ristic curves of multiple safety The software includes a databa-
from grid planning to system list at the click of a button.
circuits in the same time and se of Eaton protection equip-
planning and tenders, up to current scales. This considerab- ment (MCBs, MCCBs, ACBs,
the order itself. Eaton Tools, ly simplifies the assessment Sicherungen, Motorstarter).
with its system specific data, of the interaction of NZM and MatSelect database for mana-
ensures a simpler, faster and IZM circuit breakers, PKZ motor ging product and material data
more efficient solution cutouts, ZB motor relays and in in-house and standardised
for real life applications. circuit breakers as well as NH classification systems.

Freely definable curves (Free-

StyleCurves = FSC) enable
direct comparison of:
• the selected motor cutout and
motor starter characteristics,
• feed switches and the upline
medium voltage protection,
• planned expansions and
available protection

CurveSelect supports you in

designing and documenting
your plant.

Eaton partner
The key to your success with As soon as you register with
xEnergy switchgear system www.xenergy-partner.de you
solutions is the Eaton partner are welcomed into xEnergy
programme. Membership Partner Net, and all the
has many benefits: Not only advantages of the Eaton partner
do you get your information programme are instantly
from the horse‘s mouth. You available to you.
are also the first to be noti-
fied about interesting facts
and new developments in the For further information:
xEnergy system. www.xenergy-partner.de

• Designation as a certified partner on the Eaton website • installation instructions
• Access to BA‘s, AWA‘s, configurator, certificates • Information material for your clients, e.g. catalogues,
and technical data sheets flyers
• Up-to-date product information • Declarations of Conformity and Guidelines
• Software downloads per IEC Standards



Article number 179555
Eaton is a power management company with 2013 sales of $22.0 billi-
on. Eaton provides energy-efficient solutions that help our customers
effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more
efficiently, safely and sustainably. Eaton has approximately 101,000
employees and sells products to customers in more than 175 coun-

For more information, visit www.eaton.com.

To contact an Eaton salesperson

or local distributor/agent, please visit

Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH

Scheydgasse 42
1215 Wien

Eaton Industries Manufacturing GmbH

EMEA Headquarters
Route de la Longeraie
1110 Morges

© 2014 Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH

Subject to technical modifications. No
responsibility is taken for misprints or errata.
Printed in Austria (11/14)
Publication number BR014005EN

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