Design and Testing: Syllabus
Design and Testing: Syllabus
Design and Testing: Syllabus
Conceptualization - Industrial Design and User Interface Design - Introduction to Concept
generation Techniques – Challenges in Integration of Engineering Disciplines - Concept
Screening & Evaluation - Detailed Design - Component Design and Verification –
Mechanical, Electronics and Software Subsystems - High Level Design/Low Level Design
of S/W Program - Types of Prototypes, S/W Testing- Hardware Schematic, Component design,
Layout and Hardware Testing – Prototyping - Introduction to Rapid Prototyping and Rapid
Manufacturing - System Integration, Testing, Certification and Documentation.
Industrial Design and User Interface Design rin
Introduction to Concept Generation Techniques
Challenges in Integration of Engineering Disciplines
g .ne
Concept Screening and Evaluation
Detailed Design
Component Design and Verification
3.8 Mechanical, Electronics and Software Subsystems
3.9 High Level Design / Low Level Design of S/W Program
3.10 Software Testing
3.11 Hardware Schematic
3.12 Prototyping
3.13 System Integration Testing
3.14 Certification and Documentation
Two Marks Questions with Answers [Part A]
Review Questions [Part B]
3.1 Conceptualization
Product design conceptualization is an important step during the early design phase of
a new product development, or during an upgrade of an existing product. Design
conceptualization services are needed when there is no clear idea or direction of how the
product will function or what would be the product final look.
Imaginationeering offers product design conceptualization services to help our clients
in providing them with few different concepts to choose from. The design
conceptualization phase will allow your company to explore possible concept solutions
for your current product, problem, or challenge.
The Design Conceptualization section focuses on developing methods and tools for
understanding how products and services fit in people’s lives, in their full complexity.
These methods and tools help designers understand the context of use for which they
design (e.g., contextmapping), and explore new possibilities of interaction (research
through design, iterative interactive prototyping). They can be used as well as ways to
empower people to arrange their own lives (self-empowerment).
Keywords are: Context, Empathy, Empowerment, Participation, and Prototyping.
Context: how does the product or service fit into the users’ everyday lives ‘world’, how
can we learn about the user’s needs and values, in research- and design sessions and
especially in their everyday contexts?
them her, such as children, elderly, or people in other cultures? g
Empathy: how can designers step into the shoes of users that are very different from
Empowerment: how can design be used to increase involvement of citizens and
communities of users in matters that affect their wellbeing?
Participation: how can we involve diverse stakeholders, such as end-users and experts,
in design processes to increase the quality and adoption of products and services?
Prototyping: how can we quickly make working, interactive setups or visualize future
scenarios to experience situations that do not exist yet, and explore potential interactions?
provides for end-users. Every object that you interact with on a daily basis in your home,
office, school, or public setting is the result of a design process. During this process,
myriad decisions are made by an industrial designer (and their team) that are aimed at
improving your life through well-executed design. A user interface (UI) is the part of a
machine, product, or device with which a person interacts. Usually visual and tactile in
nature, a user interface is what an individual uses to make a machine or product do what
he wants it to do. The user interface should be intuitive and simple to use. Now that
people are using mobile devices and the digital age is flourishing, user interfaces are a
common part of physical product design. User interface designers and product designers
work together to create products that seamlessly integrate the screen and the device itself,
as human interaction is embedded in products to combine the physical with the virtual.
User interface design is an important part of the user experience, as UI designers work to
enhance the user’s interaction with products, both physical and digital. While the core
principles and goals of UI design are similar across physical and digital products, the two
are not identical, with UI design for physical products requiring additional considerations
such as durability, actuation force, and other concerns not as applicable to designing the
UI for a digital product, while digital product UIs have their own unique considerations
as well. User interface design includes expertise in human-machine interface, integrated
systems, user experience design, wireframes, graphic user interface (GUI) design, and
developer’s toolkits. User interface design for products involves making items such as car
dashboards, LCD refrigerators, smart remote controls and TVs, and others that have a
display in the physical space.
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3.2.1 User Interface Design Principles
User interface designs must be functional and purposeful. Each element of the UI
design should meet users’ needs and help them accomplish the goal they set out to
achieve by using the product. Designers need to be problem solvers and understand how
their UIs will deliver a solution to the individuals who interact with them. As a result,
user interface designers also need to make their UIs as clear and usable as possible.
People do not want the UI to get in the way of using a product or device.
descriptions. There is no formula or set of rules to generate ideas out of thin air! Rather, a
set of practical strategies to help designers to enhance their inherent creativity, and to
facilitate the generation of new ideas, are presented next:
wwrecord them. Some designers are abstract thinkers while others are visual and
spatial thinkers. By preparing a drawing, limitations can be revealed, or ideas can
be built upon.
Strategy 3) Work within a team environment to generate new ideas. In this case,
techniques such as: Brainstorming, or the 6-3-5 method, can be an effective group
activity for the generation of new ideas.
Strategy 4) Morphological analysis is a technique that encourages a designer to
consider the combination of two seemingly unrelated concepts. Morphological
analysis often leads to impractical ideas, however, those ideas may eventually lead
to practical ones.
Strategy 5) Allow ample time for reflection on ideas, and allow for iteration.
Creativity cannot be rushed, and setting a strict time-line for the creative phase may
limit the best solutions from emerging. Iteration is important, since often the
original concept leads to a better idea. Sometimes an idea suddenly emerges for a
design solution, while the designer is in the midst of another unrelated activity. This
is sometimes referred to as an “Ah-ha moment”, which is more likely to occur when
the creative process is given ample time.
mechanics, fluid mechanics, and systems involving chemical, electro-mechanical,
and biological components.
w .Ea
3.5 Concept Screening and Evaluation
After generating ideas, use a variety of tools to analyze and filter the ideas to end up
with those worth pursuing in more detail. These techniques can be applied iteratively as
new ideas emerge or as existing ideas are refined. The goal of concept screening and
scoring is to evaluate concepts before investing too much energy in detailed design work.
Screening and scoring is about reducing many ideas into a smaller and more manageable
set. The quality of ideas in the final set depends on the quality of ideas in the initial set.
Therefore, it is important to put good effort into the front end processes of customer
research and ideation.
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The outcomes are not always precise, i.e. a clear "winner" may not emerge. In that case,
devise an experiment (prototype) or new question(s) to use in evaluating concepts.
Perhaps the group needs to conduct more internal research (brainstorming, concept
sketching, cardboard mock-ups) or external research (web search, patent search, catalog
The screening process may lead to new ideas or ways to combine ideas. The process
can be repeated, but it makes sense to use screening early in the design process when
there are several, high-level ideas. As the ideas become more detailed, other techniques
are more beneficial.
1. Create a set of criteria to evaluate (score) the concepts : 3 to 7 is criteria is a good
3. w Identify a benchmark design
Use a simple scale : -1, 0, 1 relative to the benchmark design. (A more detailed
scale -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 could be used if more detailed information on each concept is
Work across the criteria, not across the concepts. For example suppose that cost
and weight are two (of several) criteria. Rate all of the design concepts first by
cost, and then by weight.
Tally and rank the scores nee
The outcome is a smaller number of design concepts that the group decides to pursue.
The team may decide that future research is necessary. Any additional research should
be focused on answering specific questions. Failure to obtain clarity should not set the
team back to open-ended searches. To do so implies that the team did not learn much in
the scoring process.
understood and coordinated. Along with the detail drawings, therefore, there should be a
general parts list, which will act as a “map” and precisely instruct the manufacturing
function to group components into assemblies and, further, assemblies into the full
product. Fig. 3.6.1 shows a portion of a typical parts list, which lists all the parts along
with raw material sizes and specifications. It should be noted that this particular parts list
shows elements of three subassemblies. The detail design phase takes the concept design
and applies it to the material components and, in effect, plans the manufacture and
assembly of the product. During this process, the designers consider the selection of
materials, manufacturing techniques, machine tools, and processes such as forging,
injection molding, and casting. Further processes such as chromium plating and painting
are added to the specification. It must be emphasized here that every single component
and process required to complete the product and which, therefore, adds cost to the
product requires a detailed specification at this stage. The detail design often relates to the
product, but once the product has been defined precisely in terms of technical drawings,
other manufacturing elements may be pursued such as specialist machine tools, jigs, and
other specialist manufacturing equipment.
g .ne
The purpose is to prove with objective evidence that the product satisfies the
documents of user needs. The objective evidence is nothing but any physical proof of the
output such as an image, text or audio file which indicates that the procedure has been
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Through objective evidence, this process will consistently examine that the product
meets the predefined requirements. This process involves testing activity, inspection and
analysis, and so on.
Design input is any physical and performance requirement that is used as the basis for
designing purpose. Design output is the result of each design phase and at the end of
total design effort. The final design output is a basis for device master record.
Difference between Design Verification and Validation
There are always misconceptions between verification and validation. These are
different activities which are performed at every stage of development process.
Design verification is used where the actual Design Validation is used to define that the
design output should be same as expected
design output which satisfies the
final design is as per the expectations of the
user need.
specifications of the product.
Design Verification ask: Did you design the Design Validation ask: Did you design the
product right?
syE right product?
Design verification includes unit and Design validation includes secondary or
primary integration level testing. higher-level integration and system level
Design verification may use Static Design Validation consists of the final
techniques. It includes system inspections, report (test execution results) that are
analysis, and formal verification (testing) reviewed, approved, and signed. These
activities. documents are stored for future references.
Planning :
Planning for verification is a concurrent activity with core and development teams.
This occurs throughout the project life cycle. This will be updated as and when any
changes are made to design inputs.
During this phase, the software or system under test shall be documented in scope.
Preliminary test plan and test plan refinement are made at this stage. Test plan
captures the critical milestone reducing the project risk.
Tools, test environment, development strategy and identifying the requirements
through inspection or analysis.
Developing : syE
The test case development will coincide with SDLC methodology implemented by a
project team. A variety of test methods are identified during this stage.
The design inputs must be developed including simplest verification activities
which are unambiguous and verifiable.
Verification time shall be reduced when similar concepts are conducted in sequence.
Even the output of one test can be used as input for subsequent tests.
g .ne
Tractability links are created between test cases and corresponding design inputs, to
ensure that all the requirements are tested and the design output meets the design
inputs. t
Execution :
The test procedures created during the development phase is executed in
accordance with the test plan, strictly following them in verification activity.
If any invalid results occur or if any procedures required modification, it is
important to document the changes and get proper approval.
Any issues are identified and logged as a defect at this stage.
Tractability matrix is created to verify that all the design input identified in the
verification test plan has been tested and determine the pass ratio.
Reports :
This activity is performed at the end of each phase of verification execution.
The design verification report gives the detailed summary of verification results
which includes the configuration management, test results for each type of testing
and issues found during the verification activity.
Design verification traceability report is created between requirements and
corresponding test results to verify all the requirements have been tested and
provided with appropriate results.
Any non-conformance will be documented and appropriately addressed.
Reviews are done upon the completion of design verification activity and are
approved respectively.
Design Validation Process
Some of the designs may be validated by comparing with similar equipment
performing similar purpose. This method is particularly relevant for validating
configuration changes for existing infrastructure, or standard designs that are to be
incorporated in a new system or application. ngi
Demonstration and/or inspection may be used to validate requirements and other
functionality of the product.
Analyzing the design can be done such as mathematical modeling, a simulation
which can recreate the required functionality.
Tests are performed on the final design that validates the ability of the system to
operate as per the specified design.
Test plan, execution, and results should be documented and maintained as a part of
design records. Thus, Validation is a collection of the results of all validation
When equivalent products are used in the final design validation, the manufacturer
must document the similarity and if any difference from initial production.
Let us take an example of the simple product, a waterproof watch.
The product requirement document might state that "the watch must be waterproof
during swimming."
The design specification might state "the watch should function even if the user
swims for a prolonged time."
The testing results should confirm that the watch should meet these requirements
else the redesign iterations are done until it satisfies the requirement.
wwfunctionality at any stage in the future if there might be any change or enhancement
Development time will be consistently reduced improving productivity, which
enables to deliver the product as expected.
This process includes range and scope of each validation methods that are required
to be employed.
The validation can be carried out using detailed design data that represent the final
user requirements.
Any difference between the outcome and the user need documents must be
captured. nee
Changes in validation design lead to revalidation activity.
It is important to document every activity that occurs during validation, which
adequately proves that the design meets the user requirements. g .ne
3.8 Mechanical, Electronics and Software Subsystems
The mechanical assembly concept used in CubETH was developed by eSpace
partner ELSE SA. The structure allows a flexible and reliable assembly of different
subsystems of the satellites in a versatile configuration.
CubETH is now at the end of its phase B development, which means that the satellite
Electrical Model shall validate the majority of embedded functionalities. During the past
semesters, the electrical subsystems were independently implemented by the students,
based mainly on the SwissCube heritage.Most recently, master student Adrien Corne
could combine all subsystems together and validate inter-board communication
capabilities. As seen in the diagram below, the Electronic Model architecture embeds
most of the subsystems.
Preliminary design—In the preliminary stages of a software development, the need is
to size the project and to identify those parts of the project that might be risky or time
consuming. Design overview—As the project proceeds, the need is to provide an
overview of how the various sub-systems and components of the system fit together. In
both cases the high-level design should be a complete view of the entire system, breaking
it down into smaller parts that are more easily understood. To minimize the maintenance
overhead as construction proceeds and the lower-level design is done, it is best that the
high-level design is elaborated only to the degree needed to satisfy these needs.
High-level design document high-level design document or HLDD adds the necessary
details to the current project description to represent a suitable model for coding. This
document includes a high-level architecture diagram depicting the structure of the
system, such as the database architecture, application architecture (layers), application
flow (navigation), security architecture and technology architecture.
Design overview a high-level design provides an overview of a system, product,
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service or process.
Such an overview helps supporting components be compatible to others.
The highest-level design should briefly describe all platforms, systems, products,
services and processes that it depends on and include any important changes that need to
be made to them.
In addition, there should be brief consideration of all significant commercial, legal,
environmental, security, safety and technical risks, issues and assumptions.
The idea is to mention every work area briefly, clearly delegating the ownership of
more detailed design activity whilst also encouraging effective collaboration between the
various project teams.
Today, most high-level designs require contributions from a number of experts,
representing many distinct professional disciplines.
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Finally, every type of end-user should be identified in the high-level design and each
contributing design should give due consideration to customer experience.
Low-level design (LLD) is a component-level design process that follows a
step-by-step refinement process. This process can be used for designing data structures,
required software architecture, source code and ultimately, performance algorithms.
Overall, the data organization may be defined during requirement analysis and then
refined during data design work. Post-build, each component is specified in detail.[1]
The LLD phase is the stage where the actual software components are designed.
During the detailed phase the logical and functional design is done and the design of
application structure is developed during the high-level design phase.
good maintain-ability. We can distinguish two types of program design phases :
Architectural or high-level design
and these provide a high-level overview of a program. The advantages of such a design
tool is that it yields a design specification that is understandable to nonprogrammers and
it provides a good pictorial display of the module dependencies.
A disadvantage is that it may be difficult for software developers to go from graphic-
oriented representation of software design to implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to
provide little insight into the algorithmic structure describing procedural steps to
facilitate the early stages of software development (generally using PDLs).[3]
The goal of LLD or a low-level design document (LLDD) is to give the internal logical
design of the actual program code. Low-level design is created based on the high-level
design. LLD describes the class diagrams with the methods and relations between classes
and program specs. It describes the modules so that the programmer can directly code the
program from the document.
A good low-level design document makes the program easy to develop when proper
analysis is utilized to create a low-level design document. The code can then be
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developed directly from the low-level design document with minimal debugging and
testing. Other advantages include lower cost and easier maintenance.
We frequently come across different types of prototypes and their applications but do
not clearly understand the real purpose or necessity of the application of the prototype.
We get questions like how good should the prototype be? Does it need to work properly?
A prototype is a basic working model, mock-up or a simple simulation of the product
which leads us to create a minimal viable product to final product and variations. The
main reason for prototyping is to validate the idea and this is the step in converting an
idea to a real product. A prototype could be a working model, representational (non-
working) model, miniature or a scale model, video or a photo demonstration based on the
factors like a problem to be solved, the mandate of the end customer, investor/industry
requirements or prototype that best satisfies the purpose. Ideally, the first type should be
a working model which is actually functional, so people can get their hands on it and try
it out. Also, it good to get the wrinkles ironed out before presenting the prototype to
industry —as not very often a second meeting is given in case prototype fizzles at a
meeting. But sometimes it isn’t possible to have a working model, in such cases another
kind of prototypes is used which best suits the situation.
A prototype can be in the following forms paper, 3D printing, digital, small model or
limited usage product. These prototypes can fall into one of the following area functional,
display or a small model. The functional prototype focus on the functions and not on the
looks. The display prototype focuses on the looks and not so much on the function. The
small model combines both and is a smaller version of the final product. They type of
prototype to develop must be decided based on the intended purpose of the prototype, .ne
the medium of use and the expected longevity of the prototype.
Prototypes can be throwable or non-throwable types. Both have their own benefits a
throwable type is done just to get an idea of a product, a non-throwable is one which
improvements can be made to arrive at the final product.
There are many types of the prototype here is ten of those types: -
1. A film (movie) prototype : Here a prototype is made using video just to show
others the idea in a graphical/visual format.
2. Feasibility Prototype : This type of prototype is usually developed to determine
the feasibility of various solutions. It is applied to the resolve technical risks
attached to the development in terms of performance, compatibility of
components etc.
6. Storyboard : A storyboard describes a product in a form of a story and
demonstrates a typical order in which information needs to be presented. It helps
w in determining useable sequences for presenting information
Vertical Prototype : A vertical prototype is the back end of a product like a
database generation to test front end. It used to improve database design, test
key components at early stages or showcase a working model, though
unfinished, to check the key functions.
Wireframe : This is a skeleton a product. Depicted in the form of illustrations or
schematics that capture an aspect of design such as an idea, layout, form,
architecture or sequence.
9. rin
Animations : These are images drawn and put in a sequence that walks you
through the proposed 3D structure of the product/solution.
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10. Mock-up : This is with no functionalities, just to get overall visual of the product.
It is an unpolished version of the product with no active features.
Automation Testing: Automation testing is the process of testing the software using
an automation tool to find the defects. In this process, testers execute the test scripts and
generate the test results automatically by using automation tools. Some of the famous
automation testing tools for functional testing are QTP/UFT and Selenium.
Testing Methods :
1) Static Testing
2) Dynamic Testing
1) Static Testing : It is also known as Verification in Software Testing. Verification is a
static method of checking documents and files. Verification is the process, to ensure that
whether we are building the product right i.e., to verify the requirements which we have
and to verify whether we are developing the product accordingly or not.
Activities involved here are Inspections, Reviews, Walkthroughs g .ne
2) Dynamic Testing : It is also known as Validation in Software Testing. Validation is a
dynamic process of testing the real product. Validation is the process, whether we are
building the right product i.e., to validate the product which we have developed is right
or not.
For example, a subway map intended for passengers may represent a subway station
with a dot. The dot is not intended to resemble the actual station at all but aims to give
the viewer information without unnecessary visual clutter.
A schematic diagram of a chemical process uses symbols in place of detailed
representations of the vessels, piping, valves, pumps, and other equipment that compose
the system, thus emphasizing the functions of the individual elements and the
interconnections among them and suppresses their particular physical details. In an
electronic circuit diagram, the layout of the symbols may not look anything like the circuit
as it appears in the physical world: instead of representing the way the circuit looks, the
schematic aims to capture, on a more general level, the way it works.
The Component Design Activity is an activity of the product design activity for
creating a component design. The Product Architecture identifies a set of Adaptable
Components that may be used to implement a work product family. A Component
Design is a design specification for one of these Adaptable Components. Application
engineers, using the Generation Procedure, may adapt and compose a set of these
components to implement certain work products, or portions thereof. Each component
must be designed to satisfy relevant aspects of the Product Requirements and all design
structures of the Product Architecture.
The objective of the Component Design Activity is to produce a design for anrin
Adaptable Component that satisfies applicable Product Requirements in accordance with
its role in the Product Architecture. .ne
Required Information
The Component Design Activity requires the following information:
Product Requirements
Product Architecture
Legacy Products
Name :
Component Design
Purpose :
A Component Design is a specification for an Adaptable Component that can
be used to construct a draft application work product.
Content :
Each Component Design represents a family of components. A Component
w Component describes the ways that the component can be tailored via a
set of parameters. Each parameter has a name and type to indicate its
range of variations. Constraints identify invalid combinations of parameter
Interface Specification. The Interface Specification describes the desired
characteristics of the implementation of the component. The exact content
of the interface specification is particular to the component type and the
design method used. To describe the entire family, the interface
specification is parameterized with respect to the variations in the
Adaptation Specification.
Form and Structure :
The Adaptation and Interface Specifications each include textual and tabular .ne
information. The form of an Adaptation Specification is the same for all types of
components and includes the following information :
Name. Name of the Adaptable Component.
Instantiation Parameters. Adaptation parameters for the component,
including the name, type, and description of each parameter.
Instantiation Constraints. Constraints on the instantiation of the Adaptable
Component (e.g., constraints on the legal combination of parameter values).
The interface part of Adaptable Components is different for software and
documentation. The content of the software interface is specific to the design method(s)
used to create the members of the family. The following types of information are
examples: definitions of interface programs (names, parameters, parameter types,
returned values), definitions of exported types, descriptions of the effects of interface
programs, assumptions about the environment in which the software is to be used.
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The interface for a documentation component does not require the same type of
detailed information. It consists of a brief statement of the content of the component. It
should provide enough information to determine the importance of selecting this
component as part of a Generation Procedure.
Software and hardware engineers alike have heard some form of this advice: “Build
lots of prototypes; iterate as fast as you can.”
For those of us in the Hardware Industry, these prototypes can cost a lot of time and
money. So while we should strive to iterate quickly, we must also get as much
information as possible out of each round of prototypes to inform improvements in the
next iteration.
This is the purpose of hardware testing.
If you’re an Industrial or UX Designer, you might be most familiar with user testing. If
you’re a Mechanical Engineer, you might picture things being smashed to bits (and it’s
oddly satisfying). Electrical and Firmware Engineers might think of a bed-of-nails fixture.
All of the above are part of a comprehensive test plan for hardware products—
different tests are beneficial at different stages and each test is an indispensable part of the
hardware development process.
In this introductory article, I’m going to give an overview of the different types of tests
to consider at each major stage of hardware product development and share some best
practices for building a testing schedule to help you get started.
ww work ?
These tests will give you the feedback you need to iterate on your designs and
ultimately build a working prototype.
Pre-Production Testing
As your prototypes become closer to the real thing, your tests need to evolve as well.
Pre-production builds (EVT, DVT, PVT) give you prototypes that are much closer to the
final product vision.
With these high fidelity prototypes, you can finally do system-level stress tests,
environmental tests, and life tests. Compliance certification tests (e.g. FCC, CE) can be
done at this stage as well.
Here’s an example of some of the proto-build stage tests you might do:
1. Thermal shock / thermal cycling
g .ne
High temperature, high humidity operation
UV exposure
4. Salt spray
5. Household chemical reaction
6. Water spray for IPX4 certification
7. Water immersion for IPX7 certification
8. Dust ingress
9. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), contact and air
10. RF emissions
11. 6-Face Drop
12. Tumble
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13. Vibration
14. Abrasion
15. Switch cycling
To develop these tests, you’ll want to work in partnership with your contract
3.12 Prototyping
Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into
tangible forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of
fidelity to capture design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and
validate your designs so your brand can release the right products.
“They slow us down to speed us up. By taking the time to prototype our ideas, we avoid costly
mistakes such as becoming too complex too early and sticking with a weak idea for too long.”
1. syE
The advantages of prototyping are that you:
Have a solid foundation from which to ideate towards improvements—giving all
stakeholders a clear picture of the potential benefits, risks and costs associated
with where a prototype might lead.
Can adapt changes early—thereby avoiding commitment to a single, falsely-ideal
version, getting stuck on local maxima of UX and later incurring heavy costs due
to oversights.
Show the prototype to your users so they can give you their feedback to help
pinpoint which elements/variants work best and whether an overhaul is .ne
Have a tool to experiment with associated parts of the users’ needs and
problems—therefore, you can get insights into less-obvious areas of the users’
world (e.g., you notice them using it for additional purposes or spot
unforeseen accessibility issues such as challenges to mobile use).
5. Provide a sense of ownership to all concerned stakeholders—therefore fostering
emotional investment in the product’s ultimate success.
6. Improve time-to-market by minimizing the number of errors to correct before
product release.
7. Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale
model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional Computer Aided
Design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or assembly is usually done
using 3D printing or "additive layer manufacturing" technology.
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8. The first methods for rapid prototyping became available in the late 1980s and
were used to produce models and prototype parts. Today, they are used for a
wide range of applications, and are used to manufacture production-quality
parts in relatively small numbers if desired without the typical unfavorable
short-run economics. This economy has encouraged online service bureaus.
Historical surveys of RP technology start with discussions
of simulacra production techniques used by 19th-century sculptors. Some
modern sculptors use the progeny technology to produce exhibitions and
various objects. The ability to reproduce designs from a dataset has given rise to
manufacturing CAD -CAM workflow in the traditional rapid prototyping
process starts with the creation of geometric data, either as a 3D solid using a
CAD workstation, or 2D slices using a scanning device. For rapid prototyping
this data must represent a valid geometric model; namely, one whose boundary
surfaces enclose a finite volume, contain no holes exposing the interior, and do
not fold back on themselves. In other words, the object must have an "inside".
The model is valid if for each point in 3D space the computer can determine
uniquely whether that point lies inside, on, or outside the boundary surface of
the model. CAD post-processors will approximate the application vendors'
internal CAD geometric forms (e.g., B-splines) with a simplified mathematical
form, which in turn is expressed in a specified data format which is a common .ne
feature in additive manufacturing: STL file format, a de facto standard for
transferring solid geometric models to SFF machines.
To obtain the necessary motion control trajectories to drive the actual SFF, rapid
prototyping, 3D printing or additive manufacturing mechanism, the prepared geometric
model is typically sliced into layers, and the slices are scanned into lines (producing a "2D
drawing" used to generate trajectory as in CNC's toolpath), mimicking in reverse the
layer-to-layer physical building process
to verify the interactions between the modules of a software system. It deals with the
verification of the high and low-level software requirements specified in the Software
Requirements Specification/Data and the Software Design Document.
It also verifies a software system's coexistence with others and tests the interface
between modules of the software application. In this type of testing, modules are first
tested individually and then combined to make a system.
For Example, software and/or hardware components are combined and tested
progressively until the entire system has been integrated.
w .Ea
3.14 Certification and Documentation
The following is a guide to help you prepare your certified documents correctly.
Certified documents are copies of important documents which need to be certified as true
copies of the originals by a person authorized to do so.
At certain stages of the application process, for approval as a higher education
provider and VET provider, you will be asked to produce ‘certified documents”. These
are copies of important documents which need to be certified as true copies of the .ne
originals by a person authorized to do so.
The following is a guide to help you prepare your certified documents correctly.
A certified copy is a copy (often a photocopy) of a primary document that has on it an
endorsement or certificate that it is a true copy of the primary document. It does not
certify that the primary document is genuine, only that it is a true copy of the primary
Part - A
providing evidence that the design output meets the design input specifications
Ans. w
What are the Keywords of Conceptualization ?
Prototyping. .Ea
Keywords are: Context, Empathy, Empowerment, Participation, and
Define Software Testing.
Ans. : Software testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software
application with an intent to find whether the developed software met the specified
requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect-free
in order to produce the quality product.
Write the Advantages of Design Validation and Verification
We can continuously monitor the designs which enable us to meet the user-
defined requirements at every stage. g
Validating the design will point out the difference between how the
works and how it is expected to work.
Documenting the validation procedures will help to easily understand the
functionality at any stage in the future if there might be any change or
enhancement made.
Development time will be consistently reduced improving productivity, which
enables to deliver the product as expected.
This process includes range and scope of each validation methods that are
required to be employed.
Q.5 Define Prototyping.
Ans. : Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into
tangible forms from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of
fidelity to capture design concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine
and validate your designs so your brand can release the right products.
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Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development 3 - 26 Design and Testing
building the right product i.e., to validate the product which we have developed is
right or not.
Ans. :
w .Ea
Differentiate Design Verification and Design Validation.
Design Verification Design Validation
Review Questions
w .Ea
Part - B
Compare High Level Design / Low Level Design of S/W Program.
Write about concept screening and evaluation in detail.
What are the different concept generation techniques ? Explain in detail.
g .ne
w .Ea
g .ne