MSCCSC-101 2144

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MSCCS 01 Computer Fundamental and System Software

SET : 1

(Very Short Answer Questions)

1. (i). Define Computer.

(ii). Define Software.
(iii). Define compiler.
(iv). What is solid state media?
(v). What is a track ball?
(vi). What is a Plotter?
(vii). What is a logic gate?
(viii). What is a device driver?
(ix). Define an Operating system.
(x). Define a Deadlock.
(Short Answer Questions)

2. Differentiate between a mainframe computer and a super computer.

3. List & explain different types of secondary storages.
4. Explain the working of the following: (i). OCR, (ii). OMR, (iii). Voice Input.
5. Explain with truth table: (i). NOR, (ii) NAND, (iii), XNOR.
6. Explain 8421-BCD code with a suitable example.
7. Explain the following commands in Linux: (i). CAT, (ii). LS, (iii). MORE, (iv). WHO
8. Describe the various functions of IO management & Memory management.
9. What is a process? Discuss the information contained in PCB.

(Long Answer Questions)

10. What is a micro-computer? List and explain different types of micro-computers with the
help of diagrams.
11. What is a Printer? List and explain different types of printers.
12. What is a System Call? List & explain various categories of system calls.
13. What is CPU scheduling? Explain the following scheduling algorithms:
(i). First Come First Serve, (ii). Shortest Job First, (iii). Shortest Remaining Job First,
(iv). Priority scheduling, (v). Round Robin scheduling.
MSCCS 01 Computer Fundamental and System Software

SET : 2

(Very Short Answer Questions)

1. (i). What is Micro Computer?

(ii). Define System Software.
(iii). What is a full form of SCSI?
(iv). What is a smart card?
(v). Define Modem.
(vi). Write the names of universal logic gates.
(vii). What is a kernel?
(viii). What is CPU Scheduler?
(ix). Define Critical Section.
(x). What is fragmentation?

(Short Answer Questions)

2. Explain the following: (i). High level language, (ii). Low level language.
3. What is RAID Systems? Explain RAID functions & levels.
4. Differentiate between positional & non-positional number systems with examples.
5. Write notes on the following: (i). ASCII, (ii). EBCDIC, (iii). Gray code.
6. Explain various states of a process and state transition with the help of a diagram.
7. What is Paging? Explain the concept of demand paging.
8. With the help of a diagram explain the following: track, sector & cylinder.
9. What is a thread? What are the advantages of Multi-tasking?

(Long Answer Questions)

10. With the help of a block diagram explain operations of a basic computer.
11. What is an Operating Systems? Explain various components of operating systems.
12. Explain the following:
(i).various software components of Linux operating systems,
(ii). types of files in Linux operating systems,
(iii).various features of Linux operating system.
13. What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur? Discuss the method of
handling deadlocks.

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