NMR in Biology PDF
NMR in Biology PDF
NMR in Biology PDF
© 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
This paper is available on line at http://www.mcponline.org
NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for biologists inter- physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. However, it took
ested in the structure, dynamics, and interactions of bio- more than 60 years to reach this interdisciplinary status. The
logical macromolecules. This review aims at presenting in discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance was made inde-
an accessible manner the requirements and limitations of pendently by two groups of prominent scientists, Felix Bloch
this technique. As an introduction, the history of NMR will et al. (1) and Edward Purcell et al. (2) at the end of World War
highlight how the method evolved from physics to chem- II. The 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to
istry and finally to biology over several decades. We then
them “for their development of new methods for nuclear mag-
introduce the NMR spectral parameters used in structural
netic precision measurements and discoveries in connection
biology, namely the chemical shift, the J-coupling, nuclear
at 40 MHz. After failing to observe a spectrum in H2O, these In recent years, biological NMR has evolved toward more
authors reported a 1H spectrum in D2O that exhibited four diverse applications. As depicted in Fig. 2, the number of
lines corresponding to the various types of protons (aromatic published structures solved by NMR has stagnated over the
and aliphatic). Most of the research in the 1960s was carried years in comparison with the structures solved by X-ray dif-
out on synthetic or natural peptides and on some paramag- fraction. This trend can easily be explained by the fact that
netic proteins such as cytochrome c and myoglobin, where solving a protein structure by X-ray can be quite fast once
some resonances fall outside of the standard range of chem- suitable crystals have been obtained. However, NMR can
ical shift. The greatest hurdle was the suppression of the provide other types of information that is hardly amenable by
water signal that is several orders of magnitude larger than the crystallography: dynamics can be investigated by NMR over a
signal of interest. wide range of time scales (12), from slow exchange where the
The next step was the introduction of two-dimensional (2D) two interconverting species are visible to fast motion using
NMR by R. Ernst et al. in 1976 following a clever idea of J. relaxation measurements. In the field of drug discovery (13),
Jeener, a Belgian physicist. The introduction of an additional chemical shift mapping provides information on which part of
frequency axis led to correlation maps (9) between spins the protein is interacting with the ligand and NMR is very
(either via J-coupling or nOe) and to powerful tools for reso- powerful at screening or optimizing hits. In conclusion, the
nance assignment. Today, NMR is very unique in the versa- ecological niche of NMR is currently not restricted to protein
tility of the multidimensional experiments that can be imple- structure determination but covers a wider range of relevant
between data sets recorded at different field strength. Several ual resonance assignments. If the chemical shifts of com-
calibration standards are available: tetramethylsilane (TMS) is pound A change when compound B is added to the sample, we
used in organic solvents but because of its poor solubility in already know that A and B are interacting. If the resonances of
water, it is replaced by 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonic A have been assigned (see below), then these changes can be
acid (DSS) for protein NMR (IUPAC recommendation). How- interpreted at the atomic level. Through such an experiment
ever, to avoid any additional compound that might interfere applied to a protein-ligand interaction (13), we can learn what
with the protein, most spectroscopists use, as a calibration parts of the small molecule are interacting and to which part of
intermediate, the water line although its position is tempera- the macromolecular target the small molecule is bound.
ture- and pH-dependent. Chemical shift is by essence an anisotropic interaction but
Measuring chemical shift value is the most amenable task we only observe the isotropic part in solution. At high field,
of NMR spectroscopy. The wealth of information provided by chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) can broaden NMR signals for
chemical shift data depends on the availability of the individ- some nuclei (CO in proteins for example) but it can be safely
bases are available over the internet as chemical shift repos- nances. This observation is the basis of the Chemical Shift
itories: the largest one is the BioMag-ResBank (http:// Index (CSI) (18, 19), a method that uses chemical shifts to
www.bmrb.wisc.edu), which contains 7800 entries (as of identify the type and location of protein secondary structures
2012). Smaller curated databases, where the data found in the along a protein chain. As compared with circular dichroism
BioMag-ResBank have been selected and corrected, have (CD) spectra that are used to determine the global protein
also been generated such as TALOS or TALOS⫹ (14) for more secondary structure content, the CSI method provides infor-
specific purposes. mation at the residue level. Without resource to nOe meas-
For each type of amino acid, chemical shifts can be inter- urements (see below) and structure computation, the second-
preted in terms of secondary structure by subtracting refer- ary structure of proteins can be obtained from chemical shifts.
ence values for random coil structures. Data obtained in the Along the same lines, the chemical shifts can also be used
1970s on 1H shifts on small peptides Gly-Gly-Xaa-Ala (15) to directly derive torsion angles. The backbone conformation
have been recently supplemented by 13C and 15N data in is defined by two dihedral angles ( and ) for each amino
various aqueous and organic solvent conditions (16) and are acid as well as several angles for the side-chain (1, 2. . .).
available at the BioMag-ResBank. These random coil values TALOS uses a database of protein sequences, chemical shifts
can be further improved by integrating nearest-neighbor and dihedral angles to predict backbone dihedral angles, but
effects. fails to make any prediction only for roughly 30% of the
Beside random coil values, reference values for ␣-helices residues. The success of the TALOS (20) methods (and its
and -sheet (17) have been assembled from NMR data for improved version TALOS⫹) is clearly illustrated by the high
each residue type in experimentally observed secondary number of citations of the original paper (⬎ 2000 citations).
structure. For the 15N shift in Ala, a reference value of 121.4 Ongoing research is currently aimed at computing protein
ppm is found in ␣-helices, 124.5 in -sheet and 123.6 in structures using only chemical shift information: the goal of
random coils. As far as carbons are concerned, the C␣ and this strategy, which can immediately follow the resonance
CO move to higher chemical shifts in ␣-helices and to lower assignment, is to evade the lengthy process of nOe assign-
shifts in -strands but the trend is reversed for the C reso- ment (see below). This approach makes use of the Rosetta
ral centers improves the accuracy and the precision of the The nuclear Overhauser effect (nOe) (4) was introduced in the
derived NMR structures (27). historical section as the intensity variation of a metal ion spec-
How could a scalar coupling be evidenced in a NMR spec- trum when their electrons were irradiated. In peptides or pro-
trum? In crowded spectral regions a doublet could be mis- teins, nOe refers to intensity alteration of a spin resonance when
taken for two independent resonances. Decoupling methods other nuclei are irradiated (30). An example is given in Fig. 4: in
have been used since the early days of NMR spectroscopy the lower spectrum, the resonance of spin 3 is saturated leading
and are illustrated in Fig. 4. In this figure, the spin 1 exhibits a to an increase of the amplitude of spin 1 as compared with the
doublet as a result of a scalar coupling with spin 4. If one reference spectrum. This effect, also called cross-relaxation, is
continuously irradiates spin 4 while recording the spectrum the evidence of a dipolar interaction between spins 1 and 3.
(this is called “decoupling”), the two lines of 1 will collapse. In Note that in contrast with the J-decoupling experiment, the
presence of decoupling, one can no longer consider two multiplicity of spin a is not altered. As electrons are not medi-
distinct populations of 1 spins (the one next to 11 and the ating the interaction as for J-coupling, nOe is a short range
other next to 12): their fast interconversion between the two through-space interaction (there is an 1/rAX6 dependence on
lead to an average resonance frequency for “a.” Nowadays, distance). This property is pivotal for the application of NMR to
these double-irradiation techniques are no longer used and structural biology (31): interstrand nOe can be detected in
the proof that two spins are scalar coupled can be obtained -sheets, providing not only the nature of the -sheet (parallel or
antiparallel) but also the register of the strands.
more conveniently from 2D correlation experiments (COSY or
proportional to the square of the static field. Bax and cowork- interactions often can be measured: large 1DCH and 1DNH but
ers (35) were able to reproduce similar results on a diamag- also smaller 1DCC and 1DCN couplings.
netic protein but the observed effects were too weak to have What kind of structural information is provided by the RDC?
any practical use (1DHN ⬍ 0.2Hz). For ease of understanding, we first assume that we know the
Various options for increasing the degree of molecular preferential orientation of the protein in the alignment media.
alignment have been searched for. Proteins are generally This orientation (or alignment tensor in a mathematical for-
nonspherically symmetric molecules and when dissolved in a malism) can be visualized as an ellipsoid (Fig. 6C) mapped on
solvent containing molecules that are oriented relative to the the molecular frame (Fig. 6D). The experimental RDC are give
magnetic field, a degree of alignment is transferred to the as function of the characteristics of the ellipsoid along the
protein (Fig. 6B). Mixtures of DHPC (hexanoyl-phosphatidyl- three dimensions: Azz (the main direction) Axx and Ayy):
choline) and DMPC (dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine) with
molar ratio between 1:2 and 1:35 form disclike assemblies in
solution that align in the magnetic field. In this type of media,
Dij共,兲 ⫽ ⫺ K 冋 冉
Azz 3 cos2 ⫺ 1 冊
H-15N RDC (1DHN) ranging for ⫺10 to ⫹10 Hz could be
measured for ubiquitin (28), a small protein that deviates only
weakly from isotropic diffusion.
冉 冋
⫹ Axx ⫺ Ayy sin 2 cos 2 册 (3)
Over recent years, a number of alignment media compatible This equation can be simplified when the tensor or the
with proteins have been proposed: oriented bilayers, filamen- ellipsoid is axially symmetric (Axx ⫽ Ayy) as:
tous phages, rod-shaped cellulose particles, purple mem-
冋 册
brane fragments, lyotropic alcohol-based mixtures (36), and ␥i␥j
mechanically stressed gels (37). The medium should be stable Dij共,兲 ⫽ ⫺ K 3 Azz共3 cos2 ⫺ 1兲 (4)
over several days at the temperature and pH suitable for the
NMR study and the protein should remain soluble and possi- Although the two above equations seem at first glance
bly monomeric. To ascertain that the protein structure is not complex, the main merit of RDC measurements can be un-
altered by the presence of the alignment medium, chemical derstood from Fig. 6D: Each measured RDC provides orien-
shifts can be used as a probe. For relatively well-behaved tational information with respect to a global frame of refer-
systems (less than 20 kDa), many different types of dipolar ence. Although RDC and J-coupling both provide angular
during the detection period (t2). Although two frequency la- vertical taken through the 2D spectrum— bear resemblance
beling periods are present, the signal is indirectly detected with 1D NMR spectra, but with a reduced number of peaks
during t1, because of the “memory” of the spins. As a matter and thus of overlaps. The large chemical shift dispersion in the
of fact, as long as the delays are not longer than the corre- H dimension provides evidence of a well-folded globular
sponding relaxation times, the spins remember their previous protein: if the protein is partially disordered, the correspond-
evolution: the signal detected at the very end of the pulse ing 1H resonances will cluster between 8 and 8.5 ppm (45).
sequence (during t2) is modulated either in amplitude or in Such an HSQC spectrum is nowadays often the very first
phase as a function of t1. The resulting data set will be a (n ⫻ NMR spectrum recorded on a new protein under investiga-
m) matrix of points, corresponding to n time increments along tion: the chemical shift dispersion is a reliable proof of the
t1 and m increments along t2. After applying a 2D Fourier compactness of the protein whereas the line-width of each
transform to the time domain data, a two-dimensional NMR signal provides information on the aggregation state of the
spectrum is obtained. protein (cf (46). for more examples). An HSQC is a very robust
This generic 2D NMR scheme can be used to generate a experiment that requires only a on a small amount of 15N-
so-called homonuclear spectrum (it correlates 1H with 1H labeled material (less than 2 mg for a 20 kDa protein) and only
frequencies) or more generally heteronuclear ones (1H - 15N or half an hour of spectrometer time.
H - 13C) (see (46) for more details). Though a number of The modular design of 2D NMR can be easily extended to
variants have been conceived from each basic type, pulse 3D and even 4D NMR. A 3D NMR experiment is described as:
sequences are identified by their acronym: COSY (9) or
Preparation ⫺ Evolution (t1) ⫺ Mixing#1 ⫺ Evolution (t2)
TOCSY (41) for J-coupling 1H — 1H correlation, NOESY (42)
for nOe 1H — 1H correlation, HSQC (43) for 1H - X correlation ⫺ Mixing#2 ⫺ Detection 共t3)
via the JHX coupling. Fig. 7 shows a 1H-15N HSQC spectrum
recorded on a 15N-labeled transpeptidase (169 residues) (44): The resulting spectrum is a three-dimensional spectrum,
the horizontal axis refers to 1H chemical shifts and the vertical with three frequency axes (F1, F2, and F3), which correlates
to 15N shifts. A correlation peak is visible for each pair of three different nuclei (11). A 3D pulse sequence can be envi-
H-15N nuclei in the protein as well for some side-chains (Asn sioned as a chemical synthesis with two steps (the mixing
and Gln). The two cross-sections— one horizontal and one building blocks): the nature of the reactants, intermediate and
FIG. 8. The jigsaw puzzle analogy for NMR resonance assignment. Within such a puzzle, the global placement of any individual piece
cannot be inferred just by its shape and the picture depicted on it. However, its position relative to other pieces can be determined by evaluating
the match of the edge profile and the picture. As several candidates can be a priori considered, they are ranked according to a penalty function
that accounts for the complementary match of protuberances and pictures. The manufacturing of the pieces is imperfect, leading to some
looseness and thus a threshold is defined for the penalty function. In panel (A), two pieces have been already successfully matched. Two
possible candidates as neighbors on the right hand side are shown in panel (B): although their shape on the left hand side fits roughly the profile
of the already matched pair, only one of the two could be anchored effortlessly in panel (C). This conservative strategy is essential to complete
the puzzle because any piece that is forced at an incorrect place will be missing somewhere else. The choice made in panel (C) is confirmed
in panel (D) as the edge of the puzzle is reached. Once the complete puzzle is solved (panel (E)), it becomes evident that the piece that was
final products is identified during the periods t1, t2, and t3 crystallography, does this ease the resonance assignment of
respectively. As for chemical reactions, the overall sensitivity my protein? The answer is unfortunately negative. Numerous
of a 3D NMR relies on the efficiency of the individual transfers effects control the NMR chemical shifts and thus, even for a
and the most sensitive experiments uses exclusively large 1J protein with a known structure, it is nearly impossible to
couplings (cf. Table I). This observation has led to the design predict them. In other terms, the only way to assign reso-
of the triple resonance experiments that will be discussed in nances is experimental by means of suitable correlation ex-
the next section. periments. For lack of being able to directly link a resonance
NMR Resonance Assignment—NMR resonance assign- to a nucleus, one will attempt to connect each signal with
ment is a prerequisite for studies where one aims at deriving another, with the ultimate goal of revealing a resonance net-
information at the atomic level. Although changes in the spec- work with the same topology as the spin network. Accidental
trum can be monitored even without assignment, the wealth resonance overlaps make assignment more challenging: sig-
of information is greatly enhanced for assigned signals. Let us nal discrimination is limited by the spectral resolution (i.e. the
consider a titration experiment where an unlabeled protein B linewidth of each signal) and the digital resolution (i.e. the
is added to a 15N-labeled protein A: if the spectrum of B varies number of experimental points per Hz). The process of NMR
as a function of the concentration of A (some signal shifts or resonance assignment can be best understood using the
widens), one can already conclude that A and B interact. Note jigsaw puzzle analogy illustrated in Fig. 8. In a puzzle, one
that several biophysical methods (such as fluorescence, aims at finding the position of each piece with respect to its
fluorescence resonance energy transfer, surface plasmon res- neighbors whereas in resonance assignment one wants to
onance etc.) may provide the same information at a much correlate the resonance of a spin with those of the adjacent
lower cost than NMR. nuclei.
We mentioned earlier the unique value of NMR, i.e. distinct Fig. 9 depicts the two procedures that have been conceived
signals can be resolved even for chemically identical groups over the years for resonance assignment:
that are located in different environments in a protein. Con- The original one based on two-dimensional 1H-1H NMR
sequently, for well-resolved spectra (narrow lines and optimal (proposed in the early 1980s),
digital resolution), one expects to discern one signal for each The second one on 3D triple resonance (1H- 15N- 13C) NMR
active spin (1H, 13C, or 15N). Before any data can be obtained (designed in the 1990s).
from spectral parameters, the resonances should be as- Both procedures capitalize on the linear copolymer nature
signed, i.e. a one-to-one correspondence between a nucleus of proteins by correlating resonances belonging to residue (i)
in the molecule and a resonance in the spectrum should be and (i⫹1). The former uses the J-coupling and the nOe,
established. whereas the later relies exclusively on the J-coupling. When
Biologists, who intend to collaborate with an NMR spec- the protein spectra get assigned, the 3D fold of the protein is
troscopist, frequently raise the following question: the struc- not yet known and distance based correlation experiments
ture of a homologous protein has been resolved by X-ray are more problematic than correlations via J-coupling, i.e.
also ternary complexes (NusB/NusE/boxA RNA). Without hav- ubiquitin by the third SH3 domain of the yeast Sla1 protein
ing to solve the complete 3D structure of this large complex, (Kd ⫽ ⬃ 40 nM) has been structurally described by NMR (60):
they were able to identify a loop in NusB that is affected by the a 15N,13C labeled SH3 domain was titrated with unlabeled
other factor NusE in the ternary complex but not in the binary ubiquitin and conversely, 15N,13C labeled ubiquitin with unla-
complex. Note that CSP can also be applied to interactions beled SH3 domain. Although more than 1500 and 1700 intra-
involving intrinsically disordered proteins (56), which are not molecular nOes have been collected for the SH3 domain and
likely to cocrystallize because of their flexibility. ubiquitin in a 1:1 complex, respectively, only 128 intermolec-
Paramagnetic probes are unique tools for studying macro- ular nOe were identified. The authors have computed NMR-
molecular complexes because of their capability to provide based structure for the complex and concluded that the SH3
long-range structural restraints (as far as 30 Å, a value to be domain binds to the canonical binding site for Pro-Rich
compared with the 5–7 Å range of nOe). Paramagnetic tags ligands.
(nitroxide radicals, Mn2⫹ chelates, or lanthanides) are intro- The CSP, PRE, and intermolecular nOe data can be used to
duced site-specifically in one of the partners (cf. Fig. 10C). map the interaction interface and model the complex starting
Two effects can be monitored on the NMR spectrum of the from the known structure of the individual partners obtained
other protein: paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PRE) independently by X-ray diffraction or NMR. Once the various
are detected as resonance line-broadening whereas pseudo- evidences of the intermolecular interaction have been col-
contact shifts (PCS) alter the resonance frequency. The PRE lected, they can be entered into docking software that will
With the resonance assignments in hand, one can move to cross-peaks that cannot yet be assigned unambiguously (67,
the next step, the structural characterization of the protein. It 68). Automated procedures perform well if the chemical shifts
involves collecting the largest possible number of spectral (including side-chains) have been assigned above 90% com-
parameters (primarily nOes, but also J-couplings and residual pleteness. Although their reliability in identifying peaks is
dipolar couplings): each piece of information entails an am- lower than that of a spectroscopist who visually inspects the
plitude and an assignment. Let us pinpoint this in the case of spectra, these algorithms easily compensate by the informa-
H-1H nOe: each visible cross-peak in a NOESY spectrum tion redundancy.
leads to an entry containing a peak amplitude and a pair of To compute a 3D structure from NMR restraints, most
assigned protons. Conceptually, nOe assignment is different software use a similar strategy, namely restrained molecular
from resonance assignment discussed earlier, though both dynamics (rMD) simulation or simulated annealing. The qual-
processes are intertwined. If two nuclei A and B have almost ifying term “restrained” indicates that the simplified force field
the same chemical shift (A - B ⬍⬍ ␦A or ␦B, where ␦ is the based on the protein covalent structure (van der Waals inter-
linewidth), this results in an ambiguous nOe assignment: is C action and peptide plane planarity) is complemented by a
close to A or to B? In the absence of additional information, pseudo force field combining all NMR-derived conformational
this nOe cannot be unequivocally unraveled. The observed restraints. The conformational landscape of a protein contains
peak may also arise from the sum of two distinct interactions, numerous local minima, in which optimization algorithms
C-A and C-B. Furthermore, if all resonances have not been could be trapped. Annealing (heating and controlled cooling)
and the amide hydrogen exchange kinetics during ubiquitin parameters for the 15N-1H pair (longitudinal relaxation R1,
unfolding. transverse relaxation R2, and {1H}-15N nOe) (78) are combined
Another NMR experiment becomes more adapted for to obtain the timescale (correlation time, m) and the ampli-
slower processes (10 ms to 5 s): the exchange spectroscopy tude (order parameter, S2) of the internal motion. Such a
method or EXSY (31). Although the pulse sequence is identi- separation of the internal and global motions is possible only
cal to NOESY, the spins but not only the magnetizations are if they are not correlated (79), an assumption supported by
transferred in the present case. The process (A ^ B) should their frequency difference. Note that, in contrast to chemical
be in the slow exchange regime, i.e. kex ⬍⬍ A–B , with two exchange, NMR relaxation cannot see internal fluctuations
distinct signals visible for A and B. The 2D cross-peak inten- that are slower than the global rotation of the protein. The
sities (A3 B and B3 A) are quantified for different values of backbone dynamics can be complemented by relaxation
the exchange time T, with an upper limit set to the T1 relax- studies using side-chain probes (2H relaxation in CD3 groups
ation time of the resonances. For example, the interaction of of aliphatic side-chains) (80). When proteins are comprised of
the SH3 domain (⬃60 aa) from the Fyn tyrosine kinase with multiple domains separated by flexible linkers, their location
proline-rich peptides was studied using EXSY (75): dissocia- can be identified by 15N relaxation as shown for HscB, a 20
tion rate constants (koff) as well as thermodynamic parameters kDa cochaperone protein involved in the iron-sulfur cluster
were derived from the NMR data combined with isothermal biogenesis (81): the linker between the two domains is re-
titration calorimetry (ITC). If the exchange process is no longer vealed in the NMR study by low {1H}-15N nOes and R2/R1
dimensions in experiments with higher dimensionality (85). observed in the - and ␥-synuclein, that also have been
This strategy has been successfully applied to a challenging reported to exhibit less aggregation in vitro. Such differences,
molecule, the 441-residue Tau protein: using 5D to 7D corre- which may have some implications in Parkinson’s disease,
lation experiments, this disordered protein involved in Al- can hardly be obtained by any other experimental technique.
zheimer disease has been automatically assigned (84).
Once the resonances have been assigned, it becomes pos-
sible to measure NMR parameters, keeping in mind that they NMR is currently an established tool in the field of structural
are both ensemble- and time-averaged. Chemical shifts, re- biology. Recent developments in isotopic labeling, magnet
sidual dipolar coupling, nOe, and PRE provide access to technology, electronics, and spectroscopy have pushed the
information at atomic resolution. Although thought as globally boundaries of biomolecular NMR. NMR spectral parameters
disordered, IDPs deviate locally and globally from the “ran- (J-coupling, nOe, RDC, and to a lesser extent chemical shift)
dom coil” state and exhibit local structural propensity as well provide conformational information at the atomic level on
as transient long-range contacts. An NMR investigation aims proteins. Once the NMR spectra have been assigned, these
at identifying these deviations from a random state, either angular or distance data are primary sources of information
for the free protein or on interaction with other cellular for structure computation. Molecular interactions (with a small
components. cofactor, a RNA fragment, or another proteins) can be
For globular proteins, we have seen that chemical shifts (in mapped using the same spectral parameters. In recent years,