Using Computational Cognitive Modeling to Diagnose

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Using Computational Cognitive Modeling to Diagnose

Possible Sources of Aviation Error

Article in International Journal of Aviation Psychology · April 2005

DOI: 10.1207/s15327108ijap1502_2


85 295

2 authors:

Michael D. Byrne Alex Kirlik

Rice University University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


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Copyright © 2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Using Computational Cognitive

Modeling to Diagnose Possible Sources
of Aviation Error
Michael D. Byrne
Department of Psychology
Rice University

Alex Kirlik
Aviation Human Factors Division
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

We present a computational model of a closed-loop, pilot–aircraft–visual scene–taxi-

way system created to shed light on possible sources of taxi error. The creation of the
cognitive aspects of the model with ACT–R (Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational)
required us to conduct studies with subject matter experts to identify the experiential
adaptations pilots bring to taxiing. Five decision strategies were found, ranging from
cognitively intensive but precise to fast and frugal but robust. We provide evidence
for the model by comparing its behavior to a National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration Ames Research Center simulation of Chicago O’Hare surface operations.
Decision horizons were highly variable; the model selected the most accurate strategy
given the time available. We found a signature in the simulation data of the use of
globally robust heuristics to cope with short decision horizons as revealed by the er-
rors occurring most frequently at atypical taxiway geometries or clearance routes.
These data provided empirical support for the model.

The purpose of models is not to fit the data but to sharpen the questions.
—Samuel Karlin, 1983

Requests for reprints should be sent to Alex Kirlik, Aviation Human Factors Division, Institute of
Aviation, University of Illinois, Savoy, IL 61874. Email: [email protected]

Aviation incident and accident investigators often find both cognitive and envi-
ronmental contributing factors to these events. Environmental sources include
such factors as flawed interface design (e.g., Degani, Shafto, & Kirlik, 1999),
confusing automation (e.g., Olson & Sarter, 2000), and unexpected weather con-
ditions (Wiegmann & Goh, 2001). Cognitive sources include such factors as
poor situation awareness (SA; Endsley & Smolensky, 1998), procedural non-
compliance (Bisantz & Pritchett, 2003), and poor crew coordination (Foushee &
Helmreich, 1988).
Many, if not most, significant incidents and accidents result from some combi-
nation of both cognitive and environmental factors. In fact, in a highly
proceduralized domain such as aviation, with highly trained and motivated crews,
accidents rarely result from either environmental or cognitive causes alone.
Training and experience are often sufficient to overcome even the most confusing
interface designs, and the environment is often sufficiently redundant, reversible,
and forgiving (Connolly, 1999) so that most slips and errors have few serious con-
sequences. Most significant incidents and accidents result when cognitive, envi-
ronmental, and perhaps even other (e.g., organizational) factors collectively
conspire to produce disaster (Reason, 1990).
For this reason, an increasing number of human factors and aviation psychol-
ogy researchers have realized that the common terms human error and pilot error
often paint a misleading picture of error etiology (e.g., Hollnagel, 1998; Woods,
Johannesen, Cook, & Sarter, 1994). By their nature, these terms predicate error as
a property of a human or pilot, in contrast to what has been learned about the sys-
temic, multiply caused nature of many operational errors. These often misleading
terms only contribute to the “train and blame” mindset still at work in many opera-
tional settings and perhaps contribute to the failure of such interventions to im-
prove the safety landscape in settings from commercial aviation to military
operations to medicine.



Although advances in theory may well present a more enlightened, systemic

view of error, in our opinion, one of the most significant barriers to the develop-
ment of human factors interventions based on the systems view is the lack of
techniques and models capable of simultaneously representing the many poten-
tial factors contributing to an ultimate error and how these factors interact in
typically dynamic, often complex, and usually probabilistic ways. To say that
multiple-contributing factors conspire together to produce error is one thing. To
provide techniques capable of representing these multiple factors and the precise
manner in which they conspire is quite another. This problem is difficult enough

in the realm of accident investigation in which at least some evidence trail is

available (Rasmussen, 1980; Wiegmann & Shappell, 1997). It is significantly
more challenging, and arguably even more important, in the case of error predic-
tion and mitigation (e.g., Hollnagel, 2000).
As a step toward addressing this problem, this article describes the results of a
study in which dynamic and integrated, computational cognitive modeling, or
more specifically, pilot–aircraft–scene–taxiway modeling, was performed to shed
light on the possible sources of error in aviation surface operations, more specifi-
cally, taxi navigation. Modeling consisted of the integration of a pilot model devel-
oped within the ACT–R (Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational) cognitive
architecture (Anderson et al., 2004; Anderson & Lebiere, 1998), a model of air-
craft taxi dynamics, and models of both the visible and navigable airport surface,
including signage and taxiways.
This modeling effort was motivated by experiments performed in a National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames’ Advanced Concept Flight
Simulator (for more detail, see Hooey & Foyle, 2001; Hooey, Foyle, & Andre,
2000). The purpose of the NASA experimentation was both to attempt to better un-
derstand the sources of error in aviation surface operations and to evaluate the po-
tential of emerging display and communication technologies for lowering the
incidence of error (Foyle et al., 1996).
The purpose of the cognitive system modeling research was to evaluate and ex-
tend the state-of-the-art in computational cognitive modeling as a resource for hu-
man performance and error prediction.



Errors made during navigation on an airport surface have potentially serious

consequences, but this is not always the case. Many such errors are detected and
remedied by flight crews themselves, others are detected and remedied by con-
trollers, and many uncorrected errors still fail to result in serious negative conse-
quences due to the sometime-forgiving nature of the overall multiagent space
that constitutes the modern taxi surface. However, some errors in taxi navigation
can result in drastic consequences.
A particularly pernicious type of error is the runway incursion, which is any oc-
currence involving an aircraft or other object creating a collision hazard with an-
other aircraft taking off or landing or intending to take of or land. Since 1972,
runway incursion accidents have claimed 719 lives and resulted in the destruction
of 20 aircraft (Jones, 2000). The problem of runway incursion accidents continues
to only get worse, despite acknowledgment of the importance of the problem by
both the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety

Board and plans to remedy the problem with technologies such as the Airport
Movement Area Safety System (“Runway Incursions,” 2003). For example, the
number of U.S. runway incursions in 1996, 1997, and 1998, totaled 287, 315, and
325, respectively. In 1999, a Korean Airlines airliner with 362 passengers swerved
during takeoff at Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) to avoid hitting a
jet that entered the runway, and an Iceland Air passenger jet at John Fitzgerald
Kennedy Airport (JFK) came within 65 m of a cargo jet that mistakenly entered the
runway (Jones, 2000).
These problems show no immediate sign of going away. There were a total of
337 U.S. runway incursions in 2002, more than 1.5 times the number reported a de-
cade earlier. “Runway Incursions,” (2003) noted that “Despite FAA programs to
reduce incursions, there were 23 reported in January, 2003, compared with only 14
in January 2002” (p. 15). Due in part to the inability to deal with incursion prob-
lems to date, NASA established an Aviation System-Wide Safety Program to ad-
dress this and other challenges to aviation safety. The NASA simulation and
technology evaluation study described in the following section represents one at-
tempt to use aviation psychology and human factors research techniques to ad-
dress critical challenges to aviation safety.


Called T–NASA2 (for more detail, see Hooey & Foyle, 2001; Hooey, Foyle &
Andre, 2000) throughout this article, the experimental scenario required 18
flight crews, consisting of active pilots from six commercial airlines, to ap-
proach, land, and taxi to a gate at ORD. The flight crews had varying levels of
experience with the ORD surface configuration. Experimentation used baseline
conditions (for this study, chart technology only) as well as conditions in which
pilots were provided with various new display and communication technologies,
including a moving map and head-up displays with virtual signage (e.g., a super-
imposed STOP sign at a hold point). The modeling performed in this research
focused solely on performance in the baseline (current technology) conditions.

T–NASA2 Data Set

Nine different taxiway routes were used in the baseline trials of the T–NASA2
simulation. Each of the 18 crews were tested over a balanced subset of three dif-
ferent routes for a total of 54 trials. Each trial began approximately 12 nm out on
a level approach into ORD. Pilots performed an autoland, and the first officer
(FO) notified the captain of their location with respect to the runway exit on the

basis of clearance information obtained during the final stages of flight and the
paper airport diagram. As the aircraft cleared the runway, the crew tuned the ra-
dio to ground controller frequency, and the controller provided a taxi clearance
(a set of intersections and directions) from the current location to the destination
gate. Crews were then required to taxi to the gate in simulated, visually impov-
erished conditions (RVR1 1000´). Further details can be found in Hooey and
Foyle (2001). It should be noted that the simulation represented neither all stan-
dard operating procedures (after-landing checklists, log, and company paper-
work) nor all communication activities (with the cabin crew, dispatch, and gate).
As a result, the level of crew workload was somewhat lower than a crew might
experience in operational conditions, lending support to the idea that the experi-
mental situation with respect to error was closer to best-case rather than
worst-case conditions (other than low visibility).
Across the 54 baseline T–NASA2 trials, a total of 12 off-route navigation major
errors were committed. Major errors were defined as deviation of 50 ft or more
from the center line of the cleared taxi route. These major errors were used for the
modeling effort because they were objectively determined with simulation data
and did not require subjective interpretation for classification. On each, crews pro-
ceeded down an incorrect route without any evidence of immediate awareness or
else required correction by ground control. The T–NASA2 research team desig-
nated these 12 to be major errors. Additionally, 14 other deviations were observed
but were detected and corrected by the crews. These latter 14 deviations were thus
classified as minor errors by the NASA team, and we were instructed that the mod-
eling effort should focus solely on the major errors. NASA provided our modeling
team with descriptions of each major error, in terms of intersection complexity,
turn severity, and their own classification of each in terms of planning, decision
making, or execution (Goodman; 2001; Hooey & Foyle, 2001).
Two aspects of the T–NASA2 data set provided the primary motivation for this
modeling effort. First, it was believed that modeling might shed light on the under-
lying causes of the errors observed in the experimental simulations. A second mo-
tivation was the fact that the suite of SA and navigation aids used in the new
technology conditions of the T–NASA2 experiments were observed to eliminate
navigation errors almost entirely (Hooey & Foyle, 2001). The goal of our research,
therefore, was to provide a systemic explanation for the errors that were observed
in a fashion that was consistent with the finding that no errors were observed when
the quality of information available to support navigating was improved.

1Runway visual range (RVR) is the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centerline of a

runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its

FIGURE 1 ACT–R (Adaptive

Control of Thought–Rational)
cognitive architecture.


ACT–R (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998; see also Anderson et al., 2004) is a compu-
tational architecture designed to support the modeling of human cognition and
performance at a detailed temporal grain size. Figure 1 depicts the general sys-
tem architecture. ACT–R allows for the modeling of the human in the loop, as
the output of the system is a time-stamped stream of behaviors at a very low
level, such as individual shifts of visual attention, keystrokes, and primitive
mental operations, such as the retrieval of a simple fact. To produce this,
ACT–R must be provided two things: knowledge and a world or environment
(usually simulated) in which to operate. The environment must dynamically re-
spond to the outputs of ACT–R and, thus, must also often be simulated at a high
degree of fidelity. The knowledge that must be provided to ACT–R to complete
a model of a person in an environment is essentially of two types: declarative
and procedural. Declarative knowledge, such as “George Washington was the
first president of the United States,” or “‘IAH’ stands for Bush Intercontinental
Airport in Houston,” is represented in symbolic structures known as chunks.
Procedural knowledge, sometimes referred to as how-to knowledge, such as the
knowledge of how to lower the landing gear in a 747, is stored in symbolic struc-
tures known as production rules or simply productions. These consist of
IF–THEN pairs; IF a certain set of conditions hold, THEN perform one or more ac-
tions. In addition, both chunks and productions contain quantitative information
that represents the statistical history of that particular piece of knowledge. For ex-
ample, each chunk has associated with it a quantity called activation that is based
on the frequency and recency of access to that particular chunk as well as its rela-
tion to this context. Because the actual statistics are often not known, in many

cases, these values are left at system defaults or are estimated by the modeler, al-
though in principle, ACT–R can learn them as well.
The basic operation of ACT–R is as follows. The state of the system is repre-
sented in a set of buffers. The IF sides of all productions are matched against the
contents of those buffers. If multiple productions match, a procedure called con-
flict resolution is used to determine which production is allowed to fire, or apply its
THEN actions. This generally changes the state of at least one buffer, and then, this
cycle is repeated every 50 msec of simulated time. In addition, a buffer can change
without a production explicitly changing it. For example, there is a buffer that rep-
resents the visual object currently in the focus of visual attention. If that object
changes or disappears, this buffer will change as a result. That is, the various per-
ceptual and motor processes (and declarative memory as well) act in parallel with
each other and with the central cognitive production cycle. These processes are
modeled at varying levels of fidelity. For example, ACT–R does not contain any
advanced machine vision component that would allow it to recognize objects from
analog light input. Rather, ACT–R needs to be given an explicit description of the
object to which it is attending.
ACT–R was originally designed to model the results of cognitive psychology
laboratory experiments and is often considered a bottom-up or first-principles ap-
proach to the problem of modeling human cognition and performance. Whether
ACT–R scales up to more complex domains is an empirical question, but so far, it
has done well in dynamic domains such as driving (Salvucci, 2001), and we be-
lieve it is now mature enough to be tested in aviation.



Taxiing a commercial jetliner is obviously a complex task, and the construction

of an ACT–R model of a pilot performing this task was similarly complex along
multiple dimensions.

Model Scope

One of the first decisions that had to be made was a decision about scope. In one
sense, there are clearly multiple humans in the taxi loop, even in the somewhat
simplified NASA simulation. These include the captain, who is actually head up,
looking out the window, and controlling the aircraft, and the FO, who looks pri-
marily head down and assists both the captain and the ground-based controller.
To limit the scope of the project, we chose to model only the captain in ACT–R
and treated both the ground controller and the FO as items in the environment.
We thought this decision was a good balance between tractability and relevance
because the captain made the final decisions and also controlled the aircraft.

A second, important aspect of scoping model coverage was to select the psy-
chological activities on which we would focus our efforts. Our research team was
one of many teams also creating cognitive models of the same T–NASA2 data
(e.g., see Deutsch & Pew, 2002; Gore & Corker, 2002; Lebiere et al., 2002;
McCarley, Wickens, Goh, & Horrey, 2002). In this light, we considered both the
strengths and weaknesses of our ACT–R approach with the alternative approaches
taken by other research teams, with the goal of providing a unique contribution to
the overall research effort. For example, we ruled out focusing on multitasking, as
ACT–R is less mature in this area than some other models, and we ruled out focus-
ing on SA issues (losing track of one’s location on the airport surface), as our
model was less mature in this area than some other models. All things considered,
including our own previous experience in human performance modeling (e.g.,
Kirlik, 1998; Kirlik, Miller, & Jagacinski, 1993), we decided to focus on the inter-
active, dynamic decision-making aspects of the task in its closed-loop context. As
a result, we focused on those contributions to error that may result from the inter-
action of the structure of a task environment and the need to make often-rapid deci-
sions on the basis of imperfect information, resulting from a decay of clearance
information from memory, low visibility, and sluggish aircraft dynamics. Our fo-
cus on decision making, which assumed pilots had accurate knowledge of their
current location, was complemented by the focus of another modeling team on SA
errors associated with losing track of one’s location on the airport surface
(McCarley et al., 2002).

Model Environment

Thus, we created an ACT–R model of one human pilot, but this pilot model still
had to be situated in an accurate environment. In this research, three external en-
tities were modeled to describe the environment: the simulated aircraft con-
trolled by the pilot model, the simulated visual information available to the pilot
model, and the simulated runway and taxiway environment through which the
simulated aircraft traveled. Each of these three environmental entities was
computationally modeled and integrated with the cognitive components of the
pilot model to create an overall representation of the interactive human–air-
craft–environment system.
Code for the vehicle dynamics that was used to drive the actual NASA flight
simulator in which behavioral data was collected was unfortunately unavailable.
We, therefore, had to create a simplified vehicle model with which the pilot model
could interact. Given vehicle size, mass, and dynamics, however, we still did re-
quire a somewhat reasonable approximation to the actual aircraft dynamics used in
the experiments to be able to get a handle on timing issues. Although we were not
interested in control issues per se, the dynamics of the aircraft played an important
role in the determination of decision-time horizons, a key factor in the cognitive

representation of the pilot’s activities. The aircraft model we constructed assumed

that the pilot controlled the vehicle in three ways: by applying engine power, brak-
ing, and steering. For the purposes of modeling an aircraft during taxiing, these
three forms of control are sufficient. On the basis of Cheng, Sharma, and Foyle’s
(2001) analysis of the NASA simulated aircraft dynamics, we proceeded with a
model in which it was reasonable to assume that throttle and braking inputs gener-
ated applied forces that were linearly related with aircraft speed.
Steering, however, was another matter. After consideration of the functional
role that steering inputs played in the T–NASA2 scenario, we decided that we
could finesse the problem of steering dynamics by assuming that the manual con-
trol aspects of the steering problem did not play a significant role in the navigation
errors that were observed. That is, we assumed that making an appropriate turn
was purely a decision-making problem and that no turn errors resulted from cor-
rect turn decisions that were erroneously executed. Note that this assumption does
not completely decouple the manual and cognitive aspects of the modeling, how-
ever. It was still the case that the manual control of the acceleration and braking as-
pects of the model did play a role in the determination of the aircraft position
relative to an impending turn and, importantly, placed a hard constraint on the
maximum speed of approach of the aircraft to each turn.
The maximum aircraft speeds for the various types of turns required in the
NASA simulation were calculated under the constraint that lateral acceleration
be limited to 0.25 g for passenger comfort (Cheng et al., 2001) and also the field
data reported in Cassell, Smith, and Hicok (1999). For our model, these speeds
were found to be 20 knots for a soft (veer) turn, 16 knots for a right turn, and 14
knots for a U-turn and were based on actual turn-radius measurements from the
ORD taxiway layout (all turns made in these scenarios could be classified ac-
cording to this scheme). Although due to airport layout constraints, taxiing
would not always occur at the maximum possible speed, these maximum speeds
partially determined the time available to make a turn decision, and in our
model, as this time was reduced, there was a greater probability of an incorrect
turn decision. Our simplification regarding steering merely boiled down to the
fact that once the model had made its decision about which turn to take, that turn
was then executed without error.
To implement this aspect of the model, we decided to model the ORD airport taxi-
way as a set of interconnected rails on which travel of the simulated aircraft was con-
strained. Taxiway decision making in this scheme, then, boiled down to the selection
of the appropriate rail to take at each taxiway intersection. In this manner, we did not
have to model the dynamics of the aircraft while turning: We simply moved the air-
craft along each turn rail at the specified, turn-radius-specific speed.
The model used to represent the visual information available to our ACT–R pi-
lot model was obtained from the actual NASA flight simulator in the form of a
software database. This database consisted of location-coded objects (e.g.,

taxiways, signage) present on the ORD surface, or at least those objects presented
to flight crews during NASA experimentation. Distant objects became visible to
the pilot model at similar distances to which these same objects became visible to
human pilots in T–NASA2 experimentation.

Modeling Pilot Background Knowledge

Obviously, the environment and its dynamic properties are critically important
in understanding pilot performance in this domain, but they do not, of course,
completely determine pilot behavior; thus, the use of a knowledge-based perfor-
mance model such as ACT–R is necessary. As mentioned earlier, the ACT–R
model must be supplied with the knowledge of how to do this task. This part of
the model-building process is often referred to as knowledge engineering be-
cause the demands of gathering and structuring the knowledge necessary to per-
form the tasks in such domains are significant. We focused our efforts on the
identification of procedures and problem-solving strategies used by pilots in this
domain as well as the cost–benefit structure of those procedures and strategies.

Task Analysis and Knowledge Engineering

The task-specific information required to construct the model was obtained by

the study of various task analyses of taxiing (e.g., Cassell et al., 1999) and
through extensive consultation with two subject matter experts (SMEs) who
were experienced airline pilots. We first discovered that in many cases, pilots
have multiple tasks in which to engage while taxiing. On the basis of this find-
ing, our ACT–R model only concerned itself with navigation decision making
when such a decision was pending. In the interim, the model iterated through
four tasks deemed central to the safety of the aircraft.
These four tasks included monitoring the visual scene for incursions, particu-
larly objects such as ground vehicles that are difficult to detect in poor visibility;
maintaining the speed of the aircraft because the dynamics of a commercial jetliner
require relatively frequent adjustments of throttle, brake, or both to maintain a con-
stant speed; listening for hold instructions from the ground-based controller; and
maintaining an updated representation of the current position of the aircraft on the
taxi surface and the location of the destination. Although these tasks often have lit-
tle direct impact on navigation, they do take time to execute, and time is the key
limited resource in the making of navigation decisions in our integrated pilot–air-
craft–environment system model.
With respect to navigation decisions, we found that decision making was highly
local. That is, the planning horizon is very short; flight crews are quite busy in the
time after landing and, thus, in situations such as ORD in poor visibility, report
they do not have the time to plan ahead and consider turns or intersections other

than the immediately pending one. Second, the decision process tends to be hierar-
chical: Pilots first decide if the next intersection requires a turn and, if it does, de-
cide which turn to make. We found that in the error corpus available to us, errors in
the first decision (whether to turn or not) were rare (which was also consistent with
our SME reports), and so we concentrated our efforts on understanding how pilots
made the second decision.
The first issue to be addressed was what kinds of knowledge and strategies are ac-
tually brought to bear by actual pilots in the kinds of conditions experienced by the
pilots in the NASA study? Largely through interviews with SMEs, we discovered a
number of key strategies employed by pilots and also discovered that some of these
strategies would not have been available to our model. Many of these strategies in-
volved open communications between ground-based controllers and other aircraft.
For example, if Qantas Flight 1132 has just been given a clearance that overlaps with
the clearance given to United Flight 302, one viable strategy for the United pilot is to
simply follow the Qantas aircraft for the overlapping portion of the clearance.
Similarly, pilots can use dissimilar clearances to rule out certain decision alter-
natives. For example, when faced with an intersection that forces the pilot to
choose between taxiways A10 and D, if the pilot has just heard another flight given
a clearance, which involves A10, D is the more likely choice because the ground
controller is unlikely to assign two aircraft to be on the same taxiway approached
from different directions. It is unclear the extent to which these strategies were
available to the pilots in the T–NASA2 study because details of what clearances
were given to the (simulated) other aircraft and when such clearances were given
were not available to us. Thus, we had no choice but to exclude these strategies
from the model.
At the end of both our task analyses and SME interviews, we had identified five
primary decision strategies available for making turn decisions:

1. Remember the correct clearance: Although fast, this strategy is increasingly

inaccurate as time lapses between the time at which the list of turns described in the
clearance is obtained and the time at which turn execution is actually required.
2. Make turns toward the gate: Although somewhat slower than the first strat-
egy, this strategy has a reasonable level of accuracy at many airports.
3. Turn in the direction that reduces the larger of the X or Y (cockpit-oriented)
distance between the aircraft and the gate. We deemed this strategy to be moder-
ately fast, like Strategy 2, but with a potentially higher accuracy than Strategy 2 be-
cause more information is taken into account.
4. Derive from map or spatial knowledge. This is the slowest strategy avail-
able, with high accuracy possible only from a highly experienced (at a given air-
port) flight crew.
5. Guess randomly. This is a very fast strategy, although it is unlikely to be very
accurate, especially at multiturn intersections. However, we did include it as a pos-

sible heuristic in the model for two reasons: (a) It may be the only strategy available
given the decision time available in some cases, and (b) it provides insights into
chance performance levels.

The next modeling issue to be dealt with was how to choose between strategies
when faced with a time-constrained decision horizon.
This type of meta-decision is well modeled by the conflict-resolution mecha-
nism ACT–R uses to arbitrate between multiple productions matching the current
situation. The accuracy of Strategies 1 (recall the clearance) and 4 (derive from
map knowledge) is primarily a function of the accuracy of the primitive cognitive
operations required of these tasks, moderated by factors such as ACT–R’s memory
decay and constrained working memory. However, the accuracy of Strategies 2, 3,
and 5 is less cognitively constrained and instead is critically dependent on the ge-
ometry of actual clearances and taxiways. As such, we used an SME as a partici-
pant in the study to provide data for an analysis of the heuristic decision Strategies
2 and 3 (the accuracy of Strategy 5, random guessing, was determined by the taxi-
way geometry itself).
For this study, Jeppesen charts for all major U.S. airports were made available to
the SME, a working B–767 pilot for a major U.S. carrier. He was asked to select
charts for those airports for which he had significant experience of typical taxi
routes, and he was asked to draw, with a highlighter on the charts themselves, the
likely or expected actual taxi routes at each airport from touchdown to the gate area
of his company. We would have perhaps never thought of performing this study had
the ACT–R model not required us to provide it with high level (i.e., airport-neutral)
strategies pilots might use in deciding what turns to make during taxi operations
along with their associated costs (times required) and benefits (accuracy).


To obtain this information, which was required to inform modeling, we provided

our SME Jeppesen charts for all major U.S. airports and then asked him to select
charts for those airports for which he had significant experience of typical taxi
routes and clearances. He selected nine airports (Dallas–Fort Worth, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, JFK [Kennedy Airport, New York], Denver,
Sea–Tac [Seattle–Tacoma], Miami, and O’Hare). The SME was asked to draw,
with a highlighter on the charts themselves, the likely or expected taxi routes at
each airport from touchdown to the gate area of his company. A total of 284
routes was generated in this way.
Our goal at this point was to identify whether any of the heuristic strategies
identified during task analysis and knowledge engineering would be likely to yield
acceptable levels of decision accuracy. We obtained an estimate of the accuracy of

heuristic Strategies 2 (turn toward the company gates) and 3 (turn in the direction
that minimizes the largest of the X or Y distance between the current location and
the gates) by comparing the predictions these heuristics would make with the data
provided by the SME for the nine airports studied. We recognize that these accu-
racy estimates may be specific to the (major) carrier for whom the SME flew be-
cause other the gates for other carriers may be located in areas at these nine airports
such that their pilots are provided more or less complex or geometrically intuitive
clearances than those providing the basis of our SME’s experience. However, we
do believe that this study resulted in enlightening results regarding the surprisingly
high level of accuracy of simple, fast, and frugal decision heuristics (Gigerenzer &
Goldstein, 1996) in this complex, operational environment.
Figure 2 presents the results of an analysis of the effectiveness of these two heu-
ristic strategies. Note that the XY heuristic was quite good across the board, and the
even simpler toward-terminal heuristic was reasonably accurate at many major U.S.
airports. As such, we created the turn decision-making components of the pilot
model to make decisions according to the set of the five strategies described previ-
ously, including the two surprisingly frugal and robust toward-terminal and XY
heuristics portrayed in Figure 2. One can think of these five strategies as being hier-
archically organized in terms of their costs (time requirements) and benefits (accura-
cies). The decision components of the cognitive model worked by choosing the
strategy that achieved the highest accuracy given the decision time available.

Detailed Description of Dynamic Decision Modeling

From a time–horizon (cost) perspective, the selection of decision strategies was

informed by a procedure for the estimation of the time remaining before a deci-
sion had to be made. Time remaining was based on the distance of the aircraft to

FIGURE 2 Accuracy of the toward-terminal and minimize the greater of the XY distance

an intersection and the amount of slowing necessary to make whatever turns

were available, which was thus dependent on aircraft dynamics. Recall that we
had an algorithm available to calculate the maximum speed with which a turn of
a given type could be negotiated. Thus, the computation of time remaining as-
sumed a worst-case scenario for each specific intersection. That is, the time hori-
zon for decision making was determined by the intersection distance combined
with knowledge of aircraft dynamics, which was used to determine whether
breaking could slow the aircraft sufficiently to negotiate the sharpest turn of an
This time remaining calculation was not implemented in ACT–R (i.e., we did not
create a cognitive model of how the pilot estimated this time) but rather was made by
a call from ACT–R to an external algorithm so that the model could determine which
of the five decision strategies were available in any particular instance. Because we
believed the pilots’ abilities to estimate these times were imperfect, noise was added
to the result of the computations on the basis of the aircraft model, such that the result
returned was anywhere from 80 to 120% of the true time remaining.
Each turn-related decision strategy was one production rule, which was al-
lowed to enter conflict resolution only if the average time it would take the model
to execute the procedure was less than 0.5 sec less than the decision horizon. This
somewhat conservative approach was used to compensate for the fact that both the
time estimation and strategy execution times were noisy. Those productions meet-
ing this criteria competed in a slightly modified version of the standard conflict
resolution procedure of ACT–R. In the default ACT–R procedure, the utility of
each production is estimated by the quantity PG – C, where P is the probability of
success if that production is selected, G is a time constant (20 sec is the default),
and C is the time taken until an outcome is reached if that production fires. Because
time cost was irrelevant in this application as long as the cost was less than the time
remaining, this term was removed, although there was a 1-sec penalty applied to
productions whose time cost was within 0.5 sec of the remaining time, again, a
conservative move to ensure that a decision strategy likely to be completed would
be selected (one of our SMEs indicated a conservative bias in this direction). The
utility of each production is also assumed in ACT–R to be a noisy quantity, so the
system was not always guaranteed to select the strategy with the highest utility as
computed by the PG – C measure. (The amount of noise in this computation is a
free parameter in ACT–R, and a value of 1 was used as the s parameter in the logis-
tic noise distribution. This yielded a standard deviation of about 1.8, which was not
varied to fit the data.) Thus, there were two sources of noise in this situation: the
estimation of time remaining and the utilities of the strategies themselves.
In the pilot model, P for each production was estimated according to the actual
probability of success of each of the decision strategies. Thus, P for the production
initiating the turn toward the gate production was 80.7% because that was the suc-
cess rate for that strategy as determined by the SME study. P values for the other

two decision heuristics (3 and 5) were calculated in an analogous fashion, and P

values for Strategies 1 (recall the actual clearance) and 4 (derive from the map)
were determined by the boundedly rational cognitive mechanisms inherent in the
ACT–R cognitive architecture. With the entire model in place, we then ran a
Monte Carlo simulation (300 repetitions at each of 50 time horizons) to determine
the probability of selection for each strategy as a function of the decision time
available. These simulation results are presented in Figure 3.
As is clear from Figure 3, as the decision horizon decreased, so did the likeli-
hood that the pilot model would select a less accurate strategy. In fact, in the time
window from about 2.5 to about 8 sec, the environmentally derived heuristics
dominated alternative strategies. However, this could be viewed as adaptive be-
cause a fast and frugal strategy that could run to completion could frequently out-
perform an analytically superior decision strategy that had to be truncated due to
time constraints (Gigerenzer & Goldstein, 1996). As such, these results are not
necessarily surprising but do suggest that error-reduction efforts requiring new de-
cision strategies will have to be evaluated in light of the availability of potentially
more frugal heuristics that may yield relatively robust performance yet fail in situ-
ations where the environmental regularities embodied in these heuristics are not
satisfied (Reason, 1990). For example, modeling indicated that the turn toward
gate heuristic took approximately 2.5 sec to compute with 80% accuracy. A ratio-
nal pilot would not favor a new strategy or technology over this heuristic unless the
increased benefit–cost ratio of a novel decision strategy was significantly superior
to this quick and dirty method.


Appropriate techniques for the verification and validation of human perfor-

mance models based on computational, cognitive modeling is an issue of great

FIGURE 3 Selection probabil-

ity for each decision strategy by
the decision-time horizon.

current interest (see, e.g., Leiden, Laughery, & Corker, 2001), and it is fair to
say that there are no unanimously agreed-on criteria in this area. In the follow-
ing, we present two sources of empirical evidence in support of our dynamic, in-
tegrated, computational model of this pilot–aircraft–visual scene–taxiway sys-
tem. The first source of support is a global analysis of the frequency of taxi
navigation errors as a function of intersection type. The second is a more finely
grained analysis at an error-by-error level.

Global Evidence for Decision Heuristic Reliance

Nine different taxiway routes were used in the T–NASA2 baseline scenarios,
covering a total of 97 separate intersection crossings. Because each route was
run six times, a total of 582 intersection crossings occurred in the baseline trials.
As mentioned earlier, in only 12 instances were crews observed to make signifi-
cant departures from the cleared route, resulting in an error rate (per intersection,
rather than per trial) of approximately 2% (Goodman, 2001).
As Goodman (2001) reported, of the 582 intersections crossed, the clearance in-
dicated that crews should have proceeded in a direction toward the destination gate
in 534 cases (91.8%), whereas the clearance directed crews in directions away
from the gate in only 48 cases (8.2%). On examining this information with respect
to the predictions of both the toward-terminal and XY heuristics embodied in our
model, we discovered that at every one of the 97 intersection crossings in the
T–NASA2 scenarios at which the cleared route conflicted with both these two
heuristics, at least one taxi error was made. These accounted for 7 of the 12 taxi er-
rors observed.
In addition, and as discussed in the following section, 4 of the 12 taxi errors
were attributed not to decision making but rather to a loss of SA (i.e., losing track
of one’s position on the airport surface, see Goodman, 2001; Hooey & Foyle,
2001), a cognitive phenomenon beyond the scope of this modeling. Our modeling
approach assumed that location knowledge (loss of SA) was not the primary factor
in contributing to taxi error, but instead time-stressed decision making combined
with what might be called counterintuitive intersection and clearance pairs, that
is, those at which both the toward-terminal and XY heuristics failed due to either
atypical geometry or clearances.

Local Evidence of Decision Heuristic Reliance

The Goodman (2001) report provided a detailed analysis of each of the 12 taxi
errors observed in the baseline conditions of T–NASA2 experimentation. In the
following, we briefly consider each error in turn. When we use the term classifi-

cation, we refer to the terms adopted by Hooey and Foyle (2001) and have
bolded errors we believe to provide evidence for our model, especially for the
fast and frugal decision heuristics used to make decisions under time stress.
Italics are used to indicate errors due to loss of SA, as such are beyond the pur-
view of our research, which thus provide neither support for or against our
model, given our initial modeling focus. In the following, all quotations are from

Error 1: This error was classified as a decision (as opposed to planning or exe-
cution) error, and it confirmed our modeling as the crew turned toward the gate
when the clearance indicated a turn away from the gate.
Error 2: This error was also classified as a decision error associated with “lack
of awareness of airport layout and concourse location” (p. 5). We thus considered
this error due to a loss of SA.
Error 3: This error was classified as a planning error, in which the “crew ver-
balized that Tango didn’t seem to make sense because it was a turn away from the
concourse” (p. 7). They thus turned in a direction toward the destination gate.
Error 4: This error was classified as an execution error due to perceptual con-
fusion over center lines; the crew, nonetheless, prematurely turned in the direction
of the concourse.
Error 5: This error was classified as an execution error, as vocalizations indi-
cated the crew was aware of the proper clearance. However, they made a prema-
ture turn toward the gate.
Error 6: This error was classified as an execution error, as the captain stated
that the lines were confusing but made a premature turn into the ramp area near the
destination gate.
Error 7: This error was classified as a planning error, as the FO verbally omit-
ted an intermediate turn in the clearance to Foxtrot. However, “the turn to Foxtrot
would have led pilots away from concourse—Instead, FO suggested turning to-
ward concourse on Alpha” (p. 15).
Error 8: This error was classified as a decision error, as the crew immediately
made a turn toward the gate after exiting the runway, whereas the clearance pre-
scribed a turn away from gate.
Error 9: This error was classified as an execution error, as the FO voiced con-
fusion over center lines. Crews made a (one-gate) premature turn into the con-
course area, whereas the clearance indicated they should proceed ahead further
prior to turning into the concourse.
Errors 10, 11, and 12: Each of these errors was classified as a due to a loss of
SA, due to the FO being “head down with Jepp chart, [and] didn’t realize where
they were on the airport surface” (p. 21; Error 10), the crew’s “demonstrated lack of
awareness of airport layout” (p. 23; Error 11), and “FO lacked awareness of their lo-
cation on the airport surface” (p. 25; Error 12).

Although several of these errors were not, strictly speaking, classified as de-
cision errors, we think it is revealing to note that the bulk of the errors classified
as planning and execution errors were consistent with the same decision-making


Errors in the T–NASA2 experimentation arose due to both poor SA and to

turn-related decision making (Goodman, 2001). As described in an early section of
this article, we decided to focus our modeling efforts on decision-related errors, thus
complementing other modeling efforts that took SA-related errors to be the focus of
their efforts. In summary, given the empirical results provided in this article, we con-
clude that there is reasonably good empirical support for our model.


We are encouraged by the results of this research to continue to pursue computa-

tional, cognitive models of human performance in dynamic, aviation contexts. We
believe that the errors observed in the T–NASA2 scenario were consistent with the
results of our analysis of information-impoverished, dynamic decision making and
the mechanisms by which it was embedded in the ACT–R modeling architecture. As
such, we believe that the view of cognition embodied in ACT–R, as constrained ad-
aptation to the statistical and cost–benefit structure of the previously experienced
task environment, achieves some level of support from this research.
The crux of the interpretation of taxi errors in T–NASA2 is that pilots had mul-
tiple methods for handling individual turn decisions and used the most accurate
strategy possible given the time available (cf. Payne & Bettman, 2001). When time
was short, as a function of poor visibility, workload, and aircraft dynamics, the
model assumed that the pilot tended to rely on computationally cheaper but less
specific information gained from experience with the wider class of situations of
which the current decision was an instance. In the case of the T–NASA2 scenario,
this more general information pertained to the typical taxi routes and clearances
that would be expected from touchdown to gate at major U.S. airports.
This interpretation is also consistent with the fact that the suite of display aids
used in the high-technology conditions of T–NASA2 experimentation, by provid-
ing improved information to support local decision making, effectively eliminated
taxi errors. We hope that this research will motivate more members of the human
factors and aviation psychology communities to study human performance issues
with the benefits of emerging developments in computational cognitive modeling.
We believe that detailed modeling of dynamic, integrated, human–machine–envi-
ronment systems holds great promise for meeting the challenges posed by emerg-
ing, systems-oriented views of error etiology in complex, operational systems.


Obviously, the model presented here does not generalize directly to operational
taxiing situations due to practical limitations in both the original study and the
modeling effort itself. However, we believe that the ultimate lessons learned
from this effort are relevant. This includes the general lesson that the details and
dynamics of both the human cognitive system and the structure of the environ-
ment in which that system operates must be considered jointly, not in isolation
from one another. More directly in the taxiing domain, this research suggests
that taxi routes, which are inconsistent with the heuristics available to
time-pressured flight crews are likely to be error prone and will continue to be
so until a system that makes the correct route computable with greater speed and
accuracy than those heuristics is made available to flight crews.


This research was supported by NASA Ames Grants NCC2–1219 and

NDD2–1321 to Rice University and NAG 2–1609 to the University of Illinois.
We thank Captains Bill Jones and Robert Norris who served as SMEs, and Brian
Webster, Michael Fleetwood, and Chris Fick of Rice University. We are grateful
to the AvSP SWAP Human Performance Modeling Element research team, who
provided their time, data, and expertise to this project, in particular, David
Foyle, Tina Beard, Becky Hooey and Allen Goodman.


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Manuscript First Received: June 2003

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