A Compact Triple-Band Antenna With A Broadside Radiation Characteristic For Head-Implantable Wireless Communications

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Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

A Compact Triple-Band Antenna with a Broadside

Radiation Characteristic for Head-Implantable
Wireless Communications
Tuan-Anh Le Trong, Student Member, IEEE, Syed Imran Hussain Shah, Geonyeong Shin, Student
Member, IEEE, Sonapreetha Mohan Radha, Student Member, IEEE, Ick-Jae Yoon, Member, IEEE
 implanted antennas have been proposed for the purposes of
Abstract—This work presents a compact triple-band antenna miniaturization, gain improvement, multiple-frequency band
composed of a spiral radiator with an open-ended slot at the usage, and multiple polarization operation [6–11]. A planar
ground for human head-implantable wireless communications. It inverted-F antenna (PIFA), widely used in mobile devices such
operates simultaneously at a Medical Implant Communications as cellular phones and laptops, may be one of the most widely
Service (MICS) band (402 MHz–405 MHz), a Wireless Medical adopted implanted antenna designs for several functions of
Telemetry Service (WMTS) band (1427 MHz–1432 MHz), and an medical implants [6], [7], [11–14]. This is because PIFAs have
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band (2400 MHz–2480
MHz). The proposed antenna has a thin profile of 0.5 mm with a
a clear working mechanism, and it is relatively easier to achieve
volume of 197 mm3. Semi-solid phantoms are used for the design multiple resonances by adopting slots at the patch while
and experimental validation, and detailed parameter studies are maintaining the dimensions of the antenna.
carried out to determine the working principles of the antenna. In this work, we propose a novel compact, triple-band head-
Based on simulations and measurements, it was found that the implanted antenna for the MICS, WMTS, and ISM (2.45 GHz)
proposed antenna covers all the desired frequency bands with frequency bands. It is composed of a spiral radiator that is
comparably high boresight gains given its compact dimensions. connected to a circular ground with an open-ended slot by a
metallic shorting pin. Therefore, the design is also classified as
Index Terms—Implanted antennas, triple-band antennas, small a PIFA. The length of the spiral arm and the position of the
antennas, semi-solid phantom, biotelemetry. shorting pin determining the current distribution at each band
were chosen carefully for the multiple-band operation. A
I. INTRODUCTION detailed working mechanism is also revealed through thorough

R ECENTLY, intensive efforts have been carried out to

detect the weak electrical signal in the human brain and
transmit it to an external monitoring device. Such a series of
parameter studies. The proposed antenna shows the broadside
radiation pattern toward the top of the head at all of the
frequency bands, which is an essential feature for the head-
processes, which include detection, modulation, and implanted applications [3]. The performance of the antenna was
transmission of an implanted device, is referred to as a simulated and analyzed within a homogeneous cubic phantom
biotelemetry (or medical telemetry) system and is believed to mimicking the human head for each frequency band [15]. The
be one of the keys to unlocking the mystery of the brain [1]. The dielectric properties of the three kinds of fabricated phantom
detected signal can be transmitted either through a wired or was also checked experimentally before the measurement of the
wireless interface. The wireless method naturally leads to the proposed antenna. More realistic reflection coefficients and
radiation patterns of the implanted antennas for human head-
necessity of implanting antennas for several medical frequency
implantable applications thus could be expected this way. The
bands of wireless biotelemetry communication, including the
full-wave electromagnetic simulations in this work were carried
medical implant communications service (MICS) band at 401–
out using HFSS from Ansys and Sim4Life from ZMT.
406 MHz, the wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS) band
at 608–614, 1395–1400, and 1427–1432 MHz, and the II. ANTENNA DESIGN
industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band at 2.45 GHz.
To design a head-implanted antenna is challenging since A. Proposed configuration
head tissues are composed of several layers of high permittivity The configuration of the proposed antenna is illustrated in
and high dielectric loss: skin, fat, skull, dura, CSF, grey matter, Fig. 1. It is composed of two layers of a Taconic RF-10
white matter, etc. [2-3]. Therefore, a high gain characteristic is substrate (εr = 10 and tanδ = 0.0035) with a radius of 11.2 mm
desired from an implanted antenna, although the space allowed and a thickness of 0.25 mm—one layer at the bottom for the
for the antenna implementation is tightly limited between the antenna substrate and the other at the top for the superstrate.
layers of the head tissues. However, the radiation resistance and The superstrate helps to focus the radiated electric field and
radiation efficiency of an antenna are inversely proportional to works as an insulator for the surrounding environment of head
its electrical size [4-5]. Nevertheless, several noticeable

Manuscript received December 23, 2020. This research was supported by The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam
Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation National University, Daejeon, 34134, Republic of Korea (e-mail:
(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017-0-00659). [email protected]).
(Corresponding author: Ick-Jae Yoon.)

1536-1225 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Kaohsiung Univ. of Science & Technology. Downloaded on June 03,2021 at 02:14:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3068170, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

tissues [2]. A spiral-shaped conductive line is patterned at the B. Working mechanism of the antenna: parameter study
top of the antenna substrate, and it is connected to the ground We carried out parameter studies to analyze the working
having an open-ended slot at the bottom through a shorting pin. mechanism of the antenna. The shorting pin, with a diameter of
The dielectric superstrate is directly attached to the top of the 0.4 mm, makes the proposed configuration similar to the well-
antenna substrate. A coaxial line is characterized and used for known PIFA, and the electrical dimension of the antenna could
the excitation of the antenna. Its signal line is connected to the thus become smaller. The reflection coefficients of the antenna
center of the spiral radiator through a via hole, and its outer according to the presence of the shorting pin are plotted in Fig.
conductor is connected to the ground. 3(a). It can be clearly observed that each resonance point is
shifted upward when the shorting pin is removed.

Reflection Coefficient [ dB ]



-20 z z
y y

-25 Shorting w/o shorting pin

pin w/ shorting pin
(a) -30
0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.7
Frequency [ GHz ]
(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Proposed antenna configuration. (a) Overview. (b) Simulation setup with
a homogeneous phantom. The final values of the design parameters on the top- (c) (d)
view of the antenna are W=0.5, W1=0.14, R=11.2, H1=3, H2=3.4, L1=19, L2=2.3, Fig. 3. Parameter study results on the reflection coefficients. (a) According to
L3=16, Pv=9, and Lp=38. The units are in millimeters. the presence of the shorting pin. (b) According to the presence of the slot. (c)
According to the length of the spiral arm (Lp). (d) According to the position of
As shown in Fig. 1(b), when its impedance and radiation the shorting pin (Pv).
properties were studied, the proposed configuration was
The proposed antenna is electrically small (ka = 0.09, k: free-
immersed in a box with a dimension of 100 100 60 mm3 space wave propagation constant, a: radius of the imaginary
mimicking the dielectric properties of a homogeneous human sphere enclosing the antenna) compared to its lowest operating
head [14], [16]. These properties were set as εr = 43.5 and σ = frequency of 402 MHz, and its input reactance should thus be
0.87 [S/m] for the MICS band, εr = 40.5 and σ = 1.2 [S/m] for capacitive. This impedance characteristic could be
the WMTS band, and εr = 39.2 and σ = 1.8 [S/m] for the ISM compensated by the shorting pin, as it provides additional
band in accordance with the homogenous dielectric properties inductance to the antenna structure, but it may not be enough
of a human head [15], [17], [18]. The associated loss tangent on its own. It is because the length of the shorting pin is only
(tanδ) values are 0.798, 0.372, and 0.337, respectively. The 0.0017λg due to the thin profile of the antenna. A further
antenna was positioned 4 mm deep in the homogeneous inductance can be supplied by introducing a slot in the ground.
phantom boxes in all cases of the simulation [12], [14]. The The current path is increased along the slot, and consequently,
simulated reflection coefficients of the antenna with the design more inductance is added to the input reactance of the antenna
values from Fig. 1 are shown in Fig. 2. It is found that the [8]. In Fig. 3(b), it can be observed that the impedance matching
proposed antenna resonates at the desired medical bands characteristic is improved when the ground is slotted.
simultaneously. The impedance bandwidths are found to be The position of the shorting pin also affects the impedance
13.68% (MICS), 6.64% (WMTS), and 12.2% (ISM), with a -10 characteristic. Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) show the parametric study
dB criterion. results according to the length of the spiral arm (Lp) and the
w/ MICS phantom [ Sim. ] w/ MICS phantom [ Meas. ]
position of the shorting pin (Pv), respectively. The design
w/ WMTS phantom [ Sim. ]
w/ ISM phantom [ Sim. ]
w/ WMTS phantom [ Meas. ]
w/ ISM phantom [ Meas. ]
parameters Lp and Pv naturally adjust the current path along the
0 spiral arm. First, it is observed that the resonance around the
Reflection Coefficient [ dB ]

-5 MICS band is barely affected by Lp and Pv, whereas it was

-10 clearly dependent on the presence of the shorting pin and the
-15 slot at the ground (see Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)). It can be inferred
-20 that the first dominant resonance is strongly reliant on the
current distribution of the ground. The current distributions at
each resonance are given in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows that the current
0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 is rather concentrated around the slot at the ground in the case
Frequency [ GHz ]
Fig. 2. Simulated and measured reflection coefficients of the proposed antenna. of the MICS band compared with the WMTS and ISM bands.

1536-1225 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Kaohsiung Univ. of Science & Technology. Downloaded on June 03,2021 at 02:14:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3068170, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

For the MICS band, it is also found that the stronger current tanδ = 0.348 at 1430 MHz, and εr = 41.4 and tanδ = 0.353 at
flows along the spiral arm not containing the shorting pin, 2.45 GHz, as shown in Fig. 5(b)—close enough to the values
whereas it flows through the spiral arm containing the shorting set in the simulation.
pin for the other two bands. Next, it is observed that the The proposed antenna was built on the Taconic RF-10
resonances for the WMTS and ISM-bands are dominantly substrates used in the simulation. As in the proposed antenna
affected by Lp and Pv. Figs. 4(b) and 4(c) show that the current design, two of them were used as the superstrate and the antenna
is densely distributed from the center to the position of the substrate. The metallic spiral pattern and the slotted ground of
shorting pin for the WMTS and ISM bands. The current the antenna were created at the top and bottom of the antenna
distribution along the other spiral arm not containing the substrates through photoengraving and chemical etching. The
shorting pin is also found for both cases. However, it is metal on both sides of the superstrate was all peeled off. The
discontinuous for the ISM-band, while it is continuous for the signal line and the outer conductor of the coaxial cable were
WMTS band, which is indeed at a lower-frequency resonance. soldered to the center of the patterned spiral radiator and the
ground plane, respectively. A shorting pin was inserted through
a via hole. The antenna substrate and superstrate were then
assembled using an adhesive. Photos of the built antenna and
its measurement setup are presented in Fig. 6. The reflection
coefficients of the antenna were measured with the associated
fabricated phantoms using an Anritsu MS46522B vector
network analyzer. The antenna was immersed in the phantom
(a) (b) (c) during the measurement, as shown in Fig. 6(c); this was
Fig. 4. Current distribution: (a) 402 MHz. (b) 1430 MHz. (c) 2.45 GHz. identical to the simulation setup. The measured results can be
found from Fig. 2. The measured frequency ranges are 354
III. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF THE PROPOSED ANTENNA MHz–447 MHz (bandwidth: 23.13%) for the MICS band, 1387
As a first step of the experimental validation, we fabricated MHz–1589 MHz (bandwidth: 14.13%) for the WMTS band,
homogeneous semi-solid phantoms for each band by referring and 2.183 GHz–2.627 GHz (bandwidth: 18.12%) for the 2.45-
to the recipes in [18–22]. The necessary chemical materials GHz ISM band, with a -10 dB criterion. They generally show a
include deionized water, agar, sodium chloride, sodium azide, good agreement with the computed expectations, despite the
TX 151, and polyethylene (P.E.) powder. The proportion of the resonance for the 2.45 GHz-ISM band being slightly wider.
materials for each band is summarized in Table I, and the This additional loss might be from the adhesive used or the
fabrication process is described in [3]. The dimensions of every slightly higher loss of the fabricated phantom relative to the
fabricated phantom is identical to those of the homogeneous values set in the simulations. Such causes might be more
cuboid phantom used in the simulation. conspicuous at higher frequencies (i.e., compared to the 402
TABLE I MHz-MICS band). Nevertheless, the desired 2.45 GHz
RECIPES OF THE SEMI-SOLID PHANTOMS resonance and bandwidth is still well-satisfied by the
MICS Phantom WMTS Phantom ISM Phantom measurement.
Amount (%) Amount (%) Amount (%)
Deionized water 82.31 82.15 80.4
Agar 2.55 2.55 2.49
Sodium Chloride 0.66 0.52 0.97
Sodium Azide 0.05 0.05 0.04
TX-151 1.39 1.39 1.36
P.E Powder 13.04 13.34 14.74 (a) (b)

Fig. 6. Fabrication and measurement of the proposed antenna. (a) Photo of the
top and bottom view of the antenna layer. The superstrate is not shown. (b)
Photo of the assembled antenna with a superstrate at the top. (c) Measurement
environment of the reflection coefficients and the radiation patterns.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Measurement of the fabricated phantom. (a) Measurement setup. (b) The far-field radiation pattern of the proposed antenna
Measured results. immersed in a phantom was measured in an anechoic chamber
The material properties of the fabricated semi-solid phantom as shown in Fig. 6(c). The radiation patterns are plotted in Fig.
were measured using a probe type dielectric constant and loss 7. It can be observed that the simulated and measured boresight
tangent measurement system from KEYCOM, as shown in Fig. gains (i.e., =0) are –34.7 dBi and –33.3 dBi (at 402 MHz), –
5(a), before the built antenna was immersed. The measured 21.4 dBi and –21.9 dBi (at 1.43 GHz), and –18.2 dBi and –19.6
values are εr = 43.4 and tanδ = 1.021 at 402 MHz, εr = 40.2 and dBi (at 2.45 GHz). The peak gain measured at each band,

1536-1225 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Kaohsiung Univ. of Science & Technology. Downloaded on June 03,2021 at 02:14:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3068170, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

regardless of the direction, was –23 dBi, –20.5 dBi, and –19
dBi, respectively. It is found that the shape of the radiation TABLE II
patterns as well as the values from the simulation and COMPARISON OF THE PROPOSED ANTENNA WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART
measurement are generally in good agreement. A relatively
larger deviation in shape and thus the difference in boresight Boresight Peak Implanted Phantom
Frequency Volume BW
Ref. Gain Gain Depth Size
and peak gain values at 402 MHz is observed though. It might (MHz) (mm3)
(dBi) (dBi)
(mm) (cm3)
be due to the current flow on the outer conductor of the coaxial MICS(402) ~ -48 -40.85 15.92
cable which would disturb the current distribution on the [7]* ISM(915) 52.5 -32.98 -32.98 9.95 3 8ൈ103
ground plane of the proposed antenna. The current on the ISM(2450) -22.37 -22.37 4.29
MedRadio(401) -22 -22
slotted ground has dominant effect on the radiation property at 37.3
ISM(433) -23 -23
the MICS band as can be inferred from Fig. 4. Furthermore, we [9]** 254 4 60.5
WMTS(1430) ~ -25 -17 3.64
calculated SAR values using the Duke phantom model from ISM(2450) -16 -16 4.16
Sim4Life by ZMT [23] as shown in Fig. 8. The obtained values MICS(402) ~ -11 -7
[10]** ISM(433) 254 ~ -16 -11 N/A 299
are 241, 269, and 290 [W/kg], and the corresponding
ISM(2450) -15 -15 2.92
transmitter power allowed can be estimated as 6.64, 6.95, and MedRadio(401) ~ -31 -29.7 11.7
5.52 [mW] for the three bands, respectively. These values ISM(915) 104.3 -24.9 -24.9 9.44 42.5 1.1ൈ103
strongly satisfy the SAR regulations (1.6 W/kg) of the IEEE ISM(2450) ~ -29 -23.2 19.88
ISM(915) ~ -36 -17.1 54.5
standard C95.1-1999 [24]. The SAR study results are useful in [12]* 560 4 9ൈ103
ISM(2450) ~ -16 -9.81 50.2
practical scenarios, where the proposed antenna also can be MICS(402) N/A -30.5 31.3
[14]** 67.8 3 648
encapsulated with the implantable system enclosed by the ISM(2450) N/A -19.2 41.2
biocompatible materials like ceramic alumina Al2O3. WMTS(1430) ~ -36 -13.25 2.3
[25]** 307.2 9 N/A
ISM(2450) -11.3 -11.3 5.7
Lastly, a detailed performance comparison of the proposed
MICS(402) ~ -31.6 -30.6 16.5
antenna with state-of-the-art multiband implanted antennas in [26]** 179 3 32
ISM(2450) ~ -22.6 -19.1 24.7
terms of the operating frequencies, antenna dimensions, gains, MICS(402) -34.08 -34.08 38.1
[27]* 798 15 103
impedance bandwidth, and implanted depth is presented in ISM(2450) -15.02 -15.02 17.6
Table II. It is found that the proposed antenna is compact and [28]* ISM(2450) 6 ~ -30 -25.95 21.8 60 576
ISM(915) ~ -40 -28.32 11.75
shows comparable radiation performances at the bands. [29]* 9.8 3 3.375ൈ103
ISM(2450) ~ -29 -23.91 22.86
Although its dimension is larger than the antennas reported in MICS(402) ~ -34 -30.5 36.8
[7, 11, 16, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31], it is found that a higher gain or [30]* Midfield(1600) 17.15 -22.6 -22.6 10.69 3 103
wider impedance bandwidth for the MICS or ISM bands of the ISM(2450) -18.2 -18.2 8.94
ISM(915) ~ -31 -26.4 8.7
proposed work is obtained at the expense of its larger [31]** Midfield(1800) 21 ~ -39 -23 8.2 4.5 8 ൈ103
dimension. ISM(2450) ~ -25 -20.47 7.3
0 0 0
MICS(402) -33.3 -23 23.13
-20 330 30 -15 330 30 -15 330 30 This
WMTS(1430) 197.04 -21.9 -20.5 14.13 4 600
-40 300 60 -30 300 60 -30 300 60 work*
ISM(2450) -19.6 -19 18.12
xz- plane

-60 -45 -45

-80 270 90 -60 270 90 -60 270 90
-45 -45
* The gain values are from the measurement
-40 240 120 -30 240 120 -30 240 120 ** The gain values are from the simulation
-20 210 150 -15 210 150 -15 210 150
180 180 180
0 0 0
-20 330 30 -15 330 30 -15 330 30 IV. CONCLUSION
-40 300 60 -30 300 60 -30 300 60
This work presented a compact triple-band head-implantable
yz- plane

-60 -45 -45

-80 270 90 -60 270 90 -60 270 90
-60 -45 -45 antenna with a high boresight gain. Such a broadside radiation
240 120 240 120 240 120
-20 210 150
-15 210 150
-15 210 150
characteristic is greatly desired for head implants and brain-
w/ MICS phantom [ Sim. ]
w/ WMTS phantom [ Sim. ] w/ ISM phantom [ Sim. ]
machine interface biotelemetry systems [3]. The proposed
w/ MICS phantom [ Meas. ] w/ WMTS phantom [ Meas. ] w/ ISM phantom [ Meas. ]
antenna works as a PIFA, with the spiral line radiator connected
(a) (b) (c) to the slotted ground. The radiation properties were computed
Fig. 7. Simulated and measured radiation patterns at (a) 402 MHz. (b) 1430
and verified with semi-solid phantoms for the MICS, WMTS,
MHz. (c) 2.45 GHz.
and 2.45-GHz ISM bands. The working mechanism of each
frequency band was explained in detail by the parametric study
results on the core design parameters. The computed
expectations were verified experimentally.

The authors thank ZMT for providing free license of
Sim4Life used in this study.

Fig. 8. SAR simulation of the proposed antenna with the high-precision

virtual human phantom model [23]. The values are normalized plotted.

1536-1225 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Kaohsiung Univ. of Science & Technology. Downloaded on June 03,2021 at 02:14:35 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LAWP.2021.3068170, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

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