D) Business Development Executive c) After Corona Pandemic that occurred all over the world more &
Toppr LLP ,Lucknow- An Edutech Platform more jobs are becoming work from home and also clients or
Jan/2019- August/2019 vendors are not available to meet physically.Sharing confidential documents is becoming a problem nowadays so these kind of
Roles & Responsibilities: softwares are need of the hour.
1) Responsilities - Daily responsibility of doing cold calling on
leads provided by marketing Team and converting them into d) From my Personal experience after working in fast growing
an appointment with Parent and thier ward. manufacturing startup if from initial of the startup we are not
2) Efficiency - Used to do 80-100 Cold calls & arrange minimum organizing data or organizing it in casual manner then just in few
2 good appointments. months only everything will be messed up.
3) Achievments - Used to do sale of 180k to 200k against
Target of 150k.Approximately 4 to 6 Package per Month. e) In Sales and Marketing Industries these kind of softwares can
4) help in managing leads,thier history,Current Status etc.
Working Style - Used to take Leads from Customers
itself,also make list of disqualified leads with thier history
f) Also in every Oraganization Project Managers and Planning Team
and accordingly plan next followup.
can use specific features softwares for better future visibility of
any Project and it can be easily communicated or task can easily
EDUCATION : alloted for that Project.
1) B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from JSS Academy of
Technical Education Noida,Uttar Pradesh(UP),India e) In every oraganization where Audits from 3rd Party are
Dr. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) conducted on regular intervals there Client communication
July/2014 - July/2017 softwares having one database become really imporatant and
2) Intermediate from Montofort Inter College Lucknow,UP can be used to demonstrate several Improvements for better
UP Board rating.
Passed - April/2012
3) High School from Montofort Inter College Lucknow,UP f) Industries where these kind of softwares can be very helpful and
UP Board can be pitched as a Sales Reprenstative are - 1) Logisticts &
Passed - April/2010 Operation ; 2) Finance & Banking ; 3) E-Commerece ; 4)
Manufacturing (Any) ; 5) Healthcare & Medicine ; 6) Fashion &
LANGUAGES Textile ; 7) Education ; 8) Defence , Aviation & Space
1) English
2) Hindi