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Ayush Patel

Senior Business Development Executive [email protected]

Professional Business Development Representative with 2 7268911046 ; 9554221466
Years 8 months of Experience in New Business From Lucknow,India
Development Processes,involved in Product Currently in Chennai,India
Demostration,Customer Followups & Closing Deals.Having
enhaced skill to understand any kind of product and its
Development/Changes whether Hardware or Software.


A) Senior Business Development Executive
Infinity Learn - (Sri Chaitanya Educational Institution - Organising Events & Meetings
From April 2021 - Present) Communication Skills
Roles & Responsibilities:
1) Responsibilities - I work on students from class 9 to 12 who Product Demonstration
are interested in JEE/ NEET preparation.Around 50-60 leads
are provided on daily basis. We work on LeadSquare.Our Presentations
Weekly target is around 75k
2) Efficiency - On daily basis I dial 50 Numbers and take 3 Public & Motivational Speaking
Demostration(Video Meet) and every 2-3 days I close one
deal.Product cost starts from minimum 25k upto 40k. Customer Relations Management
3) Key Learning - Inside Sales experience having product cost
very high. Negotiations

B) Business Development Executive Persuasive Skills

DoubtNut-(Class 21A Pvt Education:-May/2021 - March 21) Emotional Intelligence
Roles & Responsibilities:
1) Responsilities - I work on JEE/NEET Campaign (Appearing as Decision Making
well as Foundation Courses).Number of leads provided on
CRM are unlimited and On daily basis we have to close Video Meetings
atleast One Deal of any cost.(As courses here starts from
399/- INR).At the end of the day we have to create minimum Cold Calling
3 WFC's and 2 P2P's for Next day.
2) Efficiency - On regular basis daily I create 6 WFC's minimum Integrated Marketing
to remain on safer side and min. 3 payments aligned for the
day.Number of dails depends upon type of leads but usually I Customer Followup
do 120-150 Dials/day in which 45-50 connected calls.
3) My monthly Target is around 80k in which I usually achive Market Research
around 120k to 130k per month.
4) Key Learning - Pshycology of Students from Tier-2 and Tier-3 Payment Methods Knowledge
B) Bussiness Development Engineer :
C) Business Development Engineer
Violin Technologies Pvt Ltd,Chennai ( A Global Product Sourcing
development Organisation dealing in Fully Assembled
Products i.e. Software + Hardware. Negotiations
Sep/2019 to Mar/2021 Costing/RFQ
Roles & Responsibilities:
1) Leads need to be generated here by myself through LinkedIn Vendor Relations
or Email marketing or through Referral of Industry Experts.
2) After that I used to give Presentation related to our ERP
capabilities and our existing customers.If customers are
interested I used to take follow-up and get the available Customer Response
3) RFQ's withRFQ
Once the them.
is received we used conduct feasibility review
meeting.If part is feasible then deep discussion of cost is Excel/Word/PowerPoint
done and cost is freezed.Same is quoted to customer.
4) If cost suites customer then Sample PO is received from Feasibility Analysis
customers, after successfully proving the parts finally the
production order comes.
If cost suites customer then Sample PO is received from
customers, after successfully proving the parts finally the
production order comes. Risk & Failure Modes Analysis
5) Also involved in taking meetings with customers regarding
any ECN changes from customer side or any process/price
changes from our end or regarding the project development
status. VISION FOR SaaS (Software as a service) INDUSTRY-
6) I used to work in co-ordination with our Global Vice a) Industries where Client communication and Confidential file
President based in Chicago.Most of our customers we used sharing are heavily made there these types of softwares are a
to serve were Americans like Hass Automation,Klauber. necessity.I have worked in a Manufacuring Industry where during
7) Involved in creation of Item Master + Bill of Materials in ERP development of any part we have to go through several process
with Technical team for better routing of the component for which require transportation & document sharing from one firm
better Tracebility and Identification. to other.In general problems were faced in Outsourcing & vendor
8) I was also given opportunity to face AS9100 D Audit which I management,Product development cycles & Process
have successfully faced without any Non-Conformance. engineering;Dispatch and logistics.
9) Efficiency - Monthly I used to get minimum 5 RFQ'S and 2 b) Not only in client communication but also in an organisation
Sample PO( Purchase Order). during cross-functional team functions there is a loss of efficiency
10)Achievements - whenever any older document is needed time is wasted and if
Successfully supplied around 38 Assemblies.Out of 38 any permanent database is not created then this problem
Assemblies , 22 achieved FTT(First time through). becomes more worse.

D) Business Development Executive c) After Corona Pandemic that occurred all over the world more &
Toppr LLP ,Lucknow- An Edutech Platform more jobs are becoming work from home and also clients or
Jan/2019- August/2019 vendors are not available to meet physically.Sharing confidential documents is becoming a problem nowadays so these kind of
Roles & Responsibilities: softwares are need of the hour.
1) Responsilities - Daily responsibility of doing cold calling on
leads provided by marketing Team and converting them into d) From my Personal experience after working in fast growing
an appointment with Parent and thier ward. manufacturing startup if from initial of the startup we are not
2) Efficiency - Used to do 80-100 Cold calls & arrange minimum organizing data or organizing it in casual manner then just in few
2 good appointments. months only everything will be messed up.
3) Achievments - Used to do sale of 180k to 200k against
Target of 150k.Approximately 4 to 6 Package per Month. e) In Sales and Marketing Industries these kind of softwares can
4) help in managing leads,thier history,Current Status etc.
Working Style - Used to take Leads from Customers
itself,also make list of disqualified leads with thier history
f) Also in every Oraganization Project Managers and Planning Team
and accordingly plan next followup.
can use specific features softwares for better future visibility of
any Project and it can be easily communicated or task can easily
EDUCATION : alloted for that Project.
1) B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from JSS Academy of
Technical Education Noida,Uttar Pradesh(UP),India e) In every oraganization where Audits from 3rd Party are
Dr. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) conducted on regular intervals there Client communication
July/2014 - July/2017 softwares having one database become really imporatant and
2) Intermediate from Montofort Inter College Lucknow,UP can be used to demonstrate several Improvements for better
UP Board rating.
Passed - April/2012
3) High School from Montofort Inter College Lucknow,UP f) Industries where these kind of softwares can be very helpful and
UP Board can be pitched as a Sales Reprenstative are - 1) Logisticts &
Passed - April/2010 Operation ; 2) Finance & Banking ; 3) E-Commerece ; 4)
Manufacturing (Any) ; 5) Healthcare & Medicine ; 6) Fashion &
LANGUAGES Textile ; 7) Education ; 8) Defence , Aviation & Space
1) English
2) Hindi

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