Phonetics Course 5 More On Consonants (Part 2) Simplified

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silent half, walk, talk, should,

could, would, folk, calm,

The lateral palm, psalm, calf, salmon

approximant /ˈsæmən/, chalk /tʃɔːk/

Syllabic /l̩/
▪ Syllabic /ļ/: the /l/ sound has a central syllabic function, i.e. it often
occurs in a position more usually occupied by a vowel which is the
peak/centre of the syllable.

▪ It occurs after another consonant in unaccented syllables, ,

particularly in words ending with one or more consonant letters
followed by ‘le’: cattle, bottle, wrestle, muddle, couple, apple,
trouble, eagle, struggle.

▪ It also occurs in words spelt at the end with one or more consonant
letters followed by –al or –el: kernel, camel, pedal, parcel, quarrel,
special, equal
Clear [l]: the alveolar lateral approximant

▪This is /l/ in initial position and before vowels. Because all

English words which begin with L the next sound is a vowel or
a glide, English words never start with a dark /l/.

▪The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge but the air
stream escapes over the lowered sides (rims) of the tongue
which are not in contact with the palate.
▪look, location, lion, land, blow, blood, black, silly, feel it,
all over
Dark [ɫ]: the velarized alveolar lateral approximant

▪This is /l/ in final position (before a pause) and before

▪The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge and at the
same time the back of the tongue is raised towards the soft
palate (secondary articulation).
▪hill, doll, feel, people, help, cold, film, health, filthy,


Clear [l] vs dark [ɫ]

/m/ /n/
silent mnemonic silent -mn autumn,
Nasals: column, hymn,

Bilabial /m/ solemn, damn,

and alveolar
Velar nasal ng tongue, sing, thing, lung,

/ŋ/ hang, longer

n + k, c, cc, sink, rank, monk, uncle,
qu, ch, ck, x conquer, anchor, anxious
/ŋk/ 7
Velar nasal /ŋ/

▪ Phonetically /ŋ/ is a simple phoneme, however, it is morphologically

▪ In initial position: /ŋ/ never occurs initially.
▪ If the following plosive is /k/, whether medially or finally, a /k/ sound will
always be pronounced, producing the cluster /ŋk/.
▪ In final position: in words ending orthographically with –ng, /ŋ/ is never
followed by /g/. Notice that the end of a word is necessarily the end of a
morpheme, so the same explanation to be offered below can also be applied

/ŋ/ in medial position

▪In medial position, /g/ is never pronounced after /ŋ/ before a

following consonant (sings, banged), with the exception of the
consonants /w/, /j/ and /r/.

▪Examples: singular /sɪŋgjʊlǝ/, congress /kɒŋgres/, linguist

/lɪŋgwɪst/, language /læŋgwɪʤ/, congregate /kɒŋgrɪgeɪt/.

silent wr- wrap, wrong, wreck, wrath
The bilabial answer, sword, two, whole, whose
/w/ /j/
y yellow, yard, yes, young, year
& i union, onion, familiar, spaniel
The palatal /ju:/ spelt u, new, music, beauty, cure, pure,
approximant eu, ew, eau,
ui view, abuse, argue, accuse, huge,
/j/ educate, usual
& ✓ They must be followed by a vowel.
✓ They never occur in final position or before
Post-alveolar a consonant.
/r/ wr- wreckage, wrangler, write
rh rhythm, rhyme 10
Post-alveolar approximant /r/
▪ In the articulation of /r/ the tip of the tongue approximates/approaches
the alveolar area, but never actually touches/makes contact with any
part of the roof of the mouth/palate.

▪ Retroflex: with the /r/ sound the tongue is slightly curled backwards
with the tip raised, this carries the tongue-tip to a position further
back in the mouth compared to that for alveolar consonants.

▪ Notice: there is some degree of lip rounding in the production of /r/

particularly at the beginning of words.

Pronunciation of /r/ in BrE
❑In R.P. The /r/ sound is only pronounced when it is followed by a
vowel, i.e. before a vowel. Because the /r/ sound is only followed by
a vowel when it comes initial in a word, it is often pronounced in
initial position.

➢Right, ring, cream, arrange

❑The /r/ sound is not pronounced when it is followed by a
consonant or when it comes final (followed by a pause).

➢Floor, fire, work, dark, firm, court


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