A Critical Analysis of The Preamble of The Viena Convention On The Law of Treaties - by Bundu Richard
A Critical Analysis of The Preamble of The Viena Convention On The Law of Treaties - by Bundu Richard
A Critical Analysis of The Preamble of The Viena Convention On The Law of Treaties - by Bundu Richard
Noting that the principles of free consent and of good faith and the pacta sunt
servanda rule are universally recognized,
Affirming that disputes concerning treaties, like other international disputes,
should be settled by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of
justice and international law,
Affirming that the rules of customary international law will continue to govern
questions not regulated by the provisions of the present Convention,
The State centered approach: The preamble prioritizes states sovereignty as the
primary actors in international relations, neglecting or undermining the role of non-
state actors like Marginalized groups, United National, African Union, and
European Union among others. International organizations and refugees and the
roles they play are an important subject of the international law. It wasn’t good for
the preamble to focus on states as if they are the only subjects or actors in
international law.
The preamble to the Treaty has a very limited Scope: The preamble’s focus on
peaceful relations among states over looks other essential aspects, such as human
rights, environmental protection and economic cooperation. In my view, human
rights, environmental protection and economic cooperation are very significant
subject in international law and the preamble’s failure to mention them is a big gap.
The principles of Good faith and cooperation: By the inclusion of good faith and
cooperation, the preamble promotes good faith and cooperation as essential
principles promotes a positive and collaborative approach to treaty making, but
doesn’t address power imbalances and unequal treaty negotiations. The treaty
negotiations normally favor the world’ big and influential economies like US and
European countries.
In conclusion, while the preamble of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
1969 establishes a foundation for treaty law, its limitations and weaknesses
necessitate refinement or reforms. By addressing these concerns, and embracing a
more inclusive and adaptive approach, the convention can better serve the evolving
needs of the international community. As the world continues to grapple with
complex global challenges, the significance of a robust and responsive treaty law
frame work cannot be overstated.
There is also need to expand the scope of the preamble and the Convention to
include human rights, environmental protection, and economic cooperation.
Further that, there is need for the preamble to clarify the relationship between the
Convention and customary international law.