Computers An Electronic Device A.: Fill in The Blanks

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Computers an Electronic Device

A. Fill in the blanks:

 A computer cannot ………………….. .
(a) Do calculations (b) draw pictures (c) think

Ans. Think

 A laptop computer works on …………. .

(a) Fuel (b) electricity (c) battery

Ans. Battery

B. Picture Quiz
 Which of the following is used to put your pictures into a computer?
a) b) c)

Ans. (c)

 Which of the following keeps the computer ON for few minutes, if

electricity goes OFF?

a) b) c)

Ans. (c)

C. Pick the correct option.

i) The instructions that you give to a computer is called ____________
a) Processing (b) input (c) output
Ans a) Input
ii) ____________is used to record voice, music and sound into the computer.
a) Speakers (b) headphone (c) microphone

Ans. c) Microphone

iii) You can carry_______in your pocket or handbag.

a) Tablet (b) smartphone (c) both (a) and (b)

Ans. Both (a) and (b)

D. Write T for true statement and F for false statement.

a. A computer is an electronic machine. T

b. A computer cannot work continuously. F
c. A computer needs rest after work. F

E. Answer the following

1. What do we use the printer for?

Ans. Printer helps you to take your work on a paper.

2. What are the steps a computer follows to do any work?

Ans. Computer follows the steps:

(a) Input (b) processing (c) output.

3. Write one difference between a computer and a human being.


A computer A human being

 Works very fast.  Slow in doing calculations.

4. What is a laptop computer?

Ans. A Laptop computer is a smaller and lighter computer which you can
carry easily. It has a keyboard, mouse, monitor and CPU in it and it works on

F. Fill in the missing alphabets




G. Fill in the blanks:

1. A man can take his own _________(decisions).
2. The data that we enter into the computer is known as _______(Input).
3. _______(Text) and _______(pictures) in a computer can be presented in a
beautiful way.
4. A computer works very _______(fast).
5. Working on the data is called ____________(processing).
6. A computer is a good source of __________(entertainment).

H. Write T (True) or F (False)

1. A computer has a good memory. T
2. A computer cannot work on orders. F
3. A computer can do more than one job at a time. T
4. A computer forgets everything that is stored in its memory. F
5. A computer can solve sums. T
6. A computer works on fuel. F

I. Tick the right answer

1. Which among the following parts of a computer does all the calculations?
Ans: CPU
2. The data and instructions are together known as:
Ans: Input
3. Which part of a computer process the data?
Ans: CPU
4. The result which a computer gives is called
Ans: Output.

J. Write four differences between man and computer

Can works very fast Can take a fast decision
Does not make any mistake Does not need any order
Does not have any feeling Never forgets anything that is stored in it
A computer works very fast and can do A man is not as fast as a computer.
many jobs at the same time.

K. Answer the following questions:

1. Name the three step process on which a computer works.
Ans. 1)Input2)Process 3) Output
2. Which part of the computer works on data to produce the output?
Ans. Output device
3. What do we call the final result that we get after processing?
Ans. Output
4. Write any two types of entertainment that a computer provides.
Ans. 1. Listen to music
2. Watch movies and cartoons
The End

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