Problem Statement
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
similar issues found in other contexts?
1. Strategic Planning: Strategic planning is the process of Step 1: Contextualize the problem
setting long-term goals and objectives for an organization Theoretical research problems
or project, determining the best course of action to The problem statement should frame your
achieve them, and allocating resources effectively to research problem, giving some background on Sometimes theoretical issues havenly why the problem
ensure success. It involves analyzing internal and what is already known. matters, but sometimes their relevance is less
external factors, identifying strengths and weaknesses, immediately obvious. To identify matters, ask
Practical research problems
and formulating strategies to capitalize on opportunities o How will resolving the problem advance
and mitigate threats o For practical research, focus on the concrete
understanding of the topic?
details of the situation:
2. Research Strategy: Research strategy refers to the o What benefits will it have for future research?
o Where and when does the problem arise?
overarching approach or plan devised to guide the o Does the problem have direct or indirect
o Who does the problem affect?
systematic investigation of a particular research question consequences for society?
o What attempts have been made to solve the
or problem, it encompasses the selection of research
problem? Step 3: Set your aims and objectives
methods, data collection techniques, and analytical
frameworks tailored to the specific aims and objectives of Theoretical research problems The problem statement should frame how you
the research project. intend to address the problem. Your goal here
For theoretical research, think about the scientific, should not be to find a conclusive solution, but
3. SMART Goals: SMART goals are specific, social, geographical and/or historical background: rather to propose more effective approaches to
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound o What is already known about the problem? tackling or understanding it.
objectives that provide a clear framework for defining and o Is the problem limited to a certain time period or
assessing progress towards desired outcomes. SMART geographical area? The research aim is the overall purpose of your
goals help ensure clarity, focus, and accountability in o How has the problem been defined and debated research. It is generally written in the infinitive form:
goal setting, facilitating effective planning and execution in the scholarly literature? The aim of this study is to determine...
of activities. This project aims to explore...
Step 2: Show why it matters This research aims to investigate.
4. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: interdisciplinary
collaboration involves the cooperation and integration of The problem statement should also address the
The research objectives are the concrete steps you will
knowledge, expertise, and perspectives from multiple relevance of the research. Why is it important that
take to achieve the aim:
disciplines or fields of study to address complex the problem is addressed?
problems or pursue innovative solutions. It promotes Qualitative methods will be used to identify...
synergy, creativity, and holistic approaches to research It's more important that the problem is researchable,
This work will use surveys to collect...
and problem-solving by leveraging diverse insights and feasible, and clearly addresses a relevant issue in your
Using statistical analysis, the research will
methodologies. field.
5. Ethical Considerations: Ethical considerations Practical research problems
A problem statement
encompass the principles, values, and guidelines that Practical research is directly relevant to a specific
govern responsible conduct and decision-making in the description of an issue currently existing
problem that affects an organization, institution,
research and professional practice. They involve which needs to be addressed. It provides the
social group, or society more broadly. To make it
ensuring the welfare and rights of research participants, context for the research study and generates
clear why your research problem matters, you can
maintaining integrity and transparency in research the questions which the research aims to
ask yourself.
processes, and upholding ethical standards of honesty, answer.
o What will happen if the problem is not solved?
fairness, and respect for all stakeholders involved. The statement of the problem is the focal point
o Who will feel the consequences? of any research. A good problem statement is
just one sentence (with several paragraphs of Gap: Gap of the study is an essence of problem Example: Briefly outline the research problem. Provide
elaboration). statement. So, showing gap at this stage is very background information.
The paragraphs could cover present persuasive important. Gap will show how your conceptual
arguments that make the problem important framework is unique and researchable.
enough to study. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Clearly identifies the
They could include the opinions of others Evidence/Logic: What is the need to conduct this
study? Provide logics and support from literature issue or gap in knowledge that the research aims to
(politicians, futurists, other professionals); address.
explanations of how the problem relates to regarding the need of the study.
business, social or political trends via Consequences: What will happen if you don’t conduct Use: Guides the research by defining its scope. It also
presentation of data that demonstrates the the study? In short at this stage explain the need of justifies the need for the study.
scope and depth of the problem. study. Example: "There is a lack of understanding regarding..."
A well-articulated statement of the problem
Purpose: Write purpose of the study and mention "This study aims to investigate the impact of..."
establishes the foundation for everything to
follow in the proposal and will render less about methodology of the current study.
problematic most of the conceptual, theoretical,
and methodological obstacles typically
encountered during the process of proposal 1. The problem itself, stated clearly and with enough of the research.
development. contextual detail to establish why it is important. Use: Guides the overall direction of the study and informs
COMPONENTS OF RESEARCH PROBLEM: 2. The method of solving the problem, often stated as a readers about the study's intention.
claim or a working thesis. Example: "The purpose of this research is to explore..."
What is Problem: First thing to mention in problem
statement is to describe the problem clearly. 3. The purpose, statement of objective and scope of the "This study seeks to determine the factors influencing..."
project being proposed.
Where it happened: After mentioning the problem,
there is also a need to identify and describe the place CRITERIA FOR RESEARCH PROBLEM RESEARCH QUESTIONS: Articulates specific questions
where problem happened in a society or in an object. STATEMENTS: the research aims to answer.
When it occurred: Time of problem is also an essential The statement of the problem should clearly indicate Use: It directs the focus of data collection and analysis by
thing. For writing problem statement, it is necessary to what is to be investigated. providing a roadmap for the study.
indicate when problem occurred.
The actual statement may be in a declarative or in a Example: What is the relationship between...?" "How
To what extent: Problem statement is considered as question form. does X affect Y?"
most important part of the study. It is considered as
base of the study which should be written properly and The statement should indicate the variables of interest
clearly. and the specific relationship between the variables that
are to be studied. HYPOTHESES: Formulates testable predictions based
How I know: At this point there is a need to mention on the research questions.
how you know about the problem and extent of the ELEMENTS OF CHAPTER 1
problem, present references there. Use: It provides a basis for statistical analysis and allows
INTRODUCTION: The opening section that sets the for empirical validation.
Conceptual Framework: Present conceptual stage for the study
framework which you assumed in the light of above Example: "It is hypothesized that there is a
Use: It establishes the context of the research and positive/negative relationship between..."
discussed problem. Also explain construct and variables introduces the problem or gap in knowledge.
and their relationships.
SIGNIFUCANCE OF THE STUDY: Explains the 3. Rigorous Literature Review: A good proposal includes Example: participant observation, non-participant
importance and potential impact of the research. a thorough literature review that demonstrates a deep observation, ethnographic observation
understanding of existing research in the field. It identifies
Use: It demonstrates the value of the study to the gaps, debates, and areas needing further exploration,
academic or practical community. showcasing the proposal's contribution to the existing DOCUMENT ANALYSIS: examination of documents,
Example: "This study contributes to the existing literature body of knowledge. texts, or records
by..." "The findings may inform policy or practice in the 4. Feasibility and Methodological Soundness: The
field of..." Use: understand historical context or organizational
proposal outlines clear and appropriate methods for the culture
study that are properly justified, feasible and attainable.
The chosen methods are also appropriate for the Example: historical documents, corporate reports, emails,
SCOPE & DELIMITATIONS: Defines the boundaries and student's level of study e.g. mixed methods are often social media posts
limitations of the study. recommended for Ph.D candidates more than they are
for Honors students.
Use: It manages expectations regarding the study's
generalizability. SURVEYS: questionnaires administered to participants
5. Significance and Contribution: A well-developed
proposal clearly explains the significance of the research, Use: gather large amounts of data quickly and efficiently
Example: "This study focuses on a specific demographic
highlighting its potential contributions to the academic
group..." "Limitations include the exclusion of..." Example: online surveys, paper- based surveys,
community or practical applications. It justifies why the
study is relevant, important, and how it fills a gap in the telephone surveys
existing knowledge.
DEFINITION OF TERMS : Clarifies key concepts and
terms used in the study. COMMON DATA COLLECTION METHODS IN QUALI: CASE STUDIES: in-depth exploration of a specific case
Use: It ensures a common understanding among readers INTERVIEWS: conversations between researcher and or situation.
and aids in precise communication. participant Use: understand complex phenomena in detail
Example: "For the purpose of this study, [term] is defined Use: gather in-depth information, insights. and opinions Example: psychological case studies, medical case
as..." studies, business case studies
Example: semi-structured, structured, or unstructured
interviews with individuals or groups