AC Breakdown Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites
AC Breakdown Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites
AC Breakdown Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites
Experiments were conducted to measure the ac breakdown strength of epoxy alumina
nanocomposites with different filler loadings of 0.1, 1 and 5 wt%. The experiments
were performed as per the ASTM D 149 standard on samples of thickness 0.5 mm, 1
mm and 3 mm in order to study the effect of thickness on the ac breakdown strength of
epoxy nanocomposites. In the case of epoxy alumina nanocomposites it was observed
that the ac breakdown strength was marginally lower for 0.1 wt% and 1 wt% filler
loadings and then increased at 5 wt% filler loading as compared to the unfilled epoxy.
The Weibull shape parameter (β) increased with the addition of nanoparticles to epoxy
as well as with the increasing sample thickness for all the filler loadings considered.
DSC analysis was done to study the material properties at the filler resin interface in
order to understand the effect of the filler loading and thereby the influence of the
interface on the ac breakdown strength of epoxy nanocomposites. It was also observed
that the decrease in ac electric breakdown strength with an increase in sample
thickness follows an inverse power-law dependence. In addition, the ac breakdown
strength of epoxy silica nanocomposites have also been studied in order to understand
the influence of the filler type on the breakdown strength.
Index Terms — Nanocomposites, breakdown strength, epoxy, alumina, silica,
interface, inverse power law, thermal conductivity.
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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 18, No. 5; October 2011 1527
The above discussions clearly show that there are conflicting 40 oC for one hour to remove trapped air bubbles and
results published by different authors on the breakdown moisture. Similarly, the alumina nanoparticles were vacuum
strength of epoxy nanocomposites with few of the groups dried at 150 oC for at least 24 hours before using it for
reporting lower breakdown strengths as compared to the processing. During the sample preparation, care was taken
unfilled epoxy. Thus the breakdown phenomena in polymer such that the nanoparticles are exposed to the atmosphere only
nanocomposites is not yet clearly understood and since this is for a very short duration so that they do not absorb moisture.
a nascent area, an attempt has been made in this paper to study The epoxy nanocomposite samples were prepared by two
the breakdown behavior of epoxy nanocomposites. different types of processing techniques – mechanical mixing
The area and thickness dependence of the insulation on the in a completely closed high shear mechanical mixer at a speed
dc dielectric breakdown field have been carried out by Diaham of 700 rpm for 2 minutes which is followed by ultrasonic
et al [7] using the Weibull statistical model of failure for agitation at a frequency of 24 kHz for 1 hour. Then the
polyimide thin films in the temperature range from 25 to 400 hardener is added to the particle-resin mixture and mixed
C. It is observed that the Weibull scale parameter α showed a thoroughly and then evacuated to remove the air bubbles
decrease with increasing sample thickness and the shape trapped inside. The mixed epoxy particle mixture was casted
parameter β increased with an increase in the sample in a mould at 60 oC for 4 hours, to prepare samples of 75 mm
thickness. Yilamz and Kalenderli [8] have reported the effect diameter and 0.5 mm, 1 mm and 3 mm thicknesses. The
of sample thickness on the ac breakdown strength in thin samples prepared are then kept in a desiccator under vacuum
polyester films of thickness in the range 0.012 to 0.2 mm. It for at least 24 hours to release residual mechanical stresses if
was observed that the electric strength increased with reducing any before carrying out the ac breakdown studies.
thickness. The effects of specimen size and filler content on
the electrical-impulse strength of epoxy polymer have also
been reported by Richard Lovell [9]. It was observed that the The alumina and silica filler loadings for the samples to be
electrical impulse strength decreases with increasing thickness prepared for the present study were arrived at by calculating
as well as with increasing filler content. The field the interparticle distance and the surface area per unit volume
enhancement is reported to be due to the shape and orientation using the equation given by Tanaka et al [11], and are shown
of the particles, the mismatch in the permittivity between the in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. It is observed that the
filler and the polymer and the voids present near the fillers. interparticle distance decreases and the surface area increases
This field enhancement led to reduced electric field strength in with increase in the filler loading. It is observed that with
the case of filled polymers. increase in alumina filler loading to 5 wt%, the interparticle
Even though there are some studies reporting the thickness distance becomes less than 100 nm. So in order to study the
dependence of the breakdown strength of unfilled epoxy and effect of the interface on the ac breakdown strength, epoxy
epoxy microcomposites, no such data is available for epoxy alumina nanocomposites with filler loadings of 0.1, 1, 5, 10
nanocomposites. So in this study, the short time ac breakdown and 15 wt% and epoxy silica nanocomposites with filler
strength of unfilled epoxy and epoxy alumina nanocomposites loadings of 0.1, 1 and 5 wt% were prepared.
were measured to understand the effect of thickness on the Table 1. Interparticle distance and surface area of fillers in epoxy alumina
breakdown strength by performing experiments for three different nanocomposites
sample thicknesses of 0.5, 1 and 3 mm. The effect of the Interparticle Surface area (km2
Sl. No. wt%
nanoparticle-epoxy interface was studied by measuring the glass distance (nm) /m3)
transition temperature of the epoxy alumina nanocomposites. 1 0.1 447 0.044
2 1 244 0.438
4 10 62 4.683
5 15 48 7.303
The samples were prepared using Bisphenol-A epoxy resin
(CY 1300, density 1.16 g/cm3) along with hardener (HY 956, Table 2. Interparticle distance and surface area of fillers in epoxy silica
density 1.02 g/cm3) supplied by Huntsman. This was used as nanocomposites
the base polymer material. The fillers used in the present study Interparticle Surface area (km2
Sl. No. wt% distance (nm) /m3)
are commercially available Al2O3 and SiO2 fillers. The
average particle size (APS) of the alumina nanofillers is 40 nm 1 0.1 190 0.134
and density is 4 g/cm3. For silicon dioxide nanopowder APS is 2 1 78 1.346
20 nm and density is 2.6 g/cm3. Aluminium oxide particles of
3 5 37 6.882
average particle size 5 µm were used as microfillers. All the
fillers were supplied by Sigma-Aldrich, USA. 2.4 SEM STUDIES
2.2 NANOCOMPOSITE PREPARATION The dispersion of the fillers in the polymer matrix was
The epoxy nanocomposites were prepared in the laboratory analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. A good
by direct dispersion method following a protocol developed by dispersion of the fillers in the polymer matrix is obtained for
one of the authors to get the best possible dispersion [10]. the nanocomposites. The SEM image showing the dispersion
Initially, the epoxy resin and the hardener are both degassed at of the alumina fillers in the epoxy matrix is shown in Figure 1.
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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 18, No. 5; October 2011 1529
nanofillers increases. So the tightly bound region around the It is observed that the thermal conductivity of unfilled epoxy
nanoparticle increases. An increase in the immobile regions in is 0.137 W/m/K. With the addition of 0.1 wt% of alumina
the interface may lead to an increase in the Tg. nanofiller to epoxy, the thermal conductivity increases to
0.169 W/m/K. With further increase in the filler loading, the
thermal conductivity shows an increasing trend and reaches
The thermal conductivity was measured using the Unitherm 0.206 W/m/K at a filler loading of 5 wt%. A similar trend in
model 2022 guarded heat flow thermal conductivity the thermal conductivity of unfilled epoxy by the addition of
measurement system of Anter Corporation, USA. The tests are alumina nanofiller was observed by Kochetov et al [19] and
in accordance with ASTM E 1530 standard [17]. A sample of Okasaki et al [20].
the material of 3 mm thickness and 50 mm diameter is held
under a uniform compressive load between two polished 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
surfaces, each controlled at a different temperature. The lower
surface is part of a calibrated heat flow transducer. The heat Breakdown in a polymeric insulator results in narrow
flows from the upper surface, through the sample, to the lower conducting breakdown channel between the electrodes and is
surface, establishing an axial temperature gradient in the stack. always catastrophic in the sense that it is irreversible and
After reaching thermal equilibrium, the temperature difference destructive. All catastrophic breakdowns in solids are
across the sample is measured using the output from the heat electrically power driven and ultimately thermal in the sense
flow transducer. These values and the sample thickness are that the discharge track involves at least the melting and
then used to calculate the thermal conductivity. The probably the carbonization or vaporization of the dielectric.
temperature drop through the sample is measured with So the breakdown processes are subdivided in to
temperature sensors in the highly conductive metal surface electromechanical breakdown, thermal breakdown,
layers on either side of the sample. electronic breakdown, partial discharge and free volume
breakdown [21].
Electromechanical breakdown occurs due to the electrostatic
attraction of the electrodes which decreases the width of the
insulation by an amount depending on the Young’s modulus.
So if the applied voltage is the same, the field increases due to
the decrease in thickness. Mechanical crack propagation will
be initiated if the strain energy released due to electric stress is
higher than that required for the material deformation leading
to the breakdown. In thermal breakdown, electrical power
dissipation causes heating of the insulation to a temperature
above a critical value which results directly or indirectly in the
failure of the insulation. In electronic breakdown, the field
causes either the number or the energy of the electrons to
reach unstable magnitudes such that they rise catastrophically.
Ultimately this causes local destruction of the lattice. In partial
discharge breakdown, sparks occur within voids in the
Figure 4. Thermal conductivity of epoxy alumina nanocomposites
insulation causing degradation of the void walls. The
progressive deterioration of the dielectric occurs by the
The experimental and the calculated values of thermal bombardment of energetic electrons and ions generated by
conductivity based on the Agari and Uno model [18] for the discharges and the chemical action on the dielectric by the
epoxy alumina nanocomposites with different filler loadings products of ionization of the gas and high temperature in the
are plotted in Figure 4. The Agari and Uno model for the region of discharges. In free volume breakdown carriers are
prediction of the thermal conductivity is expressed as follows accelerated through spaces within low-density amorphous
log λc =V2C2 log λ2+ (1-V2) log(C1λ1) (1) regions, the energy thereby gained is lost through collision.
where λc is the thermal conductivity of the epoxy alumina 4.1 AC BREAKDOWN STUDIES
nanocomposites,V2 is the volume fraction of the filler (1.45% for The ac breakdown strength of unfilled epoxy and epoxy
5wt% filler loading, 0.029% for 0.1 wt% filler loading and 0.29 alumina nanocomposites with filler loadings of 0.1, 1 and 5 wt%
wt% for 1 wt% filler loading), λ2 is the thermal conductivity of and thicknesses of 0.5 mm, 1 mm and 3 mm were measured and
the alumina filler (30 W/m/K), λ1 is the thermal conductivity of are shown in Figure 5. It is observed that the ac breakdown
the polymer matrix (0.137 W/m/K) and C2 is the factor strength decreases for 0.1 wt% filler loading for all the
introduced to define the ability of forming continuous network of thicknesses considered. With an increase in the filler loading to 5
filler in the matrix. It is reported by Agari that the value of C2 lies wt%, the ac breakdown strength increases. It can be seen from
between 0 and 1. Considering that the preparation procedure of Figure 5 that the increase in the breakdown strength with increase
the composites can affect the crystallinity and thereby the thermal in the filler loading is more prominent at lower thickness of 0.5
conductivity, a constant C1 is introduced. The values of C1 and C2 mm. For 1 mm and 3 mm thick samples, the ac breakdown
are calculated from the experimental data. The values of C1 and strength increases with filler loading but not as much as in the
C2 are 1.2 and 0.99 respectively. case of 0.5 mm thick samples.
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1530 P. Preetha and M. J. Thomas: AC Breakdown Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites
90 0.5 mm
80 1 mm
3 mm
AC breakdown strength
0 0.1 1 5
Filler loading(wt%)
Figure 5. AC breakdown strength of epoxy alumina nanocomposites at
different filler loadings Figure 8. Weibull probability plot of epoxy alumina nanocomposites of 3 mm
Two- parameter Weibull distribution has been used to assess the thickness
breakdown behavior of the epoxy nanocomposites. The relevant The shape parameter and scale parameter are shown in Table 3
parameters of the distribution are the shape parameter β that and Table 4 respectively. It is observed from Table 3 that the
represents the inverse of data scatter and the scale parameter α shape parameter β increases with the addition of nanofillers to
that represents the breakdown strength at the cumulative failure epoxy. The β–parameter showed an increase with increasing
probability of 63.2% and is called the Weibull breakdown thickness for unfilled epoxy as well as epoxy alumina
strength. The Weibull probability plots for the samples with nanocomposites for all the filler loadings considered. With the
different thicknesses are shown in Figures 6 to 8. increase in the thickness of the samples, the breakdown strength
(α) decreases for both unfilled epoxy as well as epoxy
nanocomposites as shown in Table 4. It is also observed that the
decrease in the ac electric field strength with an increase in
sample thickness follows the inverse power-law dependence as
shown in Figure 9. The values of the power law coefficient are
given in Table 5. A similar trend for the Weibull shape and scale
parameters has also been observed by Diaham et al [7].
Table 3. Shape parameter (β) for different sample thickness of unfilled epoxy
and epoxy alumina nanocomposites
Figure 6. Weibull probability plot of epoxy alumina nanocomposites of 1 15.6 16.95 16.2 16.21
0.5 mm thickness
3 18.08 18.48 18.16 18.78
Table 4. Scale parameter (α) for different sample thickness of unfilled epoxy
and epoxy alumina nanocomposites
Sample Unfilled Epoxy alumina nanocomposites
thickness Epoxy
(mm) 0.1 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt%
0.5 63.47 58.74 59.86 70.72
1 40.16 36.37 38.61 42.77
3 19.67 18.13 19.07 20.15
Table 5. Inverse power law coefficient (n) for epoxy alumina nanocomposites
Epoxy alumina nanocomposites
Epoxy 0.1 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt%
Figure 7. Weibull probability plot of epoxy alumina nanocomposites of 0.65 0.65 0.64 0.70
1 mm thickness
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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 18, No. 5; October 2011 1533
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1534 P. Preetha and M. J. Thomas: AC Breakdown Characteristics of Epoxy Nanocomposites
P. Preetha was born in Kerala, India in 1973. She M. Joy Thomas (S’85-M’95) was born in Kerala,
received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering India in 1961. He received the B.Tech. degree in
from N. S. S. College of Engineering, Palakkad, electrical engineering from the Institute of
India in 1995, PG diploma in thermal power plant Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India, the M.S. and the
engineering from RPTI Neyveli in 1997 and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the
M.E. degree in high voltage engineering from Indian Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 2003. Presently, he is working as an Assistant Professor at
Presently she is doing her Ph.D. degree at the the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He is also a
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Her areas of member of CIGRE. His areas of interest are
interest are aging and discharge resistant characteristics of nanocomposites, EHV/UHV power transmission, high voltage engineering, dielectrics and
and GIS. electrical insulation, condition monitoring and asset management of high
voltage power apparatus, nanodielectrics, biodielectrics, pulsed power
engineering, plasma science and technology, high power electromagnetics,
lightning, EMC and engineering pedagogy.
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