Generator Protection Course

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Er.R. Kamaraj, B.E.(Hons.

), ME,
Executive Engineer, Tel : 0461-2352521/22/23/24
Meter Relay Test Division – II, extn : 119
Tuticorin Thermal Power Station, Fax : 0461-2352457
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, e-mail : ttps_tneb @
Tuticorin – 628004.

I am immensely happy to bring out this Short term course material on “GENERATOR
PROTECTION FOR 210MW TURBO-GENERATORS” prepared and conducted by
Er. A. Krishnavel, B.E. (Hons.), Assistant Executive Engineer / MRT-2 / TTPS.

In a very big organization like TNEB, only a few engineers are fortunate enough to
find berth in specialized fields like Meter Relay Tests (MRT) and access to the maintenance
of Protective Gears. The Protection Engineer has to be fully conversant and knowledgeable
not only with the protection relay subjects but also with the equipments to be protected.
Similarly, maintenance engineers of the Electrical equipments, have to be so familiar with
the Protection fundamentals and basic techniques, so that the equipments could be
maintained and operated in the correct way.

The Short term course on “Generator Protection” conducted in five sessions by

Er. A. Krishnavel, covered the major protection schemes available in a Large Turbo-
Generators. This course has satisfied the requirements of both the practicing MRT
Engineers and other non-Protection Engineers. I congratulate him for his excellent work,
sharing his rich experience and knowledge with his colleagues without any hesitation and
the arrangement made for the successful completion of this course. It was aimed at a
selective audience and I am so confident that it has reached the targeted engineers.

I extend my grateful thanks to the management of TTPS and our Superintending

Engineer / Electrical Systems, Er. D.N.V. Ranjan, B.E., DIS, FIE, for his valuable guidance
to the fresh engineers and his sincere effort to attend the sessions amidst his tight schedule.

I would like to thank all the participants for their enthusiasm and attentiveness in the
class, without which the sessions could not be so lively.

Tuticorin-4, (R. Kamaraj),
01.02.2007. Executive Engineer,
TTPS / Tuticorin-4.
A short term Advanced Course on Generator Protection
- A. Krishnavel, B.E.(Hons.),
Asst. Exe.Engineer / MRT2 / TTPS.
Generator Protection and Trip Logics
Session - 1
(i) Generator?
An electrical generator, a machine which converts mechanical energy (or power) into electrical
energy (or power), mainly consists of Stator and Rotor.
Stator assembly has vital parts of slotted – laminated – core & Insulated windings. The stator
winding has a three layer short pitched and bar type of windings having two parallel paths (double
star). Each slot accommodates two bars. Each bar consists of Solid as well as hollow conductors
with cooling water passing through the latter to ensure the optimum solution for increasing current
and to reduce losses.
Rotor body is made-up of forged steel with longitudinal slots to house the field winding. The field
winding consists of several coils inserted into the longitudinal slots of the rotor body in such a way
to form magnetic poles as required in the design. The insulation between winding turns are very
flimsy in construction to reduce the space and mass of the rotor assembly.
(ii) Protection?
Electrical Protection does not mean Prevention. It is rather minimizing the duration of the trouble
and limiting damage. Protection, though it is a science, is an art by itself. Any art can not be
defined or contained in a shell (It could be practically seen that decisions in protection field are
depending upon individuals mainly). Protective Relaying is a binary science. It is a “Go” or “No Go”
(iii) Function of Protection Relaying?
Circuit Breaker



The CT sees the fault at point “F” and the information is passed to the Protective Relay in the form
of Input Current quantity. The Relay, “The brain of the Protective Relaying” makes the decision
based on the pre-set reference quantity. The decision of the Relay is communicated to the Breaker
by means of Output Trip [Auxiliary] Relays. The opening the Circuit Breaker is executed with the
help of Trip coil. Fault Clearing Time = Relay operating time + CB opening Time
(iv) Generator Trip Logics?
Class A : In-zone Abnormalities which could not be tolerated much (Generally electrical
abnormalities) >>> Trips Turbine, Generator Circuit breaker (GCB), field breaker and
performs UAT change over simultaneously
Class B : In-zone Abnormalities which do not call for instant isolation >>> Trips Turbine and
performs UAT changeover simultaneously. GCB and filed breaker will be tripped on
Reverse power or Low Forward Power protection after some time delay.
Class C : Out-zone Abnormalities – Generator System need not be isolated completely - Trips
GCB alone – Unit under HOUSE LOAD.
Session – 1 attachments:
SLD of 210MW Turbo-Generator system -
Turbo - Generator System Trip Logic –
Total No. of Participants: 31

<<< 000 >>>

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S1_26.10.06 P-1
SLD of 210MW Turbo-Generator with CT / VT Details

230kV Bus

800/1A, PS, Vk<1000

800/1A, 5P20, 30VA

240/15.75kV, 3x84MVA
Yd1, Z=14% 800/1A, 5P20
+ or - 10% OLTC 30VA

15.75kV Bus

< CT 1 >
< CT 2 >
10000/5A, PS
Vk<350, 35mA < CT 3 >


210MW, 247MVA, 0.85Pf,
15.75kV, 3-ph, 50Hz, Y Y
3000rpm, 9050A, 0.49SCR
G < CT 4 >

5000/5A, PS
Vk<175, 25mA 6.6kV 6.6kV

10000/5A, Cl:PS, Vk<350, 35mA CT 1 = 600/5A, 5P20, 30VA
CT 2 = 600/5A, PS, Vk<300V, 150mA
10000/5A, 50VA, Cl:0.2, ISF>5 CT 3 = 10000/5A, PS, Vk<500V, 150mA
CT 4 = 2350/5A, PS, Vk<300V, 150mA
10000/5A, Cl:PS, Vk<350, 35mA VT 1 = 15.75kV/110V, 250VA, Cl:0.5/0.3
VT 2 = 15.75kV/110V, 175VA, Cl:0.5
10000/5A, Cl:PS, Vk<500, 35mA VT 3 = 15.75kV/110V, 50VA, Cl:0.2

10000/5A, 40VA, Cl:0.2 UAT A & B

15.75kV / 7kV, 16MVA, Dy11, Z=7.5%

Grounding Transformer with Reactor

Grounding Transformer = 15.75kV / 240V, 50kVA
Reactor = 0.986 ohms



LK1 LK2 LK10 LK8



Reactor UAT-A


ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S1_26.10.06 P-2
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S1_26.10.06 P-3
Composite Numerical Generator Protection Management Relays

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S1_26.10.06 P-4
A short term Advanced Course on Generator Protection
- A. Krishnavel, B.E.(Hons.),
Asst. Exe.Engineer / MRT2 / TTPS.
Stator Earth (Ground) Fault Protection
Session - 2
1. System Neutral and System Grounding:

Power system neutral is established by connecting R

together the terminals of three equal resistances as Y
shown in the figure with other terminal of the resistors B
connected to one of the phases. Here, r
VRg = VRn + Vng, VYg = VYn + Vng , VBg = VBn + Vng r
As per Symmetrical component concept,
Zero sequence voltage V0 = (VRg + VYg + VBg) / 3
i.e) V0 = Vng n g
Neutral and ground are distinctly independent and differ
in voltage by Vng = Zero sequence voltage V0 of the

2. System Grounding and Protective Relaying – Some Important Notes



a. Ground (Earth) fault protection is dependent on the power system grounding, which can
vary from solidly grounded (no intentional impedance from the system neutrals to ground)
to ungrounded (system grounded only through the capacitance of the system).
b. With effective (solidly grounded) grounding, the line to ground fault current is equal to or
greater than 60% of the three phase fault current
c. In solidly grounded systems, the neutrals of the star-delta power transformers are directly
connected to earth through the station ground mat. Typical values of ground mat resistance
to earth are in the order of 0.1 ohm or less in areas of low ground resistivity. Typical values
are higher in high ground resistivity areas, resulting in a large station ground mat rise
(voltage gradient) between the station area and remote grounds during ground faults
d. The term “Un-grounded” means no physical connection of any kind between the system
and ground. However, there is always distributed capacitance (Natural shunt capacitance)
between the three phases of the system and ground, the system is grounded through this
capacitance. On such systems, current flows between each conductor and ground under
normal conditions. In the event of single line – ground fault, the corresponding line – ground
capacitance is shunted out.
e. System grounding is mainly classified as Reactance Grounding and Resistance Grounding.
Reactance Grounding has three different types called High reactance grounding, resonant
grounding and Low reactance grounding. The two types of resistance grounding are Low
and high resistance grounding.
f. Unless the fault is solid (rigid / permanent), an arc whose resistance varies with the arc
length and magnitude of the fault current is usually drawn through air. Several studies
indicate that, for currents in excess of 100A, the voltage across the arc is nearly constant at
an average of approximately 440V / foot.

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-1
g. Neutral Grounding Vs System parameters:
Extreme Case 1 >> Ungrounded System

N=G Ground plane - G R=G VRG = 0



Natural Shunt capacitance


Normal Balanced condition R – phase Grounded

VRG = VYG = VBG = VRY / √3 Negligible amount of fault current
VYG & VBG become √3 times their normal
No reduction in ph- ph terminal voltage
Full neutral voltage shift
Extreme case 2 >> Solidly Grounded System

N=G Ground plane - G R=G VRG = 0

VBG 30°


Natural Shunt capacitance

Normal Balanced condition R – phase Grounded

VRG = VYG = VBG = VRY / √3 High magnitude of fault current
58% reduction in the ph – ph voltages
involving the faulted phase
Modest neutral shift
Intermediate case >> Impedance Grounded System

N=G Ground plane - G R=G VRG = 0

VBG 30° - 60°


Natural Shunt capacitance

Normal Balanced condition R – phase Grounded

VRG = VYG = VBG = VRY / √3 Moderate magnitude of fault current
Voltage reduction depends on Grounding
Moderate neutral shift

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-2
3. Why our Generator neutral is Grounded and by Impedance Grounded?
If we provide a solid grounding to our generator neutral, a high magnitude of fault current will flow
and damage the core and other current carrying parts in the path of the fault current. Shutting
down the generator through tripping the generator breaker, field, and prime mover does not cause
the fault current to immediately go to zero. The flux trapped in the field will result in the fault current
slowly decaying over a number of seconds after the Generator is tripped which substantially
aggravates the damage.
On the other hand, operating a Generator ungrounded provides negligible fault current, but the line
to ground voltages on the unfaulted phases can rise during arcing type faults to dangerously high
levels which could cause the failure of generator insulation.
Hence, the stator neutral of Major Generators are grounded in a manner that will reduce fault
current and over voltages and yet to provide a means of detecting the ground fault condition
quickly enough to prevent core burning.
For our Generators, we have provided a High Impedance Grounding by means of a distribution
transformer whose primary is connected between Generator neutral and ground and secondary is
shunted with reactor. The reactor is selected in such a way to neutralize the Generator system
zero sequence capacitive reactance due to generator winding, bus ducts, UATs, GT etc. Using this
grounding method, the single phase to earth fault current is limited to 3 – 25 primary amperes.
4. Impact on a Generator whose neutral is solidly earthed:
Due to heavy fault current, severe arcing to the machine core burns the iron at the point of fault
and welds laminations together. Replacement of the faulty conductor may not be a very serious
matter but the damage to the core cannot be ignored, since the welding of laminations would most
likely result in local overheating. The fused metal can sometimes be cut away and replaced, but if
severe damage has occurred, it may be necessary to rebuild the core down to the fault, which
would involve extensive dismantling of the winding.
5. Grounding through VT or Distribution Transformer? Which is the best?
In the case of a generator-transformer unit, the generator winding and primary winding of the
transformer can be treated as an isolated system which is not influenced by the earthing
requirements of the transmission system. It is not desirable that such a system should be entirely
‘floating’ in potential, and a common practice formerly applied was to earth the neutral through the
primary winding of a voltage transformer; the secondary winding was then used to energize alarm
devices to signal the existence of an earth fault. This is now considered to be unsafe practice,
because enough capacitance can exist in the machine winding and the connections to the
transformer to cause a build-up of dangerous over voltages in the event of an arcing earth fault.
Moreover, the capacitance effect may also prevent the earth fault current from being limited to the
very low value corresponding to the magnetizing current of the voltage transformer. Normal
modern practice is to use a larger earthing transformer rated in the range 5-100kVA. The
secondary winding, which is designed for medium voltage (100-500volts), is loaded with a resistor
or reactor of a value which, when referred through the transformer ratio, will pass a suitable fault
In TTPS, the Generator Neutral is earthed through primary of a resin – cast Neutral Grounding
Transformer with a rating of 15.75kV / 240V, 50kVA. A reactor with a value of 0.986ohms, 240V,
and 145A is connected across the secondary. The lagging current produced by this reactor will
take vital part in neutralizing the capacitive current of the Generator system.
6. Causes of Insulation Failures:
The characteristics of the Insulating materials are much affected mainly by Electrical, Mechanical
and Thermal stresses. Ageing plays a vital role in deciding the healthiness of the Insulation in
addition to the above causes. Moreover, loose laminations vibrate heavily due to magneto-striction
and erode away the bar insulation killing the healthy winding. That is, even though the winding
insulation is not originally deteriorated by electrical stresses, some other means like violent core
vibrations and core thermal stresses due to lamination shorts may damage the insulation to some
worst level as well. The Insulation failures result in break down of the equipment which in turn will
account for the total shut down of any major system. Outage involving replacement, refurbishment
etc. will be some times much more expensive and need severe attention in assuring the prompt
identification and isolation of such faults.

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-3
7. A brief note on Stator
Stator Winding:
The stator has a three phase double
layer short pitched and bar type of
windings having two parallel paths.
Each slot accommodates two bars.
The slot lower (bottom) bars and the
slot upper bars are displaced from
each other by one winding pitch and
connected together by bus bars
inside the stator frame in conformity
with the connection diagram.
Each bar consists of Solid as well
as hollow conductors with cooling
water passing through the latter to
ensure the optimum solution for
increasing current and to reduce
losses. Please refer the figure. In
the straight slot portion, the strands
are transposed by 360 deg. to
reduce the eddy current losses. The
transposition provides for mutual
neutralization of voltages induced in
the individual strands due to the slot
cross field and end winding field and
ensures that no circulation currents
will arise.
Bar insulation is done with epoxy mica thermosetting insulation. This insulation is void free and
possesses better mechanical properties. Thermosetting epoxy insulation is more reliable winding
insulation, especially for high voltage. It shows only a small increase in dielectric dissipation factor
(Tan delta) with increasing test voltage. The composition of the insulation and synthetic resin
permits the machine to be operated continuously under conditions corresponding to these for
Insulation Class “B”
To prevent corona discharges between insulation and the wall of the slot, the insulation in slot
portion is coated with semi conducting varnish. At the transition from Slot to overhang winding a
stress grading varnish is coated to ensure a uniform control of the electric field and to prevent the
formation of creepage sparks during operation and during HV test
Three phases and six neutral terminals are brought out from the stator frame through bushings
which are capable of withstanding high voltage and provided with gas tight joints. For this purpose,
the bushings are bolted to the bottom plate at the terminal box with their mounting flanges. The
terminal box which is welded underneath the stator frame at exciter end is made of non magnetic
steel to avoid eddy current losses and thus any inadmissible temperature rise.
Stator Core:

It houses the stator winding bars and provides a path of very low reluctance to the flux through the
stator from the field winding (Rotor). In order to minimize the magnetizing and eddy current losses
in the core portion of the stator, the entire core is built-up of thin laminations. For reasons of
manufacture, each lamination layer is made up to a number of individual segments. The segments
are stamped out with accurately finished die from sheets of cold rolled high quality silicon steel.
Ventilating ducts are provided for entering Hydrogen into the core to take away the heat generated
due to eddy current loss. Typical thickness of the core laminations are 0.5mm.
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-4
8. Different methods of Stator Earth Fault Protection:



LK1 LK2 LK10 LK8



Reactor UAT-A


Where, A, B, C & D are different types of Stator Earth Fault Protection techniques

A. Neutral Over Voltage ( 95% Stator winding Earth Fault Protection) – 59N:
An over voltage relay tuned to fundamental frequency is connected across the grounding reactor to
sense the Zero sequence voltage. The relay used for this function is designed to be sensitive to
fundamental frequency voltage and insensitive to third-harmonic and other zero sequence
harmonic voltages that are present at the generator neutral. Since the grounding impedance is
large compared to the generator impedance and other impedances in the circuit, the full phase to
neutral voltage will be impressed across the grounding device for a phase to ground fault at the
generator terminal.
Since the magnitude of the neutral shift is dependent on the location in the winding of the ground
fault (neutral to ground fault produces no neutral shift) and the usual choice of relay sensitivity and
distribution transformer voltage ratio provides roughly 95% coverage of the winding, this relaying
scheme is often referred to as 95% stator winding Earth Fault protection. This scheme will not
cover 0 – 5% of the stator winding from neutral end.
B. 100% Stator winding EF Protection =
3rd Harmonic Under voltage technique (27TN) + 95% Stator winding EF protection (59N)
Due to non-linearity with in the generator, third harmonic voltage is produced in the stator winding.
Under healthy conditions, this voltage causes circulation of third harmonic capacitive charging
currents resulting in a third harmonic voltage appearing between the neutral of the generator and
ground. The value of voltage will depend on the relative values of the impedance of the earthing
device, the capacitance to earth of the stator windings and the capacitance to earth of the bus
work and transformer windings connected to the generator.
The level of 3rd harmonic voltage at the neutral and generator terminals is dependent on the
operating conditions of the generator. The voltage is higher at full load than at no load
condition. However, depending on the generator design, the reverse may be true. There is
a blind region where the 3rd harmonic voltage would be Zero. The exact position of this
region depends on operating condition and generator design.
For a ground fault at the neutral, the 3rd harmonic voltage at the neutral becomes zero. For
a fault near the neutral, the level of 3rd harmonic voltage at the neutral would decrease and
the level at the generator terminals would increase. The amount of decrease or increase
depends on the operating conditions and the location of the fault. For a ground fault at the
generator terminals, the response would be just opposite to as mentioned above.
When a fault occurs close to neutral of the generator, third harmonic voltage between neutral and
ground will reduce to a near-zero value. An under voltage relay operating from 3rd harmonic
voltage measured at the neutral end could be used to detect the faults near the neutral. Normally,
the 3rd harmonic undervoltage protection can provide adequate protection for 0 – 30% of the stator
winding measured from the neutral towards the stator terminal. The ground faults in the remaining
portion of the windings can be detected by the conventional 95% Stator winding Earth fault
3rd Harmonic voltage measured at Neutral (across grounding reactor) for TTPS Turbo generators
(Unit # 4 & 5) at full load is around 6 V
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-5
C. 100% Stator winding EF Protection =
3rd Harmonic Residual Over voltage technique (59X) + 95% Stator winding protection (59N):
This technique is based on the fact that for a fault near the neutral, the level of 3rd harmonic
voltage at the generator terminals increases. An over voltage relay using 3rd harmonic voltage at
the terminals of the generator can be used for detecting faults near the neutral. The ground faults
in the remaining portion of the windings can be detected by the conventional 95% protection, i.e)
an over voltage relay which operates on 50Hz neutral voltage. Both of these relays would,
therefore, provide 100% protection of stator windings by covering different portions of the windings.
The residual voltage at the machine terminals is supplied by the Wye grounded broken delta
transformer (VTs in TTPS). This voltage is passed through a 150Hz tuned filter and an over
voltage detector.
D. 100% Stator winding Earth Fault Protection – Sub-harmonic voltage Injection (64S):
Due to design variations, certain generating units may not produce sufficient 3rd harmonic voltages
to apply the ground fault protection schemes based on 3rd harmonic signals. In such cases, as an
alternate measure, voltage injection scheme is employed to detect faults by injecting a sub-
harmonic voltage at the neutral or residually in a broken delta (open delta) voltage transformer
secondary. Full ground fault protection is available when the generator is on barring gear and
during start-up provided the injected voltage source does not originate from the generator.
In this principle of protection, the sub-harmonic current (generally at 12.5 Hz or 20Hz) is measured.
When a ground fault occurs, the sub-harmonic current increases and causes the relay to operate.
Generally the sub-harmonic injection signal is synchronized with the generator voltage
(fundamental frequency).
This method of protection scheme operates with the same sensitivity for faults over the entire
range of the windings. Also it provides 100% ground fault protection INDEPENDENT of the 95%
scheme. In addition, these schemes are self monitoring and have a sensitivity independent of
system voltage, load current and frequency. The use of sub harmonic frequencies offers improved
sensitivity because of the higher impedance path of the generator capacitances at these
9. Numerical Technology – A great boon to Protection Engineers:
Very first in TNEB history, a fully numerical Generator Protection Package for a 210MW generator
was commissioned for unit-5 / TTPS in the early 2005. For a stator earth fault on 08.01.2006, the
package responded very promptly and isolated the healthy part of the system within a negligible
time span of 25 – 30 cycles. The damage to the main equipment was confirmed to be extremely
less. The disturbance and event records captured by the package were quite useful for post trip

Faulty point

Disturbance records SOE with Service values

10. References:
Protective Relaying Theory and applications by Walter A. Elmore
GEC Measurements
IEEE Tutorial on the Protection of Synchronous Generators
TNEB Power Engineers Hand Book 2002
BHELs’ Operation and Maintenance Manual for Turbo-Generator Vol. 1
A course in Electrical Machine Design by A.K. Sawhney
Total No. of Participants: 24

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ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S2 P-6
A short term Advanced Course on Generator Protection
- A. Krishnavel, B.E.(Hons.),
Asst. Exe.Engineer / MRT2 / TTPS.
Rotor Earth (Ground) Fault Protection &
Generator Current Unbalance Protection Session - 3
1. Synchronous Machine:
1. A synchronous Machine consists of a rotor excited by a winding around the poles fed from
a DC supply rotating in a stator containing a winding ie.) Armature winding, which can act
as a generator when driven by a prime mover, or can drive a mechanical device, when
receiving power from the supply system.
2. When the rotor rotates, the stator conductors are cut by the Rotor magnetic flux alternately
N and S, causing an Electromagnetic induction on Stator winding. Due to this induction an
EMF is generated in the Stator.
3. The speed of rotor field is synchronous with revolving magnetic field of the Stator winding
when the Synchronous Generator is ON LOAD.
4. When the load on the Generator is increased, the rotor progressively tends to fall back in
phase [but not in speed] by some phase angle but it still continues to run synchronously.
5. When the load is increased beyond the capability limit of the Generator, the phase angle
difference between field pole axis and Stator pole axis will get widen and the magnetic
bonding between stator and rotor is disturbed. This will account for unstable operation like
‘Out of Step’.
6. When the Generator is on load, the magnetic bonding between stator and rotor is decided
by the field flux and load Pf.
2. Function of Rotor:
1. The basic function of the rotor is to produce a
magnetic field of the size and shape necessary to
induce the desired output voltage in the stator.
2. The Rotor can be visualized as a large rotating
Electro magnet with North and South poles
3. The magnetic flux that radiates from the rotor
follows the magnetic circuit across the air gap,
through the stator core and then back across the
air gap into the rotor to complete the loop
4. Simply stated, the primary function of the field
winding is to provide the path for the DC current
needed to magnetize the field.

3. Energy Transaction in a Generator:

When a Synchronous Generator is
loaded, it is acted upon by two distinct Rotor field
sources of Magneto Motive force [MMF].
1. Rotor field
2. Armature field
The armature MMF reacts on the field
MMF [Rotor MMF] and distorts the main- Armature Reaction
field flux, so producing a resultant flux
differing from that due to main flux alone.

The useful flux on-load, therefore, differs both in magnitude and position from that existing on no-
load. This is called Armature reaction. Due to an apposing force in the form of Armature Reaction,
an energy imbalance is created. To maintain energy balance, more mechanical force is given to
Rotor and the armature reaction is being compensated at every moment.
Hence, with out Armature reaction, there can be no opposing forces necessary to balance the
energy equation and a Generator could not perform its purpose of interchanging mechanical and
Electrical power.

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-1
4. Rotor - Design Constraints:
Even though the primary function of the field winding is to provide the path for the DC current
needed to magnetize the field, reaching this goal is not so simple. The three design constraints
that limit the size and life of generator rotors are temperature, mechanical force and electrical
1. Centrifugal loading on winding and associated parts.
2. Lesser space for winding slots to avoid excessive stress.
3. Sufficient insulating systems to suit for all operating environments.
4. The insulation system must be strong enough to withstand the physical wear and tear of
assembly and winding, and during operation
5. Suitable ventilation system not exceeding the stress limits of the copper.
6. The field MMF (magneto motive force) must be sinusoidal in shape and of the desired
7. The winding must be symmetrical and balanced to prevent unacceptable vibrations.
8. Around 30 years of Normal operating life.

5. ROTOR - components:

Rotor Over view A Rotor Slot

Rotor Shaft: Copper conductor:

Length : 9m Dia: >1m Hard drawn silver bearing copper
High quality heat treated steel forging Rectangular cross section copper
Longitudinal slots on 2/3 of its conductor with ventilating ducts on the
circumference two sides.
Rotor Winding: Conductors brazed at the end to form
Houses in the longitudinal slots coil / winding
Insulation: Retaining Ring:
Glass prepeg strips , Glass cloth Protects the overhang portion of the
impregnated with epoxy varnish winding from Centrifugal forces.
Made of non-magnetic materials to
reduce stray losses

♣ Field overheating
♣ Abnormal frequency and voltage
♣ Motoring
♣ Electrical faults
♣ Reduced seal oil pressure
♣ Rotor or stator vibration
♣ Voltage surges
♣ Unbalanced armature currents
♣ Loss of synchronism
♣ Accidental energization
♣ Carbon, dust and oil contamination
♣ Moisture accumulation in rotor bore, under seals, during manufacturing

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-2
Rotor - earth fault (64F or 100F)
1. Definition:
If the field winding makes contact with rotor body which is already earthed at Turbine end, due to
deterioration of Rotor conductor / turn- turn insulation, then the Rotor is declared as Defective or
Failed Electrically.
2. Effects of 1st Rotor E/F:
Being a non-earthed Field supply system, solid earth at a single point of the Rotor winding will not
be harmful.
3. Need for Rotor E/F protection:
Electrical Damage for 2nd E/F:
Danger arises if a second earth fault occurs at a separate point in the winding, causing the current
to be diverted, in part at least, from the intervening turns. The field current of a large machine is
considerable and, when so diverted, can burn the conductor, causing serious damage very rapidly.
Mechanical Damage for 2nd E/F:
If a large portion of the winding is short circuited the flux may adopt a pattern such that the flux is
concentrated on one pole but widely dispersed over the other and intervening surfaces.
The attracting force at the surface of the rotor is given by
F = B2 A / 8 π, Where A = Area, B = Flux density
This attracting force is in consequence large on one
pole but very weak on the opposite one, while flux
on the Quadrature axis will produce a balance force
on this axis. The result is an unbalanced force,
which in large machine may be of the order of 50 –
100 tons. This force is rotating with the rotor and
hence produces a violent vibration, which may
bearing surfaces or even displace the rotor by an
amount sufficient to cause it to foul the stator

4. Rotor E/F Classifications & Schemes:

• First and Second Rotor E/F [TTPS units 1-3]
• Rotor E/F fist stage and Rotor E/F Second Stage [TTPS Units 4&5]

Point of

Path of Leakage current through Rotor Insulation, Shaft, ground etc.

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-3
ROTOR E/F Protections in TTPS Units 1 – 3: DC Injection

First Rotor E/F Sensing: - ve

Rotor + ve System

- ve
Relay with
voltage + ve

Balancing of First Rotor E/F:

- ve
+ ve System

mA meter

Second Rotor E/F:


Second Rotor
E/F Relay

ROTOR E/F Protection in TTPS Unit # 4: AC bridge

Aux AC
Supply with CX = Balancing
Power capacitor
Frequency CK

Differential voltage to operate the Relay

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-4
ROTOR E/F Protection in TTPS Unit # 5: Low Frequency AC Injection

An ac signal with low frequency square wave form is injected across the rotor winding and Earth as
shown above. The frequency of the square wave is selected based on the Rotor circuit
capacitance. The leakage current with injected low frequency is being monitored and trip signal is
issued if it exceeds the set value. Usually, the set value would be in Kilo ohms not in milli amperes.
This method of Rotor E/F scheme (Low frequency AC Injection) is recommended by Central Board
of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi. The latest version of Numerical relays has confirmed the high
degree of protection reliability in TTPS / Unit # 5 by adopting this injection method.

Generator Current Unbalance Protection (46G)

1. Sources of Generator Current Unbalance:

The most common causes are system asymmetries (single phase step-up transformers with
different impedances or un-transposed transmission lines), unbalanced loads, unbalanced system
faults, and open circuits. The current unbalance produces negative phase sequence components
of current. The highest source of negative sequence component current is the generator phase –
to - phase fault.
For a generator with step-up transformer connected delta – wye, a system phase to ground fault
on the wye side (step-up side) is seen by the generator as a phase – to – phase fault. The
generator phase – to – ground fault does not create as much negative sequence current for the
same conditions as the phase – to – phase fault.
2. Effects of Negative Sequence Current on Generator Rotor:
For a balanced system conditions with only
positive sequence current flowing, an air gap flux
rotates in the same direction and in synchronism
with the field winding on the rotor. During
unbalanced conditions, negative sequence
current is produced. The negative sequence
current component rotates in the opposite
direction from the rotor. The flux produced by this
current as seen by the rotor has a frequency of
twice synchronous speed as a result of the
reverse rotation combined with the positive
rotation of the rotor. This double frequency flux
will account for an Eddy current with twice the
stator current frequency in the Rotor body.
As per Rotor design, the rotor coils are fastened to rotor body by metal wedges, which are forced
into grooves in the rotor teeth. The ends of the coils are supported against centrifugal force by
steel (non-magnetic) retaining rings, which are shrink - fitted around the rotor body. Due to the skin
effect and double frequency effect, the double frequency currents are concentrated at the surface
of the pole face and teeth. The rotor wedges and the metallic strips below the wedges which are
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-5
located near the surface of the rotor, conduct the High frequency (double frequency) current. This
current flows along the surface to the retaining rings. The current then flows across the metal-to-
metal contact of the retaining rings to the rotor forging and wedges. Because of the skin effect,
only a very small portion of this high frequency current flows in the field windings.
Negative sequence heating beyond rotor limits results in two failure modes. First, the wedges are
overheated to the point where they anneal enough to rupture. Second, the heating can cause the
retaining ring to expand and float free of the rotor body which results in arcing at the shrink fits.
3. Negative Sequence Generator Heating & Capability:
Negative sequence heating in synchronous generators is well-defined process, which produces
specific limits for unbalanced operation. Except for a small stator loss, the losses due to the
negative sequence current appear in the machine rotor. The energy input to the rotor and the rotor
temperature rise over an interval of time are closely proportional to I22 t, where I2 is the negative
sequence current from the stator and t is the interval of time in seconds.
The following rating method has been developed based on the concept of limiting the temperature
to the rotor components below the damaged level. This limit is based on the following equation for
a given generator.
K = I 22 t
Where, K = Constant depending on Generator Design and Size
t = time in seconds
I2 = RMS value of negative sequence current
The limiting K value is determined by placing temperature sensors on the rotor of the generator
along the negative sequence current path while negative sequence current is supplied to the
stator. This monitoring is used to determine the limiting negative sequence currents the rotor can
withstand. The generator manufacturer provides the value of K for each specific unit according to
relevant standards. The K value would be around 40 for Salient pole generators (Hydro machines).
For cylindrical rotor generator with directly cooled by H2 (like TTPS units) upto 800MVA, K value
would be around 8. For a machine with higher rating of 1600MVA, it would be just 5.
4. Protection Scheme:
With the unbalance capabilities of the generator defined by the negative sequence current as
measured at stator, a negative sequence time over current relay can be used to protect the
generator. These relays consist of a negative sequence-segregating network supplied by the
phase and / or residual components, which drive a time over current relay function. The time over
current characteristics are designed to match as closely as possible the I2 t characteristics of the
generator. Being a back-up protection, negative sequence protection scheme has the inputs from
Phase current transformers of the generator. Modern numerical relays derive the negative
sequence current level by calculation, with no need for special circuits to extract the negative
sequence component. By this method, a true thermal replica could be derived perfectly.
The sustained negative sequence over current for TTPS generator = 5% (approximately 1000A
current difference – Ammeter readings - between phases).

Unbalance at Full Negative Sequence

load ≅ 278 A at Full load ≅ 208 A

1. IEEE Tutorial on the Protection of Synchronous Generators
2. Protective Relaying Theory and applications by Walter A. Elmore
3. BHELs’ Operation and Maintenance Manual for Turbo-Generator Vol. 1
4. GEC Measurements
5. TNEB Power Engineers Hand Book 2002
Total No. of Participants: 32 <<< 000 >>>
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S3 P-6
A short term Advanced Course on Generator Protection
- A. Krishnavel, B.E.(Hons.),
Asst. Exe.Engineer / MRT2 / TTPS.
Overvoltage, Overfluxing & Loss of Excitation
Session - 4

1. Causes & effects of Over voltages: Over voltages on a generator may occur due to
Transient surges: The source for this kind of surges is switching and atmospheric
disturbances in the transmission system.
Sustained condition at power frequency :
• Mal-operation of AVR when the machine is in isolated operation (not in grid)
• When excitation control is in Manual, a sudden variation of the load, in particular the
MVAr component, will give rise to a substantial change in voltage because of the large
voltage regulation inherent in a typical alternator
• Sudden loss of load (due to tripping of outgoing feeders, leaving the generator isolated
or feeding a very small load) may cause a sudden rise in terminal voltage due to the
trapped field flux and /or overspeed of the turbine
Sustained over voltages will account for Over excitation and Insulation failures
2. How to protect from Over voltages?
Transient over voltage surges are dealt with by co-coordinating gaps shunting the EHV
terminals to earth, or surge diverters connected to incoming lines or station bus bars. Sometimes,
surge diverters are connected also to the generator terminals; the need for installation at this point
largely depends on the relative capacitance of the generator to transformer interconnections
compared with the interwinding capacitance of the transformer. (In case of large cylindrical rotor
generators with two turns in each stator slot, surge capacitors are installed to prevent turn to turn
shorts from switching transients due to the much smaller insulation level between stator turns. Eg.
Valudhur Gas Turbine Generators)
A sustained over voltage condition is taken care by the protective relays (59). Sudden loss
of load should only cause a transient overvoltage while the voltage regulator and governor act to
correct the situation. A maladjusted voltage regulator may change over to manual, maintaining
excitation at the value prior to load loss while the generator supplies little or no load. The terminal
voltage will increase substantially, and in severe cases it would be limited only by the saturation
characteristic of the generator. A rise in speed simply compounds the problem. If load that is
sensitive to overvoltages remains connected, the consequences in terms of equipment damage
and lost revenue can be severe. Prolonged over voltages may also occur on isolated networks, or
ones with weak interconnections, due to the fault conditions.
3. Overvoltage Protection Scheme: (Input >>> Generator VT voltage)
For the above reasons, it is wise to provide power frequency overvoltage protection, in the form of
a timedelayed element, either IDMTL (Inverse Definite Minimum Time Lag) or DTL (Definite Time
Lag) type. The time delay should be long enough to prevent operation during normal regulator
action, and therefore should take account of the type of AVR fitted and its transient response.

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Sometimes a high-set element is provided as well, with a very short definite-time delay or
instantaneous setting to provide a rapid trip in extreme circumstances. It is important that the over
voltage relaying should have a flat frequency response, as frequency excursions can take place
during the over voltage event due to over speeding of Turbine. (Eg. Hydraulic turbines, where
governing action is slow)

OVER FLUXING (24 or 99)

1. What is meant by Over excitation / over fluxing?:
From the fundamental expression for induced voltage in a coil,
E = 4:44 x f x A x N x Bm x 10-8
E = induced rms voltage in volts , f = frequency in hertz , A = cross-sectional area of the core
in square inches, N = number of turns, Bm = flux density in maxwells per square inch.
Since all the elements of the equation are constants except E and f, it can be seen that
Bm α E / f
Generally, there is a specified value of E/f for each type of core material. When this ratio exceeds
the permissible limit, then that condition is called overfluxing or overexcitation.
2. Effects of Overfluxing:
a. Flux density Bm is an excellent
indicator of no load heating effect.
Hysteresis and eddy current losses
are each proportional to a power of
the flux density.
b. The iron (core) saturates owing to
the high flux density and results in
stray flux occurring in components
not designed to carry it. Hence
deviations in frequency and voltages Stator
outside the permissible limits can
cause thermal and dielectric distress
which can cause damages to the
equipment concerned within Rotor
c. In addition to the higher temperatures, eddy currents also cause interlaminar voltages which
could further degrade the insulation. If the thin insulation of laminations is broken down by
the high temperatures and voltages, severe iron damage will result and the core will become
useless. The downtime of the equipment will be increased since the core damage is more
severe than most winding failure. The core repair may require removal of the entire winding
and restacking a portion of the core
d. High flux density levels (over excitation) will result from overvoltage, underfrequency or a
combination of both.
e. Excessive flux can arise transiently, which is not a problem for the generator. For example,
a generator can be subjected to a transiently high power frequency voltage, at nominal
frequency, immediately after full load rejection.
f. Sustained overfluxing can arise during run up, if excitation is applied too early with the AVR
in service, or if the generator is run down, with the excitation still applied
3. Causes for Overfluxing:
a) Overexcitation / Overfluxing can be caused by an attempt by a generator voltage regulator
to maintain rated voltage during coast-down or holding manual excitation at a fixed level
during acceleration.
b) Overfluxing instances have occurred from loss of the AVR voltage feedback signal, due to a
reference VT problem.
c) Overfluxing most frequently occurs when the unit is off line, prior to synchronization, and
the operator manually prepares the unit for synchronization.
d) Overfluxing condition will occur even in Auto synchronization scheme if proper safeguards
are not properly designed in the protective system.(pl. refer section. 6 of this chapter)
e) Sudden loss of nearby generators or inter-connection will account for overfluxing if the
excitation control does not respond properly.

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f) Overvoltage with out overfluxing can occur when a generator experiences overspeed due
to load rejection, severe sudden fault or some other reasons. An overfluxing does not
occur in these cases because voltage and frequency increase in the same proportion;
therefore, the V/f ratio remains constant.
4. Overfluxing Protection Scheme: (Input >> Generator VT voltage)
Overfluxing protection scheme is designed based on the V/f withstanding capabilities of Generator
and Generator Transformers. Manufacturers will generally provide the required limiting curves for
the above purpose. Since the V/f limits on generators and transformers are mostly inverse-time-
related (i.e., a higher volts per hertz value is permitted for a shorter time to stay within the bounds
of acceptable heating), an inverse-time, volts-per-hertz relay is be used to protect these devices
when overexcitation is likely. With plain inverse time relaying, there is chance to have unprotected
operating region. Hence, two stages of overfluxing, one with DTL and other with IDMTL
characteristics as shown in the below figures are generally recommended.

V/f characteristics of a Generator V/f characteristics of a Transformer

Relaying with DTL characteristics Relaying with DTL (Relay A) and

(Relay A&B) IDMTL (Relay B)
It is very important that the VT reference for overfluxing protection is not the same as that used for
the AVR. For complete and redundant protection, VTs on different phases should be used for the
multiple alarm and relay functions.
5. TTPS and Overfluxing Protection:
In TTPS, unit # 4, a single overfluxing relay unit with two stages of definite time delay is in service.
First stage will issue “Generator voltage reduce command” through AVR. If the V/f condition does
not get improved until the time of second stage, the trip signal will be issued to shut down the unit.
Whereas in unit # 5, two stages of definite time elements and one stage of IDMTL element are
6. Improvements in TTPS to avoid Overfluxing:
• As per original design of units 4 & 5, there was no provision to trip the Field breaker for a
turbine trip when the unit is at HOUSE LOAD. That accounted for overfluxing whenever the
turbine got tripped on HOUSE LOAD. Hence, an automatic tripping scheme was implemented
by us to solve this problem and is working satisfactorily.
• Originally, in unit # 4 & 5, there was no blocking in Auto-synchronizing scheme for loss of VT
secondary fuse. Auto-synchronizing relay would continuously issue voltage raise command to
AVR due to the loss of Generator VT supply during synchronizing process. This condition will
increase the Generator voltage at grid frequency causing overfluxing / over voltage condition.
Hence, a VT fuse failure relay was introduced in the Generator VT secondary circuit and the
output is used to block the synchronization activity.

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S4 _23.11.06 P-3

1. What is Loss of Excitation?
A synchronous generator requires adequate
Generator Capability Curve
DC voltage and current to its field winding to
maintain synchronism with a power system.
The generator capability curve shown here
provides an overview of synchronous
machine operations. Normally, the generator
field is adjusted so that reactive power as
well as real power is delivered to the power
system. If the excitation system is reduced
or lost, the generator absorbs reactive power
from the power system rather than supplies
it and it operates in the under excited region
of the capability curve where Generators
have reduced stability.
If a total loss of field (excitation) occurs and
the system can supply sufficient reactive power without a large terminal voltage drop, the
generator may run as an induction generator, otherwise synchronism will be lost.
The change from normal overexcited operation to under excited operation upon loss of field is not
INSTANTANEOUS but occurs over a time period (generally seconds) depending on the generators
output level and connected system capability.
2. What Causes Loss of Excitation?
Field open circuit, field short circuit, accidental tripping of field breaker, AVR control failure etc. are
some of the reasons for loss of excitation.
3. What is LOST due to Loss of Excitation?
i. When a synchronous generator loses its excitation, it will run at higher than synchronous speed
and operate as an INDUCTION GENERATOR delivering real power (MW) to the system but at
the same time obtains excitation form the system becoming a large reactive drain on the
system. This large reactive drain causes problems for the generator, adjacent machines and the
power system. The system impact of loss of excitation to a generator depends on “Stiffness” of
the connected system, load on the generator prior to the loss of field and the size of the
ii. Running a synchronous generator as an induction generator causing rotor surface temperature
to increase due to slip induced eddy currents in the field winding, rotor body, wedges and
retaining rings.
iii. The high reactive current drawn by the generator from the system can overload the stator
winding causing the stator temperature to increase.
iv. A loss of excitation condition which is not detected quickly can have devastating impact on the
power system by causing both a loss of reactive power support as well as creating a substantial
reactive power drain. This type of condition can trigger an area wide voltage collapse if there is
not a sufficient source of reactive power available to meet the demand for VARs created by the
loss of field condition.
v. If the generator which has sustained a loss of field is not isolated, transmission lines can trip
due to power swings or excessive reactive power flow to the faulty generator.
4. Loss Excitation Protection Scheme: (Inputs >>> Generator voltage and current)
The most widely applied method of detecting a generator loss of field is the use of distance relays -
offset MHO types - to sense the variation of impedance as viewed from the generator terminals.
On loss of excitation, the terminal voltage will begin to decrease and the stator current will
increase, resulting in a decrease of impedance viewed from the generator terminals and also a
change in power factor. It has been shown that when a generator loses its excitation while
operating at various levels of loading, the variation of impedance as viewed at the machine
terminals will have the characteristics shown on the R-X diagram in the figure shown below.
The locus of the impedance trajectory depends on the value of system impedance. Machines
connected with system impedances approximately less than 20% take a direct path to the final
point and with higher system impedances, the trajectory will spiral into the final point. The spiral
path is faster than the direct path.
If the machine is fully loaded prior to the loss of excitation condition, the machine at the final
impedance point will be operating as an induction generator, with a slip of 2 – 5 % above normal.
The machine will start receiving reactive power from the system while supplying reduced real
power. High system impedance will result in low power output and high slip.
ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S4 _23.11.06 P-4
Two Zone off-set mho relay Characteristics
Where, Xd = Direct axis Synchronous reactance of the Generator,
X ‘d = Direct axis transient reactance of the Generator
5. Fact that is unbelievable but interesting:
When a Synchronous generator is running as a Super Synchronous Generator ie) Induction
Generator, due to opening of field winding, the rotor body will have to handle the required
excitation ampere turns. Approximately, for a 500MW machine, the Ampere Turns required to meet
out the rated MVA rating would be 300,000. When the field circuit is open, the rotor body is
reduced to one effective turn, ie) axially down one side and back up the other. Hence, the current
through the rotor body at the instant of loss of excitation would be around 300kA (For a 60MW
Generator, this current is 94kA). In order to produce the voltage required to drive this current
through the rotor iron and end bells, the rotor has to be driven asynchronously at a speed above
normal, ie) higher than 3000 rpm for our TTPS machines, and it behaves as an Induction
Generator. The currents flow in the surface of the rotor due to skin effect, concentrating in the
outer centimeter or so. As far as rotor is concerned, the situation is eased if the turbine is tripped,
since the power output drops from the loaded condition to that required to overcome the losses in
the generator and turbine. The generator then behaves like an induction motor on light load.
6. TTPS and Loss of Excitation:
In TTPS, loss excitation protection is treated as Class B trip and turbine is tripped first and
subsequently, GCB and field breaker get tripped on Reverse Power / low forward power protection.
Two stages of loss of excitation protection are available in units# 4& 5. Stage-1 will respond to loss
of excitation with generator terminal voltage in tact. Hence a time delay of 2 seconds is allowed. If
the loss of excitation occurs along with under voltage, trip would be instantaneous.
Loss of excitation protection has been operated in units 4&5 due to failure of Loss excitation relay
(ZPX103) and AVR system troubles. On 22.02.2006, loss of excitation protection operated in Unit-
5 for the failure of 2 nos. THY. Bridges (However, the root cause could not be pinpointed due to
the failure of station SER system).The loss of excitation condition has been recorded very promptly
in the Engineering console of unit – 5 and Chartless recorders in Units # 1 – 3.

Each unit
contributed >>
45 MVAr to unit-5

Point of final impedance

Impedance Diagram at Loss of Excitation MVAR contribution from Units# 1-3 at the time of Loss
Excitation in unit # 5

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S4 _23.11.06 P-5

Generator System (unit # 5 / TTPS ) with Excitation in tact

Generator at
212 MW & 32 MVAr (lag)

Generator System (unit # 5 / TTPS) with LOSS OF EXCITATION

Negative reactance

Dip in voltage

Increase in
Increase in leading MVAr
= 0.687 x 247 = 170 MVAr

1. Protective Relays – Application Guide by GEC-Alsthom (GEC Measurements)
2. Modern Power Station Practice Vol.D (British Electricity International, London)
3. IEEE Tutorial on the Protection of Synchronous Generators
4. Protective Relaying Theory and applications by Walter A. Elmore
5. Monitoring and Diagnosis of Turbine-driven Generators by Avelino J. Gonzalez and others.
6. TNEB Power Engineers Hand Book 2002
Total No. of Participants: 25

<<< 000 >>>

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S4 _23.11.06 P-6

A short term Advanced Course on Generator Protection
- A. Krishnavel, B.E.(Hons.),
Asst. Exe.Engineer / MRT2 / TTPS.
Phase Fault Protections & Inadvertent Energizing
(dead machine) Protection Session - 5
Phase Fault Protection
1. Need for phase fault protections: A phase fault in a generator winding is always
considered to be serious because of the high currents encountered and the potential damage to
the machine windings as well as the shafts and couplings. Long repair times for severely damaged
machines can be very expensive as well as generate high costs for replacement power while the
machine is out of service. To make this situation worse, the fault current in a faulted generator
does not stop when the generator field is tripped and the generator is separated from the system.
2. How to protect the Generator from Phase faults?
Considering the severity of the phase faults, fast operating dedicated protection schemes like
Generator Differential (87G), Generator Inter-winding differential (87Gi), Overall differential (87GT)
etc. are generally employed as primary protections for larger machines. As a back up protection,
single zone or double zone distance protection (21G) schemes are recommended.
3. Differential Protection (87) - principle:
Differential protection is the most effective Protected
scheme against multiple-phase faults. In object
differential protection, the currents in each
phase, on each side of the machine, are
compared in a differential circuit as shown in
the figure. Any ‘‘difference’’ current is used to R
operate a relay.
For normal operation or a fault outside the two sets of current transformers, the current entering
the protected object equals current leaving the protected object in all phases, neglecting the small
internal leakage current.The secondary current of each of the ct’s is the perfectly transformed
primary current minus the magnetizing current. The relay current is the difference in the exciting or
magnetizing currents. With the same type of current transformers, this current will be small at
normal load. If a fault occurs between the two sets of current transformers, one or more of the left-
hand currents will suddenly increase, whereas currents on the right side will either decrease or
increase and flow in the opposite direction. Either way, the total fault current will now flow through
the relay, causing it to operate. If perfect current transformers were available, an overcurrent relay
in the ‘‘difference’’ circuit could be set to respond very sensitively and quickly. In practice, however,
no two current transformers will give exactly the same secondary current for the same primary
current. Discrepancies can be traced to manufacturing variations and differences in secondary
loading caused by unequal length of relay leads and unequal burdens of meters or instruments
connected in one or both secondaries. The differential current produced flows through the relay.
Although normally small, the differential current can become appreciable when short-circuit current
flows to an external fault. An overcurrent relay would have to be set above the maximum error
current that could be expected during an external fault.
With this fundamental concept, differential protection relays are designed as Percentage (biased)
differential type by introducing biased (Restraining) coils in series as shown below and High
Impedance differential type by connecting a voltage relay (or current relay in series with high
resistance) across the differential points as shown below.

object Protected



Percentage Differential High Impedance Differential

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S5 _24.01.07 P-1

The percentage differential relay solves the problems of poor sensitivity and slow operation. The
inputs from the two sets of current transformers are used to generate a restraint quantity. This is
then compared to the difference of these two currents. Operation (or restraint) is produced as a
result of the comparison of the difference to the restraint. This desensitizes the relay for high
external fault currents. The current required for relay operation increases with the magnitude of the
through fault current. The percentage of increase may be constant or may vary with the external
fault current. The effect of the restraint on internal faults is negligible, because the operating
quantity is weighted and responds to the total secondary fault current. Generator differential relays
are available with various percentage differential characteristics. They are typically 10%, 25%, and
variable-percentage differential types. The percentage indicates the difference current as a
percentage of the smallest restraint current required to operate the relay. The pickup (the value of
current into one restraint winding and out the operating winding) is the current required to barely
make the relay operate. Its value tends to be smaller for the lower-percentage differential relays
and is as low as 0.10A for some. Operating time, in general, is smaller for solid-state relays, being
25 msec for the solid-state compared to 80 to 165 msec for the electromechanical relay.
Multifunction microprocessor relays do not have a physical operating winding, the difference of the
Restraint currents being computed mathematically by the protection algorithm. In all differential
schemes, it is good practice to use current transformers with the same characteristics whenever
possible and avoid connecting any other equipment in these circuits.
High impedance differential relaying is based on the conservative premise that the ct’s on one
side of the generator perform perfectly for an external fault and the other set of ct’s saturate
completely. It takes advantage of the fact that the voltage appearing across the relay is limited for
an external fault to the voltage drop produced by the maximum secondary current flowing through
the leads from the relay to the saturated ct and through its internal resistance. For an internal fault,
the voltage will approach the open circuited ct voltage (usually limited by a varistor internal to the
relay). In general, this scheme is not as sensitive as the percentage differential scheme but is more
secure. For connection diagram and scheme arrangement please refer page:4 of session:1 of this
course material.
4. Back-up Impedance or Minimum Impedance Protection (21): To have back up for the phase
fault detection, a single or double zone impedance relay is used with time delay. Please refer the
page:4 of Session:1 of this course material for connection diagram.

Inadvertent Energizing Protection (50/27)

1. Need for Inadvertent Energization protection: Inadvertent or accidental Energization of

large turbine generators has occurred frequently enough within the Power Industry in recent years
to warrant concern. When a generator is energised while off-line on turning gear (barring gear) or
coasting to a stop it behaves as an induction motor and can be damaged with in a few seconds.
Turbine damage can also occur. A significant number of large machines have been severely
damaged and in some cases completely destroyed. The cost to the utilities for such an occurrence
is not only the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged machine but the substantial cost of
purchasing replacement power during the period when the unit is out of service.
2. Causes for Inadvertent Energization: Operating errors, breaker head flash overs, control
circuit mal functions or a combination of these causes have resulted in generators becoming
accidentally energised while off-line. Operating errors have increased within the Power Industry as
high voltage generating stations have become more complex with the use of breaker and a half
and ring bus configuration. Breaker head flashover occurs due to the extreme dielectric strength
associated with HV and EHV breakers and the small contact gap spacing associated with their
high speed interrupting requirement can lead to contact flashover. The risk of flashover is greater
just prior to the synchronizing or just after the unit is removed from service. During this period the
voltage across the open generator breaker can be twice normal as the unit slips angularly with
3. Response of Generator to Inadvertent Energization: When a generator is accidentally
energised with 3-ph system voltage, while on barring gear, it behaves as an induction motor.
During 3-ph Energization at standstill a rotating flux at synchronous frequency is induced in the
generator rotor. The resulting rotor current is forced into sub-transient paths in the rotor body and
damper windings (if they exist) similar to those rotor current paths for negative seq.stator current
during generator single phasing. The machine terminal voltage and current during this period will
be a function of the generator unit step up transformer and system impedances. When a generator
is inadvertently energised, the generator stator current induces high magnitude of current in the

ak_aee1_mrt2_ttps_GP_S5 _24.01.07 P-2

machine rotor, causing rapid thermal heating. This rotor current is initially at 50Hz but decreases in
frequency as the rotor speed increases due to induction motor action.
If the generator is connected to a strong system, the machines initial stator currents will be in the
range of 3-4 times rating and the terminal voltage will be in the range of 50-70% of rated, for typical
values of generator and step up transformer impedances. If the generator is connected to a weak
system, machine stator current may only be 1 – 2 times rating and the terminal voltage only 20-
40%s of rated. When the generator is inadvertently energised from its aux. transformer, stator
current will be in the range of 0.1 – 0.2 times rating because of the high impedance in this path.
The single phase energizing of a generator from the high voltage system while at standstill due to
breaker head flash over, subjects the generator to a significant unbalanced current. The effects
shall be similar to negative sequence phenomena. This kind of breaker head flashover is most
likely to occur just prior to synchronizing or just after the unit is removed from service when the
machine and system voltage are 180 degrees out of phase.

4. Generator Damage due to Inadvertent Energizing:

Rapid heating of rotor iron, wedges and retaining rings and finally rotor winding damage as well.

5. Response of conventional Generator Protection to Inadvertent Energizing: There

are several relays used as part of the conventional Generator protection package that may detect
or can be used to detect in advertent energising. Some of them are listed out as below.
a) Loss of Excitation b) Reverse Power relay c) Negative Sequence Relay
d) Breaker Failure e) System backup relays
Generally, Inadvertent energizing protection needs to be in-service when the generator is out of
service. This is the opposite of normal protection. During major shut down, Generator protections
are disabled for want of maintenance of protective relays, panels etc. There are a lot of other
constraints like insufficient voltage / current signals, in prompt operation of above mentioned
protections. Hence, a dedicated protection scheme to detect the inadvertent energising condition.

6. Inadvertent Energizing Protection Scheme at TTPS (50/27) / Unit #5:

Please refer the page:4 of Session:1 of this course material for connection diagram.

1. Protective Relays – Application Guide by GEC-Alsthom (GEC Measurements)
2. IEEE Tutorial on the Protection of Synchronous Generators
3. Protective Relaying Theory and applications by Walter A. Elmore
4. TNEB Power Engineers Hand Book 2002
Total No. of Participants: 28

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