Sheet 2

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Faculty of Engineering

Electronics and communications Department

Electronics Devices (ELE 222) Sheet (2)

1. When diode is forward-biased

A. the only current is hole current
B. the only current is produced by majority carriers
C. the current is produced by both holes and electrons
D. the only current is electron current

2. A pn junction is formed by
A. ionization
B. the boundary of a p-type and an n-type material
C. the recombination of electrons and holes
D. the collision of a proton and a neutron

3. The depletion region is consisted of

A. nothing but minority carriers
B. positive and negative ions
C. no majority carriers
D. answer b and c

4. In a PN junction with no external voltage, the electric field between acceptor and donor ions is called

5. For a PN junction diode, the current in reverse bias may be

A. Few miliamperes
B. Between 0.2 A and 15 A
C. Few amperes
D. Few micro or nano amperes

6. In a PN junction when the applied voltage overcomes the ............. potential, the diode current is
large, which is known as .............
A.Depletion, negative bias
B.Reverse, reverse bias
C.Resistance, reverse bias
D.Barrier, forward bias

7. The term bias means
A. a dc voltage is applied to control the operation of a device
B. neither a, b nor c
C. the ratio of majority carriers to minority carriers
D. the amount of current across a diode

8. In a reverse biased PN junction, the current through the junction increases abruptly at
A.0.5 V
B.1.1 V
C.0.72 V
D.Breakdown voltage

9. When a voltmeter is placed across a forward-biased diode, it will read a voltage approximately equal to
A. the diode barrier potential
B. the bias battery voltage
C. the total circuit voltage
D. 0 V

10. At room temperature N-type material will have....

A. More of electrons
B. More of holes
C. Equal number of electrons and holes

11. A forward biased pn junction diode has a resistance of the order of

D.None of the above

12. A reverse biased pn junction has resistance of the order of


Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3
Show that, with no external voltage and under thermal equilibrium, the built-in voltage
(potential barrier) of an abrupt pn junction is given by:

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