Group No 16 (Web Application Firewall)
Group No 16 (Web Application Firewall)
Group No 16 (Web Application Firewall)
Yash Vijay Singh Pradeep Lallan Singh Aman Dharamveer Singh NikhilKumar Choudhary
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Findings - The observations in the paper are [8] Web Application Firewall ; B.Tech Project
related to the importance and applications of Final Report , Department of Computer
firewall technology in computer network Science and Engineering Indian Institute Of
security. It discusses the significance of Technology, Kanpur (2007) ; Namit Gupta ,
firewalls in preventing data leaks, purifying Abakash Saikia .
the cyberspace environment, and real-time
monitoring of network conditions. The paper Findings - involves implementing a Web
also highlights the main functions of firewalls, Application Firewall (WAF) with intrusion
such as access control, protocol and service detection capabilities. The WAF uses
control, and network address translation. The clustering algorithms, such as Leonid Portnoy
paper goes on to explain different types of Algorithm and K-Means, for unsupervised
firewall technologies, including packet intrusion detection. The system also employs a
filtering firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls, Zero Day Attack detection technique based on
and proxy firewalls. It discusses their technical abrupt increases in intrusion packets.
principles and advantages in network security. Integration with a proxy server (Wcol) enables
real-time handling of HTTP traffic.
[6] Web Application Firewall: Network
Security Models and Configuration ; IEEE [9] Critical Analysis on Web Application
International Conference on Computer Firewall Solutions ; IEEE Eleventh
Software & Applications (2018) ; Victor International Symposium on Autonomous
Clincy, Hossain Shahriar . Decentralized Systems (2013) ; Abdul
Razzaq , Ali Hur ,Sidra Shahbaz, Mudassar
Findings - The paper observes that the correct Masood and H Farooq Ahmad.
configuration of WAFs is crucial to avoid a
false sense of security. It recommends using a Findings - This abstract addresses the rising
combination of both positive and negative web application security concern due to
security models for better protection against increased attacks on the application layer. It
web application attacks. Additionally, the stresses the need for Web Application
paper suggests future research in comparing Firewalls (WAFs) over network firewalls. The
various WAF solutions and integrating them survey compares WAF solutions, considering
with traditional firewalls and intrusion challenges like poor coding practices and
detection systems for improved defense vulnerabilities. It lists solutions like Mod
mechanisms. Security, Imperva’s Secure Sphere, Barracuda,
etc., outlines their features, and uses an
[7] Web Application Firewall (WAF) ; evaluation table. The analysis pinpoints
International Journal of e-Education, e- limitations based on defense mechanisms and
Business, e-Management and e-Learning, Vol. management interfaces. The conclusion
3, No. 6, December 2013 ; Alexander Endraca underscores WAF importance and solution
, Bryan King , George Nodalo, Maricone Sta. selection challenges.
Maria, and Isaac Sabas .
[10] Web Application Firewall: Artificial
Intelligence Arc ; International Research
Journal of Engineering and Technology (4
april 2018) ; Parikshit Prabhudesa ,Aniket A. needing complex data or machine
Bhalerao, Rahul Prabhudesa. learning.
1. Wazuh :
- Wazuh is utilized for real-time log data
analysis, file integrity monitoring,
configuration assessment, and intrusion
- As a host-based intrusion detection system,
it can monitor system activity and recognize
patterns that may indicate a security threat. -
Wazuh agents are deployed within the
serverless environment to collect detailed
security data from each function execution and
host activity.
Fig 2. Workflow
Fig 5. Wazuh
2. Kamatera :
- Kamatera provides cloud servers that act as
the infrastructure for managing and executing
Fig 3. Basic Architecture the serverless functions. - It offers the
flexibility to quickly scale resources up or
down according to the demand, which aligns
VI. PROPOSED SYSTEM with the dynamic nature of serverless
The proposed system for a Web application - These servers can also host the security
Firewall in a serverless application framework monitoring tools needed for the HIDS, such as
is an integration of several state-of-the-art Wazuh manager and Elastic Stack.
technologies and tools designed to work in
unison to address the specific needs of
serverless architecture security. The
components of the proposed system are:
Fig 6. Kamatera Fig 8. Kibana
The above components form the core of the
proposed system. The methodology for
3. Filebeat : implementing this WAF is centered around the
- Filebeat is configured to ship the logs following concepts:
generated by the Wazuh agent.
- It's a lightweight, yet powerful, log shipper ● Automation : Automating the process
that can handle large volumes of data with of detecting and responding to
minimal resource usage, which is essential in a suspected intrusions to enhance
serverless environment. response time and reduce manual
4. Elasticsearch :
- ElasticSearch acts as a storage and ● Adaptability : Ensuring that the
indexing system for the ingested data. system can adapt to the ephemeral
- It provides quick data retrieval capabilities nature of serverless computing, which
and serves as the backend for intensive data may involve frequent changes in the
analysis tasks conducted by the intrusion environment.
detection system.
● Scalability : The WAf must be
capable of scaling according to the
serverless application demands
without compromising detection
[1] Factors Affecting the Performance of Web [5] Research on firewall technology and its
Application Firewall ; Proceedings of the 15th application in computer network security
Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security strategy ; Frontiers in Computing and
Intelligent Systems (2022) ; Peihong Wang.
[6] Web Application Firewall: Network
Security Models and Configuration ; IEEE
International Conference on Computer
Software & Applications (2018) ; Victor
Clincy, Hossain Shahriar .