H & M Hennes & Mauritz Ab Full-Year Report

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1 December 2009 30 November 2010 FULL-YEAR
The H&M Groups sales excluding VAT increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, the increase was 7 percent and sales amounted to SEK 108,483 m (101,393). Strong sales increase of 5 percent in comparable units in local currencies. Gross profit amounted to SEK 68,269 m (62,474), corresponding to a gross margin of 62.9 percent (61.6). Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 25,008 m (22,103), an increase of 13 percent. Group profit after tax was SEK 18,681 m (16,384), corresponding to SEK 11.29 (9.90) per share.


The H&M Groups sales excluding VAT increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, the increase was 6 percent and sales amounted to SEK 29,711 m (28,011). Sales in comparable units increased by 7 percent in local currencies. Gross profit amounted to SEK 18,792 m (18,581), corresponding to a gross margin of 63.2 percent (66.3). Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 7,178 m (7,992), a decrease of 10 percent. Adjusted for currency translation effects, profit after financial items would have been in line with the previous year. Group profit after tax amounted to SEK 5,487 m (6,154), corresponding to SEK 3.32 (3.72) per share. Very good start for H&M in Turkey.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 9.50 (8.00) per share for the financial year 2009/2010. Sales in December 2010 increased by 8 percent in local currencies compared to the same month the previous year. Sales in the period 1 25 January 2011 increased by 9 percent in local currencies compared to the same period last year. H&M plans for a net addition of around 250 stores for the financial year 2010/2011. Continued investments in online and catalogue sales where H&M sees great potential for future growth; - new H&M Shop Online will be launched in the beginning of 2011 - Online sales in USA planned to be launched at the turn of the year 2011/2012

Comments by Karl-Johan Persson, CEO

2010 was a very good year for H&M with a sales increase of 15 percent. Profit after financial items increased to SEK 25 billion. During the year we improved our market position further with a strengthened customer offering by giving the customers even more fashion and quality at the best price. The economy improved from 2009 but in several countries the economic situation was still uncertain and difficult. In the fourth quarter, sales increased by a satisfactory 15 percent. The operating margin, of approximately 24 percent, continued to be at a high level. Excluding currency translation effects, profit after financial items was in line with the previous year. In 2011, we plan to open around 250 stores net in new and existing markets. We will open in five new markets. At the same time we are expanding our online and catalogue sales. At the start of 2011, we are launching the new H&M Shop Online in the markets where we offer online and catalogue sales already. Shopping experience and functionality have been improved. Around year-end we plan to start online sales in USA, the worlds largest online market. External factors change in the markets of production. Raw material prices have increased; cotton prices for example almost doubled in 2010. Naturally, H&M has to adapt to changing conditions but always in a way that is in accordance with our business concept to offer customers fashion and quality at the best price and in that way increase the opportunities for us to continue to take market shares. We are optimistic about the future and we plan to increase sales in comparable units in 2011.


Sales and store openings Sales including VAT increased by 15 percent in local currencies for the financial year. Converted into SEK, sales increased by 7 percent and amounted to SEK 126,966 m (118,697). Sales in comparable units increased by 5 percent in local currencies. Sales excluding VAT for the financial year increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, sales excluding VAT increased by 7 percent and amounted to SEK 108,483 m (101,393). Sales including VAT for the fourth quarter increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, sales increased by 6 percent and amounted to SEK 34,792 m (32,758). Sales in comparable units increased by 7 percent in local currencies. Sales excluding VAT for the fourth quarter increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, sales excluding VAT increased by 6 percent and amounted to SEK 29,711 m (28,011). The Group opened 243 (275) stores and closed 25 (25) stores during the financial year, i.e. a net addition of 218 stores. In the fourth quarter, 138 (159) stores opened and 10 (11) stores closed. The total number of stores in the Group as per 30 November 2010 thus amounted to 2,206 (1,988), of which 50 franchise stores, 35 COS stores, 48 Monki stores, 18 Weekday stores and one Cheap Monday store. Results for the financial year Gross profit for the Group for the financial year amounted to SEK 68,269 m (62,474), an increase of 9 percent. This corresponds to a gross margin of 62.9 percent (61.6). The operating profit amounted to SEK 24,659 m (21,644), an increase of 14 percent, which corresponds to an operating margin of 22.7 percent (21.3). Operating profit for the financial year has been charged with depreciation amounting to SEK 3,061 m (2,830). Consolidated net interest income was SEK 349 m (459). Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 25,008 m (22,103), an increase of 13 percent. The Groups profit for the financial year after applying a tax rate of 25.3 percent (25.9) was SEK 18,681 m (16,384), which represents earnings per share of SEK 11.29 (9.90), an increase of 14 percent. Return on shareholders equity was 44.1 percent (42.2) and return on capital employed was 58.7 percent (56.7).

FULL YEAR 2010 (SEK m) Net sales Gross profit gross margin, % Operating profit operating margin, % Net financial items Profit after financial items Tax Profit for the period 108,483 68,269 62.9 24,659 22.7 349 25,008 -6,327 18,681


Q4 2010

Q4 2009

101,393 62,474 61.6 21,644 21.3 459 22,103 -5,719 16,384

29,711 18,792 63.2 7,060 23.8 118 7,178 -1,691 5,487

28,011 18,581 66.3 7,909 28.2 83 7,992 -1,838 6,154

Earnings per share, SEK






Comments on the full year The long-term investment in an improved customer offering by giving the customers even more fashion and quality for the money contributed to a strong sales development during the full year. Sales in local currencies increased by 5 percent in comparable units. Consumer demand recovered slightly in 2010 compared to 2009, but the economy was still weak in several markets. The gross margin increased by 1.3 percentage units to 62.9 percent (61.6). In the first three quarters the purchasing costs was positively affected by external factors such as increased spare capacity at the suppliers, decreased transportation costs and lower raw material prices. The positive effects on the gross margin in the first three quarters were partly offset in the fourth quarter as the external effects had a reversed effect on the purchasing costs. Increased investments in the customer offering, in order to continue strengthening H&Ms market position in the long term also had a negative effect on the gross margin. The gross margin for the full year was positively affected by the currency hedging of the mark-up on internal sales of goods to the subsidiaries by approximately 0.3 percentage units. In 2009, these currency hedges had a negative effect on the gross margin of approximately 0.4 percentage units*. Selling and administrative expenses amounted to SEK 43,610 m (40,830) during the year, an increase of 7 percent. In local currencies the increase was 15 percent. The cost increase was mainly related to the expansion. During the year the company has also gradually increased the investments in order to strengthen the brand in the long term and to secure future expansion. Costs in relation to sales in comparable units were on the same level as in the previous year. H&M had a net addition of 218 new stores during the financial year. The reason that the company opened fewer stores than the originally planned 240 stores was that completion of some shopping malls, in which H&M had planned to open stores, was halted due to weak economy. South Korea, Israel and Turkey became new markets during the financial year. The first stores in Seoul and Istanbul and the first franchise stores in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa were all very well received by the customers. The launch of H&M Shop Online in the UK in the autumn 2010 was well received. The proportion of refurbished stores remained on the same high level as the previous year. The investments and costs for new and refurbished stores per unit were lower than in the previous year.

Results for the fourth quarter Gross profit for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 18,792 m (18,581). This corresponds to a gross margin of 63.2 percent (66.3). Operating profit for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 7,060 m (7,909). This corresponds to an operating margin of 23.8 percent (28.2). Profit after financial items was SEK 7,178 m (7,992), a decrease of 10 percent. Profit after tax was SEK 5,487 m (6,154), corresponding to SEK 3.32 (3.72) per share.

* H&M changed its currency hedging policy as of 1 December 2009, see the Full-year report from 28 January 2010.


Comments on the fourth quarter Sales in the fourth quarter increased by 15 percent in local currencies. Converted into SEK, sales increased by 6 percent. Sales in comparable units increased by 7 percent in local currencies. During the quarter, the Swedish krona has continued to strengthen against most of the sales countries local currencies. This has resulted in large negative effects on both sales and profits when converted into SEK. The gross margin amounted to 63.2 percent (66.3). In the fourth quarter 2009, the gross margin was very high as there was a positive effect of 1.2 percentage units from the former currency hedging policy and also due to the fact that several external factors had a positive effect on purchasing costs. The gross margin was negatively affected by several external factors that had a reverse effect on purchasing costs in the fourth quarter 2010 compared to the corresponding quarter previous year. The factors affecting were less spare capacity at the suppliers, higher transportation costs and significantly higher raw material prices, e.g. the cotton prices almost doubled in 2010. Increased investments in the customer offering in order to strengthen H&Ms market position also had a negative effect on the gross margin. H&M adjusts to changing market conditions over time. The purpose is to always have the best customer offering in each market in order to strengthening H&Ms market position and continue to gain market shares with a continued high profitability. Mark-downs in relation to sales were on the same level as in the corresponding quarter the previous year. Selling and administrative expenses in the quarter amounted to SEK 11,732 m (10,672), an increase of 10 percent. The increase in costs in the quarter was mainly related to the expansion but also to an increased activity in the company in order to further strengthen the brand and to lay an even better foundation for profitable growth in the long term. In the quarter, increased investments were made within marketing and IT development as well as for online and catalogue sales, where the company sees great potential for future growth. Also an increase of the staffing in the stores had a certain effect on costs in the fourth quarter. Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 7,178 m (7,992). Adjusted for currency exchange translation effects arising when the results in H&Ms various markets are converted from the local currency into Swedish kronor, the profit after financial items would have been in line with the previous year The stock-in-trade increased by 12 percent compared to the same time the previous year and amounted to SEK 11,487 m (10,240). In local currencies, the increase was 16 percent. The composition of the closing stock-in-trade was good with a larger proportion of new garments compared to same time the previous year. The company estimates that markdowns in relation to sales during the first quarter of 2011 will be on the same level as in the first quarter 2010. As previously communicated in a press release H&M acquired, in November 2010, the remaining 40 percent of the shares in FaBric Scandinavien AB for SEK 8 m. The brands Weekday, Monki and Cheap Monday will continue to be operated as separate concepts.


Financial position and cash flow Consolidated total assets as per 30 November 2010 amounted to SEK 59,182 m (54,363), an increase of 9 percent compared to the same time the previous year. During the financial year, the current operations generated a positive cash flow of SEK 21,838 m (17,973). Cash flow was among other things affected by dividends of SEK -13,239 m (-12,825), investments in fixed assets of SEK -4,959 m (-5,686) and by short-term investments with a duration of four to twelve months of SEK -5,166 m (-3,001). During the financial year, the Group generated a cash flow of SEK -1,530 m (-3,607). Liquid funds and short-term investments amounted to SEK 24,858 m (22,025). The stock-in-trade amounted to SEK 11,487 m (10,240), corresponding to 10.6 percent (10.1) of sales excluding VAT. The stock-in-trade was 19.4 percent (18.8) of total assets. The equity/assets ratio was 74.6 percent (74.7) and the share of risk-bearing capital was 76.2 percent (78.5). Shareholders equity apportioned on the outstanding 1,655,072,000** (1,655,072,000) shares as per 30 November 2010 was SEK 26.69 (24.54). ** Share split In June 2010 H&M implemented a 2:1 share split, where each share was split into two shares of the same class. The first day of trading in the split shares was 1 June 2010. Following the implemented share split the new number of shares is 1,655,072,000, of which 194,400,000 are series A shares and 1,460,672,000 are series B shares. Earnings per share has been calculated based on the new number of shares. According to IAS 33 Earnings Per Share, the earnings per share is adjusted retroactively for all reported periods. Expansion H&M remains positive towards the future expansion and the companys business opportunities. H&Ms growth target is to increase the number of stores with 10-15 percent per year with continued high profitability and at the same time increase sales in comparable units. For the 2010/2011 financial year a net addition of approximately 250 stores is planned. China, the UK and USA will be the largest expansion markets for H&M in 2011. The proportion of refurbishments of existing stores is expected to remain on the same high level as during 2009/2010. The company sees great growth potential within online and catalogue sales where the investments continue. In the beginning of 2011 a new website, www.hm.com, is launched with a new H&M Shop Online, which will offer better customer experience and functionality in H&Ms present online markets. The new website, which will offer improved functionality and increased inspiration, is also launched in countries that can not yet shop H&Ms garments online, in order to increase customer traffic to the stores. At the turn of the year 2011/2012, H&M plans to launch H&M Shop Online in USA, the largest online market in the world. H&M will thus offer online and catalogue sales in nine countries; Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, the UK and USA. The aim is to offer online and catalogue sales in all H&M markets in the future. As previously communicated, the following establishments are planned for 2011: Romania, Croatia and Singapore will become new H&M countries in 2011 with store openings in Bucharest, Zagreb and Singapore. The new franchise markets for 2011 are Morocco and Jordan with store openings in Casablanca and Amman. The first COS store in Sweden will open in Stockholm in the summer 2011.


Tax The tax rate for the financial year 2009/2010 amounted to 25.3 percent (25.9) For the financial year 2010/2011 the tax rate is estimated to amount to approximately 26 percent. Employees The average number of employees in the Group, converted into full-time positions, was 59,440 (53,476), of which 5,398 (4,874) are employed in Sweden. Parent company The parent companys external sales amounted to SEK 6 m (-) for the financial year. Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 14,868 m (15,267). Investments in fixed assets amounted to SEK 100 m (94). Comments on the current quarter Sales in December 2010 increased by 8 percent in local currencies compared to the same month the previous year. Sales in comparable units were on the same level as in the same month the previous year. Sales in December were affected negatively by heavy snow in many H&M markets. Sales during the period 1 25 January 2011 increased by 9 percent in local currencies compared to the same period last year. Dividend proposal H&Ms financial goal is to enable the company to continue enjoying good growth and to be prepared to exploit business opportunities. It is essential that the expansion, as in the past, proceeds with continued high degree of financial strength and continued freedom of action. Based on this policy, the Board of Directors has determined that the total dividend should equal about half of the profit after tax. In addition, the Board may propose that any surplus liquidity can also be distributed. The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting 2011 a dividend of SEK 9.50 per share (8.00), which corresponds to 84 percent (81) of the result after tax. The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the proposed distribution of earnings is justifiable taking into consideration the financial position and continued freedom of action of the Group and the parent company and observing the requirements that the nature and extent of the business, its risks and future expansion plans impose on the Groups and the parent companys equity and liquidity. H&M Incentive Program On 20 October 2010 H&M held an Extraordinary General Meeting regarding the establishment of an incentive programme for all employees of the H&M Group. The meeting resolved to mandate the Board of Directors to introduce an incentive programme known as the H&M Incentive Program, which will cover all employees of the H&M Group based on the same principles. The Board was further mandated to draw up the necessary detailed rules of the programme and otherwise to take the action required to implement the programme. The programme was initiated by Stefan Persson and family, who will donate 4,040,404 H&M shares worth around SEK 1 billion (based on the share price on 6 September 2010) to a newly formed Swedish foundation, Stiftelsen H&M Incentive Program (H&M Incentive Program Foundation).


Each year the foundation will normally receive an amount from the H&M Group which corresponds to 10 percent of the increase in dividend compared with the previous years dividend. The foundation will manage the funds, which will be invested in H&M shares. All employees throughout the H&M Group, in all countries, regardless of their position and salary level, will be included in the programme according to the same basic principle based on length of employment, full-time or part-time. The number of years that the employee has worked for the company will be taken into account in the qualification period, which will be five years unless local rules require otherwise. Payouts will commence at the age of 62. However, it will also be possible for payouts to be made after ten years of employment but no earlier than 2021. The programme will start in 2011. The first units in the foundation will be allocated to employees during 2011. If the 2011 Annual General Meeting approves the proposed dividend of SEK 9.50 per share then the contribution to the foundation will be SEK 248 m, which will be recognised as a cost in the second quarter 2011. Annual General Meeting 2011 The Annual General Meeting 2011 will be held on Thursday 28 April, at 3 pm in the Victoria Hall, at the Stockholm International Fairs. Annual Report 2009/2010 The Annual Report and the Corporate Governance Report is expected to be published on 24 March 2011 on www.hm.com and will be sent out by post to shareholders that have so requested and will also be available at the companys head office. Accounting principles The Group applies the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU. This report has been prepared according to IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as well as the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. The accounting principles used in the preparation of this report are described in the Annual Accounts and Consolidated Accounts for 2008/2009 in Note 1 Accounting Principles. Starting in 2009/10 the Group is applying IFRS 8 Operating Segments for its segment reporting. According to this standard, segment information is to be presented based on the internal segments determined by executive management. The new standard has not required any changes to be made to the way segments were reported previously. The Groups business consists primarily of the sale of clothes and cosmetics to consumers. Internal reporting is broken down by country. In its segment reporting the Group has grouped countries together into three geographical areas: the Nordic Region, the Euro Zone excluding Finland and the Rest of the World. The financial characteristics are similar in each segment. The parent company and other subsidiaries without external sales are reported in a separate, Group function segment. A statement of consolidated comprehensive income is also presented containing items previously reported in the statement of shareholders equity that do not constitute shareholder transactions. The parent company applies the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Financial Reporting Boards recommendation RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities, which essentially involves applying IFRS. In accordance with RFR 2 the parent company does not apply IAS 39. Earnings per share has been calculated based on the new number of shares. According to IAS 33 Earnings Per Share, the earnings per share is adjusted retroactively for all reported periods.


Risks and uncertainties A number of factors may affect H&Ms results and business. Most of these can be dealt with through internal routines, while certain others are affected more by external influences. There are risks and uncertainties related to fashion, weather situations, climate changes, trade interventions and exchange rates, but also in connection with expansion into new markets, the launch of new concepts, changes in consumer behaviour and handling of the brand. For a more detailed description of risks and uncertainties, refer to the Administration Report and to Note 2 in the Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts for 2008/2009. There were no significant changes in risks and uncertainties during the period. KEY RATIO DEFINITIONS Return on equity: Profit for the year in relation to average shareholders equity. Return on capital employed: Profit after financial items plus interest expense in relation to average shareholders equity plus average interest-bearing liabilities. Share of risk-bearing capital: Shareholders equity plus deferred tax liability in relation to the balance sheet total. Equity/assets ratio: Shareholders equity in relation to the balance sheet total. Equity per share: Shareholders equity divided by number of shares. P/E ratio: Price per share divided by earnings per share. Comparable units: Comparable units comprise the stores and the internet and catalogue sales countries that have been in operation for at least one financial year. H&Ms financial year is from 1 December to 30 November. All figures within parenthesis refer to the corresponding period or point of time the previous year. CALENDAR

24 March 2011 31 March 2011 28 April 2011 22 June 2011

The Annual Report 2010 to be published Three-month report, 1 December 2010 28 February 2011 Annual General Meeting 2011, Victoria Hall, at the Stockholm International Fairs at 3 p.m. Six-month report, 1 December 2010 31 May 2011

The Full-year Report has not been audited by the companys auditors.

Stockholm, 26 January 2011 Board of Directors


The information in this Interim Report is that which H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ) is required to disclose under Swedens Securities Market Act. It will be released for publication at 8.00 (CET) on 27 January 2011.

CONTACT PERSONS Nils Vinge, IR Jyrki Tervonen, CFO Karl-Johan Persson, CEO Switchboard H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ) SE-106 38 Stockholm Phone: +46-8-796 55 00, Fax: +46-8-24 80 78, E-mail: [email protected] Registered office: Stockholm, Reg. No. 556042-7220 +46-8-796 52 50 +46-8-796 52 77 +46-8-796 52 33 +46-8-796 55 00

H& M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ) was founded in Sweden in 1947 and is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The companys business concept is to offer fashion and quality at the best price. In addition to H&M, the group includes the brands COS, Monki, Weekday and Cheap Monday as well as H&M Home. The H&M Group has more than 2,200 stores in 38 markets including franchise markets. In 2010, sales including VAT were SEK 126,966 million and the number of employees was around 87,000. For further information, visit www.hm.com.


Full Year, 1 December - 30 November Fourth quarter, 1 September - 30 November 2010 Sales including VAT Sales excluding VAT Cost of goods sold GROSS PROFIT Gross margin, % Selling expenses Administrative expenses OPERATING PROFIT Operating margin, % Interest income Interest expense PROFIT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS Tax PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 126,966 108,483 -40,214 68,269

2009 118,697 101,393 -38,919 62,474


Q4 2010 34,792 29,711 -10,919 18,792


Q4 2009 32,758 28,011 -9,430 18,581


-40,751 -2,859 24,659


-38,224 -2,606 21,644


-10,942 -790 7,060


-9,961 -711 7,909


356 -7 25,008 -6,327 18,681

467 -8 22,103 -5,719 16,384

122 -4 7,178 -1,691 5,487

86 -3 7,992 -1,838 6,154

All profit is attributable to the shareholders of the parent company H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB.

Earnings per share, SEK* Number of shares, thousands* Depreciation, total of which cost of goods sold of which selling expenses of which administrative expenses
* Before and after dilution. See page 5, Share split.

11.29 1,655,072 3,061 336 2,540 185

9.90 1,655,072 2,830 310 2,350 170

3.32 1,655,072 729 79 608 42

3.72 1,655,072 672 95 507 70


Full Year, 1 December - 30 November Fourth quarter, 1 September - 30 November 2010
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD Other comprehensive income Translation differences Change in hedging reserves Tax attributable to other comprehensive income OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME -2,169 386 -100 -1,883 -386 680 -190 104 -879 286 -74 -667 395 -631 83 -153 18,681


Q4 2010

Q4 2009






All comprehensive profit is attributable to the shareholders of the parent company H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB.



30 November

ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Intangible fixed assets Brands Customer relations Leasehold rights Goodwill Tangible fixed assets Buildings and land Equipment, tools, fixture and fittings



349 97 688 64 1,198 656 14,813 15,469 518 1,065 18,250

396 110 744 424 1,674 492 14,319 14,811 551 1,246 18,282

Long-term receivables Deferred tax receivables TOTAL FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Stock-in-trade Current receivables Accounts receivables Other receivables Prepaid expenses



2,258 1,453 876 4,587

1,990 889 937 3,816 3,001 19,024 36,081 54,363

Short-term investments Liquid funds TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS

8,167 16,691 40,932 59,182



30 November

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Share capital Reserves Retained earnings Profit for the year TOTAL EQUITY Long-term liabilities* Provisions for pensions Deferred tax liabilities Other provisions



207 -369 25,653 18,681 44,172

207 1,514 22,508 16,384 40,613

257 906 1,163

254 2,038 368 2,660

Current liabilities** Accounts payable Tax liabilities Other liabilities Accrued expenses and prepaid income

3,965 2,304 2,202 5,376 13,847 15,010 59,182 -

3,667 439 2,531 4,453 11,090 13,750 54,363 -

TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Pledged assets and contingent liabilities
* Only provisions for pensions are interest-bearing. ** No current liabilities are interest-bearing.



Since there are no minority interests, all shareholders' equity is attributable to the shareholders of the parent company H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB.






Shareholders' equity, 1 December 2009 Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Translation differences Change in hedging reserves Tax attributable to other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income Dividend Shareholders' equity, 30 November 2010

207 -

1,556 -

-42 -

38,892 18,681

40,613 18,681


-2,169 -2,169 -2,169 -613

386 -100 286 286 244

18,681 -13,239 44,334

-2,169 386 -100 -1,883 16,798 -13,239 44,172






Shareholders' equity, 1 December 2008 Profit for the year Other comprehensive income Translation differences Change in hedging reserves Tax attributable to other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income Dividend Shareholders' equity, 30 November 2009

207 -

1,942 -

-532 -

35,333 16,384

36,950 16,384


-386 -386 -386 1,556

680 -190 490 490 -42

16,384 -12,825 38,892

-386 680 -190 104 16,488 -12,825 40,613



1 December - 30 November

2010 Current operations Profit after financial items* Provisions for pensions Depreciation Tax paid Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital Cash flow from changes in working capital Current receivables Stock-in-trade Current liabilities CASH FLOW FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS -778 -1,557 1,552 21,838 25,008 3 3,061 -5,451 22,621


22,103 26 2,830 -6,468 18,491

-71 -1,740 1,293 17,973

Investment activities Investment in leasehold rights Investment in/sale of buildings and land Investment in fixed assets Adjustment of consideration/acquistion of subsidiaries Change in short-term investments, 4 - 12 months Other investments CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES -147 -209 -4,603 -8 -5,166 4 -10,129 -180 -25 -5,481 7 -3,001 -75 -8,755

Financing activities Dividend CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOW FOR THE YEAR Liquid funds at beginning of the financial year Cash flow for the year Exchange rate effect Liquid funds at end of the financial year** -13,239 -13,239 -1,530 19,024 -1,530 -803 16,691 -12,825 -12,825 -3,607 22,726 -3,607 -95 19,024

* Interest paid for the Group amounts to SEK 7 m (8). Received interest for the Group amounts to SEK 356 m (466). ** Liquid funds and short-term investments at the end of the financial year amounted to SEK 24,858 m (22,025).



Full year 1 December - 30 November SEK m COUNTRY Sweden Norway Denmark United Kingdom Switzerland Germany Netherlands Belgium Austria Luxembourg Finland France USA Spain Poland Czech Republic Portugal Italy Canada Slovenia Ireland Hungary Slovakia Greece China Japan Russia South Korea Turkey Franchise Total 2010 8,365 5,858 4,358 8,392 6,122 30,628 7,387 3,345 5,255 406 2,567 9,140 8,916 6,109 2,668 707 937 4,331 2,713 568 517 387 225 646 2,527 1,794 916 255 28 899 126,966 591 118,697 52 7 52 15 SEK m 2009 7,881 5,598 4,254 7,564 6,042 30,069 7,402 3,502 5,503 411 2,543 8,455 7,487 6,285 2,466 667 928 3,616 2,190 615 557 306 187 480 1,614 1,111 373 Change in % Local SEK currency 6 5 2 11 1 2 0 -4 -5 -1 1 8 19 -3 8 6 1 20 24 -8 -7 26 20 35 57 61 146 6 5 12 18 3 12 10 5 5 9 11 19 27 7 11 12 11 32 19 1 2 38 32 48 66 62 153 No. of stores 30 Nov 2010 168 101 87 192 75 377 112 64 66 10 43 151 208 122 76 22 21 72 55 11 12 15 7 18 47 10 11 2 1 50 2,206 New stores 10 9 12 26 2 24 10 6 4 2 6 17 19 9 11 3 1 8 3 1 1 5 3 3 20 4 6 2 1 15 243 1 25 1 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 Closed stores 3



Fourth quarter, 1 September - 30 November SEK m COUNTRY Sweden * Norway Denmark United Kingdom Switzerland Germany Netherlands Belgium Austria Luxembourg Finland France USA Spain Poland Czech Republic Portugal Italy Canada Slovenia Ireland Hungary Slovakia Greece China Japan Russia South Korea Turkey Franchise Total 2010 2,179 1,533 1,178 2,438 1,661 8,210 2,032 882 1,419 108 641 2,566 2,528 1,598 722 199 239 1,312 761 158 141 123 67 181 770 496 287 93 28 242 34,792 112 32,758 116 6 116 15 SEK m 2009 2,208 1,536 1,143 2,131 1,689 8,259 2,049 901 1,546 109 636 2,267 1,984 1,640 702 188 235 1,093 607 169 144 89 59 163 492 477 130 Change in % Local SEK currency -1 0 3 14 -2 -1 -1 -2 -8 -1 1 13 27 -3 4 6 2 20 25 -7 -2 38 14 11 57 4 121 -1 6 15 21 -2 11 11 9 2 11 12 26 31 9 9 13 14 34 22 4 9 56 26 24 62 2 134 No. of stores 30 Nov 2010 168 101 87 192 75 377 112 64 66 10 43 151 208 122 76 22 21 72 55 11 12 15 7 18 47 10 11 2 1 50 2,206 1 5 2 3 10 1 4 1 1 8 138 1 10 5 2 New stores 4 3 6 14 2 11 8 2 2 1 2 13 12 6 7 2 1 1 1 3 2 Closed stores 1

* The Swedish sales for the fourth quarter 2009 include an adjustment item of SEK 85 m relating to earlier periods. Adjusted for this, Sweden had an increase in the fourth quarter 2010 of around 3 percent.



1 December - 30 November THE FINANCIAL YEAR Sales including VAT, SEK m Sales excluding VAT, SEK m Change from previous year, % Operating profit, SEK m Operating margin, % 2010 126,966 108,483 7 24,659 22.7 2009 118,697 101,393 15 21,644 21.3 2008 104,041 88,532 13 20,138 22.7 2007 92,123 78,346 15 18,382 23.5 2006 80,081 68,400 12 15,298 22.4

Depreciation for the year, SEK m Profit after financial items, SEK m Profit after tax, SEK m

3,061 25,008 18,681

2,830 22,103 16,384

2,202 21,190 15,294

1,814 19,170 13,588

1,624 15,808 10,797

Liquid funds and short-term investments, SEK m Stock-in-trade, SEK m Equity, SEK m

24,858 11,487 44,172

22,025 10,240 40,613

22,726 8,500 36,950

20,964 7,969 32,093

18,625 7,220 27,779

Number of shares, thousands* Earnings per share, SEK* Shareholders' equity per share, SEK* Cash flow from current operations per share, SEK* Dividend per share, SEK

1,655,072 1,655,072 1,655,072 1,655,072 1,655,072 11.29 26.69 13.17 9.50** 9.90 24.54 10.86 8.00 9.24 22.33 10.86 7.75 8.21 19.39 9.29 7.00 6.52 16.8 7.28 5.75

Return on shareholders' equity, % Return on capital employed, % Share of risk-bearing capital, % Equity/assets ratio, %

44.1 58.7 76.2 74.6

42.2 56.7 78.5 74.7

44.3 61.1 75.7 72.1

45.4 63.7 78.5 76.9

40.2 58.7 80.0 78.1

Total number of stores






Average number of employees






* Number of shares adjusted according to share split. See page 5, Share split. ** Proposed by the Board of Directors. Definition on key figures see page 8.



Sales including VAT, SEK m Sales excluding VAT, SEK m Change from previous year, % Operating profit, SEK m Operating margin, % Depr. for the period, SEK m Profit after financial items, SEK m Profit after tax, SEK m Liquid assets*, SEK m Stock-in-trade, SEK m Equity, SEK m Earnings per share, SEK** Equity per share, SEK** Cash flow from current operations per share, SEK** Share of risk-bearing capital, % Equity/assets ratio, % Total number of stores Rolling 12 months Earnings per share, SEK** Return on shareholders' equity, % Return on capital employed, % Stock-in-trade in % of turnover * Liquid funds and short-term investments ** Number of shares adjusted according to share split. See page 5, Share split. Definitions on key figures see page 8. 8.60 43.6 60.5 9.7 8.88 56.9 77.4 8.5 8.98 50.7 68.9 9.3 9.24 44.3 61.1 9.6 9.02 39.4 54.3 9.8

Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

Q2 Q3 Q4



23,241 25,412 24,540 30,848 27,282 31,070 27,587 32,758 29,095 31,604 31,475 34,792 19,742 21,609 20,871 26,310 23,299 26,538 23,545 28,011 24,846 27,033 26,893 29,711 18 3,799 19.2 578 4,057 2,941 8 5,155 23.9 577 5,433 3,939 12 4,365 20.9 590 4,586 3,325 15 6,819 25.9 457 7,114 5,089 18 3,364 14.4 721 3,554 2,577 23 5,671 21.4 715 5,784 4,193 13 4,700 20.0 722 4,773 3,460 6 7,909 28.2 672 7,992 6,154 7 4,978 20.0 772 5,055 3,741 2 6,965 25.8 783 7,040 5,209 14 5,656 21.0 777 5,735 4,244 6 7,060 23.8 729 7,178 5,487

22,450 14,528 17,786 22,726 23,625 14,904 16,238 22,025 26,200 18,992 21,362 24,858 7,892 7,073 7,930 8,500 9,052 8,601 10,215 10,240 8,402 8,562 10,545 11,487 34,803 27,263 30,828 36,950 41,043 31,644 34,612 40,613 43,746 36,064 39,352 44,172 1.78 21.03 2.38 16.47 2.01 18.63 3.07 22.33 1.56 24.80 2.53 19.12 2.09 20.91 3.72 24.54 2.26 26.43 3.15 21.79 2.56 23.78 3.32 26.69

1.48 81.0 79.5 1,529

3.17 76.0 74.2 1,593

2.57 75.1 73.5 1,618

3.63 75.7 72.1 1,738

0.74 77.9 74.6 1,748

3.60 74.8 71.0 1,822

1.91 76.2 72.8 1,840

4.60 78.5 74.7 1,988

3.25 80.8 77.2 1,992

4.30 75.9 71.8 2,062

2.23 75.8 72.3 2,078

3.42 76.2 74.6 2,206

9.18 51.6 70.9 8.9

9.26 46.8 64.5 10.2

9.90 42.2 56.7 10.1

10.61 41.4 55.4 8.2

11.22 54.8 72.9 8.3

11.69 52.3 69.3 9.9

11.29 44.1 58.7 10.6



1 December - 30 November 2010 Nordic region External net sales Operating profit Operating margin, % Assets excluding tax receivables Liabilities excluding tax liabilities Investments Depreciation Eurozone excluding Finland External net sales Operating profit Operating margin, % Assets excluding tax receivables Liabilities excluding tax liabilities Investments Depreciation Rest of the World External net sales Operating profit Operating margin, % Assets excluding tax receivables Liabilities excluding tax liabilities Investments Depreciation Group Functions Net sales to other segments Operating profit Operating margin, % Assets excluding tax receivables Liabilities excluding tax liabilities Investments Depreciation Eliminations Net sales to other segments Total External net sales Operating profit Operating margin, % Assets excluding tax receivables Liabilities excluding tax liabilities Investments Depreciation 17,023 966 5.7 6,076 1,562 393 276 58,412 3,011 5.2 16,178 3,403 1,988 1,433 33,048 2,038 6.2 12,248 2,508 2,000 1,141 58,641 18,644 31.8 23,615 4,327 578 211 2009 16,302 692 4.2 5,037 1,639 375 259 57,229 2,545 4.4 16,601 3,307 2,789 1,374 27,862 1,298 4.7 10,711 1,875 2,135 1,015 57,510 17,109 29.7 20,768 4,452 387 182



108,483 24,659 22.7 58,117 11,800 4,959 3,061

101,393 21,644 21.3 53,117 11,273 5,686 2,830



1 December - 30 November 2010 External sales excluding VAT Internal sales excluding VAT* GROSS PROFIT Selling expenses Administrative expenses OPERATING PROFIT 6 6,900 6,906 -2,240 -2,024 2,642 2009 5,521 5,521 -1,898 -1,561 2,062

Dividend from subsidiaries Interest income Interest expense PROFIT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS Year-end appropriations Tax PROFIT FOR THE YEAR
* Includes royalty received from Group companies

12,153 73 0 14,868 705 -912 14,661

13,092 113 0 15,267 -41 -608 14,618


1 December - 30 November 2010


Other comprehensive income






30 November ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets Buildings and land Equipment, tools, fixture and fittings Financial fixed assets Shares and participation rights Receivables from subsidiaries Long-term receivables Deferred tax receivables 2010 2009

48 369 417 580 1,208 14 59 1,861 2,278

51 363 414 572 705 30 56 1,363 1,777

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Current receivables Receivables from subsidiaries Tax receivables Other receivables Prepaid expenses

7,764 14 9 7,787 8,167 223 16,177 18,455

8,072 627 13 14 8,726 3,001 3,644 15,371 17,148

Short-term investments Liquid funds TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS



30 November

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Restricted equity Share capital Restricted reserves Non-restricted equity Retained earnings Profit for the year



207 88 295 1,965 14,661 16,626 16,921 119

207 88 295 681 14,618 15,299 15,594 825

TOTAL EQUITY UNTAXED RESERVES Long-term liabilities Provisions for pensions Current liabilities* Accounts payable Liabilities to subsidiaries Tax liabilities Other liabilities Accrued expenses and prepaid income



128 129 368 340 227 1,192 1,415 18,455 12,729

133 245 140 518 729 17,148 11,292

* No current liabilities are interest-bearing.


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