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International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Volume – 10 Issue – 2 July - December 2022

Website: www.woarjournals.org/IJGAES ISSN: 2348-0254

Biodiversity Conservation and Management of

Sariska Region, Rajasthan
Dr. Sneha Jangir1, Dr. Sandeep Jangir2, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Sharma3
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology

Shri Karni Girls PG College, Nangali Saledi Singh, Khetri, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

2 Principal

Shri Karni Girls PG College, Nangali Saledi Singh, Khetri, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Singhania University, Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

Abstract: The study area, Sariska Sanctuary established in the year 1955-56 is situated in Alwar district between parallels of 270 14’5”
and 270 52’12” N latitude and 760 14’20” and 760 32’12” E longitudes and roughly shaped like jumping frog, covering an area of
866.13 sq. Kms. with core area of 492 sq. kms. (Fig.1.1) Situated amidst the high ranges of Aravallies, undulating plateau and wide
valley, the Sariska Sanctuary occupies a pride place in Rajasthan for conservation of wildlife for more than a century. The Sariska
Sanctuary is one of the 28 Tiger Project of India. Consist 4 forest ranges, Sariska (205 Sq.kms). Tehla (341 Sq.kms.).
Keywords: Sariska Region, Rajasthan
slopes, flat topped crests and cascading streamlets providing an
1. Introduction ideal location for wildlife conservation. The Sariska Sanctuary
is a highly fragile ecosystem and wellclad with forests and
Akbarpur (219 Sq. kms.) and Talvriksha (101 Sq. kms.) and 83 natural vegetation of grasses, shrubs and endemic trees a true
forest blocks is a classic example of a rare amalgamation of ecotone between the semi-arid north and the sub-humid south.
natural history and archaeology. The Sariska Sanctuary located The Ruparali river covers the major part of Sariska Sanctuary
at south-west bottom of Alwar district is about 36 Km. from flows towards east and other river streams and rivulets are also
Alwar and is about 140 Km. form Jaipur on Jaipur via Alwar sessional also flow toward north-east direction.
Delhi state highway No. 8 and approachable all weather
motarable road is girddled by Aravali ranges with precipitous

district is situated between Yamuna-Satluj watershed divide.

Alwar district belongs to Aravalli hill region which is a district Physiographically, the district is characterized by north-eastern
geographical identity due to its physical homogeneity, cultural, extension of the great Aravalli ranges, which runs unabated
historical, social, ecological and economic coherence. The from Delhi to Gujrat. The Alwar tract of Aravallies may be

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divided into two zones (i) Hilly area comprising, Thanagazi, conditions of human society, but at the same time it has
Rajgarh, Bansur and part of Mandawar, Behror and Alwar depleted the natural resources, polluted the earth in various
sadar tehsils and (ll) the remaining second part having a more ways and caused the global environment to deteriorate.
or less plain like appearance with very small and low hill like Because of reckless consumerism, many natural resources
terraces or plateaus. Alwar town is well connected by railway polluted the earth in various ways and caused the global
network and metalled roads. The town is connected with environment to deteriorate, Because of reckless consumerism,
Jaipur, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Jodhpur by broad gauge many natural resources are getting depleted rapid use of fossil
railway line, providing easy accessibility to Jaipur, the capital fuels by industries and automobiles is depleting the fuels and
of Rajasthan state and Delhi, the capital of India. Thus, owing the atmosphere is being increasingly polluted, The forests are
to easy accessibility Alwar has become a centre of tourists, disappearing rapidly, soil fertility is decreasing, clean water for
nature lovers and wildlife conservationists besides its historical drinking purpose is becoming scarce.
and mythological importance. The location of a few historical, There is a shortage of water for agricultural and
picnic spots and religious places in Sariska like Pandupol, industrial purposes in many pats of the region. Bio-diversity is
Bharthari, Naldeshwar and Talbriksh have made this area more declining If this trend continues, the very existence of human
adorable to be frequently visited by the pilgrims and tourists. civilization will be at stake. Environmental education is,
The 9th and 10th century ruins of shiva temple of Grahrajor, the therefore, very crucial, environmental education needs to be
medieval fort of Kankwari also add to grandeur of this project. integrated into the school education system to provide
The study of biodivesity of any area naturally involves the knowledge, understanding, values and skills needed by the
interpretation of the habitats and its state of green coverage students the future citizens.
which has directly or indirectly plays a vital role in patterns of Environmental ethics and values relate to all those
any sort of life form on this planet whether it may be at global activities which safeguard the ecology and the environment.
level or at district level. As we know environment is a very They relate the behaviour of humans towards the environment.
broad word, many scientist, climatologist and environmentalist They motivate us to care for the nature the chipko movement of
defined and tried their best to express its meanings, for khejedli village in jodhpur is a good example of environmental
example : Odum (1971) defined that, “environment is the ethics. In (1740) the Bisnoi community had started this
surrounding complex of the nature in which each and every life movement to save the 'Khejri' tree of Rajasthan. A large group
form presents in its physical frame work”. Thus environment of villagers lost their lives trying to protect trees from being
has been divided three important parts : physical, climatic and felled by the soldiers of the Maharaja of Jodhpur.
biological. The components of physical factors in other words Then (1973) the movement was led by a group of
to say the topographical features of the area under study has villagers in the UttarKhand region of India who opposed
already been described in the earlier chapter - second of the commercial logging. The Movement is known for its tactic of
book. hugging trees preven them from being cut down. They were
Besides the biological part of the environment, the called tree huggers by the environmentalist. The villagers
eco-system is the combination of certain environmental hugged the trees and prevented the contractors from fellng
factors, the interdependence and inter link between various them.
plants and animals and Humans on each other ecosystem is a Indian scriptures and methologies like charak sanhita
self sustaining structural and functional unit of biosphere. describe the destruction of forests as most sinful act by human
Biosphere is the life supporting zoned of the earth, where being. The 24th Thirthankar Bhagwan Mahavir of the Jainism
atmosphere hydrosphere and lithosphere meet, interact and Preached non-voilence as the highest religion and any act to
interact and make life possible. exploit the plants and animals is treated as the most hateful ect.
Ecosystem is an open system and depends upon solar In (273-236 B.C.) Emperor Ashoka the great also
energy from outside as its energy sourc. Ecosystems can be organised many programmes to plant trees and conserve the
small or large and are placed in nature contiguously between forest resource. Akbar the great cannot be ignored as he laid
adjoining ecosystems there is frequent exchange vegetation. great emphasis on plantation of trees on both sides of higways,
They are all inter connected and interrelated. roads and within the city.
Ecosystem are mostly natural system which may be Our constitution today also lays emphasis on
terrestrial as well as aquatic. The common examples of land plantation and protection of forest resources and wild life for
ecosystem are a forest, grasslands, a desert or a this two special Acts 48A and 51A(g) have been passed and
hillside.Artificial system created by man are an agro ecosystem amended in 1975. Article 48A relates to the responsibility of
or cropland, a garden, a park or an aquarium. the various Indian states to look after the protection and
Land or terrestrial eco-system the terrestrial eco- conservation of environment in their respective states. On the
system basically depends upon the varied climatic factors and other hand Article 51A(g) relates to the various Fundamental
temperate zones and the rainfall. In terrestrial ecosystem based rights and duties of an individual. A right without duty is
on the dominent vegetation (grass, tree etc.) and other climatic unhealthy and even dangerous for society. Rights are
factors, several further types are recognized such as grass conditional of India 'It shall be the duty of every citizen of
lands, forest desert, man-made ecosystems like agro eco- India.
systems. There is a phenomenal variation in diversity across the
Nature has given so much to the humans, but he is entire range of living systems. No single process or theory can
never satisfied his greed have caused havoc to the environment. explain a phenomenon as complex as biological diversity. The
Nature never distinguish between one human being and another intellectual challenge and scientific value of the study of
Every human has a right to a healthy environment. diversity lies in the conceptual synthesis required to understand
Environment today is severely degraded due to modern a complex phenomenon that is influenced by many different
developmental activities. Development has improved the living interacting factors and processes (McIntosh, 1987). The

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escalating rate of erosion of biodiversity in India, which is one years of evolution (WWF, 1989). Biological Diversity is
of the top twelve mega-diversity countries, in the world, is a therefore, the diversity of life itself.
cause for grave concern. With numerically the third largest The problem of managing biological diversity is fairly
scientific and technical manpower, India ought to be well straight forward conceptually. Biological diversity is generally
placed to face new challenges. and reap benefits from new used to describe the variability among living organisms and the
opportunities. ecological complexes of which they are a part. Without this
Unfortunately, we are poorly equipped to do so. variability in the living world, ecological system and functions
Evidently, we need a new culture, new institutions to take good would breakdown. With detrimental consequences for all life
care of our human and natural resources. This new culture, including humans.
these new institutions have to be appropriate to the new age of Consequently as biological diversity is essential to
information. This requires that we embrace a new democratic survey the basic ecological services and resources necessary to
culture of inform and share, eschewing the current bureaucratic maintain human welfare and even existence, then a minimum
culture of control and demand. At the same time, we must level of biological diversity is required to sustain the well-
create a stake for the people in taking good care of the natural being of not only current but also future generations (Forlke et
resource base. We must awaken in people the spirit of al.,1994).
innovation and enterprise to marry the rich traditional This implies that biological diversity conservation
knowledge base with modem science and to capitalize on our does not require complete preservation of all species in the
wealth of genetic resources (Gadgil and Rao.1998). world or an immediate moratorium on all uses of the
We live in an age of affluent in difference where environment incIuding habitat conservation. It suggests that we
continuous : consumption partners reckless abandonment. We must ensure that current rates of biodiversity loss do not take
enrich our known private spaces but shut the door on the world humankind beyond the minimum threshold level necessary to
outside. We share the earth's richest resources. air, water, flora sustain human welfare and even existence.
and fauna but when it comes to safe guarding them, it is The real questions facing ecologists today centre on
always somebody else's problem, somebody else's waste, how much biological diversity and particular ecosystem needs
somebody else's job. Therefore, there is a need to manage to remain functional, self-sustaining and life supporting.
people not wildlife.High population growth rate, increased Conservationists have long arrested that every specie counts to
demand for goods increased dependency on forest resource for some degree in keeping the earth's life-support system working.
all daily needs. Grazing pressure, Mining activity, Fuelwood Organisms were not designed by natural selection to fill slots
collection, Highways and Development projects. on an assembly line; each organism strives to make a living and
1.3 CAUSES OF BIODIVERSITY LOSS : reproduce itself. But as it eats, grows. excretes waste and
This chapter discusses in detail all possible human moves about, disturbing the physical environment. it
pressures in the reserve areas, human influence in Sariska unwillingly plays a part in generating grander processes that
Sanctuary is very diverse and can be both positive and alter the flow of water, the recycling of energy and materials.
negative for the reserve biodiversity. the renewal of the atmosphere (Baskin, 1997).
Biological diversity loss can be irreversible. its DRIVING FORCES :
consequences uncertain and the environmental values that are The main driving forces behind biodiversity loss arise
lost are so difficult to assess and often unknown. However, from human activities, and can be distinguished in terms of
caution in resource use is hardly an attribute of modern society proximate and underlying causes. Aproximate causes refer to
today. Thus management of the current biological diversity the direct over-exploitation of species (e.g.: hunting, fishing,
crisis will require fundamental changes in our economic poaching) and the indirect impact of ecosystem degradation or
environmental and social relationships. destruction that leads to species loss (e.g.: habitat alteration).
THREATS : Underlying causes refer to the economic, social and
Over harvesting, heavy traffic, pollution, habitat cultural factors that lie behind the economic activities that lead
fragmentation and outright habitat destruction and degradation. to the direct depletion of species, and the destruction and
DISTURBANCES : degradation of their habitat. These underlying causes include
Indeed, ecologists now believe that highest levels of the scale and growth of human population, culture and ethics,
diversity in terms of numbers of species present in a locality economic incentives and institutions (Barbier et aI., 1994).
occur in a community with moderate levels of human The major threat for species extinction arises from
intervention rather than in a biological community totally free habitat destruction and alteration, and to lesser extent from
of human disturbance. This is because disturbance can create direct exploitation. Habitat change by humans is caused
more heterogeneous environmental regimes permitting not only directly through land-use changes. urbanization. infrastructure
species favouring less disturbed conditions to persist but also development and agricultural expansion.
making room for other species thriving under more disturbed Habitat change is also caused indirectly through
conditions (Gadgil and Rao. 1998). environmental effects caused by the use and extraction of
This does not mean that disturbance is wholly resources from the environment and the introduction of species
favourble to diversity. Rather it plays a negative role in the to new areas. Biodiversity loss is also affected by the discharge
protected areas. Drastic human disturbances often depress of wastes to air, soil and water. and by the global climatic
levels of diversity of life. Biological diversity is simply the changes due to fossil fuel burning, and the emission of green
wealth of life on earth, the millions of plants, animals and house and ozone depleting gases. The main underlying cause of
micro-organisms. the genes they contain, and the intricate biodiversity loss is the adverse impact of human activities.
ecosystem they help build into the living environment.
Biological Diversity is simply the end result of four billion

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1.4 HUMAN INFLUENCES ON BIODIVERSITY : interference each one increasingly remote from pristine
Throughout history humans have influenced and conditions. These are:
altered biodiversity in many ways (McNeely et aI.. 1995). In NATURAL HABITATS : Those that develop in the
many regions biodiversity has increased through the absence of human activities.
domestication of plants and animals. Human activities have DEGRADED HABITATS: Those produced by
traditionaily supported the maintenance of species and genetic sporadic. yet incomplete disturbances: for example. the cutting
biodiversity. For example, shifting cultivation systems of a forest. burning or the non-intensive grazing of natural
throughout the world have had a profound effect on grassland.
biodiversity. In the cultivated areas a high diversity of domestic RUDERAL HABITATS : Where disturbance is
plants and animals was generally maintained. whereas the sustained but where there is no intentional substitution of
fallow fields provided productive habitat and feeding grounds vegetation. Roadsides are an example of a ruderal habitat.
formany non-domestic species. CULTIVATED HABITATS : When constant
With the increasing population pressures and the disturbance is accompanied by the intentional introduction of
development of modem agriculture. the sustainable use of plants.
biodiversity has lost its role in these systems. This trend has ARTIFICIAL HABITATS : Which are developed
rapidly led to the destruction of local and regional biodiversity when humans modify the ambient climate and soil as in green
in agricultural systems and marginalized natural vegetation and house cultivation.
wildlife as a natural resource An alternative model for classifying the extent of
India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity, human influence on vegetation is provided by Westhoff (1983),
encompassing a wide spectrum of habitats from tropical who adopts a four-part scheme:
rainforests to alpine vegetation and from temperate forests to NATURAL : A landscape or ecosystem not
coastal wetlands. India figured with two hotspots : the western influenced by human activity.
ghats and the eastern Himalayas in an identification of SUB-NATURAL :A landscape or ecosystem partly
eighteen biodiversity hot-spots carried out in the eighties influenced by humans but still belonging to the same
(Myers, 1988). Recently, Norman Myers and a team of (structural) fonnation type as the natural system from which it
scientists have brought out an updated list of 25 hot-spots derives (for example. a wood remaining a wood).
(Myers et aI., 2000). SEMI-NATURAL :A landscape or ecosystem in
In the revised classification, the two hot-spots that which flora and fauna are largely spontaneous but the
extend into India are The western ghats/Sri Lanka and the Indo- vegetation structure is altered so that it belongs to another
Burma region (covering the eastern Himalayas); and they are fonnation type (for example. a pasture. moorland or heath
included amongst the top eight most important hot-spots. In deriving from a wood).
addition, India has 26 recognised endemic centres that are CULTURAL : A landscape or ecosystem in which
home to nearly a third of all the covering plants identified and flora and fauna have been essentially affected by human agency
described to date. in such a way that the dominant species may have been
However, this rich biodiversity of India is under replaced by other species (for example, arable land).
severe threat owing to habitat destruction, degradation, HUMAN INFLUENCES ON ANIMALS :
fragmentation and over-exploitation of resources. According to The range of impacts that humans have had on
the Red List of Threatened Animals (lUCN. 2000), 44 plant animals. though large can be grouped conveniently into five
species are critically endangered, 113 endangered and 87 main categories : domestication, dispersal. extinction.
vulnerable. Amongst animals, 18 are critically endangered, 54 expansion and contraction.
endangered and 143 are vulnerable. Ten species are lower risk The concern for biological diversity is, however, a
conservation dependent while 99 are lower risk near concern for man himself. All forms of life-human, animal and
threatened. India ranks second in terms of the number of plants, are so inter-linked that disturbance in one gives rise to
threatened mammals. While India is sixth in terms of countries imbalance in the others. If species of plants and animals
with the most threatened birds (IUCN, 2000). become endangered they signify degradation in the
The most obvious threatening factors are those that environment, which may threaten man's own existence.
alter habitats of species, introduce new exotic species, over- The leve and regard for flora and fauna is a part of
exploit species and habitats, and change environmental India's culture. Ahymn of Yajur Veda involves universal peace
conditions. Many of the causal factors impacting biodiversity with special mention of the let there be peace of air, peace of
are demographic, cultural. and socio-economic. The earth. peace of water, peace of plants and peace of trees.
establishment of protected areas can compensate some of these
The comprehensive analysis of plausible linkages The biodiversity of Sariska Sanctuary is impacted
between the societal developments (i.e.. the causes of adversely by human activities in many different ways such as
biodiversity decline). the subsequent resources use and its habitat destruction, over harvesting, mining, environmental
consequences for ecosystem functioning and biodivrsity is pollution, subsistence use of rare plants and animals,
more than just describing an alarming trend of biodiversity introduction of alien species, and uncontrolled tourism
decline. activities.
Human population pressure is considered an important
HUMAN INFLUENCES ON FLORA : underlying cause of species over-exploitation and habitat
Following Hamel and Dansereau (1949). cited by biodiversity loss. Relationship between humans and
Frenkel. (1970). we can recognize five principal degrees of biodiversity at the Sariska and Ranthambhore are quite

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The expotential growth of the human population, agriculture and pasturing is probably the most important threat
making humans the dominant species on the planet, is having a to biodiversity in Sariska Sanctuary .
grave impact on biodiversity. This destruction of species by Biodiversity will continue to decline as long as we
humans will eventually lead to a destruction of the human continue to remove and constrict the natural habitats in which
species through natural selection. The human impact is taking wild species live. This loss is bound to be costly, because
place through five primary processes: over harvesting, alien natural ecosystems provide vital services to human societies.
species introduction. pollution, habitat fragmentation, and Recreational, aesthetic, and commercial losses will be
outright habit destruction. inevitable. The loss of wild species, therefore, will bring
Today, the reserve is managed by the state wildlife certain and unwelcome consequences, because it is linked
department. The reserve management imposes a number of directly to the degradation or disappearance of ecosystems.
restrictions on villagers forest use, intended to ensure non- A forest is cleared, it is not just the trees that are
degrading use practices. Open tropical dry forests is a habitat destroyed; every other plant and animal that occupies the
for the endangered bengal tiger and for a number of other destroyed ecosystem, either permanently or temporarily (e.g.,
carnivores. herbivores and bird species.Village commons are migrating birds), also suffers. The idea that this wildlife simply
comprised of : will move "next door" and continue to live in an undisturbed
(1) Cultivable wastelands,common property lands section is erroneous. Any loss of natural habitat can result in
belonging to the village Panchayat (local council); only one thing: a proportional reduction in all populations that
(2) Uncultivable wastelands,formally owned by the require that habitat.
state revenue department, but de facto used by villagers as part Data on forest degradation were obtained in the
of the commons; and village survey through visual inspection of the extent of forest
(3) Temple lands,small forest patches preserved for degradation while interviewing (comparing the cover in core
religious reasons. zone and buffer zone); by asking villagers to compare the
Cultivable wastelands were allocated in the (1950) to condition of the forest today with earlier times (25 years back):
villages in proportion to their livestock population at that time. and by visual determination of forest use penetration, that is the
Since then, livestock populations have increased manifold and depth into the forest from the vi llage boundary where use
village commons are insufficient for meeting grazing pressure was evident.
requirements. Interestingly, even in the complete absence of de The recurrent contlict with the villagers on the matter
jure rights in the reserve, villagers operate un-demarcated in of grazing in Sariska Sanctuary has alienated the villagers
the domains of influence within the reserve from where they from the forest authorities. There is an ever-increasing threat by
extract forest produce for their day-to-day needs. the villagers and their cattle. The forest is severely getting
This all is leading to, destruction of habitat due to overgrazed and exploited for extraction of fuel wood and other
grazing of the cattle; withdrawal of water below critical limit forest produce.
that leads to water-crisis in the : Protected Area personnel and The grazing pressure is all dependent on the forest.
people contlict; increasing population of people and the The grazing settlements have major source of income to be
livestock: unsustainable tourism; increasing traffic on the two dairy and rearing of goats. The other villages have revenue
highways that cross-cross : poaching of animals for various lands for agriculture. Though this land is not a part of Sariska
purposes and fuel wood and fodder collection by villagers. Sanctuary land but over harvesting leads to ground water
Sharp implements are prohibited inside the reserve. It depletion. The forest authorities are makingfor ground water
is allowed to collect dry and fallen wood, but it may only be retrieval, but the situation is not improving.
head loaded. that is, motor and animal-powered transportation
of forest products is prohibited. There are restrictions on where
animals can be grazed. Commercial forest products. including
timber. fuel wood and animal manure cannot be exported out of
the reserve.
This is an attempt to be commercial exploitation of the
reserve. While conceding to villagers' subsistence needs.
Enforcement of the restrictions on resource use is weak. Illicit
felling. grazing; encroachment and export of forest products
appear to be rather widespread. A number of forest guards
patrol the reserve. They can impose times and register court Natural landscapes generally have large patches of
cases against of tenders. The villagers are facing problems habitat that are well connected to other. similar patches. For the
because of Constant cattle lift by wild animals. continued survival of any natural population, the number of
The domestic cattle are the lisy prey base for the wild individuals must never fall below a critical number. and that
animals. Because of the existing forest laws particularly requires a certain minimum area. If development reduces the
wildlife protection Act (1972) and forest conservation Act, habitat to a point where it cannot support the critical number
(1980) very few development activities would be taken up. The during an adverse year. the entire population will perish.
villages are deprived of all development activities. Because of Similarly, development (such as a highway) that
remoteness very few teachers are willing to serve in the fragments a territory and prevents migration between the two
villages. The educational standards are very poor. fragments will cause a population to perish if neither can
adequately support the critical number. Human use of habitats
HABITAT DESTRUCTION : often simplifies them. We might, for example. remove fallen
Destruction of habitat for all kinds of purposes. including logs and dead trees from woodlands. for firewood, thus
agriculture, mining, construction of roads, clearing of forest for

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diminishing an important microhabitat on which several species A voidance of developed areas therefore affects much
depend. larger areas than that of the physically altered footprint of
When a forest is managed for the production of few or development. The extent of the zones within where wildlife
one species of tree. tree diversity obviously declines, and with will become affected by infrastructure vary according to
it so does the diversity of a cluster of plant and animal species species. season, type of disturbance, habitat, and other
dependent on the less favoured trees. Streams are sometimes environment factors.
channelized their beds are cleared of fallen trees and rimes, The cumulative effects of construction of roads.
and sometimes the stream is straightened out by dredging. Such Hooding, changes in vegetation composition may result in the
alterations inevitably bring on a loss of diversity of fish and disruption in ecosystem function. The out come is that
invertebrates that live in the stream. infrastructure, by propagating the entire human associated
activity, is leading to loss of biodiversity.
FUEL-WOOD AND FODDER COLLECTION : With rapid rise in human population and
Over harvesting, over cultivation or over exploitation of natural developmental activities. mining has expanded leaps and
resources in the Sariska Sanctuary is a major threat to bounds and a greater threat is caused to the environment. it is
biodiversity. The village outside and inside the reserve pose also an environment damaging actiyity causing large-scale
severe biotic interference so far their needs of fuel wood and deforestation. destruction of wildlife and other natural
fodder collection are concerned. resources (Triwdi and Sinha. 1990).
Mining has been one of the earliest occupation of man
and naturally in India, which has been the cradle of oldest
civilization. It has had a theory of tradition dating back to the
pre-historical times when minerals and their mining were one
of the most potent and is of state craft. Even in the present
industrial age, minerals play an initial role in the generation of
internal resource and industrial growth .
As an integral part of mining operations, there is
always a need to clear the trees and jungles in the mining areas
that are to be exploited for their extraction of the two mining
The conflicts are intensifying every year because of operations (opencast and underground). Open cast mining
excessively higher population growth rate and the changing operations cause serious land degradation in the form of vast
traditional lifestyles of the people. Anogeissus tracts of dug quarries and mountains of overburden, and the
pendulaconstitutes more than 90% of the requirements of the waste piles in hilly terrain often at tect the stability of the
human and livestock population ranging from firewood to slopes. To control adverse effects well in time, no mining plan
timber and fodder in the villages. The maximum consumption is approved now unless it has an Environmental Management
of wood is during winters. Villagers and the townships are Plan properly designed and framed.
heavily dependant on forest for the firewood. Women and girls Modest-sized stone mines are located in the periphery
collect fuel wood used for cooking and heating of water and of the reserve. but none were found within the reserve border.
rooms from the Reserves and village commons. Crop residues. Mines tend to be located on state-owned revenue lands.
dried animal dung and wood from trees on the farm provide Although local people in some cases benefit through
additional sources of domestic energy. Fuelwood is mostly employment in the mines, they also incur losses due to reduced
collected in the winter season where demand for domestic commons and blocked paths. Mines have an adverse ecological
energy peaks, while demand for agricultural labour is low, impact. Sometimes they block access routes to the reserve for
reflecting the importance of the opportunity cost of time. wildlife and livestock and frequent dynamite blasts scare away
INFRASTRUCTURE : In an article in The Hindu, March 26, 2003,
The two major causes are location of mines in the 'Implement ban on mining activities in reserved areas', it is
vicinity and the heavy traffic on the state highways that cross- mentioned that the environmental investigation agency, an
cross . Roads and other infrastructure also impact wildlife by international non-governmental organisation, has called upon
modifying animal behaviour and species distribution in areas the Prime Minister to ensure implementation, in letter and in
with infrastructure. spirit, of the resolutions of the Indian Board for Wildlife,
Wildlife is impacted directly by infrastructure through prohibiting mining activities within 10 km of reserved areas, to
substantial noise. disruption of the physical environment, protect the rich wildlife of the country.
alteration of the chemical environment and introduction of Citing several examples of the harmful effects of
exotic species but most of all, by accelerating processes like mining on wildlife, particularly the fast-depleting tiger
hunting, logging, slash and bum and tourism. population, the environmental investigation agency appealed to
Animals avoid areas near infrastructure, breeding international mining companies to draft a binding code of
success decreases in developed areas, and habitats become practice for strict adherence to the laws and regulations that
fragmented. The ecological impacts of losses of habitats and govern the protection of protected areas and forests in India.
redistribution of animals away from development may again Releasing a report 'undermined - destrucrion of tiger
affect foraging success or survival substantially in areas beyond habitar in India'that highlights the devastation of vital tiger
these initial zones of disturbance, and, hence, result in habitat by mining companies for luxury items consumed in
overgrazing, erosion, changes in predation pressure and India and abroad, the environmental investigation agency has
breeding success. asked the international companies investing in or buying from

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the Indian mining industry to ensure that the raw material is The unregulated tourism is affecting the reserve's
extracted in a sustainable and environmentally responsible capacity to with stand the tourist pressure. There are number of
manner and that protected areas tiger habitat and vital temples in the area. Bharathari temple near Bharathari, and
watersheds are not destroyed in the process. Hanuman temple at Pandupole in the core area are visited by
several hundred thousand people every year. Tuesdays and
COMMERCIAL TRADE : Saturdays are days of free entry for the pilgrims. Pilgrim
Commercial trade of living animals and plants as well pressure increases panicularly during monsoon and virtually
as in products derived from these is also a severe threat to becomes unmanageable on festival occasions. Also, in the
biodiversity. Demand for medicinal plants in the state can buffer zone Nahar Sati, Sati Mata Narayani Ji, Talvriksh and
never be satiated. Unspecified and unknown quantities of Garbaji are the religious places visited by several hundred
produce are harvested from the forests, which is a serious threat thousand people every year. A temple within the park's core
to the sustainability of the resource base. area attracts pilgrims, particularly on Tuesdays and Saturdays,
Especially the hunting communities and forest causing disturbance to wildlife. They come in groups by
dwelling communities, with commercial interest involved in vehicle or on fool. and are never refused entry.
illicit trade in animal products such as skins, horns, bones and The local people have been visiting road checkpoints
meat and animal oils is common. This is a very serious threat to into the core area. There is enforced ban on commercial
the rare and endangered fauna of the reserve. exploitation. The effectiveness of the check points appears a
In Sariska Sanctuary, the Tiger count has considerably little weak. There are a number of reasons for the weak
reduced and is a cause of concern. It is a debatable issue in monitoring and enforcement of rules. One reason is the
Sariska Sanctuary at present. Several articles have been inadequate pay, education and equipment of forest guards, and
published in the local newspapers, national daily and several the fact that single unarmed guards often live in villages they
magazines on the decreasing count of tigers at Sariska are supposed to control.
Sanctuary . A second reason is the failure to formally settle the
rights of local villages. This prevents the declaration of Sariska
NON-NATIVE SPECIES : as a national park, in that case. utilisation would be much more
Introduction or accidental emergence of alien species restricted. At present. not all villagers appear to be aware of the
is a significant threat to the native vegetation at Sariska rules.
Sanctuary. People from outside have to be employed many The third reason is the slow legal system in India.
times for removing such weeds. Due to uncontrolled grazing of Court cases are delayed for years. This makes the sanctioning
domestic cattle in the open areas of the reserve- weeds like mechanism available to the reserve management in effective.
Xanthium Zylocarpa and Acaranthus Hispides, Adhatoda The fourth reason is that the reserve employs a fairly large but
Vasicaand Barru grass have come up. They are spreading and low-paid staff.
deteriorating the range conditions. Very large number of cattle, In discussion with the field director and conservator of
sheep, goat and camel graze inside the protected area. forests. Saiska, following details were noted about the tourists
The months from July to October are the most visiting the park. The local people have been visiting
problematic since most of the cattle on nearby villages move PandupoleTemple located inside the Core-I area of the Sariska
into the protected areas. The villagers persistently attempt to Sanctuary since the State times. A toll tax of Rs. 1.00 was
invade into the core areas. The grazing by cattle has adversely charged from people going on foot in the park. Later motorized
affected the regeneration. The quality of grasses has vehicles changed the whole scenario in a negative way.
deteriorated in the buffer zone. The deteriorated buffer zone is Due to an old lower court order, the entry inside the
not conducive to the growth of the ungulate population. Park was made free on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Mela days.
However, it is being experienced that many people from Delhi
HOUSEHOLD RESOURCE DEPENDENCY : and surrounding towns of Jaipur and Alwar are coming in their
The trend in development of agriculture and animal private cars on these two special days with the main objective
husbandry in the villages of core zones and buffer zone is of enjoying the nature and picnicking.
promoting a limited number of varieties of crops and breeds of Unfortunately, incidences of alcohol consumption in
animals. Changes in soil environment have triggered further the park by some of these 'devotees' have also been reported.
ecological changes including displacement of local species by The vehicles entering the park are a major source of
weeds and aliens. This leads to erosion of the valuable disturbance to the wild animals and it has been observed that
domesticated biodiversity of the Sariska Sanctuary. People sighting of herbivores and predators is significantly reduced.
depend on collection in the commons and state-owned forests The sighting of langoors and monkeys increases as they come
for a variety of needs, including animal, fodder, fibre, building near the road for the food through by the ignorant people for
material, medicine, fruit and food. them to eat. This is changing the behavioral pattern of these
Household forest use mayor may not be degrading animals. Apart from disturbing the wild animals, the free entry
depending on the quantity and technique of use. Grazing, into the Park causes loss of revenue to the State exchequer..
unless carefully managed. prevents re-growth of perennials. A munsif court had passed orders that entry inside the
Fuelwood collection is not degrading when confined to dry park for people visiting Pandupole on Tuesdays and Saturdays
wood but collection of green wood is except when measures would be kept free. This order has resulted in drastic loss of
are taken to replant or to permit natural re-growth. Government revenue and has certainly affected the
development of the park. Since there is no limit of vehicle entry
in the park on these special days, there is lot of disturbance to
TOURISM: the wild animals as the pucca road to Pandu Pole runs through
the heart of the core area.

WOAR Journals Page 27

and natural resources, recycling of end products nnd
TRANSPORTATION : minimizing the use of non biodegradable products.
There is a free entry for the Rajasthan roadways buses Ecological balance will definitely be adversely
inside the park. There are twelve such buses that enter the park affected to create liquidity despite our best efforts not to do so.
from Sariska and Tehla gates. The buses stand from Alwar and Primary and secondary forest industries will use more and more
go to Dausa via Tehla. Similarly the buses staning from Dausa wood, cork, bamboo, cane, gum, resins, essential oils, seeds,
reach Alwar via Tehla and Sariska. As discussed with the field medicines etc. for home consumption as well as export in a
director and conservator of forest of Sariska. if we take a liberalized economy.
general estimate. then 12 multiplied by Rs. 25 is equal to Rs. The strategy should be aimed at policy makers, all
1500 per day is straight loss to the park. For the whole year on Government and non Governmental organisations. private
multiplying with 365, it comes to Rs. 5,47, 500. organisations, individuals and intergovernmental organisations.
Although it can be argued that the roadways is a This will help in achieving the objectives of biodiversity
government enterprise and there is seemingly no loss to the conservation and sustainable development. Any conservation
government but there is cenainly a loss to the park once the measure has to be carefully planned so that:
government decides to allocate the funds to the park for (1) Environmentally and socially disruptive behaviour
development on the basis of revenue generated from entry fees. is altered to provide a decent living for all. (2) Production
The buses are causing disturbance in the area and accidental pattern is socially equitable. (3) A human centered, knowledge
killing of wild animals have been reponed in the park. intensive civilization is built. (4) A balance is maintained
between all forms of capital i.e. human, natural, physical and
1.6 OTHER IMPACTS : financial.
Information on collection of other forest produce is FOREST MANAGEMENT :
available from the household survey. Households collect It has undergone rapid changes in the decades of 18th
thatching material from the reserve, various edible plants, other and the 19th. geographical information system and remote
materials such as small timber and grass, while only few collect sensing techniques have the potential to provide a large amount
medicinal plants. Except for thatching material, dependence on of information on forest resources..
the reserve is larger, the poorer is the household. Since the RECHARGE OF DEGRADED AREAS :
demand for these products is basically subsistence oriented, Efforts should concentrate on enhancing the soil micro
their collection is not likely to be a major factor in forest fauna and fertility status so that sustainable production can be
degradation. achieved by adopting agro-forestry systems that can support the
economic development of the region. Research efforts should
IMPACT ON SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF TIGER : be made for genetic improvement and dissemination of
After making a detail survey of all possible issues and multipurpose plant species that can grow in degraded land.
after discussion with the field director and conservator of SOCIO ECONOMIC RESEARCH :
forest, Sariska it can be said that earlier the tiger population Socio economic aims are the best pursued if the
was distributed throughout. In old times when the disturbance policies regarding land use of degraded areas, benefit sharing,
due to increasing population, agriculture and mining was land and plant tenure, participatory planning and resource
minimum and the habitat was secure, the tigers were reported management are appropriate to the sustainable management
from Tehla. Akbarpur Sariska and TalnikshRanges. The and conservation of biological diversity.
Ramgarh-Sariska Corridor was intact and movement of tigers BIOTECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH :
from nearby Jamva Ramgarh Sanctuary was reported earlier. Biodiversity conservation for sustainable development
But due to encroachment on the rewnue lands situated in present century will depend upon proper exploitation of
in the corridor area, increased mining and heavy biotic economic potential of biological diversity using biotechnology
pressure. the movement of wild animals specially tigers have for the production of goods and services by the increasing
been adversely affected. The recent census has shown that the poulation. Foresters will have a vital role in future; one as in
distribution of the tigers is restricted in Sariska range only. situ conservation and the other in ex situconservation of
Movement of tigers is there in Akbarpur and TehlaRanges but biodiversity for commercial purpose. We are all, participants
the tigers have come back to Sariska range. This is due to and decision makers in this struggle and can achieve the
heavy disturbance of mining and biotic pressure in the two objectives by strength and determination with the participation
ranges. Movement of tigers has been reported in Talvriksh of the people.
range also but instead of residing in the area, the animal has
preferred to come back to Sariska. The population of tiger is 1.8 FOREST POLICY AND CONSEVATION :
static and no change in its population has been observed. The The diversity of vegetation and domestic and wild life
cubs have also not been reported since last three years. This is is found in abundance in any natural region is called
quite disturbing and requires immediate management biodiversity.In view of biodiversity is prosperous. The world's
interventions. (40 percent) plant diversities are found in India. in India 45000
vegetations are identified yet. The plants is economically very
1.7 BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION : useful. The plant diversity plays an important role in formation
Environmentally and socially disruptive economic and consistency of nature. The destruction of any type of
behaviour must be changed if we intend to provide discarding organism may by dangerous for nature and environment.
environmentally insensitive forms of development can only The plant diversity is getting destroyed mainly due to
bring about decent livelihood to all citizens of the present and construction of large dams. industrialization. intersive
future generations and this change. Rather, the stress should be caltivation, necessity of habitate and food for increasing
on qualitative development based on efficient use of energy pupulation after independence till now. The balance of

WOAR Journals Page 28

environment is maintained by plants and animals. Due to loss local peoples priorities to provide, if not enhance, sustainable
of biodiversity, hole in ozone layer, increase in temperature and economic benefits.
owing to green house effect, decreases in rain fall, floods, Many of the protected areas are indeed forests for
droughts, problem of pollution and desertification has wildlife shelter in the midst of intense human pressure and
increased. The whole world is affected by this. The activities. Such islands of shelter cannot always afford to
international nature and natural resources conservation union accommodate many of the wild animals who possess migratory
(IUCN) is working for the conservation of biodiversity at instinct. There is, thus, the urgent need of identifying animal
international level. Its headquarter is in Switzerland.( WWF) is corridors and bringing such corridors within buffer zonesor
also doing working in this direction. some kind of management practices in order to reduce man-
The forests are the basis of life. The uncontrolled animal conflicts or wildlife depredation.
destruction of forests has affected the climate and landscape In fact that there exists rich biodiversity even outside
adversely, e.g. soil erosion, extension of desert, increase in the people's attitude towards, such as in sacred groves,
waste land, irregularity in climate, drought, decrease in level of traditional community, in agricultural jhumfields and fallow
underground water, loss of in wild life and environmental lands. Such forests are under the control of the village councils,
polluton etc. The forests are being cleared to obtain more space district councils, traditional chiefs or private individuals. These
for human habitation, agriculture and increasing traditional socio-political institutions must be taken into
industralisation. The conservation of forest is of the necessity confidence while formulating strategies for biodiversity
to neet the ever rising needs and to save from environmental conservation.
hazards. Management strategies and policies should ideally
The first forest policy in India was adopted in 1894. encompass the areas under the control of these institutions,
According to the new forest policy declared on 31 may 1954 which can be achieved through appropriate dialogue and
after independence there sould be forest on (33 percent) part of negotiations without infringing on their land rights.
land. In 1988 a new forest policy was declared in our country. There is scope for traditional practices and modern
Three aims were given of that environmental stability, scientific knowledge for solving the problems of people's
protection of natural heritages like plants and wild life and neet attitude towards and biodiversity conservation in the region.
out the basic needs of general people. Not that all traditional societies are always biodiversity
The government is running several programmes and practices are scientific conservation. Such practices should also
plans in direction of forest conservation. In this direction be identified and discouraged.
important attempt are social forestry scheme, establishment of Conservation of cultivated crops, medicinal species is
national parks and sanctuaries. The forest research institute of a neglected frontier. This weakness must be rectified
the Dehradun and the central arid zone research institute of immediately as the region has a variety of medicinal plants,
Jodhpur are making efforts to increase the hand under forests many of which are not much known outside the region and may
and to check the expansion of desert. Conservation of forest have potential of providing alternatives for medicines in the
cannot be possible only through government efforts, for that region. Such type of crops have also been reported to be best
awareness and active cooperation of general people is resistant.
necessary. There is an urgent need for increase research
Different type of forest awards are given by the activities. information processing and dissemination system,
government of Rajasthan for the development of forest, social either to guide management of biodiversity conservation,
forestry, Aravalli tree plantation and on forest conservation Resources may be allocated to the best possible effect. Such
programmes in view of giving importance to forests. These are knowledge should be exchanged between tribes for higher
Vaniki Pandit Award, Amrita Devi Award, Vriksha Vardhak ecological and economic efficiencies, particularly conservation
Award, Vriksha Mitra Award etc. and management of biodiversity. Environmental education, and
motivation on biodiversity issues using local arts, languages
1.9 FUTURE STRATEGIES : and cultures should also be part of the strategy. Wildlife
Sanctuaries, national parks, tiger reserves and knowledge should be identified, documented and used as
biosphere reserves have been adopted as the main act of educational tools. There is also the need to infuse traditional
achieving the objectives of conservation. Biogeographical values, culture, and knowledge into the youngers.
diversity is an act opposed by the tribals already facing Environmental education, particularly awareness in relation to
problems, with small land holdings, natural hazards, reduced implication of biodiversity trade, and extraction of endangered
productivity of fields. Biodiversity conservation strategies must species, etc. should also be extended to the law.
address to the needs but should not neglect the present needs of The laws on the biodiversity conservation must be
the human socities. strengthened and biodiversity concerns should be reflected in
conserved areas of available forests or geographical the existing environmental impact assessment procedures.
area of the particular region could be a markable question. Current conservation programme should be reviewed. The
There should be a critical review of the impact of people's conservation programme in India has focussed mainly on some
attitude towards biodiversity conservation efforts on rural glamorous animals while ignoring the rest of biogeographical
socity. Economic and employment opportunities, cultural diversity including a host of insects and invertebrate species
diversity crisis, depletion in indigenous knowledge systems. and a majority of the plant spccies.
Biodiversity conservation strategies of local needs, Conservation efforts should involve local communities
uses and values as priority of conservation. The present by guaranteeing their land and forest rights and providing them
experience in the region is that there is lack of objectives of a stake in the sustainability of their natural surrounds.
biodiversity conservation strategy, which need to be clear and Once the private hunting grounds of former royal family, today
achievable. It should not neglect the objective addressing the only (20%) of this vast expanse of jungle is tiger habitat. Biotic

WOAR Journals Page 29

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