Online Shopping and Consumer Satisfactio

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Uma Rani et al.

International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Special Issue: Recent
Innovation in Science, Engineering & Management, May 2022, pp. 103-109

Online Shopping and Consumer

Uma Rani
Department of Computer & Science Engineering, DPGITM, Gurgaon, India
Abstract: Online shopping is very useful for the customer. They can purchase from their home or
somewhere else from their location. The global and convenient nature of the internet makes online
stores perfect market place for users. Consumers can buy a huge variety of items from online stores.
Many people choose to shop online because of convenience.
KEYWORDS: Online Shopping, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Behavior
negative. The negative behavior will directly impact on the
demand of online shopping. It is a simple concept that when
With the advancements in technology in today’s world, the consumers are satisfied with a particular online retail
people can do various things at the comfort of their homes. shop, they will purchase more. Since, the experience of
One such thing is Online Shopping. It has gained a lot of online consumers, due to the inability of physical contact
spotlight especially after COVID-19. Online Shopping refers with the product, is based upon the information provided by
to the form of shopping in which people can easily purchase the online stores. Hence, the satisfaction and behavior of
goods and services via internet. The demand and craze for consumers can be affected by the information provided. It can
online shopping has increased drastically. It is a way of be concluded that consumer’s satisfaction and consumer’s
purchasing things online without actually going to the behavior are related to each other as the behavior depend on
physical stores. It provides a very comfortable service for its the satisfaction level of the customers.
customers. The biggest advantage of online shopping is time
saving. A consumer can go for online shopping at any time II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
that best suits him/her, irrespective of their location. The
There Literature shows some important keywords for
online stores are open 24 hours a day, Online Shopping offers
consumers to get influence to buy the product through the e-
a vast variety of options which generally attracts the
commerce which is known as Electronic Business.
consumers. It has become very popular in almost all product
Appraisal theory is significantly explains consumer behavior
line areas of appraisal, arts and handicrafts, books, car,
towards shopping and provides an opportunity to analyze the
rentals, computers, cosmetics, and novelties. During festive
evaluation process. A conceptual model based on the survey
times, online shopping offers discounts on various products.
and consequences of online consumer satisfaction has been
The most preferred online shopping sites are - Flipkart,
proposed and empirically proved in this study.
Amazon, Purplle, Myntra, Ajio, Nykaa etc. Consumers get
In online business we get to know about the customers and
both Mode of payment i.e Cash on delivery as wells as online
consumers that they are known to be kings. We get to know
payment option like: Net banking, Paytm, Google Pay,
about the performance of a business when a consumer is
UPI, Phonepe and Card facility like Debit card and credit
satisfied with the product or their services. One of the author
who’s name is Oliver gives a definition on Satisfaction is that
Satisfaction in online shopping gained greater importance or
“The consumer’s fulfillment response. It is the judgement
value. The business of online shopping is not successful until
that a product or service feature, or the product or service
and unless a consumer is not fully satisfied. Customer
itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption related to
Satisfaction may be defined as the product’s performance
according to buyer’s expectations. The satisfaction of
For a customer satisfaction is basically referring to an
customer depends on the actual performance relative to a
emotional to the difference between what customers get and
buyer’s expectations. Consumer’s satisfaction is important as
what they really want. The main element of the significance
the behavior of a customer changes according to his/her
financial performances of the company is customer
experience. If the customer gets the expected product and is
satisfaction. The customer’s delight happens while the
fully satisfied through online shopping then the behavior of
company makes surprise the customers by fulfilling the
his/her is positive. Similarly, if the customer didn’t get the
expectations. Online shopping has brought great success in
desired product or service and is not at all satisfied during
the business of retail companies. If the customers do not like
online shopping, then the behavior of the customer will be

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Uma Rani et al. International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN: 2349-7688, Special Issue: Recent
Innovation in Science, Engineering & Management, May 2022, pp. 103-109

any particular brand, the customer can go for other options, self-study using only closed-ended questions on the answer
By this their time would be saved. The companies maintain sheet, the researcher’s ability to ask open-ended questions
customer satisfaction by seeking the feedback of the was limited. Without these limitations, this study could
customers asking some questions to the customer and provide a better understanding of online shopping
analyzing the online comments. These all strategies can be satisfaction.
maintained through online.
Similar surveys can be conducted across cultures to explore
cultural differences and determine if satisfaction with online
Research shows that financial products and and product shopping is the same across cultures. By doing research in
components are primarily associated with online shopping. this area, you can delve deeper into online shopping by
Therefore, with the rapid development of information comparing results and filling in gaps. However, the results of
technology, companies must update their existing systems the study are the basis for future research in the field of online
and update systems frequently. Our research gives managers shopping.
a clear picture of the relative impact of each factor of online
shopping, which can be used to identify and apply needed VI. REFERENCES
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Innovation in Science, Engineering & Management, May 2022, pp. 103-109

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