UnitWise Questions1

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MIT ADT University, Pune

MIT Art Design and Technology University

MIT School of Computing, Pune
Department of Computer Science and

Unit-wise Question Bank

Subject – Advanced Data Structures

Class - S.Y. (SEM-II)

MIT ADT University, Pune

Question Bank Unit-I

Questi Question
on No
1 What is binary tree? Enlist the properties of binary tree and write down+ the steps to
convert a general tree into binary tree with example?

2 Explain with example an overview of how trees are applied in various contexts and
fields? (Application of trees)

3 Explain Tree. Explain the tree traversals with algorithms and examples.

4 Summaries the construction and application of a threaded binary tree?

5 Define the terms:

1) Parent Node
2) Sibling
3) Leaf node
4) Degree of a node
5) Ancestor
6) Height or depth of the tree
7) Level
8) Binary Search tree
6 Choose the applications of binary tree? List out few of the Application of tree data
7 Construct a binary search tree for the following numbers start from an empty binary
search tree.55,36,20,70,80,40,30 Delete keys 20,70 and 40 one after the other and show
the trees at each stage.
8 Simplify an expression tree for the expression (p + q * r) + ((s * t + u) * v). Give the
outputs when you apply preorder, in-order and postorder traversals
9 Discover how many binary trees can be formed with three unlabeled nodes

10 Justify the advantages and disadvantages of threaded binary tree with an


11 Compare Binary tree & Binary Search tree

12 Explain properties of binary tree
13 Compare Depth First Search & Breadth First Search tree traversal with example. &
Write the pseudocode for recursive inorder, Preorder & post order tree traversal
MIT ADT University, Pune

14 Construct the binary tree using the given general tree and mention the steps of

15 Illustrate representation of a given general tree using sequential and linked organization
MIT ADT University, Pune

Question Bank Unit-II

Question No Question
1 Describe Greedy algorithms for computing minimum spanning tree
with example
2 Explain Minimum spanning tree algorithm. Explain the use of graphs in Google
3 Define the terminologies:
1. Graph
2. Node/Vertex
3. Edge
4. Cycle
5. Loop
6. Path
7. Degree of the node
8. Directed Graph/Digraph
9. Undirected Graph
10. Weighted Graph

4 What is topological Sorting or topological ordering? Illustrate with an example

how topological sorting is performed. List any two applications where topological
sorting can be used.
5 Define Minimum Spanning Tree. Compare Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm.
Construct a minimum spanning tree for the given graph using Kruskal’s
Algorithm. What is the cost of the MST?

6 Explain Dijkstra’s Single source shortest path algorithm with example.

7 Elaborate adjacency list representation of graph. (include structure, different
methods and example)
8 Discuss Greedy Strategy and write pseudo c/c++ code of prim’s algorithm.
9 Develop an algorithm for breadth first traversal of graph. Also write its

Prove the BFS of following graph is 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 7, 6, 8, 9

10 Compare and Contrast DFS and BFS? List out Applications of DFS and BFS

11 Apply Kruskal’s Algorithm to find the MST for the given graph and show all the
steps. (Ans: 10 ->25 ->22 -> 12 -> 16 -> 14= 99 units)
MIT ADT University, Pune

12 Consider a graph represented using following adjacency matrix, Find Minimum

Spanning Tree using Prim’s Algorithm.
13 Construct MST from given graph using Prims Algorithm. (Ans: 7 ->3 ->7 -> 5 =
22 units)

14 Find the shortest path in given graph from node A using Dijkstra’s Algorithm.


15 Define DFS and BFS for a graph. Show BFS and DFS for the following graph with
starting vertex as 1.

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