Chaper 1
Chaper 1
Chaper 1
• To investigate into the causes responsible for creating such variations over time and
• To understand the globe converted into maps and have a visual sense of the earth’s
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What is geography?
• The term geography was first coined by Eratosthenese, a Greek scholar (276-194 BC.).
• The word has been derived from two roots from Greek language geo (earth) and
graphos (description).
• Geography is different from other sciences in its subject matter and methodology
but at the same time, it is closely related to other disciplines.
• Geographers do not study only the variations in the phenomena over the earth’s
surface but also study the associations with the other factors which cause these
• The geographical phenomena, both the physical and human, are not static but highly
→ They change over time as a result of the interactive processes between ever-
changing earth and untiring and ever-active human beings.
• Present societies have modified their natural environment by inventing and using
technology and thus, have expanded the horizon of their operation by appropriating
and utilising the resources provided by nature.
→ With the help of technology, human beings moved from the stage of necessity to a
stage of freedom.
• As a social science discipline, geography studies the ‘spatial organisation’ and ‘spatial
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• Some questions are related to the identification of the patterns of natural and
cultural features as found over the surface of the earth. These are the
questions about what?
• Some questions are related to the distribution of the natural and human/cultural
features over the surface of the earth. These are the questions about
• The third question is related to the explanation or the causal relationships between
features and the processes and phenomena. This aspect of geography is related to the
question, why?
• Geography not only takes note of the differences in the phenomena from place to
place but integrates them holistically which may be different at other places.
• In traditional warfare, countries with large size in area, gain time at the cost of space.
• In India, Himalayas have acted as great barriers and provided protection but the
passes provided routes to the migrants and invaders from Central Asia.
→ The sea coast has encouraged contact with people from East and Southeast Asia,
Europe and Africa.
• All the branches of physical geography, have connection with natural sciences.
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beings are located in different locational niche.
• All the social science disciplines, viz. sociology, political science, economics and
demography study different aspects of social reality.
• Geography and Civics: The core concern of political science is territory, people and
sovereignty while political geography is also interested in the study of the state as a
spatial unit as well as people and their political behaviour.
• Geography and Economics: Economics deals with basic attributes of the economy
such as production, distribution, exchange and consumption are part of economic
1. Physical Geography
(i) Geomorphology
(ii) Climatology
(iii) Hydrology
(iv) Soil Geography
2. Human Geography
(i) Social/Cultural Geography
(ii) Population and Settlement Geography (Rural and Urban).
(iii) Economic Geography
(iv) Historical Geography
(v) Political Geography
3. Biogeography
(i) Plant Geography
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(ii) Zoo Geography
(iii) Ecology /Ecosystem
(iv) Environmental Geography
1. Regional Studies/Area Studies Comprising Macro, Meso and Micro Regional Studies
2. Regional Planning Comprising Country/Rural and Town/ Urban Planning
3. Regional Development
4. Regional Analysis
There are two aspects which are common to every discipline, these are:
(i) Philosophy
(a) Geographical Thought
(b) Land and Human Interaction/Human Ecology
(ii) Methods and Techniques
(a) Cartography including Computer
(b) Quantitative Techniques/Statistical Techniques
(c) Field Survey Methods
(d) Geo-informatics comprising techniques such as Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, etc.
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