New 2nd Sem Com Question Bank

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Short Questions
1. What is datastructure? what are the properties of a
datastructure ?
2. Explain about classification of datastructure ?
3. What is the difference between data types and data
structures ?
4. What is ADT(Abstract Data Type) ?
5. Explain Big O notation ?
6. What is complexity ?
7. What is Algorithm Analysis ?

Long Questions
1. Explain software engineering ? or Explain SDLC in detail ?
2. Explain different approaches to designing an Algorithm ?
3. What are tips and techniques for writing program in C ?
4. What are refinement stages ?
5. Explain data structure and structured type ?
6. Explain about Representation of datastructure and it’s
characteristics ?
Unit – 2
Short Questions
1. What is linked list ? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of Linked List ?
2. What is an array ? Explain different types of arrays ?
3. Explain about circular linked list ?
4. Explain array of pointers in C ?
5. Write algorithm for insertion of single linked list ?
6. Explain about automic linked list ?
7. Explain about overview of pointers ?
8. Explain about linear and non linear datastructure ?

Long Questions
1. What is linked list ? What are the different types of linked
list ?
2. Explain array operations or ADT(Abstract Data Type) in
detail ?
3. Explain single linked list and it’s operations in detail ?
4. Explain double linked list and it’s operations ?
5. What is a pointer ?Explain how pointers work with arrays ?
6. Write program on single linked list ?
Unit -3
Short Questions
1. What is stack ? What are applications of stack ?
2. Write an algorithm for insert and delete operations in
stack using array ?
3. What are the ADT(Abstract Data Type) of stack ?
4. What is a Queue ? Explain implementation of queue using
array ?
5. What are the applications of Queue ?
6. Write about front and rear pointers in Queue ?
7. Write a program implementation of stack by using array ?

Long Questions
1. Explain implementation of stack using linked list ?
2. Explain about types of Queue ?
3. Explain about priority Queues ?
4. Write a program implementation of Queue using array ?
5. Explain conversion of infix notation to post fix ?what is
polish notation?
6. Explain operations on stack in details ?
Short Questions
1. What is Binary tree ? What are the properties of Binary
tree ?
2. What are applications of binary tree ?
3. What are the different types of Binary tree ?
4. Explain representation of binary tree by using array ?
5. Explain about Non-linear datastructure ?write difference
between linear and non-linear data structure?
6. What is Binary search tree ?
7. Explain representation of Binary tree using linked list ?
8. Explain about advantages and disadvantages of Binary
search tree ?

Long Questions
1. What is binary tree ? Explain Terminology of binary tree ?
2. Discuss various operation of Binary Search Tree ?
3. Explain different Tree traversal Techniques of Binary tree ?
4. Explain process of creating Binary Search Tree ?
5. How to find out height,depth,level of a tree ?
6. Explain representation of a binary tree ?
Short Questions
1. Explain about bubble sort ?
2. Explain about Merge sort with example ?
3. Explain about linear search ?
4. What is Graph ? Explain Graph terminology ?
5. Explain about linked representation of graph ?
6. Explain about Indexed Sequential search ?
7. What are the applications of Graph ?
8. Explain about Spanning trees ?

Long Questions
1. Write a program and algorithm on Insertion sort ?what is
the time complexity of selection sort?
2. Explain Binary Search in detail ?
3. Explain different representations of graph ?
4. Explain Graph traversal in detail ?
5. What is sorting ?Explain different types of sorting
technique ?
6. Define Graph and different types of graph ?

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